Ethnogenesis of the Circassians. Hatts, Kasks and Sindo-Meotian tribes - the ancient ancestors of the Circassians


Adygs is the common self-name of the ancestors of modern Adyghes, Kabardians and Circassians. The surrounding peoples also called them Zikhs and Kasogs. The origin and meaning of all these names is a moot point. The ancient Circassians belonged to the Caucasoid race.
The history of the Circassians is endless clashes with hordes of Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Bulgars, Alans, Khazars, Magyars, Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Mongol-Tatars, Kalmyks, Nogays, Turks.

In 1792, with the creation of a continuous cordon line along the Kuban River by Russian troops, active development of the western Adyghe lands by Russia began.

At first, the Russians fought, in fact, not with the Circassians, but with the Turks, who at that time owned Adygea. Upon the conclusion of the Peace of Adriopol in 1829, all Turkish possessions in the Caucasus passed to Russia. But the Circassians refused to pass into Russian citizenship and continued to attack Russian settlements.

Only in 1864, Russia took control of the last independent territories of the Adygs - the Kuban and Sochi lands. A small part of the Adyghe nobility by this time had switched to the service of the Russian Empire. But most of the Circassians - over 200 thousand people - wished to move to Turkey.
The Turkish Sultan Abdul-Hamid II settled refugees (Mohajirs) on the deserted border of Syria and in other border areas to fight Bedouin raids.

This tragic page of Russian-Adyghe relations has recently become the subject of historical and political speculation in order to put pressure on Russia. Part of the Adyghe-Circassian diaspora, with the support of certain Western forces, demands to boycott the Olympics in Sochi if Russia does not recognize the resettlement of the Adyghes as an act of genocide. Then, of course, lawsuits for compensation will follow.

Today, the bulk of the Adygs live in Turkey (according to various sources, from 3 to 5 million people). In the Russian Federation, the number of Adygs as a whole does not exceed 1 million. There are also considerable diasporas in Syria, Jordan, Israel, the USA, France and other countries. All of them retain the consciousness of their cultural unity.

Adygs in Jordan

It just so happened that the Circassians and Russians have long been measured by strength. And it all started in ancient times, about which the "Tale of Bygone Years" tells. It is curious that both sides - Russian and Mountaineer - talk about this event in almost the same words.

The chronicler puts it this way. In 1022, the son of St. Vladimir, the Tmutorokan prince Mstislav went on a campaign against the Kasogs - that was how the Russians called the Circassians at that time. When the opponents lined up opposite each other, the Kasogian prince Rededya said to Mstislav: “Why are we destroying our squad? Come out to a duel: if you overcome, then you will take my property, and my wife, and children, and my land. If I win, I'll take what's yours." Mstislav replied: "So be it."

The opponents laid down their weapons and joined in the fight. And Mstislav began to languish, for Rededya was great and strong. But the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos helped the Russian prince to overcome the enemy: he struck Rededya to the ground, and, taking out a knife, stabbed him. Kasogi submitted to Mstislav.

According to the Adyghe legends, Rededya was not a prince, but a mighty hero. Once the Adyghe prince Idar, having gathered a lot of soldiers, went to Tamtarakai (Tmutorokan). The Tamtarakai prince Mstislau led his army towards the Adygs. When the enemies approached, Rededya stepped forward and said to the Russian prince: "In order not to shed blood in vain, overcome me and take everything I have." The opponents took off their weapons and fought for several hours in a row, not yielding to each other. Finally, Rededya fell, and the Tamtarakai prince struck him with a knife.

The death of Rededi is also mourned by the ancient Adyghe funeral song (sagish). True, in it Rededya is defeated not by force, but by deceit:

Grand Duke of the Uruses
When you dropped to the ground
He longed for life
Pulled a knife from his belt
Under your shoulder blade insidiously
Plugged him in and
Your soul, woe, he took out.

According to Russian legend, the two sons of Rededi, who were taken to Tmutorokan, were baptized under the names of Yuri and Roman, and the latter allegedly married the daughter of Mstislav. Later, some boyar families erected themselves to them, for example, the Beleutovs, Sorokoumovs, Glebovs, Simskys and others.

For a long time Moscow - the capital of the expanding Russian state - attracted the attention of the Adygs. Quite early, the Adyghe-Circassian nobility became part of the Russian ruling elite.

The basis of the Russian-Adyghe rapprochement was a joint struggle against the Crimean Khanate. In 1557, five Circassian princes, accompanied by a large number of soldiers, arrived in Moscow and entered the service of Ivan the Terrible. Thus, 1557 is the year of the beginning of the formation of the Adyghe diaspora in Moscow.

After the mysterious death of the first wife of the formidable king - Empress Anastasia - it turned out that Ivan was inclined to consolidate his alliance with the Circassians by a dynastic marriage. His chosen one was Princess Kuchenei, daughter of Temryuk, the senior prince of Kabarda. In baptism, she received the name Mary. In Moscow, a lot of unflattering things were said about her and they even attributed the idea of ​​the oprichnina to her.

Ring of Maria Temryukovna (Kuchenei)

In addition to his daughter, Prince Temryuk sent his son Saltankul to Moscow, who was named Mikhail in baptism and was granted a boyar. In fact, he became the first person in the state after the king. His mansions were located on Vozdvizhenskaya Street, where the building of the Russian State Library is now located. Under Mikhail Temryukovich, high command positions in the Russian army were occupied by his relatives and compatriots.

Circassians continued to arrive in Moscow throughout the 17th century. Usually the princes and the squads accompanying them settled between Arbatskaya and Nikitinskaya streets. In total, in the 17th century, up to 5,000 Circassians were simultaneously in Moscow with a population of 50,000, most of whom were aristocrats.

The princes Cherkassky were associates of Alexei Mikhailovich and Peter I. The most brilliant career was made by Prince Alexei Mikhailovich Cherkassky, who under Catherine I was a senator, under Anna Ioannovna entered the cabinet, and in 1740 became the great chancellor of the Russian Empire.

For almost two centuries (until 1776) the Cherkasy house with a huge farmstead stood on the territory of the Kremlin. Maryina Grove, Ostankino and Troitskoye belonged to the Circassian princes. The Bolshoy and Maly Cherkassky lanes still remind of the time when the Circassians-Cherkasy largely determined the policy of the Russian state.

Big Cherkassky Lane

Adygs have a characteristic appearance. For the most part, they are slender and broad-shouldered. Dark brown hair frames a face with a beautiful oval and with shiny dark eyes (the famous "Caucasian" eyes). Their appearance breathes dignity and inspires sympathy.

From ancient times until the end of the 19th century, the Adyghe society consisted of several castes: noble people, vassals, serfs and slaves. Free Circassians knew only hunting and war, undertook distant campaigns against their neighbors, and in between they slaughtered each other or raided the peasants. Their life was so full of bloodshed that nobles before the age of 60 did not dare to enter the church, so as not to defile the holy place with their presence.
However, the courage of the Circassians, their dashing horsemanship, generosity, hospitality were famous just like the beauty and grace of the Circassian women. However, the position of women was difficult: they had the hardest work in the household in the field and at home.

The nobles had a custom to give their children at an early age to be raised in another family, an experienced teacher. In the teacher's family, the boy went through a harsh hardening school and acquired the habits of a rider and a warrior, and the girl - the knowledge of a mistress of the house and a worker. Strong and tender bonds of friendship were established between the pupils and their educators for life.

Since the 6th century, the Circassians were considered Christians, but they made sacrifices to pagan gods. Their funeral rites were also pagan, they adhered to polygamy. The Adygs did not know the written language. Pieces of matter served as money for them.

Turkish influence in one century made a huge change in the life of the Circassians. In the second half of the 18th century, all the Circassians formally accepted Islam. However, their religious practices and beliefs were still a mixture of paganism, Islam and Christianity. They worshiped Shibla, the god of thunder, war and justice, as well as the spirits of water, sea, trees, and the elements. Sacred groves enjoyed special respect on their part.

The language of the Circassians is beautiful in its own way, although it has an abundance of consonants, and there are only three vowels - “a”, “e”, “s”. But to assimilate it for a European is almost unthinkable because of the abundance of sounds unusual for us.

A large number of different peoples live on the territory of the Russian Federation. One of them is the Circassians - a nation with an original amazing culture that was able to maintain its bright individuality.

Where live

Circassians inhabit Karachay-Cherkessia, live in the Stavropol, Krasnodar Territories, Kabardino-Balkaria and Adygea. A small part of the people lives in Israel, Egypt, Syria and Turkey.


About 2.7 million Circassians (Circassians) live in the world. According to the 2010 census, the Russian Federation accounted for approximately 718,000 people, of which 57,000 are residents of Karachay-Cherkessia.


It is not known exactly when the ancestors of the Circassians appeared in the North Caucasus, but they have been living there since the Paleolithic. Of the most ancient monuments associated with this people, one can single out the monument of the Maikop and Dolmen cultures, which flourished in the 3rd millennium BC. The areas of these cultures, according to scientists, are the historical homeland of the Circassian people.


In the 5th-6th century, the ancient Circassian tribes united into a single state, which historians call Zikhia. This state was distinguished by militancy, a high level of social organization and the constant expansion of land. This people categorically did not want to obey, and throughout its history, Zikhia did not pay tribute to anyone. From the 13th century, the state was renamed Circassia. In the Middle Ages, Circassia was the largest state in the Caucasus. The state was a military monarchy, an important role in which was played by the Adyghe aristocracy, which was headed by the pshchy princes.

In 1922, the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region was formed, which was part of the RSFSR. It included part of the lands of the Kabardians and the lands of the Besleneyites in the upper reaches of the Kuban. In 1926, the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug was divided into the Cherkess National Okrug, which became an autonomous region in 1928, and the Karachay Autonomous Okrug. Since 1957, these two regions have again merged into the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug and became part of the Stavropol Territory. In 1992, the district received the status of a republic.


The Circassians speak the Kabardino-Circassian language, which belongs to the Abkhaz-Adyghe family of languages. The Circassians call their language "Adyghebze", which translates into the Adyghe language.

Until 1924, writing was based on the Arabic alphabet and Cyrillic. From 1924 to 1936 it was based on the Latin alphabet and in 1936 again on the Cyrillic alphabet.

There are 8 dialects in the Kabardino-Circassian language:

  1. Dialect of Great Kabarda
  2. Khabezsky
  3. Baksan
  4. Besleneyevsky
  5. Dialect of Malaya Kabarda
  6. Mozdok
  7. Malkinsky
  8. Kuban


Circassians are brave, fearless and wise people. Valor, generosity and generosity are greatly revered. The most contemptible vice for the Circassians is cowardice. Representatives of this people are tall, slender, with regular features, dark blond hair. Women have always been considered very beautiful, distinguished by chastity. Adult Circassians were hardy warriors and impeccable riders, they were fluent in weapons, they knew how to fight even in the highlands.


The main element of the national men's costume is the Circassian coat, which has become a symbol of the Caucasian costume. The cut of this piece of clothing has not changed over the centuries. As a headdress, men wore a "kelpak", sewn from soft fur, or a hood. A felt burka was put on the shoulders. On their feet they wore high or short boots, sandals. Underwear was sewn from cotton fabrics. Circassian weapons - a gun, a checker, a pistol and a dagger. On the Circassian coat on both sides there are leather sockets for cartridges, greasers and a bag with accessories for cleaning weapons are attached to the belt.

The clothes of Circassian women were quite diverse, always richly decorated. Women wore a long dress made of muslin or cotton, a short silk beshmet dress. Before marriage, girls wore a corset. Of the headdresses, they wore high cone-shaped hats decorated with embroidery, low cylindrical hats made of velvet or silk, decorated with gold embroidery. An embroidered hat trimmed with fur was put on the bride's head, which she had to wear until the birth of her first child. Only the uncle of the spouse from the father's side could take it off, but only if he brought generous gifts to the newborn, among which were cattle or money. After the presentation of gifts, the cap was removed, after which the young mother put on a silk scarf. Elderly women wore cotton scarves. They wore bracelets, chains, rings, various earrings from jewelry. Silver elements were sewn to dresses, caftans, they decorated headdresses.

Shoes were made from leather or felt. In the summer, women often went barefoot. Only girls from noble families could wear morocco red dudes. In Western Circassia, there was a type of footwear with a closed toe, made of dense material, with wooden soles and a small heel. People from the upper aristocratic classes wore sandals made of wood, made in the form of a bench, with a wide strap made of fabric or leather.


Circassian society has always been patriarchal. The man is the head of the family, the woman supports her husband in making decisions, always demonstrates humility. Women have always played an important role in everyday life. First of all, she was the keeper of the hearth and comfort in the house. Each Circassian had only one wife, polygamy was extremely rare. It was a matter of honor to provide the spouse with everything necessary so that she always looked good, did not need anything. Hitting or insulting a woman is an unacceptable shame for a man. The husband was obliged to protect her, to treat her with respect. A Circassian man never quarreled with his wife, did not allow himself to utter swear words.

A wife should know her duties and fulfill them clearly. She is in charge of managing the household and all household chores. Men did hard physical work. In rich families, women were protected from difficult work. They spent most of their time sewing.

Circassian women have the right to resolve many conflicts. If a dispute began between two mountaineers, the woman had the right to stop it by throwing a handkerchief between them. When a rider passed by a woman, he was obliged to dismount, lead her to the place where she was going, and only then go on. The rider held the reins in his left hand, and on the right, honorable side, a woman walked. If he passed by a woman who was doing physical work, he should have helped her.

Children were brought up with dignity, they tried to grow up courageous and worthy people. All children went through a harsh school, thanks to which the character was formed and the body was tempered. Until the age of 6, a woman was engaged in raising a boy, then everything passed into the hands of a man. They taught the boys how to shoot a bow and how to ride a horse. The child was given a knife with which he had to learn to hit a target, then they were given a dagger, a bow and arrows. The sons of the nobility are obliged to breed horses, entertain guests, sleep in the open air, using a saddle instead of a pillow. Even in early childhood, many princely children were given to noble houses for education. At the age of 16, the boy was dressed in the best clothes, put on the best horse, given the best weapons and sent home. The return of the son home was considered a very important event. In gratitude, the prince should bestow a gift on the person who raised his son.

Since ancient times, the Circassians have been engaged in agriculture, growing corn, barley, millet, wheat, and planting vegetables. After the harvest, a portion was always set aside for the poor, and the surplus stocks were sold on the market. They were engaged in beekeeping, viticulture, gardening, bred horses, cattle, sheep and goats.

Of the crafts, weapons and blacksmithing, cloth making, and clothing manufacturing stand out. The cloth produced by the Circassians was especially valued by neighboring peoples. In the southern part of Circassia they were engaged in wood processing.


The estates of the Circassians were secluded and consisted of a hut, which was built from turluk and covered with straw. The dwelling consists of several rooms with windows without glass. A recess for the fire was made in the earthen floor, equipped with a wicker and clay-coated pipe. Shelves were installed along the walls, beds were covered with felt. Stone dwellings were rarely built and only in the mountains.

In addition, a barn and a barn were built, which were surrounded by a dense fence. Behind it were vegetable gardens. From the outside, the Kunatskaya, which consisted of a house and a stable, adjoined the fence. These buildings were surrounded by palisades.


Circassians are not picky about food, they do not drink wine and pork. Food was always treated with respect and gratitude. Dishes are served to the table, taking into account the age of those sitting at the table, from the oldest to the youngest. In the cuisine of the Circassians, dishes from lamb, beef and poultry are the basis. The most popular cereal on the Circassian table is corn. At the end of the holidays, lamb or beef broth is served, this is a sign for guests that the feast is coming to an end. In the cuisine of the Circassians, there is a difference between the dishes that are served at weddings, commemorations and other events.

The cuisine of this people is famous for its fresh and tender cheese, Adyghe cheese - latakai. They are eaten as a separate product, added to salads and various dishes, which makes them inimitable and unique. Very popular kojazh - cheese fried in oil with onions and ground red pepper. Circassians are very fond of cheese. Favorite dish - fresh peppers stuffed with herbs and cheese. Peppers are cut into circles and served at the festive table. For breakfast, they eat porridge, scrambled eggs with flour or scrambled eggs. In some areas, already boiled, chopped eggs are added to the omelet.

From the first courses, ashryk is popular - a soup of dried meat with beans and pearl barley. In addition to it, the Circassians cook shorpa, egg, chicken and vegetable soups. Unusual is the taste of soup with dried fat tail.

Meat dishes are served with pasta - hard-boiled millet porridge, which is cut like bread. For the holidays, they prepare a dish of hedlibzhe poultry, frogs, turkey with vegetables. The national dish is lyy gur - dried meat. An interesting tursha dish is potatoes stuffed with garlic and meat. The most common sauce among Circassians is potato. It is boiled with flour and diluted with milk.

Bread, lakuma donuts, halivas, pies with beet tops “khui delen”, corn cakes “natuk-chyrzhyn” are made from baking. From sweets they make different versions of halvah from corn and millet with apricot pits, Circassian balls, marshmallow. Of the drinks among the Circassians, tea, makhsima, the milk drink kundapso, various drinks based on pears and apples are popular.


The ancient religion of this people is monotheism - part of the teachings of Khabze, which regulated all areas of the life of the Circassians, determined the attitude of people towards each other and the world around them. People worshiped the Sun and the Golden Tree, Water and Fire, which, according to their beliefs, gave life, believed in the god Tkha, who was considered the creator of the world and the laws in it. The Circassians had a whole pantheon of heroes of the Nart epic and a number of customs that were rooted in paganism.

Since the 6th century, Christianity has become the leading faith in Circassia. They professed Orthodoxy, a small part of the people converted to Catholicism. Such people were called "frekkardashi". Gradually, from the 15th century, the adoption of Islam began, which is the official religion of the Circassians. Islam has become part of the national identity, and today the Circassians are Sunni Muslims.


The folklore of this people is very diverse and consists of several areas:

  • fairy tales and tales
  • proverbs
  • songs
  • riddles and allegories
  • Tongue Twisters
  • ditties

There were dances at all holidays. The most popular are lezginka, udzh khash, kafa and udzh. They are very beautiful and full of sacred meaning. Music occupied an important place; without it, not a single celebration took place among the Circassians. Popular musical instruments are the harmonica, harp, flute and guitar.

During national holidays, horse riding competitions were held among young people. The Circassians held dance evenings "jagu". Girls and boys stood in a circle and clapped their hands, in the middle they danced in pairs, and the girls played musical instruments. The boys chose the girls they wanted to dance with. Such evenings allowed young people to get acquainted, communicate and subsequently form a family.

Fairy tales and legends are divided into several groups:

  • mythical
  • about animals
  • with riddles and riddles
  • legal education

One of the main genres of oral folk art of the Circassians is the heroic epic. It is based on legends about heroes-heroes and their adventures.


A special place among the Circassians is occupied by the tradition of hospitality. All the best was always allocated to the guests, the hosts never bothered them with their questions, laid a rich table and provided the necessary amenities. Circassians are very generous and ready to set the table for the guest at any time. According to custom, any visitor could enter the yard, tie his horse to the hitching post, enter the house and spend as many days there as necessary. The owner had no right to ask his name, as well as the purpose of the visit.

It is not permissible for the young to be the first to start a conversation in the presence of the elders. It was considered shameful to smoke, drink and sit in the presence of your father, eat with him at the same table. Circassians believe that one should not be greedy in food, one should not keep one's promises, and appropriate other people's money.

One of the main customs of the people is the wedding. The bride left her home immediately after the groom entered into an agreement with her father on a future wedding. They took her to friends or relatives of the groom, where she lived before the celebration. This custom is an imitation of bride kidnapping with the full consent of all parties. The wedding celebration lasts 6 days, but the groom is not present at it. It is believed that relatives are angry with him for the kidnapping of the bride. When the wedding ended, the groom returned home and briefly reunited with his young wife. He brought treats from his father to her relatives as a sign of reconciliation with them.

The bridal chamber was considered a sacred place. It was impossible to do chores around her and talk loudly. After a week of staying in this room, the young wife was taken to a big house, a special ceremony was performed. They covered the girl with a blanket, gave her a mixture of honey and butter, showered her with nuts and sweets. Then she went to her parents and lived there for a long time, sometimes until the birth of a child. Upon returning to her husband's house, the wife began to take care of the household. Throughout his married life, the husband came to his wife only at night, he spent the rest of the time in the men's quarters or in the kunatskaya.

The wife was the mistress of the women's part of the house, she had her own property, this was a dowry. But my wife had a number of prohibitions. She was not supposed to sit in front of men, call her husband by name, go to bed until he came home. A husband could divorce his wife without any explanation, she could also demand a divorce for certain reasons. But this happened very rarely.

A man did not have the right to kiss his son in the presence of strangers, to pronounce the name of his wife. When the husband died, all 40 days the wife had to visit his grave and spend some time near it. Gradually this custom was forgotten. The widow was to marry the brother of her dead husband. If she became the wife of another man, the children stayed with the husband's family.

Pregnant women had to follow the rules, there were prohibitions for them. This was necessary in order to protect the future mother with a child from evil spirits. When a man was told that he would become a father, he left the house and for several days appeared there only at night. After the birth, two weeks later, they performed the ceremony of laying the newborn in the cradle and gave him a name.

Murder was punishable by death, the sentence passed by the people. The murderer was thrown into the river, with stones tied to him. There was a custom of blood revenge among the Circassians. If they were insulted or there was a murder, they took revenge not only on the murderer, but on his entire family and relatives. The death of his father could not be left without revenge. If the killer wanted to avoid punishment, he had to raise and raise a boy from the family of the murdered. The child, already a young man, was returned to his father's house with honors.

If a person was killed by lightning, they buried him in a special way. An honorary funeral was held for animals killed by lightning. The ceremony was accompanied by singing and dancing, and chips from a tree that was struck and burned by lightning were considered healing. The Circassians performed rituals to bring rain in a drought, before and after agricultural work they made sacrifices.

Amateur historian Vitaly Shtybin talks about the divided Circassian people. has already been told about Vitaly Shtybin, a young entrepreneur from Krasnodar who became so interested in Circassian history that he became a popular blogger and a welcome guest at specialized conferences. This publication - about what is common and what is the difference between the Adyghes, Kabardians and Circassians - opens a series of materials that Vitaly will write specifically for our portal.

If you are sure that Kabardians and Balkars live in Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachays and Circassians live in Karachevo-Cherkessia, and Adyghes live in Adygea, then you will be surprised, but this is not entirely true. Adygs live in all these republics - they are one people, separated by artificial borders. These names are administrative in nature.

Adygs are a self-name, and the surrounding peoples traditionally call them Circassians. In the scientific world, the term Adygs (Circassians) is used to avoid confusion. There is only one main rule - Adygs are equivalent to the name Circassians. There is a slight difference between the Circassians (Circassians) of Kabardino-Balkaria\Karachay-Cherkessia and Adygea\Krasnodar Territory. It is noticeable in dialects. Kabardian and Circassian dialects are considered eastern dialects of the Adyghe language, Adyghe and Shapsug dialects are considered western. In a conversation, a resident of Cherkessk will not understand everything from the speech of a resident of Yablonovsky. Just as a typical inhabitant of central Russia will not immediately understand the Kuban hut, so it will be difficult for a Kabardian to understand the conversation of the Sochi Shapsugs.

The Kabardians call the Adyghes the grassroots Adygs due to geography, since Kabarda is located on an elevated plateau. It is worth noting that the term "Circassian" at different times applied not only to this people, but also to their neighbors in the Caucasus. It is this version that has been preserved today in Turkey, where the term "Circassian" refers to all immigrants from the North Caucasus.

In the Russian Empire, the Circassians (Circassians) did not have their own republics or autonomies, but with the advent of Soviet power, such an opportunity arose. However, the state did not dare to unite the divided people into one large republic, which could easily become equal in size and political weight to Georgia, Armenia or Azerbaijan.

Three republics were formed in different ways: Kabardino-Balkaria- which included Kabardians from the Circassians. To maintain balance, they were united with the Balkar Turks. Then formed Adyghe autonomy, which included all the remaining sub-ethnic groups of the former Kuban region. The mountainous part of the republic, like the city of Maikop, became part of it only in 1936. Shapsugs in the Lazarevsky district of the city of Sochi received their autonomy from 1922 to 1945, but it was liquidated forever. latest Karachay-Cherkess autonomy received in 1957 by the Adygs-Besleney, close in dialect to the Kabardians. In this case, the authorities also maintained an ethnic balance between them and the Abaza and Karachay Turks (relatives of neighboring Balkars) who inhabited the republic.

But what do the concepts "Shapsug", "Besleney", "Kabardian" and so on mean? Despite the one and a half century history of the Adyghes (Circassians) within the Russian state, the society has not got rid of the tribal (or, scientifically, sub-ethnic) division. Until the end of the Caucasian War in 1864, the Western Circassians (Circassians) lived throughout the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea, south of the Kuban River to the Shakhe River in the Lazarevsky District of Sochi. Eastern Circassians (Circassians) lived in the south of the Stavropol Territory, in the Pyatigorsk region, in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, on the flat parts of Chechnya and Ingushetia - between the Terek and Sunzha rivers.

As a result of the war, some of the sub-ethnic groups were expelled to Turkey - such as the Natukhai and Ubykhs, most of the Shapsugs, Khatukai, Abadzekhs. Today, the division into tribal societies is not as pronounced as before. The sub-ethnic term "Kabardians" was left to the Circassians (Circassians) of Kabardino-Balkaria. They were the most powerful, numerous and influential Adyghe subethnos in the entire Caucasus. Their own feudal state, the status of trendsetters and control over the routes in Transcaucasia helped them to hold the strongest positions in the politics of the region for a long time.

In the Republic of Adygea, on the contrary, the largest sub-ethnic groups are the Temirgoevs, whose dialect is the official language of the republic, and the Bzhedugs. In this republic, all the names of sub-ethnic groups were replaced by the artificial term "Adyghe". There are no strict borders in the villages of the republics, everyone lives interspersed, so that in Adygea you can meet Kabardians, and in Kabarda - Temirgoevs.

The easiest way to remember the subethnic groups is in the following order:

Eastern Circassians (Circassians): Kabardians in Kabardino-Balkaria; Besleneyites in Karachay-Cherkessia;

Western Circassians (Circassians): Shapsugs in the Lazarevsky district of the city of Sochi; Temirgoys\Khatukays\Bzhedugs\Abadzekhs\Mamkhegs\Jegerukhays\Adamievs\
Mahoshevs\Zhaneevs in the Republic of Adygea.

But what about the Abazins who live in all the same villages, but mainly in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia? Abazins are a mixed people whose language is close to Abkhazian. Once upon a time they moved from Abkhazia to the plains of the northern slopes of the Caucasus and mixed with the Circassians. Their language is close to Abkhazian, which is related to the Adyghe (Circassian) language. Abkhazians (Abaza) and Circassians (Circassians) are distant relatives, much like Russians and Czechs.

Now, in a conversation with an Adyghe, a Circassian or a Kabardian, you can ask him what tribe (sub-ethnos) he is from, and you will learn a lot of interesting things from the life of the Adyghes (Circassians), and at the same time gain confidence as an expert on the structure of the amazing Adyghe (Circassian) society.

Adygs is the common self-name of the ancestors of modern Adyghes, Kabardians and Circassians. The surrounding peoples also called them Zikhs and Kasogs. The origin and meaning of all these names is a moot point. The ancient Circassians belonged to the Caucasoid race.
The history of the Circassians is endless clashes with hordes of Scythians, Sarmatians, Huns, Bulgars, Alans, Khazars, Magyars, Pechenegs, Polovtsy, Mongol-Tatars, Kalmyks, Nogays, Turks.

In 1792, with the creation of a continuous cordon line along the Kuban River by Russian troops, active development of the western Adyghe lands by Russia began.

At first, the Russians fought, in fact, not with the Circassians, but with the Turks, who at that time owned Adygea. Upon the conclusion of the Peace of Adriopol in 1829, all Turkish possessions in the Caucasus passed to Russia. But the Circassians refused to pass into Russian citizenship and continued to attack Russian settlements.

Only in 1864, Russia took control of the last independent territories of the Adygs - the Kuban and Sochi lands. A small part of the Adyghe nobility by this time had switched to the service of the Russian Empire. But most of the Circassians - over 200 thousand people - wished to move to Turkey.
The Turkish Sultan Abdul-Hamid II settled refugees (Mohajirs) on the deserted border of Syria and in other border areas to fight Bedouin raids.

This tragic page of Russian-Adyghe relations has recently become the subject of historical and political speculation in order to put pressure on Russia. Part of the Adyghe-Circassian diaspora, with the support of certain Western forces, demands to boycott the Olympics in Sochi if Russia does not recognize the resettlement of the Adyghes as an act of genocide. Then, of course, lawsuits for compensation will follow.


Today, the bulk of the Adygs live in Turkey (according to various sources, from 3 to 5 million people). In the Russian Federation, the number of Adygs as a whole does not exceed 1 million. There are also considerable diasporas in Syria, Jordan, Israel, the USA, France and other countries. All of them retain the consciousness of their cultural unity.

Adygs in Jordan

It just so happened that the Circassians and Russians have long been measured by strength. And it all started in ancient times, about which the "Tale of Bygone Years" tells. It is curious that both sides - Russian and Mountaineer - talk about this event in almost the same words.

The chronicler puts it this way. In 1022, the son of St. Vladimir, the Tmutorokan prince Mstislav went on a campaign against the Kasogs - that was how the Russians called the Circassians at that time. When the opponents lined up opposite each other, the Kassogian prince Rededya said to Mstislav: “Why are we ruining our squad? Come out to the duel: if you prevail, then you will take my property, and my wife, and children, and my land. If I win, I'll take what's yours." Mstislav replied: "So be it."

The opponents laid down their weapons and joined in the fight. And Mstislav began to languish, for Rededya was great and strong. But the prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos helped the Russian prince to overcome the enemy: he struck Rededya to the ground, and, taking out a knife, stabbed him. Kasogi submitted to Mstislav.

According to the Adyghe legends, Rededya was not a prince, but a mighty hero. Once the Adyghe prince Idar, having gathered a lot of soldiers, went to Tamtarakai (Tmutorokan). The Tamtarakai prince Mstislau led his army towards the Adygs. When the enemies approached, Rededya stepped forward and said to the Russian prince: "In order not to shed blood in vain, overcome me and take everything I have." The opponents took off their weapons and fought for several hours in a row, not yielding to each other. Finally, Rededya fell, and the Tamtarakai prince struck him with a knife.

The death of Rededi is also mourned by the ancient Adyghe funeral song (sagish). True, in it Rededya is defeated not by force, but by deceit:

Grand Duke of the Uruses
When you dropped to the ground
He longed for life
Pulled a knife from his belt
Under your shoulder blade insidiously
Plugged him in and
Your soul, woe, he took out.

According to Russian legend, the two sons of Rededi, who were taken to Tmutorokan, were baptized under the names of Yuri and Roman, and the latter allegedly married the daughter of Mstislav. Later, some boyar families erected themselves to them, for example, the Beleutovs, Sorokoumovs, Glebovs, Simskys and others.

For a long time Moscow - the capital of the expanding Russian state - attracted the attention of the Adygs. Quite early, the Adyghe-Circassian nobility became part of the Russian ruling elite.

The basis of the Russian-Adyghe rapprochement was a joint struggle against the Crimean Khanate. In 1557, five Circassian princes, accompanied by a large number of soldiers, arrived in Moscow and entered the service of Ivan the Terrible. Thus, 1557 is the year of the beginning of the formation of the Adyghe diaspora in Moscow.

After the mysterious death of the first wife of the formidable king - Empress Anastasia - it turned out that Ivan was inclined to consolidate his alliance with the Circassians by a dynastic marriage. His chosen one was Princess Kuchenei, daughter of Temryuk, the senior prince of Kabarda. In baptism, she received the name Mary. In Moscow, a lot of unflattering things were said about her and they even attributed the idea of ​​the oprichnina to her.

Ring of Maria Temryukovna (Kuchenei)

In addition to his daughter, Prince Temryuk sent his son Saltankul to Moscow, who was named Mikhail in baptism and was granted a boyar. In fact, he became the first person in the state after the king. His mansions were located on Vozdvizhenskaya Street, where the building of the Russian State Library is now located. Under Mikhail Temryukovich, high command positions in the Russian army were occupied by his relatives and compatriots.

Circassians continued to arrive in Moscow throughout the 17th century. Usually the princes and the squads accompanying them settled between Arbatskaya and Nikitinskaya streets. In total, in the 17th century, up to 5,000 Circassians were simultaneously in Moscow with a population of 50,000, most of whom were aristocrats. For almost two centuries (until 1776) the Cherkasy house with a huge farmstead stood on the territory of the Kremlin. Maryina Grove, Ostankino and Troitskoye belonged to the Circassian princes. The Bolshoy and Maly Cherkassky lanes still remind of the time when the Circassians-Cherkasy largely determined the policy of the Russian state.

Big Cherkassky Lane


However, the courage of the Circassians, their dashing horsemanship, generosity, hospitality were famous just like the beauty and grace of the Circassian women. However, the position of women was difficult: they had the hardest work in the household in the field and at home.

The nobles had a custom to give their children at an early age to be raised in another family, an experienced teacher. In the teacher's family, the boy went through a harsh hardening school and acquired the habits of a rider and a warrior, and the girl - the knowledge of a mistress of the house and a worker. Strong and tender bonds of friendship were established between the pupils and their educators for life.

Since the 6th century, the Circassians were considered Christians, but they made sacrifices to pagan gods. Their funeral rites were also pagan, they adhered to polygamy. The Adygs did not know the written language. Pieces of matter served as money for them.

Turkish influence in one century made a huge change in the life of the Circassians. In the second half of the 18th century, all the Circassians formally accepted Islam. However, their religious practices and beliefs were still a mixture of paganism, Islam and Christianity. They worshiped Shibla, the god of thunder, war and justice, as well as the spirits of water, sea, trees, and the elements. Sacred groves enjoyed special respect on their part.

The language of the Circassians is beautiful in its own way, although it has an abundance of consonants, and there are only three vowels - “a”, “e”, “s”. But to assimilate it for a European is almost unthinkable because of the abundance of sounds unusual for us.

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