Elista is the center of Buddhist culture. Khurul complex "Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni"


Administrative center


210.45 sq. km

If you look at the map of Russia, then the city of Elista is located at a distance of 1250 km. southeast of Moscow in the Southern Federal District between the Black and Caspian Seas. This is the largest city in the Kalmyk Republic, which is also its capital, as well as its economic, political and cultural center.

Features of Elista

The unofficial name of the city sounds like the Buddhist capital of Russia. Some sources have information that the whole of Europe. This is due to the fact that Elista has a large number of different pagodas, Buddha statues and prayer stupas. Even the Dalai Lama himself often visited Kalmyk temples.

Another distinctive feature of the city is chess and all the interesting traditions associated with this sport. They were instilled in the population by the first president of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. To leave a mark on history, a Chess City was erected here, in which a monument to the famous Ostap Bender was erected. Many different sculptures, statues, pedestals and monuments are concentrated in Elista. Each creation is distinguished by its beauty, history, grace, as well as a unique idea. Here you can easily find new European sculptures and Buddhist statues nearby. The city authorities take care of their safety and that they represent a single interesting ensemble.

Thanks to these efforts, the appearance of the city becomes interesting and memorable for both local residents and visiting guests, who never cease to amaze with unusual, and sometimes even funny architecture.

Elista is located in the same time zone as the capital of Russia. The city covers an area of ​​93 square meters and accommodates a population of more than 100 thousand people. There are different peoples and nationalities here. The vast majority of people living in this area are Russians and Kalmyks. There are also several types of religions in this territory, but Buddhism remains the most common.

The capital of Kalmykia has a steppe and sharply continental climate. Therefore, there is little precipitation during the year, and the average temperature over the entire area of ​​the country reaches 8 degrees. Humidity is at the level of 20%, the air is dry. Summer in Elista is very hot and lasts relatively long. When autumn arrives, it starts to rain. During this period, the steppe begins to revive. Winter in the city does not last long. A distinctive feature of this time of the year are the winds that constantly change their direction. With the advent of spring, beautiful blooming tulips cover the entire territory.

History of the capital of Kalmykia

The city takes its name from the word "elst", which is translated from the Kalmyk language as sand. In the 19th century, Emperor Nicholas I issued a new decree. He meant by himself the afforestation of the Kalmyk steppe, which is why people began to move to such an area. Settlements began to be built on the territory of the future Elista. Workers whose task was to plant forests were supposed to live in them. The official date of foundation of Elista is 1865. At that time there were 15 households here. The village began to quickly gain popularity and after a short period of time the biggest fairs were already held here.

After the establishment of Soviet power in 1920, the Kalmyk Autonomous Region was formed. Astrakhan first became its administrative center. But after 5 years, it was decided to move it to Elista. Since 1927, they began to develop a new city plan. It also included the village of the same name, which was originally located here. In 1930, the city of Elista officially appeared on the map of Russia.

The Great Patriotic War left a gloomy mark in the history of the city. German troops occupied the territory from August to December 1942. After the Nazis left the city, only a few buildings remained from it. Almost all of Elista burned down, nothing remained of residential buildings, squares, enterprises and other buildings. Of the surviving and significant for the history of the buildings remained:

  • Exaltation of the Cross Church, the year of construction is subsidized 1897;
  • Red school. The building was erected in 1907.

Both of them have survived to this day and are the 2 oldest buildings in the capital of Kalmykia.

In 1944, Elista was renamed Stepnoy. From that day on, Kalmyk autonomy no longer existed. At this time, the city of Stepnoy became the center of the Stepnovsky district, which territorially belonged to the Stavropol Territory. All the surviving population of Kalmykia expected their sad fate. Some people had to leave for Siberia, the rest - to move to the territory of the Far East. The city fell into decay and there was simply no one to restore it.

This state of affairs lasted until 1957. During this period, the Republic of Kalmykia celebrates its re-creation. The city of Elista began to be restored from the ruins. Soon he began to actively develop in the industrial and cultural direction.

For 20 years, starting from 1960 of the 20th century, a railway line was created here, which connected the city with the village of Divnoye. In this time period, the city built such important facilities as:

  • airport;
  • university;
  • National Library;
  • theater.

The city began not only to develop its infrastructure and succeed in construction, but also to be filled spiritually. Since 1988, Buddhist communities have been registered in Elista. This became favorable material for temples, monasteries, Buddhist schools to appear in the city. The period can be safely described as the spiritual revival of Elista and the Kalmyk Republic.

The size and composition of the population of Elista

The first statistical data from the moment of its foundation on the population of the Russian city appeared back in 1880. At that time, 331 people were registered in the village of Elista. Over time, the settlement began to steadily grow and develop actively. Already after 8 years, the number of people who originally lived here was 3 times higher.

The city marked the mark of 10,000 people in the 30s of the 20th century. In 1973, official smog data put the figure at 50,000 inhabitants in the capital of Kalmykia. The reason for the jump can be explained by the fact that people began to return to their land in the post-war period. Industry began to develop here, factories and various enterprises opened, which prompted people from nearby villages, villages and small towns to move to permanent residence in the capital of Kalmykia. And already in 1980, the number of people permanently residing in the territory of Elista exceeded the mark of 100,000 people. The high rate of population growth is due to the right course of development, which began to rapidly gain momentum.

The latest up-to-date data was provided as of January 1, 2017. On this date, the official figure of more than 103 thousand people was named in the city. So, according to statistics, Elista ranks 166th in the country's ranking in terms of population. To date, this is the only place in Kalmykia where more than one hundred thousand people live.

Data on the composition of the nation in this city has been collected since the beginning of 1939, and not since its founding. The facts show that at that time only a little more than seventeen thousand people lived here. The predominant number of local residents were Russian people. There were about 13 thousand of them or 75% of the total number of living people. The second place was occupied by the indigenous people, who were called Kalmyks, made up only 20%. The remaining 5% of the inhabitants consisted of such peoples as:

  • Ukrainians;
  • Armenians;
  • Kazakhs.

With the rapid growth of the population of the city, the percentage composition of the nation begins to change. In 2010, the number of more than 103 thousand people is already mentioned here. According to the facts lives here:

  • 65% or more than 68 thousand Kalmyks;
  • 25% or less than 26 thousand Russians;
  • 10% of other nationalities. The overwhelming majority remained with the Ukrainians, Kazakhs and Armenians.

Curiously, information about Elista confirms that in 2010, 309 gypsies were officially registered in the city.

One of the most significant and terrible events in the history of the city is the massive HIV infection that occurred among local residents.

Elista is small, but despite this, various research institutes are open here, as well as higher educational institutions, specialized colleges and technical schools. Today, in different parts of the city, 6 branches, which belong to universities of the federal level, operate at full strength. The Kalmyk State University was opened. There are more than 20 schools and various gymnasiums in the city. Facts about Elista say that Buddhism, traditions and chess have a great influence on the cultural development of the city.

Distinctive features. The lands of Kalmykia have seen a lot. At different times, Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Tatars, Nogais lived here. The Kalmyks themselves arrived here from Central Asia around the middle of the 17th century. And although, having settled on Russian lands, they swore allegiance to the Russian Tsar, they still founded their Kalmyk Khanate. In fairness, it should be noted that the Kalmyks reliably defended the southern borders of Russia from all sorts of adversaries.

What is interesting about Kalmykia? First of all, its unique culture. Kalmyks are the only people in Europe who profess Buddhism. This religion had a huge impact on local architecture, where we can see buildings that are more typical for China or Japan, and not for the southern Russian lands. There are 27 temple-monasteries (khuruls) on the territory of Kalmykia, the largest of which is located in Elista. Almost all of them are new buildings, since the ancient khuruls were destroyed in the 20-30s of the last century.

Kalmykia is a predominantly agrarian republic. The share of industry in the economy does not exceed 4%. In addition to agriculture, transport, trade, and tourism are developing here. Of the curiosities, one can recall the attempt of the President of Kalmykia, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, to turn Elista into the world chess capital, but this goal remained a good intention, but the Kalmyk capital acquired its own chess palace.

Geographic location. Kalmykia is located in the south of the European part of Russia, on the northwestern coast of the Caspian Sea. In the south, it borders on Dagestan and the Stavropol Territory, in the west - on the Rostov and Volgograd regions, in the northeast - on the Astrakhan region. It is part of the Southern Federal District.

Almost the entire territory of Kalmykia is covered with plains. Most of it is occupied by the Caspian lowland, and in the west is the Kumo-Manych depression. A unique antelope lives in the Kalmyk reserves - the saiga, which has survived in Russia only on the territory of Kalmykia and the Astrakhan region.

The Volga flows through the territory of Kalmykia from large rivers. There are very few lakes (except for the world's largest lake - the Caspian Sea). The main sources of fresh water are concentrated on the border with the Stavropol Territory. First of all, this is the Chogray reservoir.

Population. 284140 people live in Kalmykia. It just so happened that the local population - the Kalmyks - were a nomadic people, and in order to accustom this people to settled life and create permanent settlements in Kalmykia, the tsarist government actively stimulated migration to Kalmykia from the southern Russian provinces. The deportation of Kalmyks in 1943 also had a great influence on the demographic situation in Kalmykia. True, already in 1956 the Kalmyks were rehabilitated and they were allowed to return to their homeland.

Lagan. Buddhist temple - khurul. Photo by alaudo (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/alaudo/)

According to the national composition, 56.22% of the population are Kalmyks, 29.61% are Russians. In third place in terms of numbers are the Dargins, one of the peoples of Dagestan (2.62%). In the capital Elista, the share of Kalmyks is slightly higher - 63.3%.

Crime. The Republic of Kalmykia ranks 58th in the criminal rating of regions. The situation here is calm, and the crime rate has not changed for many years. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the bulk of the local population professes Buddhism? And, as you know, Buddhism encourages the rejection of desires, especially those that can harm other beings ...

Unemployment rate in Kalmykia - one of the highest in Russia - 13.11%. This is partly due to the extremely weak development of the Kalmyk industry. As for salaries, their level in Kalmykia is also low - 14,899 rubles. The situation is more or less favorable only in the sphere of public administration and in the fuel and energy complex, where the average salary is already twice as high.

Abandoned fishing boats near Lagan. Photo by ant-arkhipov (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/ant-arkhipov/)

Real estate value. The housing market in Elista is surprising in that here you can find a variety of price offers for any wallet size. So, for 1 million rubles you can find both a one-room apartment and a three-room apartment. If you are interested in renting, then you can rent a decent apartment for 10-15 thousand rubles a month.

Climate Kalmykia is sharply continental. The average January temperature is −9°С. In summer, in the hottest month of July, the average temperature reaches +25°C, and the peak temperature reaches forty degrees above zero. Droughts and dry winds are frequent in this region. This requires constant irrigation of agricultural land, which is not so easy, given the widespread shortage of fresh water. The annual amount of precipitation in the republic is 250-300 mm.

Due to frequent and strong winds in Kalmykia, the direction of wind energy is promising, but it is not being implemented at the moment.

The Caspian Sea off the coast of Kalmykia is quite warm. In summer it warms up to +26°. You can swim in it from May until the end of September. Fishing and water sports are considered one of the promising areas of tourism in Kalmykia.

Cities of the Republic of Kalmykia

The pink lotus has become a lure for tourists coming to Kalmykia. Photo by olegmozg (http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/olegmozg/)

Trinity- a village with a population of 12.3 thousand people. Founded in 1862 by settlers from the Voronezh province. Now people of various nationalities live in Troitsky - Russians, Kalmyks, Germans, Ukrainians, etc. Of the industries, only food industry enterprises can be noted. Of the sights - the traditional khurul for Kalmykia and a monument to the victims of deportation.

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The meaning of the word Kalmykia

Kalmykia in the crossword dictionary


Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


KALMYKIA (Republic of Kalmykia - Khalmg Tangch) in the Russian Federation. 76.1 thousand km2. The population is 322 thousand people (1993), urban 46%. The main population is Kalmyks (over 146 thousand people; census, 1989), Russians (122 thousand people) and others. 3 cities, 6 urban-type settlements (1991). The capital is Elista. It is located in the western part of the Caspian lowland. In the southeast it is washed by the Caspian m. The average January temperatures are from? 5 to? 8 ° С, July 23-26 ° С. Precipitation is 170-400 mm per year. The territory of Kalmykia was settled by Kalmyks in the 17th century, from the 2nd half. 17th century until 1771 Kalmyk Khanate. In the 17-18 centuries. all uluses entered the Russian Empire. Soviet power was established in February - March 1918. On November 4, 1920, the Kalmyk Autonomous Okrug was formed (until 1927 the center was Astrakhan). 10/20/1935 was transformed into the Kalmyk ASSR. During the Great Patriotic War, it was subjected to Nazi occupation (December 1942 - January 1943). In 1943, the autonomy of the Kalmyks was abolished, and the population was forcibly evicted. On January 9, 1957, the autonomy of the Kalmyks was restored (until July 29, 1958, Kalmyk Autonomous Okrug). In October 1990, the Supreme Soviet of the Republic adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Kalmykia. In September 1991, the post of president was introduced in the republic. Since February 1992, the new name is the Republic of Kalmykia, Khalmg Tangch. Industry for the processing of agricultural raw materials (meat and dairy, canning, fish), light. Mechanical engineering and metalworking; production of building materials. Extraction of natural gas, oil. Fine-wool sheep breeding and beef cattle breeding. Crops of wheat, barley, fodder crops. Irrigated agriculture is developing.


Republic of Kalmykia- republic, subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Southern Federal District. The capital and largest city of the republic is Elista. It borders on the Republic of Dagestan in the south, on the Stavropol Territory in the southwest, on the Rostov Region in the west, on the Volgograd Region in the northwest, and on the Astrakhan Region in the east.

Kalmykia (disambiguation)


  • Kalmykia is a republic within the Russian Federation.
  • Kalmykia is a minor planet (2287 Kalmykia).
  • Kalmyk Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic
  • "Kalmykia" - Project 1331M small anti-submarine ship

Kalmykia (TV and radio company)

Federal State Unitary Enterprise VGTRK STRC "Kalmykia"- branch of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, broadcasting in the Republic of Kalmykia and beyond.

Examples of the use of the word Kalmykia in the literature.

If Ilyumzhinov's inner circle were a little smarter, Kalmykia would thunder in the country in a completely different way.

One of the twin brothers who fought in the Brest Fortress, Nikolai Ispolatov, a Leningrad teacher, Brest foreman Mikhail Ignatyuk, Sos Nurijanyan from Yerevan, Andrei Kastryulin from Azerbaijan, Nikolai Sanzhiev from Kalmykia and some others.

Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Ossetia, Chechnya, Kaliningrad region, Tuva, Buryatia, Kalmykia and others.

He traveled a lot Kalmykia, and never once did he have an evil feeling towards the Kalmyks, only a keen interest in their way of life and customs.

Caspian, Aral, Black Sea steppes, Black Earth in Kalmykia, Semirechye and other areas of permanent nomadism of the steppes.

Southern Federal District. Republic of Kalmykia. The area is 74.7 thousand square kilometers. Formed on November 4, 1920.
The administrative center of the federal district - city ​​of Elista.

Cities of the Republic of Kalmykia: Gorodovikovsk, Lagan.

Republic of Kalmykia- a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Southern Federal District, located in the extreme southeast of the European part of Russia.

Republic of Kalmykia part of the Volga economic region. The most important component of the economy of the Republic of Kalmykia is the agro-industrial complex. The basis of the agricultural sector of the economy of the Republic is animal husbandry. Main directions: beef cattle breeding, meat and fine-wool sheep breeding, cattle breeding. Livestock production accounts for 80% of all agricultural products.
The industry of Kalmykia is poorly developed. The industries associated with the processing of agricultural products are mainly represented: light and food, as well as the mining (oil and gas) industry, and the production of building materials. The bowels of the republic contain deposits of oil, combustible gas, salt, building materials. In addition, on the territory of Kalmykia there are layers containing uranium-phosphorus ores. There is a shortage of fresh water.

Formed November 4, 1920 as an autonomous region. On October 20, 1935 it was transformed into the ASSR. In 1943 the Kalmyk ASSR was abolished, and in 1957 it was restored as an autonomous region. From July 29, 1958 Kalmyk ASSR. Since 1990 Republic of Kalmykia.

Cities and districts of the Republic of Kalmykia.

Cities of the Republic of Kalmykia: Gorodovikovsk, Lagan.

Urban districts of the Republic of Kalmykia:"City of Elista".

Municipal areas - Administrative center: Gorodovikovskiy district - Gorodovikovsk city; Iki-Burul district - Iki-Burul settlement; Lagansky district - Lagan city; Maloderbetovsky district - with. Small Derbets; Oktyabrsky district - the village of Bolshoy Tsaryn; Ketchenerovsky district - the village of Ketchenery; Priyutnensky district - with. Shelter; Sarpinsky district - with. Garden; Tselinny district - with. Trinity; Chernozemelsky district - Komsomolsky village; Yustinsky district - Tsagan-Aman settlement; Yashalty district - with. Yashalta; Yashkul district - Yashkul settlement.

In the west - with the Rostov region.


The saiga population ranges from 270,000 to 400,000 heads

The territory of the republic is located in the semi-desert zone, a characteristic feature of which is the completeness of the vegetation cover, which manifests itself in a combination of steppe and desert areas, and is the most treeless region of the Russian Federation.

History of Kalmykia

After the end of the Civil War, the Kalmyks who participated in the white movement emigrated to Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, France and some other countries. In Russia, on November 4, the Kalmyk Autonomous Okrug was created, transformed on October 20 into the ASSR.

In December 1943, the Kalmyks were subjected to repressions and deported to the regions of Siberia: Altai, Krasnoyarsk Territories, Tomsk, Omsk Regions. More than a third of the people died during the repressions.

After the liquidation of the Kalmyk autonomy and the expulsion of the entire Kalmyk people to the regions of Siberia in 1943, an unspoken ban was imposed on the study of Kalmyk history. References to the Kalmyks were removed from encyclopedias and even art books. And in academic circles, a new people was "invented" - the Oirats. The history of the Kalmyks was artificially divided into the history of the Oirats and the history of the Kalmyks. Although both of these names - "Kalmyks" and "Oirats" are the names of the same people, the first name is of Turkic, and the second is of Mongolian origin.

The autonomous republic was abolished, and after the rehabilitation of the people, it was partially recreated first on January 9 as an autonomous region, and then on July 29 as an ASSR. A declaration was adopted on sovereignty and the transformation of Kalmykia into a union republic (SSR). Adopted in the "Steppe Code", named so in memory of the "constitution" of the Dzungar Khanate, recognized the republic as a subject and an integral part of the Russian Federation, while declaring continuity along the line of the Dzungar Khanate - the Republic of Kalmykia.


  • Population: 285.5 thousand people ()


Name Administrative significance population
Elista Capital of the Republic 109,3
Lagan Regional center of Lagansky district 14,1
Trinity Regional center of Tselinny district 10,3
Gorodovikovsk Regional center of Gorodovikovskiy district 9,8
Yashkul District center of Yashkul district 7,4(2003)
Garden Regional center of Sarpinsky district 5,9(2003)
Small Derbets Regional center of Maloderbetovsky district 5,8(2003)
Tsagan-Aman Regional center of Yustinsky district 5,9(2003)
Big Tsaryn Regional center of Oktyabrsky district 5,1(2003)
Shelter Regional center of Priyutninsky district 5,8(2003)
Yashalta Regional center of the Yashalty district 4,85

Administrative division

The republic consists of 13 administrative districts and 102 village councils, 4 cities. Wikipedia features 13 stub articles about regions of Kalmykia

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