Bad reputation. How to restore your reputation at work


None of us are perfect, everyone makes mistakes sometimes. There is nothing wrong with this, but there are other situations. Some make mistakes very often, they spoil their reputation. Losing good reviews about yourself is easy, but getting them back is very difficult.

A bad level of reputation spoils relationships even with the closest people, not to mention ordinary acquaintances. If it came to collective communication at work, then this is already a critical situation. Usually such people are threatened with dismissal or demotion.

Why is it so important to restore a positive image of the company on the Internet?

After identifying people who were influential and open-minded, the company focused on meeting its needs, and public attitudes towards it improved. The survey identified key segments aimed at improving the company's reputation.

They also fault companies for not sharing enough information about critical business issues - for manufacturers, say, the content of their products, their manufacturing processes, and their handling of production workers. Transparency in such matters is crucial. This sometimes highlights the discrepancy between consumer expectations and company performance and therefore calls for action. In other cases, transparency can reassure key stakeholders that a company is moving in the right direction.

Reputation is a very fragile asset

A good reputation needs reliable protection. It affects a person's success in career growth and his self-esteem. Each of us wants to achieve maximum respect from others, becoming a valuable person for them. If you only dream about it, then the result is unlikely to please, you need to act.

This was a high-risk strategy, as you can always draw different statistical conclusions from the same data. Such actions should not be taken only in response to reputational issues; at other times they help build goodwill, which can provide some degree of protection against future bad news. Sometimes reputation-driven actions can even have a direct impact on sales. The program not only generated positive press and helped position the company as an environmental leader, but also increased foot traffic in stores.

It takes many years to build a positive reputation, but it can be destroyed in an instant. A couple of mistakes will almost always be forgiven you, but no one will turn a blind eye to them regularly. There are 3 traits that create a person's reputation, these are behavior, character and perception of other people.

The first two need not be explained, but the third point needs to be dealt with in more detail. Most people find it very difficult to look at themselves from the outside. It seems that you did nothing wrong, but people continue to be offended by you and quarrel.

Engage a wide group of influencers

For example, leveraging existing grassroots support - through blogs, bumper stickers and interactive websites - is one method. Another thing is that people with high status reinforce key strategic messages. A network of positive relationships with trusted third parties can also help a company move out of its history when crises hit.

One company worried about what it saw as a dangerous inaccuracy in its portrayal in opinion-leader-targeted press, with brief facts to dispel misunderstandings and gave regulators a science paper outlining the possible negative implications of the proposed rules. A broad communications program describing recent and upcoming changes in the company's business practices has been released to the general public. This approach has been effective, but even more subtle forms of influence are possible: influencing specific bloggers, using online blogs to start conversations with consumers, and getting scientists to research advice.

The second thing you can't influence is rumors. A person can communicate with everyone in an ideal way, but there will always be someone who will humiliate him behind his back in front of other people. Such cases also pretty much spoil the reputation.

Don't lie to yourself

Wean yourself from defensive reactions and the desire to accuse a person of what he did not do. Evaluate everything that happens with a sober and calm look, without listening to emotions. Ask yourself a few questions:

Increasingly, bilateral dialogue is critical. The campaign not only embodies a new level of openness about industry issues, but also invites the public to join the conversation on the website through a moderated discussion board and interactive tools that provide information on energy savings. Reputation tactic.

In this more complex world of influence strategy, no single approach is likely to be sufficient to deal with fast situations. Companies should instead initiate interdisciplinary, cross-functional efforts that can quickly identify reputational issues and respond to manufacturing in broader strategy, operations, and communications.

What have I done and not done?

Am I really innocent in many situations, or am I just defending myself?

Why do people react badly to your behavior?

No problem can be solved without knowing the cause. It's the same with reputation restoration. For example, if others consider you a liar, then try to understand what pushes you to such actions. Talk to your best friend about it. Yes, it may not be a very pleasant conversation, but the effect of it is really good. This will let people know that you want to change. Some will even want to help you. Everyone should be told the following:

Reputation Principles

This may seem like a lot of firepower, but in today's climate with reputational issues threatening both shareholders and the company's ability to achieve broader goals, this degree of high level of attention and integration is essential. There are many misconceptions about online reputation management. Some think it's just social media monitoring, while others think it's about public relations, and still others literally have no idea how it could affect business and sales.


I admit my mistakes.

Try to explain why you chose to do so.

Do not hide anything, be as open as possible.


You need to put all your efforts into repairing the damage from the event that ruined your reputation. A completely different person could be to blame for this, but you should not think about it, people have already made a conclusion. You will have to work very well, but do not despair.

Companies of all sizes can benefit from a clear description of their core concepts. Just a few years ago, the Internet was very different. Companies did not attract customers, but simply sold to a passive audience; people couldn't express their voice in a powerful way, and the overall communication landscape was very top-down.

The situation has changed radically. Today, websites are no longer static brochures. User content is required. And regular social media interactions are vital to any business success. No matter the size of your business, they are talking about you.

Set a goal for yourself. Write on a piece of paper what kind of attitude you want from everyone around you and reread it every day. Each person from your acquaintances and relatives should see with their own eyes how you are changing for the better. All these changes must be combined with your life priorities, otherwise nothing will work. It can and will change, but after a while you will return to the old behavior, because the new one will not be comfortable.

One of the latest business commandments is to "be transparent". This seems to be beneficial for companies that use this new mode of communication with their audience. What does "transparency" mean?

  • Allowing employees to speak publicly about products and services.
  • Creation of a 1 to 1 communication channel.
  • Ask for feedback.
  • Do not hide criticism and publicly address it.
Most SMBs don't invest much in communication and they struggle with the concept. As a result, their efforts are usually misguided or inconsistent.

You have to believe in yourself in a way that no one else does. A bad reputation greatly suppresses a person, which means you need to stock up on fortitude. Replace all bad thoughts and actions with good ones.

Send everything to the past

You can't go back to your mistake when you want to make amends. Promise yourself never to repeat this, then it will change forever. Without a good reputation, you will not be able to become successful in family life or career, so cherish it.

On the way to restoration of lost reputation a lot of negativity and obstacles await you, but it's worth it, that's a fact! Try to be as resistant to stress and emotions as possible, then it will be much easier to regain your reputation. Good luck with your work!

Good day. The magician Azal is with you. Today I decided to touch on a topic that is little known and not covered at all from the point of view of magic. It is about how to change your reputation in particular and your life in general for the better with the help of an experienced and strong magician. This topic is very relevant for those people who believe that everything is lost and nothing and no one can help them. For the rest, it’s just interesting information about what a magician can do.

Good online reputation management is not just about reacting to what people say about you, your brand, or your products and services, but about how to react at all and, if so, when. Sometimes a reaction is not needed and sometimes a reaction that is too late can cost you millions.

A proactive approach to this is to monitor your public reputation regularly, not just when you become aware of a particular event to deal with. The magical tools invented to solve this problem fall under the name of "social media monitoring".

There are situations when a person, simply put, is hounded, driven into a corner, trying to purposefully get rid of him from work or even from life. These are situations when someone “declared war” on someone, when one considers the other his enemy and does everything possible and sometimes impossible to prevent him from living a normal life. When one wants to poison the existence of another due to hatred, revenge, or simply because a person interferes with him in the implementation of his plans for life.

Simply put, social media monitoring allows companies to collect public online content, process it and see if anything negative or positive is being said that impacts their reputation. In the online reputation management scenario, there are two types of negative content that companies need to be aware of. One of them is represented by complaints about social networks. They need to be addressed properly, but unless your company has serious problems, they do not create a real problem for your business.

They are very powerful because, unlike social media content, they play an important role in search engine results. Negative Reviews: Review sites allow users to give their opinion about your brand. Negative content can affect your sales, and it may not be enough to eliminate criticism on the site. Some people go beyond just negative reviews and create special sites with their opinions, some of which contain illegal content. So-called "hate sites" sometimes address companies and public figures with insults and false information. Hate Sites. . Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that.

I must say that each of you at least heard about such situations or is familiar from films. Therefore, I am sure that everyone understands what kind of situations and methods of their resolution are discussed today. Before analyzing how to get rid of a bad reputation, let's consider the reasons why, most often, a person's reputation is intentionally damaged.

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Obviously, everyone has the right to express their opinion about your brand. However, there are certain boundaries that must be respected. Some negative content online is actually illegal.

  • He uses damaging language.
  • He reports false information.
  • It aims to damage the company's reputation.
How do you react to all this? How do you protect yourself or your company from this kind of illegal behavior? Depending on the extent of the problem, there are several ways to restore your online reputation.

What are the reasons for this?

I will not name absolutely all the reasons why a person most often thinks about how to restore his reputation. But here are the most common and typical cases:

  • the struggle for your partner with your rivals or rivals - often it is a struggle with lovers or mistresses of your spouses, and also, on the contrary, with the "interfering" wives or husbands of your chosen ones. Or is it a relationship outside of marriage, when there is competition in them. In any case, these are life situations when someone needs this particular person, and they will build any kind of intrigues for their competitor, if only the choice of the chosen one fell on them
  • the question of revenge from the category of “how to annoy the former” is also relevant, when after a love relationship there are a lot of grievances and unresolved mutual claims
  • still sometimes it happens that parents categorically do not like the chosen one or the chosen one of their adult child. They have not learned to respect the choice of their child and accept what everyone builds their own life. On the contrary, they believe that the child is simply obliged to be obedient and no matter how old this child is. Therefore, often all available methods are used from such parents to get rid of their “future unwanted relative” or the already legal spouse of their child. He is given “tasks with an asterisk”, which a person is sometimes unable to solve, plus increased requirements on all fronts. The result is planned one: failed - goodbye. Few people manage to remain calm and successfully build their relationships in such conditions.
  1. Further. When a person just doesn’t like it very much, infuriates, annoys for some personal reason. There are all sorts of reasons - offended, strongly offended by something, gossiping, behaving inappropriately, or something else. There is hatred among neighbors, colleagues, former friends, and in general there can be all sorts of situations.
  2. There are situations when a person spoils his own reputation. This happens as a result of unreasonable behavior, thoughtless, wrong steps and actions of the person himself. Realizing "in hindsight" what he did, he then asks himself "how to restore the old reputation." For example, a girl at a corporate party, having gone through with alcohol, started an affair with one of the employees. The next morning, she realizes that it was all a mistake, but the question arises of how to fix her reputation as a girl at work. It's good when the team is good-natured and understanding. But sometimes you have to pay for such mistakes with very serious consequences, especially when there is someone in this team who is just waiting for you to stumble. Also an important factor is, of course, how important your reputation in this team is for you.

They will immediately show several high-ranking web sources that talk about you. If they display false information, the first thing you or your online reputation management company should do is develop a search marketing strategy that boosts the rankings of positive content owned by you or third parties. The search engine game is too important to ignore and is the first step in restoring your image. This review is clearly aimed at destroying your reputation and not feedback? Does it have the wrong language? Legal connection and speed of response will eliminate the negative review. Online investigations. In the event of serious attacks on your brand image, it may be necessary to hire qualified online analysts to investigate insurmountable threats and attackers through email tracking, data cross-indexing, and other information gathering methods. Cyber ​​research is the ultimate way to get to the bottom of the tough reputation management cases. Delete revocation: Did the user ask something false about your business? . Calling it "online reputation" is actually redundant.

So, as we see, there can be a whole wagon and a small cart to undermine the reputation and life of another person. In the article, we will not take into consideration cases when a person spoils his own reputation. This does not mean that the magician is not engaged in the restoration of self-damaged reputation - no. The magician will take up such work and do it with dignity (I am speaking here only for myself, I do not undertake to answer for others =)). Moreover, these are not only cases of restoring the reputation of a girl at work, but also a whole host of other life situations when a person trips himself up in various areas of his life and not only with the help of alcohol.

In this article, I am talking about cases where a person has ill-wishers who want to ruin his life and reputation. Why so, you ask. Because it is precisely such cases that turn out to be more difficult in practice and often cannot be corrected on their own. Stop reading this article to read " how to ruin a person's life and reputation with the help of magic”, and then return and read here how such magical influences are removed.

How can you restore your old reputation?

There are many situations where a stain remover is required for reputation, which are due to magical effects. I would even say that most of the completely destroyed reputations are the consequences of the magical work done. Such situations are not always, but very often accompanied by witchcraft. Perhaps my statistics are wrong, but only due to what I personally have to deal with. But broken destinies, crippled lives and people who have lost more than all, I do not meet in isolated cases. I am also found by those whom no one before me could help, and together we work step by step to restore the life and reputation of this person. Sometimes such restorations take several years - these are cases where other masters shrugged their shoulders and predicted a quick death. No, guys, they are alive! And everything is not so bad with them, but it will be even better if they continue to listen to my recommendations.

Often in such situations, the victim suspects that such a fate is not hers and that all this is induced. A person tries to clean himself on his own or runs around various grannies who remove damage, roll out, pour, proofread it. But. The situation is not resolved, it just seems to “freeze” for a while, the cycle of destruction stops. Everything around ceases to "fly straight into the cliff", but does not begin to recover. And, after a short period of time, after a short "respite", it continues to worsen stubbornly.

Naturally, the further, the worse. Such grannies can try to help only at the initial or not far advanced second stage of such a process. But the further, the more serious the problems, and they roll in the form of an “avalanche”, and the “respite” after the next cleansing is getting shorter and shorter, until they completely turn into hours of restful sleep. After waking up, the whole old nightmare returns again.

How long can such a struggle go on? For such a period of time, while a person is fighting for himself, until he wants to give up. If a person surrendered, accepted such his "fate", agreed with his fate - that's all, the person is lost. He will come to the inevitable finish line much faster than planned. As long as he wants to live and has the strength to fight for himself, he is alive, even if, excuse me, he "goes under himself." Yes, a masterfully made magical effect leaves minimal chances and opportunities for survival, but! Those who seek these opportunities will always find them.

Of course, without the help of a protector magician, the fate of such a person is not enviable - he is only able to delay the inevitable end, but not get out of this swamp. No matter how he resists, the quagmire will inevitably drag him down.

If his situation has a natural course, and it is not magicians who stand behind it, but a conspiracy of people and their intentional actions, then such a person has much more chances. These situations, without magical intervention from your enemies, are quite realistic to solve on your own. It is important to gather strength and draw up the right strategy to fight for yourself and for your right to a normal life.

Problems need to be addressed when they are just brewing!

This is important to understand, so I repeat - do not put off decisions for tomorrow, do not leave the situation to chance, fight for yourself and for what is yours. If you have enemies, and they use magical methods of struggle against you, then the scheme for the development of your problems will be approximately as follows.

At the initial stage, when magical influences only begin to come into force, you will begin to receive "slaps" in different areas of your life:

  • You will start scandals in the family, even if they were not there before. Scandals will come out of nowhere and out of nowhere, but their frequency will increase. Relationships will fall apart quite rapidly, even if before that everything was fine with you.
  • Relationships with friends and colleagues will also begin to deteriorate and crack.
  • Your financial situation will not be as stable as before. Suddenly you will be deprived of a bonus or a good deal that was practically in your hands will go out from under your nose. First one, then another and a third.

This is the initial stage of seeding. You are able to solve personal problems, but your business partner “suddenly” hits you in the back. You rush to decide there, postponing the family for later, but you receive another blow from a third party. You do not know what to take on, you do not have time to "block the leaks" on your boat. The support of loved ones at this stage is purely formal, and your mental stress is very, very high.

A little time passes, and what do we see next? More like this:

  • Problems continue to pour in with enviable regularity, as if from a cornucopia. And you climb out of your skin, just to patch up "your sinking ship." Often people choose for themselves "maximum priority areas", where they deploy the "main defense front". These are the ones that last the longest. The rest at this stage are already completely destroyed. If you ran for work and finances, then you still have enough for "daily bread." But your family is already on the verge of a divorce, your wife doesn't talk to you, your child accuses you of something, and your mother has already admitted to you that she raised a dumbass.
  • If you ran after your family, it means that you are already out of work and you can hardly find yourself another or at least similar one. Even if you find a job as a janitor or loader, then you will soon tear something to yourself and will not be able to work here further. And be prepared for the fact that upon dismissal you will not be paid your salary and will not pay for your treatment.
  • Your body is tired. Tired of constant ailments of unknown origin. Doctors shrug and refer to another specialist, a lot of tests and money, but there is no clear diagnosis confirming your malaise. You are tired of nervous overstrain, of the fact that everyone turns away from you and as if everyone specially puts a hand in making you give up.
  • You understand that, by and large, no one needs you in this life. You feel your loneliness in every cell of your body.
  • You have been walking for a long time - your car is broken or broken, and there is no money for its rehabilitation.
  • In the eyes of your friends and former work colleagues, you are a complete loser, your business and personal reputation is completely broken and lost. They don't even want to remember you.

After all the futile attempts to improve your life, you are exhausted. If you still do not have a psychiatric diagnosis that is being treated unsuccessfully, and you have not committed suicide or died in an accident, then ... You understand that everything has gone like sand through your fingers, and you could not hold anything. It seems to you that everything that happens around you is a nightmare from which you long to wake up. You lie with your eyes on the ceiling, you really can’t get up, it’s hard for you to even move. It’s good if someone else feeds you - your mother, wife or daughter, but this person also understands that you will not last long, and he treats you accordingly. Sometimes no one feeds...

How can you help?

If you take up the situation at the initial stage not with your grandmother and not on your own, then an intelligent magician will help you return everything that you managed to lose. The situation will be reversed and deployed in your favor. The negative will be cleaned and a powerful defense against enemies will be put up. You will fully recover and in the end you will not lose anything from the areas of your life that are important to you.

If we take on a situation where much has already been lost - family, work, reputation and more, then ... it will take much more time to recover than in the first case. It is also possible that not everything will be returned. For example, your wife is already married and lives well, and another employee has been working at your workplace for a long time, and everything suits everyone ... Except you. The magician will not be able to return you this and that under such circumstances - you missed the time. The magician will be able to compensate you no less and no worse than what you had. As a result, you will be able to create a new family and get a new position. That is, the magician can open a new road for you, but you will no longer be able to enter the old rut. You will go to growth, but in a different way with different opportunities.

At the final stage, most often it is unrealistic to help. There are exceptions, but only as exceptions to the general rules, alas.

What else can I say about this

I understand that the article is already too long, but I will also allow myself a few words about this kind of help, how to restore a damaged reputation. Not always, having lost his reputation, a person can cross out his entire previous life and go the other way. For example, he works as an artist, and does not want to go as a builder, and in general does not know how and does not want to be able to do anything else. The circle of artists is rather narrow, everyone knows each other, which means that it is necessary to restore his reputation among colleagues.

This often happens among people in public professions (singers, actors, journalists) or government professions (judges, prosecutors, deputies, officials). In such a social circle - these are people of their own level. Here, losing his reputation, a person loses his standard of living and the opportunity to live at his standard of living. Such people have to cling more to their reputation, otherwise they will lose their level, their niche. At the same time, the higher a person climbs the social ladder, the narrower his social circle, the narrower the circle of people of his same level. On the one hand, we need more financial reserves, more investments to stay afloat. On the other hand, there are more intrigues and all sorts of trips for a place in the sun, more and more meanness from the people around him.

I end with this. Let me remind you about the opportunity to subscribe to site updates, the opportunity to ask questions in the comments to the article, as well as the opportunity to restore your reputation, improve your life with my help. Thank you for your attention and I wish you to change your life only for the better. Sincerely, magician Azal, author of articles and owner of the site "

American author and columnist Gwen Moran writes articles about business for the largest magazines and websites in the United States. She co-authored The Complete Idiot's Guide to Business Plans and is one of the Top 100 Most Influential Business Writers of 2012. After talking with consultants, Gwen was able to describe five basic steps to restore the trust of partners and clients after you or your business made a big mistake.

So, you still made a mistake. Now you need to “wash” your reputation so that people trust you again.

We all know that we need to learn from our own mistakes. But if you missed the key and sent 1100 instead of 100 units of goods to the client, or accidentally sent a letter to the entire office containing very personal information about your boss, you want to shove any wise statements to hell.

However, if this mistake was made with the best of intentions, or an offense in which there was nothing illegal or immoral, then you can still turn yourself into a plus. The following five tips will help you salvage your reputation after you've screwed up.

Step One: Admit Your Mistake

Do not try to evade responsibility or "transfer arrows" - you will only make it worse. It’s better to just admit that you made a mistake and appreciate the consequences of your mistake.

Supriya Desai, CEO of consulting firm ASC Advisory, says people want to see you admit your mistake. They want to see sincere regret in your words and look.

Step two: ask for forgiveness

If your mistake hurt someone, that someone will want to hear your sincere apology. Do not regret that someone was offended. Such words shift the blame for your mistake to others. Be specific in your apology so that others know that you fully understand the problem. If you inadvertently sent a letter to the entire department in which you and a friend make fun of your colleagues, then you should not apologize for the fact that this letter was sent, but for the fact that you were dishonest with them.

Step three: find a way out by talking to those affected by your misstep

After you've gone through the first two steps, try to figure out how you made the mistake and what you can do to make sure it doesn't happen again in the future, says Igbal Ashraf, CEO of Hawaii-based Mentors Guild. In his opinion, it is necessary to talk with people who have suffered because of your mistake, and together try to find a way out of this situation.

For example, if a customer's order is not filled correctly, steps should be taken to double check shipped orders before shipping. And if there is a spelling error in the official report for investors, follow the entire process of creating the report and try to include an editor in the drafting team. According to Ashraf, you should make it clear to those affected by your mistake that you are serious about the incident and are taking all possible steps to improve or correct the situation.

Step four: stop self-flagellation

Making mistakes can greatly shake your self-confidence and make you plunge into self-flagellation. But your sobbing and moaning about your mistake will greatly annoy others after the third repetition. You have realized your mistake. They apologized. We started to fix it and did everything to prevent this in the future. Now it's time to move on, says Ashraf, and look to the future. Desai adds that constant self-blame and apologizing can really hurt your entrepreneurial viability.

Step Five: Learn from Mistakes and Teach Others

If you managed to distance yourself from your mistake, then it seems not so terrible. Desai advises using your own experience to teach others to avoid making similar mistakes in their work. It is very important to understand what you did wrong and draw the right conclusion from the current situation. If you share your findings with others, you will help them get the results they need by avoiding a similar problem.

In May 2017, we were approached by a manufacturing company interested in online reputation management. At the first stage, the Zexler team conducted an audit of references to the company, which showed that the reputation of the employer is in a terrible state - all search results for the query “brand + employer review” are filled with negatives. As it turned out later, it was this fact that became the reason why the customer turned to us.

Despite the fact that negative reviews on behalf of employees were posted in 2016, the manufacturer felt a shortage of qualified applicants for vacant positions.

Initially, the customer's representatives tried to correct the situation on their own, but their attempts to post advisory reviews caused a new wave of negativity. They also placed company cards on revocable resources, but a number of errors were made during placement, due to which the created cards did not affect search results for brand and reputation queries. As a result, the representatives of the company decided to turn to us for help.

The first thing the customer asked was to remove the negatives. However, given that the budget allocated for reputation management was limited, we decided to launch positive activity on review sites and thematic forums. Prepared a commercial proposal, the customer approved it. After signing the contract, the project was launched.

Through thorns to the stars or the search for truth

Before starting the placement of activities, our team set a goal to study in detail the HR strategy of the enterprise. Let's make a reservation right away, when launching such companies, every detail is important to us, we must be honest with specialists who restore reputation, just like with a doctor or a lawyer. The more accurate information we have, the more effective the actions we take will be.

The tip of the iceberg was the study of the staffing of the enterprise, the features of personnel work and working conditions. But we didn't stop there. The customer filled out a brief regarding the HR philosophy of the company, this was not enough for us and we began to get to the bottom of the reason why the employees were indignant online. After all, everyone understands that there is no smoke without fire. The reason turned out to be banal - the dishonesty of top managers. The sources of problems worked in the company for only a few months, but they managed to chop wood. As a result, they made enemies for the company in the person of the employees they fired, plus, they could not come to terms with their own dismissal. According to the reviews, it was clear that their authors were both laid-off employees and not established managers. Thus, all the quarrels were taken out of the public house for all to see in the brightest colors, which resulted in a shortage of qualified applicants for vacant positions.

Strategy Development

After studying the sad history of the company, our SERM managers abandoned the strategy of “honey” reviews, and prepared texts with a real description of the situation: “Yes, it happened, but it passed”, which, in principle, corresponded to reality. I can't say that the client immediately approved of this approach, but as a result we came to a common denominator. After a series of approvals, the client gave the go-ahead for the placement of activities.

Clarification of the situation within the search results

For a month, we smoothly placed activities on revocable sites. It is important that a resource was chosen for the content of each activity. On resources with a flurry of negatives, reviews were posted explaining the situation. Also, from among the sites not included in the TOP without reviews about the employer, the most powerful sites were selected for posting neutral reviews with an eye to the fact that they will enter the TOP this month. What happened as a result, new "clean" sites replaced sites with negatives.

In-depth monitoring of the sites was carried out daily according to the company's HR requests. As a result, a number of sites were identified where the company's cards were placed, however, when filling them out, errors were made in the details. We reported this to the client. Its representatives confirmed that this is their company, but the information is filled out incorrectly. SERM managers launched a process to clarify the information on the identified pages. After making changes, these sites also got to the TOP of the issue.

Results of 30 days work

In just a month, the results for the queries we are interested in have changed significantly:

  • the composition of sites included in the TOP changed by 50% (5 sites with negatives, 5 “clean” sites with a neutral review of the employer).
  • on all revocable sites containing a negative message to the employer, the most relevant review of a recommendatory nature.
  • all the reviews leveling the negatives look natural (the goal for which we abandoned the ideal recommendations has been achieved);
  • 4 cards of the company have been amended, these resources are within the TOP 20 of search results.

A damaged reputation is not so easy to restore. That's why it's so important to protect her sometimes. It happens that the loss of reputation is not your fault, but in other cases it is your fault. Bringing back a good name is not always easy, but it can still be done if you show patience, determination and perseverance.


Part 1

Get rid of bad reputation

    Accept that others may not forget your act. They may stop focusing on it, but still remember. This does not mean that it is impossible to restore the reputation. A bad reputation in the long run is always temporary. After a while, people stop caring about what you've done in the past.

    Talk about the current situation with people. Be frank when dealing with issues related to restoring a bad reputation. If you are calm, respectful, and genuinely concerned, then others are likely to come to your rescue. By not voicing the problem, you allow the imaginations of others to run wild, and you also allow the rumors to spread freely.

    • Talk to the person who is actively spreading rumors about your bad reputation first.
    • Ask your friends for their opinion on this.
    • Try not to make excuses.
  1. Find a benefit. Perhaps your bad reputation is your hidden superpower. Take some time to think about how your bad reputation can play into your favor, and try to rethink your perception of the situation. You can act cheekily, thus showing your sexuality. You can become the heavy artillery on the team if others think you are too aggressive in the sport.

    Change the minds of others. Sometimes you just need to control other people's perceptions. Perhaps they see the situation in the wrong light. You can help them with this.

    Talk about false accusations. Sometimes you just need to say that the rumors are not true. If you have lied about something, it may take some time to correct the situation. Be persistent, but not aggressive, and try to tell your side of the story as soon as possible. Ask other people for help in clarifying this situation. The longer your bad reputation lasts, the more difficult it is to manage its consequences.

    • Deal with misunderstandings.
    • Be eloquent when fighting lies.

    Part 2

    Earn a good reputation
    1. Do good. Good deeds are the fastest way to improve your reputation. Act carefully, because if you recently committed a bad deed, then in the eyes of others it may seem like a desperate move or ordinary overcompensation. This situation cannot be corrected instantly. You must consistently do good deeds in order to earn a good reputation for yourself, otherwise it may seem insincere. It is very easy to destroy a reputation, but it takes much more time and effort to restore it. The sequence of actions is of great importance for establishing a strong reputation.

      • Treat your employees to coffee or offer to replace them for a while.
      • Offer your friends help before they ask you for it themselves.
      • Change your behavior for a while if you have suspicions that something is going wrong.
    2. Engage in community service. There are a huge number of options for how you can spend your free time for the benefit of society. Care for the elderly or people with disabilities, community events, and church work. Animal shelters also need help. By being in the service of others for a while, you can improve your reputation.

      • If you are still a student at the school, find out what community service you can offer. Many public colleges and schools offer various volunteer options for their students.
      • Some companies offer volunteer programs that improve skills. Talk to your supervisor or department head, who can provide a list of options.
    3. Use the current situation to learn something new. Be kind to other people with a bad reputation. You will be able to make a positive impression by communicating and understanding the situation of other people with a bad reputation based on your experience. Take the opportunity to see the people around you who are in a bad situation and who may need your attention.

      Impress those around you. Go beyond. Do something out of the ordinary. Learn to play a musical instrument. Win a scholarship or award. Run a marathon. By doing unusual things, you can improve the opinion of others about yourself. Respect for others will shorten the time to gain a good reputation.

      Part 3

      Change dramatically
      1. Change some aspects of your life. External factors such as circle of friends, habits and place of work can be an integral part of developing your reputation. A toxic environment and contact with unfriendly people can be the source of your problems. Take some time to consider whether you need to make changes in your social circle and visiting the places you usually go.

        • If you have a bad reputation among your friends, then it might be time to change your social circle. Perhaps your friends support rumors that make other people think badly of you.
        • At work, a hostile team can encourage unreasonable expectations from a person. A work environment that encourages an unhealthy work-life balance can cast a hard-working person in a very different light. Evaluate the working environment, perhaps it is because of it that your reputation suffers. After that, you may want to change jobs.
      2. Change yourself. This can be very difficult. Make changes if you look at yourself through the eyes of others and you don't like what you see. It is very difficult to change yourself, because character and certain habits develop throughout life. However, by noticing changes in your behavior, other people will start to pay attention to you. This will change the perception of others about you, and may change the way they treat you as a person.

        • Seek help from a professional such as a therapist or psychiatrist.
        • Find a personal growth coach or spiritual guide who can help you change yourself from the inside.
      3. Avoid superficial changes. Such changes are different from deep ones. Insincere behavior is very difficult to maintain consistently. People feel when you are being insincere. Change is actually very difficult, much more difficult than just pretending.

      • Give yourself time to make amends. Very often we make mistakes and then want to correct them immediately. Unfortunately, this does not happen, so it is better to protect your reputation constantly, while being a person with a good character.
      • Remember that it is very difficult to prove otherwise. When someone accuses you of certain actions, it is very difficult to prove otherwise, unless you have witnesses (who were with you at the time it happened). Instead of trying to "prove or disprove" the current situation, simply declare your innocence and forget about this case. In the future, be very careful what you do. So people who will hear negative reviews about you, the first reaction will be: "This is not like Sergey. Something must have happened or there are good reasons for him to do this."
      • Restored reputation must be protected. Don't let others spread false rumors about you. Find the original source, instead of trying to convince someone who heard this story from someone. Keep looking until you figure out exactly who is spreading these rumors. Learn to resist this person; it is most effective to simply ask why he does it. "What have I done to earn your hatred? Why are you saying such things about me?" Once you find out the cause of what is happening, you will have a chance to put an end to it.


      • You can't do everything right. To satisfy some people, an apology won't be enough. Instead, they will play the victim and put on a villain mask on you. In this case, you just need to ignore them.

Honor, as they say, must be protected from a young age, but what to do if you suddenly happen to stumble? Restoring a reputation is harder than ruining it. However, the efforts spent on cleansing the stained honor will not be in vain.

The women's site "Beautiful and Successful" today will introduce its readers to possible ways to restore a damaged reputation.

And there are spots in the sun, or How to accept your mistake

The first thing to do to restore reputation is stop self-torturing because of a mistake you made. Every person has the right to stumble. And the one who admits this automatically gets the right to correct his mistake.

Instead of scrolling through the memory of an unpleasant moment again and again, you need to turn to the advice of psychologists.

  1. Before you begin to restore a damaged reputation, it is worth analyzing the situation. Surely, in the process of reviewing everything that happened, it will be possible to find many circumstances that justify the mistake made. For example, sometimes a person, scolding himself for impoliteness towards others, forgets that his mood at one time was spoiled by even more rude behavior of others.
  2. After finding out the reasons for committing a slip and rehabilitating one's honest name in one's own eyes, one should think about how serious that slip was. People tend to perceive their misdeeds in a somewhat exaggerated way. The site site assures: sometimes what seems to us something terrible and irreparable, The people around don't even notice. In order to understand how others perceive what happened, you can simply talk with them. Perhaps they can suggest the best way to rehabilitate. And even if no valuable information can be obtained from this conversation, the efforts will not be in vain: a rumor will go out to the people that you repent and worry. This will already become a glimpse on the dark spot of your reputation.
  3. If someone has suffered as a result of this misconduct, it is necessary to apologize to this person and be sure to somehow compensate for the moral and material damage.

Perhaps one of the most difficult moments in restoring the reputation at work or in the society of people living nearby is just correcting the mistakes made. This is worth talking about separately.

Work on bugs, or How to restore a damaged reputation

Honor is one of the most important values ​​of any person, but many people misunderstand it. Often people perceive their reputation as a beautiful veil, under which too noticeable flaws can be hidden. Therefore, they make an effort not to be honest and trustworthy, but to seem so. Such individuals should not read this article further.

But those who truly value their good name should understand that restoring a professional reputation that was damaged through their fault will require, above all, courage.

It is necessary to publicly admit one's guilt and. This is not easy to do, so such a step is already a very significant error correction measure. Loudly announce to everyone about your imperfection only the strongest can. If you take this step, you will already be able to partially make amends for your guilt.

At the same time, you don’t need to pretend to be brave and say that apologies are easy. You need to behave naturally, while making it clear to others that the troubles delivered to them are the cause of your great grief.

If, as a result of your mistake, someone was damaged, it is necessary to negotiate with the victim the conditions for compensation for this damage.

To restore a damaged reputation, it is also worth considering a number of measures that will not allow what happened to happen again. These measures should be announced to your colleagues, clients, acquaintances, neighbors and other people, in whose eyes it is necessary to become a worthy person again.

Restoring professional reputation is not as difficult as it might seem, especially if the mistake made was minor.

As soon as an accountant girl, after an error in calculations, begins to work hard, without being distracted by extraneous conversations, in a month her reputation will be crystal clear.

At the same time, regaining a good name after with dancing on a chair and hot hugs with all the representatives of the male half of the office is a more difficult task. But it is also possible to solve it.

How to restore a girl's reputation

In order not to wear the label of a loose and half-crazy girl after a hot party for the rest of your life, you need to try to work on the mistakes in several directions:

  1. Confess to the participants of the event a deep sense of shame that torments you when you remember what happened.
  2. manifest modesty and restraint in everyday communication. Let others see that liberty at a party is not a characteristic feature of behavior. It has been noticed that sometimes rather modest people in ordinary life behave most cheekily at entertainment events. This is probably due to the fact that they have not been able to relax for a long time, so in an informal setting they simply lose control.
  3. Be sure to visit the next corporate party and control your every step there, forgetting about the desire to relax. In order to restore reputation, it is important to get into the same circumstances again, but at the same time behave in a completely different way.

After making a mistake, many people feel very guilty and try to avoid crowded places. But psychologists assure: it is not necessary to do so.

On the contrary, communication with people will help you quickly understand that ideals do not exist, that most mistakes can be corrected, that a mistake is also a valuable experience. Therefore, there is no need to close in on yourself, and even more so to put an end to yourself.

Carefully work on your mistakes, restore your reputation without false fears - and this work will be rewarded. Remember: society is much more loyal to people who have stumbled than they themselves, with the exception, of course, of those who value not their honor, but only its visibility.

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