USE expert - what kind of person is he and how to please him.


How do USE assignments get leaked to the Internet, where and how are papers checked, and how much can you earn on the USE? - "City 812" said the USE expert in mathematics Yakov Moiseevich.

- Is the USE different from the previous ones this year?

– Perhaps, this year I had to read more nonsense in papers on mathematics. There were a lot of answers in which schoolchildren obviously wrote without understanding what they themselves did. As if they were writing in Chinese. It seems to them that they coped with the task, but in fact they forgot a letter somewhere, somewhere they didn’t add a dash - and it turned out to be complete nonsense! Basically, this happened in the works of those who, on the eve of the exam, saw information about the leakage of options on the Internet, looked at the solutions and tried to learn them. But - alas! - didn't finish it.

- Were there really leaks of USE assignments? Rosobrnadzor assured that it was not.

- What else could Rosobrnadzor say?

Did the leaks affect the exam results?

- I don't think it had much of an impact. Maybe ten percent were such works in which children wrote clearly pre-memorized solutions. But it didn’t help them much, because if you don’t understand the task, you can’t hide it. It added to the hassle for us when checking.

- Where are the leaks coming from?

– Task variants are formed in several stages, and a leak could occur at any of them. A few years ago, for example, they simply forgot a flash drive with tasks in the computer. This year, they say that the types of tasks that will be on the exam appeared on the Internet almost a week before testing. A mathematics teacher from one of the St. Petersburg schools posted this information on his page on the social network on the eve of the exam. Many have seen it. There was a scandal. It hasn't ended yet.

Why did the teacher do this?

- He himself is an expert on the Unified State Examination, the creator of the site "I will solve the Unified State Examination." His site is popular, and the teacher is definitely a professional. One lesson in preparation for the exam costs him several thousand rubles. I don't know why. Perhaps he did it for publicity? The St. Petersburg community of USE experts is such an unkind place... On the one hand, everyone there is very freedom-loving, everyone has their own opinion, and on the other hand, everyone is afraid of everything. This teacher thinks he is a hero and nothing bad can happen to him. But where will this story take him? How will this affect his rating?

- Each USE expert has his own rating, but no one knows what it is - even he himself. And I don't know my rating. This is classified information. I think it is formed by the results of our work. Each work of a student is checked simultaneously by two experts - independently of each other. There should be no difference in their assessments. But if there is a discrepancy of one point, then this point is simply given to the student. And if the difference in the assessment is greater, then the work is sent for the third check. Accordingly, the expert who made a mistake goes down in the rating. As they explained to me: if you were called an expert for the next year, then everything is in order with your rating.

– How many USE experts are there in St. Petersburg?

- It is assumed that the ratio should be observed: one expert - one hundred works. Therefore, in mathematics - about 350 experts, in Russian, I think, a little more - about four hundred. In all other subjects, there are noticeably fewer experts.

- Do you set a norm for how many works you need to check?

“Every year a new standard is set. This year there were eighty entries per expert. In the past - in my opinion, sixty. This year I personally checked over a hundred works.

- Why so much?

Our working day is from 10:00 to 18:00. According to the rules, even if I fulfilled the norm, I can’t go home. I have to stupidly serve all eight hours. I can't sit around doing nothing. That's a lot of work and managed to check.

- Where are the works checked?

– There are four schools located in the area of ​​Sennaya Square, within walking distance from TSOKOiIT (Center for Education Quality Assessment and Information Technology. – Ed. ). These schools house all experts in all subjects. On the day of the exam, I have to go to the site using my login - it says where to come. Upon entering the school, you receive a folder indicating the specific audience and table number. When you enter the auditorium, you show your passport, they take away your mobile, you sign a paper that you have handed over all means of communication. You go to your place, then they bring the work. Nothing should be on the table, except for a pen, because we are sitting under cameras. You can’t take anything out of there, you can’t take pictures.

How much do USE experts get paid?

– There are two types of experts: school teachers and university professors. Vuzovskim pay 40 rubles for each verified work. And school students don't get paid anything, so they sit around picking their noses after they check their quota.

Why don't school kids get paid?

- It is believed that this work is part of their workload. They also have a point system: for each of their actions - a speech at a conference, an event held, etc. - Teachers receive points from which their rating is formed. Being an USE expert is, on the one hand, an honor, and on the other, it is also “points”. Due to these points and rating, their salary is formed. In St. Petersburg, there are much fewer university experts than school experts - about one in seven, that is, about 50 people in total.

- Did you write the USE in mathematics better this year than last year?

- I would not say. In my opinion, it was easier to score more than 80 points last year.

- In St. Petersburg there are several double hundred points - graduates who received a hundred points at once in two subjects. Is it hard to write math for 100 points?

- Very hard. To do this, in my opinion, you need to have talent. A lot also depends on the teacher, of course. But children who get more than 80 points are undoubtedly talented. Probably, even an ordinary child can be trained by 70–72 points in mathematics. To get a good result, it is important to try to cleanly write the first part of the test - it is easier than the second. And if it is solved correctly, then, consider 68 points - already in your pocket. The results of the exam are very dependent on the psyche and mood of the child. If he is sausage at the exam, he faints - naturally, he will write worse than someone who knows even less, but is calm.

Elena Rotkevich

P.S. At the request of the hero of the interview, his full name has been changed.

On June 30, the main period for passing the Unified State Exam will end. One of the first tests was the Russian language and mathematics. High school graduates had to successfully pass exams in these subjects in order to receive a school certificate.

The works of the participants were checked by highly qualified experts of regional subject commissions. In the interview, they talked about the features of the work of 2016 graduates, the main mistakes and positive trends, and also shared their own experience of participating in the Unified State Examination for teachers.

Victoria Zareshina, an expert of the regional subject commission of the Unified State Examination on the Russian language and literature, has been checking the work as part of the commission since 2010:

What does it take to become an expert?

- In my opinion, first of all - professionalism. Secondly, patience and love for your subject. There is a child behind each work and it must be checked very carefully in order to be not only satisfied with the quality of the check and the work itself, but also for absolutely everyone to be satisfied with this, including children who will receive the result, so that there is no stress.

- Did you take the exam after graduation?

- No. But this year, a new trend has appeared in society - passing the exam by teachers, I took part in it and passed the Russian language.

- What are your impressions on the other side of the exam, from the point of view of the student?

- It was interesting to me. When I left the auditorium where the exam was being held, I realized that this was the most interesting experience of the last events in my life.

- In your opinion, what is the peculiarity of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language?

- I think that this is not only an educational result, but also a result of personal development, the level and depth of understanding of issues, the ability to reason. And these results, first of all, show the essay.

- What is the trend of current graduates in writing an exam compared to graduates of previous years?

- I can not judge in general. I can talk about the work that I encountered this year. I checked the texts of the guys about the understanding of female beauty, the influence of art on a person, the values ​​of family life. This is an indicator of even greater depth of knowledge and reverence of children in the way they cover these issues. The work is getting more serious.

What are the most common mistakes graduates make?

- First of all, it is speech. Speech error, lexical compatibility of words, stylistically incorrectly chosen words. As for spelling, she now began to suffer less. At the very least, children can choose the lexical material that they will use in the text and avoid certain difficulties in spelling, punctuation and speech.

- It turns out that mistakes in vocabulary and style are made to a greater extent?

- Yes. These are some of the hardest types of mistakes kids make.

Pavel Samsonov, director of Lyceum No. 86 named after M.E. Katukova, an expert of the regional subject commission of the Unified State Examination in mathematics, has been checking the work as part of the commission since 2009:

– What does it take to become an expert in the Unified State Examination in mathematics?

- First of all, knowledge of the subject itself is necessary - elementary mathematics. Then, as a minimum, it is necessary to understand the various approaches, ways and methods of solving problems in accordance with the verification criteria. And, thirdly, it is necessary to understand that the works are written by children. It is necessary to clearly classify the mistakes that they make into significant and insignificant ones that affect the decision or were made through inattention.

– Is there a trend of progress in the work of children over time?

– Yes, definitely. At least, compared to previous years, when there were a large number of jobs in which children simply did not perform or even took on difficult tasks, this year the jobs are absolutely complete. Children take on difficult tasks. They strive to get a significant result, to come out with a decent result, to be able to compete with other children, with whom they will then go to universities.

– What, in your opinion, are the features of the work of current graduates?

– I would not say that this year's works are any special compared to previous years. In this case, it is more correct to say that they have more motivation. Indeed, in essence, the USE is the right of strong students to study in strong and leading universities in the country.

What are the most common mistakes graduates make in math exams?

- If we talk about mistakes that primarily relate to the very knowledge of the field of mathematics, then this is most often the application of this or that law in those cases where it cannot be applied. And speaking more narrowly, these are cases when the guys cannot determine for themselves which specific task they are now capable of, and which should be postponed for the time being. There is no principle that the child first chooses the simplest task for himself, and then from the rest.

– What advice would you give to future graduates on writing the exam?

Dear readers!

I want to start a new section on my blog - interviews with interesting people who are somehow connected with the English language. Today I present to you an interview with a teacher of the highest qualification category of a school with in-depth study of the English language, the winner of the city and regional competitions "The Coolest Classroom" and senior expert of the Unified State Examination Catherine. She approached the material very responsibly and prepared detailed answers to all questions, so I recommend reading the interview to everyone who prepares for the Unified State Exam and wants to do it efficiently.

You are a very serious girl, since the story about your achievements took 3 lines. But I'm sure that you have hobbies that help you relax and forget about all the responsibility on your shoulders, tell us about them!

Can't say I have much left free time, because after you return home, you need to prepare for the next working day, check your notebooks, write lesson plans, find some interesting tasks, materials, and no one has canceled housework) ... but, of course, you need to relax , especially in our hectic life) I love to read, cook (especially some unusual dishes) and bake pies, I love to draw, I like to watch movies and TV shows, go to movies and theaters ... a lot of things!

Now let's talk about the work that we're here for. It is very interesting for me and my readers what is hidden behind the formidable title of “Senior USE Expert”. How is it different from a simple expert? What is his load?

Senior Expert of the Unified State Examination, first of all, it is an expert, that is, he checks tasks with a detailed answer as part of a subject commission, when each work is checked twice by different experts independently of each other (first and second checks). In addition, if there is a discrepancy between the scores given during these two checks, then the work is sent for the third check, which only a senior expert can do. He can agree with the scores given by one of his colleagues or put his own scores, and now these scores (given during the third check) become final. In addition, the senior expert participates in inter-regional cross-checks, as well as checks as part of the review of the appeal of disagreement with the points. By the way, two points should be noted here: firstly, when considering an appeal, only the completion of tasks with a detailed answer (a letter, a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning and all tasks of the oral part of the exam) are taken into account, that is, only technical claims are possible for the test part; secondly, since the work is re-checked when considering the appeal, a situation is not ruled out in which the experts consider it necessary not to increase, but to lower the points for the work - this also happened in my practice. When a graduate comes to the appeal, the experts show him his work, explain and comment on what points were scored or not, while their decision is already final, that is, by and large, the appeal consists in the fact that the experts recheck the work for technical errors ( for example, the answer is correct, but the computer did not count it (this happens very rarely) and once again the entire “former” part C is re-checked, setting the final points, and then the student comes on the set day and is introduced to his work and the final points, explaining what and why.

I understand that since you are an expert, you like it. But what are the "pitfalls" in this position?

Probably the most important thing is that being an expert, and especially a senior expert, is great responsibility. It is necessary that the subject commission work clearly, smoothly and objectively, without missing the slightest detail. To do this, there are detailed assessment criteria, additional assessment schemes, in addition to the mandatory annual courses for experts, we additionally hold orientation seminars before each assessment, at which we analyze assignments and develop general approaches to assessing work: that is, what the student can answer, what can give arguments that will be counted as correct and incorrect.
For example, a few years ago in the exam letter it was written that the author's aunt was moving to Chicago, and it was necessary to ask three questions about his relationship with her, and many wrote questions either just about the aunt ( Why did she decide to move?), or just about Chicago ( Have you ever been to Chicago?), and the experts discuss where to find that line, whether it is a question on the topic (and then we count it) or whether it is a question not on a given topic (and, accordingly, it is not counted). Or, for example, we pronounce possible interpretations of the essay topic: how can the student understand it, what arguments and arguments can be given, what will be on the topic, and what will be “on the same topic, but not about this” (you need: Thehealthiestfoodismadefromtheproductsproducedlocally, and the child writes simply about healthy eating; or you need: Everyfamilynaturallycreatesitsuniquefamilytradition, and he writes whether family traditions are important or not).

Now about the exam itself. Boys and girls, as well as their parents, are dissatisfied with the fact that the school curriculum does not prepare them for the Unified State Exam. Indeed, it looks strange. The exam is a state exam, but they don't prepare for it in public school classes. Why do you think? And what is the key to solving this problem?

To be honest, I thought about this question for a long time)) Firstly, I can’t say that they don’t prepare for the exam at all in the classroom, because new textbooks are more or less focused on tasks in the exam format (yes, in different textbooks they are different in number, but nevertheless they are present). It seems to me that there is no such thorough massive preparation, since this is not a mandatory exam, and if we think about it, then, say, in biology, chemistry, physics, textbooks are also not focused on preparing for the final state certification (and absolutely). I hope that when the exam becomes mandatory, the approach to it will also change, although, to be honest, I'm afraid of this time))
What can be done now? If we are talking about teachers, then, undoubtedly, we need to study not only according to the textbook, we need to acquaint students with the format of the exam, with the types of tasks and how to complete them (and, by the way, which is important, with the correct formatting of the answer), introduce them to the assessment criteria, so that the student knows for what and how many points he can get, and can adapt to these criteria. In addition, it is important to always keep abreast and monitor changes in KIMs and not orient students to outdated approaches, and if something is not clear (this may well be), you should not be shy about contacting more experienced colleagues - I had such situations , when my friends called me “just to make sure that they are doing everything right”, and it turned out that they were teaching their children the wrong thing at all, and many points were taken off for such things when checking (for example, “ A plan for a detailed statement - is it just recommended? If everything turns out logically for a child, then it’s okay if he doesn’t follow him at all?"... still how scary .. you can generally get 0 ...). Regulations on the exam, assessment criteria, demos, codifier is not classified information, it can and should be used)).

You have been working at the school for 7 years. How has the USE in English changed over the years?

Over the years, the exam has undergone, in my opinion, great changes. Of course, first of all, this is the oral part of a new, unusual for us format, which implies a new form of tasks, and work only with a computer (and not interaction with an interlocutor examiner), and the inability to write down something for yourself, to do some notes as you prepare. In addition, this is an exit to only one type of a detailed written statement with elements of reasoning (without variability, as it was at the beginning (the so-called “essays for and against” and “opinion essays”)). The tasks themselves and their wording have changed a little, it seems to me that their level of complexity has changed a little .... And, as we see from the proposed draft of the exam, divided into basic and profile levels, cardinal changes are also ahead of us. Wait and see)

What would you yourself change in the USE in a foreign language if you were a member of the Federal Commission for the Development of the KIM USE?

I'm already so used to it and familiar with the format that I don't even know) Yes, there are tough things that seem strange (for example, an essay of less than 180 words is not checked at all, and more than 275 is not fully checked, or the fact that you need to answer clearly according to plan, fill out the form in neat capital letters) ... but on the other hand, all this has its own certain logic(for example, in a text of a small volume, a student a priori will not be able to reveal the topic in detail and qualitatively, but in a huge one, on the contrary, he will spread his thoughts along the tree too much ...), Perhaps, this game “I know what you want from me, and it is aimed I’ll give it to you”, it’s probably not quite right either ... because we teach the guys that you need to “play by the rules” if you want to get a high score (“yes, I have favorite artists, I go to theaters, listen to different music, I know everything about my native country, I can give advice on any occasion, I travel a lot, I have my own clear point of view on everything ....” But that's not always the case... What is more important: discipline or talent? - Yes, both things are important! How can you choose just one? And is it worth teaching to pretend? On the other hand, it is this format that teaches us to think critically, shows that we must be comprehensively developed people: even if we do not go in for sports, we know the names of famous Olympians, even if we are not fond of art, we know the names of outstanding artists, even if we have not been to Moscow or St. Petersburg, we know the sights of these cities, we have something to be proud of, and we can say about it by means of a foreign language.

Now about the exam in English in persons, that is, in sections.
For my students, the most difficult parts of the exam are the entire section “Listening”, the 3rd task of the part “Grammar and Vocabulary” and writing an essay.
What parts of the exam are the most difficult for your students to prepare for? How do you help them cope with these difficulties?

Here, of course, everything depends on the student - different things are difficult for different people: someone hardly perceives speech by ear, someone reads for a long time, spending a lot of time on it, but the third task of “Grammar and Lexicon”, it seems to me , this is a byword, it is hard for everyone, and writing is also not an easy task. For my guys, the most difficult, I think, is a detailed written statement and the third speaking task (where you need to describe a photograph). I'll explain why. IN composition you need to work quickly, find arguments for both sides, find counterarguments, build a text with high quality, and its volume seems large, but when you start writing, it turns out that in order to write in detail and correctly and describe everything you need and want , the volume may not be enough and you will have to cut something; on the other hand, if the student is not very strong, then the volume, on the contrary, seems to him an unattainable goal, and then he needs not only to express his thoughts, but also to “finish off” to the required number of words. In addition, in order to get high scores, the student must show a rich vocabulary, knowledge of complex grammatical structures, must logically arrange all his thoughts, all his ideas, use a variety of connectors, bundles, open the topic from all sides - this is very difficult. And if the task itself is not easy, then it is doubly difficult.
Concerning third speaking task, then in principle, the difficulties here arise similar. Our children are not used to describing photographs, this is something new and unusual for them. How do you remember to mention all points, all sub-points, without making any notes, with not much time at your disposal for preparation and for the answer itself? It seems to me that both there and there the way out is training, training and again training, both independently and with a teacher, because if a child wrote an essay and described the picture not five, not ten, but twenty-five, thirty times, he will already feel yourself confidently. And at the lesson, it’s worth not just sorting out mistakes in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and declaring points, but reading or listening to the work together, evaluating it according to all criteria, saying how it would be better to express this thought if it is not clearly stated, as it would be more logical to build your argument, what evaluation vocabulary to add, how to make the work more interesting in terms of grammar and vocabulary - in general, how to show with your text (written or oral) that the student deserves maximum points.
And a few more important comments on the written part: set your children up to the fact that all arguments need to be “presented on a silver platter”, “chewed”, that is, not just hinted at and limited to one sentence, but worked out, spoken to the end, that one’s own position should be stated clearly (without "striking" back and forth), and that the counter-argumentation in the fourth paragraph should be "aimed" at the third paragraph (that is, to deny precisely those arguments of the opponents that the student previously voiced: if he says " Zoos should be banned because animals are kept in terrible conditions there.", then the thought" Zoos are not so bad because they help children learn more about the world around them."is not a counterargument, but an idea" Zoos are not so bad, because they, on the contrary, provide animals with protection, constant food and a comfortable environment for living, and it is thanks to zoos and national parks that we have saved some endangered animal species.” will just be in place in the penultimate paragraph).
What else can help? It seems to me that a thorough study of topics (try to cover all the topics that are stated in the codifier) ​​and the gradual complication of tasks: no one knows what will happen on the exam, whether an easy option or a difficult one will come across, but if the child is unlucky, he should be mentally ready: how to describe a picture in which nothing happens ( away the pyramid and all), how to talk about strange topics (" Some people think that the volume of a can of sweet soda should be reduced."") - it would be nice to do both work on the English language and psychological work hereJ

Let's take the section “Listening”, there are now three tasks in it. The first one is unequivocal - here is the topic, here is the statement on it. The second is difficult for students to understand the difference between the answers "False" and "Not Stated", which some people can not digest for a very long time. And in the third, where you have to choose between three options, I notice that my answer does not always match the answer given in the keys of the book. And the same thing happens in the third task of the Readings section. Plus, there are cases when two answer options are suitable, for example below - I would choose the first one, but the third one also seems to fit:
It is true that we are moving into a world in which the ability to understand the language of computer coding is more important than the ability to read and write cursive. This, however, is not an excuse for the extent to which young children have become as addicted (or more so) to their mobile devices as their parents.
“This” in paragraph 8 (This, however, is not an excuse …) refers to … 1) importance of computers. 2) literacy skills. 3) computer language. 4) addiction to technology.
How to deal with such questions? And how do you explain to the students the answer with which you yourself do not agree?

There are situations (and there are probably not only in listening) when several answers come up - in this case, I set up my students that if they feel that they can answer both ways, then they need to choose the answer which is the most likely, which fits most into the overall picture, which has the fewest doubts, which fits all parameters. How to explain the answer that I don’t agree with myself? - this is a difficult question)) I’ll start with the fact that sometimes there are typos in manuals (it comes to ridiculous: just last week in a new book I found a text on reading that was already printed in the old manual of this the same author, but here's a surprise: the answers to a completely identical task were slightly different ...). In such cases, I say: look, here the answer says 4, but if you and I open the script, or carefully listen to this piece of dialogue, or re-read this piece of text again, we will see that there is not even a hint of option 4 -probably a typo ... Or if it’s “Vocabulary and Grammar”, then when I’m preparing for the lesson at home, and checking the answers I see that somewhere we didn’t match, I start digging through dictionaries and grammar books, trying to figure out why this is so, maybe, indeed, I overlooked somewhere, or there are shades of meanings that I forgot about, then I try to build a logical base for the student, justifying the correct answer.

Let's move on to the "Grammar and Vocabulary" section. Everything is clear with the first two tasks. But, solving the third, I'm not always sure of the correct answer. Yes, and the questions in this assignment are sometimes such that I do not understand how to prepare for them. So we learned what prepositions go with nouns, we took the main phrasal verbs, confusing words passed, and what to do with such tasks:
The light from some______ stars right now will not be seen on earth until thousands, or even millions, of years from now!
A) farewell B) far away; B) far D) fair.

I've been thinking about this for a long time too... I think you need to read more. Perhaps it makes sense to inspire the child from the very beginning that passive vocabulary in the exam is very, very important: it will be important in listening, it will be important in reading, it will be important in Vocabulary and Grammar. If I read intensively in a foreign language, then a certain sense of language is developed and developed, which, of course, helps in the exam. Plus, it turns out that thanks to reading, I know a lot of words, I have a decent base, and I can already choose the correct option by elimination (as, for example, in the example above: option D will not work, then the meaning will be completely different here; option A doesn’t work either, I read, read, read, and I remember that this word means “goodbye”, “far stars” sounds somehow “short” for such a sentence, so I’ll probably choose option B).

Above, we talked about parts of the exam that are difficult for students. And for me, in turn, it is difficult to prepare students for composition. You can learn how to write an essay, but how can you teach a student to think?
For example, there was such a topic at the exam this year:Good books are only those books that everyone likes and understands.
And sitting in front of me is an "EGE student", who sometimes looks only at the textbook from books, and then under duress. How to teach him to come up with arguments for such essays?

I will share my own method: one of the options may be to work with spaydogram schemes (when rays-ideas depart from the circle of the central problem in different directions): the children received the task and immediately come up with arguments in support of this opinion and against this opinion, and all of them thoughts, even wonderful ones, are written down in short phrases in these two schemes (at first this can and should be done together with the student). These spaygrams take at most five minutes to complete (after they get used to how the format works). Then they “choose a side”: either the opinion that they really support with all their hearts, or the one where the arguments are stronger, where they have more ideas, the one that they can present to their advantage. Then they choose the most significant of all the arguments written and found (they are distinguished, for example, by ovals): here are two or three for my point of view, here is one or two for the opposite, and here is what I will cite as counterarguments - here we have and a semantic framework for the statement has turned out, which remains only to be “brought to mind”. First, we write the work together, and then together we only discuss the topic and arguments, think over ideas and vocabulary, build the logic of the statement, and the student writes the text at home (you can show your essay on the same topic in advance or vice versa later in the lesson and parse it by taking for the sample), and then the student completes all the work independently.
In addition, you can use ready-made manuals: for example, Marina Bodonia has a wonderful book “Preparing for GIA-9 and the Unified State Examination. Questions with extended answers. Personal letter, essay ”, which gives a lot of advice, and even arguments and useful vocabulary are spelled out for each task (but let me say that you still need to be critical of everything, because not everything that the author advises is relevant now and is suitable for in order to adopt).

With the oral part, everything is more or less smooth for me and my wards: they memorized the patterns for speaking - inserted a couple of phrases on the topic - the answer is ready.
But when checking answers, what are the most common mistakes students make? And what do you recommend doing to avoid them?

Yes, if you practice, then everything will be more or less smooth)) So, the most common mistakes.
By doing tasks 2:

  • describe a picture or make up a monologue, instead of clarifying questions;
  • asking for the wrong information;
  • ask illogical questions (“Do you have a menu?”);
  • use “How about…” questions or “Tell me about…” affirmative sentences, although the task instructions clearly state that five direct questions should be asked;
  • do not follow grammatical rules when constructing direct questions;

By doing tasks 3:

  • describe three pictures instead of one;
  • do not indicate targeting, i.e. that this is an appeal to a friend (you need, for example, “I want to show this photo to you”);
  • do not formulate the introductory and final phrase, which entails a decrease in points according to the criterion "Organization of the text";
  • do not fully disclose the point of the plan (for example, you need to mention where and when you took the photo);
  • incorrectly interpret the content of the picture;
  • violate the sequence of points of the plan, which leads to illogical statements;
  • do not express their opinion about the characters and the picture as a whole;
  • do not use the cliches necessary to describe the picture, for example: In the foreground …, In the background …, on the left;

One of the common mistakes is to consider the phrase from the instruction “I chose photo number 2” as an introductory phrase. This phrase allows the experts to understand what kind of photo the graduate is going to describe, it is not included in the communicative situation. An introductory phrase in accordance with the communicative situation proposed in the task can be, for example, an appeal to a friend: "Let's see my photo album" / "I want to show you this photo." The final phrase may be, for example, such a phrase: "I hope you liked this photo."
Another frequently repeated mistake is the inability to calculate the response time. Many graduates make the introduction very long (as a rule, it is a learned piece), then answer the points of the plan, and they do not have enough time for the final phrase. A long introduction often leads to the fact that the examinees give only one phrase for each item of the plan, i.e. descriptions of how there is no such thing, how there is no coherent monologue statement based on a picture and a plan.

By doing tasks 4:

  • do not compare, but simply describe the plot of two pictures;
  • instead of a brief description of the photographs, give a detailed description;
  • do not highlight the general and distinctive characteristics of the pictures;
  • give one phrase for each item of the plan;
  • do not fully disclose the point of the plan (for example, you need to mention the action taking place in the photo and the location of the action (action, location));
  • do not formulate the introductory and final phrases;
  • do not use cliches when comparing pictures;
  • make phonetic and lexical-grammatical errors in the answer.

Often, instead of a brief description in the answer to the first paragraph of the plan, a very detailed description of the pictures is given. As a result, when covering the second and third points of the plan, there is a repetition of what was said or very brief answers are given, in which one similarity or difference is given. This task does not indicate how many similarities and differences should be noted by the examinees and what quality they should be. Simple and primitive answers are often used when only one similarity is selected, for example, in both photographs - people. The difference is that in the first picture there are two people, and in the second one there is one. The experts will accept such an answer, however, most likely, the volume and completeness of such an answer will be insufficient. It is still desirable to find two or three similarities and as many differences, which will make it possible, on the one hand, to increase the volume of the monologue, and on the other hand, to demonstrate the ability to use means of logical connection that emphasize the course of reasoning (for example, firstly, secondly) . In order to fully and accurately disclose the content, it is advisable to give 2-3 phrases for each item of the plan.
In preparation for task 4, the children should pay attention to the following aspects:

  • these two photographs, you need not just describe, but compare their subjects in detail, including details;
  • in a monologue statement, it is necessary to make an introduction and conclusion; first you need to describe what the two photographs have in common, and only then dwell on the differences;
  • the plan should be followed so that the statement is logical and not a single point of the plan is lost;
  • it is necessary to use typical cliches and means of logical connection for describing and comparing pictures;
  • it is desirable to note the emotional background of both photographs; say what feelings they evoke;
  • time and volume limits must be observed.

I hope you didn't get brainwashed by my questions =) Let's digress a little - can you remember the funny answers you saw in the papers being checked?

Having mastered this interview, I don’t even remember)))))))

Let everything be serious and instructive!

Are you curious to know who these mysterious experts who check the exam are and how they work? So, now you can learn about it first hand. Because I've been one of those experts for seven years now.

It is called very long and solidly: "an expert of the subject commission for conducting the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education."

Since I work as an assistant professor in the Department of Information Technology, it is logical that I am an expert in computer science and ICT (information computer technology). But experts in other subjects work similarly.

Let me remind you that the tasks of the exam are divided into three parts: A, B and C. Part "A" is also called a "guessing game", since here the student must choose one of several answers offered to him. Part "A" is now missing from assignments in mathematics and literature. In part "B" you need to write a short answer. For tasks of type "C", the guys give detailed free answers.

The answers to tasks "A" and "B" are checked by computers. But the tasks of part "C" are evaluated by experts, that is, people. Each work is checked independently by two experts. If their assessments of the same answer to any task differ by one point, then a higher mark is finally given. That is, the discrepancy in the assessments of experts is interpreted in favor of the student.

If the discrepancy is more than one point, then the work is transferred to the third expert. His score is final. The fewer such “third checks” the commission has, the more professional it is considered. Because this suggests that all the experts have carefully studied the criteria for evaluating the work and give points uniformly. If the discrepancies are more than 15%, then the team of experts can be disbanded and a new one recruited.

The subject commission is formed from the most experienced school teachers teaching this subject, and 20-25 percent - from university teachers. In particular, the Subject Commission on Informatics and ICT of the Ivanovo Region, which I am a member of, has 20 people, five of them are teachers of higher education.

Some time before the exam, experts undergo training and certification. In the first years of the USE, the study consisted of the following: we met several times, considered the proposed tasks and tasks of previous years, looked for solutions, discussed the solutions proposed by the authors of the tasks, agreed on points of view.

In recent years, preparation for testing has been moved online. First, we are sent learning materials, which are the real answers of students, assessment criteria and detailed explanations of possible difficult situations. We study these answers, evaluate them, and we can check for ourselves whether we are doing it right. Then we pass a test, during which each expert must evaluate twenty answers to tasks of types C1, C2, C3, C4 in a limited time. If the test is passed well, that is, the expert confirms his qualifications, then he is issued the following certificate:

On the day of the exam, all the works of graduates from all the PES of the region are sent to a single center, where the answers to the tasks of part "C" are scanned, encrypted and randomly distributed by the names of experts. The next day we come to a specially designated building, we are given options for tasks, evaluation criteria and scanned answers printed specifically for each, which we must evaluate. I emphasize that the expert does not see any information about the students, only the solutions themselves.

This year, the inspection was carried out in rooms equipped with video and audio surveillance systems. It was impossible to take ANYTHING with you to class and take it out of class. Moreover, we were even asked to turn off mobile phones left in a locked room where we undressed and where we left all things. That is, we conducted the test in almost the same conditions in which the students wrote the exam. True, at the entrance to the building we did not pass through the frames of metal detectors and could leave the auditorium without escorts.

So who is he, this mysterious USE expert, and how is he different from ordinary teachers? Where do the mysterious super-intelligent people who are entrusted to decide the fate of graduates come from? How can I become an examiner and get a certificate of an USE expert? And who can even count on it? And where do they, these experts, live? Is it among us ordinary people?

Logically, you need to start with understanding the word "expert". In Latin, it means "experienced".

An expert is a specialist with deep knowledge in some area of ​​science, art, etc. and practical experience in their application. Thanks to his great competence and many years of practice, he is invited to evaluate any work performed.

Who can become an USE expert? Of course, a person, first of all, having a pedagogical education. And in the relevant subject.

So, any teacher can become one in his discipline? Does a young specialist who has just graduated from a university also have the right to become one? Or do you first need to prove yourself as a real teacher, that is, those who have already innovatively, creatively applied the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in an educational institution, working with schoolchildren of different ages, but especially with high school students? And his students demonstrate excellent results in their studies (according to their abilities, of course), actively and successfully participate in Olympiads at various levels, pass the Unified State Examination with high scores.

Such a teacher should be able to instill in his students the desire for self-development, deep knowledge, the desire to constantly learn new things and enjoy it. And a strong motivation to study, and always - both as a student and after school.

So, is it possible that all the teachers in the school are experts, that is, specialists of the highest level? Only speculatively, theoretically - yes. In fact, one or two people from the school decide to become experts. Such courageous teachers who are confident in their knowledge, skills and abilities undergo a certification procedure: special courses at advanced training institutes, pass the relevant exams and receive a precious certificate confirming the fact of training in a particular discipline.

Becoming an USE expert is not easy and very responsible, however, there are many advantages. The most important are the following.

All students want to get into the class of such a teacher: parents and children hope that he teaches in such a way that the guys will be able to pass this fateful exam well.

He can work as an exam expert.

Such a person is in demand as a tutor. The time has come when choosing a tutor for a child to prepare for the exam, it is necessary to look for not just a “good”, smart, knowledgeable teacher, but just one who is also competent in the field of passing these exams, knows perfectly well their structure, specifics, nature of tasks, takes into account in his work the results of the analysis of examination papers of past years. Only such a specialist will explain to the child why a particular question should be answered in this way and not otherwise.

The requirements for the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers who wish to become tutors have increased dramatically. Feel free to ask a tutor candidate to show an expert certificate. And for greater certainty, check the authenticity of the presented document with the organization that issued it. It is possible that the certificate is fake. After all, for exam preparation, as you know, tutors claim higher pay. Especially if you hire an expert or chairman of the expert commission.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the person to whom you entrust the preparation of the child for the successful passing of exams, it is best to pay attention to the organizations of additional education that are engaged in this area of ​​training. In reputable organizations, they are very scrupulous in the selection of teachers who will work for them. Only there you can find qualified experts who are guaranteed (!) to prepare your beloved child for the state exam, and will not just repeat the material covered.

So, few teachers dare to become an expert, even with such advantages. But those who nevertheless achieved this are, indeed, top-class professionals.

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