Yeshchenko personal life. Following a colleague: humorist Svyatoslav Yeshchenko divorced his wife


Today on the stage you can see a huge number of artists, but only a few of them cause sympathy. This article provides information about one of the artists - Svyatoslav Yeshchenko, whose monologues remain in the memory of the audience for a long time.

Artist biography

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko was born on April 1, 1971 in Voronezh in the family of director and musician Igor Petrovich Yeshchenko. The biography of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko contains many interesting points. As a child, he tried to parody the people around him - household members, classmates, teachers. Svyatoslav always took a special notebook with him to classes, where he wrote down the phrases and reservations of his classmates and teachers. Then, with the help of this notebook, he created parody numbers, which were very popular among friends. Perhaps this influenced the choice of his profession in the future. In addition, as a child, Svyatoslav was fond of tricks.

The artist spent all his childhood in Voronezh. In the same place, Svyatoslav entered the acting department in 1988. While studying there, Yeshchenko often performed with his songs, poems, humorous numbers, and took part with fellow students in his own productions.

Svyatoslav's acting career began early. Already in his second year, he received an offer from the leadership of the Voronezh Academic Drama Theater and played a role in one of the performances. Then he played for some time in this theater. In addition, at that time he could be seen on the theater stage with his humorous numbers. Svyatoslav also wrote his scripts and humorous poems. So the popular artist Yeshchenko Svyatoslav was gradually born, whose biography may be of interest to anyone who has chosen the same creative path for himself.


A serious breakthrough in the creative life of Svyatoslav occurred after he met Yevgeny Petrosyan. This happened after moving to Moscow, where his father received a new position. And the playwright Matvey Yakovlevich Green introduced Yeshchenko to Petrosyan. Petrosyan appreciated Yeshchenko's talent and invited him to his "Laughing Panorama", where the talented artist achieved amazing success - he became popular and recognizable, he had his own audience. The well-deserved awards came very quickly - Svyatoslav became the laureate of the international competition of satire and humor "Sea of ​​\u200b\u200blaughter - 96" named after. Arkady Raikin, and three years later - the winner of the All-Russian competition of variety artists "Cup of Humor - 99".

In 1997, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko played in the variety play "When finances sing romances" along with Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko.

Mikhail Zadornov drew attention to a talented artist in 1999 and invited him to his new humorous program "Fun Company" along with Maxim Galkin and a number of young talented performers. The artist has been holding solo humorous evenings since 1998. In 2000, the audience saw the professional solo program of the artist "Russian Broadway", and on March 20, 2002 Svyatoslav presented his variety performance "Let's laugh!" to the audience.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko: biography, family, wife

A photo of the family of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko clearly shows how friendly they were. The artist was happily married to his wonderful wife Irina. As Svyatoslav himself recalled, they had an office romance with Irina, she was a concert director at that time, he was an aspiring humorist. Over time, Irina gave the artist a son. They named him Narad, after the name of a musician from Vedic mythology. Narad studied the violin for 7 years, but never became a professional musician.

Svyatoslav and Irina had joint creativity, and, according to the artist himself, either creativity interfered with family life, or vice versa, but the spouses parted and do not currently live together.

Narada is now 17 years old, he lives with Irina. Svyatoslav is friends with Irina and Narada, they meet periodically.

Yeshchenko and religion

Svyatoslav early became interested in religion. In this regard, he was strongly influenced by his grandmother, who taught him prayers. Already in the 7th grade, Svyatoslav read the Bible, which his father found for him with difficulty at the insistent requests of his son. Svyatoslav even sang at one time in a church choir in Voronezh.

Special mention deserves the Yeshchenko family icon, specially painted for the noble family along the grandmother's line. This icon is passed from father to son and protects the men of the family from injury and death in the war.

Krishnaite Yeshchenko

However, Svyatoslav's strongest passion was Judaism. The artist became very interested in the teachings of Krishna and at one time even planned to move to India to search for his spiritual path. Svyatoslav called the famous mentor Mukunda Goswami his spiritual mentor. At this time, Svyatoslav became a member of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, but later left it, explaining his act by the fact that his name was used to raise funds without his consent. Another reason was the issue of misuse of donations in the organization.

Then, unexpectedly for many, Svyatoslav said that a free person should be free from the church and religions.

Important dates in the artist's life

The most important and significant date in the artist's life was the date of his birth. Most likely, she determined his professional path, because Svyatoslav was born on April 1 - April Fool's Day. And whoever he wanted to be during his growing up (he wanted to become a shepherd, a sea captain, a military man), in the end he became a humorist. Of course, my father, the artistic director of the Voronezh Philharmonic, had a great influence on the choice of profession.

The next important date is, of course, the day of admission to the Voronezh State Institute of Arts. It was already a direct road to the stage, where the student Yeshchenko got very quickly and received the first skills in communicating with the audience.

The next major milestone on the creative path of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is his meeting with Evgeny Petrosyan. Svyatoslav managed to reveal his talent to the master, to please Yevgeny Vaganovich. The invitation to "Smehopanorama" was a serious step towards the popularity and popular recognition of the artist Yeshchenko Svyatoslav, whose biography from that moment began to be filled with creative success.

There were also unpleasant dates in the life of the artist. For example, on July 21, 2007, he was in a serious car accident. The artist was driving a private car to a concert that was to be held in the village of Lazarevskoye (Crimea). On a difficult section of the track, the car suddenly lost control, knocked down a fence and crashed into a tree. If not for this tree, the car would inevitably collapse into the abyss. Svyatoslav then received serious injuries, but the doctors managed to put him on his feet.

Another important date in the artist's creative life is the release in 2000 of the variety program "Russian Broadway", the author is Svyatoslav Yeshchenko himself. The biography and personal life of the artist are full of important and memorable dates.

Humor in the life of an artist

It is hard to imagine a comedian who would be sullen and withdrawn off stage. Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is also surrounded by humor in life. The first draw in his life was the birthday of Svyatoslav. When his father was informed about the birth of his son, he decided that he was being played, and did not immediately believe in it.

As Svyatoslav himself recalled, even when he was studying at the Institute of Arts, one of his classmates decided to play a trick on him. It was the time of perestroika, and many goods were then issued on coupons. The joker told Svyatoslav that the store gives butter without coupons. Rushing to the grocery store and not finding a queue, Yeshchenko found out from the saleswoman that he complained that he had been played like that on his birthday. The saleswoman said that for the first time she sees a person whose birthday is April 1, and congratulated the artist by giving him a piece of butter. Svyatoslav returned to the institute, thanked his cheerful classmate and told him in great confidence that they also give vodka and soap without coupons. Comrade grabbed the bag and rushed to the store.

Such stories happen to Svyatoslav all the time, but he himself says that he does not like practical jokes.

National artist

Despite the fact that Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is not spoiled by titles and awards, he is truly a people's artist. It is enough to see once how he communicates with the audience to understand this. who will never cancel his concert, regardless of the number of tickets sold for it, because for him the main thing is the audience and humor. Svyatoslav Yeshchenko deserves the kindest words.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is one of the most famous comedians and actors in Russia. Today he is actively engaged in humorous and cinematic activities.

  • Date of birth: April 1, 1971
  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Place of birth: Voronezh city (Russia)
  • Height: 180 centimeters
  • Weight: 82 kilograms

Before popularity

By the will of fate, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko was born on the best day of all, because it is on the first of April that such a wonderful holiday as the Day of Laughter is celebrated. Svyatoslav himself was born into a fairly ordinary family, where his mother was the keeper of the hearth, and his father occupied the niche of a professional musician and director. That is why this love of creativity was cultivated in the future artist, as the father tried to instill in his little son a love of art. True, Svyatoslav himself liked to make people laugh and give them a cheerful mood. So, having entered school, he began to parade his classmates, creating certain scenes and composing some kind of monologue. Teachers, film critics, and even politicians have gone further. All this, of course, caused a real delight and stormy laughter among those around.

So, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko armed himself with a pen and a notebook every day before crossing the threshold of a school institution, since it was this small notebook that was the work of his whole life for him, because it was in it that he wrote down all the funniest cases, as well as reservations of friends. After careful analysis, he chose only the best pieces and created from it simply amazingly funny jokes. There was even a time when a young man began to get involved in tricks, which turned out to be quite good for him, because, having mastered this skill enough, he was able to take part in one of the concerts held by the house of culture in Voronezh. For such a performance, he was even paid a small fee.

In 1988, after graduating from school, the guy decides to continue to engage in theatrical activities and eventually enters the Voronezh State Institute of Arts, where he was able to show his best side. Immediately in the first year, everyone was able to appreciate the talent of the young talent and recognize that all roads in the theater world are open to Svyatoslav in the future. As it turned out, the statement was true, because after graduating from the university, various offers to participate in projects rained down on the young man.


The real popularity of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko nevertheless brought participation in the show of Yevgeny Petrosyan "Laughing". The young artist was helped to catch the eye of Petrosyan by his friend, who eventually brought them together. Inviting Svyatoslav to a meeting, Evgeny Petrosyan looked through some of his numbers and was delighted. So, Svyatoslav becomes part of one of the largest projects in the country and in a short time wins the love of the audience. Thanks to his talent, Svyatoslav was able to take part in many comedy festivals in the future, as well as win some of them, which finally made him a real comedy pop star.

In 1999, at the personal invitation of Mikhail Zadorny, Svyatoslav began participating in a program called the Fervent Company. Along the way, he tried to give solo concerts and travel not only in his native country, but also in the CIS countries. In 2000, he released his own project "Russian Broadway". After a long work as a comedian, Svyatoslav announced that his latest work as a comedian is coming.

Personal life

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is married to a beautiful woman named Irina, who was able to give him a beloved son named Narad. The Yeshchenko family is very religious and they are Hare Krishnas, which explains Svyatoslav's move to India.

Yeshchenko Svyatoslav Igorevich

Not many people are born on April 1st. But to become a humorist - only a few. And so it happened with Svyatoslav Yeshchenko. He became famous for his amazing parodies. Bright, interesting and incredibly humorous, beloved by the audience, artist!

In the city of Voronezh, in 1971, a boy was born who spent all his childhood in this provincial town. The profession of his father, who was a musician and director, left its mark on the choice of the future field of activity of Svyatoslav. It all started with parody jokes on his loved ones, later teachers from the school, politicians and actors became his characters. Each comic parody made everyone around laugh. This prompted Svyatoslav Yeshchenko to choose this direction.

Every time the boy went to school, he took with him a notebook with a pen, where he wrote down the phrases of teachers and his friends, in order to create humorous numbers later. In addition, Yeshchenko also became interested in tricks, for which he subsequently received his first fee, performing with a number at a concert in the house of culture of his native city.

The desire to become an actor flared up like a flame of fire. After graduating from high school, Svyatoslav began to study acting at the Institute of the city of Voronezh. Having established himself as a talented student, already at the end of his second year Yeshchenko received an invitation from one of the artistic directors to play a role in the performance of the Voronezh Theater. Koltsov. As a student, he more than once went on stage with his humorous monologues.

The fate of Svyatoslav changed dramatically after he met with. Appreciating the young parodist, Petrosyan soon invited him to become a member of the Smehopanorama program. His extraordinary numbers relished the viewer. He became recognizable and loved among fans of the TV show. Having moved to the capital, he devoted all his time to career growth in the field of pop humor. Later, he gave performances at many festivals, where he received awards and titles. 1997 was for the artist, one might say, another stage in his career. After a joint performance in the play by Evgeny Petrosyan and “When finances sing romances”, which received incredible popularity among the audience, Svyatoslav and the artists went on a tour of Russian cities and CIS countries. A couple of years later, the comedian became a member of the project of another famous artist -. But the comedian's solo career was also successful. At first, these were "combined" concerts. But since 2000, after creating his own pop program "Russian Broadway", Yeshchenko began to present new works to the viewer with enviable regularity.

Now Svyatoslav Yeshchenko continues his career, each time creating unusual performances in which he actively interacts with the audience.

For some, it will be unexpected news that a comedian by religion is a Hare Krishna. The desire to move to India, ending his career as a comedian, is most likely due to his faith and desire to find his true path in life.

Weight: 82 kg

Activity: colloquial artist, humorist

Place of Birth: Voronezh

Height: 180 cm

Zodiac sign: Aries

Biography of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is a popular Russian humorist, whose numerous parodies have long been loved by the audience. In his career there was a huge - many - creative victories, bright performances and memorable monologues. It is for this reason that today we decided to make this talented humorist the main character of our article. After all, real stars are not only in the world of cinematography and music.

Early years, childhood - and the family of Svyatoslav - Yeshchenko

As it is jokingly noted in one of the official biographies of the comedian, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko wanted to become a famous comedian so much that he even appeared into the world on April Fool's Day - the first of April. There was a banner-the-lnoe-coexistence in 1971 in the city of Voronezh. In this provincial town, in fact, all the childhood of our today's hero passed.

Comedian Svyatoslav Yeshchenko - Iroquois monologue Svyatoslav's father, Yeshchenko, Igor Petrovich, was a fairly well-known musician and director. Perhaps, just as his example for the first time made the future artist think about a career related to acting skills. First, Svyatoslav learned to copy his loved ones, and then he “switched” to school teachers, politicians and film actors. As a rule, each similar parody evoked stormy laughter from those around. Therefore, at one wonderful moment, our today's hero decided to develop as a development in this direction. Going to school, Yeshchenko Jr. always kept a pen and notebook at hand. But not in order to solve exercises and outline the lesson. No! In this wonderful notebook, Svyatoslav writes down the reservations of his friends and teachers, from which he subsequently made funny numbers. Some time later, the young artist also began to seriously get involved in tricks. For his sleight of hand, at the age of eleven, Yeshchenko received his first fee, appearing with a small number as part of a combined concert in the Voronezh House of Culture. Having decided on his life aspirations, our today's hero began to develop his own skills as a pop artist. In 1988, having received a high school diploma, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko entered the acting department of the Voronezh State Institute of Arts. In this place, he immediately established himself as a talented student. Perhaps, for this reason, at the end of the second year, one of the artistic directors of the Koltsov theater in Ronezh invited a talented boy to one of the roles in his performance glue. Svyatoslav Yeshchenko - I'll promote-that-I'm a grandmother and a computer Subsequently, in his student years, Svyatoslav repeatedly appeared on stage with small humorous monologues. During this period, he often wrote poetry, composed songs, and also, together with friends, was engaged in staging theater numbers.

Career - Yeshchenko - humorist -

A real breakthrough in the comedian's pop career came later than a well-known Voronezh playwright introduced the artist to the famous comedian Yevgeny Petrosyan. Having “viewed” the young parodist, the recognized master of the stage was very pleased, and therefore he soon invited the talented guy to perform in his program “Laughing Panorama”. Since then, our today's hero began to appear frequently in the framework of the concert performances of this television show. Thanks to his funny numbers, Svyatoslav quickly gained respect and love among traditional viewers of the program. They began to recognize him, and therefore at some point he finally moved to Moscow, where he began to pursue his future career. In the second half of the 90s, Yeshchenko began to appear as a participant in some well-known humorous festivals. So, in particular, in different periods of time, he became a laureate of the international competition "Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bLaughter", the All-Russian festival of pop artists "Cup of Humor-". These and some other victories have become an important stage in the life of a humorist. He received a new share of fame and soon established himself as a full-scale star of the Russian stage. In 1997, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko played one of the main roles in the comedy play and - "When finances sing romances." The project became very popular among the audience, and therefore very soon the artists went on a tour of the cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

Other projects, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko today

Two years later, a talented comedian appeared as part of another project. In 1999, at the invitation of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko, he began to perform as part of the humorous program "Zadorna-ya company". In parallel with this, the Voronezh humorist acted as a solo artist, traveling with his concerts in various regions of the CIS.

Comedian Svyatoslav Yeshchenko with his son For the first time, our today's hero appeared on stage as part of "combined" concerts, nevertheless, already in 2000, he managed to develop and release his own th estra-day-th program of the "Russian Broadway". After that, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko began to regularly delight his viewers with new variety works. In 2002, the artist presented to the public his new performance, Let's Go Laugh, followed by new performances and new numbers. At present, the Voronezh comedian performs with a new program, the basis of which is built on constant interaction with the audience. It is quite remarkable that, according to the humorist, this concert program should be the last in his career. At the time of writing this article, the artist was selling his special property in Sochi, and was also seriously planning his move to India.

Personal life Svyatoslav Yeshchenko

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko wife-t. His wife's name is Irina-. Together - the couple - in - wakes up a little son - named Nara-d. By religion, the comedian is a Krishna-ite. He calls his spiritual mentor Mukunda Goswami, a well-known in some circles, the mentor. The comedian's likely move to India is connected both with his religion and the desire to find the true path.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is a popular Russian humorist, whose numerous parodies have long been loved by the audience. In his career there were a huge number of creative victories, outstanding performances and memorable monologues. It is for this reason that today we decided to make this talented humorist the main character of our article. After all, real stars are not only in the world of cinema and music.

Early years, childhood and the family of Svyatoslav Yeshchenko

As jokingly noted in one of the humorist's official biographies, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko wanted to become a famous comedian so much that he was even born on April Fool's Day - the first of April. This significant event happened in 1971 in the city of Voronezh. In this provincial town, in fact, all the childhood of our today's hero passed.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko's father, Igor Petrovich, was a fairly well-known musician and director. Perhaps it was his example that first made the future artist think about a career related to acting. First, Svyatoslav learned to copy his loved ones, and then "switched" to school teachers, politicians and film actors. As a rule, each such parody evoked stormy laughter from those around. Therefore, at one fine moment, our today's hero decided to develop in this direction.

Going to school, Yeshchenko Jr. always kept a pen and notebook at hand. But not in order to solve exercises and outline the lesson. No! In this wonderful notebook, Svyatoslav wrote down the reservations of his friends and teachers, from which he subsequently made funny numbers.

Some time later, the young artist also began to seriously get involved in magic tricks. For his sleight of hand at the age of eleven, Yeshchenko received his first fee, appearing with a small number as part of a combined concert at the Voronezh House of Culture.

Having decided on his life aspirations, our today's hero began to develop his skills as a pop artist. In 1988, having received a high school diploma, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko entered the acting department of the Voronezh State Institute of Arts. In this place, he immediately established himself as a talented student. Perhaps for this reason, at the end of the second year, one of the artistic directors of the Voronezh Koltsov Theater invited a talented boy to one of the roles in his performance.

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko - Advanced grandma and computer

Subsequently, in his student years, Svyatoslav repeatedly appeared on stage with small humorous monologues. During this period, he often wrote poetry, composed songs, and, together with friends, was engaged in staging theater numbers.

Yeshchenko's career - comedian

A real breakthrough in the pop career of a humorist occurred after a familiar Voronezh playwright introduced the artist to the famous comedian Yevgeny Petrosyan. Having “viewed” the young parodist, the recognized master of the stage was very pleased, and therefore very soon invited the talented guy to perform in his program “Laughing Panorama”. Since then, our today's hero began to appear frequently as part of the concert performances of this television show. Thanks to his funny numbers, Svyatoslav quickly gained respect and love among traditional viewers of the program. They began to recognize him, and therefore at some point he finally moved to Moscow, where he began to pursue his future career. In the second half of the 90s, Yeshchenko began to appear as a participant in some well-known humorous festivals. So, in particular, in different periods of time he became a laureate of the international competition "Sea of ​​Laughter", the All-Russian Festival of Variety Artists "Cup of Humor". These and some other victories have become an important stage in the life of a humorist. He received a new share of fame and soon established himself as a full-fledged Russian pop star. In 1997, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko played one of the main roles in the comedy performance by Yevgeny Petrosyan and Elena Stepanenko - "When finances sing romances." The project became very popular among the audience, and therefore very soon the artists went on a tour of the cities of Russia and the CIS countries.

Other projects, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko today

Two years later, a talented comedian appeared as part of another project. In 1999, at the invitation of Mikhail Zadornov, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko began performing as part of the humorous program "Fun Company". In parallel with these, the Voronezh humorist acted as a solo artist, traveling with his concerts in various regions of the CIS.

At first, our today's hero appeared on stage as part of "combined" concerts, but already in 2000 he managed to develop and release his own pop program "Russian Broadway". After that, Svyatoslav Yeshchenko began to regularly delight his audience with new variety works. In 2002, the artist presented to the public his new performance “Let's go laugh”, followed by new performances and new numbers.

Currently, the Voronezh comedian is performing with a new program, the basis of which is based on constant interaction with the audience. It is noteworthy that, according to the comedian, this concert program should be the last in his career. At the time of this writing, the artist was selling his mansion in Sochi, and was also seriously planning his move to India.

Personal life Svyatoslav Yeshchenko

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko is married. His wife's name is Irina. Together, the couple has a young son named Narad. By religion, the comedian is a Krishnaite. He names the well-known in some circles mentor Mukunda Goswami as his spiritual mentor. The comedian's likely move to India is connected precisely with his religion and the desire to find the true path.

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