This strange life download fb2. "This Strange Life" - Daniil Granin


"This Strange Life" is a book by the Russian writer Daniil Granin, which has been reprinted many times over more than forty years of its existence. In his work, the writer tells about the life of Alexander Lyubishchev, a famous Soviet biologist and mathematician. His way of life, in a sense, can indeed be called strange. This person is considered one of the founders of time management, although it used to be called differently.

Many people strive to plan their time, but every now and then deviate from the plan, because life sometimes surprises. And sometimes this is done deliberately. It is difficult to imagine someone who is able to constantly control all his affairs, who will know what he will do tomorrow, in a month or a year. And Alexander Lyubishchev knew this. All his life he lived according to a clearly written plan and went to his goals. With almost 100% probability, everything that he planned happened.

The ability to control one's time and for many, many years to follow one's own created laws of its distribution evoke a feeling of deep respect. The scientist greatly appreciated every moment of his life and that is why he was able to make a great contribution to science. He, like a true scientist, questioned everything, and only facts could convince him. His diaries have a clear structure and accurately describe what was happening in his life at a particular point in time. This not only surprises and delights, but also motivates, showing that you can do a lot in life if you only know how to manage your time.

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A book called “This Strange Life” is a story written by the author based on true events and discoveries of a real person who once lived among us, but was distinguished by a kind of genius, which consisted in an amazing “friendship” with time. Daniil Granin described the life and scientific achievements of the world-famous biologist, mathematician, philosopher and entomologist Alexander Aleksandrovich Lyubishchev. The book contains answers to the eternal questions of mankind: what is Time? How to use it correctly? How to do a lot of things, and at the same time have time for everything? The uniqueness and originality of the work, however, is not only in providing an opportunity to read about one great Russian scientist who has achieved a breakthrough in the world of biology.

The work is also original in that it shows all the power of Time, the possibility of its expansion in any boundaries, the ability to correctly use every second of one's life. After reading the book, many people think: after all, indeed, if they had known all this earlier, at least a few years ago, how differently life would have been ...

Daniil Granin is a very famous writer. And, probably, he did not doubt at all the success of the story “This Strange Life”, since he published it immediately after the completion of writing in a huge circulation - 100 thousand copies! And I didn't guess. His story was translated, according to some sources, into 8 main languages, the worldview and experience of many Soviet people were built on it (“This Strange Life” was published in 1974). For her, Daniil Granin received very honorable literary titles: laureate of the State Prize and laureate of the Big Book Prize in 2012. And although the story is actually not at all great, it is worth considering that it was not just that it was called at one time the largest among the works of that time. The work of the Soviet author marked the beginning of a new, hitherto unknown science of time management.

You can read the story both to people who are versed in the natural and philosophical sciences, and to everyone else, without restrictions and preparation. After all, the essence is not only in special terms and perfect discoveries - this is the friendship of time and man, this is the ability to wait and wait, work without interruption - and at the same time live, help friends, breathe deeply. An interesting moment, between the lines described by the author on behalf of his hero: “After all, what can you earn? Money. strength. What about love and health? Not to buy and not to find - but you can achieve and save. And time... lost time cannot be returned, redeemed, sold or earned. It goes away - irrevocably, forever. The literary hero of the author briefly touched on the satiated life of those people who have so much extra time that they do not know what to do with it. He only felt sorry for such people - after all, the likeness of God, created for labor and creation, cannot “kill” Time so mercilessly - after all, it is already so limited ...

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This strange life

I wanted to tell about this person in such a way that it would stick to the facts and be interesting. It is rather difficult to reconcile both of these requirements. Facts are interesting when you don't have to stick to them. One could try to find some fresh device and, using it, build an entertaining plot from the facts. To have mystery and struggle and danger. And so that with all this, reliability is preserved.

It was customary to portray, for example, this man as a soldered lone fighter against powerful opponents. One against all. Even better - all against one. Injustice immediately attracts sympathy. But in reality it was just - one against all. He attacked. He jumped first and crushed. The meaning of his scientific struggle was quite complex and controversial. It was a real scientific struggle, where no one manages to be completely right. It was possible to attribute a simpler problem to him, to add, but then it was inconvenient to leave a real surname. Then it was necessary to abandon many other surnames. But then no one would believe me. In addition, I wanted to pay tribute to this person, to show what a person is capable of.

Of course, authenticity interfered, tied hands. Much easier to deal with a fictional character. He is both accommodating and frank - the author knows all his thoughts and intentions, both his past and his future.

I had another task: to introduce all useful information into the reader, to give descriptions - of course, amazing, amazing, but, unfortunately, unsuitable for a literary work. They were more suitable for a popular science essay. Imagine inserting a description of fencing in the middle of The Three Musketeers. The reader will surely skip these pages. And I had to get the reader to read my information, because this is the most important thing ...

I wanted a lot of people to read about him, for the sake of this, in essence, this thing was started.

... It was also quite possible to pick up a secret on the hook. The promise of a secret, a mystery - it always attracts, especially since this mystery is not invented: I really struggled for a long time over the diaries and archives of my hero, and everything that I extracted from there was a discovery for me, a clue to the secret of an amazing life.

However, to be honest, this mystery is not accompanied by adventures, pursuit, is not associated with intrigues and dangers.

The secret is about how to live better. And here, too, one can arouse curiosity by declaring that this thing - about the most instructive example of the best structure of life - provides a unique System of Life.

“Our System allows you to achieve great success in any field, in any profession!”

"The system provides the highest achievements with the most ordinary abilities!"

“You get not an abstract system, but a guaranteed, proven by many years of experience, affordable, productive…”

"Minimum cost - maximum effect!"

"The best in the world!.."

One could promise the reader to tell about an outstanding person of the 20th century unknown to him. To give a portrait of a moral hero, with such lofty rules of morality as seem old-fashioned today. The life he lived is outwardly the most ordinary, according to some signs, even unlucky; from the point of view of the layman, he is a typical loser, but according to the inner meaning, he was a harmonious and happy person, and his happiness was of the highest standard. Frankly, I thought that people of this magnitude had grown up, these are dinosaurs ...

As in the old days the lands were discovered, as astronomers discover the stars, so a writer may be lucky enough to discover a person. There are great discoveries of characters and types: Goncharov discovered Oblomov, Turgenev - Bazarov, Cervantes - Don Quixote.

It was also a discovery, not of a general type, but, as it were, of a personal one, mine, and not of a type, but rather of an ideal; however, this word did not fit. Lyubishchev was also not suitable for the ideal ...

I was sitting in a large uncomfortable auditorium. The bare lightbulb sharply illuminated the gray hairs and bald spots, the smooth combs of the graduate students, the long tufts and fashionable wigs, and the curly blackness of the Negroes. Professors, doctors, students, journalists, historians, biologists... Most of all there were mathematicians, because it happened at their faculty - the first meeting in memory of Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubishchev.

I didn't expect so many people to come. And especially the youth. Perhaps they were driven by curiosity. Because they knew little about Lyubishchev. Not a biologist, not a mathematician. Amateur? Lover? Seems like an amateur. But the postal official from Toulouse - the great Fermat - was also an amateur ... Lyubishchev - who is he? Not a vitalist, not a positivist or an idealist, in any case - a heretic.

And the speakers also did not clarify. Some considered him a biologist, others - a historian of science, others - an entomologist, others - a philosopher ...

Each of the speakers had a new Lyubishchev. Everyone had their own interpretation, their own assessments.

For some, Lyubishev turned out to be a revolutionary, a rebel, challenging the dogmas of evolution and genetics. For others, the kindest figure of a Russian intellectual, inexhaustibly tolerant of his opponents, arose.

- ... In any philosophy, a living critical and creative thought was valuable to him!

- ... His strength was in the continuous generation of ideas, he raised questions, he woke up the thought!

- ... As one of the great mathematicians noted, brilliant geometers propose a theorem, talented ones prove it. So he was the proposer.

“…He was too scattered, he should have focused on systematics and not wasted himself on philosophical problems.

- ... Alexander Alexandrovich is an example of concentration, purposefulness of the creative spirit, he has been consistent throughout his life ...

- ... The gift of a mathematician determined his worldview ...

- ... The breadth of his philosophical education made it possible to rethink the problem of the origin of species.

- ... He was a rationalist!

- ...Vitalist!

- ... A visionary, a person who is fond of, an intuitionist!

For many years they had known Lyubishchev, with his work, but each told about the Lyubishchev he knew.

They had, of course, represented his versatility before. But only now, listening to each other, they realized that each knew only part of Lyubishchev.

The week before I had spent reading his diaries and letters, delving into the history of his mind's worries. I started reading aimlessly. Just other people's letters. Just well-written testimonies of someone else’s soul, past worries, past anger, memorable to me too, because I once thought about the same thing, but didn’t think it through ...

I soon became convinced that I did not know Lyubishchev. That is, I knew, I met him, I understood that he was a rare person, but I did not suspect the scale of his personality. With shame I confessed to myself that I considered him an eccentric, a wise, dear eccentric, and it was bitter that I had missed many opportunities to be with him. So many times I was going to go to him in Ulyanovsk, and everything seemed to be in time.

How many times has life taught me not to put off anything. Life, if you think about it, is a patient caretaker, she again and again brought me together with the most interesting people of our century, and I was in a hurry somewhere and often hurried past, putting it off for later. Why did I put it off, where did I hurry? Now these past hurries seem so insignificant, and the losses - so insulting and, most importantly, irreparable.

The student sitting next to me shrugged his shoulders in bewilderment, unable to combine the contradictory stories of the speakers into one.

Only a year had passed after the death of Lyubishchev - and it was no longer possible to understand what he really was.

The departed belongs to everyone, nothing can be done about it. The speakers selected from Lyubishchev what they liked, or what they needed as arguments, arguments. As they told, they also built their own stories. Over the years, their portraits will turn out to be something average, or rather, acceptable, average, devoid of contradictions, riddles - smoothed and little recognizable.

This average person will be explained, they will determine where he was wrong and where he was ahead of his time, they will make it completely understandable. And lifeless. If, of course, he succumbs. Above the pulpit hung a large photograph in a black frame - an old bald man, wrinkling his drooping nose, scratching his head. He looked puzzled, either at the audience or at the speakers, as if deciding what other thing to throw out. And it was clear that all these clever speeches, theories now have nothing to do with that old man, who can no longer be seen and who was so needed right now. I'm too used to what it is. It was enough for me to know that somewhere there is a person with whom I can talk about everything and ask about everything.

When a person dies, much is revealed, much becomes known. And our attitude towards the deceased is summed up. I felt it in the speeches of the speakers. They had certainty. Lyubishchev's life appeared before them complete, now they decided to think it over, to sum it up. And it was clear that now many of his ideas would be recognized, many of his works would be published and republished. For some reason, the dead have more rights, they are allowed more ...

Daniil Granin's writing career began in 1949, he is rightfully considered a classic of Russian literature. During his writing career, he managed to create more than 30 books, of which more than a dozen were filmed. Granin was an honored figure and a multiple prize winner.

The book "It's a Strange Life", published in 100,000 copies, was first published in 1974.

The work has been translated into several languages, including German and English. During its forty years of existence, "This Strange Life" was reprinted more than a dozen times. It is believed that it was with this work that the history of modern time management began.

This book will interest people who care about history, who value their time, who want to do more in their lives, overcome more obstacles, and achieve their goals.

This strange life. Daniel Granin. Read, download e-book fb2, txt, epub

It was Granin's work that inspired Gleb Arkhangelsky to open the only company in the Russian Federation specializing in time management.

The book "It's a Strange Life" is very original, informative and unique. The uniqueness of this book lies in the description of the perfect scientific methodology created by the scientist Lyubishchev. The essence of this scientific practice was the system of accounting for one's own time. This method allows you to increase the resource of human time for your personal or social benefit.

The main character Lyubishchev Alexander Alexandrovich (1890-1972) is an ethnologist by profession, specializing in the most complex subfamily of leaf beetles, another name for beetles is earthen fleas (Chrysomelidae Alticinae), and the protection of the plant world. Fame came to the scientist due to works of a more global nature: general problems of the biological system, the theory of philosophy and evolution, the application of mathematical methods in biology. Lyubishchev was a polyglot. Fluent in English, German, French, Italian.

It is Alexander Alexandrovich who is the founder and developer of the belief system of goal setting and time tracking, in the modern world this system is called time management. The scientist himself for 56 years (1916-1972) successfully used the created system. For many, it is interesting to read about the creators of the system, which is now used all over the world, especially since the creator was born in Russia and the book is even more interesting for Russian readers.

The life stories of famous people always motivate. They point the way to success. You think: “If this guy managed to pull off such a thing, why am I worse?” And then the colossal work on self-improvement begins - priorities change, habits change. But the main difficulty lies in finding the “right” book that can turn the mind around. The story "This Strange Life", written by Daniil Granin, is an ideal candidate for the role of a moral mentor and ideological inspirer. The book tells about the life and scientific work of Alexander Lyubishchev, a brilliant scientist who knew how to subjugate time, and not obey it.!

The writer of the Soviet period preferred to write about the life and work of famous academicians, physicists, mathematicians, biologists, focusing not only on the known facts from their biographies, but also on the inner world of geniuses.

It was no coincidence that Daniil Granin chose Alexander Lyubishchev as the hero of the book “This Strange Life”. The author is impressed by the charter of life, which guided the hero of his story. The author faced a difficult task - by appealing to boring facts to create an exciting story that would fully reflect Lyubishchev's attitude to the system of that time. Thus, the reader is offered a story not only about the contribution of the scientist to the development of science, but also about his personal achievements associated with fortitude, rebelliousness and courage. The dominant features of the protagonist were chosen - purposefulness and strength. The strangeness of the academician, which was noticed by everyone who knew him, also did not go unnoticed by the writer. However, the main achievement of Alexander Lyubishchev is the creation of an effective time distribution system, which he used throughout his life. The method of increasing personal effectiveness according to Lyubishchev is very similar to modern time management practices, and therefore the scientist is credited with the authorship of this system. You can listen to the audiobook in mp3 or read online "This Strange Life" by Daniil Granin on KnigoPoisk.

In the book "This Strange Life" Daniil Granin describes the life of a man devoted to his own work. His hero does not recognize authorities and can accurately calculate his time a day, a month, and even a year ahead. It was the system of temporary accounting that allowed Lyubishchev to become what history remembered him to be. This is something he should learn from.

The modern variety of books on self-development and motivation offers a huge number of textbooks for increasing personal effectiveness by keeping time records, and few people take this book seriously, and very much in vain. The light narrative style of the author, interesting facts and everyday background will tell you in the best way how to master time management and apply its canons in practice.

A strong motivational boost is what you get after reading It's a Strange Life. It is never too late to start, the main thing is not to stop - the main conclusion that you will draw for yourself, but by no means the only one. Read to anyone who is looking for a powerful dose of motivation and inspiration!

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