Movements for slow dance in pairs. How to slow dance


Every person at least once in his life danced a slow dance. Someone is delighted with the slow mover, someone does not like it. But in any case, you should at least have an idea how you need to move and what to do. Otherwise, you will step on your dance partner's foot and spoil the mood. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this, after all, you don’t need to dance the waltz. Therefore, having trained a couple of times at home, you will master it and be able to invite someone you like.

Even if you are not going to invite anyone, it is quite possible that you will be invited. And what will you do in this case? Constantly refusing is not an option, you can offend the person with your behavior. Yes, no one is to blame for the fact that you have so many complexes and you cannot learn the simplest movements.

Workout at home . But with whom? It is desirable that you have a partner, let it be mom or dad, sister or friend. Yes, anyone! If this is not possible, you will have to imagine that you are dancing with someone.

Before you start dancing, you must invite a person . It can be any appeal: “Let's dance”, “Do you want to dance with me”, “Do you mind?”. If you are a young man, it would not hurt to extend your palm to a girl. When inviting a person, look him in the face, do not be shy. If they invite you, answer: “I don’t mind”, “With pleasure”.

Be careful not to shake your limbs, as this will confuse your partner. It is possible that he also cannot dance and is as afraid as you are.

The main rule: do not make sudden movements. Slow - he's slow and slow, the movements are smooth and measured. If you twitch strangely, not only will it look funny, in addition, you will also injure the person you are dancing with.

If you are a man, you must accompany the girl not only on the dance floor, but also immediately after the invitation to dance, as well as after the dance is completed. It will be strange if you leave the girl halfway, she is unlikely to like it.

How to slow dance with a girl correctly:

  • Well, let's get down to the most important thing - the stance and movements. First of all, pay attention to the position of the hands - with your left, grab the girl's right hand and hold it at shoulder level. Thus, the arms should be bent at the elbows. Your second hand (right) is located on the back or thigh.
  • What about the distance from each other? Of course, you don’t need to cuddle up to a partner (unless you have a close relationship with him). This will hinder movement, so keep a distance of about 20 cm, this is quite enough.
  • How should a girl dance? Put your left hand on the shoulder of the man, this movement is taken from ballroom dancing. In addition, this way you definitely will not provoke a man to something more.
  • If you have a close relationship, you can not keep the distance that we wrote about above. The same applies to the position, hug the man by the shoulders. If this is your girlfriend, hug her around the waist.
  • In no case do not put your hands on the buttocks, do not try to reach the chest of the woman with whom you are dancing. This is not only uncivilized, but also unpleasant. It is unlikely that you will make a good impression this way.
  • What to do with the legs? Your steps should not be too short, or vice versa, too wide. It is important that your partner keep up with you. Try to feel it and understand at what pace it moves.

We are leading a slow

Well, you have found a position suitable for yourself, now you need to proceed to the dance itself. As you understand, the man is leading, he is in charge here. Therefore, you do not need to stand like an idol and wait for the weather by the sea.

Your movements should be confident, but at the same time not abrupt. No need to treat partners like a thing. Just point her hand in the direction you are going to move, so she will determine the direction. You can also gently push it in the right direction (push, not push !!!).

Watch your shoulders, because in the dance they are of great importance. The posture is even, the shoulders are almost motionless, straightened.

If you can't decide on a direction or realize that your partner can't keep up with you, talk to him. There is nothing wrong with talking while dancing, so you will avoid mistakes and awkwardness.


No less important stage than the beginning of the delay. Say thank you to your partner for dancing with you. In this case, you can touch the elbow of a girl or a guy with your hand, smile. And it does not matter at all whether you danced well or badly - in the end, your partner will be pleased to hear good words.

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First slow dance

First slow dance

A disco, a school holiday, a friendly party - everywhere you need the ability to dance.

Slow dance, or colloquially "slow dance" is a separate conversation. Slow dancers don't dance with the first girl they meet. This dance is reserved for a special person. Inviting a girl to a slow dance means making her stand out from the crowd. Often, slow dancing can help start a deeper, more serious relationship. However, one should not think that a slow dance is tantamount to a declaration of love. This is just a way to show a girl that you enjoy her company. How to behave further, after the final chord of music, is a completely different topic.

Here we’ll just talk about slow dancing, how to invite a girl and how to dance with her.

First of all, remember that slow dancing is not a separate art, but just a kind of dance.

Dance is rhythmic and plastic movements to music. They are performed in a certain rhythm and tempo, which are set by the music. The set of movements itself also depends on the nature of the music. Therefore, if you want to dance well, first of all learn to catch the rhythm and feel the music. You won’t dance a slow dance to a fast, cheerful melody, and you won’t dance a break dance to a long song.

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Slow dance is the most romantic dance in the world, no other can compete with it in romance. Some have loved it, some have hated it since high school. But still, most people who had no problem dancing to fast music went to the bench after the slow music started. But don't worry, even if you can't or don't know how to dance a romantic slow dance, you don't have to sit back at the end of the dance. If you want to learn how to slow dance correctly, then you just need to learn a few basic rules, trust your partner and slide very gracefully to the music.

How to invite to a lingering party?

Ask someone to dance with you. If you want to start dancing the slow dance correctly, then you need to ask your partner to dance as gracefully as possible. If you are a guy who asked a girl out on a date, you can wave your hand to her and say: “Let's dance?”. If you are a girl who made a date herself, then you should gently take your partner's hand and gently pull it, so you ask him to dance with you. Even if you are without a partner, you should still look the person straight in the eye, if you are planning to dance with him or her, you can even playfully grin or smile at her or him.

No need to worry, if you are nervous, then most likely that person is just as nervous as you. It is better to hide your nervousness, and smiling to ask with confidence.

How to dance correctly?

You need to smoothly accompany your partner on the dance floor. After your partner has accepted the tempting offer you made to him, you need to accompany her or him on the dance floor gently and slowly, there is no need to rush. Don't forget to savor the moment. If you are dating or know the person very well, then you can hold your hands or join your elbows as you head towards the dance floor. On the way to the dance floor, the man should lead the lead on it too, so the man must necessarily wrap his left hand around the right hand of his partner, and slightly lift it, and so lead the girl to the dance floor.

  • Girls, if your partner on the dance floor does not automatically lead you, then give him your right hand and turn yours to his elbow and go to the dance floor.
  • If you are already on the dance floor, then the main task is to keep your partner and yourself on the dance floor, the work is not easy, if one of you is worried about the slow, two can also be worried. If you notice that your partner is nervous, then smile at her or him and say that there is nothing to worry about.

How to behave while dancing

Position your hands correctly. The correct position of your hands plays a big role in starting the slow dance correctly. For the traditional slow dance pose, the guy should place his right hand on the middle or upper back or on the left side of the thigh of his girlfriend partner, and with his left hand gently take the right hand of his dancing partner and hold it approximately at the level of the shoulders of the taller partner, thus so that the arms of the two partners are bent upwards from the elbow. you need to stand at a distance of twenty to ten centimeters from your partner, depending on the level of intimacy that you plan to create.

  • As a rule, the girl's left hand should be placed on her partner's shoulder. This is considered the traditional ballroom dancing position, and the safe dance position for the middle school, and you still need to stand at least twenty centimeters from your partner.
  • If you and your partner are in a romantic relationship with her, or with him, then you can safely get into a position when the man hugs the girl around the waist, and the girl hugs her boyfriend by the shoulders. This is considered the traditional slow dance pose for middle and high school, it is much easier to get into this position, but it is very difficult for the one who leads the dance.
  • Hands are forbidden to wander. Even if your partner doesn't mind at all, it's capable of bringing down other dancers, and it's not pretty.

How to lead a slow

So it is customary, traditionally the guy should lead the dance, and the woman should follow his movements. This means that not only does the guy need to give the signals that the couple needs to move or turn into a new position, but the woman must also allow herself to be led. If you are a man, then you must lead your partner throughout the dance, and not move her around the dance floor like a broom. You must be very confident in your movements to show your lady when you want to move or turn into a new position. Here is a list of those actions that you should know if you are leading a girl and dancing:

  • The easiest and most effective way to lead your partner is to gently pull her right hand or push her in the direction you plan to move.
  • However, you need to make sure that you do not lead it only with your hands, if your body does one thing and your hands do another, then you will look like you do not know what you are doing or are very assertive.
  • Instead, lead with your whole body, keep your elbows and shoulders firm and supple, and then step into the direction you plan to lead your partner.
  • In the new direction, you can continue to lead your partner, and turn so that you can continue the slow dance.
  • You can also move your partner forward or backward, left or right if you want to find a more or less crowded place on the dance floor, or if you just want to mix up all the movements.

What to talk about while dancing

You need to talk to your partner. For most people, it's more about getting to know each other and getting close to a partner than about getting the right moves. No need to be shy about your partner, talk to him, look into his eyes, if the situation is right, then you can steal a few kisses. Talking to your partner while dancing will make you feel more at ease, whether you know each other or not.

There is no need to feel the need to constantly talk, this can ruin the whole process of dancing, or make some things awkward, especially since it often happens that it is very difficult to hear each other because of the music. Just a little conversation from time to time will make your dance more comfortable and fun.

Slow dance final

Your partner must be thanked for the dance. It doesn't matter who you danced with, you must definitely thank your partner for dancing. You can simply say "Thank you for the dance" or "I hope we do it again" to make your partner feel special. If you're a man and you're feeling playful, you can easily bow slightly in front of your girlfriend as you thank her to make her feel special and show that you really enjoyed the dance. If you finished the dance in this way, then your partner will definitely dance with you in the future and more than once.

  • It is recommended that you make eye contact with your partners as often as possible because it makes the dance more comfortable and strengthens the relationship.
  • Show maximum respect.
  • Be sure to talk. Many people just because of this and invite you to a slow dance to talk to you. If the conversation works on its own, then let it go.
  • It is recommended to try sliding your feet instead of lifting them. Thus, the chance of stepping on your partner's feet is significantly reduced.
  • Be sure to make sure your dancing position is comfortable for both of you. It is advisable to position your legs so that you do not have to stretch or strain them during the dance.
  • Don't try to kiss her or him right away. after the dance is over, you should slowly stretch, if the partner starts to step back, then stop. If you closed your eyes or stopped, then continue.
  • If your partner makes one mistake after another, then you should not be angry with him, he probably does it by accident, or he is very nervous.
  • If a girl really can't stand the guy she's dancing with, he should just tell him that your legs hurt a lot and walk away carefully.


Each dance begins with an invitation. It is not necessary to immediately ask the name of the one you like. Since clubs usually play loudly, it can be difficult to hear something even with calm music. But this is a great reason to lean closer to the girl’s face and, referring to the noise, ask where she works, learn how often she goes to nightclubs, what she is interested in in life, and so on. Of course, you don’t need to ask all this right away, otherwise it will not be a dance, but an interrogation. Remember that you have less than 5 minutes to study your partner and earn her affection.

Half a minute after the start of the dance, start talking about how long ago you danced to this tune for the first time. Of course the song you dance to must be an old hit. Tell that then you danced at a pioneer distance, but now you are not interested. If by this moment you have already relaxed, then it will be easy for you to lead it. Since he must lead, then you need to learn a couple of movements in advance. However, a slow dance is an expression of emotions, so there cannot be a specific one in advance.

Turn a couple of times. How you do it will depend not only on your experience, but also on the degree of intoxication, mood, emancipation of you and your partner.

Then start moving slowly, the slower you move, the more it will turn the girl on. Connect the movements of the hips. Left, right, figure eight. At this time, "explore" her body with weightless touches.

When the music ends, both of you will return from the world of sensations for some time. It is not necessary to stay after the dance for closer communication. Slip away for a few minutes. If you did everything right, then the girl will look forward to your return.


  • how to slow dance

The famous phrase "the girls are standing on the sidelines" is not applicable to modern discos and dance evenings. It has long been no longer considered something shameful for the girl herself to invite guy on dance. Moreover, in every self-respecting nightclub and even at a school disco, a DJ at least once a night will announce "white dance"when ladies invite gentlemen. And yet, not everyone dares to take the first step and tell the young man "let's dance." But in vain, because, most likely, he will say "yes."


The easiest and surest way is to act directly. That is, to approach and simply invite him to go dancing. But to be sure to get consent, proceed with caution. It is best if the young man is not in the company at this time: in this case, he is likely to be shy and refuse. Or maybe he doesn't want to end the conversation. Also, take your time with an invitation if he is clearly heading somewhere from the hall: perhaps he is in a hurry to go to the toilet and he is not up to the dance now. But if your chosen one is standing or sitting alone and looking at the dancing couples, feel free to go to him. Smile and look the guy straight in the eye and say, "Let's go dance?"

If you have time to spare, start from afar. Sit down who you want to invite to dance, and start a conversation about a party, mutual acquaintances. Chat at ease, and when slow music starts, as if suddenly exclaiming: "This is my favorite! Let's dance!" if a young man starts to balk, saying that he doesn't know how or , assure him that you are not waiting for the master, you just want to move to a beautiful melody. And since you are still sitting next to me, why not dance?

If you are not sure that the guy will agree, resort to a small. Approach him when he is alone, or recall him from the company under the pretext that something important needs to be said. And then report that a friend took you "weakly", saying that you would never invite someone like him. Men love flattery, for sure he will not miss this one. Next, let the guy know that only he can help you out now. As a last argument, you can helplessly bat your eyelashes and say: "please." It is unlikely that he will decide to refuse.

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Psychologists do not recommend starting a question with a negative. That is, you don’t need to ask the guy “Do you want to dance?”, Because it’s easier to answer such a phrase: “I don’t want to.” Say better: "Let's dance" or "I want to dance with you."

Helpful advice

Remember that any guy will gladly go dancing first of all with that girl who smiles and smells good. So do not forget about a smile and personal hygiene.


  • "Social Dancing Etiquette"

There are people who don't care if they can dance or not. Often they are simply sure that as soon as a beautiful melody plays, they will spin in a slow dance. But, unfortunately, it happens that a person looks clumsy and awkward. Therefore, in order to master the art of dance, it is important to remember some rules.


Any consists in itself of several simple figures. Anyone can master them. Of course, there are movements, but at first you need to master the simple ones. Therefore, do not rush and do not rush things. In order to become a great dancer, remember your mother to keep your back straight. After all, it is a straight back and a raised head that compensate for clumsy steps and missing the musical rhythm. Starting, you need to listen to the beat, and repeat smoothly, without fuss. And you will succeed.

Keep your distance. Keep a small space between you and your partner so you can easily follow your partner's movements. And remember, the main thing is to look at your partner during. It is very important that you remain confident. Relax and don't skimp on smiles.

Learn a few exercises that will help you in learning the different dance moves. To give flexibility, the Eiffel Tower exercise is suitable: the feet rest on the floor, and the body stretches up. Then, without looking up from the floor, lean in different directions. For the flexibility of the hands, you can do the following: in turn, raise your hands and make circular movements with them, starting with the hand and ending with the whole arm.

Who is in charge - there is no clear answer. As for the partner, he should lead the partner politely and subtly. Anyone likes gallantry and, of course, compliments, but everything should be done in moderation. Do not press it too hard, but also lead too sluggishly. The main thing is to keep in rhythm. For a partner, there is only one piece of advice: carefully catch every movement of a partner and give him the opportunity to lead you.

If you decide to learn to dance from professionals, take one of your friends with you to the first lessons. Such viewers will always be able to evaluate you from the outside and support you with the necessary advice.

Slow music, smooth movements, and there is no one on earth except the two of you ... Slow dancing is not only a way to get to know each other or get closer, but also a step towards reconciliation and even an occasion to make a marriage proposal. But in order to fan these moments with a halo of romance, you need to at least learn how to dance.


Many people think that there is nothing easier than slow dancing. Well, probably yes, if in your mind this romantic moment looks like a banal “stomping” in one place to the music. In fact, the dance contains many subtleties, such as, for example, the position of the hands. If the couple is not (or corporate), the partner's hands should be at the waist, and not slide down, even if you really want to.

Keep your distance and try to make eye contact with your partner(s). This speaks, if not about love feelings, then about showing respect for her. If you're ignoring her by looking at nearby couples, or praising the beauty of her eyes by staring at her cleavage, then why did you ask her to dance at all?

Don't be afraid to make an awkward move or step on your foot. In the end, it happened to everyone, and there is nothing wrong with that. It will be enough to apologize, or maybe you will laugh together at your own clumsiness. Wouldn't it be better if you miss the party without dancing with the one you've wanted to do it with for so long?

If you are invited to a slow dance by a handsome young man, do not miss the opportunity to make a new romantic acquaintance, casting all doubts about your dancing abilities aside. The main thing is your confidence and a charming smile, and your partner should take care of everything else.

Be liberated, forgetting about all the worries and worries, completely surrendering to dance and music. There are a lot of amateur dancers in nightclubs who are far from professional dance skills, so you should not be embarrassed by anyone. According to all the rules of etiquette, guys invite girls to a slow dance, with the exception of the “white”, where the fair half can use this right.

If you have only slow danced a couple of times and are going to a party where there will be guys, and presumably pair dances, start training at home. Of course, this does not mean that it is boring to circle the room with an imaginary partner, but it would not hurt to work on posture and physical exercises. A straight straightened back, tactful soft movements, the correct position of the hands - and half the success is guaranteed to you!

Technique of slow club dances for girls.

The distance between partners depends on the proximity of their relationship. If you just met today, then you should keep your distance. According to the rules of pair dances, the guy puts his right hand on the woman's waist, holding her palm with his left. If you are dancing with your young man, you can put your arms around his neck. In a slow dance, you can make swaying, smooth turns, steps - the main thing is that all movements fall in time with the melody. Dance the way you want and know how, do not give out the present excitement to your partner and believe in your uniqueness.

The basic rules of slow dancing for girls:

  • women in a slow dance are led, the process is completely controlled by the partner, and the lady only needs to repeat the movements after him. The initiative should be taken into your own hands only in the case when the young man is confused and cannot concentrate on the dance;
  • keep yours and your partner's legs on the same line - so you will not interfere with each other;
  • try not to make your movements abrupt, but confident and smooth;
  • watch your posture and legs - they should not drag along the floor and be "wooden".

Dance school - your step to stunning success

If you want to learn how to dance slow dances at a professional level and surprise your partner, sign up for a dance school where experienced masters will teach you all the skills of beautiful steps in pair dance. At first, all students have to face difficulties, but thanks to regular loads and training, you can very quickly come to a positive result. How quickly you will work out dance tactics and show the first results depends directly on the coach and the type of lesson. In individual training, more time is devoted to exactly your needs and developing the necessary skills. The trainer develops an individual program for you, which you gradually go through.

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