Psychic Natalya Vorotnikova - reviews. Negative, neutral and positive feedback


Natalia Vorotnikova- psychic, clairvoyant, healer, participant and winner of the first season of the show "The fight of extrasensories" on TNT. Within a few days of her birth, Natalia Vorotnikova experienced two clinical deaths.

Biography of Natalia Vorotnikova

Natalia Vorotnikova was born on April 10, 1976 in the Tula region. In the first days of her life, Natalya experienced two clinical deaths. At birth, she was diagnosed with the 4th degree of asphyxia, the child was wrapped around the umbilical cord twice. And when Natasha was two weeks old, she choked on her mother's milk. These events became in many ways decisive in the life of Natalia. Her mother, Raisa Ivanovna, recalls that from an early age Natalya felt her difference from others, not understanding the reasons for what was happening. Natalya grew up, her psychic abilities also grew, bringing benefits to others and trouble to herself and her family. From childhood, Natalya could foresee misfortunes and tragic events. Natalya Vorotnikova was called a witch as a child, after a while they began to call the girl-radar.

“Fear and curiosity are always there. From childhood, I constantly frightened others with various terrible predictions. If I saw death, then the person always died, and at the time that I predicted. The fact is that negative information is more pronounced and easier to read from a person. After the predictions came true, people at first bypassed me, but after that they still began to reach out to me. Curiosity is one of the engines of all mankind."

With age Natalia Vorotnikova I learned to predict not only troubles, but also joyful events.

Natalya studied to be a nurse, worked for some time in a hospital, cared for patients after operations. Her care and invisible manifestation of her healing gift helped even bedridden patients to recover ahead of schedule. The hospital remembers the case when, thanks to Natalya, a person was saved after a cardiac arrest, she insisted on continuing resuscitation, even when the time had passed for restarting the heart.

Despite the seemingly positive gift, Natalya's family suffered from side effects of her strength: household appliances, light bulbs and electrical appliances burned out in the house. When Natalya Vorotnikova studied at the International Academy of Informatization according to the method of V. M. Bronnikov, the “side effect” of her gift came to naught. At the Academy, people developed psychic abilities, and Natalya learned to interrupt the spontaneous manifestation of abilities, control time and power.

After working in the hospital, Natalya professionally took up healing. She believes that she inherited the gift of clairvoyance: all the women in her family had psychic abilities. By the way, Natalia's brother also has the gift of clairvoyance, Maxim Vorotnikov, who took part in the second season of the show "The fight of extrasensories" and ended up as a finalist.

Natalya Vorotnikova believes that her purpose is to help people. It was for this reason that she began to work in a hospital, learned to manage her gift, and began to professionally heal sick people. In order to give all her strength to healing, she deliberately does not marry and does not give birth to children. Natalia notes that she knows her fate and everything will have its time.

Natalya Vorotnikova at the Battle of Psychics

Natalia Vorotnikova took part in the first season of the franchise "The fight of extrasensories" in 2006 year. Long before the final test heroes and observers noted Natalia as one of the strongest psychics among the participants. In addition, her gift as a healer had an effect: after talking with a clairvoyant, people felt better, felt inner peace. Natalia Vorotnikova's radar gaze was also felt by the host of the program Mikhail Porechenkov.

Natalya Vorotnikova believes that the meaning "Battles of Psychics" not in identifying the winner among people with extraordinary abilities, because many have the gift of foresight, they can predict the winner. She believes that the main purpose of the show is to tell the people that there are people with psychic abilities, and to show what they are.

“No one knew who would be the winner. Strong specialists reached the final, and each of us aspired to be the best. Before the last test, such information did not exist in space, and it was impossible to count it.

The most difficult task during the tests, according to Natalia, was to focus on the situation, a person in a situation of time constraints, a tense atmosphere under the guns of cameras.

After the broadcast "Battles of Psychics" the actor also turned to Natalia Alexander Pankratov-Cherny, who participated in the show as an observer, with a request to find a missing friend. Natalya not only assured the actor that his friend was alive and well, but also saw the area in which he was, named the letters from the name of the village. As a result, the missing person was successfully found.

Psychic abilities Natalia Vorotnikova were noted not only by the heroes of the trials, but also by skeptics, including Mikhail Vinogradov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, forensic psychiatrist, head of the department of special studies. He has been studying extrasensory perception and the manifestation of the gift of clairvoyance in people since Soviet times and, based on his experience, declares that Natalya Vorotnikova is a psychic with a very strong positive orientation.

"At Natalia Vorotnikova all three well-known areas of extrasensory perception are well developed - bioenergetics (healing), clairvoyance (prediction of the future) and clairvoyance (assessment of the present and past). I can state this on the basis of my own observations and experiments and analyzing the laboratory studies of colleagues and the tests of the 1st season "Battles of Psychics".

In 2011-2012, Natalya Vorotnikova took part in the program "Psychics are investigating , trying to find the causes of strange deaths and murders. Natalia Vorotnikova conducted investigations in pairs with participants and winners of other seasons, including with her brother Maxim Vorotnikov. In parallel with this, Natalya writes a column with forecasts about the relationship of stars for the popular Internet portal Seven Days.

In 2017, Natalya became the host of the program "Magicians" on the TV channel "Yu". Her co-hosts are mediums and psychics sisters Snezhana, Svetlana And Nadezhda Filaretovs, also known as "Queens of Spades".

In the show, the girls reveal the "magic" secrets of happy relationships and good health, getting rid of negative energy and adding money and wealth.

season 12 season 13 season 14 Season 15

Natalia Vorotnikova revealed the secret of Anna Snatkina's crown of celibacy.

Anna Snatkina is a real star of Russian cinema. Films with her participation are very popular, but for some reason Anya's personal life does not add up: she has not met a single person with whom she would like to share her life. In order to get some recommendations, it occurred to her to seek help from Natalia Vorotnikova, the winner of one of the seasons of the famous TV show "The Battle of Psychics".

Men often paid attention to the young actress, but among all her suitors, Anna did not find the very person who would be close to her. The girl did not even meet a single man with whom she could fall in love. Her friends even began to hint to her about a certain crown of celibacy. For her 27 years, Anna has never even turned to fortune-tellers, and this trip to a psychic for her is the first step towards the unknown.

No wonder that the actress is worried before visiting Natalia. For some 5 minutes, Anya was told in detail the history of all her illnesses, including those that could overtake her in old age. “Don’t be afraid: at the moment you don’t have anything dangerous,” Vorotnikova concludes. Everything you have just heard is just food for thought, nothing more. Try to relax less, do not overwork at work, you need to think about the future and be more attentive to your health. “Indeed, you are right,” Anna agrees, “I think so myself. Perhaps the diet will not do me any good, otherwise I wanted to get rid of a few kilograms for the vacation.

“You better not lose weight now: it will only become additional stress for the body. Go in for sports, try to keep a good shape, but in no case limit yourself to food, and in general, happiness is not in thinness, ”the psychic notes.

After talking about health, Anna decides to ask the question that tormented her. Upon learning that the actress was being frightened by the crown of celibacy, Tatyana held her hands next to Anya's head and immediately declared: “This has nothing to do with you. In general, you should know that the crown of celibacy is a real myth: the fact is that the energy field of any person includes another chakra that is above the head and has the shape of a halo. The psychic perfectly feels this element of the human field. Due to strong experiences, the chakra can close: in this case, people often talk about the crown of celibacy, but in fact this is not forever, everything is restored over time.

Natalia Vorotnikova told who will be the chosen one of Konstantin Khabensky

Konstantin Khabensky is now credited with an affair with the famous actress Olga Litvinova, and many fans of the actor would like to know how this relationship will end. Psychic Natalya Vorotnikova, the winner of the 1st season of the show “The Battle of Psychics”, spoke about the future of Konstantin and Olga: “I would not call the relationship between Konstantin and Olga a novel. I see that this is a purely friendly union, not sealed either by love or passion. By nature, he is monogamous: he needs a woman who is reminiscent of his departed wife in everything. In Olga, the actor has now discovered a certain resemblance to Anastasia, but very soon he will realize that he was wrong. I see that Konstantin's chosen one will be a woman several years younger than him, with two teenage children. And this marriage will turn out to be very strong, happy and the last for the actor. He will marry in 2-2.5 years, but the spouses are not expected to have joint children. And with Olga Litvinova they will still remain good friends. Olya will also soon marry a man from a very wealthy family. He is two years younger than her. The spouses will live together for five years (I see one child with them) and will disperse due to a family conflict.

We present to you the winner of the 1st season of the Battle of Psychics - Natalia Vorotnikova.


Alexander Pankratov-Cherny admitted that his first experience of communicating with the participants " Battles of psychics"was when his friend disappeared ...

Everyone thought he was dead. But after the first episodes aired Season 1 "Battle of Psychics", the actor and his friends decided to try their luck and seek help from the winner " battles" Natalia Vorotnikova. Alexander Pankratov-Cherny: " Natalia not only said that our friend was alive, but also saw the area where he was at the moment. Moreover, winner of the "Battle of psychics" named a few letters from the name of the village in which our friend was. And believe it or not, we found it!”

Photo from the filming of the final Season 4 of the Battle of Psychics - psychic Natalya Vorotnikova: "Fear and curiosity always go hand in hand." From a piercing gaze Natalia Vorotnikova Mikhail Porechenkova not even his star status can protect him. Psychic abilities Natalia Vorotnikova, a physician by education, was recognized by both viewers and skeptics of the TV project " Battles of psychics"Dedicated to paranormal phenomena. Very soon Natalia Vorotnikova will have to compete at the global level. In the US, $1 million is at stake. The strongest will claim it psychics of the world. Vorotnikova - psychic sixth generation in the female line. Natalia after graduating from medical school, she worked in the intensive care unit, studied esotericism at the International Academy of Human Development.

Pain, suffering and death - these terrible words from the lips of a small Natasha Vorotnikova horrified adults and children alike. From early childhood, she predicted only misfortunes for people. They believed Natasha, but they were also afraid.
psychic clairvoyant: “If I saw death, then the person always died, moreover, in the terms that I predicted. Natalia Vorotnikova from childhood they called the witch, after a while they began to call the girl - the radar. The radar girl has matured and learned to predict not only misfortunes, now Natalia began to predict joyful events. After Natalia trained as a nurse, and then took up healing and alternative medicine.

I am sure that she inherited her gift of clairvoyance. She believes that all women in her family (as it turned out, not only women, it is enough to remember her brother Natalia - Maxim Vorotnikov) possessed psychic abilities. Also in the first days of his life Natasha survived two clinical deaths at once.

“I have already suffered clinical death during childbirth. There was a fourth degree of asphyxia, she was wrapped around the umbilical cord twice. And when I was two weeks old, I choked on mother's milk. believes that her mission is to help people. And in order to give all her strength to healing, she deliberately does not marry and does not give birth to children.

This charming psychic girl has been helping people professionally for over 17 years. People come to her for help from all parts of the country. Natalia can also look into the future and save any of us from the mistakes and troubles that we can make. Natalia also sees the past in order to find the causes of current problems there - after all, if you do not know the causes, the problem is very difficult to eliminate.

- Possessing her supernatural gift of prophecy and the ability to influence people and events, does she have to bear the burden of enormous responsibility?

- Of course, the responsibility is enormous. I must not throw words into the wind, as my words often “materialize”. But I have already learned to live with this burden. Firstly, because “this was born” and did not choose this fate for herself. Secondly, I grew up in a family of hereditary psychics. Therefore, I learned the family “code” from the cradle. And, thirdly, abilities are abilities, but official recognition is also worth a lot. Therefore, I went to study at the International Academy of Informatization using the method of V. M. Bronnikov.

This miraculous technique made it possible to multiply psychic abilities. At the Academy, they taught the main thing - to manage their wonderful gift, use it correctly and use it only for good. After all, the scalpel is also in the hands of a good surgeon - a tool that restores health, and in the hands of an amateur it is very dangerous. “And how do you use your psychic gift?”

- Clairvoyance, or - energy-informational diagnostics - these are images that I read from people. It is necessary to understand the root cause of the bad luck of the one who turned to me for help: why did this happen? You pull the thread - and as a result, a whole tangle is unraveled: how it all began, who is connected with it and how. The psychologist first talks with the patient for a long time, because it is very difficult to blindly find the cause of the client's problem. But a psychologist with clairvoyance "gropes" it hundreds of times faster.

- They talk about you as a rare specialist who easily manages to restore destroyed families, return lost love.

- In recent years, more and more families with good material wealth began to break up. This is explained very easily: in poor families, the problem of ordinary survival usually comes first, pushing all other problems into the background. In fact, poverty and domestic disorder are the main enemies of family happiness. And where there is a good material base, love is more likely to survive than where it does not exist at all. Another thing is that, firstly, such families are surrounded by envious people, and, secondly, there will always be someone who wants to take over the successful father of the family.

- Is there any way to deal with this?

- We need to fight this! A good energy protection is put up against envious people and ill-wishers - a kind of screen that reflects all the flows of evil back to those who send them. That. what the enemies send, they themselves will receive, quite rightly and deservedly.

And with the hunters for someone else's husband, we have a short conversation. After all, for some reason, for the theft of a wallet in modern society, criminal liability is provided, but for the theft of someone else's husband - nothing! But is the misdemeanor of a pickpocket-thief commensurate with the actions of a girl who had a hankering for someone else's husband, who dared to destroy someone else's family hearth, to deprive another, innocent woman of her happiness, and the children of her father? I am convinced that the actions of such ladies must be stopped by the most radical methods, so as not to be in the habit. And here I also use mirror protection against someone else's "attack". I also remove negative programs, sometimes I change my self-esteem. If there was a love spell of another woman, I neutralize it.

– Natalia, what about the other wishes of the patients? Are you helping too?

– I can make any talismans. Individually at the request of the client. For love, for luck, for work, for the fulfillment of desires, for money. Someone wants to meet, figuratively speaking, a handsome prince. Someone dreams - to successfully pass the exam. Someone wants to start a business, build a house, buy a car - human desires are inexhaustible, and I try to help in their implementation. The main thing is that the desire is real. And if someone wants to harm someone, this is not for me.

- How do you see the internal organs of a person? How is the x-ray?

- No, as in the usual picture. Only they live in this picture - live, work. I see the main pathology, because I know the physiology of each organ, i.e. how it should look in normal condition.

People are like books

- NATALIA if you see people through, I can assume that those around you are afraid and making friends is problematic for you ...

Fear and curiosity are always there. From childhood, I constantly frightened others with various terrible predictions. The fact is that negative information is more pronounced and easier to read from a person. After the predictions came true, people at first bypassed me, but after that they still began to reach out to me. Curiosity is one of the engines of all mankind.

It is really difficult for her to build any relationship. As soon as a person becomes an open book for you, it becomes terribly boring. I am not smarter, better or stronger than many. It's just that my path to obtaining such exclusive information is a thousand times shorter.

Do you often have to hide the information you see from people?

Almost constantly. As a child, I voiced, without filtering, everything that I see. I thought I could help people with this. Once, when I was in the third grade, I predicted an earthquake in two days. And when it really happened, neighbors and classmates began to shy away from me. In general, after I was “beaten” a couple of times, I quickly learned to hide information.

And being in a crowd, can you read information from others?

I can, but no one is reasonable psychic will never turn on to the maximum with a large crowd of people. A huge number of scraps with various information can overwhelm and devastate energetically.

BTW, how can you tell a charlatan from real psychic?

You need to immediately understand that of those who offer services psychic in this market, about 70% are common scammers. In order not to get hooked on them, sometimes it is enough to be attentive. Listen to your intuition and don't blindly believe everything other people tell you. A real psychic will never promise you instant results and make impossible promises. Miracles don't happen. psychic helps a person to launch the internal reserves of the body and psyche. With the help of information from the past and the future, it helps to understand life's problems. Psychic abilities are a common talent like any other. The musician works with sounds, and psychic- with energy and information. Here is the only difference.

Could you, for our readers, look into the future and tell us what awaits our country in 2008?

I can say that I don't see any defaults, terrorist attacks or upheavals in 2008.


- I have been involved in the study of extrasensory perception since the distant Soviet times, and on the basis of experience I can firmly state that - a very strong psychic with a positive orientation, - says the doctor of medical sciences, forensic psychiatrist, head of the department of special studies Mikhail Vinogradov.

At Natalia Vorotnikova all three well-known areas of extrasensory perception are well developed - bioenergetics (healing), clairvoyance (prediction of the future) and clairvoyance (assessment of the present and past). I can assert this on the basis of my own observations and experiments, and analyzing laboratory studies of colleagues and tests Season 1 "Battle of Psychics".

Small interview Nonna Khidiryan With Natalia Vorotnikova:

Nonna Khidiryan - Natalia, tell me, please, do you visit “classmates”?

No, I don't. I am busy. I don't use the internet at all.

Nonna Khidiryan- A certain one appeared on “classmates”. I realized that this is not you, but I wanted to clarify.

Why do I need internet? I have been repeatedly told that they write something on my behalf.

Nonna Khideryan- Well, why? Communicate with the people.

I communicate with people every day. I have enough. (laughs)

Psychic Natalia Vorotnikova: "I grew up in a family of hereditary psychics."

Project winner "Battle of Psychics" on TNT, a hereditary magician in the 6th generation, a practical psychologist, an expert diagnostician according to the method of Academician V.M.

- Clairvoyance- this is a gift that is given to a few from God, these are supernatural abilities that a specialist can use in situations that are especially necessary, - she said anticipating the answers to questions. - This is the process of inclusion in someone else's life situation, entry into other worlds. A process that requires enormous strength, moral and physical. Answer questions such as “Will I get married?” can only be done in person. Now about that very reception. Indeed, after winning the “ The battle of psychics“The number of people who want to get in has increased. I am currently in the center Magic power”, where a record is kept for a year ahead. The cost of admission is the same for everyone, there is no so-called VIP reception now. People have different problems, there are quite complex ones, and it would not be right to divide people into VIP and non-VIP, so the queue is common.

I take as much as my physical capacity allows. Helping people is hard work. In addition, the interest of television programs and other media is also constantly growing. Filming takes a lot of time. Now many answers to questions can be obtained through television programs in which I participate. Of course, the most interesting is The fight of extrasensories". You ask a lot of questions about this show, some of which I will try to answer.

Was what was shown on TV an objective reflection of what happened during the filming?

There were times when it was hard enough to say certain things in camera trials and a lot was said outside of the shooting situation. But in general, a fairly objective reflection.

What is the meaning of the “Battle of Psychics” program? After all, if the participants really have psychic abilities, they should have known the name of the winner in advance?

I think the point is to tell the people that there are people with psychic abilities and show what they are. Nobody knew who would be the winner. Strong specialists reached the final, and each of us aspired to be the best. Before the last test, such information did not exist in space, and it was impossible to read it.

What was the most difficult part of the “Battle of Psychics” project?

The most difficult thing was to focus on testing in a situation of time constraints, a tense atmosphere under the guns of cameras.

With such a gift, living is not easy, if you had a choice, would you give up providence in favor of ordinary life?

No. The information that comes to me is worthy information that cannot be refused. Of course, my gift is a double-edged sword. In ordinary life, he can both interfere and help. But I don't know another life, I don't know how to live without it. And I don't want to live like everyone else.

Can you win in all kinds of lotteries or contests using your gift? Or is such a petty scam not for you?

You definitely noticed. This is not for me. There was a time, and they offered me, but it's not for me. I refused to go down the wrong path.

Natalya, do you believe that the zodiac sign under which he was born affects the fate of a person?

I know that everyone has their own destiny. Question about the signs of the zodiac rather to the astrologer.

Natalya, they say that it is impossible to turn to fortune-tellers and clairvoyants (at least in Orthodoxy). How do you feel about this opinion?

I am Orthodox, go to church and believe in God. When asked whether it is possible to address people with special abilities, I will answer this way - it all depends on why the person is addressing. If it's just interest, then it's better not to - it's not entertainment. And if a person has a problem, how can help be called a bad thing. It all depends on the purpose of the visit to the fortuneteller, clairvoyant.

Natalya, tell me, can an ordinary person develop the abilities of a psychic, is there a special technique for this?

Scientific fact indicates that 70-80% of people have such abilities. Therefore, if they are, then they can be developed. Many are simply afraid of it or do not understand it. Now there are many courses where you can discover yourself, the main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing them.

Does the name of a person influence his fate?

Destiny, as I have already said, is for everyone, and it is determined by the Higher powers. And the name can influence the character.

Have you ever said not everything, not fully conveying what you know to a specific person. Is there a limit to the knowledge of what is permitted for a mere mortal?

There is no limit to knowledge. But a person is not ready to accept all the information. We can only give what he can handle. Information can be crushed and destroyed. Neither gender nor age affects the limit of knowledge, only the personal ability to perceive and accept information.

“Family curse”, “curse”, “crown of celibacy” and similar concepts, how often do you have to deal with such things in your life? Are there many people who bear such a seal? How to understand if there is a curse on you? How to live people with similar problems - to reconcile or act?

Act. Find your specialist. And you can understand only by changes in life, condition, events. What you cannot explain yourself, your loved ones, doctors cannot explain, only people with special abilities can explain. I face negativity and work constantly. But not everyone who comes to see me has a curse or corruption. A certain life situation can be explained by a number of many other reasons. I do not accept the concept of "crown of celibacy." Many promise that it can be removed. There are people who are destined to be alone, they may have a different role or mission in this life, or maybe they are working off karma.

Don't you want the usual female happiness? Family…husband…kids..?

I want to. Everything has its time. I know my fate and what is in store for me.

Is Natalya Vorotnikova your pseudonym or real name and surname?

Vorotnikov - on the side of his father. And my mother called me Natalya.

Are there failures or black streaks in your life, are all your desires, when they are not for others, but for personal gain, fulfilled?

Everyone has failures. I am not God. I am human. I have a gift - talent. I use them as needed. But everyone is wrong. If desires are real, then they are fulfilled. The thought is material.

Natasha, were you lonely on your road before you became a psychic known throughout the country?

I don't understand what loneliness is. You can be alone when you are in a crowd, and not alone when you are alone. I study the world. He's interesting to me.

How can you protect yourself from black magic? Can a person, not possessing psychic abilities, protect himself from damage?

Unfortunately there is no universal way. A person has no defense mechanisms against negativity. Try to be more positive yourself, and then the same positive environment will be attracted to you.

Natalya Banteeva became known in Russia as the winner of the ninth season of the Battle of Psychics. The psychic does not mind if she is called a witch or sorceress, but emphasizes that she does not practice dark magic. He gives private consultations on complex everyday issues, willingly communicates with journalists, writes music and raps, is interested in geopolitics and information technology news, genetics and medicine.

Childhood and youth

As Natalya said in an interview with, her real biography differs from the official one. The girl was born in Kamchatka, where her father served. He was on an autonomous voyage in a submarine, and his mother was preparing for childbirth in the tiny village of Rybachy. On February 16, 1975, the future witch was born, showing no signs of life. The baby was thrown onto the ice, and the mother was sent to the hospital in Vladivostok.

But the next morning the child came to life. The mother, who survived this stress, was never able to breastfeed the baby, and there were no other sources of food for the baby in the military settlement. Therefore, the seven-week-old baby went to Leningrad, where she was brought up in her grandmother's family. Natalya's childhood in the old Lidval house on Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt was happy: by the age of four, the girl played the piano, read, painted on the walls and sculpted.

Grandmother read poetry to her granddaughter, took her to the Hermitage and, most importantly, believed everything the girl said. When five-year-old Natasha said during the funeral that she saw the ghostly figure of a man, her grandmother calmly agreed that this was possible.

Natalya's ancestors were also familiar with the world of the unknown: great-grandmother and grandmother guessed on cards and coffee, communicated with spirits at seances.

A happy childhood ended when a mother, unfamiliar to her daughter, who had just entered into a new marriage, arrived in Leningrad. The girl's unusual abilities did not meet with understanding either in the new family or at school. At the age of six, Natalia took up basketball, but at the age of eight she was disqualified for a fight with a Czech athlete.

Oddities in the behavior of the child forced the mother to seek help from psychiatrists who tried to cure Banteeva of hallucinations. By the age of 14, the girl learned to use her talent to enrich herself. People easily opened up to her, giving out, among other things, the places where they kept the money.

At the age of 18, Natalya Banteeva ended up in prison, where she quickly became an authority among prisoners. The young witch took a library of esoteric literature into her cell and improved her psychic skills during her two years in prison.

extrasensory perception

When asked how a modern witch differs from her medieval predecessors, Natalya Banteeva answers in detail. The psychic uses publicly available information and knows how to work with it. By the time Natalya was released, life had changed: her native country changed its name, the economic situation changed, former bandits went into business, information became available, and the girl matured.

She continued self-education, re-read a lot of literature, attended lectures by Tatyana Chernigovskaya. She was educated as a pulmonologist, culturologist and psychologist, studied dentistry, worked in the morgue. The specialty of an adviser became a vocation - a witch could find a clinic in which a person would be cured for sure, choose the right university, lawyer and place of residence. A base of clients was formed who constantly went for advice and received it without cards, hoods, candles, balls and ceremonies.

The psychic is good at gambling, but does not use this ability. Doesn't practice any dark magic. Curses, corruption and deceit do not lead to good. Natalia was convinced of this from personal experience. When her health deteriorated sharply, she managed to recover only after complete repentance and a year of life in the monastery. This year brought valuable spiritual experience to the sorceress, now Banteeva's gift serves only good.

"The fight of extrasensories"

When Banteeva's friend, pathologist Natalya Vorotnikova, decided to participate in the "Battle of Psychics" on TNT, she just laughed - why would a serious person compete with sorcerers? But Vorotnikova won the first season of the project, and friends sent an application for participation in the ninth season on behalf of Banteeva. Natalia, who then bred dogs, stayed at the kennel and was late for the start of the selection.

There were a lot of strange characters at the casting, but there were also interesting people. The witch described in detail whose photo in a closed envelope lay on the table. And she ended up on TV screens, which scared some old acquaintances who considered Natalya dead. One of the goals of the creators of the project was to convince people that seeing a problem and solving it are two different tasks.

But during the tests, Banteeva not only saw people's illnesses, but also gave effective advice on how to deal with illnesses. For example, she advised a drug addict not only the professional help of a narcologist, but also recommended to live in a monastery, working and saying prayers. Natalya did not set a goal to win the "Battle" - she knows that great accomplishments are easier to accomplish effortlessly, in a good mood, and not straining with all your might.

Personal life

Natalia prefers to keep her personal life a secret. In conversations with reporters, the psychic refutes the notion that witches are always alone. So it was in the Middle Ages, when not only the witch, but also family members were burned for witchcraft. Witches from the Banteeva coven get married safely, but prefer not to present their chosen ones for discussion to idle gossips.

IN "Instagram" psychic, you can see photos in which she fools around with Maxim Pavlov, director of the University of Magic. The caption reads:

"People can drink together, live under the same roof, make love, but only joint activities of idiocy indicate spiritual intimacy."

It is not known whether the first part of the quote refers to Banteeva and Pavlov, but spiritually they are definitely close.

Natalya Banteeva now

After winning the "Battle of Psychics", Natalya had to consolidate her success. She founded the production center Banteeva Group, which employs a team of psychics. The sorceress records musical incantations (calhans) using ancient Celtic spells and the help of rapper ATL. She conducts business trainings for future millionaires, created a Vosko clothing line that helps each person to reveal their inner strength.

He teaches at his own school of magic, assists the police in investigating crimes, and provides advice to people who visit Banteeva's official website to ask a question or make an appointment. Natalia helps to solve serious problems only after a personal meeting. The Banteeva Group Center opens new projects, subsidizes the research of geneticists and gerontologists.

The audience, who closely followed Banteeva's performances at the psychic show and did not lose interest in her person, notice a change in the image of the sorceress. The woman changed her hair, makeup, lost weight and got prettier. Gossips claim that Natalya underwent plastic surgery - at least she underwent a course of "beauty injections", and at the maximum she did a facelift and plastic surgery.

A careful look at the photos before and after the “Battle of Psychics” will show that the shape of the face has changed little: the nasolabial folds are in place, and the skin on the cheekbones has stretched after losing excess weight. Natalya herself does not comment on the change in appearance, probably believing that beauty and mystery are the professional qualities of a witch.


  • 2010 - "Battle of psychics"
  • 2010 - Banteeva Group Production Center
  • 2011 - Closed School of Natalia Banteeva University of Magic
  • 2012 - BG Showroom youth clothing store
  • 2012 - Casino Taro

Natalya Vorotnikova was remembered by many due to the fact that she became the first winner of the domestic “Battle of Psychics”. The talent of the clairvoyant really surprised critics and skeptics.

In the article:

Psychic Natalya Vorotnikova - biography

The name of the psychic according to the passport is Vorotnikova Natalya Yurievna. She was born in 1976 in the Tula region. Birthday - 10 April. Almost the entire family of Natalia has paranormal talents. Parents are healers and psychics. Raisa's mother has a reputation for being a powerful magician. The younger brother also received a family gift. After his sister won first place in the mystical show, Maxim decided to try his hand. It is known that in the second season, the magician took third place, losing to stronger psychics.

The turning point in Natalia's life was two clinical deaths, which the girl experienced in infancy. Vorotnikova believes that clinical death enhanced her abilities. Powers appeared in early childhood: at first, the girl was able to predict only bad events, which, according to most psychics, are easier to see. At a more mature age, with the development of abilities, the clairvoyant learned to make positive predictions.

The future psychic Natalya Vorotnikova graduated from a regular secondary school. Received a nursing diploma after graduating from college. For some time she worked as a nurse. Vorotnikova's abilities did not go unnoticed in the hospital: thanks to Natalya's attention, the patients recovered faster - even seriously ill patients, who were said to "not survive", rose to their feet.

Natalia almost from birth has a powerful energy. To learn how to control forces, Natalia graduated from the International Academy of Human Development.

The abilities of Natalia Vorotnikova were proven in the course of scientific experiments. Experts have revealed that the clairvoyant has a strong bioenergetic field. After gaining knowledge and skills at the academy, Natalia decided to stop working in the hospital in order to start practicing healing at a more professional level.

At present, the sorceress, together with her brother, with whom Natalya has a strong friendship, conduct seminars, receive people who need the help of a clairvoyant or healer, and help others in other ways.

The choice of psychic Natalya Vorotnikova was a conscious rejection of family and children. The clairvoyant was not married. Maxim Vorotnikov also has problems in his personal life. According to brother Natalia, living together with a psychic is too difficult for an ordinary person.

"Secret Knowledge" - a book about the famous psychic

Book " Secret knowledge"Written not by Vorotnikova herself, by Mikhail Komlev from her words. The paper edition was released as part of the Heroes of the Battle of Psychics series.

The book, according to the author and readers, really contains secret knowledge. The text also contains practical recommendations for beginner esotericists. In the book you can find some facts from the biography of Natalia, which are not in any interview, the reasoning of a psychic and the secrets of reincarnations:

Back, back, back. Let's go back, - said Natalia.
- I see her. She looks at me.
- Back, back, back. Follow the order, go back to your body. We take a deep breath, open our eyes and feel lightness and calmness. Breathing calms down, we come to ourselves, otherwise you will be shaking for a long time. Breathe in, breathe out rhythmically.
I lay on the couch with my eyes open, breathing more evenly, after a few seconds I said:
- I can't feel my arms and legs. I don't feel myself.
- Completely all sensations of the body are returned. Now everything will be back to normal.
- I have paintings, images.
- Forget the pictures. Get up. Now these pictures will pass. The images are still working, they will work for some time. We come, we come to ourselves.
- It's kind of cold.
- Here and now, completely and completely, - Natalya repeated, - a complete return.
- I'm back? I asked myself. - Yes!

Contains a book and secret techniques used by the entire Vorotnikov family:

Natalya was taught this practice as a child - the girl was then 12 years old. She came across such a grandfather in her life, a forester, a very sweet grandfather, who saw something in the girl and began to teach the child how to walk through the forest correctly. Natalya was a forest girl in her childhood, she still loves the forest, and in her childhood there was such an opportunity, and she spent most of her time in the forest.
“I know how to listen to the forest, I know how to understand it, and if necessary, I will never get lost there, I don’t need stars or anything else, I’ll find it by feeling: where it leads, I’ll go there,” Natalia explained.
This practice is very helpful. You can use the technique not only in the forest, but also in a big city. Works great. A person begins to navigate and walk correctly.

Natalya Vorotnikova at the Battle of Psychics

Vorotnikova's energy is so powerful that light bulbs constantly explode or burn out near the psychic and electrical appliances malfunction. It is not surprising that in 2007 the clairvoyant managed to get the main prize of the first season of the Battle of Psychics.

Participants of the program and members of the film crew often noted that strange sensations appeared from the look of Natalia, similar to a surge of energy. Many believe that the clairvoyant has x-ray vision.

The victory in the project gave a lot not only to the psychic, but also to her family. Maxim imbued with the example of his sister and decided to participate in the "Battle of Psychics". The clairvoyant, thanks to her victory, was able to receive an invitation from the James Randi International Foundation. The organization is ready to provide a million dollars to the person who demonstrates paranormal abilities more convincingly than all the other participants.

In 2011-2012, Vorotnikova took part in another project - "Psychics are investigating." During the filming, the clairvoyant revealed many crimes, unraveled the secrets of deaths and told about other events. Since 2012, the witch began to make regular forecasts for the 7 Days magazine, which concern exclusively

The thief must sit

My sister went to Vorotnikova. She didn’t give a single correct answer. I would have this creature on the bunk.

There are no psychics, it's just a scam from the 90s to knock money out of desperate people. If there were real psychics, then the reception would be free

I visited N. Vorotnikova 5 years ago, paid 40 thousand. She arrived, 2 hours late, and immediately took the check for payment. (It's clear why). She spoke, but NOTHING came true. The same nonsense as the magazine "7 DAYS". Liars!!! How to return the money and is it possible for participation in a SCAM?.

Was four years ago. She spoke a lot from the photo and promised everything good. Nothing came true. Conclusion: LIE. Vorotnikova is a complete zero and a deceiver. And who will return the money to me. These are real scammers. People do not believe.

Do not trust Vorotnikova. She's just a scammer. Knows nothing and does not foresee.

I heard about Natalya Vorotnikova for a long time, since the first season of the psychic show, and her person regularly flashes in the news. I dreamed of making an appointment and asking a few questions that have bothered me since childhood. I called the Magic Power Center by phone and made an appointment at a convenient time. The announced price of the session, of course, was very biting, but what can I say - after all, the personality is hyped. Now very disappointed. I was left alone with my problems, I spent the money, and they only offered me to sign up for a few more sessions. Does Natalia really work like that with everyone? Can't believe it...

Natalya has an extremely angry look ... To be honest, after a visit to her, I had an unpleasant aftertaste, and my problem was not solved. Recorded for a few weeks. That is, there is no need to talk about some banal service. It seems that Vorotnikova can only predict the personal life of show business stars, and she is not able to help solve the problems of an ordinary person. About the price in general, I would like to say in a separate line. Everything is paid, and the prices are exorbitant. I have no financial problems, but I like to pay for the result, but here it was not. As a result, after two sessions, I decided to turn to another psychic. The result is 20 thousand rubles down the drain. Should I turn to Natalya Vorotnikova for help? You decide, but I hope that my personal experience will help someone make the right choice.

For a long time I tried to get an appointment with Natalia. I read reviews on the Internet and thought that this was a really strong psychic. There were quite serious problems in the family, and to solve them, I was ready to do almost anything. Vorotnikova's prices are very high. After receiving a consultation and making an appointment, I was announced the amount of 85 thousand rubles. I can say with full confidence that Natalia's services are absolutely not worth this money. And I knowingly mentioned the word service, not help. Natalia approaches her work extremely negligently. It seems that I should be grateful in general that I was accepted, and the fee itself is due. Very dissatisfied and would not recommend!

I went to the page of Natalia, I always liked her very much. I'm watching the action - free viewing by photo for repost. I repost, I write to her, is she "familiar" to me? I say "I'm on the action" and further:

  • Natalia
  • This promotion ended yesterday.
  • Okay, what's open now? Or wait for the next promotions?
  • Natalia
  • Nothing for free.
  • and from paid ones? tarot?
  • Natalia
  • Of the paid ones

And she fell silent. After that, I don’t want to contact - it makes sense, if they answer like this, “fuck off”

so evil! horror, as if I had come to ask her for mercy, she takes money with one hand, and is rude with the other. disgusting!

My dears! I happened to see Natalya Vorotnikova live, I wanted to turn to her with my questions, but she didn’t even talk. Everything is only for a fee, but as our show business is to promote and tell who gets married and divorced how many times, so please ..

Neutral Feedback

It is a pity that people do not believe God, but believe charlatans! Refer to the original source! Our Lord Jesus Christ will never leave you!!!

Eka Natalia got prettier on hapchas from a gullible public! Everything shines!

Was in 2012. One thing should have come true, but it didn't. I don’t know if this is a backlash of prediction in a couple of years, like in a battle or suggestion. But in any case, the impressions were pleasant. I felt for myself how they scanned me, although I was sitting 3 meters away - you can’t imagine this. On payment, Natalia behaved democratically and took only half, because she sent me to the healer right there. We talked a little on esoteric topics and about the path of life.

Positive reviews

bazarova olga

I talked with Natalia 19 years ago, everything that she foresaw came true! EVERYTHING!!! It’s impossible to avoid this, fate. At that time she was still a very young girl, It’s very unusual to see and hear a girl looking at you, seemingly ordinary, but it’s unusual to hear facts from your life that cannot be known to her !!! But she it’s not God, she says what will happen, but can it be prevented? so don’t blame her !!!

I used the advice of Natalia Vorotnikova via the Internet, and I still use it for half a year, I often seek advice, and in addition to the advice she provided, she did not take anything from me.

She helped to understand the complicated situation in the death of a child, thanks to her we found the perpetrators.

and the one who writes that these are scammers just seems to me some kind of envious Cossacks mishandled ....

Dear Natasha!

I love you, why write more, perhaps, to tell you that I sincerely try to get to your cherished appointment, to find out your verdict. But circumstances develop so by chance that a year has already passed and two comes, but we still will not meet with you. One thing is pleasant to me that we sometimes communicate with you in spirit, blocking all distances.

Sincerely yours, Sergey Borodin

I was at the reception of Natalia Vorotnikova in October on matters of personal life. At the reception, I even got angry when Natalia told me that my man would betray me and I needed to part with him, the sooner the better, otherwise I would suffer a lot from him. Of course, I suspected that something was wrong in our relationship, but what happened just a couple of weeks later just turned my life upside down. My boyfriend was detained for having some kind of pills, and he, without batting an eyelid, began to say that it was I who persuaded him to engage in some kind of pill distribution business so that there would always be money. So I was left alone and barely got out of this story. Thank you, Natasha, for the warning, it's a pity that I did not immediately do what you told me.

I had an aunt at the reception, but that was before the Battle. She addressed about her husband and predictions for the future. Natalia described the whole situation of the past and present very accurately, made a prediction for the future. Of all that she listed, and this was the purchase of a plot and the construction of a house, betrayal and divorce, as well as career prospects, she was not mistaken in anything. The only thing is that she saw the death of her husband, he did not die, but was on the verge of death, he had a heart attack, he was treated in Germany, the doctor would say one more cigarette and you would die. In general, my aunt was very satisfied.

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