Psychic Tatyana Larina admitted that her young husband beat her in front of her son. Psychic Tatyana Larina


In the spring of this year, the finalist of the 15th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Tatyana Larina announced that she had convicted her husband Yuli Mitkevich-Daletsky of treason and left him. In early September, it became known that the couple were divorcing. It turned out that Julia's adultery was not the only reason for the gap. It turned out that the husband repeatedly raised his hand to Larina.

“At some point, everything changed. Julius became aggressive, broke down. When he bludgeoned me, he was in a strange state, as if under drugs. The next day I woke up a different person and behaved as if nothing had happened. And I had to cover up the bruises. Once Egor, my eight-year-old son from his first marriage, witnessed a showdown. Now he says: “Mom, don't get married again. Your uncle will beat you, ”Tatiana said in an interview with StarHit.


The couple often quarreled over money. After participating in the Battle of Psychics, Tatyana's career went uphill: she was invited to host her own show, Diary of a Psychic with Tatyana Larina, on the TV-3 channel. Julius did not work anywhere, so Larina had to support her family herself. According to the psychic, her husband stole money from her.

“He believed that all my earnings should be divided in half. Somehow he took 400 thousand from a cache and did not say anything. It turns out that he stole, ”Tatyana shared. The last straw was the betrayal of the spouse. Larina packed her things and moved with her son to another rented apartment.

Now Julius lives with a new lover - ballerina Violetta Zhirova, who is familiar with Larina. Tatyana assures that Violetta knows about Mitkevich-Daletsky's antics, but he knows how to charm women. At one time, the psychic wanted to give birth to a child from her husband and planned to do IVF.

“Everything almost worked out. The next step was planting. But now I do not want to give birth to this man. I called the clinic with a request to dispose of the embryo. However, permission from the other parent is required. I will deal with this issue immediately after the divorce, ”concluded Larina.

Recall that Tatyana and Julius met on the set of the Battle of Psychics, both of them were participants in the project. In the final, Mitkevich-Daletsky made an offer to Larina, to which she agreed.

Psychic Tatyana Larina became one of the participants in the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics on TNT. The whole of St. Petersburg knows about her abilities - there she is considered the strongest in her field. Tatyana came to the “Battle of Psychics” of the new season on the instructions of her spiritual teacher Natalya Banteeva.

From the biography of Tatyana Larina, little is known so far. She was born on February 21 in St. Petersburg, calls herself a hereditary esotericist. Despite the fact that her abilities were inherited from relatives, Tatyana Larina never stopped in her development and growth as a psychic. She spent several years in Israel, where she studied with the best masters of energy management.

At the moment, the girl is an employee of the Personality Development Center of Natalya Banteeva, the winner of the 9th season of the Battle of Psychics. Here is a photo of Tatyana Larina, taken in the process of esoteric practices:

Today, Tatyana Larina, a participant in the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics, is the most powerful psychic in working with fears and phobias. The clairvoyant says that she is not afraid to take on the most difficult problems and easily finds a common language with those who turn to her for help.

Whether psychic Tatyana Larina will succeed in the “Battle of Psychics” program of season 15 or not, we will find out very soon. It is worth noting that many former finalists and winners of the "Battle" each time bring their students to the casting, but the student has never managed to surpass his teacher. Let's see how it will be this time. Watch the first issue of the “Battle of Psychics” season 15 on TNT on September 20 at 20:00. Cheer for your favorite participants and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.09.2014 09:15

Casting for the 15th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" continues. The casting participants have already passed the first selection test...

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We will talk about the gentle and fair-haired Tatyana, very similar to the same Tatyana Larina from the well-known work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Maybe it will be a revelation for someone, but Tatyana Larina is the stage name that the girl took for herself when she started her solo career. In the fifteenth season of the "Battle of Psychics" Tatyana took an honorable second place, leaving her rivals far behind, positioning herself as a twilight witch.

Now Tatyana is leading her show "Psychic Diary" and making plans for the future. She helps people in almost dire situations. This article will help to slightly lift the veil on how Tatyana Larina became a psychic.


They say that witches don't age. Maybe this is true. At least Tatyana Larina, who turned 48 in 2017, does not look like these years. From the stories of Tatyana, she was born in a prosperous family with an average income. She was the youngest child. She has an older brother. Since childhood, Tatyana has been an extraordinary and problematic child. Most likely, the awakening extrasensory abilities, which she did not know how to control, made themselves felt. And the girl had someone to get them from.

In a detailed biography of the psychic Tatyana Larina, one can trace the connection with the paranormal abilities of her ancestors, which for decades were transmitted through transgenic information passing from generation to generation. The older generation of the family is no longer alive. My father passed away in the 90s, and my mother passed away in 2016.

Searching for yourself

After graduating from school, Tatyana entered a medical school, but, having seen in practice the indifference to patients of her teachers, she was disappointed in her chosen specialty and left after the first course. Then she took courses in a hairdresser, which she was also not destined to finish. The decision to enter the Institute of Culture was not brought to the final final. An attempt to study at a university remained only an attempt. As Tatyana herself says, having barely entered her studies, she lost interest in her.

Model or singer?

Tatyana Larina searched for her path long and hard. She wanted to try herself in vocals, to become a singer. Music lessons led her to triumph. But again, it wasn't hers. The search for himself continued abroad. The carefree and most joyful period of life, described in the biography of psychic Tatyana Larina, is work as a fashion model. But she eventually got tired of it. The girl was simply drawn home to Russia.

Returning to her homeland, Tatyana again plunged into the world of music and recorded an album with the singer Zara. But an inner voice or genetic memory pulled Tatyana to do what was written in her family and what her ancestors did.

Tatyana Larina studied in Israel with a mentor, whose name she does not advertise. She comprehended the intricacies of managing her energy, and also learned how to properly use her natural gift. The spells taught by her mentor are in Hebrew. Since that time, as the psychic Tatyana Larina says, an end was put in the biography of the search for oneself. She finally understood her purpose.

The Gift of the Psychic

Many may have a question about why she received her gift from her relatives, and went to study in Israel. There are reasons for this. Her grandmother was an unkind witch who spoiled the life of her parents. Tatyana was afraid of her. At the age of five, she saw an unpleasant entity in her grandmother, and from that moment on, the girl saw not the grandmother herself, but what lived in her. Transgenic Tatyana received her gift from her ancestors, but he slept, and only after a trip to Israel to a mentor did he begin to wake up in her.

"The fight of extrasensories"

It so happened that Tatyana was persuaded to take part in the "Battle" by her mentor, who heads the St. Petersburg Coven (in English, the traditional designation for the community of witches). Literally from the first issues of "Battle" Larina becomes the favorite of the public. Many of the fans knew Tatyana Larina as a model, now she appeared before the public as a psychic.

In her tests, she often used Hebrew spells, and also, by looking at the reflective surfaces of mirrors, she showed her gift to see both the past and the future, entering the twilight world through them.

On the project, Larina showed herself as a strong psychic, but the twilight witch got a strong rival - Julia Wang, who calls herself the Spirit of Chaos, who became the strongest psychic of the 15th season of the Russian version of the Battle of Psychics. Tatyana was not disappointed with the second place in the project. The psychic Tatyana Larina was busy with her personal life.

It seemed to her that she had met her only one, also a member of the project and, moreover, a member of the same coven as she was. After the project, the couple signed, but the happiness did not last long. Within two years, their relationship dried up. The intervention of the mother-in-law, who was the same age as the daughter-in-law, also had an effect, and the husband, who was half Tatyana's younger, began to look at young girls.

Show "Psychic Diary"

Tatyana Larina hosts a show dedicated to her. She tells something from her biography, shares previously unknown pages from her personal life. Many are interested in the world of magicians, clairvoyants and mediums. It also illuminates this mysterious world for the audience. In one of the issues of the Diary of Psychics, Tatyana Larina shared with the audience that after the Battle, her paths with the coven parted ways.

Her plans include work in another project related to magic - this is the "Battle of the Tarot Readers". When it will be realized, while there are no forecasts. Now the twilight witch is positioning herself as able to see the future and correct what has not yet happened.

Hello dear friends. And again we will go to the world of the mysterious and inexplicable. Let's get acquainted with another mystical personality. Remember, the lines of the classic - "So, she was called Tatyana." Only the heroine of this article is completely another Tatyana Larina. And you, of course, have already guessed that this is the finalist of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics program.

Tatyana is from St. Petersburg. She does not like to share the facts of her early biography, she believes that it does not matter much. Some sources indicate that she was born on February 21, 1978, although the clairvoyant herself sometimes says that the year of her birth is 1900 ...

Before participating in the program, the St. Petersburg witch - Larina was actively engaged in vocals, released a joint album with singer Zara. However, music did not become her main vocation.

Once in the life of Tatyana, a turning point came. Then she was married, and her life flowed more or less measuredly. Suddenly, nightmares burst into her calm existence, which tormented her with terrible force.

Husband Larina asked for help in the center of Natalia Banteeva. As you remember, Banteeva is the winner of the 9th season of the Battle of Psychics program. This is how Tatyana and Natalya met. The owner of the center not only solved the problem of nightmares, but also helped our heroine to reveal her abilities, develop the gift of clairvoyance, control of the elements.

On the recommendation of Banteeva, Larina took part in the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics project, she was remembered as an emotional clairvoyant with blond hair, a piercing gaze, and remarkable magical abilities.

From the first release of the program, Tatyana acquired fans. She was secretly even given the nickname "Lara Croft" for some external resemblance to the heroine of the famous film. However, in fact, the sorceress turned out to be very emotional, she cried more than once after the tests due to tremendous nervous tension. Her sincere feelings bribed the audience.

The test to find a girl in the trunk of a car shocked observers and made them believe in the magical abilities of the medium. First of all, Tatyana hugged the host and said that she had taken away his calmness and strength, which she now lacks.

Among the many cars in the parking lot, the witch chose two. Larina rushed about in her choice from one car to another, saying that this could not be - the hidden girl (or rather, her energy) splits into two. In the end, she nevertheless pointed to the car that was on her right hand and ... was mistaken. But what shocked the audience? It turned out that it was in this car that the girl arrived, who was hidden in the second car indicated by Larina.

The look of the twilight witch and magic words

Extrasensory perception, magic, esotericism - this is what Tatyana has been doing professionally for more than four years. She studied energy management in Israel with world renowned mentors in certain circles.

Thanks to this, as well as her innate abilities, she considers herself the strongest witch in the northern capital. Now he has Russian and Israeli citizenship. Tatyana admits that with just one look into a person’s eyes, she sees his whole life, his fears and misfortunes. Plus, he knows how to help.

This is not surprising, one has only to look into her eyes - the penetrating depth and mystical insight are striking. Larina does not hide the fact that she uses the energy of other people as an energy boost.

Once, in a program before a decisive performance, Tatyana demonstrated to the public how she feeds on someone else's energy. She admitted that she needed to recharge her male energy in order to continue the competition. To do this, she asked the leader to unbutton his shirt, put her handkerchief to his chest and read the spell. By the way, spells in ancient languages, as well as fire and weapons, are the main attributes of her magical practices.

Twilight witch - this is how a psychic from St. Petersburg calls herself. This means that she sees a parallel world, the so-called "twilight", which ordinary people are not able to see. In the dusk, all damage, curses, negative thoughts, words hovering over a person are clearly visible.

Tatyana reveals the secret of magical practices. She says that there are two strongest words that witches use, these are the words - "allow" and "cancel". After any initiations, suggestions, spells, these “keys” must be spoken, with the help of them, the performed rituals gain strength.

Only - the St. Petersburg witch warns - you need to be very careful with these words - they are very strong and able to fulfill wishes. Some uninitiated use them too often, however, they forget about the law of conservation of energy: if you get something, you need to give something away.

Professional activity

Tatyana provides her assistance by working in the personality development center “Wake up” by Natalia Banteeva in St. Petersburg. Tatyana considers Natalia her spiritual mentor.

Larina's range of opportunities includes:

  • help to get out of difficult situations;
  • removal of curses, damage, evil eye;
  • neutralization of phobias, fears, obsessive states;
  • the ability to read information from objects (in particular, mirror surfaces);
  • managing the elements of nature (of course, not causing an earthquake, tornado or volcanic eruption);
  • attracting money and good luck in business;
  • the ability to see the past, future and present;
  • restoration of energy balance (help in finding inner peace).

During her work at the center, Larina has helped many people. In addition to supporting the suffering, the staff of the center, headed by Natalya Banteeva, periodically organize thematic events, such as Walpurgis Night, Halloween, Witch Burning and others. They organized the so-called "coven of witches" - a circle of friends in the twilight.

They regularly gather and conduct ritual ceremonies, magical practices. Larina admits that it was the coven that provided fundamental, but not the only, support when she took part in the Battle of Psychics program. In her interview, she asked fans who were rooting for her to send her positive energy impulses.

When Tatyana was asked if other project participants influence her, she answered that in war, as in sex, if there is no influence, then there is no buzz. And after passing the qualifying round, Larina broke her leg, perhaps this was the result of someone else's magical influence. However, the witch herself does not support this point of view.

She said that her little son Grisha was seriously ill, and Tatyana ran to the cemetery to make a special ritual for the health of the child. Her leg slipped off the curb, leaving the woman with a fracture. However, the trip to the cemetery was not useless - the boy was saved. And the leg is retribution for the dead for helping to heal their son.

Personal life

Despite the fact that in the project the victory went to Julia Wang, who was used to shocking the public, participation in the program played a key role in life Tatyana Larina. The St. Petersburg witch was not upset because, according to the voting results, she took second place.

She said that victory was more important for Julia, and she, Tatiana, had found her destiny. She was proposed by another participant in the "Battle" - a young psychic Julius Mitkevich-Daletsky. In July 2015 they got married.

Gorgeous Tatyana in a sky blue dress with her chosen one dressed in a black suit held a wedding ceremony in the Pavlovsk Palace near St. Petersburg. For two hundred years - this is the first wedding in this place.

Julius Daletsky is much younger than Larina, but the age difference of more than ten years is not an obstacle to the happiness of young people. Tatyana herself is sure that every person somewhere has his half, and her half is Julius.

The tandem of two psychics is really a force. Moreover, Daletsky is also an active practitioner. In one of the posts on the social network, Julius admits that he loves negative comments, as he happily spoils their authors. So, you should be careful.

Battle of psychics about Tatyana Larina

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So, she was called Tatyana. True, after the very first release of the 15th season of the Battle of the Psychics, everyone began to call her Lara Croft because of the resemblance and willpower that the participant demonstrated throughout the season. Many predicted Larina's victory. However, she was passed by Julia Wang in the very final. Although there is still a question of who remained among the winners, because Tatyana found her personal happiness on the program. At the award ceremony, Tatyana appeared in the company of Yuli Daletsky. The couple kissed in front of the fans, and then Larina informed those who were not indifferent that they were engaged.

“I thank you for your support. Julia Wang needed a victory on this project more: she still had to work. And I have already found my happiness, my strength and the meaning of life, ”said Larina and showed her engagement ring.

What is the witch doing now that the TV hype is over. She still helps people and gives advice on social networks. We've compiled the most up-to-date answers to frequently asked questions.

Why are volts, puppets, pillows, photographs, or a reflection in/on a mirror used in rituals? What do you think the sorcerer / witch most often influences?

Of course, the brain, you answer. On such parts of the body as the heart, stomach, you will answer! It would seem that in order to attract a person, it is necessary to work not on the zone of his heart, but on his brain ... However, this is not so! Why? The fact is that different levels of human consciousness (his mental activity) are, in addition to the brain, in three more parts of the body. Just at the level of the abdomen (enteric nervous system), in the heart (there is officially confirmed evidence, for example, the case of Sylvia Claire in the USA). Depending on the desired reaction, it is necessary to influence all areas of human activity in the ritual! Otherwise, the ritual will look like an attempt to observe the behavior of a cat ... at the bottom of the ocean.

Battle of psychics: Tatyana Larina - All the way

What is the source of power for a witch?

One of the important sources of power for a witch is her grimoires! A grimoire is a book that looks like a diary, but instead of daily fuss, this book contains all the knowledge about magic, rituals, conspiracies, divination and much more received throughout the existence of a witch! The need for a grimoire is obvious. The grimoire helps an experienced witch keep her knowledge not only for herself, but also for her followers. For a young witch, a grimoire may be the ladder that will allow her to master magic faster.

Personally, I myself also have grimoires, and many of the knowledge from them is used by me almost every day!

Tatyana Larina about the qualities of a witch

The main direction of Tatyana's activity is the management of people's fears and phobias. The medium is taken even for very difficult cases. According to Larina herself, she is the most powerful psychic in St. Petersburg.

Tatyana Larina about the code of witches

How is the energy that is necessary for esoteric practices restored?

Many sources agree on one thing: sleep is the quintessence of recuperation.

Video from the awards ceremony for the winner of the Battle of Psychics with Larina and Daletsky

Why is it necessary to be careful when working with mirrors?

To begin with, one should realize that the mirror reflects not only the physical shell, but also partially the astral body. This means that the mirror is a kind of thin layer between the subtle and real worlds. Also, the mirror has the ability to absorb the surrounding information and energy and seal it in itself. Because of these properties, a person can easily harm himself! For example, when a person utters something negative in his address, being reflected in the mirror, he influences his astral body, as if speaking to this negative! But it can also be turned to your advantage. Saying only positive things to your reflection, you yourself will begin to change in a positive way! Try to wake up tomorrow and say something good to yourself - no doubt you will become better yourself.

Natalya Banteeva about the fulfillment of a wish on holidays

What is love?

Never mistake anything else for love... In the presence of another, you suddenly feel happy. Just from the fact that you are together, you feel ecstasy. The very presence of the other satisfies something deep in your heart... Something begins to sing in your heart. The very presence of the other helps you to be more collected, you become more individual, more centered, more balanced. Then it's love. Love is not a passion, not an emotion. Love is a very deep understanding that someone completes you. Someone makes you a vicious circle. The presence of another increases your presence. Love gives you the freedom to be yourself.

Tatyana Larina decided to take part in the program after the persuasion of her mentor, Natalia Banteeva. Natalya, by the way, is the winner of the 9th season of the Battle of Psychics. Now they work together at the Help Center. We met at the moment when Larina was tormented by nightmares. Banteeva not only helped Tatyana, but also offered to practice together.

Can you get your loved one back?

A lady came to my appointment with a common question: is her husband cheating on her? I confirmed this and told about my mistress. It turned out to be his secretary. After that, a wonderful metamorphosis took place with the client: she turned from a secular lioness into a sadistic maniac, because she began to tell what she would do with her husband if she had nothing for it! Her fantasy knew no bounds! And suddenly I realized what unites all unsuccessful couples. This is a great desire for revenge! And it seems that they are taking revenge not only on each other, but also on the whole world for not being able to part!

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