Psychics swami dashi all about him. Psychic dasha - practices of swami dasha and his predictions about the future


Psychics have always aroused the interest and admiration of ordinary people. After all, they sometimes manage to do truly magical things that are difficult to find a scientific explanation. A particularly strong surge of interest in magic and psychic abilities arose against the backdrop of the program "The Battle of Psychics". It has been on television for several years in a row, and its winners become favorites of almost all residents of the country. Those who need help try to make an appointment with them. After all, these psychics have already proven their abilities by participating and winning a TV show.

It is to such popular people that Swami Dashi belongs. Who was at the reception, leaves reviews about this psychic, who uses Eastern practices in his work, exclusively in enthusiastic tones. They write that the mysterious winner of the seventeenth season of the Battle of Psychics completely changed their lives and helped them see new horizons. Despite the fact that Swami is widely known, he guards his private life very carefully. However, we managed to find interesting information about him, which allows us to get to know the psychic better.

A few words about Swami Dashi

At an appointment with a psychic Swami Dashi? Reviews of their experience with the clairvoyant are left by many of his clients. And this is not surprising, because his name is known to almost everyone who believes at least a little in magic and is interested in extrasensory abilities. People tell rather contradictory information about Swami himself, because he diligently hides everything that can reveal the secrets of his personal life. But from a professional point of view, Dasha is as open as possible to everyone who wants to study with him.

The psychic himself has repeatedly emphasized in an interview the fact that he is not engaged in magical practices. The one who was at the reception of Swami Dasha always confirms this information in the reviews. The winner of the "Battle of Psychics" is engaged in spiritual practices, yoga and meditation. He devoted more than twenty years of his life to Eastern teachings, which led him to a television project. At the moment, he is practically fluent in various oriental techniques that open consciousness. This allows Swami to get such a phenomenal result without the use of magic and communication with spirits.

However, the psychic himself always clarifies that the tests that he had to pass on the television project ended in success only thanks to careful preparation for them. Swami literally went hungry for two days before the next shooting and spent time meditating. Therefore, in the process of work, he was so easily able to complete tasks, penetrating into the past and future of completely different people.

About personal

Many people would like to know interesting facts about the mysterious Swami Dashi. But he claims that any information about a person can allow one to penetrate into the most hidden corners of his soul, and therefore skips all questions regarding his real name, wife, children and parents in an interview. However, journalists still managed to find out some data.

According to the psychic's passport, the name is Peter Smirnov and he is approximately sixty years old. He also hides the date of his birth, so no one except his relatives knows the exact year of Swami's birth. Recently there was information that he was born on the twenty-second of August. On this day, everyone who was at the reception of Swami Dasha, in the reviews on his official website, congratulate this amazing person and thank him for the help he once provided.

Until recently, the practitioner of oriental techniques lived in St. Petersburg. In recent years, he and his family have been living in Moscow.

It is known that Swami leads a healthy lifestyle and is actively involved in sports. He believes that this is the only way to keep your soul in order, because it is interconnected with the body and its condition. Some patients, in their reviews of Swami Dasha's appointment, wrote that his massage had a miraculous effect. Sometimes one or two sessions are enough to forget about many health problems.

Swami Dashi: the meaning of the name

The clairvoyant is often accused not only of creating a mysterious and mystical image on the TV screen, but also of choosing a sonorous pseudonym, which, according to many, was invented specifically to draw attention to the psychic person.

However, in fact, the name under which the clairvoyant was remembered by the audience of the Battle of Psychics has a very deep meaning. For about twenty years, the clairvoyant traveled through India and other Asian countries, studying all kinds of spiritual practices. Over the years, he perfectly mastered the skill of yoga, for which he received the title of "swami". If you try to translate it into Russian as close as possible to the original, you get something similar to "self-controlled". The second part of the name "Dashi" was given to the psychic by Indian masters. As a result, he completely abandoned his Slavic name, using it only in resolving legal issues where official documents are requested.

Facts from the biography

Ordinary people are interested not only in information about the appointment with Swami Dasha, reviews and prices for his services, but also in the biography of a psychic. However, there is not as much data about him as many admirers of the clairvoyant talent would like.

It is known that he was born in Kazakhstan, from where the family soon moved to St. Petersburg. The parents of the future follower of alternative medicine practices were intellectuals. The father had the title of academician of biochemistry and dreamed of raising his son, who would become a talented pediatrician.

From an early age, Swami was instilled with the rules of a healthy lifestyle and a love of sports. In his youth, he was seriously engaged and even showed great promise as an athlete.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the department of pediatrics, but did not show much zeal for study. He graduated from the first courses only thanks to the insistence of his father, but his interest in oriental practices and alternative medicine turned out to be stronger, and Swami left the institute. This caused a gap between the psychic and the parents.

At the age of twenty, the clairvoyant lost his mother, she committed suicide, and from that time on the young man did not communicate with his father.

Wife and kids

Swami Dashi does not like to talk about his marital status. However, it is known that he was married twice. From the first marriage, the clairvoyant has a son. Today he is over thirty years old. It is noteworthy that the young man is seriously involved in athletics and is a multiple champion of Russia in this sport.

In the psychic has three children. His wife was Irina Nogina, who is a fitness trainer. In parallel, she conducts all administrative work on Dasha's seminars and his other activities.

Unknown information from the healer's biography

In some sources, sometimes there is evidence that in the nineties of the last century the clairvoyant was associated with gangs. He himself neither refutes nor confirms this information. In a few interviews, he gives very conflicting information about his past life.

However, he does not hide the fact that more than once he got into difficult and dangerous situations, communicating with people of different social status. It is known that Swami came to his first yoga class with bodyguards. This may indicate a special status of the healer in certain circles.

But if you look at his style now, you can understand how much knowledge and Eastern practices have enriched the psychic spiritually. He dresses very simply and wears mostly only a crystal pendant. The clairvoyant rarely talks about its meaning, but he once mentioned that ancient souls live in such crystals. At one of the trials in the TV project, Swami said that his soul is enclosed in the pendant, and this helps him connect with the world of the dead.

Stages of the spiritual path of the clairvoyant

Many of those who want to get an appointment with a healer initially study reviews of Swami Dashi. Those who were at the reception at his center know that the psychic uses quite interesting techniques brought from Asia in his work.

Once a psychic mentioned that he had spent a fabulous amount on his education - fifty thousand dollars. And only after that he fully revealed his abilities. At the same time, he believes that any person can discover a special gift in himself through certain rituals and practices, and is ready to help everyone.

Swami spent most of his time in Asia studying Osho's practices. They became the basis of his activities. The clairvoyant was of great interest, therefore, he lived for several years with these amazing people, watching how they perform operations without the use of surgical instruments.

Despite the fact that Swami is a Slav, he professes Islam. More precisely, his Sufi direction. In Samarkand, he even received a new name, which he proudly wears as a Muslim.

It is noteworthy that in his work the healer very skillfully combines spiritual practices and sports training. He himself often speaks of himself also as a coach helping a person to reveal the dormant resources of the body.

During his wanderings around the world, Swami managed to master the breathing techniques of Tibetan monks, the dance practices of Sufis and dervishes, yoga and meditation. A psychic does not disclose or advertise much of his knowledge, because it is available only to initiates.

Secrets of Swami Dashi's work

The psychic leads numerous seminars that are based on three aspects:

  • sound;
  • breath;
  • movement.

The healer says that a person gets all the problems because of the various blocks set. They occur at three levels:

  • physical;
  • mental;
  • emotional.

If you destroy them, then a person gains a second wind and feels a surge of strength. Part of the blocks are effectively removed by massage. These sessions are led by Swami himself and his disciples. Naturally, the cost of such procedures is above average. But their performance is very high.

Swami Dashi is one of the most mysterious participants in the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. His real name, as well as age, are not known. However, many have heard about this person.

It is very difficult to learn anything about Swami Dashi. He hides his name, does not cover the details of his personal life. His nationality is also unknown. He is believed to be about 50 years old. His birthday falls on August 22. He is from the city of St. Petersburg, where he has been practicing for 15 years. For about 20 years he studied the craft in India.

Otherwise, all admirers and just curious people have to be content with what Swami Dashi himself says about himself. And indicative moments like the incident that occurred on the set of the casting of the 17th season: the winner of one of the previous rounds of the “Battle” Natalya Banteeva entrusted Swami Dashi to demonstrate on herself the techniques that he owns. So already during the qualifying tests, this mysterious man attracted the attention of not only the audience, but also famous clairvoyants.

Begin Biography of Swami Dasha stands with the name. The psychic hides his real name, preferring to be called a pseudonym. Swami is a title characteristic of teachings in neo-Hinduism. It denotes a person liberated from the senses. So we can already conclude with what forces this unusual psychic works. Also, Swami sounds like “with you”, which encourages people to work with this psychic.

Swami Dashi has been working with people for about 15 years. Swami Dasha has several centers in St. Petersburg. He also conducts retreats and seminars. He focused his gift on the development of the body and its bioenergetic components. The psychic's arsenal includes meditation, yoga, Osho's ideas, bodily vibrations and massage. At the "Battle" Dashi already in the first issue demonstrated a real trance and possession of both the physical and astral body.

How much the gift will help Swami Dashi will be shown by the Battle of Psychics. After all, his opponents will not be so simple. Perhaps we are in for an exciting confrontation between yoga and spiritual practices with black magic and the spirits of the dead?

Follow the "Battle of Psychics" and root only for the best. The favorites of the project are already known, as is the date of the premiere on TNT. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.08.2016 01:26

Fans of the "Battle of Psychics" will soon see the new season of their favorite show. We invite you to discover some...

It is not the first year that the “Battle of Psychics” opens up new facets of extrasensory perception and the occult. And in the current...

The psychic hides his real name, preferring to be called a pseudonym. According to unconfirmed information, the psychic's name is Peter. Birthday - 22 August. He himself is from the northern capital of Russia.

Swami is a title characteristic of the teachings in neo-Hinduism. It denotes a person liberated from the senses. So it is already possible to draw a conclusion with what forces the psychic works. Also, Swami sounds like “with you”, which encourages people to work with this clairvoyant.

Swami Dashi is an interesting and controversial figure. Swami is known for quite actively conducting all kinds of seminars, and not only in Russia, which are aimed at uniting the soul, thinking, spirit and body.

Working in the system Spirit-Soul-Body - Swami Dashi always emphasizes the importance of balance Between Physical, mental and spiritual activities that complement each other. Basing his knowledge on stimulating the vertical flow of energy through three main aspects: breathing-movement-sound - he makes it possible to return the true feeling of his body, release suppressed emotions, open the blocks associated with them and remove them on the physical, mental and energy planes.

In the first episode of the 17th season of "Battles", he gave a massage to the winner of the ninth season - Natalya Banteeva. Almost immediately I determined what kind of car the person was in the trunk of. But the actress Samburskaya, who played the role of Miss X, pissed off, as he said about her internal connection with her father (Nastasya did not want to hear about him - her father was imprisoned when she was only five years old) and that she was on souls of children lined up in heaven, and she must fulfill her main destiny - to become a mother. The actress strongly disagreed with this.

Swami Dashi - The man in the trunk. Video

Almost from the first release of the “Battle of Psychics Season 17”, fans of the project recorded Swami Dashi as a leader, predicting him at least reaching the final, and possibly winning the show.

Real name of Swami Dasha- Peter Smirnov
Was born: 22.08.1960
Place of Birth: Kazakhstan, lives in St. Petersburg, Russia
Activity: spiritual mentor and master of oriental practices

In contact with-
Official site-

Biography of Swami Dasha

The winner of the "Battle of Psychics - 17" was born in Kazakhstan on August 22, 1960. At birth, he was given the name Peter. And your middle name Dashi, he received at a more mature age. In fact, it is very difficult to find out about the mysterious practice, since he prefers to keep his personal life a secret. It is known that at a young age he and his parents moved to St. Petersburg, where he now lives. Dasha's father, Vladimir Smirnov, is a well-known Russian biochemist and academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. There is no specific information about the mother. The only thing known is that the woman committed suicide when Peter was 20 years old.

At a young age, at that time still Peter Smirnov, he decided to go to India and spent twenty years of his life studying Eastern practices. He decided to part with his former image of the "new Russian" and with each year of study, his attitude towards everything that exists also changed.

He studied with OSHO himself, who gave him his current name. A With you- this is a certain title that is given to those who have mastered the skill of Yogi. It translates as "liberated from the senses." Perhaps, Dashi became one of the last students of OSHO, because he died in the 90s. After the death of his teacher, the winner of the Battle of Psychics did not immediately return to his homeland, but continued to study other mystical practices, traveling around Asia. In one of his interviews, he talked about meeting Filipino healers who perform operations without using any instruments.

Studied Dashi(Peter) at the Pedagogical Institute, but did not finish it, because he went to India. He never regretted his decision to leave the institute.

Path to glory

Before you come on Season 17 of the Battle of Psychics project, Dashi was already known. For more than ten years, he has been conducting various trainings and seminars, about which the participants respond only positively. Also, Dashi became one of the first people who brought sacred knowledge to Russia and began to use it. His therapeutic massage managed to help more than one person, but it is not cheap either, about 10 thousand rubles. Also, there are several Meditation Centers throughout the country, founded Swami Dashi.

But the participation in the Battle brought the greatest popularity to the man, because it was there that he was able to show all his strength and power. Unlike other participants, Dashi did not use any additional attributes (except for his pendant with a stone, in which, according to him, his soul is located). All of his power is based on energy, not black or white magic.

Personal life of Swami Dasha

With the personal life of the practitioner, everything is fine. He was married twice and with his current wife, 36-year-old Irina Nogina, has two sons and a daughter. From her first marriage, Dasha also has a son - Roman Smirnov, who is 35 years old. Spouse Dashi, Irina strongly supports her husband in his endeavors and is a personal administrator. The woman herself is a certified Pilates and fitness trainer.

But with family Dashi has not been in contact for many years, because they do not support his passion for oriental practice. Their relationship deteriorated when Peter left the university, and his mother died soon after.

Interesting facts about Swami Dashi

Dashi is an adherent of the right lifestyle, so he spends a lot of time in the gym, combining oriental teachings and sports. In the past, he was actively involved in sports (pole vaulting) and managed to win several medals. But he did not achieve great heights.
When Dashi was in Samarkand (Uzbekistan), he received an Islamic name - Mohamed Al Hadi and fully accepted Sufi Islam as a religion.
He doesn't like being called a psychic. The fact is that in the family of Peter, there were no sorcerers or magicians, and all he does is many years of training and disclosure of his energy, with the help of which he works.
He does not practice damage, evil eye, purification of karma, and so on, because they contradict his religion.
Does not work with magic and does not perform ancient rituals. The main tools in his work are massage, meditation, yoga and bodily pulsations.
He does not respond to the name given at birth, believing that he has long become a different person.
His formation was influenced by a meeting with a woman - a Sufi - Zahira, who brought him to the OSHO temple. The man spent about 50 thousand dollars on training with Osho.

Swami Dashi now

After winning the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics, Swami Dashi(Peter Smirnov), began to actively travel around Russia and conduct seminars. He also lives in St. Petersburg, and in between performances, he goes to rest in India. Due to the popularity that fell upon him, the man had to start pages on social networks so that people would not be led to fake accounts.

Swami Dashi, the author of the popular project SPIRIT-SOUL-BODY, has a good business, being the founder of several schools. This is exactly what Dashi is doing now. In his trainings, he helps people find harmony and peace of mind. After the New Year holidays of 2017, the practice is expected in Kazan, the Urals and Chelyabinsk, where he will conduct group classes and seminars.

Now, he actively promotes on his social pages not to be fooled by scammers who, on his behalf, offer telephone consultations or Skype calls. To do this, he shoots short videos, where he indicates his real addresses.

One of the strongest mystics, yogi, master of bioenergy practices. All this he is Swami Dashi, a psychic. His biography is almost unknown, because for the entire time that the seventeenth season of the "Battle of Psychics" lasted, he spoke about himself only once. And that is quite a bit. Let's try to get to know this great man in order to try to understand how he became such, what preceded this, and how he lives now.

Magician, yogi or psychic?

Psychic Dashi Swami, whose biography has interested many who watched the “Battle” with his participation, paints his techniques for several months in advance. And if earlier this “forward” was a couple of months, now it is much more difficult to get to him: the popularity of this person after winning the “Battle” just rolls over.

People who know him personally speak of him with warmth, characterizing him as a kind, strong and wise man. And Dashi himself, a psychic, whose biography and personal life now arouses literally unbridled interest among viewers who admire his talent, says that he is not a psychic: he is the most ordinary person who managed to develop superpowers in himself thanks to many years of training that he spent in many countries, including India. He says that he is one of the students of the famous Osho.

And it's all about him...

Swami Dashi, a psychic, whose biography in this article will become a little more accessible to admirers of his talent, is a Russian master of oriental practices, who has become one of the favorites of the seventeenth season of the television reality show on the TNT channel.

He was one of the most secretive participants in this program. And while the others were talking little by little about their family, about their lives, about how their abilities began to manifest themselves, this surprisingly calm man, who seemed impossible to piss off, did not say anything about himself. Nothing, or very little, was known about his life. On his official website, Swami Dashi wrote that he deliberately does this without disclosing any information about himself. He only mentioned once during the filming of "Battle" about his Master Osho.

But the official forum of the Battle of Psychics fan club did not doze off, having found some information about this person. It became known that he was born on August 22 in St. Petersburg. He spent about two decades of his life in India, in Pune, in the Osho ashram.

old new

Our hero is a relatively new face in the ocean of domestic television. He was not known to the general public. And yet, it would be a mistake to say that no one knew him before he became one of the participants in the Battle of Psychics project. Dashi Swami, whose biography (as far as possible) has been familiar to people interested in spiritual practices for more than 20 years, is truly an extraordinary person. You can verify this by reading this article.

Who is Dashi (psychic)? The biography and how old he is is described below. In general, is anything known about this? A huge part of the fans are interested in the age of the magician. But Swami often deliberately confuses everyone by providing information about himself that is not true. For example, 4 years ago, he spoke, as if by chance, that he was preparing his 60th birthday. But it became known that at the time of participation in the seventeenth season of the Battle of Psychics, he was 56 years old. The date of birth of this secretive person is known exactly - August 22.

From the very heart...

He loves silence and solitude. Our hero believes that the life of both himself and his family members is a taboo for others. He always says that dates, names, specific data about a person give curious people an extra opportunity to seep through the protective barrier, which he has long and painstakingly created, having spent many years on it. So Swami did it in order to protect himself and his family from strangers who are not always friendly.

Tell us your name!

The real name is another secret of Dasha. The psychic, biography, personal life, whose photo is of interest to everyone today, without exception, who saw him in the seventeenth "Battle", never disclosed this and did not publish it on any sites. He does not agree to call it even to his students. And yet this mystery seems to be solved. The journalists managed to find out what is hidden behind the veil of silence of this extraordinary person. His real name is Peter Smirnov, he lives in the same city where he was born - in St. Petersburg.

By the way, an important fact that will be of great interest to fans of Smirnov's talent: Swami is not part of his pseudonym. This is something like an honorary title, which is awarded to people who have the skill of yoga. In translation, this word means "self-controlled" or "free from feelings." It was received over two decades ago, in India.

Actually, at about the same time, the Indian name of the psychic, Dasha, was also received. The biography (“The Battle of Psychics” was another milestone in it) of this person is really unusual, unknown to the extent that, probably, Swami's admirers would like to know. But this is the whole charm: the mysterious halo surrounding him gives the image some magical features. It seems that he can do everything or almost everything.

Finding your true calling

In order to achieve what Peter Smirnov is today, he had to go a long way. And it began from the moment when the young man decided to stop studying at the Institute of Pediatrics, where he was sent by his parents. For this independent trick, he was deprived of the support of loved ones.

In some very rare interviews, he briefly touched on the fact that after leaving the educational institution, he was very briefly associated with the criminal circles of post-perestroika Russia. Still, it was a high risk. Realizing that this lifestyle is very destructive for him, Peter realizes that he wants to completely change his life. Just how to do it? And then he remembers that, even as a child, he felt that he was involved in some supernatural processes that take place in our world and are invisible to the naked eye. Even then, the boy could somehow find a thing lost several years ago, predict an event that was important for his family.

Let's remember everything, Dasha's psychic (his biography in this article, although briefly, becomes public knowledge) decides to leave for Asia in order to find himself in communication with the greatest sages.

From Uzbekistan to India

He first settled in Samarkand, where, after studying, he converted to Sufi Islam and received his new name, Muhammad al-Hadi. And only then he leaves for India, where he spent so many years. One of Smirnov's mentors was Osho - Chandra Mohan Jain, who founded the system of ashrams (in other words - communities) in several countries around the world and preached the doctrine of "neo-sannyas".

By the way, it should be mentioned that Swami talked a lot with (traditional healers who perform surgical operations with the help of hand manipulations, without using instruments) and even repeatedly attended their operations.

When he considered that he had reached a certain point of spiritual growth, he realized that it was time to return to his homeland.

It can be said that at the heart of his Spirit-Soul-Body project, Western and Eastern approaches to solving various issues related to spiritual healing and development were united. He implements a method (Dashi himself developed it), which allows a person to release negative energy, remove blockages at all levels, and return the true feeling of his physical body.

A little about young years

Once, in an interview, psychic Dasha (his biography is now, albeit briefly, but known to fans of his talent) said that during the collapse of the USSR, he had to wear many bandit attributes. He even got into deadly troubles. And only after that I decided to leave to study with Osho.

The father of the hero of this article is a Soviet and Russian biochemist, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Even less is known about the mother - only that she committed suicide when her son was 20 years old.

Dashi still regrets that his parents practically abandoned him when he decided to change his life by dropping out of college. But now he has no regrets about how he lived his life. After all, as new knowledge was gained, the value system of Peter Smirnov changed a lot. And if in his youth he preferred Armani jackets, now he does not attach any importance to this.

Briefly about the family

Well, well, the secret has already been revealed a little about who Dasha's psychic is. Biography, his family and children are of no less interest to the inhabitants than his real name and the number of years he lived. Let's try to dispel some curiosity with the following information. His wife Irina Nogina is a practicing fitness and Pilates trainer. In parallel with this, she is the administrator of Peter. In this marriage, the couple had a daughter and two sons.

This extraordinary person has many tattoos on his arms and body. By the way, each drawing is quite impressive in size. Animals are the main theme of the images. On his hands you can see bird wings and a snake, and on his chest - wolves.

It remains to be mentioned that the psychic also has an eldest son, from a previous marriage - Roman Smirnov. The guy was a participant in the Beijing Olympics and is now a famous Russian athlete. And Peter's grandmother, Claudia Smirnova, also achieved certain results in the sports field. At one time she was the first Soviet world champion in shooting.

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