There are such deaf places on our river. There are such deaf and secluded places on our river according to Soloukhin essay (USE Russian language)


Russian language

20 out of 24

(1) There are such deaf and secluded places on our river that when you make your way through the tangled forest thickets, which are also filled with nettles, and sit down near the water itself, you will feel as if in a separate world, fenced off from the rest of the earthly space. (2) At the most rough, superficial glance, this world consists of only two parts: greenery and water. (Z) We will now increase our attention drop by drop. (4) At the same time, almost simultaneously with water and greenery, we will see that, no matter how narrow the river is, no matter how densely the branches are intertwined above its channel, nevertheless the sky takes an important part in the creation of our small world. (5) It is either gray, when it is still the earliest dawn, then gray-pink, then bright red - before the solemn exit of the sun * then gold, then golden-blue and, finally, blue, as it should be in the midst of a clear summer day. (6) In the next share of attention, we will already discern that what seemed to us just greenery is not just greenery at all, but something detailed and complex. (7) And in fact, if we stretched an even green canvas near the water, then it would be marvelous beauty, then we would exclaim: “Earthly grace!” (8) Passionate fisherman Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was not so right when he said that during fishing, bright, good thoughts come to mind. (9) Looking at the white lush piles of flowers, I often thought about the absurdity of the situation. (10) I grew up on this river, they taught me something at school. (11) I see these flowers every time, and I don’t just see them - I single them out from all the other flowers. (12) But ask me what they are called - I don’t know, for some reason I have never heard their names from other people who also grew up here. (13) 0 duvanchvk, chamomile, cornflower, plantain, bluebell, lily of the valley - we still have enough for this. (14) We can still call these plants by name. (15) However, maybe I'm the only one who doesn't know? (16) No, no matter who I asked in the village, showing white flowers, everyone shrugged their hands: - Who knows! (17) A lot of them grows: both on the river and in forest ravines. (18) And what are they called? .. (19) What do you need? (20) We are actually, I would say, a little indifferent to everything that surrounds us on earth. (21) No, no, of course, we often say that we love nature: these copses, and hills, and springs, and fire, in the middle of the sky, summer warm sunsets. (22) And, of course, collect a bouquet of flowers, and, of course, listen to the birds singing, to their chirping in the golden forest tops at a time when the forest itself is still full of dark green, almost black coolness. (23) Well, go mushrooming, and fish, and just lie on the grass, looking up at the floating clouds. (24) “Listen, what is the name of the grass on which you are now lying so thoughtlessly and so blissfully?” - (25) “That is, how is it how? (26) Well, there ... some kind of wheatgrass or dandelion. - (27) "What kind of wheatgrass is here? (28) Take a closer look. (29) In the place that you have occupied with your body, two dozen different herbs grow, and after all, each of them is interesting for something: either a way of life, or healing properties for a person. (З0) However, this is a subtlety, as it were, incomprehensible to our mind. (31) Let at least experts know about the atom. (32) But the names, of course, would not hurt to know. (33) Of the two hundred and fifty species of mushrooms that grow everywhere in our scales, starting from April and ending with frosts (by the way, they are almost all edible, excluding only a few species), we know "by face" and by name hardly a fourth. (34) I'm not talking about birds. (35) Who will confirm to me which of these two birds is a mocking robin, which urticaria, which pied flycatcher am I? (Z6) Someone, of course, will confirm, but is it everyone? (87) But is it every third, but is it every fifth - that's the question! (According to V. Soloukhin *)

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The talented Russian writer Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin raises a very important problem in this text - the problem of human perception of the world around us.
Sometimes people do not notice how beautiful the nature around us is, how many secrets and mysteries it contains. "At the most rough, superficial glance, this world consists of only two parts: greenery and water," says Soloukhin. So how does a person perceive the natural world around him?
Not all people perceive nature as a source of joy, pleasure. Someone believes that she is just greenery and water. Someone, on the contrary, admires her, finds in her harmony, peace, tranquility. It is easy to guess what the author thinks about this problem. V.A. Soloukhin believes that a person treats nature too superficially, perceives it only as a place where he lives and works. He himself believes that the surrounding world of nature is much wider and deserves special attention from people. The author perceives nature as a source of creation, pleasure, beauty, vitality. He says: "...what seemed green to us is not just green at all, but something detailed and complex." He perceives nature not just as greenery and water - nature for him is something majestic, immense, beautiful. Nature helps the author to think, reflect on life and pressing problems: "Looking at the white lush piles of flowers, I often thought about the absurdity of the situation."
This problem is moral, which means that it has no statute of limitations. She also did not leave me indifferent. Indeed, a person should perceive nature as the source of life on earth, take care of it and admire it. People are indifferent to the world around us ("We are actually, I would say, a little indifferent to everything that surrounds us on earth"), and this is very bad.
The problem of human perception of the surrounding world worried the minds of many Russian writers and poets. So, I.S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons" on the example of two main characters - Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov - showed how different people's attitude to nature can be. Bazarov, rejecting any aesthetic

We encounter nature on a daily basis. People admire her but don't really like her. Why?

The text raises the problem of neglect of nature. Why are we so careless about her?

Soloukhin begins to reason with these words: “There are such deaf and secluded places on our river that when you make your way through tangled forest thickets, filled with nettles, and sit down near the water itself, you will feel as if in a world fenced off from the rest of the terrestrial space. ". It is in this passage that the author notices how much he loves nature for its ability to make a person calm, to create a sense of solitude and harmony. Merging with nature, we seem to plunge not only into the flora and fauna, but also into our own. This passage of text also seemed important to me: “Two dozen different herbs grow in the place that you occupied with your body, and each of them is interesting in some way: either as a way of life, or as healing properties for a person. However, this is a subtlety, as it were, incomprehensible to our mind. Here the author notices how indifferent humanity is to nature. We love the massive curves of the mountains, the flowers that grow near the house. We like to admire them, but most are not able to love her enough to even know the names of this or that plant. We admire the beauty of flora and fauna, but we consume it more than we cherish and appreciate it.

I agree with the opinion of Soloukhin. Indeed, more often than not, we do not attach true value to the things around us. For humanity, this is just everyday life, bringing a slice of pleasure.

To argue my position, I will be Turgenev's work "Fathers and Sons". Evgeny Bazarov perceived nature not as a gift given from above, but as everyday life. He treated her casually, taking her existence for granted. The protagonist believed that if he is, then you need to use it as you please humanity. In my opinion, this kind of thinking is selfish.

In conclusion, it is worth emphasizing: nature is not just everyday life around us. It is part of our inner world, our soul. Solitude and harmony with oneself are often associated with nature. And at least for this, we must love, cherish and appreciate nature, show respect for it, as a separate unpredictable person.

Russian language

20 out of 24

(1) There are such deaf and secluded places on our river that when you make your way through the tangled forest thickets, which are also filled with nettles, and sit down near the water itself, you will feel as if in a separate world, fenced off from the rest of the earthly space. (2) At the most rough, superficial glance, this world consists of only two parts: greenery and water. (Z) We will now increase our attention drop by drop. (4) At the same time, almost simultaneously with water and greenery, we will see that, no matter how narrow the river is, no matter how densely the branches are intertwined above its channel, nevertheless the sky takes an important part in the creation of our small world. (5) It is either gray, when it is still the earliest dawn, then gray-pink, then bright red - before the solemn exit of the sun * then gold, then golden-blue and, finally, blue, as it should be in the midst of a clear summer day. (6) In the next share of attention, we will already discern that what seemed to us just greenery is not just greenery at all, but something detailed and complex. (7) And in fact, if we stretched an even green canvas near the water, then it would be marvelous beauty, then we would exclaim: “Earthly grace!” (8) Passionate fisherman Anton Pavlovich Chekhov was not so right when he said that during fishing, bright, good thoughts come to mind. (9) Looking at the white lush piles of flowers, I often thought about the absurdity of the situation. (10) I grew up on this river, they taught me something at school. (11) I see these flowers every time, and I don’t just see them - I single them out from all the other flowers. (12) But ask me what they are called - I don’t know, for some reason I have never heard their names from other people who also grew up here. (13) 0 duvanchvk, chamomile, cornflower, plantain, bluebell, lily of the valley - we still have enough for this. (14) We can still call these plants by name. (15) However, maybe I'm the only one who doesn't know? (16) No, no matter who I asked in the village, showing white flowers, everyone shrugged their hands: - Who knows! (17) A lot of them grows: both on the river and in forest ravines. (18) And what are they called? .. (19) What do you need? (20) We are actually, I would say, a little indifferent to everything that surrounds us on earth. (21) No, no, of course, we often say that we love nature: these copses, and hills, and springs, and fire, in the middle of the sky, summer warm sunsets. (22) And, of course, collect a bouquet of flowers, and, of course, listen to the birds singing, to their chirping in the golden forest tops at a time when the forest itself is still full of dark green, almost black coolness. (23) Well, go mushrooming, and fish, and just lie on the grass, looking up at the floating clouds. (24) “Listen, what is the name of the grass on which you are now lying so thoughtlessly and so blissfully?” - (25) “That is, how is it how? (26) Well, there ... some kind of wheatgrass or dandelion. - (27) "What kind of wheatgrass is here? (28) Take a closer look. (29) In the place that you have occupied with your body, two dozen different herbs grow, and after all, each of them is interesting for something: either a way of life, or healing properties for a person. (З0) However, this is a subtlety, as it were, incomprehensible to our mind. (31) Let at least experts know about the atom. (32) But the names, of course, would not hurt to know. (33) Of the two hundred and fifty species of mushrooms that grow everywhere in our scales, starting from April and ending with frosts (by the way, they are almost all edible, excluding only a few species), we know "by face" and by name hardly a fourth. (34) I'm not talking about birds. (35) Who will confirm to me which of these two birds is a mocking robin, which urticaria, which pied flycatcher am I? (Z6) Someone, of course, will confirm, but is it everyone? (87) But is it every third, but is it every fifth - that's the question! (According to V. Soloukhin *)

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The talented Russian writer Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin raises a very important problem in this text - the problem of human perception of the world around us.
Sometimes people do not notice how beautiful the nature around us is, how many secrets and mysteries it contains. "At the most rough, superficial glance, this world consists of only two parts: greenery and water," says Soloukhin. So how does a person perceive the natural world around him?
Not all people perceive nature as a source of joy, pleasure. Someone believes that she is just greenery and water. Someone, on the contrary, admires her, finds in her harmony, peace, tranquility. It is easy to guess what the author thinks about this problem. V.A. Soloukhin believes that a person treats nature too superficially, perceives it only as a place where he lives and works. He himself believes that the surrounding world of nature is much wider and deserves special attention from people. The author perceives nature as a source of creation, pleasure, beauty, vitality. He says: "...what seemed green to us is not just green at all, but something detailed and complex." He perceives nature not just as greenery and water - nature for him is something majestic, immense, beautiful. Nature helps the author to think, reflect on life and pressing problems: "Looking at the white lush piles of flowers, I often thought about the absurdity of the situation."
This problem is moral, which means that it has no statute of limitations. She also did not leave me indifferent. Indeed, a person should perceive nature as the source of life on earth, take care of it and admire it. People are indifferent to the world around us ("We are actually, I would say, a little indifferent to everything that surrounds us on earth"), and this is very bad.
The problem of human perception of the surrounding world worried the minds of many Russian writers and poets. So, I.S. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons" on the example of two main characters - Arkady Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov - showed how different people's attitude to nature can be. Bazarov, rejecting any aesthetic

Option number 3. FIPI OBZ

Part 1

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a number (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

((1) Beginning in the 5th century BC, there is a flourishing of ancient Greek
and ancient Roman civilizations, marked by a relatively high level of development of philosophy, literature, fine arts, architecture, and military art. (2) During this period, the accumulation of initial scientific information about the world around us continues, a number of ideas are put forward, which, as shown by the further development of events, were far ahead of their time. (3)<…>idea was put forwardabout the structure of the universe, the idea of ​​the atomic structure of matter was discussed for the first time, the foundations of geometry were developed, and a geocentric model of the world was created.


The period of development of human civilization for about fifteen centuries refers to the era of antiquity, it was at this time that philosophy flourished and ideas about the essence of the universe were put forward.


The heyday of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, observed from the 5th century BC, was marked by the development of science and art; during this period, the accumulation of initial scientific information about the surrounding world anda number of ideas are put forward that are far ahead of their time.


The initial scientific information about the world around us was accumulated over several centuries starting from the 5th century AD, as a result of which the ideas of the atomic and molecular structure of matter appeared, the foundations of algebra and geometry were developed, and new models of the world arose.


If philosophy, literature, fine arts and architecture flourished during the period of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, then after the era of antiquity, the exact sciences, such as geometry, physics and astronomy, reached their heyday.


The heyday of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, which began
in the 5th century BC, was marked by the development of science and art, the emergence of ideas far ahead of their time.

2 Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).


For example,

Despite this,

That's why

Despite this

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word MODEL. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

MODEL [de], -i, f.


An example of some products or a sample for the manufacture of something, as well as the object from which the image is reproduced.New m. dresses.
M. for casting. Models for sculptures


Type, design brand.New car m..


Scheme, description of some. physical object or phenomenon (spec.).
M. atom. M. artificial tongue.


Mannequin or fashion model, as well as (obsolete) sitter or model.Live m.

Answer: ___________________________.

4. One of the following words has an accent error:WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted. Write out this word.


will make it easier


for a long time


Answer: ___________________________.

5. One of the suggestions belowWRONG highlighted word is used.Correct the lexical error by choosing a paronym for the highlighted word. Write down the chosen word.

My friend is a rather DIPLOMATIC person.

Each step caused Meresyev UNBEARABLE pain.

The head of the city congratulated the actors of the drama theater, noting their excellent PERFORMANCE skills.

The rare beauty inherent in the Karelian Isthmus is created by ROYAL forests towering over picturesque reservoirs.

After sowing and during the period of intensive seedling growth, ROOT top dressing is carried out to maintain the active life of plants.

Answer: ___________________________.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form.Correct the mistake Andwrite the word correctly.

in the year eight hundred and twenty

factory PRESSES




Answer: ___________________________.

7. Match the grammatical errors and

sentences in which they are allowed: to each position of the first

column, select the appropriate position from the second column.



A) violation in construction

sentences with participial


B) build error

complex sentence

C) violation in construction

proposals with uncoordinated


D) disruption of communication between

subject and predicate

D) violation of the type of time

verb correlations


Thanks to the heroism of the people, the catastrophe was averted.

All writers are usually asked during the interview what they are currently working on.

Visitors were amazed at the ingenuity of the master and his talent.

M.Yu. Lermontov never finished his favorite brainchild- poem "Demon".

To the north-east of the village are swamps formed by sand subsidence.

When the heavy battle had already ended, but in some places separate shots were still heard.

After reading the essay, I realized that its characters can be examples for us.

They dispersed in all directions, and some came quite close to the narrator.

Those who come later will take the empty seats.

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.


e. to differentiate




Answer: ___________________________.

9 . Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

on .. bit, dragged on ..

be..delier, in..swim


pr .. refuge, pr .. hail

Answer: ___________________________.

10. AND .





biological ski

Answer: ___________________________.

11. Write down the word in which the letter is written in the place of the gapI.

(they) close..t

thought..schey (person)

loader..schey (cannon)

(flags) re..t

(well) understanding..

Answer: ___________________________.

12 . Identify the sentence in which NOT is written with the wordONE .

Open the brackets and write out this word.

(NOT) WHY think about something that cannot be fixed or returned.

His features were small, (NOT) REFLECTING the whole complexity of the soul.

This locality is (NOT) MARKED on the tourist map.

Savka chose an occupation for himself by no means (NOT) SIMPLE.

There are a lot of plant species living next to a person and (NOT) NOTICED by him.

Answer: ___________________________.

13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are written

ONE . Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(C) FOR many days, a strong volcanic eruption continued, the clubs of fire above which spun (IN) THE LIKE OF a whirlwind, increasing in size.

(By) the way this person carries himself, it is clear that he (IN) EVERYTHING is used to being the first.

Lake Beloe (FROM) THAT is charming that (IN) THE CIRCLE of it is dense diverse vegetation.

It's hard to even imagine WHAT (WOULD) happen to me IF (WERE) the ship was late.

(FOR) BECAUSE L.N. Tolstoy, his relatives could guess (ON) HOW hard his brain is working now

Petya shuddered, (FROM) THE fact that the doorbell rang, mom THAT (SAME) did not expect a call.

Answer: ___________________________.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which it is writtenNN.

Subsequently, I found in the pantry some unusual (1) manuscripts, bound (2) in volumes and writing (3) in Latin.

Answer: ___________________________.

15. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you want to putONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The oldest herbarium was collected at the beginning of the 16th century and is now kept in Rome.

2) In winter I went hunting or fishing or skiing.

3) For an observant person, there are many interesting things in the taiga both in summer and in winter.

4) Grandchildren and great-grandchildren dispersed as pilots and sailors all over the river.

5) The eye does not get tired of admiring the fields and groves, and the heart is full of a sense of harmony with nature.

16 . Place punctuation marks:

The walls of the house (1) updated with paint (2) and cornices (3) tinted around the entire perimeter, lined with a bright border of tiles (4), look festive.

Answer: ___________________________.

17. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in place of which

The sentence must contain commas.

Some contemporaries were outraged by the use

A. S. Pushkin vernacular words in contexts where (1) according to critics (2) it was necessary to use the words "high". However (3) Pushkin resolutely rejected the concept of "low matter".

Answer: ___________________________.

18. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in place of which

The sentence must contain commas.

Each book (1) to study (2) that (3) you will have during the school year (4) is a treasure trove of knowledge.

Answer: ___________________________.

19. Put punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in place of which

V The sentence must contain commas.

I was finally convinced that (1) that I was completely lost (2)
and went at random to (3) where the fields stretched endlessly.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the text and complete tasks 20-25.

(1) There are such deaf and secluded places on our river that when you make your way through the tangled forest thickets, which are also filled with nettles, and sit down near the water itself, you will feel as if in a world fenced off from the rest of the earthly space.

(2) In bird cherry, future berries have grown to their size. (3) Now they are smooth, hard, just like carved from green bone and polished. (4) The leaves of the willow are turned either with their bright green, or with their reverse, matte, silver side, which is why the whole tree, its entire crown, everything, so to speak, the spot in the overall picture seems bright. (5) At the water's edge, grasses grow, leaning to the side. (6) It even seems that further the herbs stand on tiptoe, stretch with all their might, so that at least
over the shoulders, look into the water. (7) Here are nettles, here are tall umbrella ones, the names of which here no one here knows.

(8) But most of all, our closed earthly world is decorated with a certain tall plant with lush white flowers. (9) That is, each flower individually is very small and would be completely invisible, but the flowers gathered on the stem in countless numbers and form a lush, white, slightly yellowish hat of the plant. (10) And since its stems never grow singly, the lush hats merge, and now, as it were, a white cloud is dozing among the motionless forest grass. (11) It is also impossible not to admire this plant, because as soon as the sun warms up, invisible clubs, invisible clouds of a strong honey aroma will float from a white flower cloud in all directions.

(12) Looking at the white lush clouds of flowers, I often thought about the absurdity of the situation. (13) I grew up on this river, they taught me something at school. (14) I see these flowers every time, and not just see, but distinguish from all other flowers. (15) But ask me what they are called - I don’t know, for some reason I have never heard their names from other people who also grew up here. (16) Dandelion, chamomile, cornflower, plantain, bluebell, lily of the valley - we still have enough for this. (17) We can still call these plants by name. (18) However, why generalize right away - maybe I alone don’t know? (19) No, no matter who I asked in the village, showing white flowers, everyone shrugged:

- (20) Who knows! (21) Full of them grows: both on the river and in forest ravines. (22) And what are they called? .. (23) What do you need? (24) Flowers and flowers, don’t reap them, don’t thresh. (25) You can sniff without a name.

(26) We are actually, I would say, a little indifferent to everything that surrounds us on earth. (27) No, no, of course, we often say that we love nature: these copses, and hills, and springs, and fiery, half-sky, warm summer sunsets. (28) Well, collect a bouquet of flowers, and, of course, listen to the birds singing, to their chirping in the golden forest tops at a time when the forest itself is still full of dark green, almost black coolness. (29) Well, go mushrooming, and fish, and just lie on the grass, looking up at the floating clouds.

“(30) Listen, what is the name of the grass on which you are now lying so thoughtlessly and so blissfully?” - “(31) That is, how is it like? (32) Grass. (33) Well, there ... some kind of wheatgrass or dandelion. - “(34) What kind of wheatgrass is here? (35) There is no wheatgrass at all. (36) Take a closer look. (37) In the place that you have occupied with your body, two dozen different herbs grow, and each of them is interesting in some way: either in a way of life, or in healing properties for a person. (38) However, this seems to be a subtlety incomprehensible to our mind.

(According to V.A. Soloukhin *)

* Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin (1924-1997) - Russian Soviet writer and poet, a prominent representative of "village prose".

20 . Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.


AThe second grew up by the river, loves the local nature, but does not know the name of the plant with lush white flowers, which he likes so much.



In the sun, the plant with lush white flower caps exudes a strong sweet aroma.


Many herbs grow on our land, and all of them are interesting in some way.

Form start

Answer: ___________________________.

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

21. Which of the following statements are true? Specify the answer numbers.


Sentences 3-4 contain a description.

2) Sentences 13-15 clarify the content of sentence 12.

3) Sentences 16-20 contain the narrative.

4) Sentences 24-25 present the narrative.

5) Sentences 26-27 present reasoning.

Answer: ___________________________.

22 From offers 1- 3 write out contextual synonyms.

Answer: ___________________________.

23 Offers 5- 10 find one that is related to the previous one with the help of a conjunction, a possessive pronoun and word forms. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while doing tasks 20-23.

This fragment examines the language features of the text.

Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps (A, B, C, D) with the numbers corresponding to the numbers of the terms from the list. Write in the table under each letter the corresponding number.

Write the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of

task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas

and other additional characters.

Write each number in accordance with those given in the form.


24 “Various means of expression help V.A. Soloukhin to convey his attitude to his native places. The poetic nature of the author is manifested in the use of such tropes as (A) __________ (“the leaves of the willow are turned ...silver party" in sentence 4, "in gold forest heights" in sentence 28) and (B)__________ (“grasses stand on tiptoe…to…look at the water” in sentence 6, “a white cloud slumbers among…grass” in sentence 10).Syntactic means - (B) __________ (sentences 16, 27) and reception - (D)__________ (sentences 28-29) help the author express his ideas
about what should be the attitude towards native nature.

List of terms:


phraseological unit








rows of homogeneous sentence members


interrogative sentences


comparative turnover


introductory words



Do not forget to transfer all answers to the answer sheet No. 1 in accordance with the instructions for doing the work. End of form

Part 2

Use the ANSWER FORM #2 to answer this question.

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Option number 3. FIPI OBZ




The problem of man's attitude to his native nature (How should one relate to native nature? What should underlie our love for it?

The problem of man's attitude to the beauty of the surrounding world. (Do we always understand the beauty of nature? How should one treat what surrounds you in order to understand the beauty of the world?

At the heart of our love for our native nature

should be treated with care,

not only to beautiful landscapes, but to every

a blade of grass, to each flower.

We often only talk about the beauty of the environment.

about us the world, admiring "copses and hills and

fontanelles, and fire, half the sky, summer

warm sunsets", but we do not notice the beauty and

the diversity of this world. Only attentive

attitude to everything on Earth, will help to understand

true beauty of the world.


For example







more beautiful or prettier






bitten dragged






no need


because around














deaf secluded




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