There are still no limits for the Russian people. Limits have not yet been set for the Russian people: There is a wide path before them.


I remember: “Limits have not yet been set for the Russian people...”
But really, what will happen if our people are given not only the essentials, but a little more than is economically justified for survival. To give the people prosperity so that people can look to the future with confidence. All the prerequisites are present: there is no war, natural resources are available, some kind of production is available, work and that’s all. And the people will rise up, and not much is needed. Provide people with Western levels of well-being. Is it really that much? And our people are good, people of gold. Enterprising, dexterous, ready to work, always approaches any task with ingenuity. What a start! Isn’t it interesting to look at such a rise! I would like to! People have long deserved to be treated normally. The one who is the first among those in power to understand his people will remain in human memory for centuries. I want changes to happen with us. We'll wait and see what we can do.

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 14.06.2011. A look into the future.

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The path of life... What should it be?.. As it seems straight and without bumps. However, you don't see this very often. As a rule, a person is subject to all kinds of tests and choices. By the way, Russian people clearly know their goal and see the road to achieving it, tempering their character along the way both in peacetime and wartime. This is evidenced by the works of writers L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky, M. Sholokhov, as well as representatives of 20th century literature L. Borodin and B. Vasiliev.

It is known that the strategy and tactics of human behavior are determined by the goal. Thus, in B. Vasiliev’s novel “Not on the Lists,” Nikolai Pluzhnikov, having entered a military school and graduated with excellent results, considered it his need to experience army life, and not stay at headquarters (as the school’s management suggested). Pluzhnikov chooses not the easy road, but the thorny one, in order to become a high specialist who knows his business perfectly. Perhaps he would have become one, since he was responsible in everything. But fate has prepared a severe test for him - to remain faithful to his military and civic duty or to surrender? By the way, for Nikolai Pluzhnikov such a dilemma did not exist. Like all Russians, the young man loves freedom and wants to see his homeland free, so he decided to fight the occupiers.

The writer shows Pluzhnikov’s active life position. He was not at a loss in the conditions of the outbreak of war, but took command of the people hiding in the casemates of the fortress. Without water, without food, without weapons, Pluzhnikov wages war with the Germans, because the Motherland is above all else for him. This man never deviated from his chosen path. Even when dying, he does not give his rank or last name, but declares that he is a Russian soldier. You are simply amazed at his courage, inner fortitude and fortitude!

B. Vasiliev showed the behavior of not only the main character in an extreme situation, but also the actions of other soldiers who found themselves in the casemates of the Brest Fortress. Among them, I would especially like to note Sergeant Semishny, who wore the banner of the fortress under his tunic, and the military doctor who helped the doomed old men and children in the casemates, and the latter, being sick, refused to eat, because others, in his opinion, needed it more.

So, the author showed the high national spirit of the Russians, the inflexibility of their will. Twenty-year-old Nikolai Pluzhnikov, gray-haired, thin, blind, with frostbitten fingers, who got to the surface with the help of Svitsky, appeared before the Germans as a proud man. Moreover, he pushed aside the orderlies and walked to the ambulance on his swollen legs. It must be said that the German general greeted this man by placing his hand on the visor of his cap, and his soldiers saluted, and they saluted not the enemy, but the patriot, who for many months remained faithful to his homeland until his last breath. He died free and after life, “trampling death upon death.”

The Nus people are distinguished by their extraordinary thinking, integrity and optimism. This is the hero of L. Borodin’s story “The Third Truth” - Andrian Selivanov. This person is not dependent on anyone or anything. He has his own point of view, different from others, on the events taking place during the post-revolutionary period in the country and is ready to defend “his truth.” This man is proud of himself, although he is unlucky with his height or physique. He is a strong person, who values ​​freedom and fights for his principles by any means: he is cunning, he is cunning, he takes a grave sin on his soul. Andrian is not satisfied with the policy of conquering the taiga and enters into a fight with the new government, as a result of which he saves Chekhardak - a unique place.

Leonid Borodin showed his life path as a path filled with surprises. A chance acquaintance with a white officer who came to see his daughter and die in his homeland was a test of humanity for the hero. Risk and trouble did not frighten Andrian. He hides them in the taiga, helping the sick officer, trying to support his daughter Lyudmila with kind words and convince her of the unnecessaryness of the massacre that occurred as a result of the struggle for power.

Andrian Selivanov is a man who is always true to his word. Having promised the dying white officer to take care of his daughter, he enters into a mortal battle with Dlinny, knowing full well that Lyudmila is not on the same path with him, since he is in a meaningless struggle against the already established new government. Thus, our hero saved a young soul who was not involved in any politics and who had suffered in life because she was the daughter of a white officer. Moreover, being part of the fate of his friend Ivan Ryabinin (“thundered” for twenty-five years of hard labor) and his wife Lyudmila, the main character raises their joint daughter as his own. Selivanov's devotion to this family knows no bounds. He preserves the Ryabinin house by hook or by crook, successfully resolving all the problems that arose along the way.

Experts who, on behalf of the government, are rewriting the Russian development strategy until 2020 have sent out an interim version of the work to the ministries. The document will be reviewed by the government presidium in August. If we do not change the growth model, the Russian economy will face one of two scenarios: either the economy will slowly fade, or bubbles will inflate and then burst.

In 1999–2008 The Russian economy grew rapidly thanks to the influx of capital and the expansion of the domestic market. This era is over; starting next year, growth will slow down to 2–2.5% per year (forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development for 2011 - 4.2%, for 2012 - 3.5%), government experts promise.

If the government tries to accelerate the economy to growth of 6–7% per year (by stimulating consumption and credit), then by the end of the decade Russia will face a “credit hole” of 16% of GDP and a painful crisis, experts predict.

The current model has exhausted itself due to three fundamental limitations: the closed economy, lack of direct and long-term investment, and lack of competition in the domestic market.

Comment by Igor Zalyubovsky

Experts, on behalf of the government, in an interim report on Russia’s development strategy until 2020: “If you do not change the growth model, the Russian economy will face one of two scenarios: either the economy will slowly fade, or bubbles will inflate and then burst,” etc. and etc.

Such documents cause inescapable boredom. And not only because they are written mainly for the situation. And not because the authors, in fact, are not responsible for anything written: what will happen to us by 2020 - God knows, and then who will remember today’s reports... One gets the impression that the authors are arguing something like this, and it arises a kind of (note, extremely highly paid) “club of interests” - some reasoning on a given topic, surrounded by the opinions of various experts, and this rolls along the well-trodden track of all kinds of forecasts that are interesting only to those participating in them.

Why am I so harsh, the reader will say, aren’t forecasts needed? Or are they not interesting to anyone?

As a specialist in computer forecasting, I will answer: of course, they are necessary and interesting. But we live in the 21st century, and today forecasting is not just a set of opinions of certain experts, but rather strict computer and statistical procedures based on various nonlinear algorithms using powerful computers. But most importantly, for such a forecast there must be a clear and transparent object, in this case - the Russian economy and its development. And this is where the biggest problem arises, in the sense that you need to analyze what seems to be there, but at the same time, as if not quite.

For ease of understanding, let's remember our recent past. During the Soviet era, the CIA had unique specialists who could, by where one of the Politburo members stood on the podium or how Leonid Ilyich’s eyebrow was arched when visiting the state farm. Lenin, predict appointments and dismissals in the Soviet leadership. Sometimes the Americans were able to make surprisingly accurate predictions, although America did not expect the collapse of the USSR. But the point is different: such forecasts were made not out of a good life, but out of despair, since there was practically no real information from behind the Iron Curtain.

Now, of course, everything is different, and there is an abundance of information, but its reliability, to put it mildly, “raises questions.”

For example, we had valiant servants starting with the letter M, and now they have become starting with the letter P. And there seems to be a lot of information in the media about how everything is improving as a result of this - right before our eyes. And I really want to believe. This is how it seems: you are driving along the highway, a polite law enforcement officer stops you and says: “We are now not the letter M, but the letter P. So we don’t need any money, but I stopped you just to wish you a happy journey.” Only the eye (what a nasty organ!) sees a different picture.

And suddenly information came across: the African tribe Babongo renamed the dry month so that God would send rains to the new name.

Or here are national projects. Can anyone (other than the “experts on assignment”) say, hand on heart, that they see how they work. Don’t analyze something obscure in numbers, but go out into the street, look around and see for yourself that, for example, large-scale road construction is underway. Just like in China: there is a project similar to ours, and large-scale road construction is visible everywhere. And we seem to have a project, and it’s written that it’s right there in front of our eyes, but we can’t help but want to ask: “Before whose eyes?”

A little more history. In the 80s, the leadership of the USSR decided to create a forecast supersystem for the national economy and surpass the RAND Corporation itself in this. As planned, this system was supposed to be based on two bases - an analysis of the economy and an analysis of the workforce (i.e., personnel, in today's language). The best minds were brought in to work on this project, in particular the economic part was headed by Pavel Bunich.

As a result, the system was only half built - in terms of personnel analysis, the now well-known expert complexes of NPO Etalon emerged from it. But Bunich refused to do the economic part and explained this later with the following example: “If the ruble exchange rate is determined by economic reasons, you can try to predict it. But if the exchange rate is calculated based on a call from Old Square, a correct forecast is unrealistic, since too much depends on political manipulation.”

Alas, this example of the outstanding economist Academician Pavel Bunich has not lost its relevance in today’s Russian realities.

P.S. Explanation from Wikipedia. Old Square in colloquial speech is synonymous with top management: during the Soviet period, the Central Committee of the CPSU was located in house No. 4 on Old Square, currently the same building is occupied by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

With respect to the readers, Igor Zalyubovsky

Experts who, on behalf of the government, are rewriting the Russian development strategy until 2020 have sent out an interim version of the work to the ministries. The document will be reviewed by the government presidium in August. If we do not change the growth model, the Russian economy will face one of two scenarios: either the economy will slowly fade, or bubbles will inflate and then burst.

In 1999-2008 The Russian economy grew rapidly thanks to the influx of capital and the expansion of the domestic market. This era is over; starting next year, growth will slow down to 2-2.5% per year (forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development for 2011 - 4.2%, for 2012 - 3.5%), government experts promise.

If the government tries to accelerate the economy to growth of 6-7% per year (by stimulating consumption and credit), then by the end of the decade Russia will face a “credit hole” of 16% of GDP and a painful crisis, experts predict.

The current model has exhausted itself due to three fundamental limitations: the closed economy, lack of direct and long-term investment, and lack of competition in the domestic market.

Comment by Igor Zalyubovsky

Experts, on behalf of the government, in an interim report on Russia’s development strategy until 2020: “If you do not change the growth model, the Russian economy will face one of two scenarios: either the economy will slowly fade, or bubbles will inflate and then burst,” etc. and etc.

Such documents cause inescapable boredom. And not only because they are written mainly for the situation. And not because the authors, in fact, are not responsible for anything written: what will happen to us by 2020 - God knows, and who will then remember today's reports... One gets the impression that the authors are arguing something like this, and it arises a kind of (note, extremely highly paid) “club of interests” - some reasoning on a given topic, surrounded by the opinions of various experts, and this rolls along the well-trodden track of all kinds of forecasts that are interesting only to those participating in them.

Why am I so harsh, the reader will say, aren’t forecasts needed? Or are they not interesting to anyone?

As a specialist in computer forecasting, I will answer: of course, they are necessary and interesting. But we live in the 21st century, and today forecasting is not just a set of opinions of certain experts, but rather strict computer and statistical procedures based on various nonlinear algorithms using powerful computers. But most importantly, for such a forecast there must be a clear and transparent object, in this case the Russian economy and its development. And this is where the biggest problem arises, in the sense that you need to analyze what seems to be there, but at the same time, as if not quite.

For ease of understanding, let's remember our recent past. During the Soviet era, the CIA had unique specialists who could, by where one of the Politburo members stood on the podium or how Leonid Ilyich’s eyebrow was arched when visiting the state farm. Lenin, predict appointments and dismissals in the Soviet leadership. Sometimes the Americans were able to make surprisingly accurate predictions, although America did not expect the collapse of the USSR. But the point is different: such forecasts were made not out of a good life, but out of despair, since there was practically no real information from behind the Iron Curtain.

Now, of course, everything is different, and there is an abundance of information, but its reliability, to put it mildly, “raises questions.”

For example, we had valiant servants starting with the letter M, and now they have become starting with the letter P. And there seems to be a lot of information in the media about how everything is improving as a result of this - right before our eyes. And I really want to believe. This is how it seems: you are driving along the highway, a polite law enforcement officer stops you and says: “We are now not the letter M, but the letter P. So we don’t need any money, but I stopped you just to wish you a happy journey.” Only the eye (what a nasty organ!) sees a different picture.

And suddenly information came across: the African tribe Babongo renamed the dry month so that God would send rains to the new name.

Or here are national projects. Can anyone (other than the “experts on assignment”) say, hand on heart, that they see how they work. Don’t analyze something obscure in numbers, but go out into the street, look around and see for yourself that, for example, large-scale road construction is underway. Just like in China: there is a project similar to ours, and large-scale road construction is visible everywhere. And we seem to have a project, and it’s written that it’s right there in front of our eyes, but we can’t help but want to ask: “Before whose eyes?”

A little more history. In the 80s, the leadership of the USSR decided to create a forecast supersystem for the national economy and surpass the RAND Corporation itself in this. As planned, this system was supposed to be based on two bases - an analysis of the economy and an analysis of the workforce (i.e., personnel, in today's language). The best minds were brought in to work on this project, in particular the economic part was headed by Pavel Bunich.

As a result, the system was only half built - in terms of personnel analysis, the now well-known expert complexes of NPO Etalon emerged from it. But Bunich refused to do the economic part and explained this later with the following example: “If the ruble exchange rate is determined by economic reasons, you can try to predict it. But if the exchange rate is calculated based on a call from Old Square, a correct forecast is unrealistic, since too much depends on political manipulation.”

Alas, this example of the outstanding economist Academician Pavel Bunich has not lost its relevance in today’s Russian realities.

P.S. Explanation from Wikipedia. Old Square in colloquial speech is synonymous with top management: during the Soviet period, the Central Committee of the CPSU was located in house No. 4 on Old Square, currently the same building is occupied by the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

With respect to the readers, Igor Zalyubovsky

Homeless, rootless
Quite a few come across
To the people of Rus',
They don’t reap, they don’t sow, they feed
From the same common granary,
What feeds a small mouse
And a countless army:
Sedentary peasant
Her name is Hump.
Let the people know
That entire villages
To beg in the fall,
Like a profitable business,
Going: in the people's conscience
The decision was stared at
What is more misfortune here?
Rather than lies, they are served.
Even though there are frequent cases
That the wanderer will turn out to be
Thief; what about the women
For the prosphora of Athonite,
For the "tears of the Virgin Mary"
The pilgrim will lure out the yarn,
And then the women will find out
What's next for Troytsy-Sergius
He hasn't been there himself.
There was an old man who sang wonderfully
Captivated the hearts of the people;
With the consent of the mothers,
In the village of Krutiye Zavodi
Divine singing
He began to teach girls;
The girls are red all winter
They locked themselves in Riga with him,
Singing was heard from there,
And more often laughter and squealing.
However, how did it end?
He didn’t teach them to sing,
And he spoiled everyone.
There are great masters
To accommodate the ladies:
First through women
Available until maiden,
And then to the landowner.
Jangling keys around the yard
Walks like a gentleman,
Spit in the peasant's face
The old woman praying
Bent it into a ram's horn!
But he sees in the same wanderers
And the front side
People. Who builds churches?
Who are the monastic circles
Filled over the edge?
No one does good
And no evil is seen behind him,
You won't understand otherwise.
Fomushka is familiar to the people:
Two-pound chains
Belted around the body
barefoot in winter and summer,
Mumbling something incomprehensible
And to live - to live like a god:
A board and a stone to the head,
And food is only bread.
Wonderful and memorable to him
Old Believer Kropilnikov,
An old man whose whole life
Either freedom or prison.
Came to the village of Usolovo:
Reproaches the laity with godlessness,
Calls to the dense forests
Save yourself. Stanovoy
Happened here, listened to everything:
"To interrogate the co-conspirator!"
Him too:
"You are the enemy of Christ, the antichrist
Envoy!" Sotsky, headman
They blinked at the old man:
"Hey, submit!" Not listening!
They took him to prison,
And he reproached the boss
And, standing on the cart,
He shouted to the Usolovites:

"Woe to you, woe to you, lost heads!
Were torn off - you will be naked,
They beat you with sticks, rods, whips,
You will be beaten with iron bars!..”

The Usolovites were baptized,
The chief beat the herald:
"Remember, anathema,
Judge of Jerusalem!"
At the guy's, at the plumber's,
The reins fell out of fright
And my hair stood on end!
And, as luck would have it, military
The command rang out in the morning:
In Ustoy, a village not far away,
The soldiers have arrived.
Interrogations! pacification!
Anxiety! by concomitant
The Usolovites also suffered:
Prophecy of the Shrew
It almost came true.

will never be forgotten
The people of Efrosinyushka,
Posad widow:
Like God's messenger
The old lady appears
In cholera years;
Buries, heals, tinkers
With the sick. Almost praying
Peasant women look at her...

Knock, unknown guest!
No matter who you are, confidently
At the village gate
Knock! Not suspicious
Native peasant
No thought arises in him,
Like people who are sufficient,
At the sight of a stranger,
Poor and timid:
Wouldn't you shave something?
And the women are such little creatures.
In winter before the torch
The family sits, works,
And the stranger says:
He already took a steam bath in the bathhouse,
Ears with your own spoon,
With a blessing hand,
I sipped my fill.
There's a little charm running through my veins,
Speech flows like a river.
Everything in the hut seemed to freeze:
The old man mending his shoes
He dropped them at his feet;
The shuttle has not chimed for a long time,
The worker listened
At the loom;
Frozen already on the prick
Evgenyushka's little finger,
The master's eldest daughter,
high tubercle,
But the girl didn’t even hear
How I pricked myself until I bled;
The sewing went down to my feet,
Sits - pupils dilated,
She threw up her hands...
Guys, hanging their heads
From the floor, they won’t move:
Like sleepy baby seals
On the ice floes outside Arkhangelsk,
They lie on their stomach.
You can’t see their faces, they’re veiled
Falling strands
Hair - no need to say
Why are they yellow?
Wait! soon stranger
He will tell the story of Athos,
Like a Turk rebelling
He drove the monks into the sea,
How the monks walked obediently
And they died in hundreds...
You will hear the whisper of horror,
You will see a row of frightened people,
Eyes full of tears!
The terrible moment has come -
And from the hostess herself
Bellied spindle
Rolled off my knees.
Vaska the cat became wary -
And jump to the spindle!
At another time it would have been
Vaska the nimble got it,
And then they didn’t notice
How nimble he is with his paw
I touched the spindle
How did you jump on him?
And how it rolled
Until it unwinds
Strained thread!

Who has seen how he listens
Your visiting wanderers
Peasant family
He will understand that no matter what work,
Nor eternal care,
Not the yoke of slavery for a long time,
Not the pub itself
More to the Russian people
No limits set:
There is a wide path before him.
When will the plowman be cheated on?
Old-till fields,
Shreds in the forest outskirts
He tries to plow.
There's enough work here
But the stripes are new
Give without fertilizer
Abundant harvest.
Such soil is good -
The soul of the Russian people...
O sower! come!..

Jonah (aka Lyapushkin)
Vakhlatskaya side
I've been visiting for a long time.
Not only did they not disdain
The peasants are God's wanderer,
And they argued about
Who will be the first to shelter him?
While their disputes Lyapushkin
Didn't put an end to it:
"Hey! women!" take it out
Icons!" The women carried them out;
Before every icon
Jonah fell on his face:
"Don't argue! It's God's work,
Who will look more kindly,
I’ll go for that one!”
And often for the poorest
Ionushka walked as an icon
To the poorest hut.
And special to that hut
Respect: women run
With knots, pans
To that hut. The cup is full,
By the grace of Jonushka,
She becomes.

Quietly and leisurely
Narrated by Ionushka
"About two great sinners"
Crossing myself diligently.

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