Elements that includes social control. Control work forms of social control

Social science. Full course of preparation for the exam Shemakhanova Irina Albertovna

3.9. social control

3.9. social control

social control - it is a system of social regulation of people's behavior and maintenance of public order; the mechanism of social regulation, a set of means and methods of social influence; social practice of using means and methods of social influence.

Functions of social control: protective; stabilizing (consists in the reproduction of the dominant type of social relations, social structures); target.

Types of social control

1) External social control is a set of forms, methods and actions that guarantee compliance with social norms of behavior. There are two types of external control:

formal control based on official approval or condemnation; carried out by public authorities, political and social organizations, the education system, the media and operates throughout the country, based on laws, decrees, resolutions, orders and instructions; aims to make people respect law and order with the help of government representatives. Formal social control may include the dominant ideology in society. Formal control is carried out by such institutions of modern society as the courts, education, the army, production, the media, political parties, and the government.

Informal control based on the approval or condemnation of relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, public opinion, expressed through traditions, customs or the media. The agents of informal social control are such social institutions as family, school, religion. This type of control is especially effective in small social groups.

2) Internal social control- independent regulation by the individual of his social behavior in society. self control is formed in the process of socialization of the individual and the formation of socio-psychological mechanisms of his internal self-regulation. The main elements of self-control are consciousness, conscience And will.

Conscience- the ability of a person to independently formulate his own moral duties and demand from himself their fulfillment, to make a self-assessment of the actions and deeds performed.

Will- conscious regulation by a person of his behavior and activities, expressed in the ability to overcome external and internal difficulties in the performance of purposeful actions and deeds.

Allocate: 1) indirect social control based on identification with a reference law-abiding group; 2) social control based on the wide availability of a variety of ways to achieve goals and satisfy needs, alternative to illegal or immoral.

Social control is inextricably linked with the management of people's actions, social ties and social systems. Internal controllers are needs, beliefs, and external controllers are norms, values, as well as orders, etc.

Mechanisms of social control:

psychological support of conformal motivation, role behavior, status (maternal love, support of friends and team, etc.); habits, traditions, rituals; mass youth culture; insulation; isolation; rehabilitation, etc.

Social control consists of two elements - social norms and social sanctions. Social sanctions- means of encouragement and punishment, stimulating people to comply with social norms. The sanction is recognized as the main instrument of social control and represents an incentive for compliance with the norms.

Types of sanctions:

A) Formal, imposed by the state or specially authorized organizations and persons

formal positive sanctions: public approval from the authorities, official institutions and organizations (government awards, state awards, career advancement, material rewards, etc.);

formal negative sanctions: punishments provided for by legal laws, regulations, administrative instructions and orders (fine, demotion, dismissal, arrest, imprisonment, deprivation of civil rights, etc.).

B) Informal, expressed by informal persons

informal positive sanctions- public approval from the informal environment, i.e. parents, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, etc. (compliment, friendly praise, benevolent disposition, etc.);

- informal negative sanctions - punishments not provided for by the legal system of society, but applied by society (remark, ridicule, breaking friendships, disapproving feedback, etc.).

Ways to implement social control in a group and society:

- through socialization(socialization, shaping our desires, preferences, habits and customs, is one of the main factors of social control and establishing order in society);

- through group pressure(each individual, being a member of many primary groups, must share a certain minimum of the cultural norms accepted in these groups and behave appropriately, otherwise condemnation and sanctions from the group may follow, ranging from simple remarks to expulsion from this primary group) ;

- through compulsion(in a situation where an individual does not want to comply with laws, regulations, formalized procedures, a group or society resorts to coercion to force him to do like everyone else).

Depending on the sanctions applied control methods:

a) direct: hard (the tool is political repression) and soft (the tool is the operation of the constitution and the criminal code);

b) indirect: hard (tool - economic sanctions of the international community) and soft (tool - the media);

c) control is exercised in organizations: general (if the manager gives a task to a subordinate and does not control the progress of its implementation); detailed (such control is called supervision). Supervision is carried out not only at the micro level, but also at the macro level. At the macro level, the state is the subject of supervision (police stations, whistleblower service, prison guards, convoy troops, courts, censorship).

Elements of social control: individual; social community (group, class, society); individual (controlled) action; social (controlling) action.

The general mismatch of the social structure in the field of normative-value parameters of social behavior is called anomie. The term "anomie" (introduced E. Durkheim) means: 1) the state of society in which the significance of social norms and prescriptions has been lost for its members, and therefore the frequency of deviant and self-destructive behavior (up to suicide) is relatively high; 2) the lack of standards, standards of comparison with other people, allowing one to assess one's social position and choose patterns of behavior, which leaves the individual in a "declassed" state, without a sense of solidarity with a particular group; 3) a discrepancy, a gap between universal goals and expectations approved in a given society, and socially acceptable, “sanctioned” means of achieving them, which, due to the practical inaccessibility for all these goals, pushes many people onto illegal ways to achieve them. Anomie refers to any kind of "violations" in the value-normative system of society. As a result of anomie, the lack of effective norms for their regulation makes individuals unhappy and leads to manifestations of deviant behavior.

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3.9. Social control Social control is a system of social regulation of people's behavior and maintenance of public order; the mechanism of social regulation, a set of means and methods of social influence; social practice of using funds and

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Federal Agency for Education
Saint Petersburg State
University of Service and Economics.

in sociology
on the topic: Forms of social control

2nd year student of the correspondence department
group 080507
Lineitsev Mikhail Ilyich



    Social control and deviant behavior.
    Forms of social control.
    Formal social control.
    informal social control.
Now more and more often from TV screens, as well as on the Internet, you can stumble upon the phrase "social control". And many people ask themselves the question: “What is it and why is it needed at all”?
In the modern world, social control is understood as the supervision of human behavior in society in order to prevent conflicts, restore order and maintain the existing social order. The presence of social control is one of the most important conditions for the normal functioning of the state, as well as compliance with its laws. An ideal society is a society in which each of its members does what he wants, but at the same time this is what is expected of him and what the state needs at the moment. Of course, it is not always easy to force a person to do what society wants him to do. The mechanisms of social control have long passed the test of time, and the most common among them, of course, are group pressure and human socialization. For example, in order for a country to experience population growth, it is necessary to convince families that having children is good and good for their health. More primitive societies seek to control human behavior through coercion, but this method does not always work. In addition, with a large population in the state, it is practically impossible to use this measure of social control.
The study of forms and types of social control is fundamentally important for today's society. Now the population is given more and more freedoms, but at the same time responsibility is increasing. Ways to control deviant behavior are changing, becoming more sophisticated and inconspicuous, and sometimes not every person realizes that everything he does is programmed by the state and placed in his head from birth. This paper reveals the most popular and effective forms and types of social control, most often used in society. Knowing them is useful for every educated person, since for a normal existence it is fundamentally important to know all the mechanisms that affect the human mind.

Social control and deviant behavior

Now in the world there is no such ideal society in which each of its members behaves in accordance with accepted requirements. Very often, so-called social deviations may arise, which are not always well reflected in the structure of society. Forms of social deviations are very different: from harmless to very, very dangerous. Someone has deviations in personal organization, someone in social behavior, someone both there and there. These are all kinds of criminals, hermits, geniuses, ascetics, representatives of sexual minorities, otherwise called deviants.
“Deviant may be the most innocent at first glance, an act associated with a violation of the traditional distribution of roles. For example, a wife's higher salary may seem abnormal, since the husband has been the main producer of material values ​​from time immemorial. In a traditional society, such a distribution of roles, in principle, could not arise.
So, any behavior that causes disapproval of public opinion is called deviant. Usually sociologists distinguish 2 main types of deviation: primary and secondary. Moreover, if the primary deviation is not particularly dangerous for society, since it is regarded as a kind of prank, then secondary deviations stick the label of a deviant to the individual. Secondary deviations include criminal offenses, drug use, homosexuality, and more. Criminal behavior, sexual deviations, alcoholism or drug addiction cannot lead to the emergence of new cultural patterns useful for society. It should be recognized that the vast majority of social deviations play a destructive role in the development of society. Therefore, society simply needs a mechanism that will control unwanted deviant behavior. Such a mechanism is social control. Thus, social control is a set of means by which a society or a social group guarantees the conformal behavior of its members in relation to role requirements and expectations. In this regard, with the help of social control, all the necessary conditions for the stability of each social system are created, it contributes to the preservation of social stability, and, at the same time, does not prevent positive changes in the social system. Therefore, social control requires greater flexibility and the ability to correctly assess the various deviations from social norms of activity that take place in society in order to encourage useful deviations and punish destructive ones.
A person begins to feel the influence of social control already in childhood, in the process of socialization, when a person is explained who he is and why he lives in the world. From infancy, a person develops a sense of self-control, he takes on various social roles that impose the need to meet expectations. At the same time, most children grow up and become respectable citizens of their country, who respect the law and do not seek to violate the norms accepted in society. Social control is diverse and ubiquitous: it occurs whenever at least two people interact.

Forms of social control

Over the long years of its existence, humanity has developed a number of different forms of social control. They are both tangible and completely invisible. The most effective and traditional form can be called self-control. It arises immediately after the birth of a person and accompanies him throughout his conscious life. At the same time, each individual himself, without coercion, controls his behavior in accordance with the norms of the society to which he belongs. The norms in the process of socialization are very firmly established in the mind of a person, so firmly that having violated them, a person begins to experience the so-called pangs of conscience. Approximately 70% of social control is carried out through self-control. The more self-control developed among members of a society, the less that society has to resort to external control. And vice versa. The less self-control developed in people, the more often the institutions of social control, in particular, the army, courts, and the state, have to come into action. However, strict external control, petty guardianship of citizens hinder the development of self-consciousness and expression of will, muffle internal volitional efforts. Thus, a vicious circle arises, in which more than one society has fallen into throughout world history. The name of this circle is dictatorship.
Often a dictatorship is established for a while, for the benefit of citizens and with the aim of restoring order. But it lingers for a long time, to the detriment of people and leads to even greater arbitrariness. Citizens who are accustomed to submit to coercive control do not develop internal control. Gradually they degrade as social beings capable of taking responsibility and doing without external coercion (i.e. dictatorship). In other words, under a dictatorship, no one teaches them to behave in accordance with rational norms. Thus, self-control is a purely sociological problem, because the degree of its development characterizes the social type of people prevailing in society and the emerging form of the state. Group pressure is another common form of social control. Of course, no matter how strong a person's self-control is, belonging to a group or community has a huge impact on a person. When an individual is included in one of the primary groups, he begins to comply with basic norms, follow a formal and informal code of conduct. The slightest deviation usually causes condemnation by the group members, as well as the risk of exclusion. “The variation in group behavior resulting from group pressure can be seen in the example of the production team. Each member of the team must adhere to certain standards of behavior not only at work, but also after work. And if, say, disobedience to the foreman can lead to harsh remarks from the workers for the violator, then absenteeism and drunkenness often end with his boycott and rejection from the brigade. However, depending on the group, the force of group pressure may be different. If the group is very cohesive, then, accordingly, the force of group pressure increases. For example, in a group where a person spends free time, it is more difficult to exercise social control than in a place where joint activities are regularly carried out, for example, in the family or at work. Group control can be formal or informal. The official includes all kinds of working meetings, advisory meetings, shareholders' councils, and so on. Under informal control understand the impact on group members by participants in the form of approval, ridicule, condemnation, isolation and refusal to communicate.
Another form of social control is propaganda, which is considered a very powerful tool that influences the human mind. Propaganda is a way of influencing people, in some respects hindering the rational enlightenment of a person, in which the person draws his own conclusions. The main task of propaganda is to influence groups of people in such a way as to shape the behavior of society in the desired direction. Propaganda should influence those forms of social behavior that are closely connected with the system of moral values ​​in society. Everything is subjected to propaganda processing, from the actions of people in typical situations to beliefs and orientations. Propaganda is used as a kind of technical means suitable for achieving their goals. There are 3 main types of propaganda. The first type includes the so-called revolutionary propaganda, which is needed in order to force people to accept a value system, as well as a situation that is in conflict with the generally accepted one. An example of such propaganda is the propaganda of communism and socialism in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The second type is destructive propaganda. Its main goal is to destroy the existing system of values. The clearest example of such propaganda was Hitler's, which did not try to force people to accept the ideals of Nazism, but at the same time tried with all their might to undermine trust in traditional values. And finally, the third type of propaganda is reinforcing. It is designed to consolidate people's attachment to certain values ​​and orientations. This type of propaganda is typical for the United States, where the existing system of values ​​is fixed in this way. According to sociologists, this type of propaganda is the most effective, it serves very well to maintain established value orientations. In addition, it reflects the prevailing, traditional stereotypes. This type of propaganda is mainly aimed at instilling conformism in people, which implies agreement with the dominant ideological and theoretical organizations.
At present, the concept of propaganda in the public mind is associated mainly with the military sphere or politics. Slogans are considered one of the ways to implement propaganda in society. A slogan is a short statement, usually expressing the main task or guiding idea. The correctness of such a statement is usually not in doubt, since it is only of a general nature.
During a period of crisis or conflict in a country, demagogues may throw slogans such as "My country is always right," "Homeland, Faith, Family," or "Freedom or Death," for example. But do most people analyze the true causes of this crisis, conflict? Or do they just go along with what they are told?
In his work on the First World War, Winston Churchill wrote: "Just one call is enough - and the crowds of peaceful peasants and workers turn into mighty armies, ready to tear the enemy apart." He also noted that most people, without hesitation, carry out the order given to them.
At the disposal of the propagandist there are also many symbols and signs that carry the ideological charge he needs. For example, a flag can serve as such a symbol, such ceremonies as a volley of twenty-one guns and a salute also have a symbolic character. Love for parents can also be used as leverage. It is obvious that such concepts - symbols as the fatherland, the motherland - the mother or the faith of the ancestors, can become a powerful weapon in the hands of clever manipulators of other people's opinions.
Of course, propaganda and all its derivatives are not necessarily evil. The question is who does it, and for what purpose. And also in who this propaganda is being directed at. And if we talk about propaganda in a negative sense, then you can resist it. And it's not that hard. It is enough for a person to understand what propaganda is and learn to identify it in the general flow of information. And having learned, it is already much easier for a person to decide for himself how compatible the ideas suggested to him are with his own ideas about what is good and what is bad.
Social control through coercion is also another common form. It is commonly practiced in the most primitive as well as traditional societies, although it may be present in smaller numbers even in the most advanced nations. In the presence of a high population of a complex culture, the so-called secondary group control begins to be applied - laws, various violent regulators, formalized procedures. When an individual is unwilling to follow these regulations, the group or society resorts to coercion to force him to act like everyone else. In modern societies, there are highly developed rules, or a system of control through enforcement, which is a set of effective sanctions applied in accordance with various types of deviations from the norms.
Social control through coercion is characteristic of any government, but its place, role, and character in various systems are not the same. In a developed society, coercion is attracted mainly for crimes committed against society. The decisive role in the fight against offenses belongs to the state. It has a special apparatus of coercion. Legal norms determine for what state bodies can apply the method of coercion. The means of coercion are physical and mental violence, i.e. threat. There is also no reason to believe that a threat can only be a means of coercion when it is punishable in itself. The state must also protect its citizens from coercion by threats, which in themselves are not punishable if the content of the threat is an illegal act, otherwise many cases of serious mental violence would be allowed to go unpunished. The element of coercion, joining the threat, gives it a different and greater meaning. It goes without saying that the threat must contain, in itself, an indication of a significant, in the eyes of the threatened, illegal evil, otherwise it will be unable to influence the will of the threatened.
In addition to the above, there are many other forms of social control, such as rewards, pressure from authority, punishment. A person begins to feel each of them from birth, even if he does not understand that he is being influenced.
All forms of social control are covered by its two main types: formal and informal.

Formal social control


It is divided into two types:

  • self-control- the application of sanctions, committed by the person himself, aimed at himself;
  • external control- a set of institutions and mechanisms that guarantee compliance with generally accepted norms of behavior and laws.

External control is:

  • informal - based on the approval or condemnation of relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, as well as public opinion, which is expressed through customs and traditions or the media;
  • formal - based on the approval or condemnation of official authorities and administration.

In modern society, in a complex society, in a country of many millions, it is impossible to maintain order and stability by informal methods, since informal control is limited to a small group of people, which is why it is called local. On the contrary, formal control operates throughout the country. It is carried out by agents of formal control - persons specially trained and paid for performing control functions, bearers of social statuses and roles - judges, law enforcement officers, social workers, church ministers, etc. In traditional society, social control rested on unwritten rules. For example, in a traditional rural community, there were no written norms; the church was organically woven into a single system of social control.

In modern society, the basis of social control is the norms fixed in documents - instructions, decrees, decrees, laws. Formal control is carried out by such institutions of modern society as the courts, education, the army, production, the media, political parties, and the government. The school controls us through examination grades, the government through the system of taxation and social assistance to the population, the state through the police, secret service, state television channels, press and radio.

Depending on the sanctions applied, the methods of control are:

  • straight hard; tool - political repression;
  • indirect rigid; the instrument is the economic sanctions of the international community;
  • straight soft; the instrument is the operation of the constitution and the criminal code;
  • indirect soft; tool is the media.

Organizations control:

  • general (if the manager gives a subordinate a task and does not control the progress of its implementation);
  • detailed (if the manager intervenes in every action, corrects, etc.); such control is also called supervision.

Supervision is carried out not only at the micro level, but also at the macro level.

At the macro level, the state acts as the subject exercising supervision - police stations, the informant service, prison guards, escort troops, courts, censorship.

An organization and society as a whole can be overwhelmed by a huge number of norms. In such cases, the population refuses to comply with the norms, and the authorities are not able to control every little thing. However, it has long been noted that the worse the laws are enforced, the more of them are published. The population is protected from regulatory overloads by their non-fulfillment. If most of the people for whom a particular rule is intended manage to circumvent it, the rule is dead.

People will necessarily disobey the rules or circumvent the law:

  • if this norm is unprofitable for them, contradicts their interests, causes more harm than good;
  • if there is no strict and unconditional mechanism for all citizens to control the implementation of the law.

Mutually beneficial orders, laws, regulations and social norms in general are convenient in that they are executed voluntarily and do not require the maintenance of an additional staff of controllers.

Each norm must be covered by an appropriate number of sanctions and agents of control.

Responsibility to the implementation of the law arises from citizens, provided that they:

  • equal before the law, regardless of status differences;
  • interested in the operation of this law.

The American sociologist of Austrian origin P. Berger proposed the concept of social control, the essence of which is as follows (Fig. 1). A person stands in the center of diverging concentric circles representing different types, types and forms of social control. Each circle is a new control system.

Circle 1 - outer - political and legal system, represented by the powerful apparatus of the state. In addition to our will, the state:

  • levies taxes;
  • calls for military service;
  • makes you obey your rules and regulations;
  • if he deems it necessary, he will deprive him of his liberty and even his life.

Circle 2 - morality, customs and mores. Everyone follows our morality:

  • morality police - can put you in jail;
  • parents, relatives - use informal sanctions such as condemnation;
  • friends - will not forgive betrayal or meanness and may part with you.

Circle 3 - professional system. At work, a person is constrained: by a mass of restrictions, instructions, professional duties, business obligations that have a controlling effect. Immorality is punished by dismissal from work, eccentricity by the loss of chances to find a new job.

Rice. 1. Illustration to the concept of P. Berger

The control of the professional system is of great importance, since the profession and position decide what an individual can and cannot do in non-productive life, which organizations will accept him as a member, what his circle of acquaintances will be, in which area he will allow himself to live, etc. .

Circle 4 - social environment, namely: distant and close, unfamiliar and familiar people. The environment imposes its own requirements on a person, unwritten laws, for example: the manner of dressing and speaking, aesthetic tastes, political and religious beliefs, even the manner of behaving at the table (an ill-mannered person will not be invited to visit or those who appreciate good manners will refuse from the house).

Circle 5 - closest to the individual - private life. The circle of family and personal friends also forms a system of social control. Social pressure on the individual does not weaken here, but, on the contrary, increases. It is in this circle that the individual establishes the most important social bonds. Disapproval, loss of prestige, ridicule or contempt in the circle of loved ones have a much greater psychological weight than the same sanctions emanating from strangers or strangers.

The core of private life is the intimate relationship between husband and wife. It is in intimate relationships that a person seeks support for the most important feelings that make up the Self-image. To stake these connections is to risk losing yourself.

Thus, a person must: yield, obey, please, by virtue of his position, everyone - from the federal tax service to his own wife (husband).

Society, with all its bulk, suppresses the individual.

It is impossible to live in society and be free from it.

External social control is a set of forms, methods and actions that guarantee compliance with social norms of behavior. There are two types of external control - formal and informal.

Formal social control, based on official approval or condemnation, is carried out by state authorities, political and social organizations, the education system, the media and operates throughout the country, based on written norms - laws, decrees, resolutions, orders and instructions. Formal social control may also include the dominant ideology in society. Speaking of formal social control, they mean, first of all, actions aimed at making people respect laws and order with the help of government representatives. Such control is especially effective in large social groups.

Informal social control based on the approval or condemnation of relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, public opinion, expressed through traditions, customs or the media. The agents of informal social control are such social institutions as family, school, religion. This type of control is especially effective in small social groups.

In the process of social control, violation of some social norms is followed by a very weak punishment, for example, disapproval, an unfriendly look, a smirk. Violation of other social norms is followed by severe punishments - the death penalty, imprisonment, exile from the country. Violation of taboos and legal laws is most severely punished, and certain types of group habits, in particular family habits, are most mildly punished.

Internal social control- independent regulation by the individual of his social behavior in society. In the process of self-control, a person independently regulates his social behavior, coordinating it with generally accepted norms. This type of control is manifested, on the one hand, in a sense of guilt, emotional experiences, "remorse" for social actions, on the other hand, in the form of an individual's reflection on his social behavior.

An individual's self-control over his own social behavior is formed in the process of his socialization and the formation of socio-psychological mechanisms of his internal self-regulation. The main elements of self-control are consciousness, conscience and will.

Human consciousness - it is an individual form of mental representation of reality in the form of a generalized and subjective model of the surrounding world in the form of verbal concepts and sensory images. Consciousness allows the individual to rationalize his social behavior.

Conscience- the ability of a person to independently formulate his own moral duties and demand from himself their fulfillment, as well as to make a self-assessment of the actions and deeds performed. Conscience does not allow an individual to violate his established attitudes, principles, beliefs, in accordance with which he builds his social behavior.

Will- conscious regulation by a person of his behavior and activities, expressed in the ability to overcome external and internal difficulties in the performance of purposeful actions and deeds. The will helps the individual to overcome his inner subconscious desires and needs, to act and behave in society in accordance with his convictions.

Social control, in fact, is a process by which society, its individual spheres, management systems, subsystems, social units determine whether their actions or decisions are correct, whether they need to be adjusted.

Forms of social control[edit | edit wiki text]

Social control can be exercised in institutional and non-institutional forms.

1. institutional form social control is implemented through a special apparatus specializing in control activities, which is a set of state and public organizations (bodies, institutions and associations).

2. Non-institutional form social control - a special kind of self-regulation inherent in various social systems, control over people's behavior by the mass consciousness.
Its functioning is based mainly on the action of moral and psychological mechanisms, consisting of continuous monitoring of the behavior of other people and assessments of the conformity of its social prescriptions and expectations. A person becomes aware of himself by observing other members of society (organizations, groups, communities), constantly comparing himself with them, assimilating certain norms of behavior in the process of socialization. Society cannot exist without mental reactions, mutual evaluations. It is thanks to mutual contacts that people realize social values, acquire social experience and skills of social behavior.

A variety of institutional social control is state control.Among the types of state control are: political, administrative and judicial.

· Political control carried out by those bodies and persons who exercise the powers of the supreme power. Depending on the political and state structure, these are the parliament, regional and local elected bodies. Political control can be exercised to a certain extent by political parties that have received the support of the majority of the people, especially those represented in government.

· Administrative control carried out by the executive bodies of all branches of government. Here, as a rule, control of higher officials over the actions of subordinates is implemented, inspection and supervisory bodies are created that analyze the implementation of laws, regulations, management decisions, and study the effectiveness and quality of administrative activities.

· Judicial control all the courts at the disposal of the society are carried out: general (civil), military, arbitration and constitutional courts.

However, it is difficult for one state to respond to many social demands and demands, which leads to an aggravation of social conflicts that have a destructive effect on the nature of public life. To do this, it is necessary to have an effective feedback that ensures the participation of citizens in public administration, an important element of which is public control. Therefore, along with state control, public control is a special form of control - public control by society represented by the public, individual citizens, social organizations and movements, public opinion. In a modern democratic society, public control is primarily the activity of established institutions of civil society, formal and informal participation in them by individual citizens and their associations.

In sociology, two main processes of social control are distinguished: the application of positive or negative sanctions for the social behavior of an individual; interiorization (from the French interiorisation - transition from outside to inside) by an individual of social norms of behavior. In this regard, external social control and internal social control, or self-control, are distinguished.

External social control is a set of forms, methods and actions that guarantee compliance with social norms of behavior. There are two types of external control - formal and informal.

Formal social control, based on official approval or condemnation, is carried out by state authorities, political and social organizations, the education system, the media and operates throughout the country, based on written norms - laws, decrees, resolutions, orders and instructions. Formal social control may also include the dominant ideology in society. Speaking of formal social control, they mean, first of all, actions aimed at making people respect laws and order with the help of government representatives. Such control is especially effective in large social groups.

Informal social control based on the approval or condemnation of relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, public opinion, expressed through traditions, customs or the media. The agents of informal social control are such social institutions as family, school, religion. This type of control is especially effective in small social groups.

In the process of social control, violation of some social norms is followed by a very weak punishment, for example, disapproval, an unfriendly look, a smirk. Violation of other social norms is followed by severe punishments - the death penalty, imprisonment, exile from the country. Violation of taboos and legal laws is most severely punished, and certain types of group habits, in particular family habits, are most mildly punished.

Internal social control- independent regulation by the individual of his social behavior in society. In the process of self-control, a person independently regulates his social behavior, coordinating it with generally accepted norms. This type of control is manifested, on the one hand, in a sense of guilt, emotional experiences, "remorse" for social actions, on the other hand, in the form of an individual's reflection on his social behavior.

An individual's self-control over his own social behavior is formed in the process of his socialization and the formation of socio-psychological mechanisms of his internal self-regulation. The main elements of self-control are consciousness, conscience and will.

human consciousness- it is an individual form of mental representation of reality in the form of a generalized and subjective model of the surrounding world in the form of verbal concepts and sensory images. Consciousness allows the individual to rationalize his social behavior.

Conscience- the ability of a person to independently formulate his own moral duties and demand from himself their fulfillment, as well as to make a self-assessment of the actions and deeds performed. Conscience does not allow an individual to violate his established attitudes, principles, beliefs, in accordance with which he builds his social behavior.

Will- conscious regulation by a person of his behavior and activities, expressed in the ability to overcome external and internal difficulties in the performance of purposeful actions and deeds. The will helps the individual to overcome his inner subconscious desires and needs, to act and behave in society in accordance with his convictions.

In the process of social behavior, the individual has to constantly fight with his subconscious, which gives his behavior a spontaneous character, therefore self-control is the most important condition for the social behavior of people. Typically, individuals' self-control over their social behavior increases with age. But it also depends on social circumstances and the nature of external social control: the tighter the external control, the weaker the self-control. Moreover, social experience shows that the weaker the individual's self-control, the tougher external control should be in relation to him. However, this is fraught with great social costs, since strict external control is accompanied by social degradation of the individual.

In addition to external and internal social control of the social behavior of an individual, there are also: 1) indirect social control based on identification with a reference law-abiding group; 2) social control based on the wide availability of a variety of ways to achieve goals and satisfy needs, alternative to illegal or immoral.

Lawful Conduct from a legal point of view, it is such behavior that is consistent with the requirements of legal regulations. From a social point of view, this is behavior that brings good, socially useful behavior. Lawful behavior is the main type of legally significant behavior. Illegal behavior is not as widespread as lawful. Because most people do not even notice that they are doing the right things during the day. When everything goes without conflict, people do not notice it. Lawful Conduct- this is an act that is included in the subject of legal regulation and corresponds either to the principles of law, or based on these principles of legal norms and dispositions of protective norms. It is the result of the implementation of legal norms. Lawful behavior is the only socially useful type of legal behavior. Lawful behavior is the goal of the legislator, law enforcement agencies. The entire system of the state apparatus is subordinated to ensuring a lawful summing up.

Signs of a legitimate behavior:

1. Lawful behavior always appears in the form of an act (action or inaction).

2. Lawful behavior is socially useful behavior, i.e. contributes to the progressive progressive development of society and individuals.

3. Lawful behavior is the most widespread type of behavior in the legal sphere.

4. Lawful behavior is sometimes incorrectly assessed in terms of mass character. For example, in the case of mass misconduct, the legislator revises certain norms.

Lawful behavior can classify on various grounds.

According to the objective side of lawful behavior (according to the external form of manifestation of lawful behavior):

1. Actions - active lawful behavior.

2. inaction - passive lawful behavior.

On the subjective side of lawful behavior (mental side):

1. Active-conscious lawful behavior - based on the inner conviction of the subject to act lawfully.

2. Positive (habitual) behavior - is carried out within the framework of the formed habitual activity of the individual to comply with and enforce legal norms, i.e. a person does this by force of habit, by force of upbringing.

3. Conformist lawful behavior - such lawful behavior, which is not based on a deep inner conviction of the subject, but on the fact that everyone around him does this.

4. Marginal lawful behavior - when the subject acts lawfully because of fear of adverse consequences for misbehavior.

In areas of public life in which lawful behavior is implemented:

1. Lawful behavior in the economic sphere.

2. Lawful behavior in the political sphere.

3. Lawful behavior in the cultural sphere, etc.

According to the subject carrying out lawful behavior:

1. Lawful behavior of a person (individual, citizens and officials).

2. Legal Behavior of Organizations legal entities.

3. Lawful behavior of the state, its bodies, officials.

By industry affiliation of legal norms governing lawful behavior:

1. Constitutional lawful behavior.

2. Criminal lawful conduct.

3. Civil lawful conduct, etc.

Another classification:

1. socially necessary(socially necessary) lawful behavior. For example, paying taxes.

2. socially acceptable lawful behaviour. Go hunting. There is no need for everyone to go there, but they allow the opportunity to hunt, they allow it.

May be desired lawful behaviour. For example, participation in elections is a socially desirable legitimate behavior. Or getting a higher education, the state is very interested in this. And not desirable.

Lawful behavior can be individual and collective they differ significantly from each other. It is basically impossible to exercise the right to strike individually. It is always a collective lawful behavior.

By subjects: lawful behavior; lawful behaviour. It is possible to speak about the lawful behavior of the states.

In the scientific literature, there are several concepts of lawful behavior:

1. Lawful behavior is considered to be that which corresponds to the prescriptions of legal norms.

2. Lawful is any behavior that is not prohibited by legal norms.

Both of these concepts are not true for the following reasons:


· Given the existence of gaps in the legislation, we can say that this definition is not correct.

· Not every legal norm is an expression of law, there are norms that are not related to law enforcement, i.e. and behavior arising from such norms is not lawful either.

· Behavior should not correspond to the entire structure of legal norms, but only to a hypothesis (in regulatory norms) or disposition (in protective norms).

Second: law is not the only and universal regulator of social relations - it does not cover all spheres of life and there is such behavior that is legally neutral, but at the same time negative for public life.

In every society, people appear - outstanding and "simple" - who violate the existing norms in it - moral, legal, aesthetic. society, social stratum, group of norms, values, ideals, i.e. normative standards. In other words, deviant behavior has deviant motivation. Examples of such behavior are the lack of a greeting at a meeting, hooliganism, innovative or revolutionary actions, etc. Deviant subjects are young ascetics, hedonists, revolutionaries, the mentally ill, saints, geniuses, etc.

Human actions are included in social relationships and systems (family, street, team, work, etc.) with general normative regulation. That's why deviant is the behavior that violates the stability of the processes of social interaction. Equilibrium(stability) of social interaction involves the integration of the actions of many, which is violated by the deviant behavior of one or more people. In a situation of deviant behavior, a person, as a rule, focuses on a situation that includes (1) other people and (2) general norms and expectations. Deviant behavior is caused both by dissatisfaction with others and by norms of relationships.

For example, consider the social connection of a student with parents while studying at a university. Parents expect from him a good study, which is difficult to combine with the roles of an athlete, lover, worker, etc. The student begins to study unsatisfactorily, that is. deviant. To overcome this deviance, there are several possibilities. First of all, you can change your needs, which will affect the assessment of other people and regulations. So, a student can give up the motivation for excellent studies and limit himself to satisfactory. Further, you can change the object of your need and thereby alleviate the tension in the social connection. For example, he can convince his parents that his work alleviates the burden of the family's expenses for his studies at the university. And finally, the student can leave home, stop being oriented towards his parents and start being oriented towards his friends and girlfriends.

Deviation And conformism- two opposite types of behavior, one of which is focused only on the actor, and the other - also on the society in which he lives. Between conformal and deviant motivation of people's actions is indifferent. It is distinguished by the absence of both conformal and alienated orientation to objects and situations, which in this case turn into neutral ones.

Deviation includes three elements: 1) a person with values ​​(orientation to others) and norms (moral, political, legal); 2) evaluating a person, group or organization; 3) human behavior. The criterion for deviant behavior is moral and legal norms. They are different in different types of societies, so behavior that is deviant in one society will not be so in another.

For example, in a bourgeois society focused on personal success, actions such as the exploits of Pavka Korchagin or Alexander Matrosov are considered deviant. And in Soviet society, focused on the interests of the state, they were officially considered heroic. The contradiction between the orientation towards the individual and the orientation towards society is characteristic of the entire history of mankind; it has found its expression in two opposite types of personalities: collectivist and individualist.

Depending on the relationship with people T. Parsons identifies two types of deviant behavior:

1. Personality cares about establishing and maintaining relationships with others. She may seek to dominate the other, to put him in a subordinate position. This is often due to deviant motivation and behavior. This is often done by members of criminal groups.

2. Personality inferior others, subject to them. In these cases, it can take the path of deviant motivation and behavior, especially in relation to an active and strong personality. Thus, in the Bolshevik leadership, passive adaptation to Stalin and the Stalinist hierarchy became the reason for the deviance of many people.

Classification of deviant behavior depending on attitude to standards(needs, values, norms) in society was developed by Merton (in 1910), who identified the following types of deviant behavior:

Total conformism(normality) of behavior, acceptance of cultural norms. This is the behavior of a person who has received a good education, has a prestigious job, is moving up the career ladder, etc. Such behavior fulfills both one's own needs and is focused on others (standards are observed). This, strictly speaking, is just the only type of non-deviant behavior, in relation to which different types of deviation are distinguished.

Innovative behavior, on the one hand, means agreement with the goals of one's life, approved in a given society (culture), but, on the other hand, does not follow the socially approved means of achieving them. Innovators use new, non-standard, deviant means to achieve socially useful goals. In post-Soviet Russia, many innovators engaged in the privatization of state property, the construction of financial "pyramids", extortion ("racketeering"), etc.

ritualism brings the principles and norms of this society to the point of absurdity. Ritualists - a bureaucrat who requires compliance with all formalities from the petitioner, and strikers who work "by the rules", which leads to a halt in the work itself.

Retreatism(escape from reality) is a type of deviant behavior in which a person rejects both goals approved by society and ways (means, time, costs) to achieve them. Such deviant behavior is inherent in homeless people, drunkards, drug addicts, monks, etc.

Revolution(rebellion) is a form of deviant behavior that not only denies outdated goals and behaviors, but also replaces them with new ones. The Russian Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, rejected the goals and means of the bourgeois-democratic society that was taking shape in Russia in 1917 after the overthrow of the autocracy, and restored the latter on a new ideological, political, economic and social basis.

From what has been said, it is clear that conformity and deviation are two opposite types of behavior that mutually presuppose and exclude one another. From the description of the types of deviation it follows that it is not an exclusively negative type of human behavior, as it might seem at first glance. Yuri Detochki, in the film "Beware of the Car" for the sake of noble goals - the fight against speculators and "shadow companies" - stole cars from them, and transferred the proceeds from the sale to orphanages.

The formation of deviant behavior goes through several stages: 1) the emergence of a cultural norm (for example, orientation towards enrichment in post-Soviet Russia); 2) the emergence of a social stratum that follows this norm (for example, entrepreneurs); 3) the transformation into deviant forms of activity that do not lead to enrichment (for example, in our case, the miserable life of many workers and employees); 4) recognition of a person (and social stratum) as deviant by others; 5) reassessment of this cultural norm, recognition of its relativity.

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