Duo Sarah Brightman and Candace Knight. Sarah Brightman and Andrew Lloyd Weber


Sarah Brightman was born on August 14, 1960 in Berkhampstead, England. She was obsessed with music from early childhood - she always sang for as long as she could remember. She dreamed of becoming a professional singer, studied ballet, and first appeared on stage at the age of twelve in an amateur production by John Schlesinger.

But her childhood was far from cloudless: she grew up in a poor, large family, and her beloved sister died of heart disease as a child, and her father committed suicide because of debts. The misfortunes of the family at the same time tempered Sarah and taught her humility - both of which were very useful to her during an affair with the great composer Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Sarah began singing in the London band Hot Gossip, whose song "I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper" performed by eighteen-year-old Sarah reached number one in the UK charts. Then the singer decided to try out for one of the roles in "Cats" (the famous musical "Cats"), where she met her future husband - the "main" husband in her life and the only one she later had to talk to reporters about.

In fact, Sarah is very respectful of the privacy of her personal life. About her first husband, it is only known for certain that his name was also Andrew, and also that Sarah left him for the sake of Webber.

Andrew Lloyd Webber was a great and recognized composer. By the time he met Sarah Brightman, he was already the author of the sensational musicals "Jesus Christ Superstar", "Joseph, His Colored Clothes and Amazing Dreams", "Evita". He was happily married to a sweet, meek woman, Sarah Jane Tudor Hugill, nicknamed Mouse-Vole, they had children - a daughter, Imogen, and a son, Nicholas. But Webber failed to remain faithful to his wife, as well as a happy marriage.

At one of the preliminary auditions of the musical "Cats", the venerable composer met an unknown, young singer. She had an amazing voice: gentle and at the same time strong, with such a richness of shades that, sensitive to music, Andrew, having listened, lost all idea of ​​reality. He did not even immediately see that, in addition to her voice, Sarah Brightman had large emerald eyes, beautifully sculpted cheekbones, a superbly contoured mouth, a chiseled, slender body ...

And then, when Webber saw all this, he remembered the popular at the beginning of the century novel by the French writer Gaston Leroux "The Phantom of the Opera", which tells about the great composer who sold his soul to the devil for fame, and how the composer fell in love with the voice of a beautiful young singer - only in one voice, not even noticing her youth or beauty. This is how the idea of ​​the musical work of the same name that later gained worldwide fame arose.

Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sarah Brightman could describe their love with Bulgakov's famous words: "Love jumped out in front of us, like a murderer jumping out of the ground in an alley, and immediately struck us both! Lightning strikes like that, Finnish knife strikes like that!". This is exactly what happened to them...

After the first audition, Webber invited Sarah on a date. And she came. She was married, and Webber is married. He was thirty-four, she was twenty-one. But none of that mattered. Later, justifying himself to reporters, Webber said: "We are not to blame for falling in love with each other like children." But to part with his wife, his former close friend for many years, the mother of two children, Webber did not dare. Sarah Brightman understood his torment and resigned herself to the fate of her mistress. However, she terminated her own marriage.

She had to wait two years. Webber nevertheless divorced, leaving his wife and children an amount of $ 750,000. This happened in early March 1984, and two weeks later, on March 22, Andrew celebrated a triple holiday: his own birthday, the premiere of the new musical "Starlight Train" , and most importantly - a wedding with Sarah Brightman! Andrew married her in the Anglican Cathedral, while with his first wife he limited himself to a visit to the city hall.

Webber's love for his young wife was boundless. When he started a new production - no longer a rock opera, not a musical, but "Requiem", a serious choral work - he invited Sarah to sing the soprano part. The tenor part was performed by Plácido Domingo, and the Cathedral Choir of Winchester Cathedral and the Orchestra of the English House of Lords also participated in the recording. That is the best of the best!

And among them is twenty-five-year-old Sarah, whose performing experience at that time was limited to participating in a youth show on television and a role in Cats. But, as it turned out, Webber was not blinded by love at all. Do not forget that he fell in love not with a woman, but with her voice!

The aria from "Requiem" performed by Sarah Brightman took first place in the English charts for a long time, and the sale of the record brought $ 250,000. In addition, Sarah received a Grammy Award for this work in the "Best New Classical Artist" nomination.

In 1985, Sarah played in Kalman's classic operetta The Merry Widow, then she performed a role in Masquerade, and Webber set about writing the very rock opera that he conceived when he first heard Sarah sing.

The Phantom of the Opera was staged in London in 1986, and two years later there was a magnificent premiere on Broadway. In addition to the delightful music, the performance was also noted for its amazing directorial work: when the scene in a boat in an underground river opened before the audience, it seemed that a real river flowed in front of them, and in the finale a giant crystal chandelier really fell from the ceiling to the floor.

After Sarah Brightman performed the role of Christina in The Phantom of the Opera, the journalists began to call the singer the Angel of Music - this is how the crazy composer-ghost called his beloved in the opera ... Sarah received the prestigious Drama Desk Award for this work.

In 1989, Webber staged in London a new rock opera, Aspects of Love, based on the novel by David Garnett. He himself still considers this work his greatest creative success. But for some reason, listeners and critics did not agree with him, and from that moment on, a dark streak began for Webber in his life.

"Aspects of Love" was also staged on Broadway, but was soon removed from the repertoire. At the same time, the alliance with Sarah Brightman, which had previously seemed cloudless, began to crack: Andrew wanted Sarah to give birth to children for him, and Sarah did not want children (I must say that she still has no children), and soon Andrew began to complain to friends that Sarah "does not give him all of herself" and that she loves his music more than himself. It would seem that he should have known about this from the very beginning: Sarah loved him for his music, while he himself loved Sarah for her voice ...

But Andrew had a creative crisis, and in this situation, "too musical" Sarah was not the best life partner. She was just experiencing a high point: with Jose Carreras she sang a song written by Webber for the opening of the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992; the just-released album "Sarah Brightman Sings The Music Of Andrew Lloyd-Webber" sold well ... But Webber felt: gradually his fame flows to Sarah, and she is no longer the wife of that same Webber, but he becomes the famous husband of Sarah Brightman !

And then Andrew met a new woman. Her name was Madeline Gurdon. A jockey by trade, she was two years younger than Sarah Brightman and as different from her as Sarah herself was from the first Mrs. Webber. The composer's first wife was a simpleton. The second is an exquisite lady. And Madeleine was bright, loud and cheerful, and most importantly, she knew how to listen not only to music, but also ... just to listen.

At first, Webber hid his betrayal from Sarah, but when Madeleine became pregnant, he was forced to confess everything. Being particularly scrupulous, Sarah immediately filed for divorce. Thus, in 1991, this brilliant star marriage broke up, and on February 1, Andrew married Madeleine. Moreover, the engagement of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Madeline Gurdon was announced on the day of his divorce from Sarah Brightman. Madeleine bore him three children and remains a faithful friend to this day.

Meanwhile, Sarah Brightman took up animal welfare, stopped eating meat and to this day runs a zoo in Kenya. Some journalists laughed: was the experience of relations with Webber so traumatic for her that since then she has preferred animals to people?

Then Sarah got a new boyfriend, the German composer Frank Paterson: apparently, the Angel of Music could only fall in love with the creators of this very music. Their first significant collaboration was the album "Dive", followed by "Fly", the song from which, "A Question Of Honor", the singer performed before the start of the World Boxing Championship in 1995.

And then relations with Webber were restored: Sarah still performs songs composed by him, and not so long ago they announced a new joint project ...

True, now Sarah is perhaps more famous and in demand than Webber. They say that he even envies her a little, because things are not going so well for him. There was a period when it seemed that Webber's star had gone down and his talent would no longer be reborn from the ashes. He did not write anything for a long time, and his new productions - "What a wonderful game" and "Bombay Dreams" - were no longer as successful as the previous ones.

And Sarah Brightman no longer sang in them. But fans are hoping that it will be her who will perform the part of Christina in the film "The Phantom of the Opera". Although another actress will most likely play: younger and more "cinematic". But Sarah does not care: she has enough of her own projects and she is too passionate about them. She is even calm about the idea that she might be singing in the film differently, because she knows that the recording of The Phantom of the Opera with her voice will still remain the most popular.

Sarah was born on August 14 1960

IN 1981 1982

IN 1984 1985

IN 1989

1990 1992

1993 ) and "Fly" ( 1995 ).

Sarah was born on August 14 1960 years in Hertfordshire (England). From the age of three she was engaged in dancing, and soon began to sing. At the age of 13, she made her debut in the theater, at the age of 16 the girl participated in the famous television show "Pan's People", and in the late 70s she began performing as a soloist with the dance group "Hot Gossip". The group's rather frivolous style was a success, and the composition "I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper" performed by 18-year-old Sarah reached the first line of the British hit parade.

IN 1981 famous composer Andrew Lloyd-Webber puts "Cats". IN 1982 Sarah quite accidentally gets into this performance for an episodic role. However, the main result of this participation was the marriage of Sarah and Lloyd Webber, who, because of her, divorced his previous wife. It was Andrew who eventually turned the girl into an "angel of music", as Brightman has long been called by her enthusiastic fans.

IN 1984 Sarah has taken on the lead role in Lloyd Webber's new musical Song and Dance, 1985 In the year she played in Kalman's classic operetta The Merry Widow, and then in Masquerade.

At the same time, Lloyd Webber wrote "Requiem" for Sarah - his first classical work. Then the Phantom of the Opera is released - a musical that made Sarah famous all over the world.

IN 1989 year, with the suggestion of her husband, Sarah recorded the album "The songs that got away", which included arias from classic Broadway and West End musicals. The album was received very warmly by both the public and critics.

Sarah's success could not but affect her family life. Constant touring led to the fact that in 1990 The couple parted, while remaining good friends. At the same time, the singer played in Lloyd Webber's new work "Aspects of Love", and then, together with Jose Carreras, she performed a song written by the composer for the opening of the Olympic Games in Barcelona in 1992 year. At the same time, the album "Sarah Brightman sings the music of Andrew Lloyd-Webber" was released. Subsequently, Sarah repeatedly performed the works of her ex-husband and participated in productions of his musicals.

In the 90s, Sarah achieved great success in the field of pop music. Her collaboration with producer Frank Peterson brings great success to albums such as "Dive" ( 1993 ) and "Fly" ( 1995 ).

IN 1997 The duet of Sarah and tenor Andrea Bocelli was also a huge success. Their joint album "Time to say goodbye" is still one of the best-selling records in the world. In the same year, the album "Timeless" was released, in which Brightman and Peterson developed ideas for crossing pop music and classics.

IN 1998 And 2000 years, Sarah released the albums "Eden" and "La Luna", on which she successfully continued this line. Nevertheless, the singer does not forget about the classics as such, regularly performing in the company of the world's leading opera performers. So, for example, in 2001 year, Sarah performed in Moscow in a pair with the same Jose Carreras.

IN 2001 In 1999, her album with the classical repertoire “Classics” was even released. Among her latest works should be called the album "Harem" ( 2003 ), where the singer presented her fantasies on oriental themes.

IN 2006 a collection of clips "Diva: the Video Collection" is released

8 August 2008 Sarah Brightman, along with Chinese pop singer Liu Huang, sang the official anthem of the XXIX Summer Olympic Games "One World, One Dream".


For her fans, she is simply the "Angel of Music". For critics - the object of incessant controversy. For the music world - a unique phenomenon. Sarah Brightman extremely rare to hear on the radio and even rarer to see on music channels. Someone has no idea who she is at all. However, this does not interfere with the albums Sarah becomes "gold" and "platinum", and concerts in many countries of the world take place with a full house.

The Magic of Sarah Brightman's Voice

What is the secret of the success of this green-eyed Englishwoman with a shock of chic dark curls? Maybe it's all about the timbre of the voice? Or is the range of more than three octaves to blame? Or maybe the secret lies in the amazing repertoire, which harmoniously includes the so-called "pop", opera, musical, disco, and even jazz, rock and Celtic folk music? Or are people attracted to having a miss Brightman two voices - chest and lyric soprano? Most likely, all of these factors matter. miss fans Brightman do not need such analysis and explanations. Once bewitched by her voice, a person remains in this captivity forever.

Even opera arias in her mouth sound somehow special - stylish and modern. , in fact, created a new direction in music. She threw a bridge between the classics and the "pop", was not afraid to mix them up and be different from everyone else.

She knew what she wanted

Born 1960 in Burkhamsted, a sleepy English town not far from London. When the girl was three years old, her mother Paula, who was fond of ballet and theatrical performances, enrolled her daughter in the Elmhart Ballet School. Thus began the artistic career of the young Miss Brightman.

Back in childhood Sarah realized what he wants to achieve in life. Unlike other children, she did not need free time. After school, she went to dance lessons and practiced ballet until eight o'clock in the evening. Returning home, the girl immediately went to bed in order to have time to do her homework early in the morning. On weekends, she performed at various local competitions and festivals, where she always won prizes.

At 11 years old Sarah sent to a boarding school that specialized in performing arts. The girl had a hard time, because friendly relations did not develop with the students, she was constantly teased. Unable to stand Sarah once ran away from school, but her father persuaded her to return. At the same time, he told his daughter that the choice was hers. And the daughter chose a boarding school where she could develop her artistic talents.

Brightman's voice heard

Herself Sarah always wanted to sing, but her mother realized what an amazing voice her daughter has only when she was 12 years old. After seeing the performance of her daughter at a school concert, where she sang a song from Alice in Wonderland, Paula realized that it was singing that was her calling. Sarah. young miss Brightman She didn’t look her best then: tangled hair, braces on her teeth. In a word, maturation. However, the audience was numb with delight.

teachers Sarah quickly discerned the talents of the young talent. After a year of study at the boarding school, she was sent to audition at the Piccadilly Theater, where they recruited actors for John Schlesinger's new musical Me and Albert. Sarah received two roles. This experience forever instilled in her an ardent love for the stage.

Having studied until the age of 14 in a boarding school, Sarah transferred to the London School of Performing Arts. Sarah, who dreamed of a career as a singer, decided not to limit herself to dancing. At school, in addition to ballet classes, she attended singing lessons. Moreover, the girl learned to play the piano, guitar and even composed songs, and worked as a model during the holidays.

Sara and Hot Gossip

However, the future miss Brightman still associated with ballet. Everyone expected that Sarah will be accepted into the company of the Royal Ballet, but she did not pass the selection. The girl was depressed, but did not give up. As a result, the 16-year-old realized the dream of thousands of teenage girls by becoming a member of the then most popular dance group Pan's People. Besides, Sarah was a Vogue model, and the cosmetics company Biba chose her as the face of the firm. Quite a big achievement to start with.

Over time, Pan's People lost their spot on the BBC TV charts and began touring dance routines around the country. Sarah remained a member of the group for 18 months until she was noticed by choreographer Arlene Phillips, who was looking for new dancers for her Hot Gossip collective. Sarah passed the selection.

At the same time, she was recording demos. One of the songs interested the producer of the record company Hans Ariola. He was looking for the right voice to sing Jeffrey Calvert's "I Lost My Heart To A Starship Trooper". Sarah offered to record this song, and it instantly became a hit in the UK. And the Hot Gossip group is a phenomenon. The youth went crazy for them.

Success and first marriage

18 year old Sarah became a pop star. Later, in an interview, the singer said with a laugh that she quickly spent all the money she earned without thinking about paying taxes. Then the girl met her first husband - Andrew Graham Stuart. He was seven years older Sarah and worked as the manager of one of the German rock bands. After a brief period of courtship, they married.

Being on the wave of success, the young artist recorded several more songs, but these songs were not destined to become hits. In 1980, Sarah accidentally saw an advertisement for the recruitment of actors in a new musical (author of the rock opera music) "Cats". By that time, she had left the group and needed a job, so she decided to try her hand at a new genre for herself, despite the fact that she was not at all going to link her fate with musical theater.

"Extraordinary" personalities were invited to the casting, and Sarah came to the audition in a green-blue robe and with a hairdo a la mohawk (her hair was also blue). A few months later, the girl was informed that she got the small role of Jemima's pussy.

Didn't forget Sarah and about his solo career. In 1981 Geoffrey Calvert and Miss Brightman, who organized their own record label Whisper, recorded two more singles. But these songs also failed to repeat the success of the first hit. The role in "Cats" was predominantly dance, although Sarah and there was one small vocal part in the song "Memory". But this was enough for the young star to understand: she has a good voice and needs to be developed. Sarah began to take lessons from famous vocal teachers, and the classes were not in vain.

star couple

After playing in "Cats" for a year, the girl moved to another musical. She received the main vocal part in the performance of the composer Charles Strauss "The Nightingale". Brilliant reviews from critics intrigued Andrew Lloyd Webber. He decided to look at Sarah. What he saw shocked the composer, because he managed to overlook such a vocal talent, although the girl was under his nose for a whole year. That evening changed a lot in the life of Andrew Lloyd Webber and Sarah Brightman.

Very quickly, their business relationship grew into a serious romance. Both were married at the time (he to another Sarah, she to another Andrew), and he had two children. However, their romance developed. It was Andrew Lloyd Webber who became the producer of the new singles Sarah.

After the performance "The Nightingale" Sarah She continued her theatrical career by joining the troupe of the comic opera The Pirates of Penzance. In 1983 Sarah divorced her first husband. After some time, Andrew also dissolved the marriage and, without undue delay, married Sarah. Their wedding took place in 1984, on the composer's birthday and on the day of the premiere of his new musical Star Express.

The first Grammy in the piggy bank of Sarah Brightman

The attention that the yellow press paid to their union was comparable only to the attention to Prince Charles and Lady Diana. Sarah many accused her of working her way up through Andrew Lloyd Webber, who was a famous composer and a wealthy man. It is noteworthy that the British media to this day do not miss the opportunity to pour over Miss Brightman mud and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge her talent.

In 1984 Sarah became the new performer of the leading role in Webber's musical Song and Dance. This "concert for the theatre," as it was written on the posters, was a combination of the earlier "Tell Me About It Sunday" and Andrew's "Variations" on Caprice. Andrew, meanwhile, was obsessed with the idea of ​​writing something extraordinary for Sarah whose voice he never ceased to admire. Thanks to this, "Requiem" appeared.

Andrew decided that the "Requiem" should be performed by a boy, a girl and a man. Namely, Paul Miles-Kingston, by Sarah Brightman and Placido Domingo. In December 1984, Requiem was recorded and was an astonishing success, given the classical nature of the piece. Sarah was nominated for a Grammy Award for Best New Classical Artist.

"The Phantom of the Opera" - for the beloved

In the same time Sarah offered to play the role of Christina in Ken Hill's musical The Phantom of the Opera. However, then she was bound by other obligations. In addition, Andrew got excited about the idea of ​​writing his "Phantom of the Opera", in which the vocal abilities of his wife and muse could "sparkle" in full force. Unlike other productions and film adaptations, Webber emphasized passion and romance. And I didn't guess. The musical is still a fantastic success. Christina's part was written by Andrew specifically for the voice Sarah.

Some critics admired Webber's new creation and the leading lady, while others, on the contrary, proved to everyone that Sarah useless actress and singer (forgetting that it is to her that everyone owes the appearance of this amazing musical). One way or another, The Phantom of the Opera easily managed to conquer the whole world and become perhaps the most popular musical in the history of musical theater. And, despite the attacks of some critics, the role of Christina Dae became a real triumph. Sarah Brightman.

Still creative, but no longer a family union

It is curious that at the rehearsals of The Phantom of the Opera, the actors more than once witnessed violent skirmishes between Sarah and Andrew. In addition, while working on the musical, the couple lived in separate apartments. “It’s easier to work that way,” they explained. Whether these words reflected the true state of things or whether storms began in paradise is unknown.

in the musical "Cats"

As it were, Brightman and Webber were still spouses and continued to work together. Sarah embarked on the Andrew Lloyd Webber Music World Tour. Andrew, meanwhile, was working on a new musical, Aspects of Love. He believed that in this performance for Sarah no suitable role. However, in 1989, the song "Anything But Lonely", which Andrew wrote for Aspects of Love, was released as a single. Fulfilled it Sarah.

The next year can be safely called one of the most difficult periods in life. Sarah. Her long absences had a negative impact on the marriage. The press also played its role, which repeatedly published notes about too close friendship. Sarah with other men. Meanwhile, Andrew began an affair with a certain Madeline Gurdon. In July 1990, the composer told reporters that his marriage to by Sarah Brightman came to an end.

Despite this, the singer and composer remained friends: in the same year, she played Rose in the London and Broadway productions of Andrew's new musical Aspects of Love, and subsequently performed with José Carreras at the 1992 Olympic Games in Barcelona a song that was written by Webber specifically ad hoc.

The Mystery and Phenomenon of Sarah Brightman

in the musical "The Phantom of the Opera"

Soon she met Frank Peterson, the producer of the Enigma and Gregorian projects. During their time together Sarah moved to Germany, where Frank lived, and their relationship gradually ceased to be exclusively business. In 1993, they prepared and released the album "Dive" together, with which the singer returned to the world of pop music. Didn't forget Sarah and about her ex-husband: she recorded two albums, which consisted entirely of Andrew's songs.

Continuing to work actively in the field of pop music, Sarah does not leave the classics. She performed with such performers as Placido Domingo, Ricardo Cocciante and Andrea Bocelli. And although they are now only business partners with Frank Peterson, he became the producer of her album "Harem" - fantasy on oriental themes.

Continues to ignore the division of music into genres. Critics who consider her voice one of the best of our time and call Sarah"Queen of classical singing" is all the time confusing with the breadth of her musical interests.


Album Sarah Brightman"Harem" was followed by a world tour. The danceiness of the project was reflected in the show. It, in comparison with the previous ones, involved a lot more dancers. own show Sarah brought to Russia in 2004.

with Andrew Lloyd Webber

candidacy Sarah Brightman in 2012, she was approved to prepare for a manned flight into space on the Soyuz spacecraft to the ISS as a space tourist. The flight should take place in 2015 and will last 10 days. Supporting women's education and combating the depletion of natural resources will cost the singer $51 million, and her fortune is estimated at only $49 million.

sings in Italian, Spanish, French, German, Russian (“It's good here”, the English title is “How fair this place”), Latin, Hindi and Japanese, but mostly English, the singer's native language.

Updated: April 11, 2019 by: Elena

English singer (soprano) and actress,popular music performer, one of the world's leading performers in the classical crossover genre.

August 8, 2008) along with a Chinese pop singer Liu Huang sang the official anthem of the XXIX Summer Olympic Games " One world, one dream».

Sarah Brightman Biography

Sarah Brightman) was born on August 14, 1960 in Burkamsted, an English town located near London. She was the eldest child in a family that, in addition to Sarah, had five more children. Father, Grenville Brightman, was a real estate developer. When Sarah was three years old, her mother, Paula Brightman (nee Hall), who was fond of ballet and amateur theater before marriage, identified the girl in the Elmhart Ballet School.

Since childhood Sarah Brightman attended art school. At the age of three, she took ballet classes at the Elmhurst School and appeared at local festivals. At the age of 12, Sarah played in a theater production directed by John Schlessinger"Me and Albert" at the Piccadilly Theater in London. Sarah received two roles at once: the role of Vicky, the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, and the role of a street tramp. The girl was delighted. This experience forever instilled in her a love for the stage.

At 14 Sarah Brightman started singing, at 16 she performed as a dancer in the television series Pan's People. At 18, she joined the group HOT GOSSIP (" fresh gossip”), with which she achieved her first success - the song I Lost my Heart to a Starship Trooper in 1978 took sixth place in the UK Singles Chart. In the same year, 1978, Sarah met her first husband - Andrew Graham Stewart who was the manager of the German band Tangerine Dream and was seven years older than her (the marriage lasted until 1983).

The following works of the HOT GOSSIP group were less successful, and Sarah decided to try herself in a different role - she took up classical vocals, and in 1981 took part in the production of the musical " cats» composer Andrew Lloyd Webber(New Theater in London).

Sarah and Andrew got married in 1984. Both had a remarriage; Andrew Lloyd-Webber had two children in a previous marriage. The wedding took place on March 22, 1984 - on the composer's birthday and on the day of the premiere of his new musical called " star express» (Starlight Express).

In 1985 Sarah, along with Placido Domingo performed at the premiere Requiem» Lloyd Webber, for which she was nominated for a music award « Grammy in the Best New Classical Artist category. In the same year, she performed the role of Valensina in " merry widow for New Sadler's Wells Opera. Especially for Sarah Lloyd-Webber created the role of Christina in the musical " Phantom of the Opera”, which premiered at Her Majesty's Theater in London in October 1986.

For the performance of the same role on Broadway, Sarah Brightman received a nomination for the Drama Desk Award in 1988.

In the US, Sarah met Frank Peterson, co-producer of the first album of the musical project Enigma MCMXC a.D. He became her producer and new life partner. Together they released an album Dive(1993) and later pop rock album Fly. Sarah continued to work with Lloyd Webber - released an album of his songs called Surrender, The unexpected songs.

In 1992, in a duet with José Carreras, she performed the song Amigos para siempre (Friends for life), the official anthem of the Barcelona Olympics, which spent several weeks on the charts in the UK, USA, Australia and Japan.

The song from the album "Fly" - A Question of Honor - Sarah performed before the start of the international boxing championship in 1995.

“I was then busy with my operatic exercises,” Sarah says of the creation of this composition. "My producer suggested that I do the part from 'La wally' and he did something around it."

In the same year, she played the role of Sally Driscoll in the play " Dangerous Ideas"and the role of Miss Giddens in the play" innocent».

In 1996 year Sarah Brightman together with the Italian tenorAndrea Bocelli recorded in Germany single Time to say goodbye which they performed at a boxing matchHenry Maskewho completed his active sports career. The single became the "best of all time" in terms of pace and sales in that country. The single sold 5 million copies.

The new album Eden was released in 1998 and was accompanied by a world tour of the singer. In 1999, her own show One Night in Eden premiered.

In her show, Sarah did not limit herself to traditional elements, for example, during the performance of the song "La mer", Sarah hangs in the air behind a translucent blue curtain, thus trying to give the viewer the impression that she is singing from the sea.

Together with a team of 42, Brightman has performed in more than 90 concert halls. The next album, La Luna (2000), went gold in the US before it was released. The album includes the most famous classical and popular songs performed by the singer.

Sarah Brightman sang in a duet with famous singers and actors such as Antonio Banderas, heavy metal band vocalist Manowar Eric Adams, Ofra Haza , JoshGroban and etc.

The theme of Sarah's next album - Harem (2003) - becomes the East. The name itself can be translated as "forbidden place".

In 2010 at the XXI Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver Sarah Brightman performed the song "Shall be done". This song and Sarah are part of a collaboration agreement between Panasonic Corporation and the UNESCO World Heritage Center, which launched "The World Heritage Special" broadcast on the National Geographic Channel.

In August 2012, confirmation was received that Sarah Brightman, once famous for the video "I Lost My Heart to a Starship Trooper" ("I'm in love with a space marine"), was approved to prepare for a manned flight into space on a ship " Soyuz" on the ISS as a space tourist.

The flight should take place in autumn 2015 and will last 10 days. In 2013, she went on a world tour in support of the new album "Dreamchaser" ("Chasing the dream"). At the end of the tour, she will undergo a six-month flight training. It is estimated that her flight in support of women's education and the fight against natural resource depletion will cost $51 million, and her fortune is estimated at only $49 million.

Sarah Brightman Filmography


Maria (TV series 2012 - ...)

The Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall (2011)

First night (2010)

Genetic Opera (2008)

Aspects of Love (2005)

Christmas at the Vatican (TV Movie 2001)

Andrew Lloyd Webber: The Premiere Collection Encore (Video 1992)


Sarah Brightman: La Luna - Live in Concert (Video 2001)

Sarah Brightman in Concert (TV Movie 1998)

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