Eduard Uspensky: biography. The legendary writer Eduard Uspensky passed away Message about Uspensky


Russian literature of the 19th century

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky


Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegorievsk, Moscow Region.

After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. In his student years, he began to engage in literary creativity, published since 1960. He graduated from the institute in 1961.

He began his career as a comedian, he, together with A. Arkanov, published several humorous books. By his own admission, he got into children's literature by accident. His children's poems began to be published as humorous ones in the Literary Gazette, they sounded in the radio program Good Morning!

He became widely known as the author of children's books: "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends" (1966), "Down the Magic River" (1972), etc. His plays, written jointly with R. Kachanov, - "Cheburashka and His Friends "(1970); Bahram's Legacy (1973); “Vacation of the crocodile Gena” (1974), etc. The images of Cheburashka, the crocodile Gena and other heroes invented by him are loved by children of several generations. In 1976, a collection of poems “Everything is in order” was published. in Prostokvashino", "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat", "Gingerbread man is on the trail", "Colorful family", "Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (terrible stories for fearless children)", "Lectures by Professor Chainikov (an entertaining textbook on radio engineering)" was published in 1994.

No less success fell to the lot of adventures of friends from Prostokvashino - Uncle Fyodor, Sharik, cat Matroskin. And they also found their on-screen incarnation. In addition, Eduard Uspensky wrote for the popular children's program "Baby Monitor", for the TV program "ABVGDeyka", now he is broadcasting "Ships entered our harbor."

The writer's works have been translated into more than 25 languages, his books have been published in Finland, Holland, France, Japan, and the USA. In recent years, his new books have been published in the Samovar publishing house organized by him. Lives and works in Moscow.

Recently, Eduard Uspensky announced that he had completed many years of work on a cycle of historical novels telling about the period of False Dmitry and the Time of Troubles.

Uspensky Eduard Nikolaevich was born on December 22, 1937 in the Moscow region. The boy's father was a party worker, and his mother was an engineer in the machine-building department. After school, he applied to the Moscow Aviation Institute for an engineer, who successfully graduated in 1961.

The first literary works were published by the writer in his student years. These works were created jointly with A. Arkanov and had a humorous character. But many of them never passed the "censorship" of the publishers of that time due to their inconsistency with communist ideals.

Ouspensky's humorous works were a success with the public, but he is better known to everyone as an author of children's literature. Among his books are well-known to everyone "Crocodile Gena and his friends" and "Down the magic river", as well as "Vacations in Prostokvashino".

Under his leadership, several dozen cartoons were filmed. He is the author of such well-known TV programs as: "Good night kids" and "Ships came into our harbor." In the life of Uspensky there were three marriages. The first marriage gave the writer his only own daughter, Tanechka. But twenty years later, the union broke up and Edward, taking his daughter, married a second time. Surprisingly, this marriage lasted exactly 20 years. Life together with the second wife was not cloudless (the couple could not have children), and the couple decided to adopt children from the orphanage. So two more girls appeared in the Uspensky family - Ira and Sveta. The beginning of a relationship with Eleonora Filina was overshadowed by a lawsuit with Edward's second wife, who accused him of not paying alimony. After the completion of the case, Ouspensky and Filina legalized their relationship.

Not all modern children know his name, but everyone knows the heroes created by this man. More than one generation of children grew up on the cartoons "Crocodile Gena", "Prostokvashino", "Antoshka". Eduard Uspensky gave this world something more than just scripts or books. The bright life and biography of this talented person, who carried love for children through his whole life and made this world a little kinder, giving a smile to every family.

Childhood and youth

Famous writer in his youth

The beginning of the creative path

From his youth, Eduard Uspensky was fond of writing stories and stories for children, and also came up with poems and songs. While studying at the aviation university, he was a member of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. Parents wondered where the boy from an ordinary Soviet family had such pronounced creative abilities.

Writer Eduard Uspensky

At first, the writer simply composed styles for his own pleasure and very rarely published anywhere. But with humorous stories, children's books and comic sketches, it's a different story - they immediately appealed to a wide audience. This prompted the talented writer to develop in this particular genre.

World fame

No one today can imagine how the fate of the books written by Eduard Uspensky would have been, if not for Soyuzmultfilm. In tandem, such bright fairy-tale characters, unique in their charisma, were created:

"Papa" Cheburashka - Eduard Uspensky

  • from Prostokvashino: cat Matroskin, uncle Fyodor and Sharik, postman Pechkin;
  • crocodile Gena and Cheburashka are no less popular and loved.

Eduard Uspensky invested a lot of light and kindness in his other books, which were not filmed by Soyuzmultfilm. These are "Lectures by Professor Chainikov", "About Vera and Anfisa" and others.

Ouspensky wrote many children's books

The writer's books have been translated into 20 languages ​​of the world. They are understandable to children from different countries, regardless of culture, religion and traditions. The writer gained particular fame in Sweden. He was accepted into the Swedish Writers' Union, and the heroes of the books very often appeared on TV screens and magazine covers.

Eduard Uspensky personally wrote scripts for cartoons and approached this process with all love and responsibility. Later, based on the stories, two feature-length films and one TV series were shot.

The image of Shapoklyak Uspensky copied from his first wife

Personal life

The writer managed to marry three times in his life. The man was married to his first wife for 18 years. They had a daughter who gave grandchildren to Eduard Uspensky. Together with his second wife, the man adopted two twin girls. From that moment on, a real family and children appeared in his biography.

The most painful for the writer was the third marriage with the famous radio host Eleonora Filina. Fate brought them together while working together in the radio program "Ships came into our harbor."

With third wife Eleonora Filina

After several years of marriage, a difficult divorce process began. The ex-wife appeared on television, gave interviews about life together, accusing Eduard Uspensky of a difficult character and impartial behavior in everyday life. The writer himself rarely gave interviews on the subject of divorce and explained his wife's behavior by the fact that she wants to close her financial debts with his funds.

Of course, the talented author had a difficult character. Relatives say that he did not agree to compromises and did not make concessions. However, this is what helped him create immortal creations that will delight children around the world for several decades.

Eduard Uspensky died of stomach cancer

Illness and death

During the divorce proceedings, Eduard Uspensky was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - stomach cancer. Together with his wife, he went to Germany for treatment, but soon the woman could not stand it and returned to Russia.

German specialists were able to stop the disease for some time, but they failed to save the man. Relatives believe that the high-profile divorce crippled the health of the famous writer and hastened his departure. On August 14, 2018, Eduard Uspensky died in a Moscow clinic.

Eduard Uspensky is currently very ill - the outstanding writer has cancer of the fourth stage, he is sure that his third wife Eleonora Filina left him because of a terrible diagnosis and quickly found herself a lover.

In the program "New Russian Sensations" on NTV, Eduard Uspensky spoke for the first time in detail about the tragedy that occurred in his family. The 80-year-old writer, playwright and screenwriter, author of children's books and TV presenter suffers greatly both because of illness and because Eleonora Filina left him at the most difficult moment of his life.

Currently, the sick writer is cared for by his second wife Elena, whom he left for Eleanor in 2005, however, she found the strength to forgive her husband's betrayal and helps him fight a dangerous disease.

Eduard Uspensky is now undergoing his fourth cycle of chemotherapy and hopes to recover soon, because doctors note a positive trend, although he is still the author of such popular books as Gena the Crocodile and His Friends and Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat.

At the same time, the writer and his former third wife, 55-year-old TV presenter Eleonora Filina, whom they met on the set of the program “Ships Came to Our Harbor”, after a while nevertheless reconciled, and they no longer have disagreements - everyone lives their own life .

Eduard Uspensky biography

Eduard Fedorovich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow Region, in the family of Nikolai Mikhailovich (1903-1947), an employee of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, and Natalia Alekseevna (1907-1982), a mechanical engineer.

After leaving school, Edward entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), having received a diploma from which he became an engineer. During this time, he also begins writing scripts and stories for children as a hobby. In addition, he creates and conducts student skits and performances of the local "Club of Cheerful and Resourceful".

After some time, Eduard Fedorovich realizes that working as an engineer is not for him and devotes his time to writing stories and poems for children, as well as humorous sketches and stories for the satire block.

Uspensky's first book about the now well-known Uncle Fyodor, Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat, was published in 1974. Animators drew attention to the children's book and suggested that the author make a series of cartoons based on the book.

As a result, thanks to them, Uspensky receives recognition and world fame. His stories are translated into more than 20 languages ​​of the world and are actively published and republished many years after their appearance. The writer is invited to the Swedish Writers' Union. He is admired by other famous writers like Astrid Lindgren, Tove Jansson and Anna Schmidt.

The impressive creative heritage of the writer, screenwriter looks impressive:

Eduard Uspensky books

Crocodile Gena and his friends (1966, 1970)
Colorful Family (1967)
That's So School (1968)
Crocodile Gena (1970)
Balloons (1971)
Down the Magic River (1972)
Ice (1973)
Bahram's Legacy (1973)
Uncle Fedor, dog and cat (1974)
Academician Ivanov (1974)
Crocodile Gena's Vacation (1974)
Warranty Men (1975)
Crocodile Gena (1975)
It's All Right (1976)
Repeat (1976)
Amazing Thing (1976)
Crocodile Gena (1977)
Crocodile Gena and Other Tales (1977)
Down the Magic River (1979)
Clown School (1981)
Ice (1982)
If I were a girl (1983)
Holidays in Prostokvashino (1983)
Above Our Apartment (1980, 1981, 1984)
Vera and Anfisa in the clinic (1985)
Vera and Anfisa meet (1985)
Clown Ivan Bultykh (1987)
Kolobok follows the trail (1987)
25 Professions of Masha Filipenko (1988)
About Sidorov Vova (1988)
Fur boarding school (1989)
Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (1990)
Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat (dialogues on political issues) (1990)
"Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat, and politics (1991)
Lectures by Professor Chainikov (1991)
Literacy: A Book for One Reader and Ten Illiterates (1992)
The Business of Crocodile Gena (1992)
Year of the Good Child (1992) (co-author E. de Grun)
Underwater Berets (1993)
Uncle Fyodor's aunt, or Escape from Prostokvashino (1995)
Winter in Prostokvashino (1997)
Uncle Fyodor's favorite girl (1997)
New order in Prostokvashino (1997)
Uncle Fyodor goes to school, or Nancy from the Internet in Prostokvashino (1999)
False Dmitry II, real (1999)
Spring in Prostokvashino (2001)
Mushrooms for Cheburashka (2001)
Crocodile Gena - police lieutenant (2001)
Pechkin vs. Khwatayka (2001)
Kidnapping of Cheburashka (2001)
Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino (2001)
Trouble in Prostokvashino (2002)
The Stepanide Case: Stories (2002)
Viper Sting (2002)
Treasure from the village of Prostokvashino (2004)
Mystery Guest from Space (2004)
Birthdays in Prostokvashino (2005)
Acid rain in Prostokvashino and other funny stories (2005)
New life in Prostokvashino (2007)
Postman Pechkin's mistake
Cheburashka goes to the people "
Ivan - the king's son and the Gray Wolf
About Vera and Anfisa
Zhab Zhabych Skovorodkin
Son of Zhab Zhabych
History of the Sparrowhawk
Koloboks are investigating
Magnetic house near Vladimir
Household dog on a Belarusian farm
Incidents in Prostokvashino, or the Inventions of the Postman Pechkin
Stories about a girl with a strange name (2009)
Warranty Men Return (2011)
The story of Geveichik, the gutta-percha man (2011)
Ghost from Prostokvashino (2011)
Spanish series
Uncle Fedor, dog and cat (1976)
Warranty Men (1979)
Teacher Girl (1983)
New Year in Prostokvashino
Island of Scientists
Santa Claus vacation
About pike command
The loss of the white elephant
Koloboks are investigating

Eduard Uspensky feature films

1982 - There, on unknown paths (based on the story "Down the Magic River")
1991 - Year of a good child (based on the story of the same name by E. Uspensky and E. de Grun)

Eduard Uspensky scripts for animated films

1969 - Antoshka (Merry Carousel, No. 1), Crocodile Gena
1971 - Cheburashka
1971 - Defeat (Merry Carousel, No. 3) (director V. Ugarov, composer Sh. Kallosh, text read: A. Livshits, A. Levenbuk)
1971 - Red, red, freckled (Merry Carousel, No. 3)
1972 - Loser (script: R. Kachanova, E. Uspensky, director V. Golikov)
1974 - Shapoklyak
1974 - Bird Market (director M. Novogrudskaya)
1975 - Painting. Vanya rode
1975 - The legacy of the wizard Bahram
1975 - Wonderful day
1975 - Elephant-dilo-senok (director B. Ardov)
1975 - Uncle Fedor, dog and cat: Matroskin and Sharik (first film)
1976 - Uncle Fedor, dog and cat: Mitya and Murka (second film)
1976 - Uncle Fedor, dog and cat: Mom and Dad (third film)
1976 - Octopuses
1978 - Three from Prostokvashino
1979 - Uncle Au (film one)
1979 - Uncle Au's Mistake (film two)
1979 - Uncle Au in the city (third film)
1979 - About the refrigerator, gray mice and warranty men (director L. Domnin)
1979 - Olympic character
1980 - Vacation in Prostokvashino
1980 - Blob
1980 - Canoeing (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director R. Strautmane)
1980 - Judo (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director Yu. Butyrin)
1980 - Equestrian sport (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director Y. Butyrin)
1980 - Artistic gymnastics (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director B. Akulinichev)
1980 - Race walking (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director O. Churkin)
1980 - Field hockey (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director O. Churkin)
1980 - Baba Yaga is against! (film one)
1980 - Baba Yaga is against! (film two)
1980 - Baba Yaga is against! (film third)
1981 - Plasticine Crow
1981 - Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers
1982 - Teleglaz (screen saver for a series of programs on economy) (director A. Tatarsky)
1983 - Cheburashka goes to school
1983 - Koloboks are investigating (film one) (directed by Aida Zyablikova)
1983 - Koloboks are investigating (second film) (directed by Aida Zyablikova)
1983 - New Year's song of Santa Claus
1984 - Winter in Prostokvashino
1985 - About Sidorov Vova
1986 - Academician Ivanov
1986 - About Vera and Anfisa
1986 - Koloboks are investigating (film one, two) (directors: Igor Kovalev, Alexander Tatarsky
1987 - Koloboks are investigating (film third, fourth) (directors: Igor Kovalev, Alexander Tatarsky)
1987 - About Vera and Anfisa: Vera and Anfisa put out the fire
1988 - About Vera and Anfisa: Vera and Anfisa in a lesson at school
1988 - Riddle (Merry Carousel, No. 19)
1989 - Today in our city
1989 - Happy Start 1 (dolphin movie)
1989 - Happy Start 3 (dolphin movie)
1989 - Lake at the bottom of the sea (film about dolphins)
1989 - Miko - Pavlova's son (director E. Prorokova) (film about dolphins)
1989 - The surface of the iceberg (film about dolphins) (director A. Gorlenko, composers: T. Hayen, E. Artemyev)
1989 - Secret ocean dump (dolphin movie)
1990 - Happy Start 4 (dolphin movie)
1991 - Underwater Berets [feature film about dolphins]
1993 - Three types and a violinist (director N. Lerner, composers: M. Meerovich, J.-S. Bach, A. Vivaldi)
2011 - Spring in Prostokvashino (director V. Druzhinin, composer E. Krylatov)
2013 - Cheburashka (directed by Makoto Nakamura)

Eduard Uspensky TV series

2001 - "Professor Chainikov's Advice", a television series for children (director Oleg Ryaskov, MNVK, TV6).

Since the late 1970s, Eduard Uspensky began working on radio and television - he reads his poems and stories, and also releases a series of television programs for children.

Eduard Uspensky Prize

1991 - Prize and Diploma to them. A. Gaidar for the story "The Year of a Good Child" to the writer Eles de Grun and the writer Eduard Uspensky.
1997 - the award of the magazine "Spark"
1997 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree
2005 - gold medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization
2010 - Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture for the book "Stories about a girl with a strange name"
2010 - Prize to them. K. Chukovsky in the nomination "For outstanding creative achievements in national children's literature"
Laureate of the All-Union competition for the best children's book
2015 - Prize to them. Lev Kopelev for the fight for peace and human rights
2015 - Telegrand national award for outstanding contribution to the creation of children's television programs and significant contributions to the development of animated films

Eduard Uspensky personal life

An outstanding personality was married three times, while his family: wives and children always inspired him to search for new ideas and create new characters. So Shapoklyak is a copy of Rimma's first wife. According to the writer himself, his wife was distinguished by harmfulness. Although he laid his own character traits in the image of Shapoklyak, which he was not very proud of.

The marriage with Rimma lasted 18 years, a daughter, Tatyana, was born in it, who, in turn, gave birth to a daughter, Catherine, and a son, Edward, named after the great grandfather, from her husband.

The second wife, Elena, with whom Eduard Uspensky got back together, could not have children, so together they adopted twin girls Irina and Svetlana.

The third marriage with TV presenter Eleonora Filina, who was much younger than her husband, lasted 6 years, although they had been together for 20 years. The couple did not have common children. Eleanor's son from a previous relationship, Vlad, also lived with them.

Eduard Uspensky latest news

Recently, the Soyuzmultfilm studio created a remake of the legendary cartoon based on Uspensky Prostokvashino. The new cartoon is called "Return to Prostokvashino". The light saw the first series of this cartoon. The number of views in the first days beat all records. In the first series, the cat Matroskin, in memory of Oleg Tabakov, speaks approximately in his voice. This is done by the eldest son of Tabakov, 57-year-old Anton Tabakov.

Soyuzmulfilm decided to make a series of 30 short 6-minute parts.

However, the author of the main story, Eduard Uspensky, did not like this remake. And most likely the mistake of the Soyuzmultfilm studio was that they made a sequel without consulting the maestro. Still, copyright must be respected.

“Rights do not belong to them and will not belong to them. They try to portray that they have them and the opportunity to act. I will definitely sue. Lawyers prepare as soon as possible - the story will unfold.

On the death of Eduard Uspensky.

The writer was born on December 22, 1937 in Yegorievsk (Moscow region) in the family of Nikolai Mikhailovich Uspensky (1903-1947) and Natalia Alekseevna Dzyurova (1907-1982). His father worked in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, his mother was a mechanical engineer.

In 1955 Uspensky entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. In his student years, he began to engage in literary creativity, posted poems and feuilletons in the institute's wall newspaper. Since 1960, he published them in pop collections, the Nedelya newspaper and the Crocodile magazine.

In 1961 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute with a degree in engineering, after which he worked for three and a half years at the Second Moscow Instrument-Making Plant.

In March 1965, together with Felix Kamov, he headed the author's group of the student pop-satirical theater of the MAI "TV". The following year, the Moscow publishing house "Art" published a collection of humorous stories for the stage "Four under one cover." Its authors were Eduard Uspensky, Felix Kamov, Arkady Arkanov and Grigory Gorin.

From the mid-1960s he wrote for children. In 1965, the publishing house "Children's Literature" published the first book by Eduard Uspensky - a collection of poems "Funny Elephant".

In 1966, the fairy tale "Crocodile Gena and his friends" was published. Its main characters, Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, gained wide popularity - first in the USSR, and later - abroad.

According to Uspensky's scripts, animator Roman Kachanov staged puppet animated films Crocodile Gena (1969), Cheburashka (1971), Shapoklyak (1974), Cheburashka Goes to School (1983). Together with Kachanov, Uspensky wrote the plays Cheburashka and His Friends (1970) and Gena the Crocodile's Vacation (1974). In the 2000s, animated films about Cheburashka were made in Japan. Since the XXVIII Summer Olympic Games in 2004 (Athens, Greece), Cheburashka has repeatedly become the mascot of the Russian Olympic team.

In 1974, Eduard Uspensky published a fairy tale story "Uncle Fyodor, a dog and a cat." Based on her motives, director Vladimir Popov shot the animated films "Three from Prostokvashino" (1978), "Vacations in Prostokvashino" (1980) and "Winter in Prostokvashino" (1984), which received wide popularity among viewers.

The writer also released fairy tales Down the Magic River (1972), Guarantee Little Men (1975), School of Clowns (1983), Gingerbread Man Follows the Trail (1987), Masha Filipenko's 25 Professions (1988) , "Fur boarding school" (1989), etc.

In 1991 he published an "entertaining textbook" on radio engineering "Lectures of Professor Chainikov", in 1999 - a historical novel "False Dmitry II, the real one". Among the author's new works are fairy tales "The Story of Heveichik, Gutta-Percha Man" (2011), "Guarantee Men Return" (2011), "Prince from Kinder Egg" (2014), "About Cucumber and Tomato" (2015), etc. .

The works of Eduard Uspensky have been translated into 25 languages.

According to the scripts and works of the writer, 60 animated films were shot. Among the most famous: "Antoshka" (1969, in the collection "Merry Carousel", directed by Leonid Nosyrev), "Red, red, freckled" (1971, in the collection "Merry Carousel", Leonid Nosyrev), "Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers" ( 1981, Gennady Sokolsky), "About Sidorov Vova" (1985, Eduard Nazarov), "Kolobki are investigating" (1986-1987, Igor Kovalev and Alexander Tatarsky), "Three types and a violinist" (1993, Nathan Lerner), etc.

Performances based on the works of Eduard Uspensky are included in the repertoire of a number of Russian theaters.

Based on his works, films for children were made: "There, on unknown paths ..." (1982, directed by Mikhail Yuzovsky) and "The Year of a Good Child" (1991, Boris Konunov).

In 1970, Uspensky was the author and screenwriter of the first episodes of the Baby Monitor (All-Union Radio) educational program for younger schoolchildren, and in 1975, the children's educational television program ABVGDeika (The First Program of Central Television).

In 1986, he was one of the jury members of the revived TV program "The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful".

In the 1990s, he hosted the musical program "Ships came into our harbor" on Radio Russia, in 1999-2011. - TV program of the same name (came out on NTV, TV-6, TVS, Channel Five channels).

He was chairman of the jury of the Literary Prize. Korney Chukovsky.

In 2007, he was a member of the supreme council of the political party Civil Force.

He was a member of the Writers' Union of Moscow.

Laureate of the Russian Government Prize in the field of culture (2010, for the book "Stories about a girl with a strange name").

He was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (1997).

He was awarded the literary prize. Korney Chukovsky in the nomination "For Outstanding Creative Achievements in Russian Children's Literature" (2010), Lev Kopelev "For freedom and human rights" (2015), "Crown" award of the Writers' Union of Moscow (2016).

Was married three times. The first wife is Rimma, a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute; the second - Elena, an employee of television; the third is TV presenter Eleonora Filina. From the first marriage - daughter Tatyana (born 1968), from the second - twin daughters Irina and Svetlana (born 1991). After a divorce from his third wife, he reunited with his second wife.

Hannu Mäkel's book "Edik. A Journey into the World of Children's Writer Eduard Uspensky" (2008) and a documentary from the Living Legends series (2011, directed by Sergei Kraus) are dedicated to the writer's life and work.

In Russia you will not find a person who would not be familiar with the work of Eduard Uspensky. This man devoted his whole life to children and ways to make them happy. The stories of the writer have raised many generations of kids who believe in kindness and friendship, courage and honesty, and therefore are able to help relatives and friends in difficult times.

And, for sure, there are no people in Russia who would not see cartoons created based on the books of Eduard Nikolaevich. He earned popular recognition and love thanks to his wonderful works that show the right values ​​in an understandable and accessible form.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Eduard Nikolaevich began on December 22, 1937 in Yegorievsk. The parents of the future author were not related to the writer's path. Father Nikolai Mikhailovich worked as a cynologist in the hunting department of the Central Committee of the CPSU, so there were many animals in the house. My mother was a mechanical engineer by education. In addition to Edik, two more sons were brought up in the family: the older brother Igor and the younger Yuri. By nationality, Uspensky's father was a Jew, and his mother was Russian.

When Eduard was 10 years old, his beloved dad passed away, the children stayed with their mother. The family lived in an apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

At an early age, Edik grew up as a mischievous boy. The child didn’t study well, so he “pricked up” to cut the deuces from the diary with a blade. Poor financial support affected: after the death of his father, the family lived in poverty. But with all this, the future writer dreamed of a career as a minister or academician.

Once Edward broke his leg and ended up in the hospital. Then the boy asked his mother to bring textbooks and began to study. Soon, the performance of Eduard Uspensky improved, and the young man graduated from school with diplomas for victories in the Olympiads. Mathematics was especially good for the young man.

He received his higher education at the Moscow Aviation Institute. After studying, he went to work as an engineer, and in his spare time he began to write scripts and stories for children. Ouspensky's interest in creativity arose in his youth - at school the guy was a constant leader for detachments with young students, for whom he came up with funny children's poems and songs. The young man combined his university education with the creation and holding of student skits and local performances.

After working for a short time in his specialty, Uspensky began to develop a career as a writer. He wrote stories and poems for children, but published his work infrequently. Humorous sketches and stories by Edward for the satire block turned out to be much more in demand. However, the author did not want to develop in this direction.

Eduard Uspensky came up with the heroes of his favorite cartoons

It is not known how the fate of the best works would have developed if the creators of the cartoons had not paid attention to them. Owing to the visual illustration, Ouspensky's writings have become widespread and world-famous.


The works of Eduard Nikolaevich are popular among readers around the world. Uspensky's stories have been translated into more than 20 languages ​​of the world, and are actively published and republished many years after their appearance. Attention was paid to the author in Sweden - there the man's writings gained such popularity that the characters appeared both on television and in magazines, and Eduard Uspensky himself was invited to the Swedish Writers' Union. The author's works were appreciated by such European masters of children's literature as Anna Schmidt.

"Papa" Cheburashka - Eduard Uspensky

The most famous books of this great author for a wide range of readers are stories about Prostokvashino, in which there are, and. Stories in which and participate also became popular. One of the author's first works, "Down the Magic River", was widely disseminated.

The history of the publication of many works turned out to be difficult. The author was criticized for the lack of features of a real pioneer in the image and behavior of Cheburashka, censorship banned other poems and sketches of the author.

Screen adaptation of children's stories took place under the strict control of the author - Eduard Uspensky independently wrote scripts for animations. Based on the stories and novels of the writer, two feature films were created, and later one series was shot.

With the advent of popularity in the late 1970s, Eduard Uspensky began to appear on radio programs - to read poetry and stories. He writes plays about his favorite characters. In the 1980s, the first collection with stories about Matroskin, Kolobok was published.

Cartoon "Three from Prostokvashino"

Even from the pen of Eduard Uspensky came the fairy tales "Guaranteed little men" and "Koloboks are investigating." The poem "A Terrible Story" is popular.

Eduard Nikolaevich also worked on television. He became the ideological inspirer and author of a series of programs for children of different ages.

The Soviet and Russian writer has repeatedly received awards. In 1997 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. In 2010, Eduard Nikolaevich became the laureate of the Name Prize, which is awarded to outstanding children's writers.

In November 2017, Eduard Nikolayevich wrote an open letter to the President of the Russian Federation, in which he accused the Soyuzmultfilm film studio of copyright infringement. According to the writer, the new series of Prostokvashino came out without Uspensky's knowledge. The author claimed that he did not give his consent to the production of the sequel.

"Return to Prostokvashino"

They participated in voicing their favorite characters, and. Anton and Yulia expressed regret that Eduard Nikolaevich spoke so sharply about the new series of the animated film. The first release of the sequel, released in April 2018, has collected several million views on the Web.

In May, the second episode of the cartoon was released. The series was dedicated to the memory of Oleg Tabakov. On the first day, the release was watched by 25 million people.

Personal life

The family has always inspired the writer, especially in creating the most unexpected characters. The author came up with the bright and unforgettable Shapoklyak, recalling his ex-wife Rimma. According to the famous author, the wife was distinguished by harmfulness. Although in the image, he continues, there are some of the writer's own unattractive features.

And the daughter's children's cry first served as a source of the name Cheburashka, and later - the whole history of this character. This hero became legendary - at first he fell in love with the inhabitants of the country of the rising sun, and then became a symbol of Russia at sports competitions.

Eduard Uspensky was married three times. From his first marriage, which lasted 18 years, he had a daughter, Tatyana, who already has her own family and who gave dad a grandson and granddaughter. From the second marriage, the writer also left children: two twin daughters, whom the couple adopted.

For the third time, Eduard Nikolaevich married a popular TV presenter - Eleanor Filina became the chosen one of the author. Together with his beloved, the writer hosted the radio program "Ships came into our harbor." As a result, service relations grew into a real romance.

The divorce proceedings with the last wife turned out to be loud - the wife appeared on television and in the press with loud statements, publicly discussed life with the writer.

After decades of living together, when the whole country considered this couple exemplary, Eleanor was offended by her husband who filed for divorce and began to tell what the union with the writer really was. Many unpleasant words were said about the now ex-husband, impartially characterizing the character of a man and behavior in everyday life.

However, few people know that while the ex-wife was on television, the writer himself was struggling with a serious illness - cancer. The man went to Germany, where he underwent chemotherapy. At first, Eleanor was next to her husband, took care of the writer, but the woman's patience was enough for several months, after which Filina simply went back to Russia and left Edward alone in a foreign country.

Ouspensky did not comment on Eleanor's actions for a long time, but once made a statement that the reason for this woman's behavior is huge monetary debts, which, according to the writer, the ex-wife wants to close at the expense of Eduard Nikolaevich.

Scandalous "Live" with Eleonora Filina

Nevertheless, Edward's character was really difficult, this is confirmed by relatives and colleagues. Not everyone could cope with it and productively maintain personal and work relationships. At some point, some individual character traits of Eduard Nikolayevich even put an end to the then unknown story about - the essay was refused to be published, fearing sudden scandals and claims from the writer.

The writer rarely wrote to order, as he did not consider it necessary to make adjustments to stories at the behest of third-party people. This intransigence often spoiled the writer's work and personal relationships. On the other hand, perhaps, without it, Ouspensky's beloved characters would not have seen the light in the unique form that the author gave them.

As for the writer himself, the man adored animals and birds, parrots and dogs constantly lived in his house, which the writer took care of with pleasure. Eduard worked every day, composing in a country house and in Moscow. In his free time, he liked to watch foreign series, especially on medical topics. Ouspensky's favorite serial film was "".

It is known that Eduard Nikolaevich respected creativity. That is why the charismatic actor was entrusted with dubbing the cat from Prostokvashino.

In April 2018, the writer gave an interview in which he said that his second wife, Elena Uspenskaya, was next to him. The woman forgave her ex-husband and returned. Recently, Edward and his wife lived in peace and harmony, supported each other and did not remember the past. The couple hoped that the writer would cope with the illness.

And Eleonora Filina, it turns out, went to a young lover who is 30 years younger than her. The TV presenter took out a loan of 6 million rubles for the guy to open a business, but the business went bankrupt.

Filin herself does not admit this. The woman only says that she could no longer be close to her despotic husband. According to Eleanor, Filina wanted to divorce Uspensky for a long time, but her husband's state of health and diagnosis stopped her.


August 14, 2018 in his Moscow home. The cause of death of the writer was cancer, with which he fought for several years. He underwent treatment in Germany, after the operation the disease receded for a short time.

At home on the eve of the tragedy, according to Irina's daughter, Eduard Nikolaevich, he needed medical attention.


  • 1966 - Crocodile Gena and his friends
  • 1972 - "Down the Magic River"
  • 1974 - "Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat"
  • 1975 - "Guarantee little men"
  • 1976 - "The Amazing Thing"
  • 1983 - "Vacations in Prostokvashino"
  • 1985 - "Vera and Anfisa in the clinic"
  • 1987 - "Kolobok is on the trail"
  • 1990 - "Red hand, black sheet, green fingers"
  • 1997 - "Winter in Prostokvashino"
  • 2001 - "Mushrooms for Cheburashka"
  • 2007 - "New life in Prostokvashino"
  • 2011 - "Guarantee men are back"
  • 2011 - "Ghost from Prostokvashino"

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