The electrical constant in the si system is equal to. Si:, where 0 is the electrical constant


Exist., number of synonyms: 1 letter (103) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

epsilon- epsilon, and (letter name) ... Russian spelling dictionary

epsilon- A designation commonly attributed to intermetallic, metal metalloid and metal non-metal compounds found in iron alloy systems, for example: Fe3Mo2, FeSi and Fe3P. Engineering topics in general… Technical Translator's Handbook

Epsilon (ε) Epsilon (ε). A designation commonly attributed to intermetallic, metal metalloid and metal non-metal compounds found in iron alloy systems, such as Fe3Mo2, FeSi and Fe3P. (Source: "Metals and Alloys. Handbook." Under ... Glossary of metallurgical terms

M. The name of the letter of the Greek alphabet. Explanatory Dictionary of Ephraim. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

epsilon- (other Greek E,ε έπσίλο.ν). 5th letter of other Greek alphabet; - ε΄ ñ with a stroke at the top right denoted 5, Íε with a stroke at the bottom left - 5000 ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

epsilon- (2 m); pl. e / psilons, R. e / psilons ... Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

epsilon- A noun see Appendix II (the name of the letter "Ε, ε" of the Greek alphabet) Information about the origin of the word: The word does not match the stress of the source language: it goes back to the Greek phrase ἐ ψιλόν, where each component has its own stress, in ... ... Dictionary of Russian accents

Epsilon Salon is a samizdat literary almanac published in 1985-1989. in Moscow by Nikolai Baitov and Alexander Barash. There were 18 issues, each 70-80 pages, typewritten, with a circulation of 9 copies. According to ... ... Wikipedia

Greek alphabet Α α alpha Β β beta ... Wikipedia


  • Epsilon Eridani, Alexei Baron. A new era of humanity has come - the era of colonization of distant worlds. One of these colonies was the planet Campanella of the Epsilon Eridani system... And one day something happened. The planet is silent...
  • Epsilon Eridani. Those who are older than us, Alexei Baron. Once something happened - and the terrestrial colony Campanella of the Epsilon Eridani system fell silent. The connection was lost. The ships that went to the planet stopped coming back. The earthlings are left with...

ε 0 ε = ε a is the absolute permittivity of the medium, but since for electrical quantities, the basic unit is introduced in the SI system Ampere, then the connection is 1Cl = 1A s

III. Electric field. Field strength. Field lines of force.

Point electric charges distant from each other interact according to Coulomb's law. The action of electrified bodies is transmitted through space, hence the question arises - what is the material carrier of interaction? How quickly is the action transmitted?

Before Faraday and Maxwell - long-range principleand I(the action of some material objects on others occurs without the participation of media that fill space, i.e. the action is divorced from space and time and is transmitted instantly).

Modern theory - short range principle(in nature there are no actions at a distance; every action propagates in space from point to point with a finite speed).

Electric charges make changes in the space surrounding them, manifested in particular in the fact that other electric charges introduced into this space are affected by forces.

If the action of forces on electric charges is found in space, then they say that there exists in it electric field.

The field is as real as the substance. Just like matter, it is one of the types of matter, which is characterized by mass and energy.

The electric field is studied using a test point positive charge, the value of which by its action does not noticeably distort the field under study. We also emphasize that in the case of static fields, the electric fields created by the charges Q And q, do not interact with each other. The electric field associated with the "own" charge exists regardless of the presence or absence of other charges.

If point charges are placed separately at the same point of the field
;…; then the acting forces on these charges will be respectively equal
;… It turned out that the relationship
are equal and constant for a given point of the field. The same can be achieved by considering the Coulomb law for the case of interaction of charges Q and q΄.


As can be seen from (2), the value for a given point, the field depends only on q. Value
does not depend on q, but is determined only by the value of Q, the properties of the medium  and the position in space of the considered point . This value is taken to quantify the electric field:


electric field strength vector(coinciding in direction with ).

Based on (3), we have that for q = +1,

is the power characteristic of the electric field.

Using Coulomb's law, you can get:


Or for SI units:

We emphasize once again that Q is the charge that creates the field, and q is the test charge used to study this field.

The strength of the electrostatic field does not depend on time. The electrostatic field is called homogeneous if its tension at all points the field is the same; otherwise the field is called heterogeneous.

For a graphical representation of electrostatic fields, lines of force are used.

c) do not intersect anywhere (due to the uniqueness of the direction of the intensity vector at each point of the field);

d) the density of the lines (the number of lines passing through a single area, oriented perpendicular to these lines) characterizes the value E(the more lines, the more E);

e) the number of lines is equal to the numerical value E.

If the electric field is created by several charges q 1 ; q2; q 3 ; …q n , then the resulting field will act on the test charge with the force F, equal to the resulting strength of the component forces F  ; F  ; F; …F n . Moreover, finding the resultant force F is produced according to the same laws as for forces in mechanics, i.e.


The principle of superposition (superposition) of electric fields:

IN the electric field strength vector of the system of charges is equal to the geometric sum of the field strengths created at a given point by each of the charges separately.

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