Double Angelina Jolie from Tver - Assol Vasilyeva. “Every morning I hear that Sasha is in love with me”: Assol about marriage with ST Assol’s activities in various fields


“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen… Is the whole back one tattoo? So fourteen, fifteen, sixteen! The most beloved is the new emblem of Spartak,” Sasha ST (28) counts his tattoos before shooting. He has a busy summer - several songs are released at once, preparations are underway for the release of a new album, and you also need to have time to stay at home (after all, he has been married for almost two years). ST proudly displays a ring on his finger, and at the same time talks about music, criticism and star fever.

Let's start with the recent premiere... (31). Is it true that you wrote the song?

Guilty. ( Laughs. We were introduced by a mutual friend. Before that, we crossed paths at events, greeted each other, but were not closely acquainted. Olya told me all her story with Dima, and I, frankly, went nuts. She is a very interesting person, and first of all, a fragile girl, and I was so masculinely offended by how her "friends" turned away from her. Assol and I just wanted to be there and support her. And I felt that I wanted to write a song for Olya. Her song. And he said that I would write and give her a hit!

When I write to someone, it is important for me to understand the person - this is how Yulianna (29) and I worked on The Sea, this is how we wrote Crazy Russian with Lena Temnikova (32). We recorded the song “Little Half” literally in one day. Yes, somewhere in the universe there is a demo in which I sing: "I open the world of other men." ( Laughs.)

What are you working on right now?

Now I am working on my label Istoria Music - in the spring the album of our artist Aikyu was released, and in the summer the single "Bullet". Now we have recorded a joint song with him "We do not see them." Also, our new artist is currently recording the debut album on the label.

In addition, I have two recorded duets (I can’t tell you yet with whom), one will be launched at the end of summer, the other at the beginning of autumn. The second song with Bianca is ready (31). And now all forces are thrown into preparations for my fifth solo album, which will be released in the spring of 2018.

Indeed, in the album "Handwriting", in the tab on which lyrics are usually printed, I wrote poetry. Then I thought that there must be a lot of people who write poetry, but do not have a platform where they could share their creativity. And I created the #superPOETERS project and released the first collection of poems by contemporary poets. Many then were skeptical about my idea, saying that no one needed all this for a long time and the genre moved away. To date, the project is two years old, we have released two collections of poems, we have branches in other cities and wonderful participants!

all slides

What will the new album be like?

In general, I constantly scroll through rhymes in my head, and only then they turn into either songs or poems. I am a versatile artist, I can release a song with Yulianna Karaulova about the sea, then immediately a track about the Q2ZA area, in parallel I will make a soundtrack for the film The Defenders, and then I will release the lyrical Idyll. On the new album, it will all be combined into one sound that I finally found. The record will be very frank - I want to tell you what I feel, what is happening to me, what is happening with my music and the music around. For the first time, I was in the state of a maturing rapper. As someone recently tweeted, "I'm so sorry for the rappers who wanted to die at 27 and didn't succeed." It didn’t work out for me, because I met my beloved woman, got married and is happy. ( smiling.)

So you are satisfied with the status of a ringed man?

I feel great, I call it the fellowship of the ring. I really fell in love, I found the woman I was looking for and to whom I am grateful for a lot, I talk about this in the song “Idyll”, and in the song “Gravity”, and in the poems that I dedicate to her. Now, in general, the institution of marriage and family is not in trend - copulating with everything that moves is considered cool, but being faithful to one woman is the cost of antiquity. But I live by my own principles - my parents divorced, and I never had the feeling of a complete family, so I always dreamed of creating a strong social unit myself.

By the way, for which I am especially grateful to Assol (model and TV presenter Assol, Sasha's wife. - Note. ed.) - she reconciled me with my whole family. After my parents divorced, I did not communicate with my father, and my relationship with my mother was not the best. Assol first reconciled me with my mother and regularly calls her, then with my father (he already has two children). This year we even went to the 90th birthday of my grandmother, my father's mother. The whole family relies on her.

What attracted you in the first place?

I saw her in the photo and fell in love with her eyes - I immediately realized that it was mine. Arranged through friends to introduce us. And I consider myself still that alpha male ( smiling), I never had problems meeting someone, but here I was like a schoolboy in love with a high school student and literally could not connect two words. Then I realized that everything hit. Assol, by the way, had absolutely no idea who I was and what I was, and indeed, at the word "rapper" I did not expect anything good. But in the end, I came to her in Tver and said: "You will be my wife." She laughed, four months later we moved in together, and a year later we got married.

Do you think living together kills romance?

Life should not be a problem - this is a normal creation of a hearth, a cave where I bring prey, and it creates comfort. Here we recently bought a closet and laugh that we now have jointly acquired property - a closet and a carpet. How many we meet, there has never been a day that she did not have flowers. I believe that the flower stand near my house already owes me a lot of money. ( laughing.) We try to go on dates, travel somewhere, and I’m also infinitely lucky - my wife and I support the same football club, and in general, to be honest, she knows more about football than I do.

When you go on dates, you probably get recognized a lot. For many years in show business, have you got a star disease?

I'm still waiting for star disease so that I can proudly refuse people a photo. ( laughing.) In general, I go to the subway so as not to be late for meetings (people take pictures of me very funny on the sly, and I come up and start taking pictures of them), and until recently Assol was not at home, and I just really wanted “Doshirak” (not I know if you do.) I went and bought Doshirak and shot it on Instagram, and people started asking: “Have you run out of money?” And I write: "No, I'm just too lazy to go to McDonald's." I never put myself above someone else, despite the fact that people often take advantage of this and familiarity begins.

Since you're talking about the "response for the market." How did you decide to participate in Versus ?

For the first time for me it was a challenge to myself. This is not my element at all, but I really wanted to speak out. I found the most important thing, it was then Harry Hatchet, and said everything. It was the most difficult and unpleasant battle - you go out, and a person says all sorts of nasty things to your face, and you are forced to accept the conditions of the game, stand and listen. Then there were D.Masta and Oxxxymiron (32). I am grateful to each of them that we did not raise the topic of the family and behaved with dignity. I'm generally the only one of the media artists (let's say, from pop-rap) who dared to go there. Now I'm waiting for a suitable opponent, I still have something to say.

The TV presenter gave an interview to the site. During the conversation, we learned who in Assol and Sasha's house is responsible for washing dishes, who from the couple's entourage was against their union, on what foundation the relationship of the cutest couple of rap parties is built, and much more interesting things.

Rapper ST with his beloved wife Assol
Photo: Instagram

Assol, you and Sasha have a great acquaintance story. Tell me more, by the way. He was like a fairy tale you sought.

Our history of acquaintance was not quite usual. We met four years ago. I didn't know anything about him. Then I posed for a clothing calendar. And then Sasha saw this calendar, scrolled down to my November and, according to him, fell in love! I began to find out - what kind of girl is this? It turned out that he knew my cousin Dima and my sister Alice - by that time she already lived in Moscow. Sasha asked the guys to introduce us. He was told that I was definitely not an option. Even then I lived in Tver, but this did not stop Sasha. Through Dima and Alice, he asked to arrange an acquaintance. When I found out that the rapper was interested in me, I said: “Thank you, no need.” Then they went to the trick.

I came to my sister and Sasha "accidentally" came to visit ... But I was cold and unapproachable, out of politeness I made tea, but that's all. And he didn't want to talk too much either. It turns out that he was very worried and timid then. But I later learned this from his stories. After that, we crossed paths a couple more times on the set, then on script proofreading, when our friends wanted to make a film. We just talked like friends. Sasha realized even then that you can’t just flirt with me, I didn’t even give him a phone, I considered it all pampering. He then began to develop a plan.

After a month of dry messages “at work”, he called me and said that he would soon arrive in Tver on business. I asked him to meet and orient in the city. We met. And somehow he is in no hurry to do business, I thought then that in this case it would be nice to take care of mine. And so, during the break, we sat down in a cafe and I told him: “Alexander, if you love me, then don’t waste time and effort - nothing can happen.” And he answered me: “You will be my wife!” I laughed, right at all the cafes.

Do you remember the day and circumstances when you realized that you had succumbed to his charms and were no longer ready to defend yourself?

I gave up when I realized that I had been keeping him in the friend zone for four months, but he didn’t give up, he showed feelings, he did things. He showed himself at any opportunity, and I said to myself: “A good guy - you have to take it!” It was September 10, 2014, and exactly one year later we got married. Sasha made an offer almost immediately, but we delayed painting for a long time because I was capricious: “I don’t want it in autumn, it’s cold in winter, I don’t like it in spring, I want it in summer.” And in the summer, the Kutuzovsky registry office to the eyeballs. We were turned around and told to return in September. So I was in the status of a bride for a whole year. Although, I confess, it was very pleasant.

Sasha dedicates every new line to Assol every day
Photo: Instagram

You are a fantastic couple. I'm not afraid to say: the cutest in the rap party. I know that you never wanted to connect your life with a rapper. How did it happen?

Well, why only in a rap party? I think we need to fight all over the stage, and then we’ll reach the galaxy ... We don’t do anything special for this, but thanks anyway, it’s nice. I never listened to rap at all and I certainly didn’t intend to connect my life with a rapper, but when you love a man, you love what he does, you believe in it, so I don’t have no other choice - this is already part of my life , I love it.

Remember what your mother or sister told you about Sasha for the first time after meeting him or before meeting? Maybe they asked you to be careful?

Alice already knew him. Despite Sasha's wild lifestyle, the fun and festive mood that reigned in the apartment of our cousin, Dima 5Pluh, where everyone constantly gathered, she spoke very positively about Sasha. Everyone around him considered him the most talented, serious and well-mannered, reasonable and wisest person. When he met his parents, he immediately charmed his mom and dad, they were delighted. Dad immediately began to call Sasha a son. Mom simply loves Sasha, they have a mutual love. Everyone was happy that I first had such a friend, and then a lover. I wish everyone such family unity.

You, like any girl, probably had not the most successful experience with a man. What guys did you deal with before Sasha? What did you have to deal with?

It's probably wrong to discuss other men when you're married. My grandmother always taught me not to do that. Of course, now I have the best man, but I have always been surrounded by good guys, worthy. Friends, fans. They were always unique, even marry everyone, but my heart was always inaccessible until I met Sasha. Without coquetry, I note that a woman herself must behave correctly with a man, set the right tone in any relationship - so that you do not forget to open the door, give flowers. I personally do not understand women who believe that all men are goats ... A lot depends on the woman.

Assol supports her husband in all endeavors
Photo: Instagram

How was your couple initially perceived in the party? No one put a spoke in the wheels, didn’t try to tell you what a bully Sasha is and that it’s better not to hang out with him?

Sasha always behaves like a man. And when we declared ourselves a couple, he immediately began to introduce me to everyone, introduce me to everyone, show me. He wanted me to know everyone, so that everyone knew that I was. At first I was embarrassed. After all, then everyone looked at him with such huge eyes: “What? Sasha in love? Prior to our meeting, he did not particularly advertise the relationship. At one concert, Alena Vodonaeva came up to us and immediately handed him over to me with giblets: “I have never seen Sasha so in love!” People accepted our union well, no one put a spoke in our wheels. I never felt negative views, some kind of influence. Although there were those who really wanted to talk about how Sasha was before me, but all these attempts: “But before ...” I cut down on the vine! I do not consider it necessary to know the past, and even more so to dig into it - it no longer exists! Everything that Sasha wanted to say, but this topic is not interesting to me

For Sasha, you are a muse and an ideological inspirer. What is your relationship based on? Tell me three main things. What are the rules in the house?

Yes, Sasha says that I am his muse. This is a very responsible job. Our relationship is built on love. Trite, but true. For me it is important - to love and be loved. And with Sasha we are similar in this. We also have a similar sense of humor, the same taste preferences.

We have a lot in common, although we are very different. Our relationship is built on frequent separations and very warm meetings. This is touching and sweet, we constantly miss each other, we cannot fully enjoy each other's company. Constant tours, flights, filming - all this fuels the degree of relations. We have similar views on life and family, and our relationship is based on poetry.

For a long time, Assol refused Sasha, and he said that she would still become his wife.
Photo: Instagram

How do you both behave during and after fights? Who is more violent, impulsive? Does it come to breaking cymbals?

We usually don't get into fights. Sometimes we can argue heatedly, but this is purely for work. Although I know how you can not bring it to this, I sometimes like to argue with him at work moments, because truth is born in this dispute. We persistently offer each other some options, when out of nowhere another one appears that suits both of us.

Who can stop first? How often do you ask your husband for forgiveness?

Sasha is smarter and kinder. He always knows how to translate the dialogue into a calm channel. And so, with age, you understand that you do not need to waste time on disassembly and showdown. I've only seen quarrels in clips. Once I had to shoot a scene of jealousy with breaking dishes, and I gained experience from Justin Timberlake's videos.

Do you check each other's phones?

Never! We have access to each other's phone, social networks, we have passwords, but I'm sure that he never got into my phone on the sly, just like I did into his. In all the time we were in a relationship, we never gave each other a reason. But in general, if there are problems with trust in the family, then it is necessary to solve this, work on it, and not check messages from a partner. And no matter how it was - touching other people's things without asking, in general, any things - this is a taboo, it should not be like that.

Think of the most romantic thing you did for him.

One immediately came to my mind, although there were many. Our first February 14th. We do not particularly celebrate holidays, because these are the most working days for us - regular events, corporate parties, weddings. We treat this with understanding. Then Sasha had a tour. He had to speak, fly to Moscow for two hours, and then immediately go to another city. I then realized that I needed to do something, somehow congratulate and take advantage of the situation. I made a valentine, cut out hearts. Arrived at the airport. We had breakfast and exchanged gifts. Yuri Shevchuk from DDT was also sitting next to us. He, of course, appreciated our actions, says: “Are you serious? Do you give each other Valentines? That's cute, I won't bother you!"

What lines from Sasha's poems especially sunk into your soul?

From the song "Gravity" - "I want you to be the grandmother of my grandchildren. He said this phrase to me in life, and then it became the basis for the track. There is also a line - "I want to wake up every day to fall in love with you again." He really wakes up every day and tells me this. I forgot once. I even told him that the whole day would go awry now. But he immediately corrected the situation, this did not happen again.

Have you ever written poetry for him? How do you show your love?

I never wrote poetry to Sasha - this is his story. I very often receive romantic lines from him, he can leave me postcards or notes, and then I find them.

Can your family be called the most ordinary - with the same worries, habits, responsibilities as everyone else? Who, for example, is responsible for the order in the house? How are the roles distributed?

Of course, we have the most ordinary and simple family. The only thing is, we just hang out and go out more often than others, but this is just part of our work, you can’t call it our way of life. And in our family, the roles are distributed like this: Sasha is the breadwinner, I am the keeper of the hearth, everything is very simple with us.

Was it that one of Sasha's tracks simply didn't come out because it seemed imperfect to YOU? Does your husband generally listen to you in work matters?

We both have to make concessions and compromises. We are a family, so we always respect and support each other. Sasha is the most important adviser for me. Before I do something, I always ask him what to do, what to do. He also always consults with me.

Spouses share each other's interests
Photo: Instagram

You and Sasha are now preparing for the release of the book. What is the hardest part of the sales preparation process?

Now all the forces, time and thoughts are directed to the publication of Sasha's book “Rapper against music. Poems written on the balcony. This is his first book, everything is so exciting and solemn. I am extremely proud of my beloved man.

Are you doing the project together or did Sasha take over everything? How was the idea for the project born? "Gravity"?

And the project was born very simply . At first, Sasha began to write not only texts, but also poetry. I thought about where to play with them. But he could not find a single site, so we decided to create it ourselves. And now, for three years now, we have been inviting young authors, who write poetry themselves and want to be heard, to the #superPOETRY project absolutely free of charge. And for all this time, my husband has accumulated quite a lot of poems, so the EKSMO publishing house offered to publish a book. A lot of people are working on the release. We are all getting ready. On March 23, there will be an autograph session at the House of Books on the Arbat, everyone come!

What is the main charm of life with a rapper, with a poet? What's wrong with you, like everyone else?

Main charm? Receive poems and lines left in the form of notes. And yes, we often communicate in poetic form. I tell him something, and he immediately comes up with a rhyming text from this. We have already grown up to rap performances - we portray performances for each other. Recently we were in Sydney and this musical happened right in the middle of the street. It was crazy fun, the city saw the "Wizard of the Emerald City" in our performance.

Are you comfortable in a rap party? Are you friends with other chosen hip-hop artists? Who are you closer to and why?

I feel comfortable wherever my loved one is. But now, answering the question, I suddenly thought. Rappers definitely have a secret. Their chosen ones are beautiful, smart and an example for many girls! Many are already young mothers and they are happy to share the secrets of family happiness! I know each other personally and I confirm that these girls are just as beautiful and cute in real life! Well, as for friendship… I don’t get along with people very quickly. I have my favorite girlfriends, here I am friends with them. Of course, I communicate with everyone when we cross paths somewhere. Well, here we are friends with the family of Harry Topor and Natalie. Although distance and work do not allow us to see each other often. But we love them very much.

The couple often pleases subscribers with joint pictures
Photo: Instagram

What advice can you give to girls who want to connect their lives with a rapper?

I will give advice to all girls. It doesn't matter who he is - a banker, a bus driver, a painter, a rapper ... The main thing is to remain a real woman. Yes, this is not an easy “work” every day, it requires a lot of time and effort! But trust me, it's worth it! Not even to meet a Man, but to feel beautiful, feminine, desirable every day!

Every day we need to become better than yesterday, to develop spiritually and physically. Not always the baggage that parents give us is enough to become happy. All men love beautiful, confident, successful women. Therefore, I strongly urge all girls to invest in themselves - strength, time, money. It is then that a worthy man will appear. Dreaming of a prince? Don't forget to be a princess yourself.

How does Sasha feel about the fact that you work a lot? Has he already started persuading you to sit at home and take care of the kids?

Sasha is always happy and satisfied when interesting projects happen to me, that I do what I love. By the way, this also applies to the previous question. A woman must have a job that brings her pleasure. Sasha and I have a lot to do, but, of course, we created a family for the most important joint project - a child. And not just one, we want three. In the near future, I feel that I will have a lot of things to do.

On the Versus Battle website, Alexander Stepanov, aka ST, is named the brightest and most romantic representative of rap in Russia.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born in Moscow in September 1988 in the family of a military sailor. The first years of the biography developed like ordinary boys. At school, I wanted to become a musketeer, impressed by a film with the participation, then a teacher of the Russian language, I liked poetry. He himself began to write as a teenager, and then decided that it was more interesting to convey poetry through music.

Alexander's grandfather, Igor Mikhailovich Tuzhilkin, who fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, put words into rhyme. Stepanov found out about this when he was collecting information for the MUZ-TV project for Victory Day. ST dedicated the song "Life without War" to all the winners.

Stepanov calls his guides in the world of rap and. At the age of 15, Sasha gathered a group with classmates and began recording songs.

ST song "Life Without War"

After graduating from school, Alexander entered the Institute of International Relations, and since he had to pay for his studies, he worked part-time, but did not give up music. When the father offered to pay for education, on the condition that the son “stop doing nonsense,” everything became clear to the future rapper. Stepanov left the institute and quit his job.

There are several opinions about the meaning of the stage name ST. According to some sources, these are just the first letters of the surname. Others mention some kind of accident in which the musician miraculously survived, and as if since then the pseudonym is an abbreviation for the word saint (holy).


The "black boomer" had a hand in Alexander's promotion to the musical Olympus. His label KingRing popularized ST's music through clubs and various festivals. However, the rapper released his first album, One Hundred Out of a Hundred, with the help of the Flatline agency. The first video was filmed for the track "BEEF" from this album.

In 2011, Stepanov also left Phlatline, the reasons for the separation were not explained. The last joint work of managers and a musician is the album "Na100ashchiy". Music for all 17 tracks was written by Igor Pustelnik Nel.

After the release of the 4th album "Pocherk" Alexander together with Adidas decided to found the project #superPOCHI. Aspiring poets who do not have the opportunity to publish can send their compositions to groups on VKontakte and Instagram. Then the authors are invited to perform at the Joys Bar, which is open to everyone.

The only condition is that the poems must be your own, and the reading must be recorded on video. And everything is free, without restrictions and censorship. If one of the authors manages to publish a book, presentations also take place in the Joys Bar.

Song ST and Bianchi "Wings"

On the track "Wings" from this album, performed together with the popular R'n'B singer, Alexander shot a video. "Okoloshowbiz" and "Phoenix" were released as separate singles, both songs were accompanied by a video sequence.

In June 2016, the battle between ST and. In addition to the heat and tension within the battle itself, which Miron managed to extinguish, the meeting attracted a considerable audience because the video was unavailable on Youtube for several months. The blocking, according to unconfirmed information, occurred allegedly due to an advertisement of an illegal bookmaker's office shown in the video.

The song "C.P.H." performed by ST, the Leningrad group and Florida Chanturia

However, the issue, apparently, was resolved, since for Versus the recording of the meeting between the two rappers became the most viewed - by May 2018, the number of viewers exceeded 21 million.

Song ST and Elena Temnikova "Crazy Russian"

The frontman impressed ST with the fact that he plays all musical instruments and is very demanding of all the members of the collaboration.

Another fruit of joint efforts, this time with, the song "Crazy Russian" sounded in the fantastic blockbuster "Defenders" about people with supernatural powers.

Personal life

In 2015, Alexander married a native of Tver, Assol Vasilyeva. The rapper said that for the first time he saw a photo of a beautiful girl in an advertising booklet. It was not difficult to get acquainted - ST was familiar with Assol's sister, Alice.

Vasilyeva did not know who ST was, did not listen to songs and was not very interested in this culture, although there was a relative nearby - hip-hoper Dima 5 Plyukh. But the guy won the heart of his beloved with his actions.

The beauty heard many declarations of love and yet remained impregnable, which conquered Alexander. And Assol liked the musician because his words did not disagree with the deed. Young people see the secret of family happiness in the fact that every minute they want to be together.

For a short life together, Assol and Alexander never rested together, and beautiful photos and posts in "Instagram"- just the result of the work. Vasilyeva accompanies her husband on tour as a manager. It is difficult for a rapper to work with his wife. According to ST, the wife is very straightforward, on stage and behind the scenes she addresses him strictly in a working way, and he does not allow himself to respond in the same way.

Assol is a fairly popular person herself. In the modeling business, she is valued for her resemblance to. Before meeting Sasha, she participated in a TV show, worked as a presenter, collaborated with the Geometry portal. After moving to Moscow, she met Yulia Kolyadina, the producer of the World Fashion channel, and after Yulia went on maternity leave, she began to lead her projects.

ST and "Russian Jolie" are often filmed together for glossy publications. The owner of high (185 cm) height and fashionable light unshaven looks good not only in a rapper's outfit, but also in classic suits.

ST enjoys the greatest respect among his colleagues, he also likes the work of the Marselle group. From Western artists, the rapper listens to Nas, and Pusha T.

ST now

Alexander is the author of the song "Few Halves", which he performs. According to the musician, this step was prompted by the story of Olya's separation from her husband, a football player. ST considers the TV presenter an interesting person, and first of all, a fragile, vulnerable woman. And the rapper, like a man, was hurt by the inappropriate behavior of yesterday's "friends" of Buzova, who attacked her with condemnation and ridicule.

Further collaboration between Stepanov and Buzova is being discussed, but most likely, ST will not give songs, as happened with Few Halfs.

At the end of 2017, the rapper released the Q2ZA clothing line, developed together with his wife Assol, which he announced at a concert in a Moscow club. ST was supported by Alexander Streltsov and Mojito group, 5 Plyukh and Pizza, IKA and Dino with their performances. With Alexander sang the song "Sea".

Song ST and Yulianna Karaulova "Sea"

The same evening, the musician announced the opening of his own label Istoria music. The company took up the promotion of young followers of rap and rock, but, according to the owner, is not going to be limited in the genre. Rapper Aikyu released an album on the label, a collaboration with ST called “We don’t see them” got into the rotation of MUZ-TV, TNT MUSIC and RU.TV. On the Youtube channel in the format of a series, videos of another of Alexander's wards - NoFun Band - are posted.

The song "Zhu-zhu" performed by ST, the group "Leningrad" and Glucose

In an interview with the TNT channel, the rapper complained about the lack of time and specialists, and therefore he is waiting for concert directors, PR managers who are ready to promote the work of the young to his team.

In May 2018, ST took part in a collaboration with Leningrad and. As a result, a cartoon video for the track "Zhu-zhu" appeared. He shot a video, the creator of "False Alarm" for the Canadian rapper The Weeknd and the fantastic action movie "Hardcore" with and.


  • 2008 - "One Hundred"
  • 2009 - "Peter-Moscow"
  • 2010 - "Hokku"
  • 2011 - "The 100th"
  • 2013 - "Bulletproof"
  • 2015 - "Handwriting"
  • 2016 - "#xxxxxxx1"
Alexander Stepanov, better known to Russian listeners under the pseudonym ST, is a hip-hop artist, battle rapper, host, songwriter.


The future rapper Sasha Stepanov was born on September 23, 1988 in the family of a naval officer, so his entire childhood was spent in constant moving. From the capital, where the boy was born, the family moved to Gadzhiyevo, a small town beyond the Arctic Circle, where the base of the Northern Fleet was located. A few years later, my father was transferred to Kaluga, and then the family returned to Moscow again.

Sasha grew up as the most ordinary boy, lively and cocky, played with the guys in the yard, went in for sports, was fond of modern music. Interest in rap and hip-hop woke up in his teens, after he first heard songs performed by Tupac Shakur (2Pac), the iconic American rapper.

His work impressed the young man, and he also wanted to learn how to express his thoughts in music and texts. He began to write poetry, and at the age of 15 he recorded his first track with two comrades. This is how the Souljar's Family group was born, in which Alexander mastered the art of recitative and became known in the capital's musical crowd as the rapper ST (which at that time stood for $ t Soulja).

When Alexander's parents divorced, he quarreled and did not communicate with his father for a long time, and there were bad relations with his mother.


After school, Stepanov entered the contract department at the Institute of International Relations. To pay for tuition, he had to earn extra money after classes, so there was simply no time left for his favorite hobby. Soon this situation began to strain Alexander, and he preferred music to study, which he later did not regret for a second. Having taken the documents from the university, he immediately plunged headlong into creativity.

In 2006, the young musician was offered his cooperation at that time by the already well-known Sergey Parkhomenko (rapper Seryoga). Under his production label KingRing, Alexander became a frequenter of music parties and festivals, the owner of prestigious prizes and awards. In 2008, he took part in the show of the MUZ-TV channel "BiTVa for Respect", where he lost to MC Antu with a minimum margin.

At the same time, ST began collaborating with another label, Phlatline, under whose auspices he recorded his first solo album, One Hundred Out of a Hundred, which included 19 tracks, and began touring extensively. Guf, Basta, L`One expressed their desire to record joint tracks with a young promising performer.

Clip ST "Rap is not stamped"

Soon, his second solo album "The 100th One" was released, which was greeted by fans with even greater enthusiasm than the first. In his support, the rapper shot several video clips, the most famous of which were "Peter-Moscow" and "Girl from the Periphery". The latter was filmed with the participation of Sarik Andreasyan, director of the films "Mugs" and "Defenders".

In 2012, the single "Rap'N'Roll" was released, which was the result of a collaboration with Invisible Management. The next single "I'm going to the bottom", like the video for it, made a splash in the rap community.

Linda and ST - Marijuana

The track preceded the release of the third solo album - "Bulletproof". This time, the artist, famous for his "guest" tracks, was assisted by 5 other performers: Linda, the Semantic Hallucinations group, Katya Nova and rapper Guf. According to critics, the album came out "more depressing, darker, but this only benefited the work of ST."

In 2014, ST took part in the Versus Battle for the first time and immediately defeated the experienced St. Petersburg MC Garry Topor in the final. Two years later, he met in a duel with Oxxxymiron, but this time he lost to his opponent. “Moscow has long had a burry talent, and it’s not you,” Oksimiron said, hinting at ST’s speech impediment.

Collaborations with other artists

In 2016, the rapper wrote the song "Sea" for Yulianna Karaulova.

In 2017, the musician began to actively collaborate with the Leningrad group, starred in two videos of the group, and takes part in their tours. At the beginning of the year, he recorded the song "Wings"! with Bianka, and on the eve of the release of the film "Defenders", together with Elena Temnikova, he starred in the video for the song "Crazy Russian".

Elena Temnikova ft. ST - Crazy Russian

The brutal rapper does not hide the fact that he is the author of the song "Few Halves", which he wrote specifically for

0 4 June 2017, 15:25

Today, June 4, one of the most popular Hollywood actresses turns 42 years old. Jolie has an army of fans around the world who consider her not only a talented actress, but also an icon of style and beauty. Fans are ready to do anything to become at least a little like their idol - including plastic surgery: they increase their lips, change the shape of their eyes, get tattoos, like Jolie's ... However, there are those who by nature are very similar to Angelina. the site chose 10 girls who are very difficult to distinguish from the actress.

Mara Teigen, 23, is a model from Las Vegas. The girl's followers on the Instagram account are sure that Mara and Jolie are like two peas in a pod. There really is some truth in this: Mara has full lips, expressive cheekbones and brown hair. From the age of 13, Teigen realized that she needed to use her appearance for its intended purpose and began working as a model.

Chelsea Marr is 24 years old and she looks like Angelina Jolie. However, this is not the girl's natural beauty: Marr does not hide the fact that she resorted to the services of plastic surgeons to become like her idol.

Thanks to the hashtag AngelinaJolie, Marr easily gained 117 thousand subscribers on her Instagram account and is not going to stop there.

Meet this girl - the domestic double of Angelina Jolie. Assol Vasilyeva is the wife of rap artist Alexander Stepanov, who performs under the pseudonym ST. Many subscribers of the girl are fascinated by her beauty and resemblance to Jolie. Assol herself in one of the interviews said that she did not see any resemblance to the star. However, the spectacular appearance helped the girl build a successful career: she works as a TV presenter and model.

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