Amy Winehouse - biography, information, personal life. Biography of Amy Winehouse: the genius of our generation The terrible diagnosis and cancellation of the tour

Amy Winehouse is a British jazz, soul and reggae singer. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the first and only British singer to win five Grammy statuettes.

Childhood and youth

Amy Jade Winehouse was born in 1983 in London to a Jewish family of Russian origin. His father worked as a taxi driver, and his mother worked as a pharmacist. Amy has a brother, Alex, who is three years older than her sister. In 1993, Winehouse's parents divorced.

The whole family lived for music, in particular jazz. Mom's brothers were professional jazz musicians, and Amy's paternal grandmother dated the legendary Ronnie Scott and was a jazz singer herself. Amy loved her very much and even got her grandmother's name tattooed on her arm (Cynthia).

Amy Winehouse attended Ashmole School, where her classmates were Dan Gillespie Sells ("The Feeling") and Rachel Stephens ("S Club 7"). And already at the age of 10, the girl organized, together with her friend Juliette Ashby, a rap group called Sweet "n" Sour.

In 1995, the schoolgirl entered the Sylvia Young Theater Studio, but after a couple of years she was expelled for bad behavior. At school, along with other students, Amy managed to get into an episode of "The Fast Show" in 1997.

In the same year, the young artist had already written her first songs, but the success was not cloudless: at the age of 14, Amy tried drugs for the first time. A year later, she began working in a jazz group. At the time, her boyfriend, soul singer Tyler James, helped her sign her first contract with EMI. The singer spent her first check on the group The Dap-Kings, which accompanied her in the studio, after which the same group went on tour with the artist.

Musical career

Amy Winehouse's first album Frank was released in the fall of 2003. The producer was Salaam Remy. Critics greeted the album warmly and even compared Amy to Macy Gray, Sera Wars and Billie Holiday. The debut was certified triple platinum by the British Phonographic Industry. However, the artist herself was dissatisfied with the result, saying that she considers the album only 80% of her own and the label included songs that the artist did not like.

Amy Winehouse - Stronger Than Me (from debut album "Frank")

Amy continued to develop, and in the second album "Back to Black", released in 2006, she added jazz motifs that were inspired by female pop music groups of the 50s and 60s. The producers were Salaam Remy and Mark Ronson, who helped promote the tracks on the East Village Radio radio show. "Back to Black" took seventh place on the Billboard chart, and in the homeland of the singer, the album was certified five times platinum and declared the best-selling record of 2007.

The first single "Rehab" received the Ivor Novello award in the spring of 2007: it was recognized as the best contemporary song.

Amy Winehouse

However, drugs again accompanied success: in the summer of the same year, Amy canceled concerts in the USA and Britain, citing deteriorating health. Images appeared in the media showing that the singer was taking illegal psychoactive substances. Also, the press often got pictures in which Amy fights with her husband Blake.

Amy's father said that "now it's not far from the tragic denouement," and the singer's representatives said that the paparazzi, who make Amy's life unbearable, are to blame for everything. In the fall of 2007, Winehouse's relatives urged fans to abandon the artist's work until she and her husband give up doping.

Amy (documentary)

In November, a DVD called "I Told You I Was Trouble" appeared with a recording of a concert in London and a documentary about the performer.

At the same time, Amy was already working on recording vocals for the song "Valerie" from the solo album "Version" by Mark Ronson. The singer recorded a joint composition with Mutya Buena, an ex-member of the Sugababes. At the end of 2007, Winehouse took 2nd place in the list of "the most badly dressed women", losing to Victoria Beckham.

Amy Winehouse - "Valerie" (Live)

The company "Island Records" said that it is ready to terminate the contract with the singer if she does not deal with her problems. And in early 2008, Amy Winehouse began to undergo a rehabilitation course - at the Caribbean villa of Bryan Adams. At this time, the popularity of the album "Back to Black" was gaining momentum. The record brought Amy 5 Grammys in 2008.

Amy Winehouse - "Back To Black"

In April, the singer announced the start of work on the theme song for the James Bond film Quantum of Solace, starring Daniel Craig. But a little later, the producer said that work on the composition was stopped, because Amy had "other plans."

On June 12, 2008, Amy Winehouse gave the only concert in Russia - she opened the Garage Center for Contemporary Culture. Some time after that, the singer was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of emphysema.

Amy Winehouse at the Grammy Music Awards

In June 2011, the artist canceled her European tour after a scandal in Belgrade. Then Amy went on stage to 20 thousand spectators, stayed there for more than an hour, but did not sing. The girl greeted the audience, spoke with the musicians, stumbled, but starting to sing, she forgot the words, and eventually left to the whistle of the audience.

Amy Winehouse's personal life

In 2007, Amy married Blake Fielder-Civil. The relationship between them was not easy: the couple drank alcohol and drugs together, often came to assault even in public.

Blake received a seven-month sentence in 2008 for assaulting a bystander. At this time, divorce proceedings began between Amy and Blake, and in 2009 the couple divorced.


On July 23, 2011, Amy Winehouse was found dead in her London apartment. Until the end of 2011, they could not find out the cause of death. Preliminary versions - a drug overdose and suicide, but the police did not find illegal drugs in the house. Amy's father stated that death could have been due to a heart attack caused by alcohol detox.

On July 26, 2011, the artist was cremated at Golders Green. Amy was buried next to her grandmother in the Jewish cemetery of Edzhuerbury Lane. Blake Fielder-Civil was not allowed to attend the funeral from prison.

Amy Winehouse was a difficult child. She was expelled from both regular and theater school.
The reason was rude behavior, flamboyant appearance, singing in class, academic failure and - drugs. Amy wasn't worried. She planned to become a singer, and if it didn’t work out, a waitress. Together with her friend, she came up with the duet Sweet "n" Source, the girls came up with songs in the style of r "n" b.

The only one in the family who understood Amy Winehouse was her grandmother. She took her granddaughter for the first time in her life to a tattoo parlor, drank beer with her on the porch of the house and listened to her songs.
Once in a nightclub, Amy Winehouse met singer Tyler James. They began an affair, and, thanks to her boyfriend, Winehouse signed a contract with the EMI studio. In 2003, the singer released her first album, Frank, named after the favorite artist of the singer's father, Frank Sinatra. Despite the fact that the record was well received and received good reviews, Amy Winehouse was dissatisfied with her work.

The next album, Back to Black, went 5x platinum in Amy's home country, the UK. Amy climbed the corporate ladder and fell into the abyss due to drug addiction and alcoholism. Critics, fans, colleagues note not just Winehouse's talent - she is a genius and speaks a new word in the world of pop music. But the habits and lifestyle of the singer literally destroy her. When Amy is not performing or working in the studio, she is in hospitals.

bad habits

In August 2007, she canceled all her US and UK shows due to health reasons. Together with her husband Blake Fielder-Civil, she went to a rehabilitation clinic, but after five days she left. Amy's parents blamed her husband, a slacker musician, for everything. And his relatives suggested that fans of Amy Winehouse boycotted her work until the couple "parted with bad habits."

At the 50th Grammy Awards, Amy Winehouse won five nominations at once. The singer was denied a visa to the United States, and she delivered her speech using a television broadcast. Some time later, Amy began a new rehab course at the Caribbean villa of Canadian singer Bryan Adams. But after a while, the singer ended up in the hospital. She was diagnosed with emphysema.

Amy Winehouse - personal life

With her future husband, Blake Fielder-Sibyl, Amy met in one of the London pubs. Two years later, the couple got married.

In July 2008, Amy Winehouse's husband was sentenced to 27 months in prison for assaulting a pub owner in Hoxton. While in prison, Fielder began divorce proceedings. After leaving prison, the now ex-husband of Winehouse began to demand six million dollars from her, believing that part of her fortune rightfully belongs to him and that it was he who inspired his wife to write the Back to Black album.

But as you know, the dear ones scold - they only amuse themselves. Former spouses again began to appear together at parties and, according to rumors, planned to remarry. Finally, the couple broke up completely, Amy Winehouse plunged into new novels.

After the breakup, Amy Winehouse bought a bigger house in Camden than they had before. Probably, Amy Winehouse was going to create a full-fledged family with offspring.

On July 23, 2011, 27-year-old Amy Winehouse was found dead at her home in north London. The cause of death was a lethal dose of drugs.

Exactly one year ago, a legend left this world. A performer who, without exaggeration, is called a cult person of modern music and put on a par with such great names as Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison and Kurt Cobain. Her name has long become a household name, synonymous with talent and skill. The owner of the most prestigious music awards, including 6 Grammy awards, one of which was awarded posthumously. The performer, whose 3 albums have scattered around the world with a circulation of more than 20 million copies. Today we remember one of the most amazing voices in the history of music - Amy Winehouse.

Amy Jade Winehouse was born on September 14, 1983 in South London. Her father, Mitch Winehouse, is a former taxi driver whose secret passion was jazz music. It was from his filing that young Amy became interested in soul and blues. Winehouse's mother, Janice Winehouse is a former pharmacist. An interesting fact: many of Amy's maternal relatives were somehow connected with jazz music. It is also known for certain that Amy Winehouse's mother has Russian roots. When Amy turned 9, her grandmother, a famous soul singer in the past, insisted that the girl study at a prestigious art school called “Susi Earnshaw Theater School”, it was there, according to Cynthia Winehouse, that the baby could fully reveal her unique talent. Amy attended school for 4 years, during which time the girl has grown noticeably vocally. With the help of classmate and childhood friend Juliette Ashby, she even created her first musical group, Sweet-and-Sour. Oddly enough, the musical direction of this group was close to hip-hop.

At the age of 13, Amy was given her first guitar. Since then, she has practically never parted with her favorite musical instrument. As close singers would later say: “Amy worked on her songs almost daily, this became her favorite pastime.” The girl called Sarah Vaughn and Dina Washington her main inspiration. It was these two iconic jazz performers who most shaped the musical style of the future soul diva, ranging from blue-side soul to jazz funk. Amy performed a lot with several local bands at once, but never seriously thought about signing a contract with any recording studio. As is often the case, Winehouse's career began by chance. Her ex-boyfriend, R&B artist Tyler James, sent a cassette of Amy's demos to one of the well-known production centers, and within a few months Winehouse signed a contract with Island Records.

Her debut album was released on October 20, 2003. The album's lead single was "Stronger Than Me".

Despite a modest commercial success, the song became a real hit among connoisseurs of good music. The composition was also accompanied by an excellent b-side, the song "What It Is".

Much more successful was the second single, the track "Take The Box".

But the double-single turned out to be a real breakthrough, combining some of the brightest compositions of the entire album, the songs “In My Bed” and “You Sent Me Flying”.

Unfortunately, no music video was made for the last composition, but this did not prevent its distribution among music lovers around the world. Music critics have commented that "You Sent Me Flying" must be one of the most emotional and personal songs of the last musical decade. The successful experience of releasing a double single inspired Amy and after a few months she again simultaneously presented two of her songs to the public at once.

“Fuck Me Pumps”

"Help Yourself"

In addition to the official singles, several songs from the tracklist of the album “Frank” got into the radio rotation at once.

“Know You Now”

“Love Is Blind”

“There Is No Greater Love”

Taking advantage of the release of her debut album, Amy staged a small trebut to her favorite performer, the aforementioned Sarah Vaughn. The motif and lyrics of the composition “October Song” directly refer us to the main hit of the black legend, the song “Lullaby Of Birdland”.

And, of course, it is impossible not to mention the song “Amy Amy Amy”. Stylish, bright and bewitching, she has become one of the main favorites for all admirers of Amy's talent.

The next album from Winehouse took three whole years to wait. But, as you know, creating high-quality music requires huge resources, including temporary ones. This time, three people took part in the work on the album: the producer of the first album Salaam Remi, Mark Ronson and Amy herself. No one doubted that the trinity of genius would record an excellent album, but what the listener received as a result changed the entire global music industry ...

The album's lead single "Back to Black", a song called "Rehab" introduced the listener to a completely different Amy. Now the girl has officially recognized the presence of addictions, and, it seems, she even laughs at how actively the press discusses this. The music video for this track has been widely distributed on YouTube video hosting and currently has over 35 million views!

The second single from the album was "You Know I'm No Good". It's not hard to guess that just like "Rehab", this song was autobiographical in nature.

The relationship between Amy and her boyfriend, the unemployed Blake Civil, has become a favorite topic for all secular journalists. They gladly placed photographs of a regularly drunk, and often beaten (by each other) couple on the front pages of their newspapers, but Winehouse did not care much, she simply enjoyed the company of her unintelligent young man. It is worth noting that despite the scandals and fights of Amy and Blake, there were good moments, which, in other respects, the press did not like to mention.

The third single was the song, which to this day is the hallmark of Winehouse. The composition “Back to Black”, as well as the subsequent music video shot in support of it, will be called prophetic a few years later, in that very black and white clip Amy is at the head of the funeral procession, and the last seconds the viewer realizes that the singer herself is in the grave. At the moment, the number of views of this video is approaching 30 million.

The fourth single from the incredibly successful album was "Tears Dry On Their Own". The music video of the same name was directed by acclaimed photographer and artist David La Chapelle.

Gradually, Amy's sloppy image became a trend. And the hairstyle, which many people used to only laugh at, turned out to be the most desirable for all English fashionistas.

The final single of the album "Back to Black" was the song "Love Is a Losing Game". In her support, a simple but very soulful video clip was shot, mostly made up of recordings that previously belonged to the singer's personal video archive.

One of the most personal songs on the second album was "Wake Up Alone". Amy often cried while singing this song. Only now do we understand that these were tears from the realization of our total loneliness.

In the deluxe edition of the album “Back to Black” there was also something for the lover of quality music. Below are the three most interesting (in our opinion) compositions of the extended edition of the disc.

Monkey Man

“To Know Him Is To Love Him”

Now a little about the success of the album. Most music critics in the US and the UK awarded the record the highest score. With the anniversary, 50th Grammy ceremony, Winehouse took with her as many as 5 figurines ("Best Pop Album", "Best New Artist", "Song of the Year", "Record of the Year" and "Best Female Pop Song Performance" for "Rehab"). "Back to Black" was number one in 17 countries, going 8x platinum in Europe and the UK, 2x platinum in the US and the same in Russia! The disc continues to be one of the best-selling female albums in UK history, second only to Adele and her genius 21.

Unfortunately, “Back to Black” was Amy's last album released during her lifetime. It is impossible to overestimate its significance for modern music, and more importantly, for soul vocalists, who were considered "unformatted" until the release of Winehouse's second album. Amy's incredible popularity paved the way for a galaxy of talented performers, including Duffy, Adele, Paloma Faith, Gabriella Chilmi, Corinne Bailey Ray, Pixie Lott and many others. Since mid-2007, it has been repeatedly reported that Amy is working on new material. At the beginning of 2011, the singer's management announced that the singer's third album was completely ready for release and the date of its release depended solely on Amy. But the dreams of millions of fans were not destined to come true. The tragic news of the sudden death of their beloved shocked the world on July 23, 2011. Thousands of fans around the world decided in those difficult days to honor the memory of the great singer. Russia is no exception. On July 30, Russian admirers of Winehouse's talent gathered at the British Embassy, ​​laid flowers and put up posters with the image of an idol.

Amy's posthumous album, Lioness: Hidden Treasures, was officially released on December 2, 2011. Despite the fact that half of the material present on the album is demo recordings of previously known songs, the disc easily managed to become "platinum" in 12 countries (in the UK, it won this status as many as 2 times).

The lead single of the posthumous album was "Body & Soul", performed in collaboration with the legend of the jazz scene, Mr. Tony Bennett.

The composition was appreciated by critics and even received a Grammy statuette in the Best Duet category. A perfect end to the career of one of the best performers of our time.

Amy Winehouse is the sad genius of our generation. She lived her short life under the motto "Live Fast, Die Young". Despite all her grandiose merits and achievements, which would be more than enough for several performers, she remained meek and simple to the end. She had many addictions, but only one turned out to be fatal - love. Amy divided her heart into two equal parts, giving the first one to her, if not ideal, but until the last days, beloved person, and investing the second in great songs. Her work is a lifetime. A real outlet for millions of young people and girls who have known the joys and sorrows of true love. It was hard to call Amy a beauty, but neither the guys nor the girls could resist the inhuman charm that this sweet and always a little sad girl radiated. There are no words that can express the grief that Amy's fans experienced, having lost their main friend, mentor and the very vest in which you could cry when you became unbearably sick. Amy lived an impossibly short, but insanely vibrant life, leaving behind a gigantic cultural legacy that fit in just three albums. It is said that great people do not live long, quickly igniting and burning quickly ... Well, this statement is quite applicable to Amy, with one exception: Winehouse was a real torch, the light of which will light the way for another generation!

Amy Jade Winehouse is an English soul, jazz and rnb singer-songwriter. Winner of numerous awards including Grammy, Brit Awards and Ivor Novello. In 2009, she was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as having won the most Grammy awards among British performers. She died on July 23, 2011 at her home in Camden from alcohol poisoning at the age of 27.

Amy was born on September 14, 1983 in London, England, UK to a Jewish-English family. Her father was a taxi driver and her mother a pharmacist. Although they had nothing to do with music, among Amy's relatives, especially on her mother's side, there were many professional jazz musicians, and her paternal grandmother liked to recall a youthful affair with British jazz legend Ronnie Scott. Parents also contributed to the education of her musical tastes, collecting records of Dinah Washington (Dinah Washington), Ella Fitzgerald (Ella Fitzgerald), Frank Sinatra (Frank Sinatra) and other great artists.

The pop music period ( , etc.) ended for Amy at the age of ten, when she discovered Salt 'N' Pepa, and other rebellious hip-hop and bands. At the age of 11, the hyperactive Amy was already at the head of her own rap team, which she called Sweet 'n' Sour and described as a Jewish version of Salt'n'Pepa. At the age of 12, the young talent entered the Sylvia Young Theater School, but a year later she was expelled due to the fact that she supposedly "did not show herself." From the age of 13, Amy Winehouse played the guitar and rapidly expanded her musical horizons, listening to a wide variety of music, mainly modern jazz and hip-hop, and soon began to compose and record her own songs.

Big show business opened Amy Winehouse in 2000, when she was only 16 years old. Through the efforts of her fellow pop singer Tyler James, her demos ended up in the hands of Island/Universal managers who were looking for young jazz vocalists. She immediately signed a contract and began performing as a professional singer.

But before the appearance of the debut album was still far away. More than three years passed before, at the end of 2003, Amy Winehouse presented her first studio disc "Frank", for which she wrote most of the material. As Felix Howard, Amy's main collaborator during the debut period, recalled, when he first heard her recordings, he was speechless. “It was like nothing else, I had never heard anything like it,” he admitted. - She managed to scare even worldly-wise jazz musicians. Very serious performers participated in the sessions. And when she began to sing, all they could say was, “Lord Jesus!”

Most of all, colleagues were shocked by Amy's very frank texts, dedicated mainly to her boyfriend, with whom she had recently broken up. But not only to him. Let's say the track "" is a story about 20-year-old girls who hang around crappy clubs, dreaming of picking up a rich groom. And in the song "What Is It About Men?" Amy is trying to figure out the nature of her father and the reasons for his inconstancy in family life (at one time she was very worried about her parents' divorce).

The record was produced by keyboardist and hip-hop producer Salaam Remy. Jazz harmonies fused with elements of soul, pop music, rhythm and blues and hip-hop, sensual and ironic performance, great vocals, in which critics heard the resemblance to Nina Simone and Billie Holiday (eng. ), Sarah Vaughan (English) and Macy Gray (English), - all this immediately attracted close attention of the music industry to Amy Winehouse. Ordinary music lovers swayed longer. The sales curve crept up only after Winehouse's name was among the nominees for the Brit Awards and the Mercury Music Prize, and at the Ivor Novello Awards, the award for British composers, she won the award for the best contemporary song - for the first single "Stronger Than Me" , written by her together with Salaam Remy. In the summer of 2004, Amy Winehouse was lavishly applauded by audiences at Glastonbury, Jazzworld and V Festival. By this time, the album "Frank" managed to visit the top of the British charts and was awarded a platinum certificate.

In an interview of this period, Winehouse constantly emphasized that her debut album was only 80% her merit, because at the insistence of the label, some songs and mixes that she absolutely did not like got on the disc. She was not completely satisfied with the arrangements either, so later, after the release of her second album, she admitted: “I can’t even listen to Frank now, yes, in general, I didn’t like him before. I never listened to it from start to finish. I only like to perform songs in concert, but it's not like listening to the studio version at all.

Amy Winehouse is quickly becoming one of the favorite characters in the tabloids. Of course, not her music, and even the non-provocative lyrics are to blame. Alcohol and drugs, scandalous antics during the tour, obscene jokes, inappropriate behavior, insulting fans - the journalists had something to profit from. The Independent assured readers that Amy was suffering from a manic-depressive illness but did not want to take medication. The artist herself admitted that she had problems with her appetite - “a little bit of anorexia, a little bit of bulimia”, called herself “more of a man than a woman, but not a lesbian”, claimed that all her managers are idiots, marketing is no good, and the promotion of the debut album was terrible.

The more actively the artist played tricks in real life, the worse creative things went, that is, in fact, they didn’t go at all. Recording bosses waited a long time for new songs from Amy, until in the end they offered her to undergo treatment for alcoholism and take a job. Amy Winehouse categorically refused the rehabilitation clinic, and instead of being treated, she sat down to write songs. About why she does not want to give herself into the hands of doctors, her new composition “”, the first swallow on the eve of the next studio album, told. Amy always said that once she started writing, you couldn't stop her. I just had to be patient and wait for that moment. At this time, DJ and multi-instrumentalist Mark Ronson (eng.), known for his production work with Robbie Williams (eng. Robby Williams) and Christina Aguilera (eng.), very conveniently appeared in her life. Amy cited him as the main inspiration for the second album.

The second album, unlike the debut, permeated with jazz harmonies, returned to the era of the 50s and 60s, drawing inspiration from the then soul, rhythm and blues, rock and roll and the work of female pop groups, in particular the ensemble Shangri Las. Salaam Remy and Mark Ronson shared production duties. The tandem, or rather the Winehouse-Remy-Ronson trio, turned out to be extremely successful, both commercially and creatively. The singer received the Brit Award as the best solo artist, and the disc "Back to Black" was nominated for the title of best British album. At the end of 2006, the readers of Elle magazine named Winehouse the best artist in the UK.

In addition, Winehouse is known for her addiction to alcohol and various drugs. On August 23, 2007, in London, journalists found Amy and her husband on the street in bruises and bruises, and guests from the hotel where they lived said that they heard screams from their room and the sounds of moving furniture for two nights in a row.

The charismatic British singer Amy Winehouse had everything to become a real star: a gorgeous voice, good acting skills, and composer talent. But when you closely get acquainted with her work and biography, you understand that not everything is so simple. An Englishwoman of Jewish blood, she sang like an African-American. She looked very sexy, but she did not beat it in any way. At a young age, she had the voice of a mature woman. A subtle sense of music and defiant rudeness in communication. She wrote both tender melodies and harsh, obscene lyrics. And, perhaps, the strangest thing: she was not interested in fame or money. “For me, music has always come first. I would agree to live in a dirty hole if they promised me that I would meet Ray Charles, ”said Amy Winehouse, the new scandalous British sensation, awarded as a composer for her first single, one of the most promising young artists, according to the magazine“ Rolling Stone. Carrying the title of “new Billie Holiday” without any reverence, she assured that in ten years she would forget about the stage, and would go headlong into caring for her husband and her seven children. But life decreed otherwise.

July 23, 2011 Amy Winehouse was found dead in her London apartment. Winehouse is believed to have committed suicide. According to another version, death was due to a drug overdose. The singer's father suggested that the cause of her death was a heart attack caused by alcohol detox.

After her death, Amy was enrolled by journalists and fans in the famous Club 27, thus finding herself in the same boat as Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain and other talented musicians.

Frank 2003
2006 Back to Black

2011 Lioness: Hidden Treasures

2008 Frank / Back to Black

2004 Sessions@AOL
2007 iTunes Festival: London 2007

2003 Stronger Than Me (from the album Frank)
2004 Take The Box (from Frank)
2004 In My Bed / You Sent Me Flying (From Frank)
2004 Fuck Me Pumps / Help Yourself (from Frank)

2006 Rehab (from Back to Black)
2007 You Know I'm No Good (from Back to Black)
2007 Back to Black (from the album Back to Black)
2007 Tears Dry On Their Own (from Back to Black)
2007 Love Is A Losing Game (from Back to Black)
2008 just friends (from the album Back to Black)

Amy Jade Winehouse was born on September 14, 1983. Her hometown is Southgate. The girl's parents were Jews, descendants of immigrants who used to live in Russia. Mitchell's father worked as a taxi driver and Janice's mother was a pharmacist. Their wedding took place in 1976, seven years remained before the birth of their daughter. The future singer had an older brother named Alex, who was born in 1980. Amy's relatives have always been close to music, especially jazz. There is evidence that the singer's grandmother met with the famous English performer Ronnie Scott in the 1940s. Also, some relatives played jazz professionally. 1993 was a tragic year for the singer's family - the father and mother decided to divorce, but none of them subsequently forgot about the children, on the contrary, they tried to give them a full-fledged upbringing. The biography of Amy Winehouse is still not surprising, but this is only so far ...

Sweet "n" Sour, Theater School, creating the first songs and getting a job

When the singer was 10 years old, she, together with her friend Juliet, organized a rap group called Sweet "n" Sour, and two years later she was enrolled in the Theater School, headed by S. Young, but after a while she was expelled for poor study and not good enough behavior.

However, Amy has good memories of that time. It is noteworthy that, along with her schoolmates, the girl starred in an excerpt from The Fast Show. When Amy was 14 years old, she created her first songs, it was also then that she was expelled from school, and for the first time she used illegal substances. A year later, she got a job in two places at once: in a jazz band and in WENN. Singer Amy Winehouse did not yet know that she would soon become famous.


In the fall of 2003, the first album was released under the name Frank, produced by S. Remy. All songs were invented by Amy herself or in collaboration with someone else. The album also included two covers. Frank was greeted with open arms by critics, he received Brit nominations, was included in the list of finalists for the Mercury Prize music award, and soon went platinum. In 2003, Amy Winehouse also took part in the Glastonbury Festival.

back to black

The next album, titled Back to Black, included several jazz tunes.

The singer decided on this under the impression of the creativity of women's groups that were popular in the 50s and 60s.

Back to Black was released in England. This happened in the fall of 2006. The new album immediately took first place. It should be noted success in the Billboard-chart. There he was awarded the seventh place - it was a real record.

The incredible success of the Rehab album and song

Soon the album went platinum as many as five times, and after another 30 days it was called the bestseller of the current year. In addition, it was found that Back to Black has gained unprecedented popularity among people who use iTunes. The title track from the album called Rehab was awarded the Ivor Novello award in the spring of 2007 and declared the most amazing contemporary single. It was an incredible success.
On June 21, seven days after the singer performed it at the MTV Movie Awards, the song peaked at number nine in America. Amy Winehouse's biography contains many joyful moments, doesn't it?

Songs You Know I'm No Good and Back to Black

The next single, titled You Know I'm No Good, peaked at number eighteen. As for the third song Back to Black, in the spring in England it took the twenty-fifth position. In May 2007, the singer and her boyfriend Blake got married.

Rehabilitation center and disturbing forebodings

At the end of the summer, Amy Winehouse canceled performances in England and America due to poor health, and after a while she and her husband went to a rehabilitation center, where the girl stayed for only five days. The Pope was very excited about the situation and suggested that this could lead to tragedy. Grandmother was worried that the couple might one day commit suicide together. But the singer's representative said that annoying journalists were to blame for everything, who constantly follow Amy on the heels and turn her life into hell.

New CD and single

At the end of autumn, the CD I Told You I Was Trouble: Live in London was released. And at the beginning of winter in America and Britain a single called Love Is a Losing Game was released. 14 days before, Frank was released in the states: he took the sixty-first position on the Billboard and received positive feedback from journalists. The biography of Amy Winehouse is the life story of a talented person who managed to achieve dizzying success.

Song Valerie, collaboration with M. Buena and the resumption of rehabilitation activities

At this time, the singer worked on the single Valerie, which was supposed to be included in the album Version by M. Ronson. In mid-autumn 2007, the song peaked at number two in the UK. Soon she was nominated for the Brit Awards as the best English single. In addition, Amy sang along with M. Buena, ex-Sugababes. Their song called B Boy Baby was released at the beginning of winter. A little later, the singer resumed rehabilitation activities under an improved program, which took place in the Caribbean cottage of B. Adams, a performer from Canada. A representative of Island Records said that it might be necessary to terminate the contract with Amy, but the head of the label named Nick Gatfield literally shut his mouth, saying that it was necessary to wait for Winehouse to end a difficult period in his life. After all, she is incredibly talented, she conquered the United States. Looking at some photos of Amy Winehouse, you can guess that she had drug problems - she does not look good everywhere.

The success of the singer and producer, performance in Russia

Everyone remembered Gatfield's words when Back to Black received six Grammy nominations, and the singer was declared the best new artist. As for Ronson, he was honored to be named Producer of the Year.

The end of winter 2008 was marked by the fiftieth Grammy Awards ceremony. The singer won in several categories at once.

At the beginning of the summer of the same year, the only performance of Amy Winehouse in our country took place - she was invited to the capital to open the Center for Contemporary Culture called "Garage".

Terrible diagnosis and cancellation of the tour

Soon the singer was in the clinic, where she was diagnosed with emphysema.

In the early summer of 2011, Amy canceled her European tour after an incident in which she stood on stage for just over an hour, but in all that time she did not perform a single song. The audience was extremely unhappy, and she left the hall.

Farewell to the singer

On July 23, 2011, Amy was found dead in her apartment in Camden Square in

Farewell to the singer took place in London on Saturday. The ceremony was held at a cemetery called Edgebury, and then her body was cremated.

About 400 people attended Amy Winehouse's funeral. Among those who arrived were the girl's father and mother, producer M. Ronson, performer K. Osborne. There was also the boyfriend of the singer Reg Traviss. On the head was a chic bouffant. Amy loved this hairstyle. Some women came to the funeral also with fleece.

During the ceremony, people prayed in Hebrew and English, and at the end, K. King's composition called So Far Away was played. Mitchell Winehouse reported that his daughter really enjoyed the song.

What was the cause of death?

Investigator S. Radcliffe, who was investigating the cause of the singer's death, found that she died due to an overdose of alcohol. This conclusion came as no surprise to anyone who knew Amy Winehouse.

Radcliffe said that the level of alcohol in the blood of the singer can be considered fatal. The nervous system of a person with such an overdose can suffer so much that he can simply fall asleep forever.

Before drinking, which killed the singer, she did not drink anything alcoholic for a long time.

No strange facts were found during the investigation. S. Radcliffe said that no one put pressure on the singer, and she drank alcohol of her own free will. So the wonderful performer Amy Winehouse died, the cause of death of which turned out to be quite predictable.

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