Two Belarusian folk tales in Belarusian and Russian. Belarusian fairy tales: through the wisdom of centuries


Minsk, Publishing house "Belarus", 1964

Belarus is a European Slavic state. Its people, being in constant contact with other peoples of the world, in particular, with sixty European peoples, developed similar ideas about the world around them, created similar folklore images, while at the same time maintaining their national identity. In all Belarusian folk fairy tales there are forests and swamps - an inseparable part of the country's landscape. Heroes of fairy tales go to distant lands to the thirtieth kingdom-states. Their path lies not through the seas and mountains, but through forests and swamps.
The audio book by Ales Yakimovich "Belarusian Folk Fairy Tales" includes 26 Belarusian audio fairy tales from the section "Fairy Tales": "Sonny Pilipka", "There is a lot of everything from the horn", "Sonny-with-fist", "Oh and the golden snuffbox" , "The gift of the fathers", "Alyonka", "How Vasil defeated the snake", "Musician-sorcerer", "Pokatigoroshka", "Widow's son", "Greedy rich man", "Soldier Ivanka", "Fyodor Nabilkin and real heroes", "Ivan Matinee", "Golden Apple Tree", "Give back what you didn't leave at home", "Magic pipe", "Andrey of all the wiser", "Golden Bird", "How Ivan outwitted the devil", "The blue retinue is sewn upside down", "Three-son Nameless", "Where did the pans go to Polissya", "Damn the thief", "About the priest Kirila and his worker Gavrila", "Bear".
Many Belarusian audio fairy tales contain proverbs and sayings, such as: "They say the truth: I got hired that I sold out." Or: “The reserve does not fix trouble”, “Pans and devils are of the same wool”, “All the devils are of the same wool”, “Some panic, others grieve” and others.
The audio book "Belarusian folk fairy tales" is provided with reference material, for each fairy tale you can read its summary. We offer you to listen online with your children or download for free and without registration the audio "Belarusian folk fairy tales".

Belarusian folk audio fairy tale "Pilipka-son", a Belarusian version of the plot of a fairy tale about a witch, known among different peoples. Husband and wife lived. They didn't have children. Once a husband cut a log out of an alder tree, brought it home and said to his wife: - On, shake it. - The wife began to shake the log in the cradle, singing: - Lyuli-lyuli, son, with white ...

Editorial audio article "About the book "Belarusian Folk Tales": "Belarusian Folk Tales". Retelling by Ales Yakimovich. Translation from Belarusian by Grigory Petnikov. Artist A. Volkov. For younger children. Publishing house "Belarus" of the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR for printing. Minsk, 1964. Editor V. A. Zhizhenko....

Belarusian folk magic audio fairy tale "There is a lot of everything from the horn". The poor grandfather and woman lived, they could not earn money, they only asked for alms. The old woman saved the garnets (Russian measure of the volume of loose bodies = 3.2798 l) of millet. The old man dug up a piece of land and sowed millet. Good rose millet. Yes, the crane trampled him. The old people were left without millet. Sends...

The Belarusian folk fairy tale "Son-with-a-fist" is about a small, resourceful boy who defeated both pan and wolf. Grandfather and grandmother lived. They had a little son, who was called like that: "son-with-a-fist." Grandfather went to the field. Baba cooked dinner. The little boy volunteered to take lunch to his father ("tata" in Belarusian). While the father was having dinner, the son-of-a-cam ...

Belarusian folk fairy tale "Oh and the Golden Snuffbox", in which a cat, a mouse and a fish help the poor orphan Yanka for kindness. The orphan Yanka lived in his father's hut with a motley cat. Somehow Yanka was carrying an armful of brushwood, sat down on a stump and said: "Oh, oh! .." Then an old man jumped out, asked why Yanka called him twice by the name Oh, Oh ....

Belarusian folk magic audio fairy tale "Fathers' Gift" - "Sikva-burka" and "Humpbacked Horse" in Belarusian, about Ivan the simpleton. "There lived a good man in the world. He had three sons - two smart, and the third - Ivan the simpleton. The smart ones got married, .. and Ivan still lies on the stove and plays on the pity ..." - this is how the Belarusian fairy tale "Fathers' gift" begins "....

Belarusian folk fairy tale "Alenka" about a girl Alyonka, nicknamed Urticaria. The plot of the fairy tale "Alenka" resembles the Russian and European fairy tales "Wild Swans", in which the sister rescues the brothers enchanted by the evil witch into swans. The sister had to weave nettle shirts for the brothers. In more complex plots, the condition was silence ...

The Belarusian folk fairy tale audio fairy tale "How Vasil defeated the snake" is small in volume, begins with a saying: "Was it or not, whether it was true or not, let's better listen to what the fairy tale says ..." And the fairy tale speaks of a terrible, terrible snake: strong, evil and bloodthirsty. A snake flew to one region, dug a hole for itself in the middle of the forest near the mountain, and everyone ...

Belarusian folk fairy tale "Musician-sorcerer". From childhood, a musician began to play the pipe. When it starts to play, the oxen stop grazing, the birds will quiet down, the frogs will stop croaking. People listen without moving. A sad pipe will play - sadness embraces everyone. Everyone faces his whole difficult life. The pipe will play...

Belarusian magic audio fairy tale "Pokatigoroshka". A rather long fairy tale with a simple plot, with all the attributes of a fairy tale. The peasant had two sons and a daughter, Palasha. The brothers went to look for work. Their path lay through the forest. A week later, Palasha brought bread and food to the brothers. And in the forest lived a filthy Smoke with an iron tongue. He transferred...

Belarusian folk magic audio fairy tale "Widow's son". A multifaceted plot of a long fairy tale. Multiple repetitions, a multiplicity of three, focus the listener's attention on the most important fateful moments. It all started with the fact that the nine-headed serpent Chudo-Yudo flew into a certain state and stole the sun and the month from the sky. It became bad for people to live - ...

Belarusian folk fairy tale "Greedy Rich" about how a magic silver fish helped a poor man and punished his greedy brother. There lived two brothers: rich and poor. The poor man fished in the lake - that's how he lived. Once a rich wedding celebrated - he married his son. He had many guests. “I’ll go and visit my brother,” the poor man thinks. I took ...

Belarusian folk fairy tale "Soldier Ivanka". The magic horse helped the retired soldier Ivanka turn into a hero. Ivanka served 25 years in the army as a soldier, earned a blue ticket. (Reference: The blue ticket is a certificate of dismissal from military service. Previously, the term of service in the army in Russia was 25 years. In addition to the blue ticket, ...

Belarusian folk magic audio fairy tale "Fedor Nabilkin and the real heroes". The three-headed, six-headed and nine-headed Smoky snakes are magical attributes of the audio fairy tale "Fyodor Nabilkin and the real heroes". Otherwise, the fairy tale is similar to an everyday fairy tale, where the mind and ingenuity are glorified much more than strength, even if it is strength ...

Belarusian folk magic audio fairy tale "Ivan Matinee". How much magic is in this intricately twisted, half-hour plot. Kashchei the Immortal can take on the appearance of a gray-haired grandfather: he is the size of a fingernail, a beard the size of an elbow, eyes like apples. He taps with iron shocks, snaps with a wire whip. Kashchei owns a large house on...

Belarusian folk magic audio fairy tale "Golden Apple Tree" - the Belarusian version of "Little-Khavroshechka" - fairy tales about an evil stepmother and stepdaughter. Grandfather lived with a woman. And they had daughters - a grandfather's daughter and a grandmother's daughter. The grandfather's daughter's name was Galya, and the babina's name was Yulia. Baba loved her daughter and cared for her, but she kept her grandfather in a black body, she tried everything from the light ...

The Belarusian folk fairy tale "Give back what you didn't leave at home" is a fairy tale with many magical transformations and reincarnations. One man went hunting, in pursuit of a tour (a wild bull with big horns) got into a swamp, into the very quagmire. A puny gray-haired grandfather appeared from somewhere with a long beard, in bast shoes a sazhen long and beyond ...

The Belarusian folk fairy tale "The Magic Pipe" is a revolutionary call to overthrow the power of the usurpers from the wealthy pans who profited from the labor of others. The fairy tale begins with a beautiful beginning: “Whether it was a long time ago, or recently, whether it was so or not - now no one knows about it. Well, we’ll tell you what grandfathers told their grandchildren ...

Belarusian folk magic audio fairy tale "Andrey of all the wise" - a fairy tale about happiness, a hymn of love. There lived one inquisitive lad Andrey. Wherever he looks, whatever he sees, he asks people about everything. People answered him, answered, but in the end they see that they do not know what to answer. They began to laugh at Andrei: "How can you know everything?" But Andrew decides...

The Belarusian folk audio fairy tale "Golden Bird" is a well-known story in international folklore about a golden apple tree, a golden bird that stole golden apples, and a gray wolf. In the fairy tale "The Golden Bird" - the old she-wolf rescues the good Ivan the Fool. Not without evil and greedy brothers. The tale begins with an acquaintance with the family of the main ...

Grandfather and grandmother lived. And they had a daughter, Alyonka. But none of the neighbors called her by name, and everyone called Urticaria.

There, - they say, - Urticaria led Sivka to graze.

There Urticaria and Lyska went for mushrooms. Only Alyonka hears: Urticaria yes Urticaria ...

Once she came home from the street and complains to her mother:

What is it, mother, no one calls me by name?

The mother sighed and said:

Because you, daughter, we have one: you have no brothers or sisters. You grow like a nettle under a fence.

Where are my brothers and sisters?

There lived one inquisitive lad Andrey. He wanted to know everything. Wherever he looks, whatever he sees, he asks people about everything, finds out about everything. Clouds are floating across the sky... Where did they come from? And where are they sailing? The river is noisy behind the village ... Where does it flow? The forest is growing... Who planted it? Why do birds have wings. everywhere they fly freely, but a person does not have wings?

People answered him, answered him, and in the end they saw that they themselves did not know what to answer.

You, Andrei, want to be wiser than everyone, - people began to laugh at him. - Is it possible to know everything?

But Andrei does not believe that it is impossible to know everything.

An old grandmother lived in a village. And the village was small, with ten households. And on its very edge stood grandmother's hut. Just as old as grandma.

Some kind person was found, put props to the grandmother's hut and overlaid it with a mound. And she stands, not knowing which side to fall on. The grandmother collects wood chips, melts the stove and warms herself by the fire. It is clear that the old man is cold even in summer. If there is something, then he will eat, but if he doesn’t, it will be fine.

And once I passed through that village, sir. He saw a familiar grandmother and was surprised.

A sparrow sat on a blade of grass and wanted it to shake him. But the blade of grass did not want to sway the sparrow, took it and threw it off.

The sparrow got angry at the blade of grass, chirped:

Wait, you lazybones, I'll send goats on you! A sparrow flew to the goats:

Goats, goats, go gnaw on a blade of grass, it doesn't want to shake me!

A big misfortune happened in a certain state: a nine-headed snake Miraculous Yudo flew from somewhere and stole the sun and the month from the sky.

People are crying, grieving: it's dark without the sun, and it's cold.

And there lived a poor widow in those parts. She had a little son - about five years old. It was hard for the widow to live in hunger and cold. And she had only one consolation, that her son was growing up sensible and daring.

And there lived a rich merchant nearby. He had a son of the same age as the widow.

Whether it was a long time ago or recently, whether it was so or not so - now no one knows about it.

Well, let's tell you what grandfathers told their grandchildren, and grandchildren told their grandchildren.

Once people lived in one country in peace and harmony. There is a lot of land, everything is spacious - they didn’t interfere with one another, but trouble happens to someone - they helped each other, overcame trouble.

A sparrow and a mouse lived next door: a sparrow under the eaves, and a mouse in a mink in the underground. They fed on what fell from the owners. In the summer it’s still so-and-so, you can intercept something in the field or in the garden. And in winter, at least cry: the owner puts a snare on a sparrow, and a mousetrap on a mouse.

Well, a man lived in the village. To everything grasping. Whatever he thinks, he will do. And everything was easy for him.

He once wanted to laugh at the pans. He came to the pansky yard. He looks - a white pig with piglets walks around the yard. The peasant took off his hat and began to bow to the pig.

There lived two brothers: rich and poor. The rich man himself did nothing, he had many workers. And the poor man fished in the lake - that's how he lived.

Once a rich wedding celebrated - he married his son. He had many guests.

“I’ll go and visit my brother,” the poor man thinks. He borrowed a loaf of bread from his neighbors and went to the wedding.

He came and stands on the threshold with bread. His rich brother saw:

What did you drag? I have guests here not like you! Get out of here!

And drove him away.

It was a shame for the poor brother. He took a fishing rod and went to fish. I got into an old canoe and floated out to the middle of the lake. Fished, fished - and all the small fish come across. And then the sun is already setting. “Well,” the poor fisherman thinks, “I’ll throw it in for good luck one more time.” He threw a fishing rod and pulled out such a fish as he had never seen before: big and all silver.

This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / December 23, 2012. While the process is discussed ... Wikipedia

Lev Grigorievich Barag ... Wikipedia

BELARUSIAN LITERATURE. In the field of artistic creativity, the Belarusian nationality has a rich folklore, a variety of ancient writing and vibrant literature of the new time, which originated at the beginning of the last century, enriched in recent ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Averin. Oleg Averin ... Wikipedia

Alexander Lukashenko- (Alexander Lukashenko) Alexander Lukashenko is a well-known political figure, the first and only president of the Republic of Belarus President of Belarus Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko, Lukashenko's biography, Alexander Lukashenko's political career ... Encyclopedia of the investor

I. Concept II.C. as a genre 1. Origin C. 2. Types C. 3. Fairy-tale motifs and plots 4. Fairy-tale images 5. Composition C. 6. Existence C. III. Literary C. Bibliography ... Literary Encyclopedia

Viktor Moiseevich Vazhaev Birth name: Viktor Moiseevich Rubinshtein Date of birth: 1908 (1908) Date of death: November 18, 1978 (1978 11 18) Citizenship ... Wikipedia

- (tribe). In our literature, the question arose: is there a separate Belarusian tribe at all? But, of course, the peculiarities of the B. language, their customs and customs, rich folk literature, etc. prove the existence of a separate Belarusian tribe. ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Emmanuil Grigorievich Ioffe Emanuel Rygoravich Iofe Emmanuel Ioffe, May 9, 2010 ... Wikipedia

Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Romanov. Evdokim Romanovich Romanov Belor. Eўdakim Ramanavich Ramanaў Date of birth ... Wikipedia


  • Belarusian folk tales
  • Belarusian folk tales, . Why a badger and a fox live in holes, how Vasil overcame a terrible, terrible snake, where the bear beast came from and how to get rid of annoying guests - under the cover of this book are collected ...

I found two Belarusian folk tales in the book "Krynitsa" by R.M. Mironov. To make it interesting for my Russian-speaking readers and their children, I also translated these fairy tales into Russian. Happy reading :)

Not with i bark, but rozum.

Adz i n chalavek paisho u forest firewood sekchy. He cut wood, sow adpachyts on the stump.

Prykhodz i ts medzvedz.

Gay, chalavek, let's barukazza!

Paglyadzeў chalavek on myadzvedzya: kalmach bows, dze z i m barukatstsa! Scissleep paws - i spirit out ...

E, - kazha chalavek, - why do I barukatstsa with you! Come on, let's look at you, you're strong.

And how shall we look? - the bear is trying.

Uzya chalavek to the syaker, open the stump of the beast, kill ў at the split wedge and say:

Kal i razdzyaresh gety stump paw, mean, maesh si lu. Then I'll be with you barukatstsa.

Well, motherfuckers, don’t think, tyts paw ў split well. And for the chalavek ty hours, fuck with abukh pa kli nu - that i jumped out.

Rave the bear, galloping on three paws, but I can’t crush the stump, nor tear myself out of it.

But what, - kazha chalavek, - budzesh barukatstsa with me?

No, - enchyts myadzvedz, - I will not.

That's it, - said the chalavek. – Not only can I barukazza, but I can use roses.

Ub i ў yon kli n back at the stump; myadzvedz pulled out a paw to go ў gushchar without looking back.

From that hour yon i bai tstsa sustrakatstsa z chalavekam.

Right kukue zyazyulya.

It was a geta long ago, kali zazyulya pile sam`yu chalk. Lived adna zyazyulya z dzetsi: son i dacha. Matsi skin rani tsai flew far ў forest on charvyakov, kazyulyak, and dzyatsej pack gave ў huts of hell.

Glyadz i tse well, dzetki, no where to go! Whoa me! Yana punished.

Ale dzetz i didn’t hear a lot about matsi. Only yana palatsi shukatsya spazhyva, yana close the hut with a castle, and go for a walk yourself.

I eight adnoychy so roamed that they didn’t care, as if they had ruined the key of the hell of the hut. Only fall in the evening agledzeli.

Oh, why do we need a slave? - the sister-in-law was sleeping. - Hadzem, take the key! You i dzi ў that side, and I ў geta. Yak knows the key, so hoot to me, and I know - I will hoot for sure.

Razyshl i xia yans ў pink tanks. Sister hutka knew the key and pachala kli kats brother. Ale brother Adysh is far away and lost your way.

So eight i lyata already yes getaga hour syastrytsa in lyases, in gardens i ўsё shukae svaygo brother:

Ku-ku, brother i to! Ku-ku, I knew the key! Dze you? Ku-ku!

In Russian...

Not by strength, but by intelligence.

A man went into the forest to cut wood. Chopped wood, sat on a stump to rest.

The bear comes.

Hey man, let's fight!

The man looked at the bear: a strong kalach, where to fight him! Squeeze with paws - and the spirit out ...

Eh, - says the man, - why should I fight with you! Let's see if you have power first.

How are we going to watch? - Asks the bear.

The man took an ax, split the stump from above, drove a wedge into the crevice and said:

If you break this stump with your paw, then you have strength. Then I will fight with you.

Well, bear, without thinking, put your paw into the crevice. And the man, in the meantime, fucked with a butt on a wedge - he jumped out.

The old chalaveks are poor, not less snastsina, not skatsina, but the dzezey meshmat. It was clear that it was clear, but the pit was not clear; people go with sakhoy and jump, and they go with a zhaljaznіk. Ustrachae yon dzve panna, and tye panna were: adna - Shchastse, and the other Nyashchastse. Trying yago:

Where, chalavecha, are you going?

So yon say:

Pannachki mai, kralenachki! May is such a nyashchastse: people go skating, and I go with a stinger; nyama chym prazhyvits dzyatsey.

Dak tye, hell with another gavorachi, it seems:

We will give yago.

Dak Shchastse saying:

Kali is yours, then you are yago and nadars.

So they took out and gave a pit for ten rubles and said:

- Іdzі yes huts and buy saba shaft.

Dak yon pryshoў yes huts and tye pennies shavaў ў garshok, dze byў sang. The next day, yes, Iago, a neighbor, a wealthy godfather, smoked like:

Why yama ў you sang, for May the cloaks are very ore?

Take it to yourselves, here's a place at the garnushka, - said the poor young woman. The man, the hard labor was not at home, he stood looking and n_yak not a garshka with chickpeas, he stood at the zhonka croaking:

Where are the dzela pennies with a garshk?

Zhonka conceived bazhytstsa, that she did not know that there were pennies there, and said that the neighbor of the godfather had taken the garshka. And after the peasant pasha and godfathers and become praci, cab addal pennies. Yana seems that I didn’t succumb to them at all. A peasant is a paishou and a pan, and there he doesn’t know right; for the sir said that you are worthless to me, but you only want to adapt. So the peasant's pennies disappeared.

Weeping, weeping, weeping, weeping, weeping with a stinger, even the lost two panns. You don't know them, but you know Iago. And then I try to dachshund, like an uparod; yon im daksama adkazaў, like an uparod, and yans gave a pit twenty rubles. The peasant knows the past daddy, shavaў pennies ў threshing floor ў patruhu. The very next day, the same godfather passed away and conceived a father's coat for the children, and the poor peasant's wife knew the father's coat, for she knew that there were pennies. Man, go to the house, paysha ў threshing floor get out pennies and do not know the heat. Going to the hut and becoming a mate for a wife, where did the pennies go from the patriarchy? Zhonka said that the godfather had gone and took the patruha. Duck that muzhik is a dachshund, like an uparod, hadzіў yes godfather and yes pan, but no one knows right: everyone said that they didn’t have any pennies.

The peasant, who was crying for a long time, and the most stumbled panns, and the yans gave the pit only two groschi and said:

- Idzі yes river Nyomna, there will be a shop for fish, don’t be evil. You're a father, they threw a cab on your chastse.

Yon so and zrabіў; paisho and Nemna and paprazi, they threw a cab on the yago. They threw it in, and there a lot of fish jumped out, that there was no fish. The fishermen tried:

How much would you give for a geta?

Yong tell me what to give me for two groschen. The Yans gave one fish for two groschen, and gave the other a pit for gifts. Man, uzyaushy tye fish, payshaw and home and add zhontsy, kab zvaryla. Velma's wife was glad for the fishermen and didn't boil, but lay like that. Already ehaў adzin pan ceraz that syalo; that muzhik paisho adchynіts varota and at the beginning he laughed, and the sir tried:

Why are you laughing?

And I said that I don’t eat such a fish: whoever you look at the fish, you always smile. There, pan velma got a fish and for that fish he gave a man a pair of shafts, a pair of horses and only zbozha, as long as a man has hats. So the man knows how much he is worth two groschen.

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