The Russian people have not yet been given limits. Argumentation


The limits have not yet been set for the Russian people: Before them is a wide path. Will you wake up, full of strength? N.A. Nekrasov.

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"Nekrasov test" - This is ... Grisha Dobrosklonov Yakim Nagoy Ermil Girin Matrena Timofeevna. 2. Which of the characters in the poem "Who Lives Well in Rus'" does the author consider happy? K.F. Ryleev A.S. Pushkin A.A. Blok N.A. Nekrasov. Stop sleeping! Test for the literary game "I dedicated the lyre to my people ..." based on the work of N.A. Nekrasov for 10th grade students.

“Lessons according to Nekrasov” - I dedicated the lyre to my people. Even Nekrasov did not always have an apartment. Barge Haulers on the Volga. Why do we consider Nekrasov a poet - a citizen and a poet of the people? 1847-1866 Summing up lesson VII. Problematic question of the lesson: I.E. Repin. A cruel landowner, a serf, a passionate hunter and gambler. N. A. Nekrasov and V. G. Belinsky IV.

"Railway Nekrasov" - Submit to us, land! Poet, music critic. Why, where the sun shines, Carry a heavy steam locomotive? Reproduction from G. Savitsky's painting "Repair work on the railway". . Landscape Antithesis Dream Epigraph Symbol. S. Shevyrev, D. Struisky, Ya. Polonsky, A. Fet, N. Nekrasov - contemporaries, poets of the 19th century.

"Creativity Nekrasov lesson" - I. Smirnov. N. Nekrasov. 2. 8. 3. "The Prophet", 1826 Before your name Let me humbly kneel... Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809-1852). The Prophet, 1841 1. Lesson-KVN on the work of N. A. Nekrasov.

"Poems of Nekrasov" - Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. A. V. Druzhinin. A. N. Ostrovsky. I.E. Repin. Poetic credo of Nekrasov. Poems on the theme "Poets and Poetry". Karabikha is the estate of N.A. Nekrasov, bought at the end of 1861. Nekrasov affirms the civic role of the poet. I. A. Goncharov. Your own sister!" 1848. 1845 - 1846 The almanac "Physiology of St. Petersburg" is published, in which the poems of N. A. Nekrasov.

“Nekrasov Grade 10” - The theme of love is solved in Nekrasov's lyrics in a very peculiar way. The students of the 10th grade of secondary school No. 2 Volkov I. and Grushko E., the leader Emelyanova O. B. Nekrasov's works about love were distinguished by sincerity and inspiration. So in the autumn the river is more turbulent, But the raging waves are colder ... A dead end in which feelings come.

There are 30 presentations in total in the topic

IN June 1983, a few soft words drew a line across Russian time. It was said that we do not know the society we live in well, and therefore we are forced to move forward by feel, by trial and error - a banality, Russian dissidents have been talking about this for a long time and in much stronger terms. But they were spoken by the main fighter against dissent, Yuri Andropov, whose power as General Secretary, like an iron star, immensely weighed down any thought captured by its gravity.
These words meant the end of the era of Soviet certainty and the inevitability of passing through the clinical death of a new self-determination.
Since then, the owner of the Kremlin has changed three times, but nothing significant has been said or done. And now clinical death is preparing to give way to the eldest and final sister. Such is our will, such is the choice of those who do not notice or do not want a choice.

More Russian people
No limits set...
N.A. Nekrasov

Subjective statement of the problem

T The theme of the report, which suddenly became fashionable, for the author has long acquired the highest significance.
For a third of my life, I have not abandoned attempts to make a simple thought public domain: any changes in today's society, call them at least "perestroika", at least "modernization", are meaningless and harmful in lack of true self-determination. The fatal defect of the Russian reforms (if not the only one, and perhaps even not the main one) is their lack of content. Namely: answers to the fundamental questions of life are not given; these questions themselves have not even been posed, that is, the central problem that gave rise to the crisis, and all the accompanying problems of the upcoming changes, have not been formulated; and more than that the Russian language in its current state does not contain expressive means, the necessary concepts to ask these questions.
But what was and is? There is a deep intuition, an almost animal premonition of culture: ahead is a dead end of hopelessness, and the price of exit is incredibly high. But the texts claiming to rationally comprehend the "fateful shifts" were and remain sterile in content.
In 1983-86. My friend and co-author V. Krivorotov and I, in a series of classified reports sent to persons from the highest stratum of the party and state leadership, stubbornly tried to explain "what is now on the scales and what is being done now." Early Young Hegelian Marxism was used as the language of the correspondence and many of the dialogues it generated. The history and results of these attempts deserve a separate story. After walking for several years in the Kremlin samizdat, our anonymous letters were legalized: the book "After Communism" under the pseudonym S. Platonov went out of print in two editions in 1989 and 1991. But one hundred and fifty thousand of its customers to this day keep a wise silence.
One of the central thoughts of the book, which is interpreted in different ways, is that the tremors, which were more and more clearly felt by our society in the 70s, are due to shifts of a global, international nature. The country, together with the entire world community, has entered a period of crisis unprecedented in history, and has faced an unprecedented challenge. But no one bothered to ask in Russian a question about the nature of this challenge. Domestic reformers (talking something about "universal values" and "the main path of civilization") responded with what they could: regional cost accounting, glasnost, the trial of the CPSU and shock therapy ...
In the preface to the book, I spoke about the fundamental importance of Russian thought for gaining self-awareness, the conceptual coordinates of Russia in the interhistorical looking glass, where "today" means both "the day before yesterday" and "the day after tomorrow."
A year later, in February 1990, I had to say and write that the nascent self-consciousness - when and if it is born - will be in the first place Russian, completely irrespective of whether we are democrats or patriots. From which head of the Zmey-Gorynych (leftist, extreme right or centrist) the subject will grow - it doesn't matter: the first reality that he will fly into, having barely embarked on the path of self-determination, will be his own "Russianness".
The Russian conversation about the "Russian idea" needs chastity most of all. Both figuratively and literally: wise integrity. Reality rushed away from this ideal. Therefore, in recent years, I have deliberately avoided statements on this topic.
It was decided to take a different path, to rake in the heat with someone else's hands. Thus, in the hungry autumn of 1992, the project "ANOTHER. An Reader of the New Russian Identity" was born. I thought that perhaps I was not fit to be the herald of the Russian idea, but I could be useful in the role of a designer. We are talking about constructing a space for the interaction of talented theoreticians, methodologists and ideologists (who at that time could not or did not want to communicate with each other). The goal is to pronounce new Russian words through the mouths of many, "cathedral".
It was originally planned to release "Other" annually. And who knows, if the author of the project had not been so slow, and the circumstances were so severe, four issues would have seen the light of day by now. Surely in this space there would be a structuring of the most diverse ideas of dozens of talented authors, and it would become clear that it is not in vain that the “Apology of the Compiler” asserts: the complex of key ideas of Russian self-consciousness at the turn of the millennium, apparently, has already taken shape, and we just have to realize this circumstance. Unfortunately, the release of "Other" was only possible once.
Meanwhile, with our poor national idea, something began to happen that most of all resembled a gang rape. And for everyone who has significant thoughts on this matter, in the circumstances it is time to break the vow of silence.
But my topic is different, much more specific - Russian self-determination.
Of course, some part of this topic should be "Russian idea". I will neither deal with it on purpose, nor fight it, I will just try to flag it. It seems to me that, first of all, we need to talk not about what is in the current developments of Russian ideologists, but about what they do not have. There is a refinement of the mind, postmodern freedom, modern technologies for managing the mass media and playing games on the market of fictitious information capital: the "national idea", according to rumors, is desperately needed, but it is not there, and it is not clear where to get it, but on this occasion one can organize an entire intellectual market and sell and resell obligations to each other for missing goods ... But they don’t have the one I already mentioned content.
How can one justify such an extremist thesis? Why not sort through, in fact, one by one all the tons of printed materials on the topic of "ideas" and "reforms", entering into a lawsuit with each of the authors about the presence or absence of the desired? This report is by no means intended to criticize or refute anyone. A quite constructive and, moreover, rather modest task is set: demonstrate the existence of the content by presenting some of its elements or ways of obtaining them. Criticism is easy, but as soon as an author goes from brilliant critical passages to saying something positive, he most often sits in a puddle. In this sense, an attempt is made below to solve just such a hopeless problem: to explain what the author considers meaningful in the field of self-determination.

Objective statement of the problem

G the main feature of the current Russian life, which sharply separates it from being a decade ago and makes it difficult to bear - uncertainty. A politician of any rank does not know if he will retain his power in a month. Entrepreneur - whether his branch of business, his firm or his very life will disappear. Scientist, teacher, miner - will he get his earned salary. Everyman - where he will live tomorrow, what to eat, what and where to teach children.
But the uncertainty goes much deeper. It is becoming more and more difficult to understand in which country we live, what is its coat of arms and anthem, where are the borders and what are the laws. We have lost the opportunity to answer the childish question: what is good and bad? We have lost the language in which we can discuss the past and the future.
From a historiosophical point of view, this is not a unique situation. In any case, before branding someone and sounding the alarm, it is necessary to determine the subject of further proceedings.
A set of actions (both mental and certainly practical) aimed at increasing or qualitatively changing the certainty of one's existence is commonly called self-determination . Self-determination is what we all long for, what we have to do. And the ultimate form of self-determination - to be or not to be?
From the former life, only one human being has survived and continues to exist. certainty. It is different from the bare fact of existence, i.e. is not given to us along with life, but only with life can it be taken away. We definitely we address each other, write, read and think in Russian, Russian is our native language, i.e. the language of a significant part of our relatives and friends.
Russian continues to live in the language, but at the same time it has lost (hopefully, not forever) all its certainty - object-material, social and ideal. Theseus broke up with Ariadne, but he still had a thread.
You can't refuse such a legacy. It is impossible to get rid of the property of "Russianness", no matter how hard we try philosophically to abstract from it. And even if someone, in a radical nihilistic impulse, wishes to redefine from scratch his own relations with people, social institutions, the country and the Lord himself (using the green card as a tabula rasa) - having split his matter, he will discover Russianness as an ineradicable Chapek's "Absolute".
It takes at least three generations to successfully forget one language and enter into the element of another, because a lot clings to the language. Whether we want it or not, in every act of self-determination we find "Russianness" as an intermediary between us and what we define ourselves in relation to. And history, culture, fate clings to "Russianness". You can travel ten thousand miles from west to east, or three thousand from north to south, and all the time be in places where the majority speaks and writes in Russian. It is possible to move along the axis of time up to Muscovite Rus', but never leave the borders of the Russian. Even a children's proverb from the birch bark of the Novgorod boy Onfim is difficult, but readable by us. "Russianness" is an unavoidable reality that creates some certainty within the current uncertainty.
In this regard, it is high time (if not too late) to think about the topic Russian self-determination. It is called "Russian" not because we really like Russian and don't like Tungus, but because we can't get away from it. Our self-determination will be Russian by definition. We cannot jump out of our own skin, whether we are patriots or, on the contrary, cosmopolitans with a bias towards Jewish Freemasonry. It is a fact.
If the "Russian idea" is a book-salon theme (now also opportunistic), coming from the head, then Russian self-determination comes from the stomach, from the survival instinct. Self-consciousness is a mental activity; self-determination is physical and spiritual labor. Now is not the time for philosophical treatises on the relationship of these concepts. I will only note that Yermak's campaign is just as integral a part of Russian self-determination as the apology of the mad Chaadaev.

The experts who are rewriting the Russian development strategy until 2020 on behalf of the government have sent an interim version of the work to the ministries. In August, the document will be considered by the government presidium. If the growth models are not changed, the Russian economy will face one of two scenarios: either the economy will slowly fade, or bubbles will inflate and then burst.

In 1999–2008 The Russian economy grew rapidly thanks to the inflow of capital and the expansion of the domestic market. This era is over, next year growth will slow down to 2-2.5% per year (forecast of the Ministry of Economic Development for 2011 - 4.2%, for 2012 - 3.5%), government experts promise.

If the government tries to accelerate the economy to growth of 6–7% per year (by stimulating consumption and credit), then by the end of the decade, Russia will face a “credit hole” of 16% of GDP and a painful crisis, experts predict.

The current model has exhausted itself due to three fundamental limitations: the closed economy, the lack of direct and long-term investments, and the lack of competition in the domestic market.

Commentary by Igor Zalyubovsky

Experts commissioned by the government in an interim report on Russia’s development strategy until 2020: “If growth models are not changed, the Russian economy will face one of two scenarios: either the economy will slowly fade, or bubbles will inflate and then burst,” etc. and etc.

Such documents cause inescapable boredom. And not only because they are written mainly for the conjuncture. And not because the authors, in fact, are not responsible for anything written: what will happen to us by 2020 - God knows, and then who will remember today's reports ... One gets the impression that the authors reason about this, and there is a kind of (I note, extremely highly paid) "club of interests" - some kind of reasoning on a given topic, overgrown with the opinions of various experts, and it rolls along a well-trodden rut of all kinds of forecasts that are of interest only to those participating in them.

Why am I so sharp, the reader will say, aren't forecasts needed? Or no one is interested?

As a specialist in computer prognostication, I will answer: of course, they are necessary and interesting. But we live in the 21st century, and today forecasting is not just a set of opinions of certain experts, but rather strict computer and statistical procedures based on various non-linear algorithms with the involvement of powerful computers. But most importantly, for such a forecast there must be a clear and transparent object, in this case, the Russian economy and its development. And this is where the biggest problem arises, in the sense that it is necessary to analyze what seems to be there, but at the same time, as it were, not quite.

For ease of understanding, let's recall our recent past. In the days of the USSR, the CIA had unique specialists who could by where one of the members of the Politburo stood on the podium or how Leonid Ilyich's eyebrow was arched when visiting the state farm. Lenin, to predict appointments and dismissals in the Soviet top. Sometimes the Americans succeeded in surprisingly accurate predictions, however, America did not expect the collapse of the USSR. But it's about something else: such forecasts were made not from a good life, but from hopelessness, since real information was practically absent due to the Iron Curtain.

Now, of course, everything is different, and there is an abundance of information, but its reliability, to put it mildly, "raises questions."

Here we had, for example, valiant ministers with the letter M, and now they have become the letter P. And there seems to be a lot of information in the media about how everything is improving as a result of this - right before our eyes. And I really want to believe. This is how it seems: you are driving along the highway, a polite officer of law and order stops you and says: “We are now not with the letter M, but with the letter P. So we don’t need any money, but I just stopped you to wish you a happy journey.” Only the eye (what a nasty organ!) sees a different picture.

And suddenly the information came across: the African tribe of Babongo renamed the dry month so that God would send down rains to the new name.

Or here are the national projects. Can someone (other than "experts on behalf") claim, in all honesty, that he sees how they work. Do not analyze something incomprehensible in numbers, but go out into the street, look around and see for yourself that, for example, large-scale road construction is underway. Like in China: there is a project similar to ours, and large-scale road construction is visible everywhere. And we seem to have a project, and it is written that here it is - in front of our eyes, but one involuntarily wants to ask: “In whose eyes?”

A little more history. In the 80s, the leadership of the USSR decided to create a prognostic supersystem for the national economy and surpass the RAND Corporation itself in this. As planned, this system should have been based on two bases - an analysis of the economy and an analysis of the labor force (ie, personnel, in today's language). The best minds were involved to work on this project, in particular, the economic part was headed by Pavel Bunich.

As a result, the system was built only halfway - in terms of personnel analysis, the now well-known expert complexes of NPO Etalon came out of it. But Bunich refused to do the economic part and later explained it with the following example: “If the ruble exchange rate is determined by economic reasons, you can try to predict it. But if the rate is calculated by a call from Staraya Ploshchad, a correct forecast is unrealistic, since too much depends on political manipulation.”

Alas, this example of the outstanding economist Academician Pavel Bunich has not lost its relevance in today's Russian realities.

P.S. Explanation from Wikipedia. Old Square in colloquial speech is a synonym for top management: in the Soviet period, the Central Committee of the CPSU was located in house No. 4 on Staraya Square, at present the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation occupies the same building.

With respect to readers, Igor Zalyubovsky

Homeless, homeless
A lot comes across
The people in Rus'
Do not reap, do not sow - feed
From the same common granary,
What feeds a small mouse
And an innumerable army:
settled peasant
Her name is Hump.
Let the people know
that entire villages
Begging in autumn
Like a profitable business
Go: in the people's conscience
Got tired of the decision
What is more misfortune here,
Than lies - they are served.
Let there be frequent cases
That the wanderer will turn out
Thief; what does the grandmother have
For Athos prosphora,
For "Tears of the Virgin"
The pilgrim will lure out the yarn,
And after the women will tell
What's next Trinity-Sergius
He himself has not been.
There was an old man, wonderful singing
He captivated the hearts of the people;
With the consent of the mothers,
In the village of Steep Backwaters
Divine singing
Began to teach girls;
Red girls all winter
They locked themselves in the barn with him,
From there the singing was heard,
And more often laughter and squealing.
However, what was the end?
He didn't learn to sing
And spoiled everyone.
There are great masters
To please the ladies:
First through bab
Accessible to the girl's,
And there to the landowner.
Jingling keys, around the yard
Walks like a barin
Spitting in the face of a peasant
Praying old woman
Bent into a ram's horn!
But he sees in the same wanderers
And the front side
People. Who builds churches?
Who are the monastery mugs
Filled over the edge?
Others don't do good
And evil is not seen behind him,
You won't understand otherwise.
Fomushka is familiar to the people:
Two-pood chains
Belted around the body
In winter and summer barefoot,
Mumbling incomprehensibly,
And to live - lives like a god:
Board and stone in the head,
And food is bread.
Wonderful to him and memorable
Old Believer Kropilnikov,
An old man whose whole life
That will, then prison.
Came to the village of Usolovo:
Reproach the laity with godlessness,
Calls to dense forests
Save yourself. Stanovoy
Happened here, listened to everything:
"To the interrogation of the accuser!"
He, too, to him:
"You are the enemy of Christ, antichrist
Messenger!" Sotsky, headman
They blinked at the old man:
"Hey, submit!" Not listening!
They took him to prison
And he reproached the chief
And, standing on a cart,
Usolovtsev shouted:

"Woe to you, woe to the lost heads!
Were torn off - you will be naked,
They beat you with sticks, rods, whips,
You will be beaten with iron bars!.."

Usolovtsy were baptized,
The chief beat the herald:
"Remember you, anathema,
Judge of Jerusalem!"
The guy, the driver,
The reins fell out of fright
And the hair stood on end!
And, as a sin, military
The team broke out in the morning:
In Ustoy, a nearby village,
The soldiers have arrived.
Interrogations! pacification!
Anxiety! by affinity
The Usolovets also got it:
Prophecy of the Shrew
Nearly missed the mark.

Will never forget
The people of Efrosinioshka,
Posad widow:
Like a messenger of God
The old lady appears
In cholera years;
Buries, heals, messes around
With the sick. Almost praying
Peasant women on her...

Knock, unknown guest!
Whoever you are, sure
In a village gate
Knock! Not suspicious
native peasant,
Thought does not originate in it,
Like people who are sufficient
At the sight of a stranger
Wretched and timid:
Wouldn't steal what?
And the women are those radekhonki.
In winter before the torch
The family sits, works,
And the stranger says.
Already in the bath he took a steam bath,
Ears with a spoon of your own,
With a blessing hand
He took a sip.
A charm walks through the veins,
Speech flows like a river.
In the hut everything seemed to freeze:
The old man who fixed the shoes
Dropped them at their feet;
The shuttle has not ticked for a long time,
The worker listened
At the loom;
Frozen already on the prick
Evgenyushka's little finger,
Master's eldest daughter,
high bump,
And the girl did not hear
How she pricked herself to the point of blood;
Sewing to the feet went down,
Sitting - pupils are dilated,
Spread her hands...
Guys hanging their heads
From the floor, do not move:
How sleepy the seals are
On the ice floes beyond Arkhangelsk,
They lie on their stomach.
No faces to be seen, hung
Down strands
Hair - no need to say
That they are yellow.
Wait! soon stranger
Will tell the true story of Athos,
Like a Turk rebellious
Monks drove into the sea,
How the monks walked obediently
And they died by the hundreds...
Hear the whisper of terror
You will see a number of frightened,
Tears of full eyes!
A terrible moment has come -
And the hostess herself
Spindle pot-bellied
Rolled off my knees.
Vaska the cat was alert -
And jump to the spindle!
At another time, something would
Vaska got smart,
And then they didn't notice
How he with a nimble paw
I touched the spindle
How to jump on it
And how it rolled
Until it unraveled
Tight thread!

Who has seen how he listens
Of their passing wanderers
peasant family,
Understand that no work
Not eternal care
Nor the yoke of long slavery,
Not a tavern by ourselves
More Russian people
No limits set:
Before him is a wide path.
When they change the plowman
The fields are old,
Shreds in the forest outskirts
He tries to plow.
Enough work here
But the stripes are new
Give without fertilizer
Abundant harvest.
Soil is good
The soul of the Russian people...
O sower! come!..

Jonah (aka Lyapushkin)
Vakhlatskaya side
I've been visiting for a long time.
Not only did they not disdain
The peasants are God's wanderer,
And they argued about
Who will take him in first?
While their disputes Lyapushkin
Did not end:
"Hey! women!" take out
Icons!" The women carried it out;
Before each icon
Jonah fell prostrate:
"Do not argue! God's work,
Who looks kinder
I'll go after that!"
And often for the poorest
Ionushka walked as an icon
In the poorest hut.
And to that hut special
Reverence: women run
With knots, pans
In that hut. A cup full
By the grace of Ionushka,
She becomes.

Quietly and unhurriedly
Led the story of Ionushka
"About two great sinners",
Crossing yourself diligently.

I remember: "The limits of the Russian people have not yet been set ..."
And really, what will happen if our people are given not only the most necessary, but a little more than economically justified for survival. To give the people prosperity, so that people begin to look to the future with confidence. All the prerequisites are there: there is no war, there are natural resources, there is no production available, work and nothing more. And the people will rise, and not much is needed. To provide people with a level of Western welfare. Is it really that much. And our people are good, gold people. Entrepreneurial, dexterous, ready to work, always with ingenuity approaches any business. What would start! Isn't it interesting to see such a rise! I would like to! People have long deserved a normal attitude towards themselves. The one who is the first of those in power to understand his people will remain in human memory for centuries. We want to see change happen. Let's wait and see what's left.

Other articles in the literary diary:

  • 14.06.2011. A look into the future.

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