Psychic Tatyana Larina admitted that her young husband beat her in front of her son. Tatyana Larina: biography of a witch Tatyana Larina had a baby


Tatyana Larina was born on February 21, 1978 in St. Petersburg. Tatyana does not disclose the details of her childhood, but it is known that her psychic abilities were inherited. Tatyana's close relatives were close to the world of esotericism, although Tanya's parents were frightened by their daughter's stories about the dead and upset by the girl's oddities.

Before coming to the show "Battle of Psychics" (season 15), Tatyana tried herself as a singer. The girl had enough talent to win a place on Olympus, but her soul was not in this occupation. In search of herself, Mrs. Larina went abroad, where she worked as a fashion model. Returning to Russia, Tatyana recorded a joint album with performer Zara. The musical compositions of the joint work of two extraordinary singers carry ethnic and folk motives.

Tatyana developed her esoteric abilities in Israel. Tatyana has a powerful natural gift, but her abilities must be managed properly. This is what she was taught in the Holy Land. Having completed training and learned to send her energy in the right direction, Tatyana became one of the most powerful St. Petersburg psychics.

According to magical traditions, relatives with the same abilities should teach the basics of magic to a gifted child, why this did not happen in Tatyana's family is not clear. It is known that an Israeli clairvoyant became her first magical mentor, Tatyana still uses Hebrew spells in her practices.

Tatyana Larina and Natalya Banteeva

Tatyana admits that sometimes it is very difficult for her, and in her hearts she calls her gift a punishment. It is impossible to help a person without letting his pain and suffering through himself, and Tatyana helps thousands. Meeting a person’s gaze, Tatyana can see fragments from his past, she is also shown those moments that broke the fate of a particular individual, and then the witch comes to understand how to change everything for the better.

Mrs. Larina came to the “Battle of Psychics” on the advice of her mentor in psychic affairs, Natalya Banteeva, who won one of the previous seasons of the show. Tatyana herself in the battle became the second after the outrageous Julia Wang, gaining 19.9% ​​of the vote.

Tatyana Larina is being tested in the show "Battle of Psychics"

Natalya Banteeva is known for her complex character, penchant for intrigues. The roads of Natalia and Tatyana diverged. Larina left the St. Petersburg coven of witches, which was headed by Banteeva, saying that the basis of the witch community should be work, the collection of knowledge, growth and perspective, and not squabbles, gossip and damage to reputation. Given the strong character and charisma of Tatyana, you can be sure that she will not be left without clients and without work.

Tatyana Larina is incredibly loved by the audience, who believe in her strength and see sincerity and sincerity. Today, the twilight witch can be seen in the show "The Battle of Psychics with Tatyana Larina" where she undertakes to unravel the most complex stories, often her visions help the police.

Tatyana Larina reached the final of the "Battle of Psychics"

Millions of viewers watched the battle of psychics with the participation of Tatyana Larina, but no one noticed that feelings flared up between our heroine and another participant, Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky. The denouement came at the end of the show, when Tatyana received a marriage proposal from her lover on the air.

Tatyana Larina was married to Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky

It is noteworthy that the main prize of the show is a figurine in the form of a hand, which, as you know, was taken by Mrs. Wang, and Tatyana, having accepted the proposal of the ambitious Julius, went home hand in hand with her future husband. For several years the couple was happy together. Recently, information appeared that Tatyana broke off relations with Mitkevich-Daletsky, having learned that he was having fun with young girls.

Tatyana Larina today

This is not Tatyana's first marriage. It is known that Tatyana was married, gave birth to two sons, one of whom, according to rumors, was taken by her ex-husband. Tatiana lives with her son Grisha. The psychic admits that he wants to give birth to a girl. Tatyana is not afraid of the absence of her husband at the moment, because thanks to the modern IVF procedure, biomaterial can also be dispensed with. We wish Tatyana good luck in her plans.

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In the spring of this year, the finalist of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Tatyana Larina announced that she had convicted her husband Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky of treason and left him. In early September, it became known that the couple were divorcing. It turned out that Julia's adultery was not the only reason for the gap. It turned out that the husband repeatedly raised his hand to Larina.

“At some point, everything changed. Julius became aggressive, broke down. When he bludgeoned me, he was in a strange state, as if under drugs. The next day I woke up a different person and behaved as if nothing had happened. And I had to cover up the bruises. Once Egor, my eight-year-old son from his first marriage, witnessed a showdown. Now he says: “Mom, don't get married again. Your uncle will beat you, ”Tatiana said in an interview with StarHit.


The couple often quarreled over money. After participating in the Battle of Psychics, Tatyana's career went uphill: she was invited to host her own show, Diary of a Psychic with Tatyana Larina, on the TV-3 channel. Julius did not work anywhere, so Larina had to support her family herself. According to the psychic, her husband stole money from her.

“He believed that all my earnings should be divided in half. Somehow he took 400 thousand from the cache and did not say anything. It turns out that he stole, ”Tatyana shared. The last straw was the betrayal of the spouse. Larina packed her things and moved with her son to another rented apartment.

Now Julius lives with a new lover - ballerina Violetta Zhirova, who is familiar with Larina. Tatyana assures that Violetta knows about Mitkevich-Daletsky's antics, but he knows how to charm women. At one time, the psychic wanted to give birth to a child from her husband and planned to do IVF.

“Everything almost worked out. The next step was planting. But now I do not want to give birth to this man. I called the clinic with a request to dispose of the embryo. However, permission from the other parent is required. I will deal with this issue immediately after the divorce, ”concluded Larina.

Recall that Tatyana and Julius met on the set of the Battle of Psychics, both of them were participants in the project. In the final, Mitkevich-Daletsky made an offer to Larina, to which she agreed.

The participant of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Tatyana Larina was remembered by the fans of the show from the first performance. The persistent will of the medium, strong character and natural talent allowed Tatyana to reveal her own abilities to a wide range of spectators. Tatyana Larin is congratulated on her pregnancy. Fans are sure that the celebrity will become a mother for the second time.

Tatyana Larina is pregnant: the birthday of a psychic

On February 21, the psychic celebrated her birthday in one of the best restaurants in St. Petersburg. A video from the party appeared on the Web, which shows that Tatyana's belly was rounded. For the event, Tatyana chose a tight floor-length dress. This outfit provoked a wave of rumors.

Most fans are already congratulating the star of the show "Battle of Psychics" on the long-awaited pregnancy. Tatyana herself has not yet commented on the rumors, so some fans believe that she just gained a few extra pounds. The woman has repeatedly stated in an interview that she dreams of a second child. With her husband Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky, the psychic resorted to the IVF procedure, but this did not help to find long-awaited family happiness. And also according to some fans, the psychic simply chose the wrong dress.

Tatyana Larina is pregnant: relationships and life after the project

Work in the field of extrasensory perception was reflected in Tatyana's personal life. The witch believes that the problems in this part of Larina's life occurred precisely because of success in developing talents. Nothing is known about Larina's ex-husband, however, after this marriage, Larina had a son, Grisha.

On December 20, at the awards ceremony for the Battle of Psychics, fans of the project were stunned by the news that the participants in the Battle, Tatyana Larina and Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky, announced their feelings publicly.

Larina and Daletsky came to the ceremony in snow-white robes and did not hesitate to express warm feelings in public. To the delight of the fans, Tatiana showed off her engagement ring.

July 8, 2015 Larina and Julius Daletsky got married. The solemn wedding ceremony took place in the Pavlovsk Palace near St. Petersburg. The bride was dressed in a blue dress, and the groom in a traditional black suit. The wedding of Tatiana Larina and Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky was the first in two centuries to be held in this historic building.

In December 2016, rumors appeared in the press that conflicts began in the family of Larina and Daletsky. Problems did not appear between psychics: the main participants in the quarrel were Tatyana and mother Yulia.

The woman condemns her son's choice and tries to take Julius away from her rival. Tatyana, on the other hand, does not understand the position of her mother-in-law and has a negative attitude towards how Vyasa treated her son.

Tatyana was ready to fight for the relationship and planned to give birth to Yulia's child. But in April 2017, the family life of psychics suddenly ended. Tatyana left her husband after she returned home and found Julia in the company of girls with whom the man had a good time, writes Wordyou. The clairvoyant announced that she was starting a new life and wanted to forget this relationship as soon as possible.

After breaking up with her husband, the clairvoyant refused to continue the Psychic Diary for three months, but subsequently resumed the show.

Today, the psychic is accepting those wishing to receive otherworldly help, and is also recruiting students.

The clairvoyant told the heartbreaking story of her life in detail in the show "The Diary of a Psychic with Tatyana Larina", which starts on the TV-3 channel. It turns out that superpowers could not save the fair-haired witch from love misfortunes.


The fact that the future star of the "Battle" and the main rival is not like everyone else, it became clear in the first years of her life. Tatyana was born with an angelic face and character. She slept and ate well, did not act up, behaved quietly. Even too quiet, as modern educators would say, but in Soviet Leningrad they did not pay attention to this. Healthy, not screaming - and nice.

Little Larina played alone. Sometimes she sat staring into space, and frowned. At night she often lay with her eyes open and trembled for no reason. However, pediatricians did not find anything strange in this. Even then, the baby showed psychic abilities, and she made her first friends - ghosts. Tanya was friends with a late neighbor, a saleswoman from a grocery store who died of the flu and a deceased janitor who treated the girl with sweets during her lifetime.

Ghosts often visited Larina. Over time, they began to displace ordinary people from flesh and blood from her life. Fearing the condemnation of others, especially misunderstanding on the part of her mother and classmates, Tanya decided to say goodbye to the guests from the parallel world. She rejected her gift. To ignore the ghosts, the girl went headlong into real life. She painted her every day in seconds: a dance club, a sports section, a choir, a school, a circle again, a section again, then meetings with friends, friends ... The clairvoyant tried her best to become like everyone else. Larina later admitted that this was the main mistake of her life.

In time, the ghosts left. The matured Tatiana married out of mutual love and got a job as a model and singer. Her husband was exemplary - good and reliable. Soon Larina became a mother. And when the routine went, the ghosts began to return to the psychic. They came singly or in pairs. They looked out from behind doors, appeared in traffic jams, appeared in dreams. The clairvoyant feared nightmares the most: every night she was afraid to close her eyes, because she would certainly see something terrible, inanimate, cold. As a result, Tatyana completely stopped sleeping." width="585" height="877" alt="Tatiana Larina.

Realizing that superpowers are not a curse, but an advantage over other people, Tatyana, who rose from the ashes, went to the show"Битва экстрасенсов", где в кратчайшие сроки завоевала всероссийскую популярность. После финала, в котором Ларину обошла только Ванг, ясновидящая стала очень востребованной. На прием к ней выстраивались очереди, и просьбы о помощи шли от людей бесконечным потоком.!}

It is noteworthy that the personal life of the witch improved after the project. She started an affair with another participant in the show - psychic Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky, who is 12 years younger than her. The lovers began to live together, and one day a cradle will appear in their cozy house, and in it - the meaning of their life, the continuation of their love. Two extraordinary people with a unique gift agreed to open their doors only once - for the TV-3 channel. As Tatyana and Yuliy noted, they have nothing to hide from people, except perhaps boiling over borscht and a couple of naughty ghosts in the corners.

The participant of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Tatyana Larina was remembered by the fans of the show from the first performance. The persistent will of the medium, strong character and natural talent allowed Tatyana to reveal her own abilities to a wide range of spectators.

Childhood and youth

The psychic did not provide detailed information about childhood and adolescence to fans. It is only known that Tatyana was born in St. Petersburg on February 21. Larina is a hereditary esotericist. The woman received supernatural abilities and talents from her closest relatives.

In her youth, Tatyana Larina tried herself as a singer. Having reached professional heights, the psychic realized that at the moment she did not want to engage in musical self-development. As a result, the girl left the country.

For some time, the future witch lived in the West and worked as a fashion model. But Larina never stopped there. The constant practice of abilities and the development of talents allowed Tatyana to increase her fortitude, despite the fact that outwardly, during the period of working as a model, Larina led a calm and carefree lifestyle. True, the desire to return to their homeland prevailed. The medium left for Russia.

The return of Larina was noticed in musical circles. At a secular party, Tatyana got into a conversation with the composer Kurashov. It was decided to record an album.

Most of all, Tatyana likes music that contains folk and ethnic notes. Therefore, it was not difficult for her to create a joint album with the performer. The project, recorded in a duet, allowed Tatyana Larina to increase her ratings.

extrasensory perception

Tatyana took up the full development of psychic talents after recognition in the musical field. For this, the woman went to Israel. The main direction of training concerned energy management. Therefore, today, according to Larina herself, she is the most powerful psychic in St. Petersburg.

The main activity is the management of people's fears and phobias. The medium is taken even for difficult cases. The work of the witch has already helped many who suffer. Tatyana herself claims that she considers her gifts nothing more than a curse. Passing through herself all the pain of clients, she experiences incredible suffering.

Tatyana Larina decided to take part in the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” after the persuasion of the mentor -. The latter is the winner of the 9th season of the Battle of Psychics. They work together at the help center. The acquaintance between women happened at a time when Larina was tormented by nightmares. Banteeva, after a personal meeting with Tatyana, invited her to work together for the benefit of those in need.

Tatyana Larina in the show "Battle of psychics"

The first release of the new, 15th, season allowed Larina to acquire many fans. She admitted that she does not consider herself a witch, despite the gift that she possesses. The participant was able to fully reveal her potential during the test called "Trunk". In addition, the audience was able to see for themselves that Tatyana is an energy vampire. And the medium herself admitted this to her fans after the release. She hugged the host before the test to get more energy to pass the test.

After the first release, Tatyana received a nickname due to her strength, ability to present herself and external resemblance.

Spectators and experts, guests of the program and test participants stated that reaching the final was the minimum possible result of Larina's stay on the project. The witch managed to win the hearts of people with her strong nature. Among the strong opponents of Larina is the mysterious one. The opinions of the audience about the victory in the project were divided almost equally between the two psychics. Long before the middle of the TV show, these two mystical women began to share the attention and love of the audience.

On December 20, after the final series of tests, the name of the winner of the Battle of Psychics 15 became known. Unfortunately for Larina's fans, the country's strongest psychic was the outrageous Julia Wang, who managed to win by a clear margin. Tatyana remained in 2nd place, but the witch has already received the main thing - the love of millions of fans.

Unlike other witches and sorcerers, Tatyana easily talks in an interview about the mechanism of the gift and the rules for conducting rituals. According to Larina, the main source of the witch's power is grimoires. These are special books, similar to diaries, where an experienced psychic writes down knowledge about magic, rituals and rituals.

After the finale of the “Battle of Psychics”, Tatyana consolidated her popularity and appeared on television in the author’s program - the reality show “Psychic Diary” on TV-3 channel. The clairvoyant showed the everyday and family life of people with an otherworldly gift.

"Diary of a Psychic" with Tatiana Larina

At the beginning of 2016, Tatyana also became a member of another show about people with paranormal abilities, "Psychics are investigating."

On May 26, 2017, Tatyana Larina took part in the new show "The Invisible Man". The psychic became a guest of the program. This time, it was no longer Tatyana who had to tell the whole truth about the popular personality, but the clairvoyant herself became the object of discussion.

Personal life

Work in the field of extrasensory perception was reflected in Tatyana's personal life. The witch believes that the problems in this part of life have occurred due to success in developing talents. Nothing is known about Larina's ex-husband, however, after this marriage, Larina had a son, Grisha.

On December 20, at the awards ceremony for the Battle of Psychics, fans of the project were stunned by the news that the participants in the Battle, Tatyana Larina and Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky, announced their feelings publicly.

Larina and Daletsky came to the ceremony in snow-white robes and did not hesitate to express warm feelings in public. Tatiana showed off her engagement ring.

July 8, 2015 Larina and Julius Daletsky. The solemn ceremony of marriage took place in the Pavlovsk Palace near St. Petersburg. The bride was dressed in a blue dress, and the groom in a traditional black suit. The wedding of Tatiana Larina and Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky was the first in two centuries to be held in this historic building.

In December 2016, rumors appeared in the press that conflicts began in the family of Larina and Daletsky. Problems did not appear between psychics: the main participants in the quarrel were Tatyana and mother Yulia. Daletsky's relationship with his mother was complicated even before her conflict with Tatiana. The woman claims that it was she who transferred mystical abilities to her unloved son. Vyasa left her son when Yulia was 6 years old, because the child disappointed her mother, according to the woman. But when the son stopped trying to establish contact with his mother and focused on the new main woman of his life, Vyasa remembered the existence of Julius.

Tatyana Larina with her husband Julius and son Grisha

Tatyana was ready to fight for relationships, together with Julius she thought about children. The couple could not become parents, so they turned to the Family Planning Center. But in April 2017, the family life of psychics suddenly ended. Tatyana left her husband after returning home, she found Yulia in the company of girls with whom the man spent time. The clairvoyant announced that she was starting a new life and wanted to forget this relationship as soon as possible.

Tatyana Larina and Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky on the program "Actually"

Later, the psychic told fans that things were not going smoothly with Julius. The young man turned out to be a domestic tyrant and used to raise his hand against her and her son. In addition, the husband often stole money and valuables from Larina. After parting, Tatyana announced that she was utilizing the embryo, which she froze with her husband during an earlier IVF procedure in a Moscow clinic. The witch also planned to file an application for the ex-spouse with law enforcement agencies.

Tatyana Larina now

Today, the psychic is accepting those wishing to receive otherworldly help, and is also recruiting students. Larina offers to sign up for a meeting by phone, which can be found both on the officially verified page of the clairvoyant in

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