Essays of the music director modern teacher what he is. Essay by musical director Ryabova S.V.



I have been working as a music director in kindergarten for over 35 years. Of course, I already have enough experience, but I continue to study, try to learn and keep up with important events in the field of early childhood education.

Why did I become a music director? The reasons for choosing this profession are the example of my mother, who worked with preschoolers all her life. I enjoy being with children, watching them develop, grow, become more skillful, knowledgeable and confident. My work brings me satisfaction and joy. Why? Because it is very joyful and pleasant to meet grown-up pupils and hear that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in kindergarten have made their life more interesting and fuller.

At work, daily self-education takes place in communication with colleagues, with children. Every day I plan and implement something. Everything in our life runs, and sometimes I can't keep up with it. In my work, I want to give children as much musical and performing experience as possible. And in my free time I like to grow flowers. I have many of them both at home and in the country.

Musical - didactic game for children to identify musical genres


I am a music director. How many new abilities this profession has revealed in me! My work is unique in that it combines different professions: musician and artist, screenwriter and director, costume designer and actor, make-up artist and sound engineer. The music director is engaged in the design of the music hall, writes scripts, and holds numerous holidays.

I have been working in my own kindergarten relatively recently - I was lucky enough to get here right after graduating from a music college. But already in these short 3 years I managed to fall in love with my wonderful, incredibly kind and talented colleagues and, of course, children. Children are a powerful life engine for me, they force me to discover and learn new things, stimulate me to become better, charge me with their excellent mood and spontaneity.

My, albeit small, experience allows me to conclude that working with children, of course, involves the creativity of the teacher himself, without which it is impossible to imagine the creative development of children. Therefore, the musical and creative development of children, the atmosphere of joy in kindergarten largely depend on how professionally literate and talented you are.

Every day, getting ready for work, you involuntarily ask yourself questions: What awaits me today? How will the kids meet and appreciate me? How will learning a new dance go with older students? This mystery allows me to make my every day different from the next. My working days are not a routine at all, but an everyday holiday in which two great miracles are combined - children and music.

I love our kindergarten very much and I am proud of my profession. It is honorable because it leaves a good feeling, allows children and society to feel its usefulness. Only a teacher receives the biggest award in the world - a child's smile and children's laughter.

Information and advisory material


for parents

The influence of music on the psyche of the child

Music heals

Practicing auditory attention

Reminder for parents

Consultations for teachers

Fun games for kids

Interaction between the educator and the music director

Musical education of children with disabilities in speech development

Pedagogical technologies for listening to music

Game programs for children

Sounds of musical instruments for children


Music game - Yablonka


Musical and didactic game for preschoolers - What they do in the house


Musical and didactic game for preschoolers - Musical animals


Russian folk instruments

Sounds of musical instruments for children

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Music game - Yablonka

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Musical and didactic game for preschoolers - What they do in the house

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Musical and didactic game for preschoolers - Musical animals

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I am a musician! And I'm proud of it!

My profession is music director. It sounds dry, soulless, one-faced. However, dig deeper and you will find that there is truth in these two words. "Musical" - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. "Leader" - giving a hand to the ignorant, afraid, and leading to the new, unknown, beautiful. We give light. We learn to love, understand, empathize, feel. Thus, we, musicians, create a harmonious personality, which in the future will always find a way out of any situation with dignity and honor. We inspire, give the opportunity to fly over the world and see the beauty of the universe. Of course, not literally. Music guides us...

Once, 30 years ago, my mother brought me to a music school. What it was, I didn't know. I only knew that I would be taught music. It was a new world for me. The world of miracles, magic, fabulous transformations. I learned to feel the universe around me… not just to see, to touch, but also to feel inside myself, passing through my heart and soul. I have learned to blend in with the music. Having matured a little, I realized that music is an opportunity to analyze some situations from the point of view of the beautiful, the unique.

Years passed, and fate brought me to the walls of the school, I worked as a music teacher for 10 years, and after the birth of my child, I ended up in kindergarten No. 199. And life took on a new meaning! A new stage has begun. The stage of my formation as a magician who gives children a fairy tale. On the very first day, seeing the enthusiastic eyes of the kids, I realized that I had no right to deceive the hopes of these devoted creatures who fully believe in an adult. I have to give them what they want from me. Namely: magic, a fairy tale, love, faith, hope ...

And I began to learn, together with the kids, to understand music in a new way, through the eyes and heart of a child. Sincerely, no lies. And, you know, I think kids teach me a lot to this day. The musical director is directly responsible for the "building" of the soul of the little man, his little inner world. We make it richer, brighter, richer. What a joy to see the enthusiastic eyes of a child when he begins to understand the language of music, gets acquainted with new concepts such as "genre", "timbre", "rhythm". And all this, of course, through a fairy tale, a game.

It is a great happiness for a teacher to see the happy faces of children, their sincere, genuine joy when they make a discovery for themselves. This is the main principle of my work. After all, having made the discovery himself, the child is very proud of himself, his achievement. In this way, in my opinion, a self-confident person develops. "I am myself!" - this is a step towards a fully developed person, both physically and morally.

“If in early childhood the beauty of a musical work is brought to the heart, if the child feels the many-sided shades of human feelings in the sounds, then he will rise to such a level of culture that cannot be achieved by any other means”

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

It was a long time ago. In the family of Nikolai and Valentina, a daughter, Masha, was born. Masha grew up as a mischievous girl, with a kind soul and a large supply of energy, moderately noisy, but that's how she tried to sing her first notes ... Less than a year later she was taken to kindergarten, where her musical and dancing abilities began to manifest.

Years passed. The girl grew up. Here is the first class. And at the age of 8, my mother took her daughter by the hand and took her to a music school.What it was, she didn't know. She only knew that she would be taught music... It was a new world for her. The world of miracles, magic, fabulous transformations. Masha learned to feel the universe around her ... not just to see, touch, but also to feel inside herself, passing through her heart and soul. The girl learned to merge with the music. Masha studied at a music school in the accordion class and successfully completed it. Mom and dad and her whole family were very happy about the success of their daughter.

After leaving school, Masha enters the Slavgorod Pedagogical College, because she decided to connect her life with children and music.

1996 - the final exams are over, in the hands of the long-awaited diploma. And on the threshold of kindergarten No. 4 "Firefly" is no longer a young girl Masha, but a graduate Sharova Maria Nikolaevna.

Working in a kindergarten as a music director, I found my recognition - this is music and children. Children are our future. They always demand something new, interesting, emotional. Leaving the walls of the kindergarten, everyone will go their own way. We, teachers, must do everything so that children grow up smart, healthy, reliable, worthy citizens of our country.

My pedagogical principle is to help the child open up. Each baby is a unique, inimitable personality. It is open to goodness and beauty. The most amazing thing is that together with the kids I am learning to understand music in a new way, sincerely, without deceit.

I believe that a music director should be a teacher - a generalist. He is a musician, singer and choreographer, director and screenwriter, costume designer and artist. Yes, it is difficult, but it is worth it when you see the enthusiastic eyes, the emotions of children and parents. Let not all pupils become professionals, but they will grow up as real people.

I am very grateful to my teachers, teachers - mentors. They helped me rise to a new stage of my development.

I am characterized by the desire for the maximum personal contribution to the renewal of the kindergarten. A broad outlook, pedagogical tact, organizational skills help me to cooperate fruitfully with colleagues, parents, cultural workers, which as a result improves the quality of my events: matinees, competitions, entertainment.

I am an active participant in all events, methodological associations, I share my experience with colleagues, for many years I have been the chairman of the trade union committee of the preschool educational institution, I enjoy the well-deserved respect of my colleagues and parents.

Life in kindergarten should be bright, rich in impressions, like a good, interesting book, the best pages of which will be holidays!

A modern teacher should be professionally literate, have a broad outlook, know regulatory documents, introduce innovative technologies into work with children, and be able to establish contacts with children and adults. That's the kind of music director I am.

Borisova Gulniza Rashitovna, musical director of the MADOU of the Embaevsky kindergarten "Spring"

Tyumen region, Tyumen district, with. Embaevo

"I'm a music director!"
I am happy when children laugh!
When joy flows in the eyes, warmth.
When they sing, play, the world is in their palm,
A world full of light, wonder and goodness!

In the life of each of us there comes a day when you need to choose your own path. And sometimes our whole life depends on what this choice will be. My path led me to Kindergarten. A cozy two-story building, a friendly, open team of like-minded people, and many, many kids. So, 30 years ago, a new page in my life began: I am the music director of a kindergarten.

Every morning I cross the threshold of my second home. With a habitual gesture, I turn on the light in the already familiar, spacious music hall. Quiet and empty, but not for long. Very soon the whole space will be filled with noisy children's voices, I will meet my inquisitive and curious pupils. Cheerful exercises, festive concerts, and warm meetings with parents are held in this hall, and most importantly, my heart and soul sing along with the guys every day.

Looking into those bright children's eyes, I remember myself as a child. At the age of 5 she was a terribly shy and timid girl, she was afraid to speak in public, but she wanted it so much! I looked with envy at those children who soloed in dancing and singing. Thinking and dreaming: “I want that too!” But… alas… One day our music director Nina Fedorovna suddenly offered me to dance instead of a sick girl. I remember it was a Moldovan dance with tambourines. What happiness was for me, a little girl, and what delight I experienced then! Bright clothes, cheerful music, it seemed that I was the only one clapping my hands! When my mother came for me that day, the teacher praised me: that I have a good sense of rhythm! And now, when I myself am the music director in kindergarten, and every day I meet with my pupils, I note that among the active ones stand out "quiet" and shy children, but this does not mean that they do not want or do not know how - just that they are embarrassed to solo. Therefore, I strive to ensure that none of them sit on chairs and watch the others dance. I try to organize our joint activities in such a way that all children take an active part in the musical process. I select such a repertoire that it is possible to organize as many children as possible in dramatizations, in musical games, in dances and songs with movements.

My desire to choose the profession of a teacher and be with children every day was probably natural. My mother worked as a music teacher at school for 40 years, my older sister works as an elementary school teacher at the same school where my mother once taught and where I studied myself. The desire not to interrupt the family tradition, studying at a music school, love for music and children determined my choice: "I'll be a music teacher!" .

My dream has come true. Every day I sit down at the piano, music flows from under my fingers, and thirty curious children's eyes look at me, which again and again wait for a trip to the World of Music.

Each of my working days is different from the previous one. Being a music director is a constant search for something new, interesting, and informative. You can't be a teacher with today's children "yesterday's knowledge" . The world is developing rapidly, time is moving forward, and in order to quickly keep up with it, you need to be interested in all the problems of a small child in time and look for something that will certainly surprise and interest him.

A music director is not just a profession, it is a title that must be carried with dignity, so that later your students remember their first meetings with music, as I remember it to this day. And the wise man is right who said that it is impossible to instill love for what you do not love yourself. The main purpose of the music director is to bring the beauty of music to every kid so that he can see, understand and feel through it all the charm of this wonderful world.

The work of a real teacher, a teacher is a constant, sometimes exhausting, work that drains health and nerves. You have to devote less time to your family, your child, but what can be compared to the joy when a stupid baby, who still doesn’t really know how to talk, sings to you his "la-la-la" ! And even if they are not yet outstanding singers, dancers and musicians, but to see how at their first graduation ball "gallant cavaliers" invite "beautiful ladies" to your first children's waltz ... believe me, words cannot convey this! I'm really proud of those children who have already matured, singing and dancing on the stage of the local House of Culture. After all, they received their first skills and abilities in kindergarten, and I was involved in enriching their musical culture. Honestly, sometimes I think because of this it is worth living and working!

From the outside, it seems to many that my profession comes down to playing the piano and singing along to children at a matinee. But this is far from true! In fact "music director" is a generalist teacher. He must be able to answer all children's "Why" to be able to wake up and support the desire to communicate and perceive the world around through feelings, emotions. He is both a musician and a singer, a dancer and an artist, a sculptor and a reader, a screenwriter and director of holidays.

I not only teach children, but I myself am able to learn from my preschoolers. I really like the saying of the wise Confucius: "Master and Student Grow Together" .

My little pupils teach me:

  • cheerfulness (Is it possible to come to class in a bad mood?)
  • mobility, athleticism (If necessary, I'll catch up! And down with the extra weight!)
  • restraint (never raise your voice)
  • tact (everyone has his own character, and even what one!)
  • patience (Well, when will you understand, this is a note "before" , but not "re" )
  • sense of humor (Oh, and let's laugh together!)
  • optimism (we still fight!).

I strive to ensure that children always find it interesting in my classes and holidays, so that at each of our meetings they discover something new, useful and remember it for a long time. And if they ask me what you want to do for your children in the first place, I will answer: I will continue to bring pleasure and joy to children with music lessons, make their life more colorful and happier! And music will help me in this. This is my main goal, and maybe even MISSION.

Essay on the topic of

"My profession is a music director"

"Music is like rain, drop by drop seeps into the heart and revives it…” Romain Rolland
My profession is a music director… It sounds dry, soulless, monotonous… However, dig deeper and you will find out that these two words contain the truth. "Musical" - beautiful, sensual, affectionate, playful. "Leader" - giving a hand to the ignorant, afraid, and leading to a new, unknown, beautiful ... We give light. We learn to love, understand, empathize, feel. Thus, we, musicians, create a harmonious personality, which in the future will always find a way out of any situation with dignity and honor. We inspire, give the opportunity to fly over the world and see all the beauty of the universe, because we are guided by music... A music director is not just a position, it is a title that must be carried with dignity. I open the door to the mysterious and mysterious world of music, captivating the imagination of children with new dazzling colors. The greatest reward for my work is the delight in the eyes of children when they begin to understand the language of music for the first time in their lives. Musician, screenwriter, director, designer, decorator and teacher - this is how I would define my unique profession.Once, 30 years ago, my mother brought me to a music school. What it was, I didn't know. I only knew that they would teach me music… It was a new world for me. The world of miracles, magic, fabulous transformations. I learned to feel the universe around me… not just to see, to touch, but also to feel inside myself, passing through my heart and soul. Having matured a little, I realized that music is an opportunity to analyze some situations from the point of view of the beautiful, the unique.Music is a palette of emotions: fun and joy, unusual and unpredictable experiences. Cognition of the world through artistic musical image. Under the influence of music, artistic perception develops, experiences become richer.Years passed, and fate brought me to the walls of the kindergarten. And life has acquired a new meaning! A new stage has begun. The stage of my formation as a magician who gives children a fairy tale. Seeing the enthusiastic eyes of the little ones, I realized that I had no right to deceive the hopes of these devoted creatures who fully believe in an adult. I have to give them what they want from me. Namely: magic, a fairy tale, love, faith, hope ... Communication with children who give me their love and affection gives me the opportunity to work creatively, constantly immerse myself in the world of fairy tales, magic, and music. Preschoolers are the most grateful age when a close relationship and contact is established between an adult and a child. Kids trust the teacher and understand what the adult offers him.I began to learn, together with the kids, to understand music in a new way, through the eyes and heart of a child. Sincerely, no lies. And, you know, I think babies teach me a lot too. After all, unfortunately, it is not given to an adult to believe, love and understand as sincerely as a child. The child is a blank slate. And only we, adult teachers, form the personality. And it depends only on us what our pupil will be like in the future. We are laying the foundation for the future child. It depends on us how well the baby will develop. And the music director is directly responsible for the "building" of the soul of a little man, his little inner world. We make it richer, brighter, richer. The main task of the musical education of preschool children is to develop emotional responsiveness, instill interest and love for music, and bring joy from communicating with it. To give knowledge, to develop skills and abilities is not the main thing. It is more important to arouse interest in musical activity. I am very happy when children come to music classes with a desire. Even the smallest guys are waiting for me to come to their group - they are greeted with enthusiasm. I would like to teach them to listen to music, sing, dance, play musical instruments. How nice to see the enthusiastic eyes of a child when he begins to understand the language of music, gets acquainted with new concepts such as "genre", "timbre", "rhythm". And all this, of course, through a fairy tale, a game. I am convinced that initiation to the art of music is the most amazing, interesting and accessible form of my communication with children, since in music lessons children fantasize, create, are carried away into the world of fairy tales, the world of music. I always try to create an atmosphere of celebration, emotional comfort, mutual understanding, so that from every meeting with me, children expect extraordinary adventures in the world of music. Together we dance and sing, play and listen.Everyone is born with some ability, but not everyone can fully realize their talent in life. Reveal yourself by combining creativity and work, outstanding abilities and freedom of choice. Sometimes the natural giftedness of the baby manifests itself as if by chance and quite by accident. After all, a child can simultaneously: while drawing something, sing a song, look at a book, dance around the table, talk with a friend, tap out a rhythmic pattern. And so for me, first of all, as a musical director, it is important to notice the abilities of future musicians. To reveal their talent, to give them further continuation in their work.Musical education and its main forms - holidays, entertainment - create conditions under which the child, to the best of his ability, performs in public, overcomes uncertainty, fear and learns to control himself, his behavior, voice, body movements. The first successful performances of children at festive matinees, as a rule, give the kids a lot of joyful emotions and are remembered for a long time.The main thing is not so much the development of musical abilities, but the holistic development of the child's personality, the disclosure of his creative potential by means of musical art and various types of musical activity.In my work, I consider it important to teach children to feel and understand music. After all, a person who truly loves the art of music becomes kinder and wiser, loves and understands close people and the world around him. I try to make my pupils grow up sensitive, kind, sympathetic, able to empathize. V. A. Sukhomlinsky said: “Musical education is not the education of a musician, but, above all, the education of a person.”Make friends with music, friends,After all, music is always beautiful.She won't leave, she won't betrayAnd open the doors to a fairy tale.

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Slides captions:

Music director is not a profession, but a vocation"

Petrushina Zhanna Olegovna Musical director of MADOU No. 20, Kaliningrad

There are many different professions in the world, And each has its own charm. But there is no nobler, more necessary and more wonderful Than the one I work for! And if a poet is rewarded with praise, Or an artist, a singer is glorified, Then I rejoice, because recently I lovingly raised them!

Introduction to the world of music.

First meeting with the music hall

There is one country on earth called music, it is Consonances and sounds live in it. But whose hands open them?

The orchestra is a live instrument, it is the loudest and largest. With soul, trepidation, the conductor plays on it with fire

Choreography is great! We pull the sock! And further! Once! Two! Three! A few classes and you are impressive - the figure is slender and the movements are easy!

Here, a real game unfolded on the stage. Here, a special talent is needed to teach the kids to sing, dance and be an actor, To encore! everyone get out!

Allow me, dear, now I invite you to the first waltz.

Here the music of autumn rain circles like a ribbon And the soul sings in it, the soul rings!

The theater world will open its backstage to us, And we will see miracles and fairy tales. There Pinocchio, cat Basilio, Alice Easily change heroes, masks. The magical world of play and adventure, Any kid wants to visit here. Suddenly he will turn into Cinderella or into a prince, And show his talents to everyone. Let childhood be like a fairy tale, Let miracles happen every moment, And let the world around become kind, Let good win over evil again!

"Cat house"


"Oh princess!"


"Sleeping Beauty"


"Wolf and goats"


We work with a twinkle and with soul In our creative workshop.

And without difficulty we will sew, you believe me And a deer and a bear.

Luck smiled on me in life. Thankful for this fate. I know it could not be otherwise in this world, on this earth. After all, there are so many professions in the world, Important, necessary and labor. But I am attracted to children and I cannot imagine life without them. I sing songs with the children, and teach all the children to dance. and there is no more wonderful profession! I can firmly say this. To live without music is boring in the world, It must be noticed in everything. Well, the main music is children! I wanted to say this.

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