Rides with a diploma messenger and continued. Alexander Pushkin - The Tale of Tsar Saltan: Verse


Three maidens by the window
Were spinning late in the evening.
"If I were a queen, -
One girl says
That is for the whole baptized world
I would prepare a feast."
"If I were a queen, -
Her sister says,
That would be one for the whole world
I wove canvases.
"If I were a queen, -
The third sister said, -
I would be for the father-king
She gave birth to a hero."

Just had time to say
The door creaked softly
And the king enters the room,
The sides of that sovereign.
During the entire conversation
He stood behind the fence;
Speech last throughout
Loved him.
"Hello, red girl, -
He says - be a queen
And give birth to a hero
Me by the end of September.
Well, you, dove sisters,
Get out of the lighthouse.
Ride after me
Following me and my sister:
Be one of you weaver
And another cook."

The tsar-father came out into the canopy.
Everyone went to the palace.
The king did not gather for a long time:
Got married the same evening.
Tsar Saltan for an honest feast
Sat down with the young queen;
And then honest guests
On an ivory bed
Laid young
And left alone.
The cook is angry in the kitchen
The weaver is crying at the loom -
And they envy
The sovereign's wife.
And the young queen
Do not put things off in the distance,
Got it from the first night.

At that time there was a war.
Tsar Saltan, saying goodbye to his wife,
Sitting on a good horse,
She punished herself
Save it, love it.

Meanwhile, how far away
Beats long and hard
The time of birth is coming;
God gave them a son in arshin,
And the queen over the child,
Like an eagle over an eagle;
She sends a letter with a messenger,
To please my father.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha
They want to let her know
They tell you to take over the messenger;
They themselves send another messenger
Here's what word for word:
"The queen gave birth in the night
Not a son, not a daughter;
Not a mouse, not a frog,
And an unknown little animal.

As the king-father heard,
What did the messenger bring him?
In anger he began to wonder
And he wanted to hang the messenger;
But softened this time
He gave the messenger the following order:
"Waiting for the return of the queen
For a legal solution."

A messenger rides with a diploma
And finally arrived.
And the weaver and the cook
With the matchmaker Babarikha
They tell him to rob him;
Drunk messenger drink
And in his empty bag
Shove another letter -
And brought a drunken messenger
On the same day, the order is:
"The tsar orders his boyars,
Wasting no time
And the queen and the offspring
Secretly thrown into the abyss of waters.
There is nothing to do: the boyars,
Having mourned about the sovereign
And the young queen
A crowd came to her bedroom.
Declared the royal will -
She and her son have an evil fate,
Read the order aloud
And the queen at the same time
They put me in a barrel with my son,
Prayed, rolled
And they let me into Okiyan -
So ordered de Tsar Saltan.

The stars are shining in the blue sky
In the blue sea the waves are whipping;
A cloud is moving across the sky
The barrel floats on the sea.
Like a bitter widow
Cries, the queen beats in her;
And a child grows there
Not by days, but by hours.
The day has passed - the queen screams ...
And the child hurries the wave:
“You, my wave, wave?
You are playful and free;
You splash wherever you want
You sharpen sea stones
You drown the shore of the earth,
Raise the ships
Do not destroy our soul:
Throw us out on land!"
And the wave listened:
Right there on the shore
The barrel was taken out lightly
And she stepped back slowly.
The mother with the baby is saved;
She feels the earth.
But who will take them out of the barrel?
Will God leave them?
The son rose to his feet
He rested his head on the bottom,
Struggled a little:
“As if there is a window on the yard
Should we do it?" he said
Kick the bottom out and get out.

Mother and son are now free;
They see a hill in a wide field;
The blue sea all around
Oak green over the hill.
Son thought: good dinner
We would, however, need.
He breaks at the oak branch
And in tight bends the bow,
Silk cord from the cross
Pulled on an oak bow,
I broke a thin cane,
I sharpened it with a light arrow
And went to the edge of the valley
Look for game by the sea.

He only comes to the sea
So he hears like a groan ...
It can be seen that the sea is not quiet:
Looks - sees the matter famously:
The swan beats among the swells,
The kite rushes over her;
That poor thing is crying
The water around is muddy and whipping ...
He has spread his claws
Biting bloody piqued ...
But just as the arrow sang -
I hit a kite in the neck -
The kite shed blood in the sea.
The prince lowered his bow;
Looks: the kite is drowning in the sea
And not a bird's cry groans,

The swan swims around
The evil kite pecks,
Death is near,
It beats with a wing and drowns in the sea -
And then to the prince
Says in Russian:
“You are the prince, my savior,
My mighty deliverer
Don't worry about me
You won't eat for three days
That the arrow was lost in the sea;
This grief is not grief.
I will repay you well
I will serve you later:
You did not deliver the swan,
Left the girl alive;
You didn't kill a kite
Shot the sorcerer.
I will never forget you:
You will find me everywhere
And now you come back
Don't worry and go to sleep."

The swan flew away
And the prince and the queen,
Spending the whole day like this
We decided to lie down on an empty stomach.
Here the prince opened his eyes;
Shaking the dreams of the night
And wondering in front of you
He sees a big city
Walls with frequent battlements,
And behind the white walls
Church tops gleam
and holy monasteries.
He soon wakes the queen;
She gasps! .. “Will it be? -
He says, I see:
My swan amuses me."
Mother and son go to the city.
Just stepped on the fence
deafening chime
Rising from all sides

People are pouring towards them,
The church choir praises God;
In golden carts
A lush courtyard meets them;
Everyone praises them loudly
And the prince is crowned
Princely cap, and the head
They proclaim over themselves;
And in the midst of their capital,
With the permission of the queen,
On the same day he began to reign
And he called himself: Prince Guidon.

The wind is blowing on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On swollen sails.
The sailors marvel
Crowding on the boat
On a familiar island
A miracle is seen in reality:
The new golden-domed city,
Pier with a strong outpost -
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests arrive at the outpost

He feeds and waters them
And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining for
And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
"We've traveled all over the world
traded sables,
Chornoburshi foxes;
And now we're out of time
We're going straight east
Past the island of Buyana,

The prince then said to them:
"Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
Kudos to him from me."
The guests are on their way, and Prince Gvidon
From the shore with a sad soul
Accompanies their long-distance run;
Look - over flowing waters
The white swan is swimming.

Saddened by what? -
She tells him.

The prince replies sadly:
"Sadness-longing eats me,
Defeated the young man:
I would like to see my father."
Swan to the prince: “That's the grief!
Well listen: do you want to go to sea
Follow the ship?
Be, prince, you are a mosquito.
And waved its wings
Splashed water noisily
And splashed him
Everything from head to toe.
Here he has shrunk to a point.
Turned into a mosquito
Flew and squeaked
The ship overtook the sea,
Slowly went down
On the ship - and hid in the gap.
The wind blows merrily
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
It's visible from a distance.
Here the guests came ashore;
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
Our darling has flown.
He sees: all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan sits in the chamber
On the throne and in the crown
With a sad thought on his face;

And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha
Sitting around the king
And look into his eyes.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Life beyond the sea is bad,
In the light, what a miracle:
In the sea, the island was steep,
Not private, not residential;
It lay on an empty plain;
A single oak tree grew on it;
And now stands on it
New city with a palace
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens,
And Prince Gvidon sits in it;
He sent you a bow."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle;
He says: "If I live,
I will visit a wonderful island,
I'll stay at Guidon's.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha
They don't want to let him go
Wonderful island to visit.
“Already a curiosity, well, right, -
Winking at others slyly,
The cook says -
The city is by the sea!
Know that this is not a trifle:
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel,
Squirrel sings songs
And he gnaws all the nuts,
And nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
That's what they call a miracle."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle,
And the mosquito is angry, angry -
And the mosquito got stuck
Aunt right in the right eye.
The cook turned pale
Died and crumpled.
Servants, in-laws and sister
With a cry they catch a mosquito.
"You damned moth!
We love you!..” And He is in the window
Yes, calmly in your lot
Flew across the sea.

Again the prince walks by the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
The white swan is swimming.
“Hello, my beautiful prince!

Saddened by what? -
She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
“Sadness-longing eats me;
Miracle wonderful start
I'd like to. Somewhere there
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel;
Wonder, right, not a trifle -
Squirrel sings songs
Yes, he gnaws all the nuts,
And nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
But maybe people are lying.
The swan replies to the prince:
“The light tells the truth about the squirrel;
I know this miracle;
Enough, prince, my soul,
Do not worry; happy service
To lend you I am in friendship.
With an uplifted soul
The prince went home;
Just stepped into the wide yard -
Well? under the high tree
Sees the squirrel in front of everyone
Golden gnaws on a nut,
Emerald takes out
And collects the shell
Heaps equal heaps,
And sings with a whistle
With honesty in front of all the people:
Whether in the garden, in the garden.
Prince Gvidon was amazed.
“Well, thank you,” he said,
Oh yes swan - God forbid,
As for me, the fun is the same.
Prince for the squirrel later
Built a crystal house.
sent a guard to him
And besides, the deacon forced
A strict account of the nuts is news.
Profit to the prince, honor to the squirrel.

The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On raised sails
Past the steep island
Past the big city:
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests come to the outpost;
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
They are fed and watered
And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining for
And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
"We've traveled all over the world
We traded horses
All don stallions,
And now we've got time -
And we have a long way to go:
Past Buyana Island
To the realm of the glorious Saltan..."
Then the prince says to them:
"Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
Yes, tell me: Prince Guidon
He sends his bow to the tsar.”

The guests bowed to the prince,
They got out and hit the road.
To the sea the prince - and the swan is there
Already walking on the waves.
The prince prays: the soul asks,
It pulls and pulls...
Here she is again
Instantly sprinkled everything:
The prince turned into a fly,
Flew and dropped
Between sea and sky
On the ship - and climbed into the gap.

The wind blows merrily
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
In the kingdom of the glorious Saltan -
And the desired country
It's visible from afar;
Here the guests came ashore;
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
Our darling has flown.
He sees: all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan sits in the chamber
On the throne and in the crown,
With a sad thought on his face.
And the weaver with Babarikha
Yes, with a crooked cook
They sit around the king.
They look like evil frogs.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Overseas life is not bad;
In the light, what a miracle:
An island in the sea lies
The city stands on the island
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens;
Spruce grows in front of the palace,
And under it is a crystal house;
The squirrel lives there tame,
Yes, what an entertainer!
Squirrel sings songs
Yes, he gnaws all the nuts,
And nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
Servants guard the squirrel
They serve her as servants of various kinds -
And a clerk was assigned
Strict account of nuts news;
Gives her army honor;
Pour coins from shells
Let them float around the world;
Girls pour emerald
In pantries, but under a bushel;
Everyone in that island is rich
There is no pic, there are wards everywhere;
And Prince Gvidon sits in it;
He sent you a bow."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle.
"If only I'm alive,
I will visit a wonderful island,
I'll stay at Guidon's.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha
They don't want to let him go
Wonderful island to visit.
Smiling under the rug,
The weaver says to the king:
"What's so amazing about that? Here you go!
Squirrel gnaws pebbles,
Throws gold and into piles
Rakes emeralds;
This does not surprise us
Are you telling the truth, no?
There is another wonder in the world:
The sea rages violently
Boil, raise a howl,
Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a noisy run,
And find themselves on the shore
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes
All beauties are gone
young giants,
Everyone is equal, as for selection,
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
It's a miracle, it's such a miracle
You can be fair!”
Smart guests are silent,
They don't want to argue with her.
Tsar Saltan marvels at the diva,
And Gvidon is angry, angry ...
He buzzed and just
Auntie sat on her left eye,
And the weaver turned pale:
"Ai!" - and immediately crooked;
Everyone shouts: "Catch, catch,
Give it up, give it up...
Here already! stay a little
Wait ... "And the prince in the window,
Yes, calmly in your lot
Flew across the sea.

The prince walks by the blue of the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
The white swan is swimming.
“Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what? -
She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
"Sadness-longing eats me -
I would like a marvel
Transfer me to my lot.
- "And what is this miracle?"
- “Somewhere it will swell violently
Okian, will raise a howl,
Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a noisy run,
And find themselves on the shore
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes
All handsome young
The giants are gone
Everyone is equal, as for selection,
Uncle Chernomor is with them.”
The swan replies to the prince:
“Is that what, prince, confuses you?
Don't worry, my soul
I know this miracle.
These knights of the sea
After all, all my brothers are my own.
Don't be sad, go
Wait for your brothers to visit."

The prince went, forgetting grief,
Sat on the tower and on the sea
He began to look; the sea suddenly
buzzed around,
Splashed in a noisy run
And left on the shore
Thirty-three heroes;

In scales, like the heat of grief,
Knights are coming in couples,
And, shining with gray hair,
Uncle is ahead
And leads them to the city.
Prince Gvidon escapes from the tower,
Meets dear guests;
In a hurry, the people are running;
Uncle to the prince says:
"The swan sent us to you
And punished
Your glorious city to keep
And bypass the watch.
We are now daily
We will definitely be together
At your high walls
Come out of the waters of the sea,
So we'll see you soon
And now it's time for us to go to sea;
The air of the earth is heavy for us."
Everyone then went home.

The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On raised sails
Past the steep island
Past the big city;
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests come to the outpost;
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
They are fed and watered
And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining for?
And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
We traded bulat
Pure silver and gold
And now we are out of time;
And we have a long way to go
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan.
Then the prince says to them:
"Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
To the glorious Tsar Saltan.
Yes, tell me: Prince Guidon
He sends his bow to the king."

The guests bowed to the prince,
They got out and hit the road.
To the sea the prince, and the swan is there
Already walking on the waves.
Prince again: the soul de asks ...
It pulls and pulls...
And again she
Splattered all over.
Here he is greatly reduced.
The prince turned into a bumblebee,
It flew and buzzed;
The ship overtook the sea,
Slowly went down
Aft - and hid in the gap.

The wind blows merrily
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
It's visible from a distance.
Here come the guests.
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
Our darling has flown.
He sees, all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan sits in the chamber
On the throne and in the crown,
With a sad thought on his face.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha
Sitting around the king
Four all three look.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Overseas life is not bad;
In the light, what a miracle:
An island in the sea lies
The city stands on the island,
Every day there is a miracle:
The sea rages violently
Boil, raise a howl,
Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a quick run -
And stay on the beach
Thirty-three heroes
In scales of golden grief,
All handsome young
The giants are gone
Everyone is equal, as in selection;
Old uncle Chernomor
With them comes out of the sea
And brings them out in pairs,
To keep that island
And bypass the watch -
And that guard is not more reliable,
Not braver, not more diligent.
And Prince Gvidon sits there;
He sent you a bow."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle.
"As long as I'm alive,
I will visit a wonderful island
And I’ll stay with the prince.”
Cook and weaver
Not a gugu - but Babarikha,
Laughing, he says:
“Who will surprise us with this?
People come out of the sea
And they wander around on their own!
Whether they tell the truth or lie,
I don't see the diva here.
Is there such a diva in the world?
Here comes the true rumor:
There is a princess beyond the sea,
What you can't take your eyes off:
In the daytime, the light of God eclipses,
Lights up the earth at night
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns.
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava;
And as the speech says,
Like a river murmurs.
You can speak fairly.
It's a miracle, it's a miracle."
Smart guests are silent:
They don't want to argue with a woman.
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle -
And the prince, though angry,
But he regrets
His old grandmother:
He buzzes over her, spinning -
Sits right on her nose,
The nose was stung by the hero:
A blister popped up on my nose.
And again the alarm went:
"Help, for God's sake!
Guard! catch, catch,
Give it up, give it up...
Here already! wait a little
Wait! .. "And the bumblebee in the window,
Yes, calmly in your lot
Flew across the sea.

The prince walks by the blue of the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
The white swan is swimming.
“Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what? -
She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
“Sadness-longing eats me:
People get married; I look
Not married only I go.
- “And who is in mind
You have?" - "Yes, in the world,
They say there is a princess
That you can't take your eyes off.
In the daytime, the light of God eclipses,
Lights up the earth at night
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns.
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava;
He speaks sweetly
It's like a river is babbling.
Only, complete, is it true?
The prince fearfully waits for an answer.
The white swan is silent
And after thinking, he says:
"Yes! there is such a girl.
But the wife is not a mitten:
You can't shake off a white pen
Yes, you can’t shut your belt.
I will serve you with advice -
Listen: about everything about it
Think through the way
Don't repent later."
The prince began to swear before her,
It's time for him to get married
What about it about everything
He changed his mind by;
What is ready with a passionate soul
For the beautiful princess
He walks to go from here
At least for distant lands.
The swan is here, taking a deep breath,
Said: “Why far?
Know that your fate is near
After all, this princess is me.
Here she flaps her wings
Flew over the waves
And to the shore from above
Dropped into the bushes
Startled, shaken off
And the princess turned around:

The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns;
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava;
And as the speech says,
Like a river murmurs.
The prince embraces the princess,
Presses against a white chest
And leads her quickly
To my dear mother.
Prince at her feet, begging:
"Dear Empress!
I chose my wife
Daughter obedient to you.
We ask both permissions
your blessings:
bless the children
Live in council and love."

Over the head of their obedient
Mother with miraculous icon
Sheds tears and says:
"God will reward you, children."
The prince was not going for a long time,
Married to the princess;
They began to live and live
Yes, wait for the offspring.

The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On swollen sails
Past the steep island
Past the big city;
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests arrive at the outpost.
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit.
He feeds and waters them
And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining for
And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
"We've traveled all over the world
We traded in vain
unspecified product;
And we have a long way to go:
Come back to the east
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan.
The prince then said to them:
"Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
Yes, remind him
To his sovereign:
He promised to visit us
And so far I have not gathered -
I send him my regards."
The guests are on their way, and Prince Gvidon
Stayed at home this time.
And he did not leave his wife.

The wind blows merrily
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And a familiar country
It's visible from a distance.
Here come the guests.
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
Guests see: in the palace
The king is seated in his crown.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha
Sitting around the king
Four all three look.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Overseas life is not bad,
In the light, what a miracle:
An island in the sea lies
The city stands on the island,
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens;
Spruce grows in front of the palace,
And below it is a crystal house:
The squirrel lives in it tame,
Yes, what a miracle!
Squirrel sings songs
Yes, he gnaws all the nuts;
And nuts are not simple,
The shells are golden.
The cores are pure emerald;
The squirrel is groomed, protected.
There is another wonder:
The sea rages violently
Boil, raise a howl,
Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a quick run,
And find themselves on the shore
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes
All beauties are gone
young giants,
Everyone is equal, as in the selection -
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
And that guard is not more reliable,
Not braver, not more diligent.
And the prince has a wife,
What you can't take your eyes off:
In the daytime, the light of God eclipses,
Illuminates the earth at night;
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns.
Prince Gvidon rules that city,
Everyone zealously praises him;
He sent you a bow
Yes, he blames you:
He promised to visit us,
And so far I haven’t gathered.”

Here the king could not resist,
He ordered the fleet to be equipped.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha
They don't want to let the king go
Wonderful island to visit.
But Saltan does not listen to them
And just calms them down:
"What am I? king or child? -
He says not jokingly. -
Now I'm going!" - Here he stomped,
He went out and slammed the door.

Gvidon is sitting under the window,
Silently looks at the sea:
It does not make noise, it does not whip,
Just barely trembles.
And in the azure distance
Ships appeared:
Through the plains of Okiyana
The fleet of Tsar Saltan is coming.
Prince Gvidon then jumped up,
He shouted loudly:
“My dear mother!
You are a young princess!
Look there:
Father is coming here."

The fleet is approaching the island.
Prince Gvidon points the pipe:
The king is on deck
And looks at them through the chimney;
With him is a weaver with a cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha;
They are surprised
unfamiliar side.
The cannons fired at once;
The bell towers rang;
Gvidon himself goes to the sea;
There he meets the king
With a cook and a weaver,
With the matchmaker Babarikha;
He brought the king into the city,
Saying nothing.

Everyone now goes to the wards:
Armor shines at the gate,
And stand in the eyes of the king
Thirty-three heroes
All handsome young
The giants are gone
Everyone is equal, as for selection,
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
The king stepped into the wide courtyard:
There under the high tree
The squirrel sings a song
The golden nut gnaws
Emerald takes out
And lowers it into the bag;
And a large yard is sown
Golden shell.
The guests are far away - hastily
Look - what? princess is amazing
Under the scythe the moon shines,
And in the forehead a star burns:
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava
And she leads her mother-in-law.
The king looks - and finds out ...
Zealousness leaped up in him!
"What I see? what's happened?
How!" - and the spirit in him took up ...
The king burst into tears
He embraces the queen
And the son, and the young woman,

And they all sit down at the table;
And the merry feast went.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha
They ran to the corners;
They were found hard there.
Here they confessed everything
They confessed, burst into tears;
Such a king for joy
He sent all three home.
The day has passed - Tsar Saltan
They put me to bed drunk.
I was there; honey, drinking beer -
And his mustache just wet.

Were spinning late in the evening.
"If I were a queen, -
One girl says
That is for the whole baptized world
I would prepare a feast."

"If I were a queen, -
Her sister says,
That would be one for the whole world
I wove canvases.

"If I were a queen, -
The third sister said, -
I would be for the father-king
She gave birth to a hero."

Just had time to say
The door creaked softly
And the king enters the room,
The sides of that sovereign.

During the entire conversation
He stood behind the fence;
Speech last throughout
Loved him.

"Hello, red girl, -
He says - be a queen
And give birth to a hero
Me by the end of September.
Well, you, dove sisters,
Get out of the light
Ride after me
Following me and my sister:
Be one of you weaver
And another cook."

The tsar-father came out into the canopy.
Everyone went to the palace.
The king did not gather for a long time:
Got married the same evening.
Tsar Saltan for an honest feast
Sat down with the young queen;
And then honest guests
On an ivory bed
Laid young
And left alone.
The cook is angry in the kitchen
The weaver is crying at the loom,
And they envy
The sovereign's wife.

And the young queen
Do not put things off in the distance,
Got it from the first night.

At that time there was a war.
Tsar Saltan, saying goodbye to his wife,
Sitting on a good horse,
She punished herself
Save it, love it.

// Complete works: in 10 volumes - L .: Nauka. Leningrad. department, 1977-1979. - T. 4. Poems. Fairy tales. - 1977. - S. 313-337.

Fairy tale
about Tsar Saltan, about his son
glorious and mighty hero
Prince Gvidon Saltanovich
and about the beautiful princess Swans

Three maidens by the window
Were spinning late in the evening.
"If I were a queen, -
One girl says
That is for the whole baptized world
I would prepare a feast."
"If I were a queen, -
Her sister says
That would be one for the whole world
I wove canvases.
"If I were a queen, -
The third sister said, -
I would be for the father-king
She gave birth to a hero."

Just had time to say
The door creaked softly
And the king enters the room,
The sides of that sovereign.
During the entire conversation
He stood behind the fence;
Speech last throughout
Loved him.
"Hello, red girl, -
He says - be a queen
And give birth to a hero
Me by the end of September.
Well, you, dove sisters,
Get out of the light
Ride after me
Following me and my sister:
Be one of you weaver
And another cook."

The tsar-father came out into the canopy.
Everyone went to the palace.
The king did not gather for a long time:
Got married the same evening.
Tsar Saltan for an honest feast
Sat down with the young queen;
And then honest guests
On an ivory bed
Laid young
And left alone.
The cook is angry in the kitchen
The weaver is crying at the loom,
And they envy
The sovereign's wife.
And the young queen
Do not put things off in the distance,
Got it from the first night.

At that time there was a war.
Tsar Saltan, saying goodbye to his wife,
Sitting on a good horse,
She punished herself
Save it, love it.
While he is far away
Beats long and hard
The time of birth is coming;
God gave them a son in arshin,
And the queen over the child
Like an eagle over an eagle;
She sends a letter with a messenger,
To please my father.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They want to let her know
They tell you to take over the messenger;
They themselves send another messenger
Here's what word for word:
"The queen gave birth in the night
Not a son, not a daughter;
Not a mouse, not a frog,
And an unknown little animal.

As the king-father heard,
What did the messenger bring him?
In anger he began to wonder
And he wanted to hang the messenger;
But softened this time
He gave the messenger the following order:
"Waiting for the return of the king
For a legal solution."

A messenger rides with a diploma,
And finally arrived.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They tell him to rob him;
Drunk messenger drink
And in his empty bag
Shove another letter -
And brought a drunken messenger
On the same day, the order is:
"The tsar orders his boyars,
Wasting no time
And the queen and the offspring
Secretly thrown into the abyss of waters.
There is nothing to do: the boyars,
Having mourned about the sovereign
And the young queen
A crowd came to her bedroom.
Declared the royal will -
She and her son have an evil fate,
Read the decree aloud
And the queen at the same time
They put me in a barrel with my son,
Prayed, rolled
And they let me into Okiyan -
So ordered de Tsar Saltan.

The stars are shining in the blue sky
In the blue sea the waves are whipping;
A cloud is moving across the sky
The barrel floats on the sea.
Like a bitter widow
Cries, the queen beats in her;
And a child grows there
Not by days, but by hours.
The day has passed, the queen cries ...
And the child hurries the wave:
“You, my wave, wave!
You are playful and free;
You splash wherever you want
You sharpen sea stones
You drown the shore of the earth,
Raise the ships
Do not destroy our soul:
Throw us out on land!"
And the wave listened:
Right there on the shore
The barrel was taken out lightly
And she stepped back slowly.
The mother with the baby is saved;
She feels the earth.
But who will take them out of the barrel?
Will God leave them?
The son rose to his feet
He rested his head on the bottom,
Struggled a little:
“As if there is a window on the yard
Should we do it?" he said
Kick the bottom out and get out.

Mother and son are now free;
They see a hill in a wide field,
The blue sea all around
Oak green over the hill.
Son thought: good dinner
We would, however, need.
He breaks at the oak branch
And in tight bends the bow,
Silk cord from the cross
Pulled on an oak bow,
I broke a thin cane,
I sharpened it with a light arrow
And went to the edge of the valley
Look for game by the sea.

He only comes to the sea
So he hears like a groan ...
It can be seen that the sea is not quiet;
Looks - sees the matter famously:
The swan is beating among the swells,
The kite rushes over her;
That poor thing is crying
The water around is muddy and whipping ...
He has spread his claws
The bloody nibble pricked up ...
But as soon as the arrow sang,
I hit a kite in the neck -
The kite shed blood in the sea,
The prince lowered his bow;
Looks: the kite is drowning in the sea
And not a bird's cry groans,
The swan swims around
The evil kite pecks,
Death is near,
Beats with a wing and drowns in the sea -
And then to the prince
Says in Russian:
“You, prince, are my savior,
My mighty deliverer
Don't worry about me
You won't eat for three days
That the arrow was lost in the sea;
This grief is not grief.
I will repay you well
I will serve you later:
You did not deliver the swan,
Left the girl alive;
You didn't kill a kite
Shot the sorcerer.
I will never forget you:
You will find me everywhere
And now you come back
Don't worry and go to sleep."

The swan flew away
And the prince and the queen,
Spending the whole day like this
We decided to lie down on an empty stomach.
Here the prince opened his eyes;
Shaking the dreams of the night
And wondering in front of you
He sees a big city
Walls with frequent battlements,
And behind the white walls
Church tops gleam
and holy monasteries.
He soon wakes the queen;
She gasps! .. “Will it be? -
He says, I see:
My swan amuses me."
Mother and son go to the city.
Just stepped on the fence
deafening chime
Rising from all sides
People are pouring towards them,
The church choir praises God;
In golden carts
A lush courtyard meets them;
Everyone praises them loudly
And the prince is crowned
Princely cap, and the head
They proclaim over themselves;
And in the midst of their capital,
With the permission of the queen,
On the same day he began to reign
And he called himself: Prince Guidon.

The wind is blowing on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On swollen sails.
The sailors marvel
Crowding on the boat
On a familiar island
A miracle is seen in reality:
The new golden-domed city,
Pier with a strong outpost;
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests come to the outpost;

He feeds and waters them
And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining
And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
"We've traveled all over the world
traded sables,
Silver foxes;
And now we're out of time
We're going straight east
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan…”
The prince then said to them:
"Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
Kudos to him from me."
The guests are on their way, and Prince Gvidon
From the shore with a sad soul
Accompanies their long-distance run;
Look - over flowing waters
The white swan is swimming.

Saddened by what? -
She tells him.
The prince replies sadly:
"Sadness-longing eats me,
Defeated the young man:
I would like to see my father."
Swan to the prince: “That's the grief!
Well, listen: you want to go to sea
Follow the ship?
Be, prince, you are a mosquito.
And waved its wings
Splashed water noisily
And splashed him
Everything from head to toe.
Here he has shrunk to a point.
Turned into a mosquito
Flew and squeaked
The ship overtook the sea,
Slowly went down
On the ship - and hid in the gap.

The wind blows merrily
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
It's visible from a distance.
Here the guests came ashore;

And follow them to the palace
Our darling has flown.
He sees: all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan sits in the chamber
On the throne and in the crown
With a sad thought on his face;
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
Sitting around the king
And look into his eyes.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas, or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Life beyond the sea is not bad,
In the light, what a miracle:
In the sea, the island was steep,
Not private, not residential;
It lay on an empty plain;
A single oak tree grew on it;
And now stands on it
New city with a palace
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens,
And Prince Gvidon sits in it;
He sent you a bow."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle;
He says: "If I live,
I will visit a wonderful island,
I'll stay at Guidon's.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They don't want to let him go
Wonderful island to visit.
“Already a curiosity, well, right, -
Winking at others slyly,
The cook says -
The city is by the sea!
Know that this is not a trifle:
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel,
Squirrel sings songs
And the nuts gnaw everything,
And nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
That's what they call a miracle."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle,
And the mosquito is angry, angry -
And the mosquito got stuck
Aunt right in the right eye.
The cook turned pale
Died and crumpled.
Servants, in-laws and sister
With a cry they catch a mosquito.
"You damned moth!
We are you! .. ”And he is in the window,
Yes, calmly in your lot
Flew across the sea.

Again the prince walks by the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
The white swan is swimming.
“Hello, my beautiful prince!

Saddened by what? -
She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
“Sadness-longing eats me;
Miracle wonderful start
I'd like to. Somewhere there
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel;
Wonder, right, not a trifle -
The squirrel sings songs
Yes, the nuts gnaw everything,
And nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
But maybe people are lying.
The swan replies to the prince:
“The light tells the truth about the squirrel;
I know this miracle;
Enough, prince, my soul,
Do not worry; happy service
To lend you I am in friendship.
With an uplifted soul
The prince went home;
Just stepped into the wide yard -
Well? under the high tree
Sees the squirrel in front of everyone
Golden gnaws on a nut,
Emerald takes out
And collects the shell
Heaps equal piles
And sings with a whistle
With honesty in front of all the people:
Whether in the garden, in the garden.
Prince Gvidon was amazed.
“Well, thank you,” he said,
Oh yes swan - God forbid,
As for me, the fun is the same.
Prince for the squirrel later
Built a crystal house
sent a guard to him
And besides, the deacon forced
A strict account of the nuts is news.
Profit to the prince, honor to the squirrel.

The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On raised sails
Past the steep island
Past the big city:
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests come to the outpost;
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
They are fed and watered
And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining
And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
"We've traveled all over the world
We traded horses
All Don stallions
And now we've got time -
And we have a long way to go:
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan…”
Then the prince says to them:
"Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
Yes, tell me: Prince Guidon
He sends his bow to the tsar.”

The guests bowed to the prince,

To the sea the prince - and the swan is there
Already walking on the waves.
The prince prays: the soul asks,
It pulls and pulls...
Here she is again
Instantly sprinkled everything:
The prince turned into a fly,
Flew and dropped
Between sea and sky
On the ship - and climbed into the gap.

The wind blows merrily
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
In the kingdom of the glorious Saltan -
And the desired country
It's visible from afar;
Here the guests came ashore;
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
Our darling has flown.
He sees: all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan sits in the chamber
On the throne and in the crown,
With a sad thought on his face.
And the weaver with Babarikha
Yes, with a crooked cook
Sitting around the king
They look like evil frogs.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas, or is it bad,
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Overseas life is not bad;
In the light, what a miracle:
An island in the sea lies
The city stands on the island
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens;
Spruce grows in front of the palace,
And under it is a crystal house;
The squirrel lives there tame,
Yes, what an entertainer!
The squirrel sings songs
Yes, the nuts gnaw everything,
And nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
Servants guard the squirrel
They serve her as servants of various kinds -
And a clerk was assigned
Strict account of nuts news;
Gives her army honor;
Coins are poured from shells
Let them float around the world;
Girls pour emerald
In pantries, but under a bushel;
Everyone in that island is rich
There is no pic, there are wards everywhere;
And Prince Gvidon sits in it;
He sent you a bow."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle.
"If only I'm alive,
I will visit a wonderful island,
I'll stay at Guidon's.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They don't want to let him go
Wonderful island to visit.
Smiling under the rug,
The weaver says to the king:
"What's so amazing about that? Here you go!
Squirrel gnaws pebbles
Throws gold and into piles
Rakes emeralds;
This does not surprise us
Are you telling the truth, no?
There is another wonder in the world:
The sea rages violently
Boil, raise a howl,
Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a noisy run,
And find themselves on the shore
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes
All beauties are gone
young giants,
Everyone is equal, as for selection,
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
It's a miracle, it's such a miracle
You can be fair!”
Smart guests are silent,
They don't want to argue with her.
Tsar Saltan marvels at the diva,
And Gvidon is angry, angry ...
He buzzed and just
Aunt sat on the left eye,
And the weaver turned pale:
"Ai!" and immediately crooked;
Everyone shouts: "Catch, catch,
Give it up, give it up...
Here already! stay a little
Wait a minute ... "And the prince in the window,
Yes, calmly in your lot
Flew across the sea.

The prince walks by the blue of the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
The white swan is swimming.
“Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what? -
She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
"Sadness-longing eats me -
I would like a marvel
Transfer me to my lot.
"And what is this miracle?"
- Somewhere it will swell violently
Okian, will raise a howl,
Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a noisy run,
And find themselves on the shore
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes
All handsome young
The giants are gone
Everyone is equal, as for selection,
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
The swan replies to the prince:
“Is that what, prince, confuses you?
Don't worry, my soul
I know this miracle.
These knights of the sea
After all, all my brothers are my own.
Don't be sad, go
Wait for your brothers to visit."

The prince went, forgetting grief,
Sat on the tower and on the sea
He began to look; the sea suddenly
buzzed around,
Splashed in a noisy run
And left on the shore
Thirty-three heroes;
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Knights are coming in couples,
And, shining with gray hair,
Uncle goes ahead
And leads them to the city.
Prince Gvidon escapes from the tower,
Meets dear guests;
In a hurry, the people are running;
Uncle to the prince says:
"The swan sent us to you
And punished
Your glorious city to keep
And bypass the watch.
We are now daily
We will definitely be together
At your high walls
Come out of the waters of the sea,
So we'll see you soon
And now it's time for us to go to sea;
The air of the earth is heavy for us."
Everyone then went home.

The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On raised sails
Past the steep island
Past the big city;
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests arrive at the outpost.
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
They are fed and watered
And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining for?
And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
We traded bulat
Pure silver and gold
And now we are out of time;
And we have a long way to go
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan.
Then the prince says to them:
"Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
To the glorious Tsar Saltan.
Yes, tell me: Prince Guidon
He sends his bow to the king.

The guests bowed to the prince,
They got out and hit the road.
To the sea the prince, and the swan is there
Already walking on the waves.
Prince again: the soul de asks ...
It pulls and pulls...
And again she
Splattered all over.
Here he is greatly reduced.
The prince turned into a bumblebee,
It flew and buzzed;
The ship overtook the sea,
Slowly went down
Aft - and hid in the gap.

The wind blows merrily
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
It's visible from a distance.
Here come the guests.
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
Our darling has flown.
He sees, all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan sits in the chamber
On the throne and in the crown,
With a sad thought on his face.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
Sitting around the king
Four all three look.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Overseas life is not bad;
In the light, what a miracle:
An island in the sea lies
The city stands on the island,
Every day there is a miracle:
The sea rages violently
Boil, raise a howl,
Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a quick run -
And stay on the beach
Thirty-three heroes
In scales of golden grief,
All handsome young
The giants are gone
Everyone is equal, as in selection;
Old uncle Chernomor
With them comes out of the sea
And brings them out in pairs,
To keep that island
And bypass the watch -
And that guard is not more reliable,
Not braver, not more diligent.
And Prince Gvidon sits there;
He sent you a bow."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle.
"As long as I'm alive,
I will visit a wonderful island
And I’ll stay with the prince.”
Cook and weaver
Not Gugu - but Babarikha
Laughing says:
“Who will surprise us with this?
People come out of the sea
And they wander around on their own!
Whether they tell the truth, or they lie,
I don't see the diva here.
Is there such a diva in the world?
Here comes the true rumor:
There is a princess beyond the sea,
What you can't take your eyes off:
In the daytime, the light of God eclipses,
Lights up the earth at night
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns.
And she is majestic
It floats like a pava;
And as the speech says,
Like a river murmurs.
You can speak fairly
It's a miracle, it's a miracle."
Smart guests are silent:
They don't want to argue with a woman.
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle -
And the prince, though angry,
But he regrets
His old grandmother:
He buzzes over her, spinning -
Sits right on her nose,
The nose was stung by the hero:
A blister popped up on my nose.
And again the alarm went:
"Help, for God's sake!
Guard! catch, catch,
Give it up, give it up...
Here already! wait a little
Wait! .. "And the bumblebee in the window,
Yes, calmly in your lot
Flew across the sea.

The prince walks by the blue of the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
The white swan is swimming.
“Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what? -
She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
“Sadness-longing eats me:
People get married; I look
I'm the only one who's unmarried."
- And who is in mind
You have? - "Yes, in the world,
They say there is a princess
That you can't take your eyes off.
In the daytime, the light of God eclipses,
Lights up the earth at night
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns.
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava;
He speaks sweetly
It's like a river is babbling.
Only, complete, is it true?
The prince fearfully awaits an answer.
The white swan is silent
And after thinking, he says:
"Yes! there is such a girl.
But the wife is not a mitten:
You can’t shake off a white pen,
Yes, you can’t shut your belt.
I will serve you with advice -
Listen: about everything about it
Think through the way
Don't repent later."
The prince began to swear before her,
It's time for him to get married
What about it all
He changed his mind by;
What is ready with a passionate soul
For the beautiful princess
He walks to go from here
At least for distant lands.
The swan is here, taking a deep breath,
Said: “Why so far?
Know that your fate is near
After all, this princess is me.
Here she flaps her wings
Flew over the waves
And to the shore from above
Dropped into the bushes
Startled, shaken off
And the princess turned around:
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns;
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava;
And as the speech says,
Like a river murmurs.
The prince embraces the princess,
Presses against a white chest
And leads her quickly
To my dear mother.
Prince at her feet, begging:
“The empress is dear!
I chose my wife
Daughter obedient to you
We ask both permissions
your blessings:
bless the children
Live in council and love."
Over the head of their obedient
Mother with miraculous icon
Sheds tears and says:
"God will reward you, children."
The prince was not going for a long time,
Married to the princess;
They began to live and live
Yes, wait for the offspring.

The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On swollen sails
Past the steep island
Past the big city;
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests arrive at the outpost.
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
He feeds and waters them
And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining
And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
"We've traveled all over the world
We traded in vain
unspecified product;
And we have a long way to go:
Come back to the east
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan.
The prince then said to them:
"Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
Yes, remind him
To his sovereign:
He promised to visit us
And so far I have not gathered -
I send him my regards."
The guests are on their way, and Prince Gvidon
Stayed at home this time.
And he did not leave his wife.

The wind blows merrily
The ship runs merrily
Past Buyana Island
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And a familiar country
It's visible from a distance.
Here come the guests.
Tsar Saltan invites them to visit.
Guests see: in the palace
The king sits in his crown,
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
Sitting around the king
Four all three look.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas, or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Life beyond the sea is not bad,
In the light, what a miracle:
An island in the sea lies
The city stands on the island,
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens;
Spruce grows in front of the palace,
And under it is a crystal house;
The squirrel lives in it tame,
Yes, what a miracle!
Squirrel sings songs
Yes, he gnaws all the nuts;
And nuts are not simple,
The shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
The squirrel is groomed, protected.
There is another wonder:
The sea rages violently
Boil, raise a howl,
Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a quick run,
And find themselves on the shore
In scales, like the heat of grief,
Thirty-three heroes
All beauties are gone
young giants,
Everyone is equal, as in the selection -
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
And that guard is not more reliable,
Not braver, not more diligent.
And the prince has a wife,
What you can't take your eyes off:
In the daytime, the light of God eclipses,
Illuminates the earth at night;
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns.
Prince Gvidon rules that city,
Everyone zealously praises him;
He sent you a bow
Yes, he blames you:
He promised to visit us,
And so far I haven’t gathered.”

Here the king could not resist,
He ordered the fleet to be equipped.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They don't want to let the king go
Wonderful island to visit.
But Saltan does not listen to them
And just calms them down:
"What am I? king or child? -
He says not jokingly:
Now I'm going!" - Here he stomped,
He went out and slammed the door.

Gvidon is sitting under the window,
Silently looks at the sea:
It does not make noise, it does not whip,
Only barely, barely trembling,
And in the azure distance
Ships appeared:
Through the plains of Okiyana
The fleet of Tsar Saltan is coming.
Prince Gvidon then jumped up,
He shouted loudly:
“My dear mother!
You are a young princess!
Look there:
Father is coming here."
The fleet is approaching the island.
Prince Gvidon points the pipe:
The king is on deck
And looks at them through the chimney;
With him is a weaver with a cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha;
They are surprised
unfamiliar side.
The cannons fired at once;
The bell towers rang;
Gvidon himself goes to the sea;
There he meets the king
With a cook and a weaver,
With the matchmaker Babarikha;
He led the king into the city,
Saying nothing.

Everyone now goes to the wards:
Armor shines at the gate,
And stand in the eyes of the king
Thirty-three heroes
All handsome young
The giants are gone
Everyone is equal, as for selection,
Uncle Chernomor is with them.
The king stepped into the wide courtyard:
There under the high tree
The squirrel sings a song
The golden nut gnaws
Emerald takes out
And lowers it into the bag;
And a large yard is sown
Golden shell.
The guests are far away - hastily
Look - what? princess is amazing
Under the scythe the moon shines,
And in the forehead a star burns;
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava
And she leads her mother-in-law.
The king looks - and finds out ...
Zealous leapt up in him!
"What I see? what's happened?
How!" - and the spirit in him took up ...
The king burst into tears
He embraces the queen
And the son, and the young woman,
And they all sit down at the table;
And the merry feast went.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They ran to the corners;
They were found hard there.
Here they confessed everything
They confessed, burst into tears;
Such a king for joy
He sent all three home.
The day has passed - Tsar Saltan
They put me to bed drunk.
I was there; honey, drinking beer -
And his mustache just wet.

Three maidens by the window
Were spinning late in the evening.
"If I were a queen, -
4 One girl says
That is for the whole baptized world
I would prepare a feast."
"If I were a queen, -
8 Her sister says,
That would be one for the whole world
I wove canvases.
"If I were a queen, -
12 The third sister said, -
I would be for the father-king
She gave birth to a hero."

Just had time to say
16 The door creaked softly
And the king enters the room,
The sides of that sovereign.
During the entire conversation
20 He stood behind the fence;
Speech last throughout
Loved him.
"Hello, red girl, -
24 He says - be a queen
And give birth to a hero
Me by the end of September.
Well, you, dove sisters,
28 Get out of the light
Ride after me
Following me and my sister:
Be one of you weaver
32 And another cook."

The tsar-father came out into the canopy.
Everyone went to the palace.
The king did not gather for a long time:
36 Got married the same evening.
Tsar Saltan for an honest feast
Sat down with the young queen;
And then honest guests
40 On an ivory bed
Laid young
And left alone.
The cook is angry in the kitchen
44 The weaver is crying at the loom,
And they envy
The sovereign's wife.
And the young queen
48 Do not put things off in the distance,
Got it from the first night.

At that time there was a war.
Tsar Saltan, saying goodbye to his wife,
52 Sitting on a good horse,
She punished herself
Save it, love it.
Meanwhile, how far away
56 Beats long and hard
The time of birth is coming;
God gave them a son in arshin,
And the queen over the child
60 Like an eagle over an eagle;
She sends a letter with a messenger,
To please my father.
And the weaver and the cook,
64 With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They want to let her know
They tell you to take over the messenger;
They themselves send another messenger
68 Here's what word for word:
"The queen gave birth in the night
Not a son, not a daughter;
Not a mouse, not a frog,
72 And an unknown little animal.

As the king-father heard,
What did the messenger bring him?
In anger he began to wonder
76 And he wanted to hang the messenger;
But softened this time
He gave the messenger the following order:
"Waiting for the return of the queen
80 For a legal solution."

A messenger rides with a diploma,
And finally arrived.
And the weaver and the cook,
84 With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They tell him to rob him;
Drunk messenger drink
And in his empty bag
88 Shove another letter -
And brought a drunken messenger
On the same day, the order is:
"The tsar orders his boyars,
92 Wasting no time
And the queen and the offspring
Secretly thrown into the abyss of waters.
There is nothing to do: the boyars,
96 Having mourned about the sovereign
And the young queen
A crowd came to her bedroom.
Declared the royal will -
100 She and her son have an evil fate,
Read the decree aloud
And the queen at the same time
They put me in a barrel with my son,
104 Prayed, rolled
And they let me into Okiyan -
So ordered de Tsar Saltan.

The stars are shining in the blue sky
108 In the blue sea the waves are whipping;
A cloud is moving across the sky
The barrel floats on the sea.
Like a bitter widow
112 Cries, the queen beats in her;
And a child grows there
Not by days, but by hours.
The day has passed, the queen cries...
116 And the child hurries the wave:
“You, my wave, wave!
You are playful and free;
You splash wherever you want
120 You sharpen sea stones
You drown the shore of the earth,
Raise the ships
Do not destroy our soul:
124 Throw us out on land!"
And the wave listened:
Right there on the shore
The barrel was taken out lightly
128 And she stepped back slowly.
The mother with the baby is saved;
She feels the earth.
But who will take them out of the barrel?
132 Will God leave them?
The son rose to his feet
He rested his head on the bottom,
Struggled a little:
136 “As if there is a window on the yard
Should we do it?" he said
Kick the bottom out and get out.

Mother and son are now free;
140 They see a hill in a wide field,
The blue sea all around
Oak green over the hill.
Son thought: good dinner
144 We would, however, need.
He breaks at the oak branch
And in tight bends the bow,
Silk cord from the cross
148 Pulled on an oak bow,
I broke a thin cane,
I sharpened it with a light arrow
And went to the edge of the valley
152 Look for game by the sea.

He only comes to the sea
So he hears like a groan ...
It can be seen the sea is not quiet;
156 Looks - sees the matter famously:
The swan beats among the swells,
The kite rushes over her;
That poor thing is crying
160 The water around is muddy and whipping ...
He has spread his claws
The bloody nibble pricked up...
But as soon as the arrow sang,
164 I hit a kite in the neck -
The kite shed blood in the sea,
The prince lowered his bow;
Looks: the kite is drowning in the sea
168 And not a bird's cry groans,
The swan swims around
The evil kite pecks,
Death is near,
172 It beats with a wing and drowns in the sea -
And then to the prince
Says in Russian:
“You, prince, are my savior,
176 My mighty deliverer
Don't worry about me
You won't eat for three days
That the arrow was lost in the sea;
180 This grief is not grief.
I will repay you well
I will serve you later:
You did not deliver the swan,
184 Left the girl alive;
You didn't kill a kite
Shot the sorcerer.
I will never forget you:
188 You will find me everywhere
And now you come back
Don't worry and go to sleep."

The swan flew away
192 And the prince and the queen,
Spending the whole day like this
We decided to lie down on an empty stomach.
Here the prince opened his eyes;
196 Shaking the dreams of the night
And wondering in front of you
He sees a big city
Walls with frequent battlements,
200 And behind the white walls
Church tops gleam
and holy monasteries.
He soon wakes the queen;
204 She gasps! .. “Will it be? -
He says, I see:
My swan amuses me."
Mother and son go to the city.
208 Just stepped on the fence
deafening chime
Rising from all sides
People are pouring towards them,
212 The church choir praises God;
In golden carts
A lush courtyard meets them;
Everyone praises them loudly
216 And the prince is crowned
Princely cap, and the head
They proclaim over themselves;
And in the midst of their capital,
220 With the permission of the queen,
On the same day he began to reign
And he called himself: Prince Guidon.

The wind is blowing on the sea
224 And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On swollen sails.
The sailors marvel
228 Crowding on the boat
On a familiar island
A miracle is seen in reality:
The new golden-domed city,
232 Pier with a strong outpost;
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests come to the outpost;
He feeds and waters them
And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining for
240 And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
"We've traveled all over the world
traded sables,
244 Silver foxes;
And now we're out of time
We're going straight east
Past the island of Buyana,
The prince then said to them:
"Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
252 To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
Kudos to him from me."
The guests are on their way, and Prince Gvidon
From the shore with a sad soul
256 Accompanies their long-distance run;
Look - over flowing waters
The white swan is swimming.

Saddened by what? -
She tells him.
The prince replies sadly:
264 "Sadness-longing eats me,
Defeated the young man:
I would like to see my father."
Swan to the prince: “That's the grief!
268 Well, listen: you want to go to sea
Follow the ship?
Be, prince, you are a mosquito.
And waved its wings
272 Splashed water noisily
And splashed him
Everything from head to toe.
Here he has shrunk to a point.
276 Turned into a mosquito
Flew and squeaked
The ship overtook the sea,
Slowly went down
280 On the ship - and hid in the gap.

The wind blows merrily
The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
284 To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
It's visible from a distance.
Here the guests came ashore;
288 Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
Our darling has flown.
He sees: all shining in gold,
292 Tsar Saltan sits in the chamber
On the throne and in the crown
With a sad thought on his face;
And the weaver and the cook,
296 With the matchmaker Babarikha,
Sitting around the king
And look into his eyes.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
300 At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas, or is it bad?
304 And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
“We have traveled all over the world;
Overseas life is not bad,
308 In the light, what a miracle:
In the sea, the island was steep,
Not private, not residential;
It lay on an empty plain;
312 A single oak tree grew on it;
And now stands on it
New city with a palace
With golden-domed churches,
316 With towers and gardens,
And Prince Gvidon sits in it;
He sent you a bow."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle;
320 He says: "If I live,
I will visit a wonderful island,
I'll stay at Guidon's.
And the weaver and the cook,
324 With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They don't want to let him go
Wonderful island to visit.
“Already a curiosity, well, right, -
328 Winking at others slyly,
The cook says -
The city is by the sea!
Know that this is not a trifle:
332 Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel,
Squirrel sings songs
And he gnaws all the nuts,
And nuts are not simple,
336 All shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
That's what they call a miracle."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle,
340 And the mosquito is angry, angry -
And the mosquito got stuck
Aunt right in the right eye.
The cook turned pale
344 Died and crumpled.
Servants, in-laws and sister
With a cry they catch a mosquito.
"You damned moth!
348 We are you! .. ”And he is in the window,
Yes, calmly in your lot
Flew across the sea.

Again the prince walks by the sea,
352 He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
The white swan is swimming.
“Hello, my beautiful prince!
Saddened by what? -
She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
360 “Sadness-longing eats me;
Miracle wonderful start
I'd like to. Somewhere there
Spruce in the forest, under the spruce squirrel;
364 Wonder, right, not a trifle -
The squirrel sings songs
Yes, he gnaws all the nuts,
And nuts are not simple,
368 All shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
But maybe people are lying.
The swan replies to the prince:
372 “The light tells the truth about the squirrel;
I know this miracle;
Enough, prince, my soul,
Do not worry; happy service
376 To lend you I am in friendship.
With an uplifted soul
The prince went home;
Just stepped into the wide yard -
380 Well? under the high tree
Sees the squirrel in front of everyone
Golden gnaws on a nut,
Emerald takes out
384 And collects the shell
Heaps equal puts
And sings with a whistle
With honesty in front of all the people:
388 Whether in the garden, in the garden.
Prince Gvidon was amazed.
“Well, thank you,” he said,
Oh yes swan - God forbid,
392 As for me, the fun is the same.
Prince for the squirrel later
Built a crystal house
sent a guard to him
396 And besides, the deacon forced
A strict account of the nuts is news.
Profit to the prince, honor to the squirrel.

The wind walks on the sea
400 And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
On raised sails
Past the steep island
404 Past the big city:
Cannons from the pier are firing,
The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests come to the outpost;
408 Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
They are fed and watered
And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining for
412 And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
"We've traveled all over the world
We traded horses
416 All don stallions,
And now we've got time -
And we have a long way to go:
Past the island of Buyana,
420 To the realm of the glorious Saltan..."
Then the prince says to them:
"Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
424 To the glorious Tsar Saltan;
Yes, tell me: Prince Guidon
He sends his bow to the tsar.”

The guests bowed to the prince,
428 They got out and hit the road.
To the sea the prince - and the swan is there
Already walking on the waves.
The prince prays: the soul asks,
432 It pulls and pulls...
Here she is again
Instantly sprinkled everything:
The prince turned into a fly,
436 Flew and dropped
Between sea and sky
On the ship - and climbed into the gap.

The wind blows merrily
440 The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
In the kingdom of the glorious Saltan -
And the desired country
444 It's visible from afar;
Here the guests came ashore;
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
448 Our darling has flown.
He sees: all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan sits in the chamber
On the throne and in the crown,
452 With a sad thought on his face.
And the weaver with Babarikha
Yes, with a crooked cook
Sitting around the king
456 They look like evil frogs.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
460 How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas, or is it bad,
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
464 “We have traveled all over the world;
Overseas life is not bad;
In the light, what a miracle:
An island in the sea lies
468 The city stands on the island
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens;
Spruce grows in front of the palace,
472 And under it is a crystal house;
The squirrel lives there tame,
Yes, what an entertainer!
The squirrel sings songs
476 Yes, he gnaws all the nuts,
And nuts are not simple,
All shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
480 Servants guard the squirrel
They serve her as servants of various kinds -
And a clerk was assigned
Strict account of nuts news;
484 Gives her army honor;
Coins are poured from shells
Let them float around the world;
Girls pour emerald
488 In pantries, but under a bushel;
Everyone in that island is rich
There is no pic, there are wards everywhere;
And Prince Gvidon sits in it;
492 He sent you a bow."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle.
"If only I'm alive,
I will visit a wonderful island,
496 I'll stay at Guidon's.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They don't want to let him go
500 Wonderful island to visit.
Smiling under the rug,
The weaver says to the king:
"What's so amazing about that? Here you go!
504 Squirrel gnaws pebbles,
Throws gold and into piles
Rakes emeralds;
This does not surprise us
508 Are you telling the truth, no?
There is another wonder in the world:
The sea rages violently
Boil, raise a howl,
512 Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a noisy run,
And find themselves on the shore
In scales, like the heat of grief,
516 Thirty-three heroes
All beauties are gone
young giants,
Everyone is equal, as for selection,
520 Uncle Chernomor is with them.
It's a miracle, it's such a miracle
You can be fair!”
Smart guests are silent,
524 They don't want to argue with her.
Tsar Saltan marvels at the diva,
And Gvidon is angry, angry...
He buzzed and just
528 Auntie sat on her left eye,
And the weaver turned pale:
"Ai!" and immediately crooked;
Everyone shouts: "Catch, catch,
532 Give it up, give it up...
Here already! stay a little
Wait ... "And the prince in the window,
Yes, calmly in your lot
536 Flew across the sea.

The prince walks by the blue of the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
540 The white swan is swimming.
“Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what? -
544 She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
"Sadness-longing eats me -
I would like a marvel
548 Transfer me to my lot.
"And what is this miracle?"
- Somewhere it will swell violently
Okian, will raise a howl,
552 Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a noisy run,
And find themselves on the shore
In scales, like the heat of grief,
556 Thirty-three heroes
All handsome young
The giants are gone
Everyone is equal, as for selection,
560 Uncle Chernomor is with them.
The swan replies to the prince:
“Is that what, prince, confuses you?
Don't worry, my soul
564 I know this miracle.
These knights of the sea
After all, all my brothers are my own.
Don't be sad, go
568 Wait for your brothers to visit."

The prince went, forgetting grief,
Sat on the tower and on the sea
He began to look; the sea suddenly
572 buzzed around,
Splashed in a noisy run
And left on the shore
Thirty-three heroes;
576 In scales, like the heat of grief,
Knights are coming in couples,
And, shining with gray hair,
Uncle is ahead
580 And leads them to the city.
Prince Gvidon escapes from the tower,
Meets dear guests;
In a hurry, the people are running;
584 Uncle to the prince says:
"The swan sent us to you
And punished
Your glorious city to keep
588 And bypass the watch.
We are now daily
We will definitely be together
At your high walls
592 Come out of the waters of the sea,
So we'll see you soon
And now it's time for us to go to sea;
The air of the earth is heavy for us."
596 Everyone then went home.

The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
600 On raised sails
Past the steep island
Past the big city;
Cannons from the pier are firing,
604 The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests arrive at the outpost.
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
They are fed and watered
608 And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining for?
And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
612 “We have traveled all over the world;
We traded bulat
Pure silver and gold
And now we are out of time;
616 And we have a long way to go
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan.
Then the prince says to them:
620 "Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
To the glorious Tsar Saltan.
Yes, tell me: Prince Guidon
624 He sends his bow to the king."

The guests bowed to the prince,
They got out and hit the road.
To the sea the prince, and the swan is there
628 Already walking on the waves.
The prince again: the soul asks...
It pulls and pulls...
And again she
632 Splattered all over.
Here he is greatly reduced.
The prince turned into a bumblebee,
It flew and buzzed;
636 The ship overtook the sea,
Slowly went down
Aft - and hid in the gap.

The wind blows merrily
640 The ship runs merrily
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan,
And the desired country
644 It's visible from a distance.
Here come the guests.
Tsar Saltan calls them to visit,
And follow them to the palace
648 Our darling has flown.
He sees, all shining in gold,
Tsar Saltan sits in the chamber
On the throne and in the crown,
652 With a sad thought on his face.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
Sitting around the king
656 Four all three look.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
660 How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
664 “We have traveled all over the world;
Overseas life is not bad;
In the light, what a miracle:
An island in the sea lies
668 The city stands on the island,
Every day there is a miracle:
The sea rages violently
Boil, raise a howl,
672 Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a quick run -
And stay on the beach
Thirty-three heroes
676 In scales of golden grief,
All handsome young
The giants are gone
Everyone is equal, as in selection;
680 Old uncle Chernomor
With them comes out of the sea
And brings them out in pairs,
To keep that island
684 And bypass the watch -
And that guard is not more reliable,
Not braver, not more diligent.
And Prince Gvidon sits there;
688 He sent you a bow."
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle.
"As long as I'm alive,
I will visit a wonderful island
692 And I’ll stay with the prince.”
Cook and weaver
Not Gugu - but Babarikha
Laughing says:
696 “Who will surprise us with this?
People come out of the sea
And they wander around on their own!
Whether they tell the truth, or they lie,
700 I don't see the diva here.
Is there such a diva in the world?
Here comes the true rumor:
There is a princess beyond the sea,
704 What you can't take your eyes off:
In the daytime, the light of God eclipses,
Lights up the earth at night
The moon shines under the scythe,
708 And in the forehead a star burns.
And she is majestic
It floats like a pava;
And as the speech says,
712 Like a river murmurs.
You can speak fairly
It's a miracle, it's a miracle."
Smart guests are silent:
716 They don't want to argue with a woman.
Tsar Saltan marvels at the miracle -
And the prince, though angry,
But he regrets
720 His old grandmother:
He buzzes over her, spinning -
Sits right on her nose,
The nose was stung by the hero:
724 A blister popped up on my nose.
And again the alarm went:
"Help, for God's sake!
Guard! catch, catch,
728 Give it up, give it up...
Here already! wait a little
Wait! .. "And the bumblebee in the window,
Yes, calmly in your lot
732 Flew across the sea.

The prince walks by the blue of the sea,
He does not take his eyes off the blue of the sea;
Look - over flowing waters
736 The white swan is swimming.
“Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what? -
740 She tells him.
Prince Gvidon answers her:
“Sadness-longing eats me:
People get married; I look
744 I'm the only one who's unmarried."
- And who is in mind
You have? - "Yes, in the world,
They say there is a princess
748 That you can't take your eyes off.
In the daytime, the light of God eclipses,
Lights up the earth at night
The moon shines under the scythe,
752 And in the forehead a star burns.
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava;
He speaks sweetly
756 It's like a river is babbling.
Only, complete, is it true?
The prince fearfully waits for an answer.
The white swan is silent
760 And after thinking, he says:
"Yes! there is such a girl.
But the wife is not a mitten:
You can’t shake off a white pen,
764 Yes, you can’t shut your belt.
I will serve you with advice -
Listen: about everything about it
Think through the way
768 Don't repent later."
The prince began to swear before her,
It's time for him to get married
What about it about everything
772 He changed his mind by;
What is ready with a passionate soul
For the beautiful princess
He walks to go from here
776 At least for distant lands.
The swan is here, taking a deep breath,
Said: “Why far?
Know that your fate is near
780 After all, this princess is me.
Here she flaps her wings
Flew over the waves
And to the shore from above
784 Dropped into the bushes
Startled, shaken off
And the princess turned around:
The moon shines under the scythe,
788 And in the forehead a star burns;
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava;
And as the speech says,
792 Like a river murmurs.
The prince embraces the princess,
Presses against a white chest
And leads her quickly
796 To my dear mother.
Prince at her feet, begging:
“The empress is dear!
I chose my wife
800 Daughter obedient to you
We ask both permissions
your blessings:
bless the children
804 Live in council and love."
Over the head of their obedient
Mother with miraculous icon
Sheds tears and says:
808 "God will reward you, children."
The prince was not going for a long time,
Married to the princess;
They began to live and live
812 Yes, wait for the offspring.

The wind walks on the sea
And the boat is urging;
He runs in waves
816 On swollen sails
Past the steep island
Past the big city;
Cannons from the pier are firing,
820 The ship is ordered to stop.
Guests arrive at the outpost.
Prince Gvidon invites them to visit,
He feeds and waters them
824 And he orders to keep the answer:
“What are you, guests, bargaining for
And where are you sailing now?
The sailors replied:
828 "We've traveled all over the world
We traded in vain
unspecified product;
And we have a long way to go:
832 Come back to the east
Past the island of Buyana,
To the realm of the glorious Saltan.
The prince then said to them:
836 "Good luck to you, gentlemen,
By sea by Okiya
To the glorious gift of Saltan;
Yes, remind him
840 To his sovereign:
He promised to visit us
And so far I have not gathered -
I send him my regards."
844 The guests are on their way, and Prince Gvidon
Stayed at home this time.
And he did not leave his wife.

The wind blows merrily
848 The ship runs merrily
Past Buyana Island
To the kingdom of the glorious Saltan,
And a familiar country
852 It's visible from a distance.
Here come the guests.
Tsar Saltan invites them to visit.
Guests see: in the palace
856 The king sits in his crown,
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
Sitting around the king
860 Four all three look.
Tsar Saltan planting guests
At your table and asks:
"Oh you gentlemen,
864 How long did you travel? Where?
Is it okay overseas, or is it bad?
And what is the miracle in the world?
The sailors replied:
868 “We have traveled all over the world;
Overseas life is not bad,
In the light, what a miracle:
An island in the sea lies
872 The city stands on the island,
With golden-domed churches,
With towers and gardens;
Spruce grows in front of the palace,
876 And under it is a crystal house;
The squirrel lives in it tame,
Yes, what a miracle!
Squirrel sings songs
880 Yes, he gnaws all the nuts;
And nuts are not simple,
The shells are golden
The cores are pure emerald;
884 The squirrel is groomed, protected.
There is another wonder:
The sea rages violently
Boil, raise a howl,
888 Will rush to the empty shore,
Will spill in a quick run,
And find themselves on the shore
In scales, like the heat of grief,
892 Thirty-three heroes
All beauties are gone
young giants,
Everyone is equal, as in the selection -
896 Uncle Chernomor is with them.
And that guard is not more reliable,
Not braver, not more diligent.
And the prince has a wife,
900 What you can't take your eyes off:
In the daytime, the light of God eclipses,
Illuminates the earth at night;
The moon shines under the scythe,
904 And in the forehead a star burns.
Prince Gvidon rules that city,
Everyone zealously praises him;
He sent you a bow
908 Yes, he blames you:
He promised to visit us,
And so far I haven’t gathered.”

Here the king could not resist,
912 He ordered the fleet to be equipped.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They don't want to let the king go
916 Wonderful island to visit.
But Saltan does not listen to them
And just calms them down:
"What am I? king or child? -
920 He says not jokingly:
Now I'm going!" - Here he stomped,
He went out and slammed the door.

Gvidon is sitting under the window,
924 Silently looks at the sea:
It does not make noise, it does not whip,
Only barely, barely trembling,
And in the azure distance
928 Ships appeared:
Through the plains of Okiyana
The fleet of Tsar Saltan is coming.
Prince Gvidon then jumped up,
932 He shouted loudly:
“My dear mother!
You are a young princess!
Look there:
936 Father is coming here."
The fleet is approaching the island.
Prince Gvidon points the pipe:
The king is on deck
940 And looks at them through the chimney;
With him is a weaver with a cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha;
They are surprised
944 unfamiliar side.
The cannons fired at once;
The bell towers rang;
Gvidon himself goes to the sea;
948 There he meets the king
With a cook and a weaver,
With the matchmaker Babarikha;
He brought the king into the city,
952 Saying nothing.

Everyone now goes to the wards:
Armor shines at the gate,
And stand in the eyes of the king
956 Thirty-three heroes
All handsome young
The giants are gone
Everyone is equal, as for selection,
960 Uncle Chernomor is with them.
The king stepped into the wide courtyard:
There under the high tree
The squirrel sings a song
964 The golden nut gnaws
Emerald takes out
And lowers it into the bag;
And a large yard is sown
968 Golden shell.
The guests are far away - hastily
Look - what? princess is amazing
Under the scythe the moon shines,
972 And in the forehead a star burns;
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava
And she leads her mother-in-law.
976 The king looks - and finds out ...
Zealousness leaped up in him!
"What I see? what's happened?
How!" - and the spirit in him took up ...
980 The king burst into tears
He embraces the queen
And the son, and the young woman,
And they all sit down at the table;
984 And the merry feast went.
And the weaver and the cook,
With the matchmaker Babarikha,
They ran to the corners;
988 They were found hard there.
Here they confessed everything
They confessed, burst into tears;
Such a king for joy
992 He sent all three home.
The day has passed - Tsar Saltan
They put me to bed drunk.
I was there; honey, drinking beer -
996 And his mustache just wet.

Tri devitsy under oknom
Pryali pozdno vecherkom.
Kaby ya byla tsaritsa, -
Saying odna devitsa, -
To na ves kreshcheny mir
Prigotovila b ya pir."
Kaby ya byla tsaritsa, -
Saying yee sestritsa, -
To na ves by mir odna
Natkala ya canvas.
Kaby ya byla tsaritsa, -
Tretya molvila sestritsa, -
Ya b dlya batyushki-tsarya
Rodila bogatyrya".

Tolko vymolvit uspela,
Door tikhonko zaskrypela,
I v svetlitsu vkhodit tsar,
Sideny toy gosudar.
Vo vse vremya razgovora
On stoyal pozad zabora;
Rech aftersledge po vsemu
Polyubilasya yemu.
"Zdravstvuy, krasnaya devitsa, -
Speak on, - bud tsaritsa
I rodi bogatyrya
Mne k iskhodu septyabrya.
Vyzh, golubushki-sestritsy,
Vybiraytes from svetlitsy,
Poyezzhayte vsled za mnoy
Vsled za mnoy i za sestroy:
Bud odna iz vas tkachikha,
A drugaya povarikha."

V seni vyshel tsar-otets.
All pustilis vo dvorets.
Tsar not long sobiralsya:
V tot zhe vecher obvenchalsya.
Tsar Saltan za pir chestnoy
Sel's tsaritsey young;
A potom chestnye guests
Na krovat elephant kosti
Polozhili youth
I left odnikh.
V kukhne zlitsya povarikha,
Plachet u stanka tkachikha,
I zaviduyut one
Gosudarevoy zhene.
A tsaritsa young,
Dela vdal ne otlagaya,
S first night ponesla.

V te pory voyna byla.
Tsar Saltan, s zhenoy prostyasya,
Na dobra-konya sadyasya,
Yey nakazyval sebya
Poberech, yego lyubya.
Mezhdu tem, how on daleko
Byetsya dolgo i zhestoko,
Nastupayet srok rodin;
Syna god im dal v arshin,
I tsaritsa over child
Kak orlitsa nad orlenkom;
Shlet's pismom ona gontsa,
Chtob obradovat ottsa.
A tkachikha s povarikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy,
Izvesti yee khotyat,
Perenyat gontsa velyat;
Sami shlyut gontsa drugogo
Vot s chem ot slova do slova:
"Rodila tsaritsa v noch
Not to syna, not to doch;
Ne myshonka, ne lyagushku,
A nevedomu zveryushku".

How uslyshal tsar-otets,
What's done yemu gonets,
V anger nachal on wondersit
I gontsa khotel povesit;
No, smyagchivshis na sey raz,
Dal gontsu takoy prikaz:
Zhdat tsareva vozvrashchenya
Dlya zakonnogo reshenya".

Yedet's gramotoy gonets,
I priyekhal nakonets.
A tkachikha s povarikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy,
Obobrat yego velyat;
Dopyana gontsa poyat
I v sumu yego empty
Suyut gramotu druguyu-
I privez gonets khmelnoy
V tot zhe den prikaz takoy:
“Tsar velit svoim boyaram,
Vremeni ne waste darom,
I tsaritsu i priplod
Tayno brosit v bezdnu vod.
Delat nechego: boyare,
Potuzhiv o gosudare
I tsaritse young
V spannyu k ney prishli tolpoy.
Obyavili tsarsku volyu -
Yey i synu zluyu dolyu,
Prochitali vslukh ukaz,
I tsaritsu v tot zhe chas
V bochku s synom posadili,
Zasmolili, pokatili
I pustili v Okian -
Tak velel-de tsar Saltan.

V sinem nebe zvezdy bleshchut,
V sinem more volny khleshchut;
Tucha po nebu idet,
Bochka po moryu plyvet.
Slovnogorkaya vdovitsa,
Plachet, byetsya v ney tsaritsa;
I grow up baby there
Ne po dnyam, a po chasam.
Den proshel, tsaritsa vopit...
A ditya volnu toropit:
“Ty, volna moya, volna!
Ty gulliva i volna;
Pleshchesh ty, kuda zakhochesh,
Ty morskiye kamni tochish,
Topish bereg ty land,
Podymayesh korabli-
Ne gubi ty nashu dushu:
Vyplesni ty nas na sushu!”
I poslushalas volna:
Tut zhe na bereg ona
Bochku vynesla legonko
I otkhlynula tikhonko.
Mat s mladentsem spasena;
Zemlyu chuvstvuyet ona.
No iz bochki who ikh vynet?
God neuzhto ikh pokinet?
Syn na nozhki podnyalsya,
V dno golovkoy upersya,
Ponatuzhilsya nemnozhko:
How by zdes na dvor okoshko
Nam prodelat?" - molvil on,
Vyshib dno i vyshel von.

Mat i synteper na vole;
Vidyat kholm v shirokom pole,
More sineye circle,
Dub green over kholmom.
Syn podumal: dobry uzhin
Byl by nam, odnako, nuzhen.
Lomit on u duba suk
I v tugoy sgibayet luk,
So kresta snurok shelkovy
Natyanul na luk dubovy,
Tonku trostochku slomil,
Strelkoy legkoy zavostril
I poshel na kray doliny
U morya iskat dichiny.

K moryu lish podkhodit on,
Vot i slyshit budto ston...
Vidno more ne quiet;
Looks - vidit delo likho:
Byetsya lebed sred zybey,
Korshun nositsya over ney;
Ta bednyazhka tak i pleshchet,
Vodu vkrug mutit i khleshchet...
Tot uzh kogti raspustil,
Klev bloody navostril...
No how raz strela zapela,
V sheyu korshuna zadela -
Korshun v more krov prolil,
Luktsarevich opustil;
Watch: korshun v more tone
I ne ptichyim krikom stonet,
Lebed okolo plyvet,
Zlogo korshuna klyuyet,
Gibel blizkuyu toropit,
Byet krylom i v more topit -
I tsarevichu potom
Molvit english yazykom:
"Ty, tsarevich, my spasitel,
My mighty izbavitel,
Ne tuzhi, what za menya
Yest ne budesh ty tri dnya,
What strela propala v more;
Eto gore - vse ne gore.
Ot cry tebe dobrom,
Sosluzhu tebe potom:
Ty ne lebed ved izbavil,
Devitsu v zhivykh ostavil;
Ty ne korshuna killed,
Charodeya podstrelil.
Vvek tebya ya ne zabudu:
Ty naydesh menya povsyudu,
A now ty vorotis,
Ne goryuy i spat lozhis.

Uletela lebed-ptitsa,
A tsarevich i tsaritsa,
Tsely den provedshi tak,
Lech reshilis na toshchak.
Vot otkryl tsarevich ochi;
Otryasaya grezy nochi
I divyas, pered soboy
Vidit city on bolshoy,
steny's chastymi zubtsami,
I za belymi stenami
Bleshchut makovki tserkvey
I svyatykh monastery.
On skorey tsaritsu budit;
Ta kak akhnet!.. “To li budet? -
Saying on, vizhu ya:
Lebed teshitsya moya."
Mat i syn idut ko gradu.
Lish stupili za ogradu,
Deafening trezvon
Podnyalsya so vsekh storon:
K nim narod navstrechu valit,
Khor tserkovny boga khvalit;
V kolymagakh zolotykh
Pyshny dvor vstrechayet ikh;
All ikh gromko velichayut
I tsarevicha venchayut
Knyazhey shapkoy, i glavoy
Vozglashayut over soboy;
I mean svoyey stolitsy,
S permission tsaritsy,
V tot zhe den stal knyazhit on
I nareksya: knyaz Gvidon.

Veter on more gulyayet
I korablik podgonyayet;
On bezhit sebe v volnakh
Na razdutykh parusakh.
Korabelshchiki divyatsya,
Na korablike tolpyatsya,
On familiar island
Chudo vidyat nayavu:
Gorod novy zlatoglavy,
Pristan's krepkoyu zastavoy;
Pushki's pristani palyat,
Korablyu pristat velyat.
Pristayut k zastave gosti;

Ikh on kormit i poit
I answer derzhat velit:
"Chem vy, gosti, torg vedete
I kuda teper plyvete?”
Korabelshchiki v answer:
"My obyekhali ves svet,
Traded sobolyami,
Chernoburymy lisami;
A teper nam vyshel srok,
Yedem pryamo na vostok,
Mimo island Buyana,

Knyaz im vymolvil togda:
"Dobry put vam, gospoda,
Po moryu po Okianu
K slavnomu tsaryu Saltanu;
Ot menya yemu poklon.
Gosti v put, a knyaz Gvidon
S berega dushoy pechalnoy
Provozhayet beg ikh dalny;
Glyad - poverkh tekuchikh vod
Lebed belaya plyvet.

Opechalilsya chemu? -
Speaks ona yemu.
Knyaz pechalno answer:
"Grust-toska menya syedayet,
Odolela youth:
Videt ya b khotel ottsa.
Lebed knyazyu: “Vot v chem gore!
Nu, poslushay: khochesh v more
Poletet za korablem?
Bud zhe, knyaz, ty komarom".
I krylami zamakhala,
Vodu's shumom raspleskala
I obryzgala yego
S golovy do nog vsego.
Tut on v tochku umenshilsya,
Komarom oborotilsya,
Poletel i zapishchal,
ship on more dognal,
Potikhonku opustilsya
Na korabl - i v shchel zabilsya.

Veter veselo noise,
Ship veselo bezhit
Mimo island Buyana,
K tsarstvu slavnogo Saltana,
I zhelannaya country
Vot uzh izdali vidna.
Vot on the shore vyshli gosti;

I za nimi vo dvorets
Poletel our remotes.
Vidit: ves siaya v zlate,
Tsar Saltan sitit v palate
On the throne i v ventse
S sad dumoy na litse;
A tkachikha s povarikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy,
Okolo tsarya sidyat
I v glaza yemu glyadyat.
Tsar Saltan gostey sazhayet
Za svoy stol i voproshayet:
"Oy vy, gosti-gospoda,
Long l yezdili? where?
Okay l za morem, il khudo?
I kakoye v svete chudo?
Korabelshchiki v answer:
“My obyekhali ves svet;
Za morem zhitye ne khudo,
V svete zh vot kakoye chudo:
V more island byl krutoy,
Ne private, ne zhiloy;
On lezhal empty ravninoy;
Ros na nem dubok yediny;
A teper worth it
Novy city so dvortsom,
S zlatoglavymi tserkvami,
S teremami i sadami,
A sidit v nem knyaz Gvidon;
On prislal tebe poklon.
Tsar Saltan divitsya chudu;
Molvit on: "Kol zhiv ya budu,
Chudny island naveshchu,
U Gvidona pogoshchu".
A tkachikha s povarikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy,
Ne khotyat yego pustit
Chudny island navestit.
"Uzh dikovinka, nu pravo, -
Podmignuv drugim lukavo,
Povarikha says, -
Gorod u morya worth it!
Know, vot chto ne bezdelka:
Yel v lesu, pod yelyu belka,
Belka pesenki poyet
I oreshki vse gryzet,
A oreshki ne prostye,
All skorlupki zolotye,
Yadra - pure izumrud;
Vot chto chudom-to zovut".
Chudu tsar Saltan divitsya,
A komar-to zlitsya, zlitsya-
I vpilsya komar kak raz
Tetke pryamo v right eye.
Povarikha poblednela,
Obmerla i okrivela.
Slugi, svatya i sestra
S krikom lovyat komara.
"Rasproklyataya ty moshka!
My tebya!..” A on v okoshko,
Da spokoyno v svoy udel
Cherez more flew.

Again knyaz u morya khodit,
S sinya morya glaz ne svodit;
Glyad - poverkh tekuchikh vod
Lebed belaya plyvet.
“Zdravstvuy, knyaz ty moy prekrasny!

Opechalilsya chemu? -
Speaks ona yemu.
Knyaz Gvidon yey answer:
“Grust-toska menya syedayet;
Chudo chudnoye zavest
Me b khotelos. Somewhere to yest
Yel v lesu, pod yelyu belka;
Divo, right, ne bezdelka -
Belka pesenki poyet,
Da oreshki vse gryzet,
A oreshki ne prostye,
All skorlupki zolotye,
Yadra - pure izumrud;
No, byt mozhet, lyudi vrut.
knyazyu lebed answer:
“Svet o belke pravdu bayet;
It's chudo know ya;
Polno, knyaz, dusha moya,
Ne sadly; rad sluzhbu
Okazat tebe ya v druzhbu".
S obodrennoyu dushoy
Knyaz poshel sebe domoy;
Lish stupil na dvor shiroky -
What zh? pod yelkoyu vysokoy,
Vidit, belochka pri vsekh
Golden gryzet orekh,
Izumrudets vynimayet,
A skorlupku sobirayet,
Kuchki ravnye kladet
I s prisvistochkoy poyet
Pri chestnom pri vsem narode:
Vo sadu li, v ogorode.
Izumilsya knyaz Gvidon.
"Nu, spasibo, - molvil on, -
Ay da lebed - day yey bozhe,
What i mne, veselye to zhe.
Knyaz dlya belochki potom
Vystroil khrustalny dom,
Karaul k nemu pristavil
I pritom dyaka zastavil
Strict schet orekham vest.
Knyazyu pribyl, belke chest.

Veter po moryu gulyayet
I korablik podgonyayet;
On bezhit sebe v volnakh
Na podnyatykh parusakh
Mimo island cool,
Mimo goroda bolshogo:
Pushki's pristani palyat,
Korablyu pristat velyat.
Pristayut k zastave gosti;
Knyaz Gvidon zovet ikh v gosti,
Ikh i kormit i poit
I answer derzhat velit:
"Chem vy, gosti, torg vedete
I kuda teper plyvete?”
Korabelshchiki v answer:
"My obyekhali ves svet,
traded my konyami,
All donskimi zherebtsami,
A teper nam vyshel srok-
I lie nam put dalek:
Mimo island Buyana,
V tsarstvo slavnogo Saltana...»
Saying im knyaz togda:
"Dobry put vam, gospoda,
Po moryu po Okianu
K slavnomu tsaryu Saltanu;
Da say: knyaz Gvidon
Shlet tsaryu-de svoy poklon.

Gosti knyazyu poklonilis,
Vyshli von i v put pustilis.
K moryu knyaz - a lebed tam
Uzh gulyayet po volnam.
Molit knyaz: dusha-de prosit,
So i tyanet i unosit...
Vot opyat ona yego
Vmig obryzgala vsego:
V mukhu knyaz oborotilsya,
Poletel i opustilsya
Mezhdu morya i nebes
Na korabl - i v shchel zalez.

Veter veselo noise,
Ship veselo bezhit
Mimo island Buyana,
V tsarstvo slavnogo Saltana -
I zhelannaya country
Vot uzh izdali vidna;
Vot on the shore vyshli gosti;
Tsar Saltan zovet ikh v gosti,
I za nimi vo dvorets
Poletel our remotes.
Vidit: ves siaya v zlate,
Tsar Saltan sitit v palate
On the throne i v ventse,
S sad dumoy na litse.
A tkachikha s Babarikhoy
Da s krivoyu povarikhoy
Okolo tsarya sidyat,
Zlymi zhabami glyadyat.
Tsar Saltan gostey sazhayet
Za svoy stol i voproshayet:
"Oy vy, gosti-gospoda,
Long l yezdili? where?
Ladno l za morem, il khudo,
I kakoye v svete chudo?
Korabelshchiki v answer:
“My obyekhali ves svet;
Za morem zhitye ne khudo;
V svete zh vot kakoye chudo:
Ostrov on more lies,
Grad on the island worth it
S zlatoglavymi tserkvami,
S teremami da sadami;
Yel rastet pered dvortsom,
A pod ney khrustalny dom;
Belka tam zhivet ruchnaya,
Da zateynitsa kakaya!
Belka pesenki poyet,
Da oreshki vse gryzet,
A oreshki ne prostye,
All skorlupki zolotye,
Yadra - pure izumrud;
Slugi belku steregut,
Sluzhat yey prislugoy raznoy -
I pristavlen dyak prikazny
Strict schet orekham vest;
Otdayet yey voysko chest;
Iz skorlupok lyut monetu,
Da puskayut v khod po svetu;
Devki syplyut izumrud
V kladovye, da pod spud;
All v tom ostrove rich,
Izob net, vezde palaty;
A sidit v nem knyaz Gvidon;
On prislal tebe poklon.
Tsar Saltan divitsya chudu.
"Yesli tolko zhiv ya budu,
Chudny island naveshchu,
U Gvidona pogoshchu".
A tkachikha s povarikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy,
Ne khotyat yego pustit
Chudny island navestit.
Usmekhnuvshis ispodtikha,
Saying tsaryu tkachikha:
“What is there divnogo? nu, vot!
Belka kamushki gryzet,
Mechet zoloto i v grudy
Zagrebayet izumrudy;
Etim nas ne udivish,
Pravdul, net li speak.
V svete yest inoye divo:
More vzduyetsya burlivo,
Zakipit, podymet voy,
Khlynet on the beach empty,
Razolyetsya v shumnom bege,
I ochutyatsya na brege,
V cheshuye, kak zhar gorya,
Tridtsat tri bogatyrya,
All krasavtsy udalye,
Velikany youth,
All equal, like na podbor,
S nimi dyadka Chernomor.
This divo, so uzh divo,
Mozhno molvit spravedlivo!”
Gosti umnye molchat,
Sporit s neyu ne khotyat.
Divu tsar Saltan divitsya,
A Gvidon-to zlitsya, zlitsya...
Zazhuzhzhal on i kak raz
Tetke sel na levy eye
I tkachikha poblednela:
"Ay!" i tut zhe okrivela;
All krichat: "Lovi, lovi,
Da davi yee, davi...
Vot uzho! postoy nemnozhko,
Pogodi...” A knyaz v okoshko,
Da spokoyno v svoy udel
Cherez more priletel.

Knyaz u sinya morya khodit,
S sinya morya glaz ne svodit;
Glyad - poverkh tekuchikh vod
Lebed belaya plyvet.
“Zdravstvuy, knyaz ty moy prekrasny!
What ty tikh, how den unfortunate?
Opechalilsya chemu? -
Speaks ona yemu.
Knyaz Gvidon yey answer:
"Grust-toska menya syedayet -
Divo b divnoye khotel
Perenest ya v my udel.
"A what kind of zh eto divo?"
- Gde-to vzduyetsya burlivo
Okian, podymet voy,
Khlynet on the beach empty,
Rasplesnetsya v shumnom bege,
I ochutyatsya na brege,
V cheshuye, kak zhar gorya,
Tridtsat tri bogatyrya,
All krasavtsy youth,
Velikany udalye,
All equal, like na podbor,
S nimi dyadka Chernomor.
knyazyu lebed answer:
“What, knyaz, tebya smushchayet?
Ne tuzhi, dusha moya,
It's chudo know ya.
Eti vityazi morskiye
Me ved bratya vse rodnye.
Ne pechalsya zhe, stupay,
V gosti brattsev podzhiday.

Knyaz poshel, zabyvshi gore,
Sel na bashnyu, i na more
Steel stared at; more vdrug
Vskolykhalosya vokrug,
Raspleskalos v shumnom bege
I left on the brege
Tridtsat tri bogatyrya;
V cheshuye, kak zhar gorya,
Idut vityazi chetami,
I, blistaya sedinami,
Dyadka vperedi idet
I ko gradu ikh vedet.
S bashni knyaz Gvidon sbegayet,
Dorogikh gostey vstrechayet;
Vtoropyakh people bezhit;
Dyadka knyazyu says:
"Lebed nas k tebe poslala
I nakazom nakazala
Slavny city your khranit
I dozorom obkhodit.
My otnyne yezhedenno
Vmeste budem necessarily
U vysokikh sten tvoikh
Vykhodit iz vod morskikh,
So uvidimsya my vskore,
A teper pora nam v more;
Tyazhek vozdukh nam zemli".
All potom domoy ushli.

Veter po moryu gulyayet
I korablik podgonyayet;
On bezhit sebe v volnakh
Na podnyatykh parusakh
Mimo island cool,
Mimo goroda bolshogo;
Pushki's pristani palyat,
Korablyu pristat velyat.
Pristayut k zastave gosti.
Knyaz Gvidon zovet ikh v gosti,
Ikh i kormit i poit
I answer derzhat velit:
“Chem vy, gosti, torg vedete?
I kuda teper plyvete?”
Korabelshchiki v answer:
“My obyekhali ves svet;
Traded my bulatom,
Pure silver and zlatom,
I teper nam vyshel srok;
A lezhit nam put dalek,
Mimo island Buyana,
V tsarstvo slavnogo Saltana.
Saying im knyaz togda:
"Dobry put vam, gospoda,
Po moryu po Okianu
K slavnomu tsaryu Saltanu.
Da skazhite zh: knyaz Gvidon
Shlet-de svoy tsaryu poklon.

Gosti knyazyu poklonilis,
Vyshli von i v put pustilis.
K moryu knyaz, a lebed tam
Uzh gulyayet po volnam.
Knyaz opyat: dusha de prosit...
So i tyanet i unosit...
I opyat ona yego
Vmig obryzgala vsego.
Tut on ochen umenshilsya,
Shmelem knyaz oborotilsya,
Poletel i zazhuzhzhal;
ship on more dognal,
Potikhonku opustilsya
Na kormu - i v shchel zabilsya.

Veter veselo noise,
Ship veselo bezhit
Mimo island Buyana,
V tsarstvo slavnogo Saltana,
I zhelannaya country
Vot uzh izdali vidna.
Vot na bereg vyshli gosti.
Tsar Saltan zovet ikh v gosti,
I za nimi vo dvorets
Poletel our remotes.
Vidit, ves siaya v zlate,
Tsar Saltan sitit v palate
On the throne i v ventse,
S sad dumoy na litse.
A tkachikha s povarikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy,
Okolo tsarya sidyat-
Chetyrmya vse tri glyadyat.
Tsar Saltan gostey sazhayet
Za svoy stol i voproshayet:
"Oy vy, gosti-gospoda,
Long l yezdili? where?
Okay l za morem il khudo?
I kakoye v svete chudo?
Korabelshchiki v answer:
“My obyekhali ves svet;
Za morem zhitye ne khudo;
V svete zh vot kakoye chudo:
Ostrov on more lies,
Grad on the island worth,
Kazhdy den idet tam divo:
More vzduyetsya burlivo,
Zakipit, podymet voy,
Khlynet on the beach empty,
Rasplesnetsya v skorom bege -
I stay on the brege
Tridtsat tri bogatyrya,
V cheshuye zlatoy gorya,
All krasavtsy youth,
Velikany udalye,
All equal, like na podbor;
Stary-dyadka Chernomor
S nimi iz morya vykhodit
I poparno ikh vyvodit,
Chtoby island tot khranit
I dozorom obkhodit-
I toy strazhi net nadezhney,
Ni khrabreye, ni prilezhney.
A sitit tam knyaz Gvidon;
On prislal tebe poklon.
Tsar Saltan divitsya chudu.
"Koli zhiv ya tolko budu,
Chudny island naveshchu
I u knyazya pogoshchu".
Povarikha i tkachikha
Ni gugu - no Babarikha
Usmekhnuvshis says:
“Who nas etim udivit?
Lyudi iz morya vykhodyat
I sebe dozorom brodyat!
Pravdu l bayut, or lgut,
Diva ya ne vizhu tut.
V svete yest takiye l diva?
Vot idet molva pravdiva:
Za morem tsarevna yest,
What ne mozhno glaz otvest:
Dnem svet bozhy zatmevayet,
Nochyu zemlyu osveshchayet,
Mesyats pod kosoy glitter,
A vo lbu zvezda gorit.
A sama-to velichava,
Vyplyvayet, budto pava;
And how to speak to speak,
Slovno rechenka zhurchit.
Molvit mozhno spravedlivo,
It's divo, so uzh divo."
Gosti umnye molchat:
Sporit's baboy ne khotyat.
Chudu tsar Saltan divitsya -
A tsarevich khot i zlitsya,
No zhaleyet on ochey
Staroy babushki svoyey:
On nad ney zhuzhzhit, kruzhitsya -
Pryamo na nos k ney saditsya,
Nos uzhalil bogatyr:
Na nosu vskochil voldyr.
I opyat poshla trevoga:
“Help, radi boga!
Karaul! lovi, lovi,
Da davi yego, davi...
Vot uzho! pozhdi nemnozhko,
Pogodi!.. "A shmel v okoshko,
Da spokoyno v svoy udel
Cherez more flew.

Knyaz u sinya morya khodit,
S sinya morya glaz ne svodit;
Glyad - poverkh tekuchikh vod
Lebed belaya plyvet.
“Zdravstvuy, knyaz ty moy prekrasny!
What zh ty tikh, how den unfortunate?
Opechalilsya chemu? -
Speaks ona yemu.
Knyaz Gvidon yey answer:
"Grust-toska menya syedayet:
Lyudi zhenyatsya; glyazhu,
Nezhenat lish ya khozhu".
- A kogo zhe na primete
Ty imeyesh? - "Da na svete,
Govoryat, tsarevna yest,
What ne mozhno glaz otvest.
Dnem svet bozhy zatmevayet,
Nochyu zemlyu osveshchayet -
Mesyats pod kosoy glitter,
A vo lbu zvezda gorit.
A sama-to velichava,
Vystupayet, budto pava;
Sladku rech-to-talk,
Budto rechenka zhurchit.
Tolko, polno, pravda l eto?”
Knyaz so strakhom zhdet answer.
Lebed belaya molchit
I, podumav, say:
"Yes! takaya yest devitsa.
No zhena ne rukavitsa:
S beloy ruchki ne stryakhnesh,
Da za poyas ne zatknesh.
Usluzhu tebe sovetom -
Slushay: obo vsem ob etom
Porazthumay ty putem,
Ne raskayatsya b potom.
Knyaz pred neyu stal bozhitsya,
What is pora yemu zhenitsya,
What ob etom obo vsem
Peredumal on way;
What gotov dushoyu passionate
Za tsarevnoyu prekrasnoy
On peshkom idti otsel
Khot za tridevyat zemel.
Lebed tut, vzdokhnuv gluboko,
Molvila: "Zachem daleko?
Know, blizka sudba tvoya,
Ved tsarevna eta - ya".
Tut ona, vzmakhnuv krylami,
Poletela over waves
I'm on the beach
Opustilasya v kusty,
Vstrepenulas, otryakhnulas
I tsarevnoy obernulas:
Mesyats pod kosoy glitter,
A vo lbu zvezda gorit;
A sama-to velichava,
Vystupayet, budto pava;
And how to speak to speak,
Slovno rechenka zhurchit.
Knyaz tsarevnu obnimayet,
K beloy grudi prizhimayet
I vedet yee skorey
K miloy matushki svoyey.
Knyaz yey v nogi, umolyaya:
Vybral ya zhenu sebe,
Doch poslushnuyu tebe,
Please, oba permission,
Tvoyego blagoslovenya:
Ty children blagoslovi
Zhit v sovete i lyubvi".
Nad glavoyu ikh pokornoy
Mat s ikonoy chudotvornoy
Slezy lyet i say:
"God vas, deti, reward."
Prince ne dolgo sobiralsya,
Na tsarevne obvenchalsya;
Stali zhit da pozhivat,
Da priploda wait.

Veter po moryu gulyayet
I korablik podgonyayet;
On bezhit sebe v volnakh
Na razdutykh parusakh
Mimo island cool,
Mimo goroda bolshogo;
Pushki's pristani palyat,
Korablyu pristat velyat.
Pristayut k zastave gosti.
Knyaz Gvidon zovet ikh v gosti,
On ikh kormit i poit
I answer derzhat velit:
"Chem vy, gosti, torg vedete
I kuda teper plyvete?”
Korabelshchiki v answer:
"My obyekhali ves svet,
Trade my nedarom
Neukazannym tovarom;
A lezhit nam put dalek:
Vosvoyasi na vostok,
Mimo island Buyana,
V tsarstvo slavnogo Saltana.
Knyaz im vymolvil togda:
"Dobry put vam, gospoda,
Po moryu po Okianu
K slavnomu daryu Saltanu;
Da remind yemu,
Gosudaryu svoyemu:
K nam on v gosti obeshchalsya,
A dosele ne sobralsya-
Shlyu yemu ya svoy poklon.
Gosti v put, a knyaz Gvidon
Doma na sey raz ostalsya
I s zhenoyu ne rasstalsya.

Veter veselo noise,
Ship veselo bezhit
Mimo island Buyana
K tsarstvu slavnogo Saltana,
I'm familiar with the country
Vot uzh izdali vidna.
Vot na bereg vyshli gosti.
Tsar Saltan zovet ikh v gosti.
Gosti vidyat: vo dvortse
Tsar sitit v svoyem ventse,
A tkachikha s povarikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy,
Okolo tsarya sidyat,
Chetyrmya vse tri glyadyat.
Tsar Saltan gostey sazhayet
Za svoy stol i voproshayet:
"Oy vy, gosti-gospoda,
Long l yezdili? where?
Okay l za morem, il khudo?
I kakoye v svete chudo?
Korabelshchiki v answer:
“My obyekhali ves svet;
Za morem zhitye ne khudo,
V svete zh vot kakoye chudo:
Ostrov on more lies,
Grad on the island worth,
S zlatoglavymi tserkvami,
S teremami i sadami;
Yel rastet pered dvortsom,
A pod ney khrustalny dom;
Belka v nem zhivet ruchnaya,
Da chudesnitsa kakaya!
Belka pesenki poyet
Da oreshki vse gryzet;
A oreshki ne prostye,
Skorlupy to golden,
Yadra - pure izumrud;
Belku kholyat, beregut.
There yeshche drugoye divo:
More vzduyetsya burlivo,
Zakipit, podymet voy,
Khlynet on the beach empty,
Rasplesnetsya v skorom bege,
I ochutyatsya na brege,
V cheshuye, kak zhar gorya,
Tridtsat tri bogatyrya,
All krasavtsy udalye,
Velikany youth,
All equal, like na podbor -
S nimi dyadka Chernomor.
I toy strazhi net nadezhney,
Ni khrabreye, ni prilezhney.
A u knyazya zhenka yest,
What ne mozhno glaz otvest:
Dnem svet bozhy zatmevayet,
Nochyu zemlyu osveshchayet;
Mesyats pod kosoy glitter,
A vo lbu zvezda gorit.
Knyaz Gvidon tot gorod pravit,
Vsyak yego userdno slavit;
On prislal tebe poklon,
Da you penyayet on:
K nam-de v gosti obeshchalsya,
A dosele ne sobralsya.

Tut uzh tsar ne uterpel,
Snaryadit on fleet velel.
A tkachikha s povarikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy,
Ne khotyat tsarya pustit
Chudny island navestit.
No Saltan im ne vnimayet
I like raz ikh unimayet:
"What am I? tsar or childa? -
Saying on ne shutya:-
Nynche zh yedu!” -Tut on topnul,
Vyshel von i dveryu khlopnul.

Under oknom Gvidon sitit,
Molcha na more look:
Ne shumit ono, ne khleshchet,
Lish yedva, yedva trepeshchet,
I v lazorevoy dali
Pokazalis ships:
Po ravninam Okiana
Yedet flot tsarya Saltana.
Knyaz Gvidon togda vskochil,
Gromoglasno vozopil:
“Matushka moya rodnaya!
Ty, knyaginya young!
Look at vy tuda:
Yedet batyushka syuda".
Flot uzh k island podkhodit.
Knyaz Gvidon trubu navodit:
Tsar na palube stoit
I v trubu na nikh glyadit;
S nim tkachikha s povarikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy;
Udivlyayutsya one
Neznakomoy sideone.
Razom pushki zapalili;
V kolokolnyakh zazvonili;
K moryu sam idet Gvidon;
Tam tsarya vstrechayet on
S povarikhoy i tkachikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy;
V city on povel tsarya,
Nothing to say.

All teper idut v palaty:
U vorot blistayut laty,
I stoyat v glazakh tsarya
Tridtsat tri bogatyrya,
All krasavtsy youth,
Velikany udalye,
All equal, like na podbor,
S nimi dyadka Chernomor.
Tsar stupil na dvor shirokoy:
Tam pod yelkoyu vysokoy
Belka pesenku poyet,
Golden orekh gryzet,
Izumrudets vynimayet
I v meshechek opuskayet;
I zaseyan dvor bolshoy
Zolotoyu skorlupoy.
Gosti dale - toroplivo
Smotryat - what zh? princess - divo:
Pod kosoy luna glitter,
A vo lbu zvezda gorit;
A sama-to velichava,
Vystupayet, budto pava,
I svekrov svoyu vedet.
Tsar glyadit-i uznayet...
V nem vzygralo retivoye!
"What ya vizhu? what is takoye?
How!” - i duh v nem zanyalsya...
Tsar slezami zalilsya,
Obnimayet on tsaritsu,
I synka, i youth,
I sadyatsya vse za stol;
I vesely pir poshel.
A tkachikha s povarikhoy,
S svatyey baboy Babarikhoy,
Razbezhalis po uglam;
Ikh nashli nasilu tam.
Tut vo vsem oni priznalis,
Povinilis, razrydalis;
Tsar dlya radosti takoy
Otpustil vsekh trekh domoy.
Den proshel - tsarya Saltana
Ulozhili spat vpolpyana.
Ya tam byl; med, pivo pil-
I usy lish obmochil.

Tale o tsare Saltane

Nhb ltdbws gjl jryjv
Ghzkb gjplyj dtxthrjv/
"Rf,sz,skf wfhbwf, -
Ujdjhbn jlyf ltdbwf, -
Nj yf dtcm rhtotysq vbh
Ghbujnjdbkf , z gbh"/
"Rf,sz,skf wfhbwf, -
Ujdjhbn tt ctcnhbwf, -
Nj yf dtcm ,s vbh jlyf
Yfnrfkf z gjkjnyf"/
"Rf,sz,skf wfhbwf, -
Nhtnmz vjkdbkf ctcnhbwf, -
Z , lkz ,fn/irb-wfhz
Hjlbkf ,jufnshz"/

Njkmrj dsvjkdbnm ecgtkf,
Ldthm nbzdbkb wfhcre djk/-
Tq b csye pke/ljk/,
Ghjxbnfkb dcke[erfp,
B wfhbwe d njn ;t xfc
D ,jxre c csyjv gjcflbkb,
Pfcvjkbkb, gjrfnbkb
B gecnbkb d Jrbzy -
Nfr dtktk-lt wfhm Cfknfy/

D cbytv yt,t pdtpls ,ktoen,
D cbytv vjht djkys ttlftn,
Jljktkf vjkjlwf:
Dbltnm z , ttlftn;
Xelj xelyjt pfdtcnm
Vyt, tttlftn-
Lbdj , lbdyjt tttlftn:
K/lb ukz;e,
Yt;tyfn kbim z tt)

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