Elena Kravets: biography and personal life of a mother of many children. Elena Kravets has royal twins: it became known that the TV presenter gave birth to a boy and a girl Creative projects with the participation of Kravets


Elena Kravets immediately gave her husband Sergei a son and a daughter. The babies were born in one of the capital's clinics.

Recall that Elena Kravets and her husband Sergei are also raising their 13-year-old daughter Masha.

Elena first announced that the actress wants more children two years ago in an interview with Viva!, when we were preparing a special project dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the Kvartal 95 studio. “There was a desire to give birth to a second child, to build a house. I realized that the simplest things in life are the most important and that happiness is not measured by the number of cars, money and statuses, ”Kravets frankly shared with us then.

Elena Kravets with her husband Sergey and daughter Masha

Photo from Viva!

At the end of March this year at one of the concerts. The showman publicly announced that Kvartal 95 had recently returned from a tour of Israel, where the only woman in the team did not go. “We wanted to bring a new prime minister and good weather from there, but it didn’t work,” Zelensky joked from the stage, adding that he had two news for the audience: “First: Elena Kravets is pregnant, and therefore she didn’t fly to Israel, second: we didn’t we know from whom. Later, Vladimir, of course, said that Lena was expecting a child from her husband Sergei.

By the way, the husband of Elena Kravets, who worked for many years as an executive producer of the Kvartal 95 studio, and is now engaged in television post-production, also admitted in an interview that he would like more children (they are already raising their 13-year-old daughter Masha) and it would be better if it were son.

As a result, it turned out even better: Elena Kravets immediately gave birth to twins - a son and a daughter.

An actress, the only woman in the most popular Ukrainian project Kvartal 95, a loving daughter and mother of three children, Elena Kravets has learned to be happy and dreams that her children learn not from the mistakes of their parents, but from their right decisions.

The personal life of Lena Kravets has recently been of interest to many, and this is perhaps natural. Energetic, confident, beautiful, radiating happiness and positivity, she regularly appears on TV screens surrounded by male colleagues. At the same time, she does not hide - not all of her life was done correctly, she still has a feeling of guilt before her daughter, but also gratitude to fate for the fact that everything turned out the way it did.

Mom's upbringing

Lenochka Malyashenko was born on New Year's morning in 1977 and at that time she was considered a late child - mother Nadezhda Fedorovna was already 35, and her father, Yuri Viktorovich, was 38 at all. Lena always speaks about her parents with pleasure and special warmth. Dad worked as a metallurgist - a kind and gentle person who laid in the girl a bright attitude towards the world. Mom, as was customary in the Soviet years, was engaged in raising her daughter, taught the wisdom of social life, conscious humanism, how the right girl should behave: “sewn nylon tights are terrible: either wear trousers, or make sure that the tights do not tear »

Lena never considered herself a special beauty, but the first serious pearl in the life of a teenage girl occurred when she moved to another school. New people, boys, first novels - Nadezhda Fedorovna was always aware of her daughter's life, she taught, guided, advised. And, of course, she protected, as she considered right. Already at the new school, 14-year-old Lena suddenly felt a keen desire to show herself - she took part in school amateur performances and was proud of her success. Then the girl did not yet know what place the scene would take in her adult life.

By the end of school, Lena already dreamed of being an actress, but her mother's rational arguments at that time won out, and she entered the Krivoy Rog Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Economic University, received a diploma in financier-economist.

KVN is destiny

Already in her second year at the institute, Lena Malyashenko, or Malechka, as her colleagues in the quarter still affectionately call her, for the first time took part in the student spring theater and music festival. Then she began to play in the KVN team, however, from another university, got a job working on the radio. Soon Vova Zelensky transferred to the same university, and after a while Lena met a charming student Sergei Kravets, who was also on the KVN team of his institute.

They were interested together, a lot of laughter, conversations, jokes and common work - Lena and Sergey were on the same team

I felt that I was falling in love, and it seemed to me that we were both in the same state, but we were afraid to take the first step.

But the relationship did not develop right away - in May 1997, Sergei confessed his love to Lena and for several months they were filled with almost cloudless happiness. However, short-lived - already in the summer they parted, although they continued to play in the same team. The second round of relations began after a while, when Lena was already a “star”, she performed in the Highest League of KVN with the team “Zaporozhye - Krivoy Rog - Transit”, and Sergey again began to court

I waited after couples, escorted home, invited to concerts and parties. It wasn't that I was pretending to be touchy, but I was really wondering if it was worth stepping into the same river twice.

And yet, she entered. Sergei and Lena began to live together, and in conditions unprecedented at that time - in a separate apartment, the keys to which were given to their daughter by Nadezhda Fedorovna.

Difficult decision

In March 2002, Sergei gave Lena a ring and made an offer, accepting which the girl replied that she would think about it. But when in May she discovered 2 strips on a pregnancy test, there was no more time to think and the guys decided to get married, while the tummy was not yet visible. The wedding took place according to all the rules - the bride in white, about 120 guests, almost 2 thousand dollars were spent - an unthinkable amount at that time.

Pregnancy was easy for 26-year-old Lena Kravets, she continued to perform, go to parties, go on tour. My mother and mother-in-law were nearby, though my husband had already left to conquer Kyiv with Zelensky and the team, and he came home to Krivoy Rog in between work. In February 2003, Lena gave birth to a daughter, who was named Masha, and this girl became the new center of Lena Kravets' Universe.

And again, a twist of fate forced the young mother to make a difficult decision - when Mashenka was only 10 months old, Volodya Zelensky called and invited Lena to Kiev, to become a full-fledged member of the newly formed and rapidly gaining popularity of the Kvarta 95 team. Again, my mother came to the rescue - it was she who persuaded her daughter to leave Masha in Krivoy Rog and go for a dream and self-realization. Despite the fact that Lena visited her daughter regularly, these 8 months were very difficult for her and she still doubts whether she did the right thing by choosing a job and not a child. Masha is already 14 years old, she has been living in Kyiv with her mom and dad for a long time, but Lena visits Lena from time to time with guilt before her, maybe someday this will pass.

I want her vital immunity to be formed under the influence of our right decisions with Serezha, and not mistakes

Twins - double happiness

Life went on as usual, Elena Kravets became an indispensable member of the Kvartal-95 team, working together with her husband was sometimes not easy, as in any normal, and even more so, creative family, there were quarrels, conflicts and reconciliations, but the family remained afloat. Mashenka grew up and became surprisingly similar to her mother.

And again, fate brought a surprise to Lena Kravets - in March 2016, Vladimir Zelensky announced that their only lady did not fly with the team on tour to Israel, because she was expecting a baby. Soon Lena herself confirmed the news of her second pregnancy, and after a while let slip that she would have twins. During pregnancy, the restless Lena slightly retrained - she launched her own line of clothes for pregnant women, OneSize by Lena Kravets, and she herself demonstrated new models.

In August 2016, 39-year-old Elena Kravets gave birth to twins - a boy Vanechka and a girl Katenka. Two months later, Lena returned to work and completely restored her figure. She admits - yes, it’s not easy, if grandmothers helped raise Masha, then it’s difficult to do without nannies with twins. Now with Vanyusha and Katenka, in addition to her mother and mother-in-law, she is supported by two nannies, but Lena is thinking about a third one.

She gave birth to twins - a boy, Vanya, and a girl, Katya. The information was posted on the official page of Elena Kravets. These are the names given to children by happy parents.

If at least something is known about a happy mother, then it is almost impossible to find information about her husband on the Internet ..

Their love story began at the university. They were friends for a long time, but the romance began much later. In one of her interviews, Elena told how she realized that Sergey was her future husband.

“Once I noticed that Seryozha had not appeared at rehearsals for several days. Probably got sick. Mobile phones did not exist then, he did not have a home phone either. Standing at the bus stop, I hesitated for a long time, and then got into a trolley bus and went not to my home, but to him. The door was opened by his mother, Natalia Mikhailovna. "Helen, come in!" I went in, looked around and realized that I would live in this house, - as if an inner bell rang, ”Elena shared.

In 2003, Elena and Sergey got married. The celebration was attended by more than a hundred guests. By the way, the holiday was almost completely paid for by the newlyweds, since by that time they were already making good money on KVN tours. Then in 2003, the couple had a daughter, Masha.

When the Kravets family moved to Kyiv from Krivoy Rog, everything changed. Since that time, Sergey has not performed on stage, but he is one of the creative authors of the studio. He also has an unusual hobby: he has been involved in car racing for quite some time.

It was previously reported that . "OneSize by Lena Kravets" - with this tag you can find things for pregnant women based on the Ukrainian brand InsideU. By the way, clothes are interesting in that they suit women not only during pregnancy, but also harmoniously fit into the wardrobe after childbirth.

Elena Kravets, being pregnant, did not sit still. She was constantly looking for something to do. For example, she attended speed reading courses, tried herself as a designer, starred in a photo shoot, and, perhaps, found herself other things that did not allow her to lose heart on maternity leave. It is worth noting that during pregnancy, Elena showed all her femininity and elegance, which, however, she always lacked. The most important achievement of Elena Kravets, however, was the creation of a clothing line specifically for pregnant and postpartum women. A brand was created on the basis of the Ukrainian brand InsideU. Elena took into account many factors when working on such an important garment. Among other things, she prioritized versatility and comfort. This, you see, is very important for pregnant women.

Today it became known that Elena Kravets gave birth to royal twins - a boy and a girl. The irreplaceable actress of the Kvartal 95 studio became the mother of Vanya and Ekaterina. This is how happy parents named their babies.

By the way, her fans have always shown interest in Elena. And the recent “disappearance” of a favorite from social networks was a shock for them. Everyone began to suspect that the actress had already given birth and therefore did not want publicity. But she has just given birth. Information about a successful birth was confirmed by the press service of Kvartal 95. Both mom and baby are doing great.

The actress is already raising her 13-year-old daughter Masha. Now there are three children in the family.

Recall that during maternity leave,. She is a member of the "League of Laughter" from the team "V.I.P. Ternopil. The roles of Elena were given to her for a short time, while the actress herself will take care of the kids.

We wish the happy mother and her babies health and success. And also to Elena herself, a quick return to Kvartal 95.

Yesterday we reported the good news that the 39-year-old actress of the Kvartal 95 studio. She had a boy and a girl. And now it became known how the actress named her kids.

The news that Elena Kravets was pregnant became sensational, but no one made a secret out of it. The star of "Quarter 95" was even officially replaced for a while, since the pregnancy was not entirely easy. The actress and humorist are already actively congratulated on the replenishment, and it even became known how Elena Kravets named the children.

So they wrote in the official group of Elena Kravets VKontakte. We also join in the congratulations. Recall that in the decree, Elena Kravets also did not sit idle, and even Lena launched her own line of clothes for pregnant women. Therefore, we often saw it in our collection.

As for the birth of the star, the babies were born in one of the maternity hospitals in Kyiv. So far, parents do not report the metric data of the children of Elena Kravets. But now the main thing is that the babies and their mother feel good.

By the way, Elena Kravets gave birth to her first child, daughter Masha, in 2003 at the age of 26. And Lena herself was born by her mother at the age of 35, so there is nothing to be surprised at.

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