If you dream of washing your feet, not yourself. Interpretation of sleep washing feet in dream books


Anchor points:

to someone

There is an opinion that washing feet in a dream to another person in real life - is a harbinger of repentance. It is possible that the dreamer, being a purposeful person, goes too actively towards achieving the task, sometimes crossing the line of what is permitted. However, sooner or later the moment will come when he will have to answer for his actions and find a worthy justification for them.

In order not to get into a similar situation, it is better to moderate your ardor for a while and surrender to chance. Reconciliation with circumstances will ensure a favorable outcome of events. And the position of an “outsider” will allow you to save good relations with others.


There are two possible interpretations for this.

The first version says that wash your own feet in a dream- it means that soon in real life you will have to face a problem that requires an immediate solution. No need to flatter yourself and believe that the issue can be resolved instantly. This will require a certain amount of time and energy. Nevertheless, the dreamer will cope with the problem, and will also be able to learn a useful life lesson for himself.

Another interpretation promises that washing feet in a dream promises the dreamer meeting with insidious enemies. Most likely, at work you will have to work on a hopeless project that will not bring the desired result and will only take a lot of time and effort. And there will always be people nearby who will reproach the dreamer for laziness and unwillingness to work in the name of a common cause, while trying to secretly take possession of his achievements.

There is only one conclusion: one should not take to heart the failure of the work begun. This project will bring the only positive result - it will allow the dreamer demonstrate business qualities "in all its glory". Management will appreciate it. And it is better to minimize communication with hypocritical colleagues and not pay attention to attacks on their part.

in the pelvis

There are moments in life when a person faces a choice: to preserve his moral character or improve material well-being in a not entirely decent way. If you had a dream, according to the plot of which you had to wash your feet in a basin, bowl or tub, is the same case. The dream speaks of the dreamer's greed and the victory of material values ​​over spiritual ones.

In life, events are coming that will significantly replenish the contents of your wallet. And for the sake of profit, a person will decide on risky steps, forgetting about the people around him. It is possible that the dreamer will appropriate both his own and someone else's, depriving his colleagues of the opportunity to earn money. To avoid trouble and universal condemnation, you do not need to "walk over the corpses." The ability to share and think about others will allow keep your good name and good reputation.

In a river

The essence of the interpretation of such a dream depends on the purity of the reservoir. If you have to wash your feet in a clean river- it means joy and good luck in life. If the water in the river is cloudy or with an unpleasant odor, then you should expect unexpected troubles that can lead to unfortunate consequences.

In addition, with cold water, where the dreamer happened to wash his feet, it can mean an upcoming cold and deterioration in health.

in a puddle

Many dream books agree that washing feet in a puddle- characterizes the dreamer as an infantile and irresponsible person. In reality, a person is prone to reckless actions, for which others often have to pay.

This dream should be taken into account and try to "grow up". Sooner or later, the consequences of rash actions will entail big problems, which you will have to solve on your own, without anyone's help. This means that your behavior now needs to be carefully controlled, drawing conclusions from past mistakes and making informed decisions.

Why did the Legs dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

Feet symbolize our life resources. If you see their lower parts, you will have a lot of vital energy, the upper ones - to unexpected obstacles in achieving the goal.

  • If you break a leg bone, expect trouble at work or the loss of one of your comrades.
  • Why dream of freshly washed feet - to improve health, get out of a protracted illness.
  • A bad sign is to see your feet burning. This promises a bad company, with which it is dangerous to contact for a calm and happy life.
  • If you dreamed your legs were crooked and ugly, in reality, expect significant material losses.

What did the Leg dream about (Psychiatric dream book)

Legs are our support. The stronger they are, the more confident we feel in life. What are the legs for? Pay attention to how you felt in your dream. Positive emotions indicate that you live in harmony with yourself. Continue in the same spirit. Negative perception of sleep - you should consider your social status and slightly change it, then you will become a happier and more confident person.

  • Strong and healthy legs dreamed - to prosperity and well-being.
  • Why do you dream of full legs - to unprofitable activities.
  • Seeing ugly legs - to fake friends.
  • Legs with ulcers and wounds - to sudden poverty.
  • Seeing the absence of legs is a loss of friends.

Why do Legs dream (Romantic dream book)

  • Why do women dream of hairy legs - she will probably be the main one in the family, and this state of affairs will suit both partners.
  • If you dreamed of sick, thin and ugly legs, this is a sign of an imminent parting with your loved one. Try to become more restrained and tolerant in words and actions in order to prevent the destruction of the union.
  • If a man dreams of the slender and beautiful legs of his companion, this is true in reality, she is in a relationship with you solely because of her own benefit.

Why do Legs dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • To see crooked legs in a dream means to suffer losses.
  • Dirty feet are dreaming, portends trouble.
  • You are kicked in a dream - to wealth.
  • Wipe your feet at the entrance to the house, dreams of a gift.
  • I dreamed of breaking my legs - the collapse of love hopes.
  • Seeing burned feet in a dream is a harbinger of glory.
  • Looking at other people's legs in a dream is a loss of money.

Why do Legs dream in the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananita)

  • Dreaming of losing a leg means losing a good friend.
  • Breaking a leg or legs in a dream is a demotion.
  • Seeing swollen legs - losses and losses.
  • Thin legs are dreaming - they will cheat on you.
  • Wounds on the legs, according to the dream book, misfortune.
  • Why do wooden legs dream - you will remain deceived.
  • Seeing dirty feet is a dislike.
  • Washing your feet is a journey, figuring out a useless case.
  • Why dream of legs in large numbers - you will find the lost thing.
  • Seeing shins, slender and beautiful - they can dream of the future without worries. Swollen or crippled lower legs at a loss.

Why dream of a woman's legs in a dream (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • If in a dream you liked slender female legs, you will show unforgivable frivolity in your behavior with a very pretty person.
  • Seeing ugly limbs portends activities that do not justify efforts.
  • If a young woman admires her own body in a dream, her indefatigable vanity will alienate the person she adores from her.
  • To see that your legs do not obey you, you are in danger of poverty.
  • An amputated limb dreams of the loss of close friends or the despotic influence of home. This is an interpretation of what images are dreaming of.
  • A wooden leg means you will be embarrassed in front of your friends.

The meaning of the dream about caressing the legs (Gypsy dream book)

  • Why dream of kissing another's feet - a dream means repentance, insulting confession and a change of state.
  • Seeing legs bitten by a snake or other poisonous animal means sadness and boredom.
  • Seeing washing your feet in a basin or tub means greed.
  • To feel that someone is tickling the sole portends ruin from flatterers and treacherous people.
  • Why dream of legs, broken and dislocated - a dream means loss, loss, stoppage or insanity in travel and illness of ministers.
  • Seeing a wooden leg in oneself portends a change in the state of good to bad.

Why do Legs dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • In a dream, you liked slender female legs, which means you will lose your judgment and show unworthy frivolity.
  • Ugly legs are dreaming - unprofitable activities and irritable comrades.
  • A wounded leg in a dream portends loss.
  • I dreamed that you had a wooden leg - a fake position in front of friends.
  • Seeing a foot in ulcers is a decrease in income due to helping other people.
  • You have three or more legs in a dream - your enterprise is more manifested in imagination than in real affairs.
  • Wash your feet in a dream - the cunning of others will confuse your plans and discourage you.

The meaning of the dream about the Legs (Islamic dream book)

  • Why the leg is dreaming is the vitality of a person. And if he sees that he is walking barefoot, then he will suffer burden, fatigue and suffering.
  • Limping in a dream - to piety and fear of God.
  • He who sees many limbs in himself will get rich if he is poor, get sick if he is rich and successfully complete the journey if he is a traveler.
  • For a man to see his legs painted in tattoos - to the loss of a family, and for a woman - to the death of her husband.
  • Having lost one limb in a dream, he will lose half of his property in life, both - all property.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are raising and twisting your leg - to something difficult from business. They also say to see such a dream means to be a vicious person.
  • Why dream of iron legs - to prolong life.
  • A man who sees women's legs will soon marry.
  • Seeing that the skin of the legs has become rough, and the feet themselves are swollen, he will gain money through difficulties.
  • To break a bone in the region of the lower leg or ankle - to death, and in the heel - to the desire to do a dubious deed that will bring failure and regret.
  • Dreaming of hairy feet is a sign of strong fanaticism in religion.
  • A patient who sees some kind of liquid in his knees in a dream will soon die.

Why do Legs dream (interpretation from the Big Dream Book)

  • You wash your feet, according to the dream book, this portends an exciting journey and, along with it, a short love affair.
  • Dirty feet are dreaming - a sign of insatiability in love and passion.
  • Swollen or diseased limbs portend in reality losses from a disadvantageous enterprise.
  • Seeing thin or crooked legs - to adultery and clarification of family relationships.
  • Why do you dream of slender and beautiful legs indicate that you will lose control of yourself and say insolence to a person who does not deserve anything.
  • Injured or broken ankle - beware of an accident. A fracture portends unprofitable employment and distrustful creditors.
  • Cutting your leg to blood threatens with the loss of friendship and trust in reality.
  • A limb rotting from gangrene portends that by helping a person, you will harm your interests.
  • If in a dream your lower leg is amputated, you will suffer from excessive guardianship of the elders in the family.
  • If in a dream, as a result of an operation, you were deprived of both legs, it means that you will be subjected to surveillance, control or revision, depending on the type of your activity.
  • To have wooden prostheses - in reality you will be deftly deceived and, moreover, people who have undertaken to help you will be defame.
  • Do not feel your legs in a dream - meet a person who will subsequently bring you a lot of sorrowful experiences.
  • Why dream of legs if it is like cotton wool, and you cannot budge - you are threatened with confusion in need and helplessness in solitude.
  • To see a lot of feet walking past the basement window through which you observe them - in reality you will find a thing long lost in the house.
  • If in a dream you allegedly grew additional limbs, it means that you tend to overestimate your merits and humiliate the role of other people in them.
  • If in a dream you are kicked, this portends the danger of being attacked by criminal elements.
  • If a fan kisses your feet, you will gain complete power and control over him.
  • Bare feet in the cold due to lack of shoes - soon you will have to go on a long journey.
  • Seeing someone's hips portends a successful marriage and happiness in love.
  • Seeing slender, beautiful legs predicts a future without worries and old age, surrounded by loving children and grandchildren.
  • Swollen or with bulging knotty veins of the lower leg - a sign of impending losses in commerce and entrepreneurship.
  • An ankle fracture predicts you failure as a result of ill-considered actions. This is an interpretation of what limbs dream of.
  • To see shaving your legs, according to the dream book, in reality you will lose a friend.

I dreamed of Legs (interpretation according to the Old Russian dream book)

  • Why dream of dirty feet - trouble.
  • Wiping your feet at the entrance to the house is a gift.
  • To have very long legs: men benefit; women - a nuisance; all - frivolity.
  • Crooked legs are dreaming - to recognize enemies. Outsmart them.
  • I dreamed of swollen legs - the loyalty of friends and help from them.
  • Seeing very thick ankles is a joy, very thin ones are the grumpiness of loved ones.
  • To have one leg crooked or lame - misfortune, illness of loved ones; harm from inaction.
  • Strongly bruising the foot is a danger from superficiality, splintering or cutting - excessive liveliness of character and danger from this; lack of caution.
  • Walking on crutches is a "new apprenticeship", you have to learn something again.
  • Why dream of legs if you break them - the collapse of love hopes.
  • To see that instead of legs you have hooves - to show evil will.
  • To have legs as if poured with lead - the inertia of mental life and the harm from this.
  • To have huge feet is in vain to hesitate.
  • For a man, obsessive dreams about women's legs speak of homosexual inclinations hidden in him; for women, dreams have the same meaning, and which they obsessively take care of their own limbs.

Why see Legs in a dream (according to the English dream book)

Before homo sapiens invented and developed other modes of locomotion, the legs were the only way to move from place to place, and even in today's sedentary lifestyle, their function remains the same. Dreams centered around the image of feet may be sexual, but your subconscious mind most likely emphasizes the need to act - to find a way to avoid unpleasant or hostile situations.

What are the legs for? Did you experience in a dream the desire to act, move, or was it exclusively sexual? Many people find long legs attractive - whether because they make a person look taller, or because they are associated with ideas about health and mobility and therefore with sexual stamina - decide for yourself.

Legs in a dream (dream book of Catherine the Great)

  • To see your legs from the dream book - you will actually find yourself in a very difficult situation; you need to mobilize and act; there should be no place for despondency, and confusion will destroy you.
  • Why dream of slender female legs - impressed by some event, you will lose your judgment for a while; try to pull yourself together as soon as possible - you are defenseless until you are able to assess the situation and make the right decisions.
  • You dream of ugly female legs - what you do in life will help you make ends meet, but will not bring tangible benefits; you will not save.
  • It’s like you have three limbs in a dream - you seem to yourself to be very active, but in reality you only create an appearance; in your imagination you are a hero, but in reality no one notices your exploits; it makes sense for you to try your hand at the stage of the theater.
  • Your leg is injured in a dream - get ready for some losses.
  • According to the dream book, to see that you have a wooden prosthesis - you will behave incorrectly when communicating with friends; they will be surprised, and you will not be able to quickly find a way out of an ambiguous situation.
  • Your legs seem to be covered with ulcers - circumstances will force you to help other people; you will not experience deprivation, but you will have to tighten your belt more tightly.
  • It’s like you are washing your feet - you will come across someone’s cunning; you will be prevented from fulfilling your plan.
  • You cannot get up, your limbs do not obey you and seem to have become stiff - fate has destined you for poverty.
  • Why dream of swollen ankles - in reality, all troubles will fall on your head: you will be disgraced, humiliated, crushed, your business will fall into decay, your family will fall apart
  • It’s as if your leg is being amputated - most likely, you are not the owner of the family, you are under heels; you are "sawed" from morning to evening; softness causes many troubles - including the loss of friends.

Leg in a dream (from the book of Elena Avadyaeva)

  • If in a dream a shin was dreamed in a dream, this symbolizes how strong your position in life and your relationships with other people are.
  • To dream that you broke your leg in the lower leg - then you will find illness, fatigue.
  • If you saw that you are putting a bandage on your lower leg, it means that you have to endure humiliation and humility.
  • Whoever sees in a dream a full and beautiful shin, this indicates the good quality of what he brings, and what is brought to him. Sometimes the lower leg indicates a difficult position.
  • The bare shins of a man are dreaming - this is a sign of his abandonment of Namaz and his humiliation after greatness and power.

What does sleep with Legs mean (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

  • In the spring, why dream of legs, calves - you have to run away from someone.
  • In the summer, why did you dream of swollen calves with prominent veins - in reality you have never seen more beautiful legs than your beloved.
  • In the fall, why did you dream of a beautiful shape of the calves of your legs - to get to know a pretty girl.
  • In winter, why dream of full and soft calves at the feet - They mean illness, annoyance and an obstacle in business; hard and thin calves mean firmness, constancy and strength.

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    Wash in dream dirty legs- means with dignity to solve the problems that have arisen in reality. Such dream symbolizes the appearance in real life of insidious hypocrites who intend to "drench dirt» dreamer and discredit his good name in the eyes of others. However, the dream, rather, has a positive meaning, as it is a warning about the occurrence of annoying situations. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Wash legs in dream, may mean that in the near future the sleeping person will have a long road or some kind of exciting journey that requires some preparation. For business people the washing up legs in dream could be a very good sign. Such dream sometimes perceived as a signal that the sleeper will not be left alone with his problems, and will definitely receive support from his companions. Read more

  • Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming dirty legs in dream. Seen in dream dirty legs are always a symbol of future troubles. However, in the event that dreaming, what do you wash them clean, dream books give a similar plot a slightly different interpretation - you will probably be able to adequately cope with all the problems. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Dream, in which they were legs V mud, promises that the dreamer will not be bored, as there will be a wonderful opportunity to spend an unexpected weekend in carnal pleasures. If dreamed left leg, dream book says that the past haunts you. If you had to wash dirty legs in dream, in reality you can once again make sure that everything that is done is for the better. Despite all the efforts, you will not be able to achieve the goal, but your efforts will be appreciated. If dreamed how you got rejected legs, get ready for triumph.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Sweep dirt in dream or launder dirt- heal. Take away dirt in dream deal with troubles and get rid of them. Dream about dirt in the house - quarrels, scandals. Dream in which you have your hands in mud- be guilty of a scandal or other people's misfortunes. In dream doused dirt Wash legs from mud- to recovery. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation wash Legs dreamed, for what dreaming in dream wash Legs".To me dreamed that I was walking barefoot down the street, with some woman, and then soap legs in a column with cold water, but the water was clean and clear, I saw how dirt get off my legs!Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream, in which dreaming pigs in mud in dream you were able to get out of mud mud in dream In dream doused dirt- undeserved insults and humiliation. Wash legs from mud- to recovery. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    For what dreaming legs wash in dream. A dream in which you see yourself wash their dirty legs, warns you about the upcoming showdown due to any unpleasant rumors or gossip from your ill-wishers or envious people. dreams in which someone washes legs or hands, often symbolize a passing chronic ailment or a problem that loses its relevance over time. if you dreamed, what do you washed legs, - it's kind of dream-caution.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Dream, in which dreaming pigs in mud- to betrayal or a vile act from acquaintances or close people. If in dream you were able to get out of mud, in reality, you can also overcome difficulties, get out of a series of failures. wallow in mud in dream yourself (getting pleasure from it) means that you will find profit, income that will cause hatred and envy of others. In dream doused dirt- undeserved insults and humiliation. Wash legs from mud- to recovery. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Sweep dirt in dream or launder dirt- heal. Wash legs from mud- to recovery. Wash dead man in dream Wash in dream legs Wash in dream You washed walls, dream Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Wash, Wash automobile, Wash asphalt, Wash banks, Wash glasses, Wash bath, Wash bucket, Wash forks, Wash grape, Wash hair, Wash head, Wash mushrooms, Wash dirty shoes, Wash dirty dishes, Wash dirty legs, Wash filthy floor, Wash dirt, Wash doors dreamed that I am in the ditch mine shoes, she dirty very, straight clay, I lowered legs in shoes straight into the water and such a buzz, then I caught a big fish, a huge one beats straight in my hands, dream was from Thursday to Friday, per day had a dream the unfamiliar house is beautiful, as if I live there...Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    For what dreaming wash legs in dream. If you dreamed, what do you wash legs, then perhaps in the near future you will have a long road, an exciting journey that requires preparation. For business people the washing up legs in dream may be an omen of the support they will receive from companions. If you dreaming that you discovered your legs dirty and decided that they needed urgently wash up - dream serves as a warning.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magenya"

    "I was going to wash legs from mud, but instead of dirt wash off, limited to what wetted legs in water. Why is this dreaming"Do you feel in dream that were denied legs(do not go, weaned) - you can no longer hope and trust your former support group. dreamed that hurt legs(pain) - serious problems in business and relationships with family and friends. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-mira"

    See in dream, What washed legs, in real life - there comes a period when it is important not to rush to make a decision, but you can’t delay it either. If had a dream dream, according to the plot of which it was necessary wash legs in a basin, bowl or tub - this is the same case. Dream speaks of the dreamer's greed and the victory of material values ​​over spiritual ones. Events are coming in life that will significantly replenish the contents of your wallet.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    launder dirt. If in dream get dirty barefoot legs V mud promises trouble, then why dreaming that wash them? Seeing this in the process means: insidious ill-wishers will interfere in your plans. But if a person is now tormented by an injury or other ailment, then the disease can be dealt with. dreamed legs V mud, and how they are rinsed in a large tub - this is nothing more than a warning against stinginess. Wash to themselves means that family life is disgusting. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Wash mop floors in dream- scandals, quarrels and showdowns. Wash wooden floor in dream- to poverty. Wash floor in the church - to repentance for sins. Wash stairs in dream- changes for the better, it will be possible to implement plans. Sweep dirt in dream or launder dirt- heal. Wash legs from mud- to recovery. Wash dead man in dream- stop yearning for the past.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: Wash legs in dream. dreamed that I'm in rubber slippers, climbed somehow into dirt. As if in a village. Legs and flip flops dirty. I went into a shower, turned on the water and took a shower. I see the water wash away dirt from my legs.dream interpretation Wash legs in dream. Comment order: Default Newest first Oldest first.Read More

    Dream Interpretation "sonmir"

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    DirtDirt in dream- promises you poverty. If you dreaming that you walk on mud, - this dream to illness, to get dirty in mud- also to illness, poverty and trouble. But get dirt from the sea, river or lake - this dream promises abundant prosperity, contentment and well-being. dreamed that I’m walking with a friend along the shopping aisle and passing with her from one side to the other I budded legs V mud, I wanted to buy napkins, I took out money from my wallet, and they are foreign.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Soaps in dream legs- do not be surprised at human cunning, which will somewhat confuse your plans. The woman who dreamed that she has hairy legs- will command her husband in the future. Curves legs- to suffer losses; to see - to start a risky venture. dream interpretation from A to Z. If in dream You wash legs- this portends a fascinating journey and along with it a short love affair. Dirty legs- a sign of insatiability in love and passion. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonniktolkovatel"

    Some of our dreams are quite conscious and understandable, but often we have to think for a long time about what this or that object meant. in dream. Let's say for what reason can dream legs? Different dream books explain this phenomenon in different ways ... As the saying goes dream book, legs dirty which you wash- to travel. On fire - a truce in the family. prosthesis instead legs- injustice in life. put on shoes in dream- to the fast track. As he says dream book, barefoot legs V mud- to money, in blood - to the enemy. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Filthy house dreaming to illness. If in your dream You washed a house, an apartment, which means that your life will soon get better, things will return to normal. If in such dream you have hard feelings or you clean up, and mud more and more - bad changes, quarrels, scandals, strife, divorces. dirt in dream or launder dirt- heal. Wash legs from mud- to recovery. Read completely

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    If in dream the sleeper sees that he cleans heels with a pumice stone, scrape them to clean from mud, then in the near future, numerous trips await the sleeper. in dream having more than two legs, will indicate the fact that the enterprise of this person, most likely, is reflected exclusively in fantasies, has absolutely nothing to do with real affairs. If suddenly dreamed, What in dream do not obey legs, then such dream predicts poverty.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Sweep dirt in dream or launder dirt- heal. Wash legs from mud- to recovery. Wash dead man in dream- stop yearning for the past. Wash in dream legs- to good and quick changes, to the end of a series of failures. Wash hands means getting rid of a job or duty that was unpleasant for you. If in dream You washed walls, dream means an attempt to create a strong position.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "womanadvice"

    For what dreaming dirty legs? See on legs a lot of mud, which means that it is worth preparing for various troubles. It may also be an indication that numerous disagreements with people around you will seriously upset you. Dirty legs in dream are a warning that gossip will harm you. For what dreaming wash legs? If you wash legs, which means that in the near future it will be necessary to resolve unexpected issues.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    For what dreaming dirty legs in dream. A dream in which you are the owner dirty legs, - an unfavorable sign, promising a variety of troubles. If you in dream considering Feet, in the future you will meet new acquaintances and possibly even a romantic relationship. Wash legs. Break leg. nails on legs.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    General dream book. In dream you walk on mud- wealth awaits you. To you dreamed what you dig into mud- your undertakings will bring you a lot of income. See in dream someone strongly dirty- to money. Mud bath - for a trip to the sanatorium. throw dirt someone - put an eye on someone. Legs V mud- troubles in personal affairs; fall into dirt- changing of the living place. If you are walking along dirty road - you will lose friends through your fault. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed dirty Legs, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming dirty Legs in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream saw this symbol. I take off my shoes in dream, moreover, on the street and I need to go somewhere with a friend, and I look at my legs and as if these are not my paws, dirty feet, nails dirty, and I bend over with a stick, but on the street I start picking off the stuck dirt with nails, and I see a thumb, like my, I clean his, dirt...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Wash legs in dream- to deception, violation of hopes and betrayal of relatives. If in dream you see naked legs This means that you are very impressionable and your desires often manifest themselves in your fantasies, and not in your real actions. Legs in dreamdream book Vanga. if you dreamed big swollen legs, this is a loss of money, a serious illness and trouble.

Legs in a dream are a very multifaceted symbol. Therefore, it is not easy to interpret it. Be sure to remember all the details of the storyline of night dreams. It is believed that the legs in a dream always reflect the self-confidence and self-sufficiency of the dreamer. The legs seen in a dream in a certain place reflect a person’s confidence in his actions in reality. This symbol in night dreams can tell a lot about the internal state of a person.

Equally important for the correct interpretation is the appearance of the legs. If you dreamed about your own legs beautiful, even and well-groomed, then even if they are not, this is a very good dream. Otherwise, interpretations may differ.

Why dream of hairy legs

Very often the question arises why hairy legs dream. If you saw legs with black hair, then this indicates the dreamer's internal problems. Most likely, he has a lot of invented fears in his soul that prevent him from becoming a successful person.

A very dangerous warning is a dream in which the hair on the legs begins to fall out sharply. This may indicate the development of a serious disease that is difficult to treat.

Alien legs

If you dream of ugly alien legs, then this indicates that people in your environment often annoy you. In addition, such a dream may be a warning that the business to which you have devoted a lot of time and attention will be unprofitable.

In addition, unattractive legs can predict the following:

    When red and swollen legs were dreamed of in a dream, this portends family troubles; If legs in ulcers are seen, it means that your income will be reduced due to charitable activities; Crooked legs indicate that the hard work that the dreamer will have to do will not bring any results .

dirty feet

Dirty feet in a dream is an unfavorable sign. It is a warning that troubles, difficulties and obstacles await in life. But on the other hand, in all dream books, attention is focused on the fact that with the correct behavior of the dreamer in reality, possible complications of certain events can be prevented.

Quite informative is the dream, according to the plot of which you have to wash off the dirt on your feet. This may mean that the dreamer will be able to avoid the consequences of slander and adequately get out of a difficult life situation.

If a woman dreams with dirty feet, then this portends intrigue in real life. Maximum caution must be exercised, as the enemies will use the most dishonest methods to harm the dreamer.

You need to pay attention to the form in which the soiled feet dreamed:

    Bare feet - you should expect hostility from familiar people; Bare feet portend trouble in reality and focus on the dreamer's vulnerability; Feet in shoes give hope that solutions to all problems will be found.

If you dream of dirt under your feet, then this indicates that in reality the sleeping person will soon quarrel with people from his inner circle. Moreover, the dreamer will be entirely to blame for this.

clean feet

Beautiful, slender and clean legs portend the onset of a favorable life period. Most likely, the dreamer will have new true friends or partners. For young people, such a dream can be a harbinger of a feeling of love.

Big legs - interpretation of sleep

If you dream of well-groomed big legs, then this is a very favorable omen. Such legs indicate that in reality all the affairs of the dreamer will go well, and he will be lucky in all endeavors.

When interpreting dreams, the following should be considered:

    The left leg indicates that the dreamer is disturbed by the events of the past. In addition, a dream can warn that wrong actions will be committed in reality. The right leg indicates the dreamer's ambition and his desire to take a leadership position. But besides this, such a dream may indicate that a person is confident in his own abilities. Long legs warn that you need to take your own life more seriously. In addition, this is often a sign that momentary pleasures can destroy health. The legs of a dead person portend losses in real life, in addition, they can predict life disorders.

different legs

When you dream of different legs, for example, one is shorter than the other, this indicates that many people strive to help you in life. But, unfortunately, nothing good comes of this, each assistant is trying to win you over to his side.

If you dream of feet in shoes, then the interpretation depends entirely on the appearance:

    New shoes on your feet portend life luck; Old shoes on your feet warn of trouble.

Very often, dreamers have a question about what a broken leg is dreaming of. In various dream books, you can find several options for such a dream. But first of all, such nightly dreams indicate that the dreamer has chosen the wrong path, and it will lead him to losses and disappointments.

When interpreting dreams, the following nuances of storylines should be taken into account:

    When a broken leg is associated with the fact that you see yourself in a dream on crutches, then this symbolizes that you will have to study a lot in the upcoming life period. If you dreamed that you were lying on the floor or on the ground with a broken leg, and no one was helping you rise, this indicates that you will become a victim of gossip in reality. When someone else breaks his leg in a dream, then you should expect disagreements with people from your inner circle in reality.

See yourself without a leg

If in night dreams you see yourself without a leg, then this indicates that you may lose your life support. Perhaps you are in danger of breaking up with your loved one. After such a dream, you need to prepare yourself for not very pleasant events, and if you still cannot avoid them, then you need to try to maintain your sanity and not become depressed. Severed legs can symbolize the dreamer's uncertainty about the future.

Bruises and abrasions on the legs

Other leg injuries seen in a dream may indicate the following. Bruises on the legs warn that the planned trip should be abandoned. If you dreamed of abrasions on other people's legs, then this focuses the dreamer's attention that you need to pay attention to the little things that may seem insignificant at first glance. A bruise on your knee is a warning that someone will try to knock the ground out from under your feet.

Leg wound - dream book

The wound on the leg focuses the dreamer's attention that he has not taken decisive action for a long time, therefore he stopped on the spot. According to Freud's dream book, such a dream indicates that the dreamer is not ready for a new relationship. If in a dream you see a wound on the leg of another person, then this focuses your attention on the fact that you do not notice a person next to you who sincerely loves you and makes him suffer.

Blood on my feet

If you dreamed of blood on your legs, then this indicates that in real life it is likely that you will have to lose the trust of a close friend. For a man in love, such a dream predicts disappointment in his partner.

Worms in the leg - the meaning of sleep

Worms in the leg is a very unfavorable dream. Such a plot may be seen if the dreamer has gone astray from the right path of life. But the same dream may be evidence of the development of a serious disease of the legs. If disturbing symptoms have not yet appeared in reality, then after such a dream it is advisable to undergo a diagnosis in a medical institution in order to be able to carry out treatment in a timely manner.

Parts of the legs in a dream

In dreams, various parts of the legs can often appear. In this case, dreams can have different interpretations. In particular, the feet that appear in night dreams are always very symbolic. The thing is that in reality the entire load of the human body falls on this part. Therefore, seeing his own feet in a dream, the dreamer can conclude that in reality he is confidently standing on his feet. If in night dreams attention is focused on cleanly washed feet, then this portends a long journey. In addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of a romantic adventure.


Toes in most dream books are associated with the material sphere of a person. If they appear in a dream in a well-groomed condition, then this is a very good sign. He indicates that the dreamer has chosen the right path in life, which will lead him to well-being. If you have such a dream before any deal, then this indicates that it will be successful, so in real life you need to cast aside all doubts about its conclusion.

A very good omen is a dream in which the dreamer sees his own feet with extra thumbs. This dream portends unexpected enrichment. This may be due to promotion or inheritance.

Toenails - how to interpret

Quite often there is a question of what toenails dream of. This symbol indicates the desire to protect oneself from external aggression, and, most likely, in real life there are good reasons for this. But such a dream also warns that the actions taken to protect can be overly aggressive and completely thoughtless. This can lead to loss of respect of loved ones. Long toenails seen in night dreams are an indicator of the dreamer's hidden aggressiveness.

Trim your toenails

When you have to cut your toenails in a dream, then in dream books such an action is interpreted as a harbinger of the arrival of guests. At the same time, the longer the nails, the more important the guests will be. If you have to cut the toenails of a stranger, then this portends career growth in real life. But also such a dream focuses on the fact that you will be helped in this and you will definitely have to pay for it.

cut your leg

For the correct interpretation of dreams, it is necessary to take into account what actions with the legs were carried out according to the plot of night dreams. Cutting your leg in a dream is not a very good omen. Wake up needs to be careful in actions and desires. Also, this symbol can portend separation.

Wash your feet in a dream

If you have to wash your feet in night dreams, then this portends an exciting journey in real life. But it should be understood that it will require special preparation. Washing feet in a dream is a positive sign for business people. This is a sign that in reality the dreamer will not be left alone with his problems, he will be supported by faithful partners in difficult times. Feet in the water in night dreams are a harbinger of an unforgettable vacation. Such a dream may portend a non-binding holiday romance. Such an adventure should not be taken seriously, it just needs to be accepted as a short-term gift of fate.

A very common question is why dream of shaving your legs. Such a dream is a multifaceted symbol. When interpreting, the following should be taken into account:
    If a man has to shave women's legs in a dream, then this is a recommendation for him to take everything that happens in the real world under strict control. If this is not done, then this can lead to material problems. For a woman, shaving her legs in a dream represents the dreamer's determination. The dream indicates that she is used to solving all problems on her own. If you dream that a stranger shaves your legs, this warns that an enemy will appear in life who will seek to harm.

Had a bite on the leg

A bite on the leg in a dream is interpreted by most dream books as an unfavorable sign that is of a warning nature. You can advise the dreamer in the next life period to check all the information that comes to him and carefully consider all his actions.

Dog bites on the leg

A bad sign is a dream, according to the plot of which the dreamer is bitten by a dog on the leg. This means that in reality you will have to face treachery. Also, such a dream may indicate that the dreamer in real life will have very strong enemies. In addition, after such a dream, you need to pay attention to your closest relatives, it is desirable to prevent brewing disagreements.

snake bite in leg

A snake bite on the leg is always considered a warning. In most cases, this means that your enemies are trying to cut the ground from under your feet. If a snake bites your leg in night dreams so quickly that you do not have time to react, then this means that you will be powerless against the actions of enemies. In addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of the development of serious diseases. When a snake bit your leg in night dreams, you should mentally prepare yourself for life's troubles. This will help you avoid stress and depression.

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In order to correctly decipher night dreams, you need to remember them in detail and try to understand what imprint the dream left in your soul: positive or negative. Why dream of washing someone's feet and should we take a nightmare as a prediction of trouble?

What if you dream of washing someone's feet?

To wash someone's feet in a dream - in reality to be humiliated in front of another person. Some interpreters believe that the sleeper will be involved in some kind of intrigue, as a result of which he will be disgraced.

If the dreamer watched how he washed the feet of his relative or friend, in real life he will have to turn to relatives for help. Not very pleasant events will occur in the fate of the sleeping person, there will be many problems and it will not be possible to cope with them alone.

To wash the feet of the enemy in a dream - in reality, to be defeated in a long-standing confrontation. A person should not throw all his strength into proving his own innocence to the enemy. Everything will be in vain. To wash the feet of an enemy and at the same time laugh in nightmares - in real life, deceive other people. The dreamer admits his defeat, retreats for a while, and then delivers a decisive blow to the enemy. Perhaps a person will commit a not very honest act.

You should not take what you see seriously if the events of a nightmare somehow resonate with reality. For example, if in reality a person found out that a close relative's legs hurt, the dream is only a reflection of his experiences.

Washing the feet of a person is not pleasant in nightmares - in reality, experiencing the need to turn to someone for help or start communicating with someone with whom you don’t even want to talk.

Equally important is the appearance of the water in which you had to dip your feet in night dreams. Washing someone in clean and clear water is a good sign. The sleeper will turn to a loved one for help and receive serious support. Dirty water symbolizes unpleasant conversations, gossip. If the dreamer watched how he dipped someone's feet into a basin of muddy liquid, in reality he would entrust a secret secret to one of his friends, but he would be betrayed. This man will tell everyone about his secret. Vision should be taken as a warning. No need to once again talk about your experiences, make personal public property.

Washing your parents' feet in muddy and dirty water is a bad omen. Sleep prophesies serious health problems.

What portends?

In a dream, washing the feet of a person of the opposite sex - to a meeting with your soulmate or to the beginning of a new romance. For family people, a vision portends a major scandal with a spouse, which can flare up on the basis of jealousy.

Washing the feet of your loved one in a dream - in reality, completely obey him. Some interpreters consider such night dreams a serious warning. The sleeper should think about how his relationship with his soulmate is built. Most likely, the dreamer is so in love that he does not want to notice the shortcomings of another person and allows himself to be treated not in the best way. The key to a happy family life is mutual respect. If the sleeper wants to experience satisfaction from communicating with a lover or lover, he should ensure that his opinion is taken into account.

Washing the feet of a small child in a dream for a young girl is a symbol of readiness to create a family and have children. She has been wanting this for a long time and in the near future the wish will come true.

Wash someone's feet in a dream - in reality, belittle your own merits, elevate another person in your eyes, ask for help from loved ones. At the same time, visions in which water appears dirty, muddy, with a fetid odor are considered a very unpleasant omen.

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