Ekaterina Morgunova: On the show "Once Upon a Time in Russia" I realized that I could be different. A sweet couple from KVN revealed the secrets of family life to KP. Leonid Morgunov's proposal to Ekaterina


Lenya made a very romantic proposal, right on the KVN stage at one of the performances .... Now the newlyweds are happily married, live in Moscow, are actively pursuing a career in the television field.

How it all began

I fell in love with Katya, obviously not in the image of that crazy "teacher" with which many associate her. For the first time I drew attention to her as a girl during one of the training camps. She was so touching, sweet, tired, without makeup in a simple T-shirt and red pants. At that time, I was dating another girl, but when I realized that I had truly fallen in love with Catherine, then, of course, I ended the old relationship, ”says the satisfied husband. - Then I began to “roll up” to Katya, and after a while she gave up.

KVN romance is not a hindrance

Despite the fact that we are both comedians, we know how to be gentle. For example, Lenya often gives me flowers for no reason. And the very way he proposed to me, it already says a lot. It was so unexpected that I didn’t even burst into tears right away, although there was a very touching moment, ”recalls Katya. He loves to feed me delicious food. Somehow I returned very late from a rehearsal, I come home, tired and hungry ... And there my beloved husband is waiting for me with my equally beloved Philadelphia rolls. And there are flowers, candles on the table... Of course, it was extremely pleasant.

The husband is on a “diet”, and the wife eats for two

My wife is a girl from the Caucasus, so her appetite is excellent! And most importantly, nothing is postponed anywhere, - Leonid smiles. “Now I’m trying to keep my figure, I eat a little less, but she doesn’t, she eats for two,” the KVN worker continues to joke.

I can eat at any time of the day, I was lucky by nature with a figure, - Katya confirms his words. - And I help my husband, I can “pull” something from his portion, I take care of him, - Utmelidze laughs.

We have a patriarchy

I am the head of the family, I solve all the main issues. Although sometimes I act wisely and let Katya think that she made an important decision herself, - says Lenya.

I'm not trying to fight for leadership. For what? We have even more equality, my husband always listens to me, - Ekaterina rejoices.

Cheer for one team

Katya and I have a favorite in the Major League season - this is SOYUZ. They are our friends, the guys have grown significantly as comedians in a few years, they have become more experienced. Especially since this is their last season. It would be great if the guys won. We were also impressed by DALS. If the “detectives” win, we will also be happy, - Leonid shares.

In the semi-finals, they amazed me, brought me to the "hysteria" - says Katya. - And off the stage - these are sincere good guys, I wish them good luck.

"Lawyer" and "seamstress"

Utmelidze is now actively involved in the comical project of the TNT channel "

Member Name:

Age (birthday): 17.08.1986

City: Pyatigorsk

Education: PSTU

Family: married to Leonid Morgunov

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Ekaterina Morgunova was born in the city of Pyatigorsk, and then she had the surname Utmelidze. The humorist's father worked as a surveyor, her mother was a fashion designer, and Vika's sister grew up in parallel with Katya. The girls absorbed efficiency and determination from their parents, thanks to which they achieved a lot in life.

Even as a child, Katya strove to learn something interesting, she was a curious child, and sitting still doing nothing was not for her at all. Katya went to several circles, tried herself in various guises - she did ballet, sports and rhythmic gymnastics, then there were ballroom dancing.

All her hobbies in no way interfered with her studies at school, she graduated with honors, after which she entered a sewing college, graduating with honors.

However, in the middle of her studies, the girl was attracted by the attention of KVN, she became a member of the university team, performed brilliantly, taking completely different images from each other.

Humor captivated the student so much that it was more difficult for her to finish the last 2 courses. And although she received a diploma and could continue her studies in graduate school, Katya refused, deciding to perform in KVN.

Morgunova never intended to be a real artist, it just happened that way - with each new performance she became more and more fond of jokes, she was well given roles, and the team members were not going to let her go.

Having passed several stages of KVN in the Krasnodar Territory, Katya's team was transformed and merged with two more teams from the Stavropol Territory. The new team was given the name "Pyatigorsk", after which the guys were invited to the capital's KVN. That year, Katya and her associates made a meteoric rise, taking 3rd place in the Highest League of KVN. Many teams take years to achieve this achievement. At the same time, Katya was awarded the honorary KiViN several times in a row.

Since 2014, Morgunova has become an actress on the TNT channel show "Once Upon a Time in Russia"- in parallel with KVN, she actively participates in theatrical performances as part of the program, performing psychics and unbalanced persons.

In general, almost all the roles of Katya belong to a similar type, but this does not mean at all that she is like that in life.

It’s just that the comedian herself believes that everyone can play a completely ordinary person, but it’s not always possible to show emotions unfamiliar to you, so that they believe.

In 2014, KVN-schik Leonid Morgunov made an offer to Katya, right on stage during the final of the next League. Fans of entertaining the public do not have children yet.

In 2015, Katya received an offer to host the Russo Turisto TV show. on the STS channel. And her husband became her co-host.

Katerina Morgunova is a vivid example of an excellent student in everything - thanks to the perseverance and hard work that her parents tremblingly instilled in her, she was able to achieve a lot in her 30s. We will wait for new ups and unique images of Katya!

Katya's photo

Ekaterina constantly shares new photos from her personal life, she and her husband often travel. Also sometimes there are shots from the filming of "Once Upon a Time in Russia".

Ekaterina Morgunova known to everyone on the show "Once Upon a Time in Russia" on the channel TNT. “Usually my characters are nervous, bitchy and inadequate,” smiles Kate while taking a sip of tea. She's a little embarrassed “I don’t often pose for photographers”), and yet it’s hard to imagine that at school this girl was a “gray mouse”.

About how to get from the Pyatigorsk technical school to the top league of a popular humorous TV show, why it is important that your loved one is from the same sphere as you, and what awaits us in the new season "Once Upon a Time in Russia", Ekaterina Morgunova told in an interview PEOPLETALK.

Before getting into "Once Upon a Time in Russia", I played in a popular comedy show on television.And three years ago the producer Comedy Club Production and showrunner Vyacheslav Dusmukhametov gathered a certain group of people whom he wants to see in his new project - my colleague and I were among them.

This show has no analogues, so we immediately became interested. In general, I think that this is something brilliant. This is pure creativity: we shoot from one take, maximum from two. And everything works: the scenery, a live audience, we don't have laughter. So I am very glad that Vyacheslav chose me.

I became much more confident thanks to my colleagues. They are not afraid to try. At rehearsals, we are looking for ourselves - each time in a new image, in a new role. Before, I was very tight, I played in one role, but I looked at the guys and realized that I needed to be more confident and bold. We also have such a friendly team - we are all on the same wavelength.

Usually my heroine is quite hysterical. ( smiling.) In life, of course, I am different: much more restrained, I practically don’t scream. Unless I raise my voice when I play some kind of gambling like "Crocodile", the desire to win is already connected there, and you do not control it.

We have already started shooting new episodes, and very soon you can see them on TNT. We ourselves do not know what will happen there, because the project is constantly evolving, we do not get tired of it. New characters can be added, the scenery is constantly updated, and they are unique - it's easy for us to immerse ourselves in the atmosphere of the room and get used to the image. If we show a story about hockey or figure skating, we can really have a skating rink on the site. If this is a beach, you see real sand, real Christmas trees, if this is a forest, then it really smells like pine needles. Everything is very unpredictable, but I can say for sure that "Once Upon a Time in Russia" it will be even better, even funnier, it is constantly improving, and we are with it.

I believe that a sense of humor is inherent in a person from birth, but it can be learned - it all depends on your social circle. But, in general, a sense of humor is improvisation, it must be in the blood, so I must have been lucky.

I was born and raised in Pyatigorsk. I love my city very much, when I have free time, I will definitely fly there. My mother is a fashion designer: my sister and I always had the most fashionable and unusual outfits. Mom is Armenian, and dad is Georgian (an explosive mixture, despite the fact that I'm blonde). Dad works for a construction company. My parents never interfered with my creative abilities, for which I am very grateful to them. I've always been an excellent student, I've never been scolded for anything. At school, she was a “gray mouse”, she sat on the first desk in front of the teacher. We can say that until the ninth grade I earned my authority, and then I became more sociable: I began to make friends not only with girls, but also with boys. I graduated from school with a medal, I really wanted to sew, so I came to a technical school.

At the same time, I entered Pyatigorsk State Technological University for the Human Resources Manager. In college, we often did some skits for events, and I wrote scripts. And then, once I was seen by a wonderful woman who was engaged in the creative part at the university, Irina Leonidovna Karmen. This man changed my life.

At the very first joint event, she appreciated our scene and asked: “Who wrote the text?”, Naturally, I answered. And since then, she began to help me develop in this direction. So I ended up in the team of the university, we participated in city and regional competitions. And then Olga Kartunkova invited me and my teammates to the team of the city, in which we have grown to the major league and won it.

By the way, my husband and I Leonid Morgunov) so I met - we were rivals in a TV show. They played in one season, and then I didn’t notice him at all. I was so immersed in the creative process that I almost did not communicate with anyone. And somehow they started talking on tour - it was about four years ago. Then they came, analyzed whether it was necessary, whether it was true. And so it started, and after a while he proposed to me, and we played a wonderful wedding.

We are from the same area, so we understand each other very well, we have never had any kind of jealousy because of work. That is, if I have a rehearsal until late, then this is in the order of things, and no one doubts it. He has the same thing if he went to another city to perform.

We do not have a common hobby, but we love watching movies very much. A wonderful evening to lie around and watch a good movie. In general, we have a fixed idea - to see the 100 best paintings. We also travel when the opportunity arises.

My husband swears at me that I eat both at night and during the day. ( laughing.) I don’t go in for sports, unfortunately, but I probably don’t need it, I have a good metabolism and genetics. My weight has not changed since school - 45 kg. So I don't need sports yet. But I love adrenaline - I'm extreme. And jumped with a parachute, and did a bungee jump in Sochi.

"Once Upon a Time in Russia", every Sunday at 21.00 on TNT.

Ekaterina Guramovna Morgunova is a member of the KVN team "City of Pyatigorsk", an actress of the project of the TNT channel - "Once Upon a Time in Russia", a TV presenter of the travel show "Russo Turisto".

Ekaterina Morgunova, nee Utmelidze, was born in Pyatigorsk. Father, Guram Ruslanovich, was educated as a surveyor-topographer, and has recently been working as a foreman in a construction company, his hometown is Borjomi. Mother, Larisa Arkadyevna Arushanova, is a fashion designer, an Armenian by nationality. The family also brought up the youngest daughter Victoria.

Parents met in Pyatigorsk, where my father came to study. Despite the fact that half of Catherine's relatives are Armenians, the family has never traveled to Armenia. Ekaterina Morgunova managed to visit the homeland of her ancestors recently. The girl arrived in Yerevan with her husband.

Since childhood, Katya has been a restless girl with diverse interests. Utmelidze dabbled in ballet, artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, and was engaged in ballroom dancing for six years. Ekaterina graduated from high school with honors, then received a red diploma from a sewing college.

Ekaterina Utmelidze went to acquire higher education at the Pyatigorsk State Technological University, where she acquired the specialty of a personnel manager. Five years of excellent study allowed the girl to pass the competition for graduate school, to the department of "Social Philosophy", but Ekaterina did not finish the course, as KVN began to occupy more and more attention in the girl's life.


Ekaterina did not plan to become an artist, and the girl got into the amateur team of the faculty by accident, she simply agreed to the persuasion of her friends to keep company. But on stage, the bright student looked impressive, so she was invited to the Khlabys university team, with which she performed in the Central League of the Krasnodar Territory.

In 2009, the best Khlabys players teamed up with selected members of the Pyatigorsk team Bad Habits and Vinsad Homeless Children from the Stavropol Territory. The united team was declared the main city team and received the name "Gorod Pyatigorsk". A new stage began in Catherine's creative biography.

A year later, the Pyatigorsk team was expected to triumph: the players won the First League and immediately, following the results of the Sochi festival, got into the final of the Major League of KVN, where they took 3rd place. For a budding team, this was an achievement. In 2012, the Pyatigorsk team improved their results by becoming vice-champions, and in 2013 they won the main tournament of the cheerful and resourceful.

Also, several times Ekaterina Morgunova-Utmelidze became the owner of the honorary "Big KiViN".

A television

In 2014, Ekaterina began acting in the comedy show Once Upon a Time in Russia, which is a funny TV show consisting of many comical scenes on acute social topics. The actress has to play unbalanced and bitchy ladies, and Morgunova says that it’s not at all interesting to play a sane person, since the comedian’s task is to ridicule some negative character traits.

The actress believes that the images of hysterical girls are the most successful for her. Ekaterina Morgunova often performs in a duet with, who also succeeds in the role of punchy women. Since Catherine's height is 163 cm, and her weight is only 45 kg, the sketches with her partner are especially comical. Also participating in the TV show,.

In September 2015, on the STS channel, Ekaterina Morgunova began hosting the Russo Turisto, an entertaining and educational travel program. The girl's partner was another former KVN officer. The essence of the project is to show the audience famous cities, but from a completely unknown side.

The guys come to a city popular among tourists and find little-known sights there, small cozy cafes, quiet embankments. In addition to practical advice for avid travelers, Ekaterina and Leonid Morgunov give viewers a lot of positive emotions, as they lead the program in a humorous manner.

Personal life

The personal life of the artist is closely connected with creativity. Ekaterina Utmelidze in 2014 married a colleague in KVN, a player of the Parapaparam team Leonid Morgunov. Interestingly, Leonid made an offer to his future wife on the stage of the Vocal KiViN festival in Jurmala, presenting an engagement ring during one of the performances. After the wedding, Ekaterina took her husband's surname and is now known as Ekaterina Morgunova.

Ekaterina loves old Soviet comedies, paintings and. Since rehearsals for Once Upon a Time in Russia do not begin until noon, Ekaterina prefers to get up at 10:30 in the morning. The actress does not adhere to diets, body parameters allow Morgunova not to limit herself in nutrition. The slender artist's favorite dishes are fried potatoes, pasta or meat. For dinner, the girl prefers sweets.

The artist spends her free time with friends and her husband, visiting parks and cinemas. Ekaterina Morgunova leads a microblog in " Instagram", as well as a personal page in"

Ekaterina Morgunova

Ekaterina Morgunova has no acting education, but her vivid television images invariably impress the audience. Ekaterina appears as a very convincing exalted and diverse person in the show "Once Upon a Time in Russia".

- In the show "Once Upon a Time in Russia" your heroines are very exalted persons. Do they look like you in some way?

- Vice versa. I almost never raise my voice in my life. My characters in the numbers of the show are in conflict, screaming, swearing. This is not typical for me, even when I am very angry. So they are opposite characters.

- Sometimes the audience confuses the actor and his hero. Have you ever been perceived not as Ekaterina Morgunova, but as her character?

- Not yet, apparently, because there was no character who would "stick" to me. I played different heroines, but there didn’t seem to be a long-playing role or a specific character that would be remembered or brightly different from everyone else, at least for the duration of the broadcast.

- It can be assumed that comedians cannot act without jokes on the set. Which episode of Once Upon a Time in Russia do you remember the most?

“Perhaps it’s about Sherlock Holmes.” Each character is comical in their own way. In the course of the shooting, we “shot” several times. Either Azamat's pipe will fall out, or someone will forget part of the phrase - the concentration of humor in this scene was maximum.

At the same time, we know that you have no acting education. Is it really not necessary if you can play so organically?

- Creative producer David Tsallaev, who puts on the numbers, always looks at how organically we show ourselves. We are not allowed to do this. So don't be afraid to show up. We also feel each other well: we came out of the same environment, we worked well together, we catch each other's serves, we feel the intonation. Hence the organic. When it comes to acting, it doesn't hurt anyone to learn. There are certain techniques, methods of work. The more you know, the better. I just haven't been able to find the time yet.

Do you have time to keep fit? In "Once Upon a Time in Russia" you are the most slender!

Apparently it's genetics. Because my parents are in great shape. Don't think I'm praising myself. (Laughs.) We have such a complexion - they are not predisposed to fullness. My weight has not changed since school - 45 kilograms. There were moments when the weight slightly decreased, during the games in KVN I lost weight to 43 kilos, because I was nervous, my appetite was catastrophically lost. Almost a skeleton came to the game. Now there is no such stress. Therefore, the weight is kept at around 46. Despite the fact that I eat everything and do not limit myself.

Many people dream about it. What is the secret? Caucasian health, mountain air, natural food since childhood?

- May be. My mother also weighed 46 kilograms for a long time. Then she gave birth to two children and added a little. But remains in great shape.


- Your dad is Georgian, your mom is Armenian, while you are a light-eyed blonde. Does that happen?

Many people are surprised by this. Stereotypes are such that the daughter of an Armenian and a Georgian is presented differently, I agree. But I have Russian grandmothers in my mother's and father's line. It looks like it got mixed up somehow. My sister is also light-eyed, more like a Slavic type of appearance.

— Caucasian families are famous for their strong table traditions. But you and your husband work and live in Moscow. How often do you manage to get out to your family for the holidays?

- Anniversaries, weddings, birthdays - a table is set for all events in Pyatigorsk, and all relatives gather. I am happy to break down there and enjoy communication, fresh air, goodies. Grandmother cooks, grandfather leads the table. By the way, they recently celebrated 56 years of marriage. Traditions are very strong, but at the same time we have a modern family: I have never been pulled: “when you get married.” Of course, gatherings with relatives are not enough. I am still getting used to Moscow because of this.

- Can you imagine yourself in the place of grandparents - at a large table with children and grandchildren?

Of course we want kids. It is in the plans. (Smiling.) But a huge family is unlikely to succeed. We still have a different rhythm of life and circumstances. But I really want to. My husband is a Siberian, he fell in love with the Caucasus from the first time. Such feasts are not very accepted among them, so he gladly travels with me to Pyatigorsk at the first opportunity.

- Both you and Leonid are artists. Two creative units in one family - is it difficult? Is there any disagreement or disagreement about this?

- We, on the contrary, always rejoice for each other and support, if there are experiences. We get along easily, due to the fact that we work in the same area. There is trust. We understand: if I leave for a week, then to work, and not who knows where. Or vice versa - if one of us needs to be alone, to relax, then the second does not touch, does not inquire. Complete harmony in this sense.

Did you also meet at work?

- Yes, Leonid played in the Parapaparam team, and we often went to the same games and concerts. Before the games, I'm usually nervous - I repeat the words, I'm worried that everything will work out, it's better not to approach me. For two years we crossed paths backstage, but I did not notice him. So we started talking on tour: the atmosphere there is simpler, calmer, there are no competitions, the atmosphere is more relaxed. That is, we met two years after we met for the first time.

— Leonid long pursued you?

- I’m more of a closed person: “Oh, no, thanks” - that’s how I sent everyone. And with Lenya we began to communicate as friends, calmly and jokingly. It must have bribed me. And imperceptibly, our relationship moved into a different quality. The humor helped. Friendship gradually turned into feelings.

- Yes! His friends knew everything and prepared in advance. It was at a festival in Jurmala during an encore concert. Everyone knew but me! I didn't suspect anything. All these days, on the way to the concert hall, I walked past the attraction - a slingshot and set myself up for extreme sports, I had to jump from it. Therefore, all thoughts were about it, I did not pay attention to the fact that they were whispering around me and a surprise was being prepared. And here we are playing, the musical background of Leni's team went - he came out, he said everything. Everyone was crying. It was unexpected and extremely touching.

- As part of the Russo Turisto show, you traveled to many countries. What impressed you the most about your travels?

— We visited 24 cities from 18 countries. Asia seemed the most exotic. In Vietnam, a husband drank the blood of a cobra. In Hong Kong and Singapore, as if in the future - this is space! The transcendental level of technology, cleanliness, as if walking on the scenery. But in Cambodia, the opposite is true: we saw families living in boats. Six people sit in a boat and sleep in it. They don't have anything else. In gray-brown water, they wash their faces, brush their teeth, wash clothes and fish in the same place. In the same village, I roasted frogs. After such a trip, we rethought a lot. It was a strong impression.

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