His grave will be dark and filled with fire…. The grave will be for the dead or the Garden of Eden or the hell hole Punishment for the one who leaves prayer


Last words before he was strangled:

What I've done?

Pavel I
Amsterdam, year 1717

Ruysch decided to sell the collection only in 1717, when Peter I came to Amsterdam again, nineteen years after the first negotiations with the Russian Tsar began.

Peter was no longer that young inquisitive and trusting young man. It was a sovereign, commander, king of a mighty state. All negotiations and bargaining for the sale of the collection were conducted in advance with Dr. Areskin, and when Peter arrived in Amsterdam, the issue had already been resolved. Ruysch was already 79 years old by that time, but he was still full of strength and energy. At first, it was only about selling a collection of freaks. But Ruysch agreed to sell only the entire collection at once, and after long negotiations, the collection was finally bought for 30,000 guilders, which at that time was a huge sum for which a warship with full equipment could be built.

Dr. Areskin insisted on Ruysch's discovery of this secret of embalming corpses. But Ruysch demanded an exorbitant price for his secret, and his secret was not acquired.

Here is what Frederic Ruysch himself wrote about the sale of the collection and the secret of embalming to his friend: “As for the price, I was very mistaken in the amount due to my collection and even acted unwisely, demanding only 30,000 guilders. If I had first asked for 60,000 guilders (which everyone appreciates my collection), then at least they would give me 40,000. But since the deed is already done, then, keeping honesty, I do not renounce this word. In addition, Mr. Areskin demands that I reveal to him the secret known only to me of preparing and preserving anatomical things and anointing dead bodies. For from whom I have not asked about this and no matter how much I have found out, no one truly understands this. Mr. Dr. Blumentros, who recently arrived from Paris and lived there with Mr. anatomist du Vernoy, says that all this glorious man's knowledge in this matter is of little importance because all his preparations are unreliable. I am not ashamed to say: even if someone, instead of all good things, had only my knowledge of this, he would, in my opinion, be quite rich and could live his life in peace. So, if Mr. Areskin cancels this one demand, I agree to everything else. I, despite my old age, will agree to teach this one secret for at least 50,000 guilders. Do not think that I have found all this without long labors. I got up every morning at 4 o'clock, spent all my income on it and, for all that, often despaired of success, used more than one thousand corpses, not only fresh, but also those that had already gone to the worms for turning, and through that many I exposed myself to dangerous diseases. Let Mr. Areskin buy whatever he pleases from others; only after that he will begin to repent utterly about this, if the preservation was not done according to my method, on the search for which I spent almost my whole life, not tasting any of the gaiety of this world, and even now I still work day and night. The Roman emperor Leopold of blessed memory offered me 20,000 guilders for discovering the secret of anointing dead bodies, and we almost agreed, but our agreement was cut short by his death. However, I wish his royal majesty, more than any other sovereign, to rule over my collection, because zeal has long continued between his majesty and me; for, as I had the honor to see his majesty in my house, he deigned to give me his hand and say, “you are still my old teacher.”

In view of the mysterious and sudden death of Dr. Areskin, the delivery of the Ruysch collection to Russia, which consisted of more than two thousand exhibits with detailed descriptions in ten catalogs, was entrusted to Archbishop Blumentrost, the future first president of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In the same year, she was transferred to St. Petersburg.

After selling his collection, which he collected all his life, the seventy-nine-year-old Frederick Ruysch felt homesick. By that time, son Heinrich had already died, daughter Rachel became a famous artist, a member of the Academy in The Hague, and Ruysch felt lonely. His whole life, his whole meaning, sailed away on a ship to Russia. He wandered around the empty rooms in despondency, looking around at the empty shelves. Did he need this huge amount of money now? He did not like noisy balls, the joys and pleasures that money promised. Now he could live out the rest of his days in luxury ... But this was not what he needed: he loved work, he adored the collection of freaks that he had collected all his life. It was the final and, as it turned out, the collapse of the life of the great anatomist Frederick Ruysch. Then the rest of the days he was haunted by failure. He was forced to protect the most precious thing he had left in this life - his secret.

Taking up the production of a new collection in 1724, Frederick Ruysch publishes a new eleventh catalog and dedicates it to Peter I in the hope that the Russian monarch will not be stingy and buy new exhibits. But Ruysch continues to pursue failures - in 1725 the Russian tsar dies. Ruysch desperately grabs what he has left, and in the ninetieth year of his life he publishes another, twelfth, catalog and dedicates it to the Paris Academy. But again, failure - the Paris Academy refuses to buy his new collection. Ruysch goes out of fashion. For him, this is a hard blow.

It was believed that this collection, created at the end of his life, Ruysch sold to the Polish king Stanislaw, who donated it to the University of Wittenberg. There was also an assumption that the collection was allegedly bought by the Polish king August, who gave 20,000 guilders for it. But this is far from reality. In the collection, described in two catalogs, there were only 59 drugs for which such a huge amount could not be paid. Most likely, in desperation, Ruysch himself spread rumors about his dizzying success, although it was clear to all of Holland that the popularity of Frederick Ruysch was already in the past.

In fact, after the death of the greatest embalmer of all times and peoples, the remains of his preparations were sold at auction and went to private collections. All his life, Frederick Ruysch was forced to guard his secret, which, having lived to the age of ninety-three, he never passed on to anyone.

It was his strength, his wealth, his glory.

Ruysch was buried in the city cemetery with honors equal only to the offspring of royal blood. But even in the cemetery, his body did not find peace. That same night, three unknown men in black cloaks and hats dug up the body of Ruysch and ransacked the deceased. Thus, refuting all future claims of descendants that Frederick Ruysch took the secret of embalming corpses with him to the grave. No secrets were found in the grave.

The secret that Ruysch possessed was sought by many. Everyone understood that owning it was tantamount to owning a philosopher's stone. Giuseppe Balsamo, better known as Count Cagliostro, traveled around Europe for half his life in search of the secret of Frederic Ruysch.

In his dreams, he painted a castle full of amazing creatures that could bring a lot of money and glorify him, Count Cagliostro ... And one day this secret was almost in his hands ... But Count Cagliostro was arrested and sent to prison.

Ruysch's daughter Rachel, the only one who could possess this secret, outlived her father by nineteen years, but did not reveal the secret. And although almost three centuries have passed, none of the anatomists has come even a centimeter closer to revealing this great secret.

All these three hundred years and still there is a legend among anatomists that this secret, contrary to the assertion of historians, has survived to this day. Here and there, the mummy of a dead man suddenly appeared, embalmed in some way unknown to science. But no one really knows about this.

As for the anatomical collection of Frederic Ruysch, bought by Peter the Great, it died like that. As the anatomist Cuvier wrote in the book "History of the Natural Sciences", and then the famous doctor Girtl in the historical sketch of his famous anatomy textbook, part of the Ruysch collection died already during the trip to St. Petersburg, because the sailors drank the alcohol in which the preparations were stored. So, according to them, the great collection of the ingenious father of monsters, Frederic Ruysch, perished.

To be honest, I don't know how reliable this article is, but I found it quite interesting and confusing, so here it is....

In the autumn of 1928, Sir Arthur Hazlem found himself passing through the small Scottish town of Glenisville. Nearly seventy years ago, his grandfather's brother, Sir Roger Hazelem, was buried in the local cemetery. In his youth, Roger started a quarrel with his father, fell into disfavor, was disinherited and expelled from home. The young troublemaker wandered the world for a very long time until he found peace in poverty and freedom at the local Glensville cemetery. In time it became a tradition among the Hazlems to visit his grave, and Sir Arthur had last been here at least five years ago. However, in memory he remembered the location of Roger's grave, he remembered the neighboring tombstone with an angel carved in granite.

Entering the cemetery, he immediately turned right and walked along the path that skirted the cemetery. Roger's grave was supposed to be at the very end, by the fence. But she wasn't there! The area where the grave once stood was a flat, overgrown area. Sir Arthur could have sworn his memory was correct. Here is a tombstone with an angel, and here, two meters away, was Roger's grave, and he remembered it very well!

The bluish-nosed caretaker could not figure out anything about the missing grave, and Sir Arthur, puzzled, turned to the municipality. The only way they could help him there was to find the old layout of the graves. The diagram confirmed that Sir Arthur was not mistaken, and he was looking in the right place. Someone remembered the former cemetery caretaker Peter Ferguson. The old man was found, and he remembered that several times Roger's grave caught his eye, and the last time it was about four years ago. He went with Sir Arthur to the cemetery, wandered around the tombstone for a long time with an angel and threw up his hands in discouragement: the grave was here, but where did it disappear to, did the grave defilers destroy it? However, the old man did find Roger's grave! She was in a completely different place, 200 meters from the place where Sir Arthur visited her a decade and a half ago. Of course, it was the same grave: a small earthen mound, a vertical slab of dark granite in the form of a Maltese cross. But how could she be here? Sir Arthur did not doubt for a minute that the coffin itself, buried two meters into the ground, remained in its old place, only the slab was moved here, pouring a mound to mask it. But for what purpose? And in general, who needed to do such a senseless and blasphemous work?

Sir Arthur telegraphed to London to his aunt, Lady Beryl, who, as he knew for a fact, had visited Glensville Cemetery several times since. A few days later, the lady herself arrived and publicly announced that the tombstone had been moved. Sir Arthur was firmly convinced that only the tombstone had been moved, and the coffin itself remained in the ground. To prove this, he hired diggers and ordered them to dig in the place of the disappeared grave. A deep hole was dug, but there were no traces of a coffin in it! Sir Arthur and Lady Beryl were utterly at a loss. It remained to be assumed that Roger's grave in a Scottish cemetery was originally a fiction, that Roger had never been buried here, and that his descendants and relatives laid flowers and eyelids on an actually empty place.

Intrigued, Sir Arthur decided to continue the experiment and ordered the diggers to dig out a new grave, although he was convinced that the pit would also be empty. However, at a depth of one and a half meters, the digger's shovel suddenly hit the lid of a rotten coffin and broke it! Very carefully they freed the remains of a once oak coffin from the ground and found a skeleton with tufts of decayed clothes! Lady Beryl, who was present during the excavations, demanded to examine the fingers of the hand. According to family tradition, Roger, without taking off, wore a ring made of Indian silver with gold monograms "R" and "H". Sir Arthur, confident that the discovered burial had nothing to do with the ancestor, personally descended into the pit. On the ring finger dangled the same ring that Lady Beryl had so carefully described! Doubts disappeared - they dug up the grave of Roger Hazelem. In addition, the cemetery diggers swore that it was out of the question for someone, not to mention themselves, to dig a coffin from an old grave and transfer it to a new one. Roger's burial, as experts confirmed, was always here (!), the fragments of the coffin and the bones of the skeleton themselves were so firmly "soldered" into the ground that they practically did not separate from the soil. Sir Arthur had to accept this fact. The assumption that someone needed to move to a new location not only the tomb stone cross, but also a very voluminous piece of soil, along with the coffin and the remains of Roger, was completely ridiculous. In addition, such work could not be done without leaving almost no traces.

At one time, all the newspapers in Great Britain wrote a lot about the story with the grave of Roger Hazlem, the police did this, but not a single plausible version was put forward. However, Sir Arthur and his relatives were by no means the first people who were perplexed and almost went crazy when faced with such phenomena.

Five centuries before the events mentioned, in the 15th century in Linz, Austria, in the archival records of the Church of St. Thomas, a case was recorded when the disappeared grave of the burgher Stetenberg was discovered in another place in the cemetery, which caused a strong reaction from the superstitious inhabitants of the city. It was decided that the late burgher was engaged in witchcraft during his lifetime, and because of this, his ashes cannot rest in one place. The newly discovered grave was opened in the presence of a thousandth crowd, they found a coffin with the remains of Stetenberg in it, which they immediately burned, and threw stones at the pit, hoisting a massive aspen cross on top.

In 1627, in Cuenca, Spain, an Inquisition tribunal dealt with the secret removal of the tomb of Pedro Asuntos. The burial, as in the case of the Englishman Roger Hazelem, was quite old, and the transfer also took place along with the soil in which the rotting coffin was located.

In the 1740s, in the vicinity of Ravensburg (Germany), shepherds driving their flocks discovered a grave with a tombstone on the river bank, where they had passed many times before, but did not notice anything of the kind. An inscription was carved on the stone: "Here rests Christina Bauer, a parishioner of the church of Ravensburg." The shepherds immediately sent for the priest, and he, having appeared at the grave, was incredibly surprised: he perfectly remembered Bauer's grave, she was buried in a prominent place in the church cemetery for her large monetary contribution to the church treasury. We came to the cemetery, and there, on the site of the grave of Christina Bauer, we found a completely empty and flat piece of land! After some time, with many witnesses, excavations were carried out in both places, and Bauer's ashes, contrary to common sense, were found not in a cemetery, but in a coffin located under a tombstone on the river bank! The priest sprinkled the decayed coffin and the remains with holy water and ordered to leave them in a new place, if the higher power wanted them to rest here. The tomb of Christina Bauer caused quiet superstitious horror among local residents for a very long time, until it was destroyed during the battles of the First World War.

However, what drives civilized people to a standstill is not at all a secret for some African tribes and Polynesian natives. Among the priests in the Pacific Islands, there is a custom, immediately after the burial, to douse the grave on all sides with tree sap or cover it with shells. This is done, according to them, so that the grave "does not leave." Similarly, the priests of the Negro cult of voodoo act in Haiti. On the islands of Tongo there is a tribe in which only two people are always buried in one grave. If a grave with one dead person can “leave”, then with two it cannot: if the soul of one of them wants to change its place, the soul of the other will definitely oppose.

And here is a recent case that occurred in the farming community of Foley Creek, western Kansas, USA. This happened at the end of 1989. Early in the morning, leaving the house to check on the cattle, farmer Joe Burney, right in the middle of the yard, saw a grave mound with a lopsided cracked stone headstone! Screaming in fear, the 60-year-old cattle breeder rushed into the house and called the police. The grave was examined. The inscription on the slab was all cracked and could not be read. A cruel joke was excluded, since the next farm was at a distance of 5 kilometers, and the fence around the farm was carefully closed with internal locks. When the workers pulled out the slab and began to rip off the grave mound, at a depth of about half a meter they stumbled upon a decayed coffin with the remains of a human skeleton rooted into the ground. Only with the help of an excavator were they able to carefully remove the coffin with the bones and transport them several kilometers to the steppe, where they were reburied in a deep pit. Whose remains these were, how they got to a farm located far from the city and its cemetery, scientists could not explain, although the photo report about this mysterious incident went around many American media.

With the name of Allah the Merciful, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah - the Lord of the worlds, peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, members of his family and all his companions!

One of the main views of the adherents of the Sunnah and the united community (ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jama'a) is the belief in bliss and torment in the grave.

However, some people think: “If the body of the deceased was not buried, for example, he was eaten by a predatory beast, does he experience the torment of the grave?”

This question was asked to the Sheikh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him, with His widest Grace), and this is what he replied: “Yes, the soul will experience torment, since the body is absent, it has decayed, deteriorated. This question is from the section of secret knowledge, and I cannot assert that the torment of the grave will not touch the body at all, due to the fact that it has decayed or burned, since a person cannot compare the affairs related to the Hereafter with what happens in this worldly life" See Majmu' Fatawa wa Rasa'il al-Sheikh Muhammad bin Salih al-'Uthaymeen 2/29.

And the true knowledge is with Allah Almighty, and I conclude my speech with the words: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, and may Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions and his brothers and greet them many times until the Day of Retribution!

Translated from Arabic: Abu Idar ash-Sharqasi _________________________________________________________________________

1“When one of you dies, every morning and afternoon he is shown his place. If he is one of the inhabitants of Paradise, then his place is among the inhabitants of Paradise; if he belongs to the inhabitants of the Fire, then his place is among the inhabitants of the Fire. They say to him: “This is your place until Allah raises you on the Day of Resurrection.” al-Bukhari No. 1379, Muslim No. 2866.

And in conclusion, praise be to Allah - the Lord of the worlds!

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “The souls of the believers are inside the green birds on the trees of Paradise until Allah returns them to their bodies on the Day of Resurrection” (Sahih at-Tabarani). Also, according to him, “the grave is the first halt on the way to the afterlife, and for those who will be saved in it, the future will be easier. And if not, then the future will be more difficult ”(Hasan, at-Tirmizi, Ibn Maaja, al-Hakim according to Usman).

In this regard, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) advised: “Seek the protection of Allah from the punishment of the grave, for this is the truth” ( Sahih at-Tabarani ).

“When a dead person is being buried, two blue-black angels come to him, one of whom is called al-Munkar, and the other is an-Nakir,” says a hadith, “and they say to him: “What did you usually say (about Muhammad)?” And he repeats what he used to say: “The servant of Allah and His Messenger; I swear that none is worthy of praise except Allah, and that Muhammad is his slave and Messenger.” Then they say: "Indeed, we knew that you would say this." Then the grave expands for him, and light appears in it, and they say to him: "Sleep." He says, "I'll go to my family and tell them." They say: “Sleep like a young husband who will not be awakened by anyone except his beloved wife” (that is, until Allah wakes him up from his place of sleep). But if he is a hypocrite (munafiq), he says: “I heard people say so-and-so, and I said the same thing (I don’t know).” They say, "We knew you'd say that." Then the earth is commanded: “Squeeze him,” and he is squeezed, and he is in such a painful position until Allah raises him from the place where he is ”( Hasan, at-Tirmidhi according to Abu Hurairah ).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When a person is put in a grave and his companions return, so that he even hears their footsteps, two angels approach him, make him sit down and ask him:“ What did you used to say about this man, Muhammad? He will say: “I testify that he is the servant of Allah and his Prophet.” Then he will be told: “Look at this place in Hell. Allah has replaced it for you with a place in Paradise.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) added: “The dead will see both places of his possible stay after death. However, if an unbeliever or a hypocrite answers the angels: “I don’t know, but I used to say the same thing that people used to say!”, He will be told: “You neither received knowledge nor followed the guidance (reading the Qur’an).” Then he will be beaten with an iron hammer between his ears, and he will weep and weep, and this cry will be heard by all who approach him, except for people and jinn. Sahih al-Bukhari 2/422, Muslim, Ahmad, Abu Dawud, an-Nasa'i according to Anas ).

Al-Baraa bin Azib said: “We went out with the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), accompanying a stretcher with the body of one dead Ansar. When we came to the place where his grave was supposed to be, it had not yet been dug. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) sat down, and we sat around him as if there were birds over our heads. In his hand was a staff with which he scratched the ground. Then he raised his head and said, "Seek protection from Allah from the punishment of the grave." He repeated this two or three times." In his version of the story, Jarir adds here: “He hears the sound of their (his friends) sandals as they walk away, and at that moment he is asked: “Oh so-and-so! Who is your Lord, what is your religion, and who is your prophet? According to Hannad's version: "Two angels will approach him, make him sit down, and ask him, 'Who is your Lord?' He will answer: "My Lord is Allah." They will ask him, "What is your religion?" He will answer: "My religion is Islam." They will ask him, "What do you think of the man who was sent on a mission among you?" He will answer: "He is the Messenger of Allah." They will ask: "Who let you know about this?" He will answer: “I read the book of Allah, believed in it and considered it to be true ...” Then a voice will be heard from heaven: “My servant told the truth, so spread a heavenly bed for him, dress him in heavenly clothes and open the door to Paradise for him.” And he will smell the fragrance of Paradise, and (the grave) will be made for him as spacious as the eye can see. He also mentioned the death of an infidel, saying: his spirit will return to his body, two angels will approach him, make him sit down and ask: "Who is your Lord?" He will answer: “Alas, alas! I don't know". Then they will ask: "What is your religion?" He will answer: “Alas, alas! I don't know". They will ask, "Who is this man who was sent on a mission among you?" He will answer: “Alas, alas! I don't know". Then a voice will be heard from heaven: "He lied, so spread out a hellish bed for him, dress him in hellish clothes and open the door to Hell for him." Then he will feel some of the hellfire and the scorching wind, and his grave will shrink so that his ribs will press against each other. In his version, Jarir adds: “Then a blind and dumb man will be placed in front of him with such a sledgehammer that if you hit a mountain with it, the mountain will turn to dust. He will be hit with this sledgehammer, and the sound of the blow will be heard by everyone from east to west, except for people and jinn, and he will turn into dust. Then his spirit will return to him" ( Sahih: Ahmad, Abu Dawud (3/4735) Ibn Khuzayma, al-Hakim, al-Bayhaqi, ad-Diya from al-Baraa ).

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “... a righteous person sits in his grave and does not feel anxiety or fear, and they say (the angels):“ In what (state) were you? And he says: "In the (state of) Islam." They say to him: "Who is this man?" He says: "Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, who came to us with clear signs from Allah, and we believed him." Then they ask him: “Have you seen Allah?” He says: "No man can see Allah." Then a gap is made for him in the direction of the Fire, so that he sees (the Fire), and they say to him: "Look, from what Allah Almighty has saved you." Then a gap is made for him in the direction of Paradise, so that he can see its splendor and what is there, and he is told: "Here is your place." And they say to him: "You were in the right faith and died in this faith, and you will be resurrected in this faith, by the will of Allah." But the sinner sits in his grave, alarmed and frightened, and they ask him: “What state were you in?” He replies, "I don't know." He is asked: "Who is this man?" He replies: "I heard people say something, and I repeated after them!" Then a gap is made for him in the direction of Paradise, and he sees its splendor and what is there, and they say to him: “Look what Allah denied you.” Then a gap is made for him in the direction of Hell, so that he sees flames rising up there, and he is told: “This is your place, you lived in doubts and died in them, and you will be resurrected in them by the will of Allah” ( Ibn Maja according to Abu Hurairah ).

A selection of the hadiths of Sheikh Abu Muntasir

Every full-fledged reasonable person who has come of age, whether he is male or female, is obliged to perform the fivefold prayer, there is no difference in this. Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

(وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالإِنسَ إِلاَّ لِيَعْبُدُونِ )

(meaning): "I did not create you except to worship me." And in a hadith, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) says: The difference between a Muslim and a polytheist or non-believer is the performance of prayer "(Abu Dawud). It was narrated from Hasan al Basri that he heard from the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “ The first thing for which a slave will be interrogated on the Day of Judgment is prayer. If the prayer turned out to be serviceable, then his other deeds will also be serviceable, and if the prayer is not serviceable, then the rest of the deeds will also be not serviceable. ". Therefore, Almighty Allah prescribed prayer to all the prophets and former ummats, and there was no prophet who would not command his ummah to perform prayer.

In the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) it is said: You command your children to pray at the age of seven, and when they reach the age of ten, if they refuse to pray, then punish them ". Of course, performing a fivefold prayer is not an easy task for everyone, but it is very easy for someone who performs it sincerely and because the Creator himself has charged it with a duty, and not someone else, and this is evidenced by the verse of the Holy Quran, which says

(وإنها لكبيرة إلا على الخاشعين )

(meaning): " Indeed, it (prayer) is a very difficult matter, but not for those who are obedient to Allah ».

The hadith of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) states:

أثقل الصلاة على المنافقين صلاة العشاء وصلاة الفجر ولو يعلمون ما فيهما لأتوهما ولو حبوا )

« Indeed, the most difficult collective prayers for hypocrites are night and morning. If they knew about the reward that is in them, then they would crawl to visit them "(Bukhari).

As we know, initially fifty prayers were assigned to us, and knowing that our ummah (community) would not be able to perform them, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) asked Allah to reduce their number. And the number of prayers per day was reduced to five, although we receive the same reward for them as for performing fifty prayers.

Punishment for those who leave prayer

The one who leaves prayer, being negligent in performing it, the Almighty punishes with 15 punishments: six in this world; three at death; three in the grave; and three on the Day of Judgment.

The punishments that the Almighty will send in this world:

1) The Almighty removes grace from his property;

2) the radiance (nur), which happens to the righteous, is removed from his face

3) the Almighty does not accept his good deed;

4) the prayer (dua) that he made, the Almighty does not answer;

5) Allah will make all people hate him;

6) he will not get a share of the prayers of good people.

Punishment at the time of death:

1) die a humiliating death;

2) will die experiencing severe hunger;

3) will die, experiencing intense thirst.

Punishments in the grave:

1) his grave will compress so that even the ribs will go into each other;

2) his grave will be very dark and filled with fire, which will burn him;

3) the interrogation of the two angels Munkar and Nakir will be very difficult for him.

The punishments that will await him in the next world:

1) unbearable punishment in hell;

2) the report for each act will be very difficult;

3) Allah Almighty will be angry with him.

And the one who says that he does not have time to perform these prayers does not understand the essence of his life. And the one who denies the very obligation of these prayers, himself demands that he be punished by the fire of hell. Why? Because the hadeeth of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) says: The one who leaves the prayer on purpose, denying the obligation to perform it, then he falls into disbelief. "(Abu Darda). And a person who left the world as an unbeliever goes to Hell forever. And in the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) it says: Namaz is the pillar of religion; the one who left him destroyed the religion "(Baykhaki).

Dear brothers and sisters, look carefully at how great the punishment in the next world is even for one deliberately missed prayer. What then awaits the punishment of those who do not commit it at all, it is even difficult to imagine. And all the punishments are only because they did not take five minutes of time to perform these five prayers. May Allah give us the strength to fulfill the requirements of Allah and beware of his prohibitions, because he is our creator, and we must obey him.

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