The evolution of social relations. neighborhood community


The neighboring community was a more complex formation than the tribal community in the primitive social organization.

We can say that the neighborhood community is a transitional stage between a tribal society and a class society. How did the neighborhood community come about?

Reasons for the formation

There were several prerequisites for the emergence of a new social formation:

  • Primitive tribes grew over time, and the blood connection between their constituent clans and individual members ceased to be realized;
  • The transition from hunting and gathering to pastoralism and agriculture accelerated the division of land between parts of large tribes;
  • The improvement of labor tools, in particular, the appearance of metal means of cultivating the land, made it possible for individual cultivation of a plot, as opposed to group cultivation.

Thus, the transition from the tribal system to the neighboring one was an objective consequence of human development.

Was it possible to "keep" the disintegrating community?

In many philosophical systems, the separation of mankind is called one of the main social vices. In different eras, "world religions" and cultural trends tried to find a means of uniting large masses of people separated by national, religious, property and other differences. But was it possible to preserve the primitive community?

The tribal community turned into a neighboring one slowly and gradually. Even with the advent of cattle breeding and primitive agriculture, the tribes continued to live and work together: arable land and pastures were considered common property, which was processed jointly, the crop was distributed equally among the members of the community.

Inequality between people manifested biological. For example, when migrating to other places, the weakest members of the tribe remained in the old territory or did not survive at all, and when they moved, newcomers who were not relatives to the rest of the tribe joined him. Someone died on a hunt or in a war; someone could work more than the average member of the community.

Owners of increased physical and mental strength, as well as more "tricked out" tools, were not required to share the harvest and booty obtained with the help of these advantages. In a later era, the living space was distributed as follows: the hunting grounds remained public property, however, each clan or family owned the cultivated plots separately.

The era of the primitive system is characterized by several forms of social organization. The period began with a tribal community, in which blood relatives united, leading a common household in the future.

The tribal community not only rallied people close to each other, but also helped them survive through joint activities.

In contact with


Since the processes of production began to be divided among themselves, the community began to be divided into families, among which communal obligations were distributed. This led to the emergence of private property, which accelerated the decomposition of the tribal community, which was losing distant family ties. With the end of this form of social order, a neighborhood community appeared, the definition of which was based on other principles.

The concept of a neighborhood form of population organization

The meaning of the word "neighborhood community" implies a group of separate families living in a certain area and leading a common household on it. This form is called peasant, rural or territorial.

Among the main features of the neighboring community should be highlighted:

  • common area;
  • general use of land;
  • separate families;
  • subordination to the communal governing bodies of the social group.

The territory of the rural community was strictly limited, but the territory with forests, pastures, lakes and rivers was quite enough for individual cattle breeding and farming. Each family of this form social system, she owned her own plot of land, arable land, tools and livestock, and also had the right to a certain share of communal property.

The organization, included in society as a subordinate element, performed only partially public functions:

  • accumulated production experience;
  • organized self-government;
  • regulated land ownership;
  • preserved traditions and cults.

Man has ceased to be a generic being, for whom connection with the community was of great importance. People are now free.

Comparison of tribal and neighboring communities

Neighborhood and tribal communities are two successive stages in the formation of society. The transformation of a form from a generic to a neighboring one is an inevitable and natural stage in the existence of ancient peoples.

One of the main reasons for the transition from one type of social organization to another was the change from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled one. Slash-and-burn agriculture became plowed. The tools needed for cultivating the land were improved, and this led to an increase in labor productivity. There was social stratification and inequality among people.

Gradually disintegrated tribal relations, which were replaced by family ones. Public property was in the background, and private property took the first place in importance. Tools, livestock, housing and a separate plot belonged to a particular family. Rivers, lakes and forests remained owned by the entire community . But each family could run its own business with which she earned her livelihood. Therefore, for the development of the peasant community, the maximum unification of people was required, since with the acquired freedom, a person lost the great support that was provided in the tribal organization of society.

From the comparison table of the tribal community with the rural one, one can single out their main differences from each other:

The neighboring form of society had more advantages than the generic form, since it served as a powerful impetus for the development of private property and the formation of economic relations.

East Slavic neighborhood community

Neighborly relations among the Eastern Slavs were formed in the 7th century. This form of organization was called "vervy". The name of the East Slavic rural neighboring community is mentioned in the collection of laws "Russian Truth", which was created by Yaroslav the Wise.

Verv was an ancient community organization that existed in Kievan Rus and on the territory of modern Croatia.

The neighboring organization was characterized by mutual responsibility, i.e., the entire rope had to be responsible for the misconduct committed by its participant. When a murder was committed by someone from a community organization, the viru (fine) had to be paid to the prince by the entire community group.

The convenience of such a social order was that there was no social inequality in it, since the rich had to help the poor if they had a lack of food. But, as the future shows, social stratification was inevitable.

In the period of their development, vervi were no longer rural organizations. Each of them was a union of several settlements, which included several villages. The early stage of the development of the community organization was still characterized by consanguinity, but over time this ceased to play a major role in the life of society.

The rope was subject to general military service. Each family had a household land with all household buildings, tools, various implements, livestock, and farming plots. Like any neighboring organization, the vervi had forest areas, lands, lakes, rivers and fishing grounds in the public domain.

Features of the Old Russian neighborhood community

From the annals it is known that the ancient Russian community was called "mir". It was the lowest link in the social organization of Ancient Rus'. Sometimes there was an unification of the worlds into tribes, which, during periods of military threat, gathered in alliances. Tribes often fought among themselves. The wars led to the emergence of a squad - professional equestrian warriors. The squads were led by princes, each of which owned a separate world. Each squad was a personal guard of its leader.

The lands have turned into estates. Peasants or community members who used such land were obliged to pay tribute to their princes. The patrimonial lands were inherited through the male line. Peasants living in rural neighborhood organizations were called "black peasants", and their territories were called "black". The people's assembly, in which only adult men participated, resolved all issues in peasant settlements. In such a social organization, the form of government was a military democracy.

In Russia, neighborly relations existed until the 20th century, in which they were eliminated. With the increase in the importance of private property and the appearance of surplus production, society was divided into classes, and communal lands were transferred to private ownership. The same changes were taking place in Europe.. But neighboring forms of population organization exist today, for example, in the tribes of Oceania.

The first form of social organization of people in the era of the primitive system was this association of blood relatives who lived in the same territory and were all engaged in running a common household. It was characterized by solidarity and unity of all its representatives. People worked for the common good, and property was also collective. But in parallel with the process of division of labor and the separation of agriculture from cattle breeding, it appeared that the tribal community was divided into families. Collective property began to be redistributed between families of parts. This led to the emergence of what accelerated the decomposition of the tribal and the folding of the neighboring community, in which family ties ceased to be the main one.

A neighborhood community (also called rural, territorial or peasant) is a settlement of people who are not connected by blood ties, but they occupy a certain limited area that is cultivated collectively. Each family included in the community has the right to a part of the community property.

People no longer worked together. Each family had its own plot of land, arable land, tools, and cattle. However, lands (forests, pastures, rivers, lakes, etc.) were still communal property.

The neighboring community has become an organization included in society as a subordinate element that performs only part of the social functions: the accumulation of production experience, the regulation of land ownership, the organization of self-government, the preservation of traditions, worship, etc. People cease to be generic beings for whom belonging to a community had a comprehensive meaning; they become free.

Depending on the characteristics of the combination of private and collective principles, Asian, ancient and German neighborhood communities are distinguished.


Previously, tribal communities were united and united. All people worked together. The property was also shared. Tools of labor, a large family hut, all land, livestock were communal property. None of the people could arbitrarily alone dispose of communal property. But there was a division of labor, agriculture separated from cattle breeding, a surplus product appeared, and tribal communities began to be divided into families. Each family could independently work and feed themselves. The families demanded that all communal property be divided into parts , between families. It is no coincidence that such a property is called private .

At first, tools, livestock, household items became private property. Instead of one large hut of a whole family, each family began to build a separate dwelling for itself. Housing also became the private property of the family. Later, the land also became private property.

Remember: private property does not belong to the whole team, but only to one owner. Usually such a master was the grandfather, the head of a large family. He was obliged to unquestioningly obey his adult sons, wives of sons and grandchildren living in his hut.

Remember: the owner can dispose of private property as he wants. The owner could donate or borrow his tools. He himself decided how much grain to eat and how much to leave for seeds. The owner determined how many cows, sheep and goats the family would have. And no one had the right to interfere in his affairs.

Remember: the owner passes on private property by inheritance. After the death of the head of the family, his eldest son became the owner. He was the heir who received the right to dispose of the private property of the family.

Remember: private property awakens in people an interest in work. Each family understood that now a good and well-fed life depends only on the hard work of family members. Later, the land also became private property. If a family labored sparingly in their field, the entire harvest belonged to them. He fell into the storerooms of families to the last grain. Therefore, people strove to cultivate arable land better, to take better care of livestock.

It is sometimes said that private property arises from human greed, that people are even born with a desire to appropriate something. It is claimed that private property has always been by the will of God. Of course, this is not true. Remember: private property arose only when the economy began to develop rapidly and when stocks of surplus product appeared.


Tribal communities no longer existed. Instead they appeared neighborhood communities . In the neighboring community, people already forgot about their relationship. It was not considered essential. They no longer worked together, although they still worked voluntarily and without coercion. Each family in private ownership had a hut with a garden, a plot of arable land, livestock, and tools. But communal property remained. For example, rivers and lakes. Everyone could fish. Any member of the community did it on their own. The boat and the net were his private property, so the catch also became private property. The forest was a communal property, but animals killed in the hunt, collected mushrooms, berries and brushwood became private property. They used the pasture together, every morning driving out cattle on it. But in the evening, each family drove their cows and sheep into the barn.

There were special marks that each family acquired. Sometimes the owner scratched out his name, sometimes he depicted some simple badge. The same marks were burned on the skin of cattle. Archaeologists, finding such marks on excavated things, boldly assert: people got private property, they were afraid of theft and therefore marked things.

But the neighboring community still continued to unite people. Although not often, there were cases when neighbors did something together. If a forest fire broke out, a flood hit the village, or fierce enemies attacked, such a common misfortune was dealt with jointly.

Remember: people moved from a tribal community to a neighboring one, divided into families, with private property. This was a very important step forward in the development of mankind.

The specialization of people in certain occupations, the development of exchange led to the fact that in the villages, in addition to relatives, people from other clans settled. The population of the villages increased.
In Asia Minor, scientists discovered the ancient settlement of Chatal-Guyuk, dating back to the 7th millennium BC. e. About 6,000 people lived in it. All buildings were made of clay, brick and wood. They were located close to each other, so there were no streets. The houses were entered through holes in the flat roofs by climbing wooden ladders. In the event of an attack by enemies,
_ the walls were removed, and the village turned into
The settlement of Chatal-Guyuk. Reconstruction
to the fortress.
Tribal community Neighborhood community
How are the communities shown in the diagram different? What do they have in common?

\ \ Pastures
arable land
The need for collective farming and collective property became less and less. Gradually, each family begins to cultivate its own piece of land and receive its own crop. Land tends to be inherited by children, especially sons. The tribal community was replaced by the neighboring community.
The neighborhood community was inhabited by people who were not necessarily related by blood. Families ran the household separately, but united for joint work, requiring the efforts of a large number of people. These were cutting the forest, strengthening or creating a reservoir and other works.
The dawn of the metal age
The first people often found nuggets of gold and copper. They could be flattened, cut with a stone axe. At first, only jewelry, arrowheads, and fishhooks were made from metals. People noticed that when heated, gold and copper melt. Soft metal could be molded into any shape. About 7 thousand years ago, people began to use copper to make tools. Gradually, copper began to defeat stone, and the Stone Age was replaced by the Copper Age. There were few deposits of metals coming to the surface of the earth, so people learned how to extract ore - a rock containing metals. When heated, pure metal was extracted from the ore, which was then forged and processed.
The next step in the use of metals was the invention of bronze, an alloy of copper and tin. Bronze is much harder than copper, and besides, it is beautiful. From it began to make tools, weapons, dishes, jewelry. Copper and tin became the most important items of exchange. The Bronze Age has arrived.
The emergence of a new society
In the neighboring community, where each family ran its own household, the situation of the people changed. The equality of all members of the community is replaced by inequality. Some, thanks to hard work, the ability to craft, successful trade, began to live better than their fellow tribesmen. For others, wealth was tied to their position in the tribe.
Elders, leaders, sorcerers, by the right of their position, had more products, products. In addition, they were the custodians of the values ​​that belonged to the community. Gradually, however, they began to dispose of these values ​​as their own property. In the community, groups of people occupying the highest positions in the community hierarchy are distinguished. Their main occupation was to subdue the affairs of the community. They enjoyed special honor. Nobility is inherited from parents to children.
The leaders, relying on their warriors, began to raid with the aim of plundering neighboring tribes. A successful military campaign enriched all its participants and strengthened the position of the leaders, who became permanent commanders. Often, as a result of such a campaign, the winners captured prisoners. They were turned into slaves, who were used for hard work in the household.
So a new society was formed, where there were poor and rich, noble and ordinary community members, free and slaves.

  • Primitive man moved from gathering and hunting to farming and cattle breeding. Becoming a farmer, he began to lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • The tribal community was replaced by a neighboring community.
  • There was a new society in which inequality arose between people.
Questions and tasks
1. How did agriculture and animal husbandry originate? 2. What changes took place in the life of people when ceramics and weaving appeared? 3. Why were copper and gold the first metals that primitive man began to process? 4. Why did the tribal community begin to collapse? 5. Who was called the nobility? 6*. Was it possible with the disappearance of the tribal community to avoid the appearance of inequality? Give examples to support your point of view.
  1. Choose the right answer.
  1. The main difference between primitive man and apes
a) the ability to make tools and weapons
b) long arms hanging down to the knees
B. The main ways of obtaining food by the most ancient people
a) gathering, hunting
b) agriculture
c) cattle breeding
  1. The main material of ancient people for the manufacture of tools
a) bone c) stone
b) wood d) iron
D. The tribal community is being replaced
a) tribe c) neighborhood community
b) the human herd d) the state
  1. Continue the row.
Early and simple artificial structures of the most ancient people: a wind barrier
  1. What is missing in the line?
The simplest tools of labor of the most ancient people:
hand axe, scraper, stone axe, sword, digging stick.
  1. Set a match.
  1. craft a) union of clans
  2. myth b) actions and words supposedly possessing a miracle worker
natural properties
  1. genus c) hand-made various products
  2. magic d) legends about gods, heroes, about the origin of
  1. tribe e) a group of people descended from
one ancestor

5 Choose the correct answer.
Characteristic features of the tribal community

  1. everyone works together
  2. all property in common
  3. presence of rich and poor families
  4. each family has its own allotment, cultivates it and receives a harvest
  5. people are descended from the same ancestor
  6. food is distributed equally
  7. settlements where neighbors lived
lgt;a.i;tlt;vi II
The Ancient East

The ancient East is a vast expanse in North Africa and Asia in the era of the appearance and development of the most ancient states there.
The warm climate, diverse flora and fauna contributed to the settlement of the banks of large rivers: the Nile (in Africa), the Euphrates and Tigris (in Western Asia), the Indus (in South Asia), and the Yellow River (in East Asia). There were fertile soils that allowed for abundant harvests. These rivers periodically overflowed. Floods turned nearby areas into swamps and swamps. And those places where the water did not reach, turned into a desert scorched by the sun. People have learned to drain and irrigate these lands. Agriculture became the main occupation, but cattle breeding and handicrafts developed along with it. Small settlements turned into well-fortified cities, tribal leaders became rulers of cities and peoples.

States in the valleys of the great rivers

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