Evgeny papunaishvili biography personal life children. Evgeny Papunaishvili's personal life


Evgeny Papunaishvili was born in Moscow in 1981 in a family of engineers. The boy was sent to dance and play football at the age of five in order to tame the child's exuberant energy a little. At first, Eugene hid that he was engaged in choreography from friends and classmates, he was embarrassed by this lesson “for girls”. But already at the age of 12 he began to conduct rhythmic gymnastics at his school. Since childhood Evgeny Papunaishvili I went to competitions, tournaments, they were held almost weekly. And by the age of 15, Eugene was already providing for himself, teaching dances in various studios.

Evgeny Papunaishvili is an international class dancer, Moscow champion in Latin American dances (2004), semi-finalist of the Russian Championship, winner of the Finnish Open Championship in Latin American dances (2002), as well as a finalist of Russian and international tournaments.

For a long time, Evgeny did not believe that dancing could become a profession for life and entered the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, which his mother and brothers graduated from, at the Faculty of Management, graduating from it in 2003. In 2002, Eugene began teaching at the studio " Gala Dance". Then he became a co-owner of budget dance studios D-Fusion, whose network operates in Moscow. Later, Yevgeny Papunaishvili opened his own school - the Yevgeny Papunaishvili Dance School.

Yevgeny Papunaishvili is listed in the Russian Book of Records: he held the most massive dance lesson, which was attended by 1830 people.

Television career of Evgeny Papunaishvili

In 2017, Evgeny became one of the jury members of the children's contest “You are super! Dancing ".

In 2009, together with Yulia Savicheva, and in 2012, together with Glucose, he became the winner in the show "Dancing with the Stars".

Evgeny Papunaishvili's personal life

For a long time, Eugene lived alone. He was credited with food novels with each of his star dance partners, although Yevgeny himself says that of those with whom he worked on Dancing with the Stars, the novel was only with Ksenia Sobchak.

“I don’t know why I’m haunted by the halo of such a frivolous anemone and womanizer, I’m not like that at all, Yes, I’m capable of a lot in dance: I can play crazy passion, love, a storm of emotions and make my partners do it. But this does not mean that I twist novels with partners right and left. This only happened once, and it was very serious, at least for me. I will not deny: we really met with Ksyusha Sobchak. That period of my life was amazing, I was absolutely happy! Ksyusha and I had a wonderful time, went on vacation together. The relationship ended - so it should have been, not fate. But I am grateful to Xenia for the emotions and for the happy moments.”

“I am an amorous guy, I have been falling in love since the age of five, and quite often. Women gave me enchanting emotions. There were amazing meetings, romance to the point of goosebumps, passion - and difficult partings, tears, depression. Sometimes I suffered, and sometimes I hurt the girls myself. Thank God, we managed to disperse without resentment, anger at each other, without stupid tantrums with breaking dishes. I have maintained a warm relationship with many ex-girlfriends, we call each other, congratulate each other on the holidays. Well, as for marriage ... Do not think that I am a confirmed bachelor. And until now I have not married only because I want to do it one and only once and for all. That's when I meet the woman with whom I want to go hand in hand all my life, I will easily say goodbye to my freedom.

On July 12, 2017, the choreographer married a stylist from Italy Salime Bizhaber. This became known when Papunaishvili shared photos from the wedding on his Instagram blog. “We will remember this day for the rest of our lives! We did it. The two of them came and did it. I am the happiest person!” - signed a picture of the hands of lovers with wedding rings Evgeny Papunaishvili.

On October 20, 2017, it became known that the couple were expecting an addition to the family: Salima was six months pregnant. On December 11, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. The newly-made father shared his happy event on his microblog on Instagram, posting a touching photo where he holds a newborn baby in his arms: “I could not imagine a better gift for my birthday! Sofia Papunaishvili. 3770 kg, 53 cm. 12/11/2017. Thank you, love."

Filmography of Yevgeny Papuinashvili

2010 Zaitsev, burn! The history of the showman
2007 Hold me tight

This fall, fans of choreographer Yevgeny Papunaishvili will be able to see him on two channels at once: on Saturdays he will evaluate young participants in the TV show "" (NTV), and on Sundays he will be amazed at the talent of the heroes of the program "" ("Russia 1").

- You are Georgian by nationality. Wife is Italian. What an explosive mixture!

— Yes, it is very interesting, because we are both incredibly emotional people.

Do saucers fly around the house?

- You know, of course, I have moments when the “curtains close” directly, but this is rare. And so in everyday life I am very non-conflict, even calm. My wife's temperament is cooler. When we are happy together, emotions run wild. From happiness, it seems to me, the windows are cracking, the parquet is breaking. But conflicts also happen - we are living people. Our dog at this moment sits down and looks at us reproachfully: “Well, what kind of fools are you!” And it immediately becomes funny. We can't sulk at each other for long. We move away very quickly and start laughing, discussing something.

- It is usually believed that it is better for a temperamental person to marry a calm one so that he puts out this flame. And you have two fires.

Just a hurricane! You have no idea what happens to us sometimes. But I like it. I am very glad that my wife is like this: she has a core, she is an active person, she is not boring with her. It is very important for me. I couldn't live with an amoeba. Wouldn't stand for that.

Partners in the show "Amazing People" are the same as a year ago, these are TV presenter Olga Shelest, boxer Natalia Ragozina and Professor Vasily Klyucharev. Photo: Channel "Russia"

- Yes. We took one of my cars, a Porsche sports convertible, and the two of us drove to the registry office. I think it was very cool. And near the registry office, you know, all these limousines, pigeons, rice flies ... And here we are - absolutely not in the subject of weddings. I was actually wearing sneakers that day. People looked at us and did not understand: “Are these also getting married?” It looked funny. We signed and went to my parents' dacha. They are already elderly people, they do not feel well. I think they should not have been dragged to Moscow for this.

- They weren't offended?

“At first, maybe a little. But then everyone understood. Of course it's better that way. And then, we first of all came to the parents. There were brothers, nephews, we had a great time, fried barbecue. In the evening we also drank a glass of champagne with friends, and at night we flew to Greece to rest. Although now I, like Salime, want to arrange a big wedding.

— Will there be pigeons, rice?

- No no no. There will be beauty and romance. Maybe we will celebrate in Russia, maybe in Italy. We will definitely invite friends. But not 500, not 300 people, but only the closest.

Will everyone be dancing?

- I'm just not sure about that (laughs).

In the project "You are super! Dances” Evgeny Papunaishvili and Alexander Oleshko promise to fool around like children. Photo: instagram.com

- You will sit on a chair and not get up the whole wedding? I do not believe! By the way, does your wife dance?

Yes, and very beautiful! She's just ashamed of it. She has an inner gift, the right sense of how to move. Although she tells everyone that she can't dance. But I know!

- Now it is fashionable when the bride and groom learn a special wedding dance, and then show it to the guests. Will you have it too?

- Certainly! You have no idea how many wedding dances I have staged in my life! I really liked it when one couple made a mix of several tunes - there were modern dances, and salsa, and rock and roll. It's been a complete break! For me, the dance of the bride and groom is something special. I think this is the most important part of a wedding. A very emotional moment. And I am sure that our wedding dance will certainly be incredibly beautiful and romantic!

“I sometimes cried while filming”

- Eugene, "" are already in their second season. Are there other things that surprise you?

- You know, there was such a fear that after the first season it would be difficult to surprise us with something. But now the shooting is underway - and every number is absolutely amazing! And after all, all these unusual people live among us. I am most surprised by the mnemonics - incredible people who have amazing memory. For example, there was a hero who phenomenally counted in his mind. I would press these numbers on the calculator longer, and he already gives the answer! There was a girl from Mongolia who could shoot a bow with her feet while she was blindfolded. Can you imagine this? And I saw it!

— Your program partner Natalya Ragozina says that now she also wants to study mnemonics. Do you have such a desire?

“I like to just follow these people, admire them. I'm probably too busy a person to delve further into this. Nothing just doesn't work out. Everywhere you need skill, you need to train. And I can't afford it.

Eugene and Salima secretly signed in the registry office, and now they are preparing for a real wedding. Photo: instagram.com

- You have. What language do you communicate with her?

- I know a lot of Italian phrases, I constantly memorize new ones. But we communicate mostly in Russian.

Did she learn the language specifically for you?

Salima has been living in Moscow for a year now. We met here in Russia.

- And when is your wedding "for friends" planned?

“I can’t do it right now — I’m very immersed in work. In addition to television, I have another very important international project: two concerts - one in Minsk, the other in Paris. They will be held as part of the state program for the exchange of experience in the field of choreography, dance and arts. Our dance schools are still developing very actively, in the summer we hold master classes in Krasnaya Presnya Park and at VDNKh. It seems to me that I would not have sustained such a pace without the support of loved ones and loved ones ... My wife now helps me a lot emotionally.

I am ready to be anything, as long as the child does not cry, but smiles. At least stand on your head!

- Your second television project "" also requires great mental strength, because children from foster families and orphanages participate in it. Do you feel sorry for them?

“Pity is the wrong feeling. Children do not want this, it is important for them to be evaluated objectively. Although, of course, I'm insanely hard. I have never experienced such emotions in any TV project. Here on the set, I sometimes just cried. After all, we read the biographies of the participants, we know what they had to go through. The drama is incredible. And we, the members of the jury, need to be very careful in our statements, so that, God forbid, offend these children. I want each of them to have only positive emotions from the project in their souls.

"I'm not afraid to be ridiculous and funny"

Have you ever thought about adoption yourself?

— No, I didn't think so. This is too complicated a decision, because we are talking about the fate of a person. Taking a dog into the house is a huge responsibility, and here is a child! It's hundreds of times more difficult.

- Do you get along with children?

- Yes, I like to communicate with them, to fool around. Our school regularly hosts children's parties, balls. Many people early enter the image of adults and respectable, it is important for them to correspond to the status. And I'm not afraid to be ridiculous and funny. In the project "You are super! Dancing ”there will be many moments where we fool around with (project host. - Ed.). I am ready to be anything, as long as the child does not cry, but smiles. I can even stand on my head! Which, by the way, you will also see in the project.

- Your children will probably twist ropes out of you.

- Let's see. Although ... Well, yes! (Laughs.)

Private bussiness

Evgeny Papunaishvili was born on December 11, 1981. Graduated from the Faculty of Management MADI. International dancer. Participated in the show "Dancing with the Stars" ("Russia 1"), was paired with Natasha Koroleva, Yulia Savicheva, Albina Dzhanabaeva, Ksenia Sobchak, singer Gluk'oZoy and others. He opened the Evgeny Papunaishvili Dance School. He led the TV project "Everybody Dance!". Now he is on the jury of the contest “You are super! Dancing ”(NTV) and a star guest in“ Amazing People ”(“ Russia 1 ”). Married.

The bright and charismatic choreographer Yevgeny Papunaishvili became widely known thanks to the sensational project "Dancing with the Stars". His partners were famous representatives of show business, and with each of them the dancer managed to create unforgettable and original dance numbers. The amazing lightness and plasticity inherent in this stately man are the result of high professionalism, to which he persistently went for many years.

All photos 10


Eugene was born on December 11, 1981 and became the third child in an ordinary Moscow family. His parents Lyudmila and Robert worked as engineers and were not directly related to art. However, when Zhenya grew up a little, at the family council it was decided to enroll him in the football section and dancing, since the youngest son was extremely restless and mobile. His excessive energy finally found a worthy outlet, so that both football and dancing were perceived by the boy with pleasure.

Having started attending school, Zhenya hid his passion for dancing for some time, but, realizing that it would be a long time, he even began to teach rhythmic gymnastics lessons at his educational institution. Starting from the age of 14, Eugene began to earn his first small money on his own, teaching dance art in specialized studios and circles. Later, along with a decent income, the first victories in prestigious competitions and tournaments also came. So, in 2002, the dancer won in Finland, and in 2004 - at the championship in Moscow.

Having won many prestigious titles and becoming a real professional on the dance floor, Evgeny Papunaishvili suddenly began to doubt the correctness of the chosen path. He decides that the profession of a dancer is not very suitable for a man, and wants to get a higher engineering education. The young man enters the Moscow Automobile Institute, where his mother and brothers once studied. In 2003, he received a diploma of higher education, but he could not completely part with his favorite hobby.

By this time, the talented choreographer was already a co-owner of the Moscow network D-Fusion - popular economy-class dance studios. His teaching activities did not stop either, which is worth a sensational dance lesson, which gathered more than 1800 people at the same time. In connection with this event, Evgeny Robertovich even landed in the Russian version of the Guinness Book of Records as the most popular teacher. Along with major achievements came the realization that dancing is a worthy occupation for a real man, requiring great diligence, patience and constant training.

Mass fame came to the venerable dancer after he began participating in the popular program "Dancing with the Stars."

From that moment on, Evgeny Papunaishvili became a real star, no less bright and memorable than his charming partners. Today he is the owner of his own dance school and one of the highest paid dance teachers in Russia. And this is not surprising, since the young man is fluent in all classical and modern dance styles, which is proved by his numerous awards and titles.

In 2017, Evgeny Papunaishvili became a member of the jury of the TV project “You are super! Dancing".

Personal life

The imposing and gallant Eugene has the fame of a heartthrob, but he himself does not like to talk about his personal life. Like a true gentleman, he does not advertise the romantic hobbies that popular rumor ascribes to him with almost every partner in the Dancing with the Stars project. Only once did he briefly mention that he met with Ksenia Sobchak, but this relationship, despite all its seriousness, at some point exhausted itself.

The former girlfriend had already managed to build a family nest during this time, but Zhenya was still in search. In his interviews, he repeatedly emphasized that he did not belong to the category of windy ladies' man and hoped to meet true and only love. That storm of passions and emotions that the audience observes on stage should not be confused with real life, since everything is different in it. Yevgeny Papunaishvili claims that he has nothing to do with convinced bachelors who value their freedom and do not recognize the bonds of marriage.

The dancer explained the absence of a family by the fact that he had not yet met a woman with whom he would want to spend the rest of his life. To marry once and for many years is the real dream of the famous choreographer. At the celebration of one of his birthdays, the young man announced his serious intention to end his bachelor life in the very near future.

Finally, in July 2017, Eugene stunned Instagram subscribers with photos from his own wedding. The choreographer found his happiness with a stylist from Italy, Salima Bizhaber. And already in December of the same year, Eugene became a father - his wife gave birth to his daughter Sofia. Now Eugene regularly shares photos of his family happiness and dreams of spending as much time as possible "with my girls."

The audience of the television show "Dancing with the Stars" immediately drew attention to the expressive charming professional dancer with brown eyes and a white-toothed smile, who conquered with his ability to dance impromptu, impeccable plasticity, professionalism and openness. Today, Evgeny Papunaishvili, an international class dancer, is actively engaged not only in dancing.

Biography and creative career

He was born in Moscow on December 11, 1981 in a family of engineers. Zhenya was the third child of Robert and Lyudmila Papunaishvili. In addition to him, the parents had two more eldest sons: Mikhail and Alexander. Little Zhenya grew up as a restless and very energetic child. In order to direct his energy in a peaceful direction, the parents decided to take the five-year-old boy to two sections at once: football and dance.

He enjoyed both sports and choreography. However, Eugene hid his passion for dancing from his peers, fearing ridicule. But he was able to overcome this fear and from the age of 12 he conducted rhythmic gymnastics with classmates at his school. From the age of 14, Eugene was engaged in choreography and dance training in various studios on a professional basis, earning not only money, but also prizes in various dance competitions.

However, such successes did not influence the choice of a higher educational institution. In the late 90s, Evgeny continued the family tradition and entered the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, which his mother graduated from, and where his older brothers had already studied. He believed that dancing could not be the main job for a man.

He successfully combined his studies at a technical university with participation in Russian and international dance competitions. In 2002, Evgeny Papunaishvili took first place at the open international Latin American dance championship in Finland.

The biography of a talented young man is a series of continuous successes, behind which it is not always possible for an outside observer to see the colossal physical labor that Papunaishvili puts into each of his dances. At the same time, he began teaching at the Gala Dance dance studio, and after some time became a co-owner of the D-Fusion dance studio network. At this time, he was only 21 years old.

The career of a young performer is developing rapidly:

  1. In 2003, he received an engineering degree and devoted himself entirely to his favorite work - dancing and choreography.
  2. In 2004, Evgeny became a semi-finalist of the Moscow Latin American Dance Championship, after which there were no less successful performances in other Russian and international dance championships.

Yevgeny's popularity increased every year, and his mastery was confirmed by the largest dance class in Russia, where Zhenya held a master class for 1,830 people. For this unique case, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records, and dancing since that time has become his main professional activity, bringing not only great income and fame, but also requiring incredible physical and mental dedication.

stellar openness

After the release of the popular television show "Dancing with the Stars", Eugene became incredibly popular, but this did not make him inaccessible and closed to fans and admirers. The star of Russian sports dances has an Instagram page, which has been subscribed to by more than 120 thousand people. Eugene willingly communicates with subscribers and journalists, answers all questions and listens to criticisms addressed to him.

Yevgeny Papunaishvili created a page in this popular network to promote dance classes and his dance school. Evgeny built a modern spacious dance hall with his own money before he had his own house. He considers dance to be the main business of his life, he gives it all his strength. Today, Papunaishvili is considered to be the most expensive dance teacher and choreographer in Russia. He perfectly fulfills almost all types of sports dances:

  • European;
  • Latin American;
  • ballroom;
  • Caribbean mix;
  • Argentine tango;
  • hip-hop;
  • electro-dance and other modern dance directions.

Since 2007, he has been actively acting on television in dance shows. The first successful project was the Dancing with the Stars program, which made it recognizable to a huge audience.

Television career

Evgeny Papuanishvili's television career began with participation in one of the most successful television projects "Dancing with the Stars", in which he acted as a professional partner and mentor of famous actresses, singers and TV presenters, among whom were:

  • Natasha Koroleva;
  • Ksenia Sobchak;
  • Svetlana Ivanova;
  • Irina Saltykova;
  • Tatyana Bulanova;
  • Albina Dzhanabaeva;
  • Glafira Tarkhanova;
  • Glucose;
  • Alena Vodonaeva.

He took part in almost all seasons, and his partners, thanks to his unique teaching gift, were able to take prizes. The only failure in this sense was a duet with theater and film actress Glafira Tarkhanova, who failed to reach the final. In a duet with singer Glucose, Zhenya took first place. Working with such a partner helped Alena Vodonaeva take second place in the dance show, working with actress Svetlana Ivanova led to third place in the 2015 season.

In the history of this project Eugene became the most popular professional dancer, which demonstrated not only the craftsmanship of the highest class, but also an exceptional individuality.

Eugene not only demonstrates his dancing art to viewers, but also constantly tries himself in new roles. He took part in the television show "Without Insurance", successfully performing with professional gymnast Leila Gruzdeva.

He turned out to be interesting in the project “I Can!”, in which the singer, artist and bodybuilder Sergey Glushko, better known as Tarzan and the husband of Natasha Koroleva, performed with him.

Internet users remember the incredibly incendiary salsa in a dance studio, which was performed by journalist and writer Andrei Korzun with Yevgeny. This dance duo was created as part of an online dance training program that Papunaishvili ran online for everyone who wants to learn dance moves.

In addition to thematic television shows and programs directly related to dancing, there were also television talk shows. Papunaishvili was a participant in the television program “Alone with Everyone”, in which he was not afraid to speak frankly about his innermost experiences and unknown details of his past life. It was on this program that the media dancer first spoke about the meeting with his future wife Salima.

All television projects with the participation of Papunaishvili are remembered by the viewer and receive high ratings. Evgeny not only has something to show his fans, he can also have interesting and frank conversations about himself and his favorite business.

Recently, Evgeny Papunaishvili began acting in the new project "Everybody Dance!" as a leader, where pop singer Soso Pavliashvili performs with him. Their Georgian duet made a great impression on the audience.

In each of his new television shows, the dancer seeks to promote art, infecting with incredible energy not only his partners on the set, but also viewers, with a desire to learn the language of dance expression and beautiful pirouettes. Evgeniy proved to be excellent not only as a participant in dance shows, but also as a groovy host of such events. The audience appreciated the versatility of Eugene's talents.

He acts on television, participates in various projects, teaches and popularizes dance, and also continues to do his favorite pastime - dancing and choreography. Evgeny Papunaishvili in a short time was able to become one of the most sought-after dancers and choreographers in modern Russia, actively engaged not only in the dances themselves, but also in teaching them at various venues.

From his very first appearance on the television screen, Evgeny Robertovich Papuanashvili immediately attracted the attention of a huge number of dance fans and instantly became a star, in which a huge number of people show interest.

Dancer's personal life

Until recently, Eugene was considered one of the most enviable suitors in Moscow, who was credited with dizzying romances with all his partners in the Dancing with the Stars show, including Glucose. The whole project, Eugene spent a lot of time with his partner, which gave the audience and journalists a reason to conclude about the tender feelings that arose between them. However, at the end of the project, Glucose did not leave her husband, and the relationship did not go beyond friendship between a famous pop singer and a successful dancer.

Yevgeny Papunaishvili himself, whose personal life has become the object of close interest of a large circle of people since his appearance on television, denies all speculation. He only confirms an affair with Ksenia Sobchak, which was not an easy hobby for him. Their relationship began to be talked about in the glamor press before they started dating, posting mutual photos. The audience also expected that Ksyusha would finally get married. However, at the end of the project, the romance ended, and the marriage was never concluded.

The nationality and natural temperament of the dancer create in the eyes of others the image of a frivolous heartthrob. Eugene himself has repeatedly said in his interviews to reporters that he is looking for a single woman with whom he would like to go hand in hand through life.

Family and Children

Such a meeting took place in 2016. Eugene has an Italian girlfriend named Salima. For a long time, relations were difficult to establish due to the language barrier. Salima Bizhaber works as a top stylist. The dancer enthusiastically spoke in his interviews about the new chosen one, but did not talk about plans for the wedding. As it turned out later, Salima learned Russian so that she could communicate with Evgeny without an interpreter. She extended her contract with the Aldo Coppola beauty salon on Novinsky Boulevard in Moscow for two years in order to stay in Russia for the sake of Evgeny.

Fans and gossip journalists were surprised by the romantic proposal of the hand and heart of Papuanishvili, which he made to his chosen one in the summer of 2017 in the presence of a large number of people at the stadium.

Evgeny Papunaishvili and his wife Salima spent their honeymoon trip in Greece. The dancer shared his impressions of his honeymoon trip with his fans on his page.

Evgeny posts all his photos with Salima on his Instagram account. Salima herself notes that in Eugene she was captivated by his incredible positivity. That is why she began to meet with him, by her own admission. Bizhaber believes that Zhenya is very similar to the Italian in his kindness, open and cheerful character. Salima said in her interview that Eugene simply loves pasta, which she cooks for him at home with great pleasure. She says that Eugene is passionate in everything, and above all in his work, dances form the basis of his life.

Soon the couple had a daughter, whom Eugene is very proud of. The newly-made father is still actively involved in dancing and teaching at his school, and promises to please the audience with new television projects. At the same time, he does not leave practical classes at his dance school, where a large number of famous people come who want to learn how to dance.

Although training with such a master is very expensive, he tries to make the dance school accessible to a wide range of people, using Internet broadcasts for this and attracting media people to conduct master classes. Each program with the participation of Papaniashvili is of constant interest to the Russian audience.

Attention, only TODAY!

During his creative career, Yevgeny Papunaishvili has established himself not only as a brilliant dancer and professional choreographer, but also as a positive, sincere person who enjoys life and what he does. Being fluent in all dance styles, he is one of the most famous teachers in Russia.

Now in the biography of Papunaishvili, personal life also occupies a large place, therefore, after filming and rehearsals, he hurries to his home, where his beloved wife is waiting for him.

Early interest in dancing

The future dancer was born in 1981 in Moscow. His father and mother, engineers by profession, were engaged in raising two more children - his older brothers, Mikhail and Alexander. In his childhood, Zhenya was a restless and hyperactive child, which is why his parents decided to send him to dancing and the football section. The boy liked to dance, however, he was shy about it and did not tell his friends about these activities.

In the photo Evgeny Papunaishvili in childhood. https://www.instagram.com/e_papunaishvili/

Starting from the age of 12, he not only taught rhythmic gymnastics to everyone, but also performed at various tournaments and competitions, and also went on tour. Thanks to his dedication and perseverance, Evgeny achieved a number of victories: in 2002 he won the Finnish Championship in Latin American dances, and two years later became the champion of Moscow. Also, the young man was on the list of finalists in Russian and international tournaments. After graduating from school, Papunaishvili successfully passed the exams and entered the Automobile and Road Institute. He considered his dancing successes only a hobby, so he decided to get a reliable profession.

Creative career and success

The young dancer did not give up his passion and soon began teaching at the Gala Dance studio. And after a while he became one of the owners of the network of D-Fusion dance studios in the capital. Among the achievements of Eugene in this field, one can note his dance lesson, in which 1830 students studied at once, thanks to which he got into the Guinness Book of Records. Later, the choreographer opened his own school, where anyone can learn such dances as Argentine tango, Latin American, European, ballroom, Caribbean mix and others.

Papunaishvili gained fame and popularity among the general public after participating in the Dancing with the Stars project, where his partners were movie and show business stars: Ksenia Sobchak, Gluk'oZa, Natasha Koroleva, Yulia Savicheva, Alena Vodonaeva and others. In 2017, he took the chair of the judges at the competition “You are super! Dances ”(NTV channel), in which young talents who are left without parental care take part. Evgeny also became a star guest in the Amazing People project. On this show, he does not have to rate, but only to watch and admire the unique abilities of the participants.

Novels with girls and the creation of a family

In Papunaishvili's personal life, there were many novels and love stories, however, the dancer himself was in no hurry to start a family and have children. While participating in Dancing with the Stars, he was credited with close relationships with many famous partners, however, the passionate and charismatic dancer admitted that he had only met Ksenia Sobchak. According to Eugene, he does not consider himself a frivolous and windy person. Expressing a storm of passions and emotions in the dance, he did not have an affair with different girls and was looking forward to meeting his future wife.

In the photo, Yevgeny Papunaishvili with his wife Salima. Source https://www.instagram.com/e_papunaishvili/

At the end of 2016, it became known that the choreographer had a girl of his dreams, who was top stylist Salima. At first, the lovers experienced difficulty in communicating, since Papunaishvili is Georgian by nationality, and his chosen one has Italian roots, but after a while they began to understand each other well. Although the dancer did not seriously talk about his wedding with his beloved, many of his fans already foresaw this event.

In the summer of 2017, the couple got married, and then the newlyweds went on a romantic trip, choosing for this vacation on one of the most famous and beautiful islands of Greece - Rhodes. A few months after that, there were rumors that Eugene's wife was expecting a baby. On the day of his 36th birthday, Salima gave birth to a daughter, whom the happy parents named Sophia. According to him, passions sometimes rage in their family, however, the choreographer himself considers quarrels to be quite normal, as they quickly end in reconciliation. He has an Instagram page where the dancer's numerous followers can admire his pictures. According to some reports, Papunaishvili's height is 185 cm, and his weight is 77 kg.

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