Evdokimenko Anatoly Kirillovich funeral. Sofia Rotaru told the truth about her late husband, caring son and beloved grandchildren


The fate of Sofia Rotaru was destined to become a famous singer. From birth, she had a good voice and hearing, it only remained to develop her talent. The first teacher for little Sophia was her sister Zinaida. The girl was blind and therefore had absolute hearing. She listened to songs that were broadcast on the radio, and then taught her sister to sing them. Sophia's father also had a good voice and they sang songs with their daughter.

Sofia was fond of not only singing. She was a versatile child. The girl was very successful in athletics, mastered the game on several musical instruments. But her main passion was singing.

In order for her talent to be appreciated, Sofia began to participate in various music competitions. A talented girl was noticed and began to be invited to perform on radio and television. But 1962 can be considered the beginning of a career. From that moment to the present, Sofia Rotaru has not lost popularity. She experiments with styles, but at the same time her music is relevant for both young people and the older generation.

Sofia Rotaru considers her husband Anatoly Evdokimenko her guardian angel. He was ready for numerous actions for the sake of his wife, and it was he who made the singer popular.

Anatoly was born in Ukraine in the wonderful city of Chernivtsi. Before meeting Rotaru, he did not even think about a musical career. The guy studied at the university and received a diploma in mathematics. But one photo literally turned his life upside down.

Once Anatoly caught the eye of the cover of the magazine "Ukraine". It depicted a beautiful young singer, and the article described her success in music competitions. It was young Sofia Rotaru. The girl sunk into the soul of Anatoly so much that he decided to find her and get to know her.

Evdokimenko managed to carry out his plan. He met the singer and in order to be constantly around decided to master the musical alphabet. The guy learned to play the trumpet, and later, he created the Chervona Ruta team. All his efforts were aimed at creating all the conditions for the development of his beloved. In the ensemble, Sofia Rotaru was a soloist, and Anatoly was a musician. Their creative union lasted for several years.

More than three years have passed since Anatoly and Sofia met until their wedding. All this time, the guy sought reciprocity from his beloved. For two years, Sofia did not reciprocate the guy's advances. But love still won. The girl agreed to the marriage proposal. In 1968, they formalized their relationship.

Already as a married couple, Sofia and Anatoly traveled almost the whole world together. First, the singer followed her husband to distant Novosibirsk, where he was sent while serving in the army. After the service ended, Anatoly accompanied Sofia everywhere during her tour.

Interesting Notes:

Two years after the wedding, the couple had a son, who was named Ruslan. The child grew up surrounded by creativity and music, so Ruslan, when he matured, took up producing. For Anatoly Evdokimenko, his wife was the meaning of life. For her sake, he learned to play a musical instrument, became its administrator, and later, concert director. There were also quite non-standard actions, but which proved his absolute love.

Since the singer was born in a Moldovan family, her native language was Moldovan. In order to surprise her, Anatoly learned the Moldavian language and confessed his love to his wife in it.

Sofia also loved her husband very much. When, in adulthood, he was faced with many diseases, she was constantly nearby. She literally pulled him out of the clutches of death when Anatoly was diagnosed with an oncological disease. The singer spared neither money nor time for her husband to recover. Together they achieved results - the disease receded.

But oncology seriously shook Anatoly's health. He started having heart problems. After the tragedy that happened in the man's family, he survived the first stroke. Even before he really had time to leave him, he again ended up in the hospital with the same diagnosis. Anatoly's heart could not stand the third stroke and he died in the hospital.

After the news of the death of her beloved husband, Sofia Rotaru canceled all concerts and performances. She missed the final "Song of the Year" for the first time in 30 years. The singer was very upset by the loss of a loved one. She was even going to leave the stage, but relatives persuaded her to continue to sing and create. It was her son Ruslan who took over the duties of the administrator and helped her continue her concert activity.

For many years, the singer has been alone. From time to time there are rumors that Rotaru secretly got married. Rotaru prefers not to comment on such rumors. Close people know that she still loves her husband and keeps the memory of him as a person who was ready for anything for love.

The world-famous artist and singer Sofia Rotaru was born in the Ukrainian village of Marshintsy on August 7, 1947. The Rotaru family was multinational, because she had Ukrainian and Moldovan roots. In her family, all traditions and cultures were respected. Sofia's parents were simple, far from the world of art: her father worked in the vineyards, while her mother traded at the local market. The family was large, the parents had six children, and they needed help. Sophia, as the second oldest, successfully coped with the upbringing of her brothers and sisters. A multicultural atmosphere reigned in the family, the Moldavian language was used for communication. Sophia received her first singing lessons from her sister, who was blind as a child. But having lost her sight, the sister gained a fine ear. Also, my father had excellent hearing and voice. Father from an early age realized that Sofia was waiting for fame and success

From childhood, the girl was distinguished by an inquisitive mind, curiosity and mobility. In addition to high performance in art, singing and music, the future star also had achievements in sports. Sofia, while studying at school, took an active part in all the performances of the school theater, mastered playing various instruments and went to the drama club. Sophia was called the "Bukovina nightingale" for her beautiful voice and artistry. Sofia pleased with her talent not only fellow villagers, but also residents of neighboring villages, arranging tours.

It took only three years for Rotaru to soar to the peak of fame. While still very young, Rotaru participates and wins in a regional-scale amateur art show. After that, a series of new awards followed, and recognition in the Soviet Union. Sophia's photo was published on the front page of the publication "Ukraine" after winning first place at the All-Union Talent Festival.

World fame came to Rotar after winning the World Creative Competition, held in Bulgaria in the late 1960s. And in the film "Chervona Ruta" filmed in the early 1970s, Sofia's songs were used. Newspapers and magazines published articles about the success and life of the young star.

Sofia Rotaru: personal life, biography

Young Sophia was taken to the pop ensemble, which operated at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic. A series of performances began not only on the territory of the USSR, but also the performance of songs by pop stars in Europe. The list of achievements of the star was replenished with victories in the contests "Song of the Year" and "Golden Orpheus".

Rotaru released her debut disc in 1974, at the same time it was decided to move to the Crimea to start a solo career. She received the deserved title of People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR in 1976. Until the end of the 1970s, a couple of significant albums were recorded, thanks to which the singer's talent was promoted outside the country. Foreign producers drew attention to Rotaru, who bombarded the singer with their proposals. By 1983, an English-language album was recorded, and Sofia visited Canada, gave concerts throughout Europe. But soon the government of the USSR decided to ban the artists from leaving the country for a period of five years. Not at a loss, the ensemble gives successful tours throughout the entire Crimean region.

Solo performances

After the collapse of the Chervona Ruta VIA in the mid-80s, Sofia had a chance to arrange a solo career. Despite the experience and knowledge of how to work in this situation, the singer met many experiences and difficulties on her way. After meeting with Vladimir Matetsky, Rotaru made changes in the direction of her work. After working for 15 years with this wonderful person, Sofia received the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

During the "perestroika" period, a mutually beneficial cooperation contract was concluded with Alla Dukhova's dance group "Todes". Together with the People's Artist, the dance group performed throughout the USSR. Adapting to the changed realities after the collapse of the USSR was rather difficult for the singer, but she also coped with this obstacle. Sofia gave tours in Russian and Ukrainian in the newly formed independent republics.

Cinema with Sofia Rotaru

It should be noted that Sofia had talent not only as a singer, but also as an actress. She easily gets key roles in many Soviet and Russian films. "Sorochinsky Fair", "Soul", "Where are you, love?" only a few films from the list of the singer's roles.

Sofia Rotaru: new photos, n new husband

Sofia met Anatoly Evdokimenko while working with Chervona Ruta. Anatoly was the artistic director of VIA. They were connected not only by work in the same team, but also by a deep feeling of love. For the first time, Anatoly noticed his future wife on the pages of the publication "Ukraine". The wedding was played in 1968, and after some time they had a son, Ruslan.

According to Sofia, with her husband they experienced both joyful moments and various troubles. They did not leave one alone for a moment, spending time together both at work and on vacation. After the sudden death of her husband as a result of a stroke, in the early 2000s, the actress canceled tours, filming, and meetings. However, the singer was able to cope with the bereavement and return to the rut. A multi-million army of fans admires not only the work of the star, but also her human qualities.

Ten years ago, the founder of the Chervona Ruta ensemble, the husband and producer of the famous singer, passed away.

Anatoly Evdokimenko passed away when he was only 60 years old. The musician's heart stopped beating after the third stroke. The wife of Anatoly Kirillovich, the famous Ukrainian singer Sofia Rotaru, was touring in Germany at that time. She interrupted her tour and urgently flew to Kyiv to her husband. But Evdokimenko never came to consciousness, he could not say goodbye to the one whom he loved more than anything in the world.

Anatoly Evdokimenko's own career as a musician faded into the background - he became the first assistant, mentor and producer of his wife. They lived together for 34 years, comprehending the cruel world of show business hand in hand. First, in Anatoly Evdokimenko's native Chernivtsi, then moved to the capital. The Evdokimenko family remained to live in Chernivtsi. Two years before the death of the musician, his father passed away, and after his son, his mother. Now Anatoly's older brother Valery Evdokimenko lives in a large apartment in the very center of Chernivtsi, who introduced Anatoly to music many years ago.

I am only three years older than Tolya, but I always felt responsible for my younger brother, - says Valery Evdokimenko. “Our family has been through difficult times. When Tolya was born, our father, a professional soldier, ended up in a concentration camp. For a long time we didn't even know if he was alive. All care for the family fell on the shoulders of the mother - a teacher of elementary grades. We were evacuated to a small village in the Odessa region. But when the time of famine began, my mother realized that she could not survive there with two children. Our distant relatives lived not far from Chernivtsi. Mom packed a few belongings and brought us to Bukovina by train. It was believed that here it was possible at least to feed the children. At this time, we learned that my father had been transferred from the concentration camp to the penal battalion. It was tantamount to the news of death. I remember that my mother cried all night, and in the morning she told us: “We will stick together, sons.”

*Valery Evdokimenko (left) is three years older than Anatoly. The younger brother always obeyed the elder

"But your father has returned, hasn't he?"

A real miracle happened. Dad went through a concentration camp, a penal battalion, then camps again. And at the end of 1946 he returned home completely rehabilitated. I was then seven years old, and Tolya was four. Already at that age, we knew that the man should be the main one in the family. They ran to graze our nurse - the cow Zorka. She was surprisingly smart. I think she considered me and my brother her children. When rain suddenly caught us in the field, we crawled under Zorka, and she, not moving, stood all the time while we were hiding from the downpour.

- Tolya grew up as a musical boy?

We were both interested in music. At the age of eight, I began to ask my parents to buy an accordion. But the family lived very poorly, there was no money for an instrument. The only thing that mom and dad could buy us was a small violin. Since I did not want to part with my dream of an accordion, Tolya began to learn to play the violin. He quickly mastered musical literacy, easily learned the most complex works. At that time we already lived in Chernivtsi, and in our house there was a small closet. It was Tolya who chose him for music lessons. He locked himself in a closet among sacks and wooden boxes and spent hours rehearsing plays. I rather quickly changed music, taking up science. He graduated from school with a gold medal, then university. Our professional roads with Tolya turned out to be different.

- But after school, Anatoly did not continue to engage in creativity ...

He entered the textile technical school, but only because of the desire to quickly start earning. He was distributed to the cotton mill. The working conditions were horrendous, Tolya suffered from odors and dust. It was clear that such work could undermine one's health. Then he decided to continue his studies and entered the university at the Faculty of Physics. He studied optics, he had the ability to technical sciences. While studying, he began to play the trumpet in a musical orchestra.

- They say it was you who convinced your brother to master this instrument?

At that time I was studying in Lvov and often went to clubs. The most fashionable was jazz music, and I became a real fan of it. I remember that after one of the concerts, which made a huge impression on me, I called Tolya and said: “I know what instrument you should play. It's a pipe." And Tolya began to study.

- He always obeyed you as an older brother?

Tolya and I are completely different in character. I am tough and domineering, and Tolya is soft, subject to outside influence. Of course, my opinion was important to him. Moreover, I never lost sight of what Tolik was doing, I tried to help him in everything. Thank God I had the opportunity to do so. I went along the Komsomol line, then along the party line, became the first secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol, and rose to the position of vice-governor of the region. During the Soviet Union, many problems could be solved. It was I who insisted that Tolya give up his profession as a physicist and take up music seriously. Even the parents did not interfere with this. Tolya began to work, like many musicians, playing at weddings and in restaurants. This brought him much more money than the salary of a simple engineer. On the top floor of the House of Officers in Chernivtsi there was a hall where concerts were often held. When Tolik performed, half of the Chernivtsi girls ran to see him. He was prominent, handsome, slender, with an innate sense of taste. I don't remember ever wearing an un-ironed suit or shirt. And he did not take the pipe with his bare hands, always through a handkerchief.

- Forty years ago, one of the most popular ensembles in the Soviet era, Chervona Ruta, was born in Chernivtsi.

By the way, this happened in October. The ensemble was organized at the Chernivtsi Philharmonic at the expense of the state budget. The team included Sofia Rotaru and Anatoly Evdokimenko. By that time, they had been husband and wife for four years.

- Do you remember the story of their acquaintance?

This happened in the youth pop orchestra under the direction of Leonid Kosyachenko, organized at the Chernivtsi University. There, for the first time, the young singer Sonya Rotar, who later became Rotaru, performed.

But what about the romantic story that Anatoly Evdokimenko saw and fell in love with Sofia Mikhailovna after seeing her photograph in the Ukraine magazine?

I don’t want to offend Sofia Rotaru, but this is nothing more than a beautiful legend. There was nothing like it. Tolya was never deprived of female attention at all. A handsome guy who had a lot of fans. In early 1968, Tolya and Sonya were sent to Sofia for a folk music festival. They returned home, having won a prize-winning place. Then they started dating. True, Tolya, as far as I know, was not going to rush into the wedding. Once Sofia Rotaru knocked on my office and said with anxiety in her voice: “Valery Kirillovich, we were going to get married with Tolya, and now he is thinking about something ...” I immediately call home, spread everything to my father. He had very strict rules with us, he says: "Since Tolya promised, he must marry." The whole story ended with a magnificent wedding. They got married in the native village of Sofia Mikhailovna. There were many people at the wedding, Sonya sewed a luxurious outfit from local craftswomen. Tolya was also dressed to the nines. They are a very beautiful couple.

- Was it clear that Sofia Rotaru was a future star?

At one of the amateur competitions, in which Rotaru also participated, the jury was the People's Artist of Ukraine Dmitry Gnatyuk. He came up to me after her performance and said: “Look, what charisma this girl has. She will definitely be a star." Sonya was thin, slender, with very bright eyes and an inner strength that could be felt at a distance. I did my best to give her a "green light" in her work. Including helped in the creation of the "Chervona Ruti". True, it lasted only a few years. Then Sonya and Tolya moved to the Crimea.

- Anatoly was not against such a decision?

No, together they decided that it would be better for them to leave Chernivtsi, where Sofia was being clamped down. Many did not like the fact that she suddenly changed her last name from Rotar to Rotaru. One of the local KGB chiefs sewed Romanian nationalism on her. Of course, Sonya was completely far from this. And then the secretary of the Crimean regional party committee, Nikolai Kirichenko, quickly dragged her to the Crimea. Sophia was given a luxurious apartment on Mukhina Street in Yalta, made a deputy, and awarded the Order of Lenin. In general, she felt comfortable. By the way, the name of Sofia Mikhailovna according to the passport is Evdokimenko-Rotaru.

- Anatoly Kirillovich did not worry that, in fact, he was in the shadow of his famous wife?

Tolya was such a wax man, you can sculpt anything from him. As Sofia Mikhailovna said, so did my brother. They never parted. Both Tolya and Sonya were very devoted to each other. None of them gave rise to jealousy. The only thing that I still cannot understand and forgive is that Sonya took creativity from Tolya. He stopped playing music, devoting himself to administrative work. Meet, see off, negotiate, drink a glass with a sponsor - everything is on it. There was no need to do this. Tolya, as a creative person, suffered, and, of course, this affected his health. Then came the time of perestroika, went corporate parties, wild earnings. Tolya was constantly nervous. You know, sometimes I think if he had continued to make music, he would still be alive.

- On whom were the family finances?

Sofia Mikhailovna was in charge of the money. No one could deceive her in financial matters. Tolya and Sonya always lived in a big way. They had apartments, cars. It used to be up to a dozen cars in the park. Tolya, by the way, was very fond of driving. In general, as a techie, he had his hands on everything. Could make, repair, solder. I am sure that his health was undermined by the bohemian lifestyle.

- Anatoly Kirillovich had three strokes ...

And the first happened in Germany. Then she and Sonya were on tour. The situation is extremely difficult. Tolya was never taken to the hospital; he lay in bed in the back seat of the bus. When I found out about this, I was shocked. The second stroke occurred in August 2002. And he did not survive the third. After the second stroke, Tolya lived in his house near Yalta. It was hard to recover, he could hardly move, he spoke poorly. One day he went out into the garden and fell down. This was the third stroke. I immediately rushed to Yalta to join him. Tolya was lying in bed, unable to talk, but from his gestures I realized how glad he was to see me. Then a professor from Kyiv, who examined her brother, said that irreversible processes were taking place in his body and there was no hope for recovery. We decided to take Tolya to a hospital in Kyiv. There he died. Sofia Mikhailovna at that time was on tour in Germany and barely managed to visit her dying husband.

- Did you manage to say goodbye to your brother?

No, when I arrived, Tolya was already dead. I was one day late. The nurse later told me that in the last minutes of his life he nervously hit his hand on the bed and called for his mother ...

Thanks to this article, the average reader will be able to get acquainted with the life of the famous Soviet singer. Now, Sofia Rotaru has gained the greatest fame on the territory of her homeland - Ukraine.

As for creative talents, many residents of the post-Soviet space know her voice. It is noteworthy that she sings in a contralto voice - a fairly good indicator for a singer. In addition to vocal data, Sofia Rotaru boasts a large number of awards and titles that she received in various periods. Now, the singer's discography includes more than five hundred songs in various languages ​​of the world. It will be interesting for many people to get acquainted with the life and creative path - both ordinary readers and fans who have missed some points. Let's get started.


Height, weight, age. How old is Sofia Rotaru?

First of all, a biography should begin with the external indicators of a particular person. This will be of particular interest to fans who follow the life of the singer. The main data, as you already understood, is height, weight, age. How old is Sofia Rotaru - just such a question can be heard from those who are familiar with her songs from early childhood. The approximate height is just over 169 centimeters, and the weight is 64 kilograms.

In the summer of 2018, Sofia Rotaru celebrates her 71st birthday. Photos in her youth and now will help you understand how the singer has changed over such a period of time. We hasten to say that everything is in order - she monitors her appearance and supports her in every possible way.

Further, readers will be interested in the biography of Sofia Rotaru with the date of birth, which we will present for your study. The future singer was born in Marshintsy, in 1947. The village, at the moment, is located on the territory of Ukraine. Due to some historical events, Sofia has Romanian roots. Father Mikhail, after the birth of his daughter, worked in the vineyards, before that he participated in the Great Patriotic War. There were six children in total. Due to a bureaucratic error, the singer has two birthdays - she herself was born on the seventh of August, and the ninth number is indicated in the passport.

The environment from childhood influenced Sofia's talent. The sister was blind, and in view of this she acquired absolute hearing. Any folk song, she could easily repeat, and subsequently, taught Sophia to sing. Later, the singer will repeatedly express gratitude to her sister, who gave a ticket to the music world.

In her school years, she did not sit still and was energetic. Already in those days, relatives predicted a great future. A large number of hobbies also contributed to this. The girl went in for sports and succeeded well in this matter - at school she had a champion title in the field of all-around. In addition, young Sofia studied acting and, of course, music. Various amateur performances could not do without the participation of the singer, gradually increasing the level of skill.

Already in the school period, Sofia could boast of a strong contralto, and the first tour did not go without a well-aimed nickname - "Bukovina Nightingale".

Real fame came very quickly. It all started in 1962 - the singer won the regional competition. Thanks to this, she reaches the regional level, in which she also wins a prize. In 1964, Sofia Rotaru won the talent festival, thus gaining recognition from the entire Soviet Union.

It turned out to reach the world level after 4 years, at the world festival. Young people from all over the world were gathered there, and journalists from other countries noticed her talent. 1971 becomes a landmark year - Sofia's compositions are used in the film "Chervona Ruta". Thanks to this, he collects his own pop ensemble and receives national recognition.

Two years later, Rotaru becomes an honored artist of the Ukrainian SSR, and this is at the age of 26. This prompted her to record a song album, which is dated 1974. After two years, she leaves for Yalta, and for her work becomes the People's Artist of the Ukrainian SSR. Songs in various languages ​​expand the geography of demand - Europe also invites Sofia to perform.

In 1986, changes in creativity take place - the group breaks up, and the singer decides to pursue a solo career. Of course, there was some change in direction. Since that time, various hits have appeared - “Moon”, “It was”, “Only this is not enough”. Tours happen almost every year, and Rotaru visits almost all corners of his homeland.

After the collapse of the USSR, interest in her person does not fade away, and even vice versa - listeners are getting younger. Two collections are released, which include the singer's hits. At the beginning of the 2000s, Sofia Rotaru received several more awards related to musical data. In addition to solo concerts, she performs with other pop singers - Nikolai Baskov, Rastorguev and others.

On top of that, the singer is trying her hand at cinema. She has several roles in various films - some even became autobiographical.

Fans who follow the latest news about their favorite singer are wondering where Sofia Rotaru lives now, 2018? Of course, it is difficult to answer such a question for sure, but with some facts, we can assume. So, as you may know, the singer has several apartments and houses located in different places.

Not far from the city of Yalta, Sofia has a cottage. Its main advantage is that it is located near the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Because the singer suffers from asthma, she often spent summers here. But now, due to some political and logistical problems, Rotaru rarely visits this property. In the same city, by the way, the artist has her own hotel, which receives visitors during the “velvet” seasons.

In the capital of Ukraine, Sofia Rotaru also has several apartments. One of them is located right in the central part, near St. Sophia Cathedral. The singer herself admits that she keeps outfits there that were created by designers for concerts.

According to the latest information, Sophia lives in the settlement of Pyatikhatki, which is located twenty kilometers from Kyiv. Here she has her own house, three stories high. The building is surrounded by a high fence, and there is a security service. Video cameras are located around the perimeter. In addition, the site is surrounded by coniferous forest.

You can often hear the question - how did the personal life of Sofia Rotaru develop after the death of her husband. Of course, it’s worth noting right away that the loss of a loved one negatively affected the singer. Not surprising, because the couple had known each other for almost half their lives.

After the tragedy, Sofia Rotaru canceled all performances and concerts. Also, I missed the international competition "Golden Orpheus", which I attended for almost forty years in a row. After a while, when the artist came to her senses after a tragic loss, she no longer started a romantic relationship. In contrast, she continued to create in memory of her husband - many live performances were dedicated to him.

The family and grandchildren of Sofia Rotaru is a rather interesting part of the biography of the famous singer. As already mentioned earlier, from early childhood, she was surrounded by creative people. Sophia's sister was blind and had excellent hearing - she taught Russian folk songs and sang with her sister. The head of the family also did not lag behind - he had certain musical talents, and he helped both daughters in every possible way. It is noteworthy that before the Russian songs, the family used the Moldavian language as the main language.

From her only son, the singer already has a grandson and granddaughter, who, apparently, were named after the "old people" - Anatoly and Sofia.

As you understand, the singer did not have a large number of novels, as is now customary in show business. Sofia Rotaru has one marriage, from which she has a son. Of course, various rumors appear on the network every now and then, the main topic of which is the children of Sofia Rotaru. Several times, the singer wanted to attribute kinship with other children, but such statements will only make the favorite of millions laugh.

We can assure you that the Soviet artist has one son, Ruslan, who has already had two of his children - in 1994 and 2001. Thus, the Rotaru clan expanded, however, under the name of her husband - Evdokimenko.

More and more relevant for network users is the son of Sofia Rotaru - Ruslan Evdokimenko with his wife Svetlana. Photos of young people can be found in the public domain. By the way, the couple's first child was born in 1970.

As you know, Ruslan followed in the footsteps of his parents, and decided to link his life with art, but in a more modern direction. Now, he works as a music producer, and is quite popular. His wife is also associated with creativity - she is an executive producer. As you can see, the Rotaru family contains exclusively people of art. It remains to wait what choice of profession the grandchildren of the folk singer will make.

The husband of Sofia Rotaru is Anatoly Evdokimenko. Who is the new husband?

A topic that is not without popularity is the husband of Sofia Rotaru, Anatoly Evdokimenko. Who is the new husband? - the media started talking a few years after the tragedy. The press tried to guess the new chosen one, but everything turned out to be easier. The singer remained faithful to her husband, and after the death of Anatoly, she no longer started relationships with men.

The future spouses met in 1964. Then, Sofia Rotaru got on the cover of "Ukraine" - a popular magazine. Anatoly, who loved the art of music, quickly found the singer and made an acquaintance. After a while, young people decided to create their own ensemble "Chervona Rutu".

Already in 1968, the musicians legalized relations by playing a wedding. Anatoly had to go to the Far East for student practice. Sofia Rotaru went with him, where she taught music lessons. Two years after the wedding, the first child was born.

Until the death of her husband, both spouses conducted joint musical activities - Anatoly often helped in organizing concerts.

As you already know, today's singer is seventy years old. Despite this, she still looks relatively young. And those who follow her life will say - in spite of everything, age-related changes are almost imperceptible on the artist.

Of course, because of this state of affairs, photos of Sofia Rotaru before and after plastic surgery are gaining popularity. It is difficult, of course, to name the exact date, and it makes no sense - there are several anti-aging procedures, and all are performed at different periods. First of all, experts note facelifts and body shaping, which helped Rotaru keep his youth. In addition, it is worth noting the lifting of age-old arches and the removal of wrinkles under the eyes.

As for the artist herself, she indirectly talks about using the services of plastic surgeons. At the same time, she continues to take care of her own beauty and monitors her external indicators.

Due to the age of the idol, there is more and more discussion among fans regarding what Sofia Rotaru is without makeup and photoshop. Photos of this nature are easy to find using the Internet. Especially well, social networks cope with this matter, but more on that below.

Relatively recently, fans have found what Sofia Rotaru looks like without makeup - photos on the network have pleased many. The thing is that in the photographs, the beloved singer of millions appears with her natural beauty, without additional retouching and jewelry. Fans also recommend Sofia not to abuse plastic surgery, and leave the natural charm.

It is hard to imagine a modern star without a page on social networks. However, the official pages of Sofia Rotaru on the Internet appeared at the end of 2016. Since then, Sofia Rotaru's Instagram and Wikipedia have been gaining more and more popularity.

Wikipedia contains basic and comprehensive information about the artist's life. There you can find all the awards that Sofia Rotaru deserved. Representatives of the older generation will be interested in recalling the main hits and films with the participation of the singer.

The future celebrity was born in the small village of Marshinitsy, which in the late 40s was considered the territory of Romania, and then was transferred to Ukraine. Hence the eternal confusion with the surname: the surname Rotar, which is written in the star's passport, is the Ukrainian version of the Romanian Rotaru. In the singer's family, the original, Romanian version is still considered correct. However, Rotaru's roots are generally Moldovan, which the beauty never hid.

Her musical ability manifested itself at an early age. As soon as Sofia went to school, teachers already began to try her in vocal circles and children's creative teams. Sofia Mikhailovna recalls that her older sister Zina gave her first vocal lessons. The girl suffered typhus and lost her sight. But the aggravated hearing became her distinctive feature and made it possible to sensitively capture all the semitones, as well as teach music to younger children.

"Music has always lived in me"

So the singer will say in an interview when journalists want to follow the entire creative path. Little Sonya was passionate about singing both at school and in the church choir. For the latter, they threatened to expel her from the Octobrists, but a girl from a good, working-class family occupied a too active position in life. Sofia not only sang, but also studied at a music school. In order to practice playing the accordion, I would pick it up from school and go to the shed late in the evening to pick up new songs for the accordion.

In addition to music, Rotaru was also involved in sports. She was a school champion in athletics, won prizes in sports competitions. She will never give up sports, and already in adulthood, acting in films, she will perform stunts on a motorcycle and on a surfboard without stuntmen.

But the first serious success was still musical. At the age of 15, the girl participated first in the regional vocal competition, then in the regional one, and then was sent to Kyiv, where she also won the victory. The beautiful and talented winner of the first place was instantly placed on the cover of one of the Ukrainian magazines, where her future husband noticed her.

Modest wedding for 200 people

Anatoly Evdokimenko was a representative of the "golden youth", the son of a major official. The young man studied at a prestigious university, was going to build a career as an optics physicist, although he also studied music at the same time - he played the trumpet. And then - a photo of the beautiful Rotaru in a magazine!

Young met, fell in love with each other. In 1968, they played a beautiful, provocative wedding in her native village. The singer later joked: "It was a modest wedding, 200 people." We walked in a huge company, with national Ukrainian and Moldavian traditions, round dances, songs and dances. The wedding of Rotaru and Evdokimenko will then be called the holiday of the unity of the two peoples for a long time to come.

After the wedding, Anatoly became a real support for the ambitious artist, her producer and first assistant in everything. They had a son Ruslan, who now gave the singer a grandson and granddaughter. Hand in hand they will go through life, and will be together until his death in 2002.

Grief left a deep imprint in the heart of Sophia Mikhailovna. She wore mourning for a whole year. All this time her records were not released, no new sound recordings were made. Sofia did not give concerts, did not take part in public life. A year later, for the first time since the death of her husband, she appeared on stage. The performance was dedicated to his memory.

The secret that Rotaru did not admit

The period of courtship of the future husband for the singer is covered in darkness. Lovers usually like to tell details about the sweetest time of their lives, but Rotaru and Evdokimenko kept it a secret. And all the secret causes great interest and desire to understand.

So many years ago, journalists tried to track Sofia's five years of life before marriage, and there was an assumption that Evdokimenko was not the first husband of a celebrity. Her first love is Vladimir Ivasyuk, a poet and composer, author of the famous Chervona Ruta. It is known that in the early 70s the body of a man was found hanged in his apartment. Despite numerous wounds from beatings, the police refused to open a criminal case, and recognized the death as a suicide.

The singer does not hide the fact that there was a tragedy in her life: her child was kidnapped, but she assures that her son Ruslan was involved in the kidnapping. However, close acquaintances of Rotaru say that they abducted the first and carefully hidden child from the singer - a daughter born from Ivasyuk.

There is an assumption that the singer's first husband was involved in crime. Realizing that the whole family was in danger, he blessed Sonya for a second marriage. And she was forced to hide her daughter because of constant threats.

Sofia Mikhailovna neither confirms nor refutes this information. He promises to start giving interviews on personal topics only after he leaves the stage.


After the death of the legal spouse, Rotaru was "married" several times. First, information was leaked about her romance with a young musician of her own band. Words were put into her mouth that they had been happy together for seven years, despite the fact that the man was married. They do not hide their feelings, they truly love each other. In another interview, Sofia Mikhailovna claims that they did not have any romance. And the rumors only confused her, because the young man is an exemplary family man!

In 2011, Nikolai Baskov began courting the spectacular Sofia Mikhailovna. He always pointedly admired the famous singer, and at one of the receptions, in the presence of six thousand guests, he uttered the cherished words. But Rotaru only waved it off, declaring once again that she would always love only her husband and remain faithful to him until the end of her days.


In recent years, Sofia Mikhailovna rarely visits Russia. The singer decided to meet the conflict of her native Ukraine with our country at home.

It is known that during the Orange Revolution, the singer and her family members distributed food to people who came to Independence Square in Kyiv. Moreover, its mission was truly humanitarian: food was delivered to everyone, regardless of political preferences.

Ten years ago, Sofia Mikhailovna took part in the elections, running for one of the parties. She gave a charity tour of Ukraine in support of her candidacy, but did not get enough votes.

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