Another Internet. How to find the biggest online black market


The dollar exchange rate on the black market is much more attractive than in official exchange offices and banks. The presence of this system allows people to make a profitable sale of currency and its purchase. But is it really that simple and what should you pay attention to?

The illegal market is a long-established scheme where you can make an attractive purchase and sale of both the dollar and other currencies. Compared to the illegal market, the exchange rate in official banks is much higher, so you will have to pay an impressive amount to make a purchase. As for the sale, much more foreign money can be obtained for an unofficial operation.

The main advantages of the illegal market are:

  • unlimited buying and selling;
  • high sale price, minimum purchase;
  • the possibility of exchanging any currency (euro, rubles, hryvnia, dollars).

Unfortunately, in many banks there is a restriction on the purchase of the dollar. And on the black market or at the "changers" you can exchange any amount of money, the main thing is that a person has it in stock. This is the only way to buy dollars without restrictions and without the participation of several people. In many cases, such an exchange option is the most acceptable and the only one. In particular, if a person plans to buy an apartment, and it is not possible to exchange all his savings into dollars in one transaction at a bank.

As for the sale of foreign currency, the situation here is even more attractive, because the official price in banks is lower than that of the “changers”. Selling a small amount will not affect the total income of a person. If the savings are impressive, preference is always given to currency traders. This is not only profitable, but also profitable.

Previously, the black market was not particularly popular; at the moment, almost 80% of the population not only in Russia, but also in all CIS countries resort to its help.

How to get into the black market and its pricing policy

The currency exchange rate is much more profitable than in official exchange offices. This information has been repeatedly mentioned above. How much more profitable is the dollar value of money changers, and should they be trusted? To do this, you need to understand the current exchange rates.

Sale in the official bank of Russia is 65-66 rubles per dollar. For $1000 a person will receive approximately 6500-6600 rubles. If you turn to money changers with such a proposal, then the result of such an operation will be 6700-6900 rubles. By exchanging one thousand dollars, a person receives 200-300 rubles of net profit. With an impressive amount, a pleasant bonus can be much higher.

As for the purchase, the situation here is almost the same, so it has its advantages. If you need to buy $ 1000, you will have to pay about 6700-6800 rubles. If this operation is carried out from currency traders, then on average they will not take more than 6,500 rubles. Which again saves the budget. From this point of view, the black market is certainly in the lead.

After analyzing the price from "changers" and official sources, most people prefer the first exchange option. But in this situation, you need to be careful. If there are problems with the exchange, deceit or receiving counterfeit banknotes, it is almost impossible to achieve justice.

Competent law enforcement agencies will not help in this matter. After all, the use of "services" of currency traders is punishable by law. Complaining about the offender, a previously law-abiding citizen may incur a fine, up to the confiscation of all currency values.

Unfortunately, many participants in the black market, both in Russia and other CIS countries, have everything under control. Therefore, any complaint is of no value. On the contrary, an ordinary person who decides to buy and sell on the black market can suffer even more in this situation.

The former biker parking lot within the boundaries of the ruined city did not stand out for a long time. Nomads who wandered through the ruins of the former regional center remade it to their needs. From here they could control trade in the surrounding area and have a semblance of a staging post for other wanderers.

The site soon became a haunt for wanderers and travelers, puzzled by the search for lodging for the night or basic necessities. This place was called the Black Market. Clan leaders often choose it for meetings, conclude important deals here, negotiate, make decisions during gambling, pouring strong drinks into themselves.

The founders of the Black Market advocated universal equality, self-government and self-organization. This worldview took root in the minds of their followers. Each inhabitant of the Black Market has equal rights with others and does what he likes best: trades, crafts, travels with other nomads, and guards the territory. Or he can take up arms and participate in hostilities against enemy groups. No one gives strict instructions to anyone: everyone does the work that he knows how and wants to do. That is why the Black Market attracts so many adventurers.

Someone comes here on purpose, but there are also occasional visits. Therefore, every day the "Black Market" is replenished with new people. In the evenings, dashing people traditionally celebrate another day by gathering in drinking establishments. What is called to relax and relieve the accumulated fatigue.

Even a superficial glance at each of them is enough to understand that this is a Black Market fighter. Dark leather jackets, heavy boots, gloves are the favorite style of clothing for local militants, demonstrating brute strength and indomitable power with their appearance. This is what they use in battle, because it is not in their manner to act quietly and secretly. Rapid maneuvers and decisive assaults, crushing blows to weak spots in the enemy's defenses and the use of traps to incapacitate opponents - this is the recipe for Black Market warriors to succeed in every battle.

The main income of the population is due to trade in things of various kinds. Incoming caravans daily deliver new goods to the market, and nomads are always ready to supply merchants with something interesting for a good price. In the weapons shops there are revolvers, sawn-off shotguns, pump-action shotguns, machine guns, submachine guns. In general, trunks for close and long range combat. Here the buyer is waiting for an abundance of biker equipment: leather jackets, strong shoes, helmets. Of course, here you can buy alcohol and stimulants, which became a rarity after the disaster.

There is one thing that is even older than the oldest of all professions, and that is human cunning. People have always tried to circumvent all sorts of laws and restrictions, because of which, over time, the concept of the black market was born. All types of trade that are prohibited by law are conducted on black markets. It is also called the market of the second economy, as well as the shadow market.

Despite being illegal, such illegal platforms are thriving these days. We do not urge you to take a grocery basket and go shopping for illegal goods, but we just want to tell you what the black markets are based on.

1. How black markets work

Of course, any transaction is very dangerous for both the seller and the buyer. For this reason, it is very difficult to reach the right person - specific connections and acquaintances are required.

How difficult is it to find a place and a person who will introduce you to the underworld of prohibited goods? Depends on how serious the product you are going to purchase. It is relatively easy to find a seller of banned animals, but it will not be so easy to buy a rare stolen antique item. Today in China there is a whole market of counterfeit products, which many people know about, and despite this, it functions quietly.

2. What kind of people work in the black markets

You may have formed a stereotype that every black market seller is a gangster with a scar across half his face, but this is not entirely true. This activity involves people of different social classes, races and continents. Drug dealers, prostitutes, human and arms dealers, mafia members and simple businessmen who are trying to sell stolen goods.

Often these are people who pretend to be businessmen, willing to take risks to make more money. And other sellers consider themselves art historians, because they can offer rare paintings that cannot be found in any museum. Just agree on a price.

3. What is sold on the black market

As you understand, absolutely everything can be bought on this trading platform. Such things as drugs, weapons, the slave trade immediately come to mind, but this is far from all, but only one part of the illegal segment. Horns, animal skins, as well as animals listed in the Red Book are popular. Unfortunately, there are also creepier goods, such as human organs. With money, today you can even buy them. The most ordinary, but expensive items are also in demand.

These products are so popular because the purchase is not subject to taxes and fees, and in the future there will be no demand from the buyer where he purchased a particular product, because this purchase is not reflected in any documents.

4. What services are provided on the black market

Of course, prostitution and various kinds of trade are far from the only services on the black market. Corruption and many shadow economic schemes flourish here.

It works like this: a person with connections brings together interested parties who agree among themselves. One side transfers a certain amount to the other, for example, for patronage in the matter she needs. Plus, there are many transactions for the sale and purchase, which, if formalized, would be taxed. No government regulation and complete lawlessness - this is exactly what dishonest businessmen are looking for.

5. The main reasons for the formation of black markets

The first reason is the tax system of the state. Many people, trying to avoid paying taxes, resort to shady schemes to save their money. The second reason is the shortage of goods, and it is not necessary that they be illegal. Remember even the times of the USSR, when the store shelves were empty and you had to get everything from under the floor. And, of course, the specificity of some products that are prohibited for production and sale around the world. They can only be obtained on the black market.

6. How the black market appeared

It is very difficult to tell how it arose, because both sellers and buyers are doing their best to keep the secret of their identity. But it is known that the first illegal markets began to appear in China, and they presented exactly the same products that can be found in ordinary sellers, but at a lower price. This is where competition comes in. In Europe, the formation of illicit markets occurred around 1315 due to the great famine. People speculated in grain, the sale of which was strictly limited and banned.

7. How do black markets exist today?

Of course, this is not a classic bazaar, where you can choose from a variety of illegal goods. Today, most transactions take place on the Internet using various web technologies that hide the identity and location of the user. Many of these sites use technology that is named after the god of thunder and Odin's son, you get the idea. This provides the dealers with security and quiet work, if it can be called such.

8. Scale

It is very difficult to estimate the size of the black market because of its secrecy and inaccessibility. It is almost impossible to collect exact data, but it is known that its profitability can compete with the economies of many countries. If you are interested in numbers, albeit approximate, then the turnover for the year is about 10 trillion dollars. A very significant amount, don't you think?

9. Is it possible to overcome the black market

The problem is that there will always be a demand for the services provided and the products that the black market offers. And complete anonymity makes this task even more difficult. Of course, operational work is underway to search for sellers and buyers, but due to the fact that illegal activities are moving to the world wide web and losing some physical component, this task is becoming more and more difficult from year to year.

10. How the global economy affects black markets

Just like the legal ones. Before the development of the global world economy, which linked continents and countries, black markets were local and met the demand of a particular region. Today, with the development of communications, globalization and the widespread introduction of the Internet, this phenomenon has acquired a global character. Many sellers make their services and products extremely attractive due to availability and the ability to ship anywhere. Such dubious customer focus attracts more and more buyers.

11. Who suffers from black markets

Such activities, in addition to being illegal, bring a lot of suffering to people, especially those who are commodities within the illegal market. Slave trade, prostitution - today about 2.5 million people are goods that they buy and sell.

Women are forced to engage in prostitution, and even in those countries where it is legalized, there are special, forbidden, perverted forms of this craft that few people will agree to of their own free will. Men are sold as slaves, labor, but who knows what will be on the mind of the next crazy client?

12. Can the black market system help someone?

Oddly enough, yes. In many third world countries, the shadow economy is the main way of existence for many people. Due to the fact that transactions made outside the law are not taxed, many people prefer to sell their legal goods in a not the most legal way. Goods include food, basic necessities - everything you need for life, but at a reasonable price.

13. Can black markets be prevented?

Illicit markets thrive when the public does not have access to a wide variety of goods and the state is unwilling to provide them. The more products available at a normal price, the fewer options that a large-scale black market will be formed in a particular state. In other words, the better the state's economy is developed, the less likely it is that a black market will be created and organized within its borders.

The economic policy of the state is also important, because where people are pressured by taxes, prices for goods are rising, and salaries remain at the same level, people simply have no choice. They have to find cheaper goods, and they are mostly illegal because they are not taxed. But will this worry the head of the family, who is barely making ends meet?

14. How do people feel about this phenomenon

It all depends on the sale of specific goods and services. If we are talking about drugs, weapons, human trafficking, animals, then this activity will be condemned. But if goods of general use or scarce products are sold there, then people are unlikely to be against the existence of such a shadow market. For example, in America, during Prohibition, alcohol became an inaccessible thing, and its production was mainly controlled by criminal gangs, so that many citizens, although they did not support the mafia, committed a crime by buying alcohol on the black market. Once again, demand created supply, and scarcity created a new black market.

Where there are some permissions, there are also prohibitions, and prohibitions always cause a desire to circumvent them. One of the integral parts of the economy is the black market. What it is, whether it has any advantages for the country and individual citizens, and how participants in such trade are punished, will be analyzed in this article.

What is the black market and how is it formed

When there are restrictions or a strict ban on the trade of any product, there are always people who want to get it.

There is a demand - there is a supply, this is how the black market is born. People who can get the product they are looking for offer it to others in various ways and make a profit for it. It should be noted that in black is much more profitable than legally, for both the seller and the buyer. First, the seller sets the price himself, ignoring antitrust laws and market-driven rules. If this is a special product, then it may not have competition, and therefore, prices are set simply cosmic. For the buyer, transactions on the black market are beneficial, because the price of the goods excludes the payment of taxes and government fees, which somewhat reduces the cost. Secondly, on the black market you can get anything that can be prohibited by the laws of the state or society, from drugs to human organs.

Who controls the black market

In addition to the participants, the black market are its organizers. Usually, goods for sale on the black market are associated with smuggling - where else does it come from, for example, weapons or drugs in circulation? It is not difficult to guess that organized crime controls the black market.

The very rights to the goods occur through very complex connections between buyers and intermediaries or sellers, and this is not surprising, because all participants in illegal operations become objects of persecution by regulatory government agencies.

What can you buy on the black market

In addition to absolutely harmless prohibited by the state for one reason or another, people and ammunition can be purchased on the black market. Examples of such markets:

1. Alcohol. Despite the fact that "flammable liquid" is legal for sale in most countries, for residents of those places where alcohol is available, it is only available on black markets. Today, these are Muslim states, where even the possession of alcohol is a reason for detention.

2. Black market for weapons. According to official data, the legal sale of weapons significantly exceeds the turnover of them and ammunition on the black market. And yet such a market has been operating since the eighties of the last century.

3. Trade in stolen antiques and works of art. It occurs mainly through online auctions and is carefully monitored by regulatory authorities in order to bring both the seller and the potential buyer to justice.

4. Rare species of reptiles, birds and animals, sale of smuggled black and red caviar. In addition to the fact that these crimes are immoral, participants in such trade can go to prison for a term of 3 years or more.

5. Selling people is the slave trade. One of the heaviest crimes that exist. Some countries carry the death penalty for the slave trade.

6. Prostitution, sale of sexual services.

7. Sale of erotic materials, porn products where it is prohibited.

8. Sale of human organs for operations (clonelegging). Most often, the donors are completely ordinary people and children who become the objects of abduction.

9. Sale of fake documents. Prosecuted by law in any country, the term of imprisonment - from 3 years.

10. Sale of drugs. The law punishes not only sellers, but also buyers.

11. Sale of software for hacking computer programs.

If the turnover is illegal, then the sale and purchase operations are carried out in a slightly different way, and not in the usual way, familiar to buyers. In the days of the Soviet Union, when not only alcohol, but even ordinary jeans and other imported products were banned, the “black market” was so widespread that people even appeared to denote illegal trade: “get it through pull”, “buy from under floors”, “trade from the back door”, “get it out from under the counter”.

This was no coincidence, since flaunting fashionable things, buying good equipment, books, foreign sound recordings was only possible underground, through acquaintances, in rented apartments and through nominees, because speculation was prosecuted and punished by imprisonment.

In addition, the profession of a "farmer" was also widespread, that is, a speculator in imported things ("firm"). It should be noted that they traded not only genuine goods from abroad, but also consumer goods made in the so-called "workshops" in order to make a profit.

How is illegal trade going today?

Criminally punishable trade in illegal products today is carried out in completely different ways than before, although the essence has not changed. Where does the black market operate and how can smuggled goods be found?

The most popular way is to use the web. Forums, chats, communities on a topic of interest - everywhere there are just curious people, as well as people related to illegal business. In addition, auctions are often held where you can buy stolen works of art. You just need to know which resource to go to.

Once a potential buyer and seller of contraband find each other, they can meet on neutral ground, usually with an intermediary, and complete the deal.

Causes of the black market

The black market exists almost everywhere where there is a ban on the trade of some product, or it is somehow limited. There is always a certain number of people who are trying to get what they want despite the ban. Accordingly, there are also people who, in order to earn money, offer the necessary goods and services. Black market trading is more profitable than legal trading, but also more risky.

Examples of black markets

  • Trade in stolen works of art.
  • Bootlegging is the alcohol trade during Prohibition.
  • Arms trade.
  • Trade in forged documents.
  • Trade in rare species of animals.
  • Slave trade (human trafficking).
  • Pimping.
  • Trade in pornographic and erotic materials where their distribution is prohibited.
  • The black market for food in countries where food rationing was introduced during the war.
  • Clonlegging - illegal trade in human organs for transplantation

Black market in the USSR

The black market is an essential feature of a socialist economy. Since private enterprise and trade were prohibited by law in the USSR, in fact, any transactions outside the state trade system constituted a black market. Δ


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    See MARKET BLACK. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M .: INFRA M. 479 s .. 1999 ... Economic dictionary

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