Does Zemfira have friends? The whole truth about Zemfira: why she lives in an empty apartment and for whom she cooks cheesecakes


Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova (Tat. Zemfira Talgat kyzy Ramazanova, Zemfira Tälğät qızı Ramazanova, Bashk. Zemfira Talgat ҡyҙy Ramaҙanova). She was born on August 26, 1976 in Ufa (Bashkir ASSR). Russian singer, musician, composer, songwriter. Stage name - Zemfira.

One of the most commercially successful performers in the history of Russian music. Zemfira became the personification of a new movement in Russian rock, which journalists dubbed "female rock".

Father - Talgat Talkhoevich Ramazanov (1943-2009), history teacher.

Mother - Florida Khakievna Ramazanova (born 1947), a specialist in physical therapy.

The elder brother, Ramil Ramazanov, died in 2010 as a result of an accident while spearfishing.

In early 1998, Zemfira moved from his native Ufa to Moscow, where he began work with his band Zemfira on his first studio album, released a year later. Since 1999, Zemfira has released six studio albums that have received significant attention from the press and the public. Her discography also includes a collection of b-sides and two live albums.

In her lyrical searches, the mental suffering and searches of modern youth found their embodiment. In 1999, the Ogonyok magazine called Zemfira "the breaking voice of a generation." Throughout the singer's career, many of her songs hit the top of the Russian music charts, including "Arivederchi", "Iskala", "Traffic", "Walk", "We Crash" and "No Chance".

Zemfira also became the producer of the musical film Green Theater in Zemfira (2008), which received many positive reviews from critics. Together with director Renata Litvinova, Zemfira co-produced the film Rita's Last Tale (2012), for which she wrote music. The film took part in the competition program of the 3rd Odessa International Film Festival and the 34th Moscow International Film Festival. She also wrote music for the films of Renata Litvinova “Goddess: How I fell in love” and others. Several songs by Zemfira from the album “Thank you” are heard in Kira Muratova’s film “Melody for a barrel organ”, and in the film “Eternal Return” a concert recording repeatedly appears in the frame “ Songs of the Duke" from the opera "Rigoletto" performed by the singer.

Since her appearance in show business in 1999, Zemfira has undergone numerous changes in appearance, demeanor on stage and communication with journalists. Her behavior in public was often outrageous and caused rejection by the press.

Zemfira is also distinguished by perfectionism in work, tough disagreements with music producers. Therefore, she often produces her albums herself. Zemfira's musical style is classified as rock and pop rock. Her music is influenced by both guitar pop and jazz harmonies and bossa nova.

In 2004, a reference to Zemfira as the founder of a “completely different” musical youth culture was included in the “Spiritual Life” section of the Russian history textbook for grade 9 (the author of the manual is Alexander Danilov, professor at Moscow State Pedagogical University). Zemfira had a great influence on the work of young bands of the 2000s and on the younger generation as a whole.

In November 2010, her debut album was included by Afisha magazine in the list of "The 50 Best Russian Albums of All Time. Choice of young musicians”, where he took the fifth line. The rating was compiled according to a survey among representatives of several dozen young musical groups in Russia. The list also included the album "Forgive me, my love" (43rd place).

In 2012, 2013 and 2014, the singer was included in the "One Hundred Most Influential Women of Russia" rating, compiled by the Ekho Moskvy radio station, RIA Novosti news agencies, Interfax and Ogonyok magazine.

Zemfira went to Ufa kindergarten No. 267. From the age of five she studied at a music school, piano class, where she was accepted into the choir as a soloist. At the same time, the singer's television debut took place: she sang a solo song about a worm on local television: “There lived a worm in the world, a lazy worm. I lay down to sleep on the barrel ... ". At the age of seven, she wrote her first song, which she performed with her mother at work.

Already at preschool age, Zemfira became interested in music. At school, Zemfira managed to study simultaneously in 7 circles, but made the main emphasis on music and basketball; she graduated from music school with honors, and in early 1990 she became the captain of the Russian women's junior basketball team, despite the fact that she was not tall (Zemfira's height is 172 cm). “I was a point guard. I was the smallest, but the most important, ”said the singer, adding that she had been involved in this sport since the third grade. Team coach Yuri Maksimov recalled: “Zemfira was very passionate about basketball, she was the best player and team captain. In 1990-1991, we won the youth championship of Russia, and, of course, I was a little upset when she decided to quit sports.

In parallel, Zemfira learned to play the guitar and, according to one version, performed the songs “Kino”, “Aquarium”, “Nautilus Pompilius” right on the street. According to another version, she performed hits by foreign artists in the original language, in particular, George Michael and Freddie Mercury. After graduating from school, Zemfira faced a very difficult choice for herself: music or basketball. The girl chose music and immediately entered the second year at the Ufa School of Arts, which she graduated in 1997 (class of A.K. Masalimova) with a red diploma in pop vocals. After college, she worked part-time in Ufa restaurants, singing songs to the accompaniment of her fellow student saxophonist Vlad Kolchin. A year later, Zemfira was tired of this activity, and she stopped performing.

Since 1996, Zemfira worked as a sound engineer at the Ufa radio station Europe Plus - she recorded commercials (jingles). At the same time, she tries to write songs in the Cakewalk program that will later be included in her first album (Snow, Why, Weatherman, Rockets). Participates as the second vocalist in the Spectrum Ace group, popular at that time. Zemfira's backing vocals can be heard in the song "What a pity that he is not a black man."

At the studio of the radio station, sound engineer Arkady Mukhtarov worked on his material. Together with him, Zemfira recorded his first demo disc. Arkady was determined to record his own songs, but the performer convinced him to record her material: “Of course, I was sure that my own work was much more important ... but her rock-hard character ... did the trick. And we, with hassle, but still recorded the first demo disc, ”the musician later said.

In parallel, Zemfira collects her own group. The first musician with whom she began to work was bass player Rinat Akhmadiev. Together they decide to record a program minimum of songs. Rinat brings drummer Sergei Sozinov, and they begin rehearsals together, in which Zemfira alternately plays the guitar and keyboards. Zemfira persuades the director of the teenage club "Apelsin" Lilia Khrabrina to provide the group with a room for rehearsals.

In 1997, the press writes about the group for the first time. Journalist Svetlana Rutskaya wrote an article about the team for a regional newspaper and later recalled: “It was 1997, two years were left before the release of her first album, and the future celebrity was then just a talented Ufa girl, unknown to anyone even in her hometown. But you can’t hide charisma, and the songs that the heroine of the material gave me to listen to were attractive. That's when we decided to tell the whole republic about it. I remember that even then Zemfira made a policy statement: “I have so much music in my head that I have nowhere to go.”

Zemfira continues to recruit musicians for the team. With the arrival of keyboardist Sergei Mirolyubov, the group is almost completely assembled, only a solo guitarist is missing. They become Vadim Solovyov, who joins the group after one of the concerts. Zemfira borrows money for a trip to Moscow and begins to engage in the "promotion" of the team. At the annual Maksidrome festival, the cassette, on which three songs were recorded ("Sneg", "-140" and "Scandal"), through the journalists to whom Zemfira gave demo recordings to listen, falls into the hands of the producer of the Mumiy Troll group Leonid Burlakov. He decides to take a chance and record an album.

From October 19 to November 7, 1998, the first album is being written at the Mosfilm tone studio. The sound engineer is Vladimir Ovchinnikov, the sound producer is the vocalist of the Mumiy Troll group. In addition to the members of the group, guitarist Yuri Tsaler and drummer Oleg Pungin from Mumiy Troll take part in the recording.

In mid-January 1999, Zemfira and Ilya Lagutenko mixed the album in London at the "home" studio of the Mumiy Troll group Beethoven street studio with sound engineer Chris Bandy, who worked on all their previous albums. Of the 15 recorded songs, the composition "Don't Let Go" is thrown out, which will later be included in Zemfira's second album.

The debut album is called "Zemfira" (it is the final song).

On April 8, 2000, the Zemfira group was awarded the Fuzz magazine award in 1999 in two categories: "Best Group" and "Best Album" (for their debut work).

On August 26, the performer was awarded the State Youth Prize of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the field of culture named after Shaikhzada Babich for 1999. The second album of the singer became the best-selling disc in Russia in 2000. Zemfira received the 2001 Record Award in the categories "Performer of the Year" and "Album of the Year". With a circulation of more than one and a half million copies, the album became the most commercially successful in the singer's career.

In April 2003, the artist performed at the Fuzz magazine music awards ceremony, where she received two awards - in the nominations "Best Live Band" and "Best Video" (for the video clip for the song "Infinity", directed by Viktor Vilks). At the ceremony, Zemfira performed three songs, including "London" and the previously unpublished "You are selling my love." "Fourteen Weeks of Silence" won the "Album of the Year" nomination at the Muz-TV Prize 2003. In the same year, Zemfira became the winner of the Russian independent Triumph Prize for 2003 (youth prize) for achievements in the field of literature and art.

In 2004, Zemfira entered the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. During the first winter session, she took an academic leave in connection with the recording of a new album, but she did not recover at the faculty, and was expelled in August 2006.

On October 16, 2004, at the 2004 MTV Russia Music Awards, Zemfira performed the famous song "We Are The Champions" in a duet with Queen.

On March 1, 2005, the release of the fourth studio work "Vendetta" took place. The album was enthusiastically received by music critics, who called it the second "take-off" of Zemfira after her debut album. The album became the best-selling release in Russia in 2005 and won the "Domestic Album of the Year" nomination at the 2006 "Record" award.

On October 1, 2007, Zemfira's new album, Thank You, was released, which included twelve songs written, according to the singer, on the same inspiration, during the year (from autumn 2006 to autumn 2007). The recording of the album took place in London, and the mixing took place in Moscow at Mosfilm.

On February 15, 2013, the sixth studio album "Live in your head" was officially released.

Zemfira - Do you want?

In February 2016, Zemfira gave a concert tour called "Little Man". During the tour, the performer visited 20 cities in Russia, and also gave concerts in Belarus, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. The first part of the tour began in February 2016 from Omsk and ended in April in Moscow. During this tour, the singer announced the end of her touring activities.

Zemfira's growth: 172 centimeters

Zemfira's personal life:

Single. The media often hint at the unconventional orientation of the singer. She was credited with a connection with. However, they themselves did not confirm this, pointing to the friendly nature of their relationship.

Discography of Zemfira:

1999 - Zemfira
2000 - Forgive me my love
2002 - Fourteen weeks of silence
2005 - Vendetta
2007 - Thank you
2013 - Live in your head

Zemfira: A Love Story

She sings passionately about love. Her poems are filled with love. And it seems that Zemfira's songs are a cry from the soul, confessions, revelations. Perhaps the recording studio is the only place where she does not speak, but screams about her feelings. In other places, with other people and under other circumstances, she cannot be forced to speak out loud about personal things.

Zemfira's love story is shrouded in riddles, speculation and rumors. According to some sources, Zemfira Ramazanova herself spreads false information about herself. Many such novels, which allegedly became known, can be found in her biographical data. Which of them actually took place, Zemfira will not tell about this.

It is obvious that it is impossible to sing about love like that with an absolutely cold heart and a sober mind. To whom does Zemfira dedicate her most touching lines?

The star spoke openly about only one man in her life. Vlad Kolchin is her first love. A talented saxophonist studied with her at the same music school in Ufa. It seems that the music connected them. And this love was strong and true, according to the testimony of old friends of the singer.

Vlad Kolchin is far right

Vlad Kolchin himself recalled in an interview: “I was always strained by her strength, assertiveness, one might even say, male character traits. We often quarreled, yelled at each other until hoarse, fought to the point of blood. Because if she decided , he will never give up."

The novel of young musicians "ordered to live long". Vladislav literally broke Zemfira's heart when he left to conquer St. Petersburg. Rumor has it that he did not call her with him, despite the joint plans that the lovers had built before.

Then Zemfira found solace in the arms of a married man. It is difficult to call the singer's second novel serious and long-term. But at first she still made plans for the future with Sergei Anatsky. Perhaps that is why she was unable to hide her relationship with the head of the Europa Plus radio station from outsiders. They were often seen together, but ... Intoxicating conversations and passionate evenings did not lead to anything. Zemfira moved from Ufa to Moscow, putting an end to this love story.

Sergei Anatsky

Zemfira was lucky in the Russian capital. Her genius was recognized, she quickly became popular and wealthy. In the same period, the topic of personal life is a taboo for the star. Fans are interested in the details, journalists are beginning to "peep through the keyhole." Zemfira does not confirm or refute the information that the tabloid press is full of in any official interview.

But the public demands "bread and circuses" - so begins a series of her real and fictional lovers. And the singer herself started first. In 1999, she acted out love with her friend Vyacheslav Petkun. During this period of life, the taciturn Zemfira made vague hints of tender feelings, and also said that she was preparing for the wedding.

In March 2000, the false story collapsed and the singer again stopped going into the details of her personal life.

But a new fantastic article has appeared in the media that Zemfira is having a passionate affair with billionaire Roman Abramovich. Interestingly, he is her ardent admirer. It was rumored that the businessman sponsored the star group, but confirmation of their passionate love was never found.

At the same time, even more piquant stories about Zemfira begin to circulate. She begins dating her female director, Anastasia Kalmanovich. Nastya even divorced her husband and plunged headlong into feelings. The girls spent two years together. The novel was flavored with violent quarrels and reconciliations, but the romantic tandem broke up. The reasons for the final separation were never leaked to the press, and the singer herself, as you know, stopped commenting on even indisputable facts about her.

In 2005, Zemfira began to appear in the company of Renata Litvinova. Girls spend all the time together: work, parties, weekends and holidays. And again, no comment. They evade questions about each other, calling their relationship purely friendly. For some reason no one believes in it. But what's the difference?

She sings her songs like that and writes her music like that, while she loves so much.

Biography of Zemfira

Childhood. Zemfira Talgatovna Ramazanova was born on August 26, 1976 in Ufa. The parents of the future star were not connected with music, but the girl got involved in creativity early - at the age of five, she began learning to play the piano at a music school. She was a soloist in the choir, additionally played the guitar. She wrote a song at the age of seven. Her passion for rock music was passed on to her from her brother. She attended several circles, but she gave preference to music and basketball: she was the captain of the junior team of the country, she graduated with honors from a music school.

All photos 5

Career. 1996-1998. After school, she successfully passes the entrance exams at the School of Arts, she is immediately enrolled in the second year. He graduated from his studies in 1997 with honors. For a short time, the future star with her friend Vlad Kolchin performed in restaurants. From the 96th, her work begins on radio "Europe +" in Ufa. At the same time, works were written that became hits - “Why”, “Snow”, “Forecaster”. In 1998, a rock group called "Zemfira" was created. On June 19, the team made its debut at the celebration of the anniversary of the local radio "Silver Rain".

At the Maksidrome rock festival, the recordings of the future star get to Leonid Burlakov. It was he who suggested that the talented performer make the first album. 1999 In the autumn of 1999, work began on an album named after the singer at the Tonstudio of the Mosfilm film concern. On November 7, it was completed. In February, the songs "AIDS" (an absolute hit of the season), "Rockets" and "Arivederchi" appear on the country's radio stations. In the spring, clips are shot for the popular compositions "AIDS" and "Arivederchi". At a briefing on March 24, 1999, the rising star is introduced to the media. May 8 - presentation of her debut work in the famous club "16 tons". Since September, tours around the country begin, which lasted until the beginning of 2000. By the end of 1999, remixes for the songs "Snow", "London Sky" were recorded. Zemfira's performances begin to be broadcast on television. On December 11, the group was invited as a headliner to the largest national rock music festival "Invasion". Since December, work on the next collection has already begun. year 2000. On March 28, the new album “P. M. M. L. ”, which surpassed the mark of 1,500,000 copies in sales, becoming the best-selling. In August, the rock star receives the Shaikhzada Babich Award for special achievements in the field of art. 2001-2002. In 2001, she was awarded the "Record" award in the "Performer of the Year" and "Album of the Year" nominations. In April 2002, another collection of "Fourteen Minutes of Silence" appeared. He wins in the nomination for the award of the Muz-TV channel "Album of the Year". Then the award in the field of the highest achievements of art "Triumph" was won. 2004-2006. In 2004, the singer entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University. But in winter, he takes academic leave to record an album and never returns to study. On October 16, 2004, the award ceremony of the MTV-Russia RMA channel took place, where Zemfira sang "We Are The Champions" with the legendary rock band Queen. March 1, 2005 was the presentation of the new work "Vendetta". Critics greeted her with enthusiasm, calling her the second take-off of the singer. In 2005, the video clips and compositions of "Vendetta" were nominated in several categories for the award of the MTV-Russia RMA channel, the video for the composition "Blues" was awarded the prize. 2007-2010. At the beginning of 2007, a DVD with video clips “Zemfira. DVD". In the spring, the Deja Vu tour begins with already well-known songs in a new arrangement. In October 2007, the release of the album "Thank you", which includes 12 songs, begins, the next tour begins, ending with a concert at the "Olympic". On February 21, 2008, the premiere of the musical film by Renata Litvinova "Green Theater in Zemfira" took place. On January 1, 2010, the concert collection “Zemfira. Live 2" recorded on the "Thank You" tour. In August 2010, a collection of previously unreleased songs written from the beginning of his creative activity until 2006, Z-Sides, was released. 2011-2013. Work is underway on the next album "Live in your head." July 2012 was marked by a performance at the Olimpiyskiy at a Queen concert. The year 2012 is devoted to work on the music for the next directorial work by Renata Litvinova "Rita's Last Fairy Tale". 2013 began with a tour of Zemfira. Tour 2013, which included performances in 50 cities. At the same time, the TV channel MTV Europe Music Awards received the award in the category "Best Russian Performer". 2015-2016. In the fall of 2015, it becomes known about the Little Man concert tour. There will be performances in 20 Russian cities, in Belarus, the Baltic states. The tour started from Omsk in February 2016 and ended in April in Moscow. This is the final tour of Zemfira Talgatovna. “It’s hard, troublesome, nervous,” she explains the refusal to tour, but she will not refuse concerts and songwriting.

Zemfira's personal life

There are many rumors about Zemfira's private life. It is known that she is not married, there are no children. Her first hobby back in Ufa was Vlad Kolchin. Their romance ended with Vlad's departure to St. Petersburg. For some time, the singer lived in a civil marriage with sound engineer Arkady Mukhtarov. They broke up because of his passion for alcohol. At the beginning of her career, she announced her wedding to Vyacheslav Petkun, the leader of the Dancing Minus group, but this was just a PR move.

Information appeared in the press about the closeness of the singer with Roman Abramovich, and later - about relations with Anastasia Kalmanovich. In recent years, the media have claimed that Zemfira and Renata Litvinova have a closer relationship than just friendship, but the girls leave such information without comment. Dislike for interviews and secrecy allows journalists to speculate about the singer's personal life. Millions of fans love her for who she is. The rock singer, the idol of several generations, has not lost her popularity over the years.

Our today's article will be of interest to everyone who is a fan of the domestic rock scene. You will be able to get acquainted with the life and creative milestones of the popular Russian rock singer, who writes her own lyrics - Zemfira.

Some journalistic publications note that she gave rise to a new direction in music called female rock. Not surprising, because she really brought many new features to the domestic scene, which influenced a large number of musical groups. In other words, she turned the page and opened up new trends for domestic rock music. Needless to say, the popularity that she won in the territory of the CIS countries over the twenty years of her musical career.

Height, weight, age. How old is Zemfira

Very often, fans are interested in various data regarding a particular person. It can be a sign of the Zodiac, hometown and so on. Do not forget about external data that, for one reason or another, attracts the attention of the public. Of course, our today's singer is no exception, and fans are interested in her height, weight, age. How old is Zemfira - young people and older people ask. Not surprising, since several generations have passed since she began her musical career.

There is nothing special to hide here, and the information is available to any user - Zemfira's height is just over 172 centimeters, and her weight is 58 kilograms. Last summer, Zemfira celebrated her 41st birthday. Photos in her youth and now will confirm that for so many years she has hardly changed in appearance.

Biography of Zemfira

Zemfira's biography begins in the city of Ufa, in 1976. The family had Tatar-Bashkir roots, which, one way or another, was reflected in the appearance of the singer. Father Talgat Talkhovich worked at a school, and his mother Florida Khakievna was engaged in physical therapy. Also, her older brother, Ramil, was brought up in the family. By the way, the real name of the future performer is Zemfira Ramazanova.

She began to show her desire for music at an early age. As a five-year-old girl, Zemfira is sent to a music school, where she learns to play the piano and sings in the choir along the way. Even then, she appeared on local TV channels, where she performed children's songs.

At the age of seven, Zemfira composes her own musical composition, where she was first presented to the public at her mother's work. While at school, she is fond of the work of the Kino group, and in the future she will tell that this significantly influenced her musical views.

Despite her relatively small height, Zemfira played basketball and was the captain of the youth team of the Russian Federation. Because of this, before graduation, there was a choice - to go in for sports or music. After a little thought, she decides to give preference to the second and enters the school of the city of Ufa, where she studies pop-jazz vocals. Being in her second year, Zemfira begins to earn extra money - she performs famous songs in the restaurants of her native city. And already in 1996, she got a job at a radio station. Around the same time, the first recordings of their own songs were released.

Radical changes took place in the life of the singer a year later, when one of her recordings came to the producer of Mumiy Troll. He invites Zemfira to record a full-length album, and already in 1998 a full-length album was released. Some songs from there appeared on the radio even before the official release, and the first crowds of fans began to appear.

Of course, the resounding success of the young singer was ensured. In just six months, more than 700,000 copies of the album have been sold. A little later, video clips were released, which were often broadcast on television. In 1998, the first tour in Russia starts. As expected, the concert venues were packed to capacity. And in the last days of the tour, Zemfira acted as the headliner of "Invasion" - a popular rock music festival.

After the end of the tour, the singer proceeds to the second album, no less popular with fans. The name was not chosen immediately - "Forgive me, my love." Some songs from this album became soundtracks for Russian films of those years. After the commercial success of this work, Zemfira takes a short sabbatical for two years.

In 2002, a new album appears before the listeners. It is noteworthy that its novelty is associated not only with the compositions, but also with the stylistic framework. Now these are exclusively independent works, without the influence of Mumiy Troll. The new album was sold in huge circulation, and received no less than various awards. Zemfira herself received the title of "Performer of the Year", thanks to several music magazines.

In 2004, several significant events happened for the career of the performer. More precisely, two performances on the same stage with Ilya Lagutenko and Queen. The second pair is interesting in that one of the most famous songs of the band, “We are the Champions”, was performed.

2005 is also bearing fruitful results. First of all - Renata Litvinova, whom they met while writing the music for the film. In the future, thanks to their partnership, several Zemfira clips were financed.

In the fall of 2007, another album appears, which brought some changes to creativity. The singer announced the termination of her activities as part of the group, and now her work will be exclusively solo. At the same time, a competition was announced - ordinary listeners were offered to make a remix for the song "Boy", and the top ten will be released as a single.

In the future, creativity came out without any changes. Several times, Zemfira's albums received various well-deserved awards. Many critics point out that the singer chose the right vector of development, and to some extent filled the empty niche on the domestic rock scene in time. MTV several times awarded the prestigious award to Zemfira - she was awarded the "Best Performer from Russia".

So far, Zemfira has released several new albums, each of which opens a new page in domestic rock. By the way, in 2016 she announced that she would stop touring. But, despite this, new compositions still continue to come out.

Zemfira's personal life

Zemfira's personal life is interesting to both fans and journalists. Therefore, various rumors and conjectures often appear, which rarely have any basis. Some of them, of course, are connected with the actions of the singer herself. For example, she announced a wedding with Vyacheslav Petkun, which never took place. After a while, the rock singer admitted that it was an ordinary PR company.

After a while, new rumors. Now, the press connects Zemfira and Renata Litvinova, moreover, ambiguously hinting that there is something big in their friendship. The journalists did not miss the moment and started talking about the wedding in Sweden. Star persons themselves do not undertake to comment on such gossip. This does not stop the press, and they are increasingly interested in spreading lies about the wedding. The thing is that Swedish law has allowed same-sex marriage since 2009. Around this period, Zemfira was with Renata on vacation in this country. Great matches for the yellow press.

It is known that Zemfira did not have any serious relationship and marriage. Or, she hides them very well from the general public. Now, according to her, she is in love with a young man, but it is still impossible to get other details.

Zemfira family

As we mentioned a little earlier, the Zemfira family had Tatar and Bashkir roots. The singer herself received the nationality of the Tatar. Zemfira's father, Talgat, worked as a teacher of historical sciences. Mom Florida was a doctor by training, and gave classes in physical therapy. By the way, it was at the work of her mother that Zemfira performed her first song.

Not all fans know that in the early 2010s, several misfortunes befell the singer at once. In 2009, Zemfira's father died, who had suffered from an illness for a long time. A year later, during underwater fishing, my brother died - there was an accident, and he simply drowned. In 2015, the performer's mother died. At that time, she was 69 years old. Zemfira herself, at that time, commented on everything to a minimum, referring to a series of irreparable losses and unwillingness to communicate with the press.

Children of Zemfira

As far as is known at the moment, the singer has not yet been married. However, fans do not get tired of waiting and hoping that the topic "Children of Zemfira" will be filled with information. The singer herself notes that there is nowhere to rush, because creativity, for her, is in the first place.

After a series of losses in the family, Zemfira began to devote more and more time to her nephews - Arthur and Artem. In 2013, a side project was even created, where the singer participates in recordings with them. So far, the group has one album to its credit. It is known that for some time, the nephews studied directing, and recently moved to London, where they receive an education in pop vocals.

Zemfira's husband

On account of the popular Russian singer, there are several novels, which, however, did not develop into official relations. It is impossible to say for sure - Zemfira hides her chosen ones well, or really is not in a relationship with anyone.

Throughout her career, journalists and the media have tried to attribute various marriages to her. In particular, some time ago, the headlines kept saying that Zemfira's husband is Slava Petkun, which the singer herself spoke about. But later she admitted that it was just a publicity stunt to increase popularity.

Fans often note on social networks that the rock singer does not change outwardly, throughout her career. That is why, some fans are wondering if she used the services of plastic surgeons. Of course, they do not get tired of looking for photos of Zemfira before and after plastic surgery.

It’s worth saying right away that all this is in vain - there are no photographs before or after. Zemfira claims that she adheres to the natural canons of beauty and believes that only those who have nothing to surprise fans resort to such radical methods.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zemfira

The popular Russian performer tries to maintain an active enough social life to always be “on the same wavelength” with her fans. Therefore, I got myself several pages on social networks - it is very convenient and practical. In addition, anyone can see photos from the last performance or concert.

Instagram and Wikipedia Zemfira are still very popular, despite a long career. Yes, it is worth noting that she did not become a “star of one hit” and to this day works are released that attract new fans and warm up the interest of old ones.

By the way, the performer continues her creative activity, releasing new songs and performing at concerts. In the last round, Zemfira performed in twenty cities of the Russian Federation. It is noteworthy that the singer is also loved and known abroad - Germany, Israel, England and America. In these countries, concert venues are often full.

A couple of times, Zemfira got into the camera lenses at not the most appropriate moments, which then resulted in scandals. The first happened in 2008 - then the singer started a fight because the cashier was slowly discussing the queue. As you know, a year later, the store owner apologized, and everything was resolved peacefully.

A few years later, there was another scandal - at a private party, the star was "caught" using white powder. In the end, she had to sue. She won the case, thus proving that there were no drugs.

In 2013, Zemfira quarreled with fans from Rostov. The thing is that due to problems with the director of the local recreation center, the concert was in jeopardy, which she immediately announced to her fans. However, everything went well, but the mood was spoiled. Due to the "dry" acceptance by the public, the performer announced her unwillingness to return to Rostov-on-Don. Later, a public apology was given, where Zemfira noted that she got excited and regretted what had happened.

In the summer of 2016 there was another scandal, this time in Latvia. The skirmish with journalists "spread" to ordinary fans. As usual, normative vocabulary took over in these disputes. As she herself stated, she was dissatisfied with the constant attention from the press. It was not possible to calm down even after some time, so after leaving the Theater, the skirmish was repeated again. Article found on

It's hard to believe, but today, August 26, Zemfira Ramazanova will be 40 years old. The presentation of her first album took place in 1999. During this time, she turned into a musical legend, and her life was overgrown with all sorts of speculation. StarHit chose five myths and tested them.

Myth 1. The Uchpochmack fell apart, and the singer's nephews went abroad (True)

After the death of her parents and brothers, Zemfira has no one closer than her nephews, 26-year-old Arthur and Artem Ramazanov. Three years ago, she sang with them in The Uchpochmack. “Their album First and Last was the only one,” Dmitry Emelyanov, the band’s guitarist, told StarHit. - We performed together, but the group did not last long. The last time I saw the guys was in 2014.”

Having traveled for a year on tour with an aunt, the nephews returned to their native Ufa. “Artem and Arthur are still making music, they write songs in their studio, but few people are allowed to listen to them,” Yevgenia Ostapenko, cousin of the Ramazanovs, shared with StarHit. - They sing for friends or for relatives at home gatherings. They don’t think about getting married yet, although there are many fans. Yes, and the thoughts of the guys now are about something else. At the end of August they fly to London, they will study at the pop vocal faculty. A few years ago they were already in England, just mastering the directing business. Then Zemfira helped them.”

In the meantime, the guys are in Ufa, Artem helps his mother Natalya Vladimirovna. She is a businesswoman and is the founder of Forward CJSC, which supplies products to the supermarket chain.


More than once they wrote that the first love of the star was Vladislav Kolchin, they performed in the Ufa restaurant "Jespar" in the mid-90s. In his autobiographical book "Music as a Chance to Beat Multiple Sclerosis" - its presentation will take place on September 14 - Vlad spoke about the fight against the disease and devoted an entire chapter to the singer. In it, he revealed the truth about their relationship - the future star was just a cover for Kolchin. An old friend writes the following: "... The owner of the institution showed interest in me ... Zemfira, just in case, fearing for my safety, played the role of my girlfriend as best she could."


// Photo: From the personal archive of Leonid Burlakov

“Zemfira was at the center of a scandal...” - such headlines can often be found in the press. Even friends know that it is better not to fall under the hot hand of the singer.

“A slap can be slapped on anyone,” recalls musician Vlad Kolchin. - Bandits often gathered at the Jespar restaurant. One day they got tipsy and started ordering songs. One Zemfira flatly refused to perform. Then one skinhead came up, bent over her and began to whisper something. Zemfira, as usual at such moments, fell silent and listened attentively. When the speech ended, she coolly slapped him in the face and rushed to the back room. In the hall began disassembly, noise, screams. We were protected by the restaurant guards, and in order to hush up the conflict, I had to call the gangsters I knew.

Why the singer behaves this way, her first producer Leonid Burlakov explained: “Insolence and rudeness are the usual defense against people. In fact, Zemfira is a sincere and attentive person. A year and a half ago, she called me to see how things were going. She said that she was in Ufa with her mother. I handed the phone to Florida Khakievna. She thanked me for helping my daughter in her musical career. And I said thank you for Zemfira. She also adores children and next to them she herself turns into a child. Once my daughter Masha and I stopped by to visit her. She not only welcomed us cordially, but also fried delicious cheesecakes.”


“To work like Zemfira, you need a lot of strength,” says producer Leonid Burlakov. - No doping will help, but will only interfere. Zemfira understands this. She has been performing live for almost 20 years."

But the star does have health problems.

“She has a chronic disease, she constantly complained of pain in her left ear,” recalls journalist and producer Alexander Kushnir. - I remember that when she first moved to Moscow, she had no money and no registration. I helped her with the doctors. Among my friends there were specialists of the highest qualification.

A few years ago, an old disease - chronic otitis media - worsened, and the singer even ended up in the hospital.


“If you ever visit her, you will see that the singer uses only three items,” says Leonid Burlakov. - This is a sofa - she sits on it, a table - for work, a piano - for writing music. Zemfira is not a fan of things, and by and large she does not care what she is wearing. And yes, taste is a problem. Outwardly, she was transformed under Nastya Kalmanovich and Renata Litvinova, who had a hand in her style. She cares more about other things. I remember with what enthusiasm Zemfira was looking for an amplifier for bass. I ordered it from London, and when I received it, I was happy as a child.”

By the way, on the cover of the first album of the singer "Zemfira" there is also nothing superfluous - only floral wallpaper from her first rented apartment. “She then lived in Peredelkino,” recalls journalist and producer Alexander Kushnir. - That's where the picture was taken. And when it became clear that the album exploded, they made a witty gift for the insiders - they released a limited edition of CDs, only 999 pieces. A beautiful brown chair was added to the cover, as a sign that there used to be only wallpaper, and now there is money for furniture. Now this record costs unthinkable money, and I have it.

// Photo: Personal archive of Leonid Burlakov

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