Noble blood is felt in what. Why are aristocrats called people of blue blood


The noble way of life has always been considered privileged: land, a decent salary, a luxurious life that is inaccessible to peasants. After the revolution, the aristocrats, who did not have time to flee abroad, lost everything they had, and their descendants are often unaware of their noble origin. How to find out if you belong to a noble noble family? In this article, we have collected five signs that can indirectly confirm your noble origin.

Pale skin and blue blood

While the peasants worked in the fields from morning to night to feed their families and a few livestock, the nobles held balls and dinner parties. The skin of the peasants gradually darkened in the sun, became rough and wrinkled. The nobles' skin had a light shade all year round - in the heat they escaped in the shade of luxurious gardens, they preferred to arrange balls in the evening. Nobles with dark skin from birth resorted to drastic measures: they bleached it with flour and other powders, which became the prototypes of modern powder.

From pale skin, we smoothly move on to “blue” blood. Why did the expression "blue-blooded man" come into use? It's simple: the thinner and lighter the skin, the more clearly blue veins appear through it.

So, if you have noted your constant pallor and emerging wreaths on your face and neck, it's time to think about the fact that you belong to a noble family.

Thin long fingers

In every noble house there was always a piano, or even two. Music teachers came to noble girls and boys from an early age. Together they learned new etudes, which were then played by obedient children at the request of their parents at balls and parties. Playing the piano formed long graceful fingers in children. The peasants, due to exhausting work, could not boast of beautiful hands: they constantly worked on the ground, because their fingers were short, and the skin on them was rough and cracked.

Stretch your arms forward and see how proportional the palm looks in relation to the fingers. If the fingers are long and thin, then it is likely that your great-great-grandmother was a noblewoman.

Straight posture

Daily work in the fields made the peasants hunched people with bad posture and a constantly stiff back. Nobles, on the contrary, were taught to walk beautifully and correctly from childhood. This was especially true for girls: in etiquette lessons, they studied the correct gait and often trained, parading around the hall with books on their heads to exhaustion. A girl from a noble family simply had to be able to present herself beautifully: a gait from the hip, a slightly upturned nose and a raised chin. The noblewoman was still distinguished from the peasant woman by the so-called “swan neck”.

To determine if you belong to the nobility on this basis, stand in front of a mirror and take a good look at yourself in profile. It is important whether you keep your back straight in a natural position, what head position you choose while walking and talking.

small foot

Noble girls most often had small, neat feet. Remember the fairy tale about the long-suffering Cinderella? In the days of the nobility, there were a lot of such “Cinderellas” among the noblewomen. They were betrayed by fragility and elegance, and this applied to absolutely everything - from the face and hands to the shape and shape of the foot. Fortunately, wearing shoes 1-2 sizes smaller and bandaging the feet, as they did in China, did not reach, and the difference in foot length was explained, rather, by lifestyle. The peasants did not ride in carriages and horses, but spent the whole day on their feet. Their feet became wide, and the size of their legs increased. So it turned out that with the same height, the noblewomen had a smaller size than the peasant women.

If you have a small foot - size 35-37 - it is likely that among your relatives there was one who could afford sophisticated heeled shoes several centuries ago.


Noble persons have always been distinguished by talkativeness. In childhood, they received a lot of knowledge, read a lot and therefore were considered interesting interlocutors. And regular balls and dinner parties served as a unique chance to show off intellect, to demonstrate this erudition to others. This was especially true for girls who wanted to get married. In those days, enviable suitors were demanding of their future wives, and in addition to external beauty, they appreciated the ability to maintain a secular conversation. True, there was also the other side of the coin: excessive talkativeness betrayed a narrow-minded, ignorant person. Quarrels, intrigues and gossip were often born in those situations where the girls did not know how to "keep their mouths shut."

Think about whether you can be called a talkative person, and critically evaluate how much you like to gossip behind the backs of friends and relatives.

Of course, it’s not entirely correct to speculate about ancestors by external signs - who knows what trick genetics threw out when you were in the mother’s womb. And the main thing for an aristocrat is still not appearance, but manners. We have no doubt that you know modern etiquette, but for the sake of fun, we invite you to take a test on noble etiquette and find out if you would be accepted as one of your own in the secular society of Russia in the 19th century.
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Everyone has heard about the aristocratic appearance. Many can even say with certainty whether it is present in a particular person. But few people are able to give this concept an exact definition. No wonder, because even modern sociologists, until very recently, could not do this. However, after several years of research, a more or less accurate definition of the concept of "aristocratic appearance" was nevertheless singled out. Of course, there are still disagreements and inaccuracies in it, but this is only a matter of time. And now all those who are interested can satisfy their curiosity and find out what it is - the appearance of an aristocrat?

Myths about nobles

It should immediately be noted that not all people of noble birth have a noble appearance. On the contrary - often the most great and "well-born" representatives of the human race often have the most ordinary appearance, often even with some deformities. The reason for this is the concern for the so-called "purity of blood", because of which a couple for the bride or groom could be selected not for reasons of health, and even more so appearance, but for the fame of the family. At times, related marriages were also concluded, which, of course, had a negative effect on the children born in them.

Aristocratic appearance: signs

Nowadays, nobility and refinement can be found in a variety of people. The main features of an aristocratic appearance are as follows:


But, of course, an aristocratic appearance is created not only by the above signs, but also by the manner in which one behaves. True nobility is given to a person only by a straight posture, a proudly raised head, a direct look, grace of movements and politeness.

"Moon Features"

Like any other desire for the best, aristocracy had its drawbacks. So, for quite a long time, "lunar features" were extremely popular - fullness, combined with huge pale eyes, a too thin face with a rounded shape. But, contrary to most opinion, this was not a breakthrough and not the result of carefully calculated marriages, but a genetic defect that arose as a result of sexual relations between close relatives.


Surprisingly, some people, even in those ancient times, understood that excessive pallor, weakness and obvious inability to do physical work are not good, and sought to bring "fresh" blood into their family, entering into intimate contact with people of "lower" origin. . Thus, bastards appeared - nobles, whose aristocratic appearance baffled many. Well, if a well-known parent recognized such descendants, then they qualitatively improved their kind.

Anyone who has ever heard the history of the kings and aristocracy of Europe, met the interesting combination of "blue blood". What did the ancestors mean by these words, does it exist in nature and how to relate to such a phenomenon?

Representative of royal blood

What is blood?

Blood is the most important fluid in the body. It transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells, removes waste, makes the internal organs function. In each human body, it performs the same tasks, but it is not the same.

According to the popular AB0 system, blood is divided into four groups, according to the combination of antigens and antibodies.

  • The first, common species, which has no antigens and, if necessary, is transferred to another group.
  • The second, with antigen A, is only suitable for subtypes with corresponding antibodies.
  • Third, with B antigen and matching antibodies
  • Fourth, rare, in which both antigens are present, but there are no antibodies.

To understand what blue blood is, what type of blood belongs to this phrase, you also need the Rh factor. It is a protein on the surface of red blood cells. Depending on whether it is or not, Rh is positive or negative. The royal indicator is Rh negative for several reasons.

The concept of group and rhesus

Where did the concept of "blue blood" come from?

The phrase itself originated in medieval Europe. Only it was not about the essence of such a liquid, the blue blood type did not exist, since there was no division into groups. Blood groups were discovered in the 19th century. This concept meant the aristocratic whiteness of the skin, which gave off some cyanosis due to the veins approaching the surface of the skin.

"Dirty" blood was considered a mixture with residents of non-European countries, people with a skin color that was different from white. The more tanned skin, the less visible the "blueness of the blood", and the rank of such a person in society is lower.

Are there people with blue blood?

When blue blood is remembered in a person, the blood type does not always matter, because there are people who have a liquid of this shade. There are few of them on the planet, scientists are inclined to believe that there are several thousand of them and they call such people kyanetics.

There are few people with blue blood

This is explained simply - in the erythrocytes of such representatives of humanity, a blue pigment, which gives the liquid an appropriate shade. As a result, their blood is purple with a bluish tinge. In medicine, this is not considered a pathology, since it does not affect the life of the carrier in any way. The difference with ordinary red blood is insignificant and has a positive character:

  • Such people cannot get sick with a number of common blood diseases due to the copper in them.
  • They have improved blood clotting, which allows you to quickly stop bleeding.

Being a representative of kyanetics is a rarity. This parameter is not inherited, it is not clear to doctors why this happens, therefore this phenomenon is considered unique.

What groups are called blue?

The concept of "royal blood type" is a thing of the distant past. At the moment, this phrase means several opposite meanings. There are superstitions that almost every subspecies is called blue.

It is possible to figure out which blood group is considered blue only on the basis of a certain “calculus system”. In China, they developed a similarity to a horoscope, only according to a subspecies of blood, and endowed each with special features. Under different conditions, blue is called a different group. According to this criterion, a job or engagement may be denied, because the leaders or parents did not like the forecast compiled according to such an unusual “horoscope”.

Let's take a look at the two main meanings attached to this phrase and the reasons why these groups are special.

fourth negative

A truly golden can be called the fourth negative blood type. In the AB0 system, it occupies the last place and has two antigens, both A. and B, without antibodies. The special status is due to several factors:

  • The rarest and occurs in 8% of the population. The fourth positive is more common, so the negative Rh in this subspecies is recognized as the most peculiar.
  • Formed not as a result of evolution, but by mixing two other groups - the second and third.
  • Doesn't suit anyone. Such a group can only be transfused to people with a fourth negative subspecies and no one else. This makes it quite rare at donor sites, which creates problems when a transfusion is urgently needed.

Feature 4 groups

Bleeding with such a group can be fatal, as it is almost impossible to quickly find a suitable species.

First negative

The golden blood group for many doctors is the first negative. In the AB system, null takes the first place and has both antibodies without antigens. This makes it a universal donor material. The absence of lipoprotein protein, which is the Rh factor, allows it to be transfused to any recipient. This can be done due to the lack of an immune response to the protein.

Characteristics of group 1

This subspecies of blood is attributed to royal because of its versatility, however, in modern medicine it is customary for each recipient to transfuse his group. This is due to better compatibility and easier adaptation of the injected fluid. In case of urgent need, for example: during epidemics, after mass accidents or natural disasters, the first negative is actively entering in order to save as many lives as possible.

Racism and blue blood

Having figured out what blue blood is, what blood group and Rh can belong to it, it is worth saying that, in essence, this mobile connective fluid has the same functionality for any person. Does the same job, and the currently outdated grotesque concept of "aristocratic blue blood" has sunk into oblivion, equalizing all people. This is important to overcome psychological barriers and racism based on the color of the skin of people in different regions of the world.

At the moment, in the scientific world, positive meanings are invested in this concept, referring to the rare fourth and universal first negative groups to blue blood. However, the European race remained somewhat snobbish about this, which led to the emergence of fascist theory and the Hitler campaign. Many altruists around the world hope that the concept of "blue blood" in the racist sense will finally become a thing of the past after the lesson and the victims of the Second World War.


Appointment of immunoglobulin in Rh conflict, indications and contraindications

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