Jewish memorial. Virtual necropolis


Slandered Yakov Sverdlov

Or the story with the safe

From the heroes of yesteryear

Sometimes there are no names left.

Those who have accepted mortal combat,

They became just earth and grass ...

The story with the safe of Yakov Sverdlov is a vivid example of the fact that liberoid liars should be beaten in the face immediately, immediately, without hesitation and without finding out. They lie simply out of love for the process. As soon as IT declares that it is an unbiased scientist, historian and publicist, immediately be prepared that they are trying to hang noodles on your ears. As Lenin taught - look for class interest.

I confess. When I first heard the liberal version about Sverdlov's safe, I had no particular doubts, the sources seemed to be verified. I only thought: “and you are Brutus ...” and was upset. As I studied Lenin and his entourage, collecting facts and facts bit by bit, I began to strongly doubt the voiced conclusions. Yesterday, putting on the site the next memoirs of Stasova (in itself a unique personality), I read how in 1919 the Bolsheviks were preparing to switch to underground work, how they prepared money, documents, how they buried chests of gold. Yes, yes, no need to open secret archives, no need to pull out stinking anti-Soviet footcloths. You just need to carefully read the memoirs of members of the Central Committee and high-ranking officials published in the USSR. Few knew about this and the organizer was just Yakov Sverdlov. Then I remembered the notorious safe and decided to stir up this story a little.

Let's start with the source base and wipe our feet on "our everything" - Wikipedia. About this collection of anti-Soviet, anti-Russian, anti-Russian sources. The main thing here is not that “true or not true”, but most importantly where they draw inspiration from.

I take the article "Yakov Sverdlov". I choose only what can relate to a narrow issue - a safe, although there are lies rowing with a shovel. On the question of interest, we have two statements:

“In 1994, a letter from Genrikh Yagoda to Stalin dated July 27, 1935 was discovered in the former archive of the Politburo, in which Yagoda reported that Sverdlov’s personal safe was found in the warehouse of the Kremlin commandant, which had not been opened all 16 years since his death. There were gold coins of royal minting for an astronomical sum (108,525 rubles), over seven hundred gold items with precious stones, a lot of blank passports and completed passports in the name of Sverdlov himself and unknown persons, bonds of tsarist times, etc.»

“The second wife is Sverdlova (nee Novgorodtseva) Claudia Timofeevna (1876-1960). Nickname - Olga Novgorodtseva. The keeper of the "diamond fund of the Politburo" (it was hidden in her apartment. "His appointment was such that, in the event of a loss of power, to provide the members of the Politburo with the means to live and continue revolutionary activities").»

The first link leads to Arkady Vaksberg's book "From Hell to Heaven and Back" with a telling subtitle "The Jewish Question According to Lenin, Stalin and Solzhenitsyn." Moreover, the author himself in the preface stipulates that the book was not written for Russian readers. I will not even mention the quality of the materials presented in the book in terms of scientific and historical reliability. Everyone can easily see for himself. Jewish gewalt on the topic: "how we were offended." You and I are looking for what interests us - a safe:

« Even more fog is thrown into this whole story by a sensational discovery in the former Politburo archive (it dates back to 1994) - a "top secret" letter from the then head of the Lubyanka, Genrikh Yagoda, to Stalin dated July 27, 1935. Yagoda reported that Sverdlov's personal safe was found in the warehouse of the Kremlin commandant, which had not been opened for all 16 years since his death. There were gold coins of tsarist minting for an astronomical sum, over seven hundred gold items with precious stones, many passports in the name of Sverdlov himself and unknown persons, bonds of tsarist times, etc.24 It was unlikely that this was the “gold of the party”, which was afraid of defeat and was preparing to go underground: then someone else, even Lenin, would have known about such a financial reserve, which belonged to the party, and not to Sverdlov, and a different fate would have been prepared for the wealth left after the death of Sverdlov. Most likely, Sverdlov himself was preparing to flee with his family, fearing, perhaps, exposing his involvement in the assassination attempt on Lenin. One way or another, his Jewish origin inevitably doomed him to the emergence of rumors of anti-Semitic origin, which turned out to be tenacious for many decades. It is also striking that this sensational information, documented in a reputable (then!) journal, received absolutely no, even absurd and demagogic, interpretation from the party's noteworthy historians, as if such information did not exist at all.»

We leave the conclusions about Sverlov's goals to the author's conscience. As they say: everyone judges for himself. The scoundrel is sure that everyone else is also a scoundrel. If he hid money, it means “to himself, to himself, to his beloved.” “On the affairs of the party????? What are you! First myselfeeeeeeee.” It is absolutely useless for such people to prove and explain something. In order to understand the Sverdlovs, they must have honor and conscience, and not intelligence. In the quote, we are interested in: the statement that the find "refers to 1994" and the link. And now about Wikipedia sources: link 24. Le Figaro. 1958. 9 April.

Of course, I am not a professional historian, but explain to me how a document discovered in 1994 in a secret Soviet archive could have been published in Figaro in 1958? No, the author was not mistaken and did not describe himself. Moreover, he explains in the text: "this sensational information, documented published in a reputable (then!) magazine." So this document was published in 1958.

I wouldn't be surprised that this is exactly what happened. All the documents SUDDENLY "discovered" in the 90s in the secret Soviet archives by the "historians" Pikhoya and Company have long been, as a rule, published in anti-Soviet foreign publications. So we are waiting for new "historical" archival discoveries like: "Stalin ate babies for breakfast", "Lenin was a homosexual." (Perhaps not so beloved by liberals gays will not agree to pollute their community with a "bloody tyrant"). Well, in anticipation of new "discoveries", we are convinced that the next Wikipedia link flies into the trash.

(Here the comrades corrected. In this case, Wikipedia gave a link to the author’s defective work, in the original the author’s note sounds completely different: 24. Source. 1994. No. 1. P. 3-4. But we have what we have. Such are we have encyclopedias, we have to look for a source ourselves, also extremely doubtful, which Bushin analyzes:

such a scan is given in the journal, no archival data is given anywhere)

As expected - another anti-Soviet opus - Bazhanov B. G. Memoirs of Stalin's former secretary. - M., 1990. p. 97. I'm not even going to read everything. I start a search to find out where he got such secret information from. In order not to quote in large chunks, I tell in brief. Bazhanov (supposedly) was told by German Sverdlov (half-brother of Yakov Sverdlov) that he was told (supposedly) by Andrei Sverdlov (son of Yakov) that he had seen Andrei’s mother (Yakov’s widow) in a closed desk drawer: “ A bunch of some kind of fake stones, very similar to large diamonds. But of course the stones are fake". Bazhanov is not some naive Jewish boy who pawned his own mother to someone else's uncle, and not a wise Jewish uncle who does not believe that diamonds can just lie on the table: “ it's some kind of glass. Yakov Sverdlov, it seems, was never a money-grubber, and he did not have any valuables". Bazhanov immediately understands that " here is something completely different».

« Even before that, rummaging through the archives of the Politburo, I found that three or four years ago, in 1919-1920, during my acute military crisis, when the Soviet government was hanging by a thread, the “diamond fund of the Politburo” was allocated from the general state diamond fund. ". His appointment was such that, in the event of a loss of power, to provide the members of the Politburo with the means to live and continue their revolutionary activities. There were traces of the relevant orders and allocation from the state diamond fund in the archive, but there was not a single word about where this fund was hidden. There was not even a word in a special folder - in my safe. Obviously, it was decided that only members of the Politburo should know about the location of the fund. Now I suddenly found the key.»

Oh, those "special folders". "Oh, these fairy tales, oh, these storytellers." According to the "suddenly discovered" documents, this particular folder was the size of an elephant. What has not yet been discovered there, and how many more discoveries are waiting for us! Get your ears ready, the noodles are already cooking.

You say that there were a lot of special folders? Raise your eyes, your beloved Bazhanov clearly writes: "in a special folder - in my safe." Those. Stalin's secretary had one. Adyn. Fershtein?

Let's get back to the topic.

The BBC, of ​​course, is not a very reliable source. But we come from different testimonies: to one person - Yakov Sverdlov, one period - 1919 (Bazhanov is lying about 1920, by that time the Reds had no fear of losing) and to one goal - the continuation of the work of the Bolshevik party in the underground.

"To the Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks"

comrade Stalin

In the inventory warehouses of the commandant of the Moscow Kremlin, the fireproof cabinet of the late Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov was kept locked. The keys to the closet were lost.

The cupboard was opened by us and it contained:

1. Gold coins of royal minting in the amount of one hundred and eight thousand five hundred twenty-five (108,525) rubles.

2. Gold items, many of which are with precious stones - seven hundred and five (705) items.

3. Seven clean forms of royal-style passports.

4. Seven passports filled out in the following names:

A) Sverdlov Yakov Mikhailovich,

B) Gurevich Cecilia-Olga,

B) Ekaterina Sergeevna Grigorieva,

D) Princess Baryatinsky Elena Mikhailovna,

D) Polzikov Sergei Konstantinovich,

E) Anna Pavlovna Romanyuk,

G) Klenochkin Ivan Grigorievich.

5. One-year passport in the name of Goren Adam Antonovich.

6. German passport in the name of Stal Elena.

In addition, only seven hundred and fifty thousand (750,000) rubles worth of royal credit cards were found.

A detailed inventory of gold items is made with specialists.

People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Yagoda)

No. 56568".

The authors of this site are not Western anti-Soviet, they are trustworthy. They give a link to the book of the candidate of historical sciences, colonel of the FSB reserve, president of the Regional Public Foundation for the Promotion of Social and Legal Support for Veterans and Employees of the FSB of the Russian Federation Vasily Soima "Forbidden Stalin". Not an emigrant, not a foreign citizen, not offended by the Soviet regime, not "I suddenly saw the light."

We, as we warned, only slightly analyze the topic, so we will not dig where Soima got the documents from. Let's take a look at his links. Under each letter (in the chapter “Letters to Stalin. From his personal archive”) is either “APRF. F. …. On. …. D. …. L. …”, or “CA FSB. F. ... On. ... D. .... L. ... ". After Yagoda's letter to Stalin, there is "No. 56568" and that's it !!! There are no numbers under other letters. Hmm... What is it? Another "instruction number 13666"?

« Sverdlov wanted to run?

Unbelievable, but true: the fireproof cabinet of the Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Ya. M. Sverdlov after his death was not opened for 16 years.
Its contents became known only in 1935, and to us even later, almost 60 years later, from a declassified note by the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR G. Yagoda addressed to I.V. Stalin.

Okay, I won’t prove now: was there a boy? Let's conditionally assume that such a document really exists. By the way, I wonder where these passports and valuables went after they were discovered? Did you enter the Goskhran? Archives? Maybe there are documents?

And so does the study of this inventory give us? That in the personal safe of the old underground worker and professional revolutionary who organized the “Bureau of Escapes” in the Bolshevik Party, there were passports for fictitious names and values? Pretty expected, even surprising, that there are so few passports. And mostly women. If Sverdlov was going to flee abroad (what nonsense!), Then he could well pick up a passport for himself in a man's name, and not in the name of Elena Stal. With his abilities. Can you imagine who Sverdlov was in 1919?

In Stasova's memoirs we read:

« In May 1921, I was sent to underground work in Germany as a representative of the Comintern... I had a German passport in the name of Lydia Wilhelm. The fact is that I came to Germany on a Canadian passport, which was expiring. For the purpose of legalization in Germany, I was fictitiously "married" to the German Ernst Wilhelm, according to the passport of Lydia Konstantinovna Lipnitskaya, which was executed either in Leipzig or in Dresden.»

From the above list, we exclude women's passports and a passport in the name of Yakov Sverdlov (no one thinks that Yakov would “escape” with his passport?), Two remain - for Klenochkin and Polzikov. This means that a real, unbiased, unbiased historian should have said that there are 2 passports in the safe found at Sverdlov’s, and not “ many passports in the name of Sverdlov himself". To identify who owned the passports, I would like to see them. Of course, there was no photo there, but they were indicated for identification: age, height, hair color and special signs.

I do not want to say that Sverdlov could not have a fake passport in his personal safe, moreover, I believe, based on Soviet sources, that at that time he simply MUST have had a backup document. And there had to be money.

And let the enemies rage. Let the facts be turned inside out. They call black white and white black. At the mention of money, they instinctively salivate. Let be. Their work is like this. And nature.

BUT! We have no such right.

For "red" of all shades -

Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov remained a Bolshevik until his last breath.

Lenin: “In this era, at the very beginning of the 20th century, we had Comrade. Sverdlov, as the most chiselled type of professional revolutionary, a man who has completely broken with his family, with all the comforts and habits of the old bourgeois society, a man who has completely and selflessly given himself up to the revolution and for many years, even decades, moving from prison to exile and from exile to prison, forging in himself those qualities that tempered the revolutionaries for many, many years.

History has long shown that great revolutions, in the course of their struggle, bring forth great men and develop such talents that previously seemed impossible. No one would have believed that from the school of the illegal circle and underground work, from the school of the small persecuted party and the Turukhansk prison, such an organizer could come out who won for himself absolutely unquestioned authority, the organizer of all Soviet power in Russia and the only one, according to his knowledge, to organize the work of the party which created these Soviets and practically carried out the Soviet power, which is now making its heavy, painful, blood-drenched, but victorious procession to all peoples, through the countries of the whole world ” .

The Red Terror, which swept over Russia shortly after the Bolsheviks came to power, was so pathologically cruel and bloody that even historians could hardly believe in its thoughtfulness. The Red Terror was not chaos. He was a well-thought-out and well-oiled mechanism, which, like any mechanism, had its own creator. His name is well known - Yakov Sverdlov. The second person in the state after Lenin.

Biography and activities of Yakov Sverdlov (1885-1919)

A frail little boy from a large Jewish family, who did not receive a decent education, became the head of a huge country. The house of Mikhail Sverdlov, Yakov's father, was a kind of center of revolutionary trends in Nizhny Novgorod. At one time, Yakov was expelled from the gymnasium for an uncontrollable craving for revolutionary slogans. Sverdlov's underground nickname is "Comrade Andrey." Then he entered the service of a watchmaker. Perhaps then he realized that the state is also a mechanism. Most people are cogs, and those who are able to influence the course of things are gears. And you need someone who will come and start this whole mechanism.

However, Sverdlov always preferred to stay away. He did not speak at the rallies. He was a type of behind-the-scenes leader, a "grey eminence". Sverdlov was not in exile. For a long time he did not appear among the leaders of the Bolsheviks. He was intensively engaged in the so-called. expropriation, but in fact - robbery of those in power. Acquaintance with was an important milestone on Sverdlov's path to the top of power. It took place in April 1917. In fact, it was Sverdlov who planned and organized. He established the institute of commissariat. He also introduced black leather clothing into fashion, which for many years became a symbol of belonging to the ruling elite.

Sverdlov gave sanction for the destruction of the royal family contained in Yekaterinburg. Suspiciously quickly, an investigation was carried out into the case of the attempt on Lenin's life. Socialist-Revolutionary Fanny Kaplan was declared the direct perpetrator of the terrorist attack and hastily shot. It is possible that Sverdlov himself was behind this assassination attempt, concerned about Lenin's leadership ambitions. For someone who had been killing since the age of twenty, it was not difficult to eliminate even a comrade-in-arms.

At the beginning of 1919, Sverdlov single-handedly accepted the directive on decossackization, dooming thousands of Don Cossacks to death. The cruel and senseless directive turned the Cossacks against the Soviet regime. They joined. A lot has already been said and written about the mutual atrocities that this led to. Sverdlov, it would seem, foresaw everything. He could not foresee only a fatal illness, which took him away in a matter of days. She turned out to be a Spaniard - a kind of flu. According to another version, Yakov Mikhailovich was badly beaten by workers in the city of Orel, where he intervened in the rally. Security recaptured Sverdlov from the protesters. He got home already unconscious.

Sverdlov died on March 19, 1919. An audio recording of Lenin's speech dedicated to his memory has been preserved. The mechanisms launched by Sverdlov worked for more than seventy years.

  • In 1935, a safe belonging to Sverdlov was opened. Its contents turned out to be so shocking that it was classified for many years: forged passports, jewelry, royal credit cards, banknotes ... However, the head was not there, which was rumored among the people.
  • The son of Yakov Sverdlov, Andrei, being a banal provocateur, rose to the rank of NKVD investigator and conducted the affairs of the party elite. He showed himself to be a cruel and inexorable person, took part in torture. In later years he moved into science and taught at the university.
  • In 1940, the role of Yakov Sverdlov in the filmed feature film was played by his brother Herman, which Stalin did not like. The shots with German Sverdlov had to be re-shot with a professional actor.

Brief biography of the "devil of the revolution" Y. Sverdlov

Yakov Sverdlov. "Black Devil of the Revolution"

"Military Review", 06/03/2015

Samsonov Alexander

130 years ago, on June 3, 1885, Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov was born. The chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (the formal head of the RSFSR) was a real gray cardinal of the revolution. Together with Trotsky, Sverdlov was one of the most sinister figures in the history of Soviet Russia. All the most terrible blows to Russian civilization were initiated and organized by Sverdlov. Cruel and vindictive, nicknamed the "black devil of the revolution", Sverdlov openly advocated revolutionary terror, initiated the "red terror", a strike on the village and decossackization (in fact, the genocide of the military class of Russia - the Cossacks). It is believed that Sverdlov was also behind the brutal murder of the Romanov family, the former sovereign. Regicide was a fixed idea for him.

At the same time, Sverdlov was distinguished by phenomenal organizational skills, a unique memory (he remembered everything and everyone), a talent for selecting and placing the necessary personnel in their places. He became a real gray cardinal of the revolution. Therefore, it is not surprising that, according to the English journalist R. Wilton, who visited revolutionary Russia, "at first, the Bolshevik regime was dominated not by Lenin (Ulyanov), the chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, but by Sverdlov ... the chairman of the all-powerful All-Russian Central Executive Committee." Lenin headed the Central Committee of the party and the government, and Sverdlov - the Secretariat of the Central Committee and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Soviets (VTsIK). But the Secretariat of the Central Committee was the only apparatus of the Central Committee, so work with party bodies in the field closed on Yakov Sverdlov. And the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) acted through the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. A very convenient formula was created: “The All-Russian Central Executive Committee, in the person of its Presidium, decides,” that is, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee did not collect, everything was decided by the Presidium, in fact, Sverdlov himself. "Leader number two" had his own grouping within the party - "Sverdlovites". Moreover, his supporters were so strong that at the end of his life, Yakov Mikhailovich was ready to oppose Lenin himself. After his death, almost all the "Sverdlovites" went over to Trotsky's camp, became "Trotskyists". Many were later "cleansed" under Stalin.

Yakov Mikhailovich (Yankel Movshovich) Sverdlov was born into a wealthy Jewish family in Nizhny Novgorod. His father was the master engraver Movsha Izrailevich Sverdlov. Mother - housewife Elizaveta Solomonovna. Yankel-Yakov learned to read at home, graduated from the city elementary school and was assigned to the gymnasium. Yakov had an amazing mind, memory, curiosity, he read a lot since childhood. He was distinguished by energy and exceptional performance. At the same time, he was a teenager with "character". Already in the gymnasium, he became interested in the “revolution”, dreamed of “secret societies”.

Yakov left the gymnasium, left his father's house. The exact reason is unknown. Perhaps it's a hooligan trick. Yakov moved to the Nizhny Novgorod suburb of Kanavino, where he got a job as a student in a pharmacy. However, Yakov did not stay long in the pharmacy. He was proud and wanted more than to slowly climb the corporate ladder. Argued with a pharmacist and lost his job. For some time, Yakov lived as a free semi-intellectual (“free artist”), interrupted by odd jobs, tutoring, correspondence of roles for theaters, etc. In fact, Yakov lived at that time at the “bottom”, having the appropriate acquaintances in the criminal and semi-criminal environment. He was pulled out from the “bottom” by his childhood best friend Lubotsky, who became interested in politics and joined the local social democratic organization. Marxism was then a completely legal idea, not persecuted. Jacob was actively involved in revolutionary activities.

As a revolutionary, he showed organizational talent, the party authorities sent him as an emissary to other cities to form party organizations. During the revolution of 1905, Yakov was sent to Yekaterinburg to restore the local defeated party organization. In the Urals, Sverdlov deployed widely, began to create fighting squads of social democrats, socialist revolutionaries, anarchists and criminals. At the same time, Jacob showed another of his leading qualities - pathological cruelty. He united around himself the most aggressive and cruel elements. Sverdlov's "brigade" was called the "Combat Detachment of People's Arms" (BONV). The activities of the "brigade" covered a significant territory, including Perm, Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk and other cities and settlements. BONV acted within the framework of strict secrecy. The checks of future fighters were very characteristic, similar to those that existed in various world mafia and terrorist organizations. So, one of the future murderers of the Romanov family, Yermakov, on assignment in 1907, killed a police agent and cut off his head. Thus, the fighters of the "brigade" were tied with blood.

They "hunted" the "Black Hundreds" (right-wing leaders), the police. The treasury was replenished with "ex" (from the word "expropriation"), attacking the post office, transports with money, treasuries. They organized a racket of wealthy people: either give money for "revolutionary needs", or die.

In 1906 Sverdlov was arrested. But there were no witnesses (apparently, they wanted to live), and good lawyers were hired. Therefore, the terrorist received only 2 years in prison. Jacob did not suffer in prison. The frail bespectacled man was a real "authority", the head of a large organized crime group. Meanwhile, his brother - Veniamin Mikhailovich Sverdlov, who was also a revolutionary, fled abroad, went to the USA, organized a bank there. One of his comrades was the famous Sydney Reilly. Thus, one of the channels of influence of the "financial international" on the revolutionary movement in Russia was created. In the future, Sverdlov and Trotsky will become the main conductors of the plans for the "financial international" ("world behind the scenes") in Russia.

Sverdlov continued to follow the revolutionary path. More than once he was arrested, imprisoned, in 1910 he was exiled to the Narym Territory for 3 years, but escaped. Settled in St. Petersburg, for some time he was the editor of the Pravda newspaper. In 1911 he was again exiled to the Narym Territory of the Tomsk Governorate for 4 years. Fled in 1912. In 1913 he was exiled to Turukhansk. The February Revolution freed Sverdlov. He arrived in the Urals. He organized a party conference and moved to the capital as the "leader" of the Urals.

At the 7th (April) conference, the RSDLP tried to get closer to Lenin, supporting his line "on behalf of the Urals" and becoming his "right hand". In the new composition of the Central Committee, he fussed and took the post of head of the Secretariat. The organ was considered secondary, but under Sverdlov it gained paramount importance. Sverdlov got the opportunity to control local party cadres and finances. It was Sverdlov who ensured the unification of the supporters of Lenin and Trotsky, who arrived from the USA and tried to take the place of the leader. After the October Revolution, Yakov Sverdlov proposed Trotsky to the post of People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, and he himself climbed into the post of chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.

Sverdlov turned out to be an indispensable person. Provided the leaders of the Bolsheviks with food, things, apartments. Especially courted Lenin. Controlling the cadres, he skillfully placed his people, creating his own power group. Attached his relatives and friends. His wife became the head of the Secretariat of the Central Committee, brother Veniamin, called from America, became People's Commissar of Railways, a distant relative, Heinrich Yagoda, ended up in the Cheka. In the Soviets, he ousted the competitors of the Bolsheviks - the Mensheviks, anarchists, the Right Socialist-Revolutionaries, and after the rebellion, the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries.

Having become the second person in the Soviet state, Sverdlov initiated the most terrible measures aimed at the pogrom of "old Russia". Yakov Sverdlov actively fomented the "Red Terror", launched an attack on the Russian peasantry, that is, provoked a real peasant war, which became one of the bloodiest pages of the Civil War and cost Russia hundreds of thousands of lives. Sverdlov, apparently, was the organizer of the murder of the Romanov family, which was of a symbolic nature.

Apparently, it was Sverdlov who ordered the assassination attempt on Lenin. Fanny Kaplan was a friend of Yakov Sverdlov's sister. In 1918, Sverdlov concentrated enormous power in his hands. He not only decided how to carry out political decisions, but also determined what to carry out and what not. The last obstacle on the way to full power was Lenin. No wonder Fanny was shot and burned on the orders of Sverdlov, before she spoke. The classic "ends in the water." After Lenin was wounded, Yakov Sverdlov seized full power in the country for a short period of time. At the same time, Sverdlov used the failed assassination attempt to his advantage - he began a campaign of mass terror and decossackization.

Then he began a new offensive against the peasantry - the forced creation of communes. "Communization" was very different from the future collectivization. All property was subject to socialization, the peasants had to live in common barracks, give their children for collective education and work for a portion of food. In fact, they planned to drive the entire Russian peasantry into a giant concentration camp, turning most of the population into slaves, and even take their children away from them. More information about the destructive activities of Sverdlov can be found in the book of the historian V. Shambarov “Sverdlov. Occult Roots of the October Revolution.

Sverdlov's death is mysterious. Yakov Sverdlov was in excellent health, but died at the age of 33. According to the official version, Sverdlov was mowed down by a Spanish flu (Spanish flu) when he was traveling from Kharkov to Moscow. According to another version, His Majesty chance intervened in the course of history. In Orel, Sverdlov's special train was stopped due to a railroad strike. Yakov Sverdlov decided to personally intervene, go out and reassure people. He was a good speaker, he knew how to take control of the crowd, manipulate people, cut off opponents with sharp phrases. The head of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee was the permanent chairman at all congresses and conferences, spoke at rallies. However, the workers were furious and pelted Sverdlov with stones and logs prepared for steam locomotives. The chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee fell, lost consciousness, and lay on the frozen ground for some time. The guard dispersed the people, but the deed was done. Sverdlov arrived in Moscow beaten and sick. I developed pneumonia. March 16, 1919 Sverdlov died.

The death of Sverdlov was a positive development for the history of Russia. A number of his projects were cancelled. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee was headed by Lenin's protege - Kalinin. Yakov Mikhailovich was much smarter than Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and other "internationalists", and his death made it much easier for Stalin and his supporters to fight for the future of Russia.



The son of the owner of the printing house, participated in the activities of the Bund underground in Nizhny Novgorod, graduated from the 5th grade of the gymnasium, then studied pharmacy.


For a year in the ranks of the RSDLP, after the pogroms of the year he became a Bolshevik and a professional revolutionary, campaigned in Kostroma, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, advanced to the leadership of the Yekaterinburg and Ural committees of the RSDLP. He led the revolutionary actions of the masses in Yekaterinburg and studied the practice of waging a struggle with the militants of E. Kadomtsev, brought them to revolutionary Petersburg, where they organized militant squads of workers, which served to increase Sverdlov's authority as a practical leader of the masses. He was repeatedly arrested and exiled, in prison he was engaged in self-education, learned a lot of experience from criminals, improved the skills of a professional revolutionary, enriched his experience. After escaping from Narym, due to the shortage of Bolshevik personnel (all were in prison), he was co-opted to the Russian Bureau of the Central Committee of the RSDLP; while I. Stalin was at the Krakow meeting, he edited Pravda, thanks to this he entered into an active correspondence with Lenin. He was extradited by the Okhrana agent Malinovsky in February together with Stalin, they spent the exile in Turukhansk in the same house.


After returning from exile in March, the Central Committee was sent to Yekaterinburg to organize the work of the Ural Regional Party Conference, prepared a proletarian uprising in the Urals - in case it did not work out in Petrograd. At the 7th (April) conference of the RSDLP (04/24/1917), Sverdlov first personally met Lenin, was delighted, and began to serve him in every possible way, performing various current affairs and assignments for him. Under the influence of Lenin, Sverdlov was elected a member of the Central Committee and headed the organized Secretariat of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (the main executive body of the Central Committee that implements the decisions of party leaders). Having become the main organizer of the work on the promotion and placement of proletarian cadres in key positions, Sverdlov established links between them and organized the interaction of party structures; all the cadres advanced by him, whom he personally knew, later became outstanding party leaders. Sverdlov personally oversaw the affairs of the factory and factory committees, sending them experienced leaders and instructors, the same was done for the committees of the regional level. During the mass demonstrations on July 4, organized by the Kronstadt Bolsheviks, despite Lenin's warnings not to succumb to provocations, Sverdlov was the main speaker from the Bolshevik Central Committee and earned the bourgeois revolutionaries the nickname "the black devil of the Bolsheviks" (by the color of his leather jacket, with which he did not part - then it became a Bolshevik fashion). When the Bolsheviks were declared counter-revolutionaries and German spies, Sverdlov personally came to Lenin and dragged him underground, hiding him near the Razliv station near Sestroretsk, while he himself remained in Petrograd to organize the seizure of power by the Bolsheviks. In the future, he maintained contact between the Central Committee and Lenin, in every possible way protected him from rash attempts to return to legal activity and supplied him with general information about the progress of affairs in Petrograd. For greater security, G. Zinoviev was assigned as a companion to Lenin. While Lenin was writing his fundamental work "State and Revolution" in a hut near Razliv, which determined the principles of the structure of the proletarian state, Sverdlov developed a vigorous activity to implement the ideas of his leader. Having prepared and held the VI Congress of the RSDLP, he strengthened his position as a member of the Central Committee of the RSDLP and head of the Secretariat (Orgburo) of the Central Committee of the RSDLP. Being in the center of events, he concentrated the information of the army of agitators sent to the places, introduced organization and purposefulness into the movement of the masses. At the historic meeting of the Central Committee on October 10, which decided on an armed seizure of power, Sverdlov was chairman and appointed a member of the Military Revolutionary Center, created to lead the coup. In this capacity, he took up the selection of members of the Petrograd Military Revolutionary Committee, the former members of which were mainly sent to lead the uprising in the provinces. To strengthen the Military Revolutionary Committee, I. Flerovsky, F. Goloshchekin, P. Bykov, V. Galkin and other Bolsheviks known to him were sent to him, in addition, he picked up and sent 51 Commissars of the Military Revolutionary Committee to the Petrograd garrison.

On October 24 (November 7), on the eve of the opening of the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets prepared by Sverdlov, the coup began, and the cruiser Aurora aimed guns at the Winter Palace. All the threads of the struggle flocked to Smolny, where the Military Revolutionary Center, led by Sverdlov, Trotsky and Uritsky, led the coup. In the heat of the struggle, they forgot to inform Lenin (and Stalin) about the beginning of actions, and only in the evening Stalin, having learned about what was happening, informed the leader of the proletarian revolution about this. Lenin hastily, disguised as a sick beggar, came to Smolny and took the leadership of the coup into his own hands. The next day, the 2nd Congress of Soviets declared itself the supreme power and instructed the Bolsheviks to form the central bodies of this power. On November 8, at the suggestion of Lenin, Sverdlov, as the chief personnel officer, was appointed chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee. Acting in this capacity, Sverdlov carried out the main work on the creation of Soviet authorities in the center and on the periphery. Since January, he has been the chairman of the Petrograd Revolutionary Defense Committee, participated in the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly, removing a democratic speaker from the rostrum and delivering an ultimatum to accept the "Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People" read by him, recognizing the power of the Bolsheviks. On January 13, Sverdlov achieved the unification of the councils of peasant deputies with the councils of workers' and soldiers' deputies, becoming chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the RSKD. Under the threat of German violence, relying on the Ural cadres trained by him, he prepared the transfer of the proletarian republic to Yekaterinburg, where, on the instructions of Sverdlov, Tsar Nicholas II and his family were transferred. On February 23, the Plenum of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, chaired by Sverdlov, decided to accept the German terms of peace.

Sverdlov's influence was so great that the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee held its meetings in Sverdlov's Kremlin apartment, he also led the Kremlin's commandant's office and two regiments of Latvian riflemen guarding the Kremlin, and also directed and supervised the actions of the Cheka. In June 1918, Sverdlov easily expelled all the remaining Mensheviks (elected by the workers) from the All-Russian Central Executive Committee - they didn’t even make a decision for this, and Sverdlov simply angrily pointed to the door with his hand, and they had to meekly leave. In addition, Sverdlov was the chairman of the commission for the development of the Constitution of the RSFSR, organized a school of instructors and agitators at the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (in 1919 it was transformed into the Communist University named after Ya. the policy of splitting the village into two warring camps of the poor and the kulaks, organized the mass extermination of the Cossacks, led the suppression of the rebellion of the Left Social Revolutionaries, in mid-July 1918, together with Lenin, decided to execute Tsar Nicholas II and his family. After the assassination attempt on Lenin on August 30, Sverdlov wrote an appeal to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, declaring a massive red terror against all enemies of the Revolution and serving as the beginning of the total extermination of those dissatisfied with Soviet power. During Lenin's illness, Sverdlov categorically refused to elect an interim acting chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, and personally performed his functions, working in Lenin's office and signing documents for him, and held meetings of the Council of People's Commissars. In addition, Sverdlov did a lot of international work: he prepared the 1st congress

To the question What is the real name of Yakov Sverdlov? given by the author Yovetlana Sukhanova the best answer is It is well known that Yakov is not Yakov, and far from Mikhailovich (Yankel Movshevich). It was simply more profitable to take a pseudonym, as all decent professional revolutionaries, Bolshevik terrorists, did. How did Yakov become Mikhailovich?
Here, with conspiracy, the devil will break his leg:
1. Father - tradesman Miraim-Movsha Izrailevich Gauhmann with his wife Elizaveta Solomonovna moved from the Pale of Settlement deep into Russia. 1882 - Nizhny Novgorod. City government. Father signed up as a craftsman under the name of Movsha Sverdlin. Mazepa11 21:09, 31 May 2008 (UTC)
2. His father was Sverdlin (secret surname), before that - Gauhmann (Miraim-Movsha Izrailevich Gauhmann). Although, as far as I know, historians themselves did not rack their brains, let it be Sverdlov, as in all documents. After all, all the Bolsheviks, primordially not Russian, were under a pseudonym.
If one of the master historians nevertheless finds the truth, it will be a very big deal. What we know for sure so far is that his name is Yakel Movshevich (Movshevich is 100%, because his brother is also Movshevich - see Yeshua Solomon Movshevich Sverdlov (Sverdlin)), with a surname, it looks like there will be confusion (since his father five times her changed
Source: Wikipedia

Answer from yeinilga[newbie]
A snotty little Jew, a natural bandit, as he killed and robbed, a bandit is a bandit. 34 years old when he died, and when he organized bandit gangs in Yekaterinburg, he was generally somewhere after 20 years old. And I believe that Kaplan organized this, if from his youth he already killed, cut off his head, and then immediately after a day he ordered to be shot and, interestingly, burned in a barrel ----- he was generally a sadist. And there is a monument to him, and again a gangster mayor in Yekaterinburg.

Answer from Yergey Oleinikov[newbie]
He is a goat and not Sverdlov, and given that the tribe was the wife of a berry, everything falls into place, and Wikipedia doesn’t say that Svedlov was not hit by a car, but Putilov’s men gave him, so they only brought him to the Kremlin)

Answer from Ivan I[active]
even if they were all THREE TIMES Jews .. they are judged, as they say, by deeds)).. But, alas, our rich in mind author with a modest and defiant pseudonym "beggar" apparently relies only on stupid, illiterate or rabid anti-Semites because the fact that Citizen Beggar is trying to shove us here, this monstrous in its abomination and cheapness fake, created by a certain contraceptive named Andryukha wild .. here is a detailed analysis of this kokashka: link

Answer from Viktor Chernov[active]
Yankel Movshevich, his name is patronymic

Answer from Beggar[newbie]
"Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom, SNK) 1918:
Lenin - chairman, Chicherin - foreign affairs, Russian; Lunacharsky - enlightenment, Jew; Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - nationalities, Georgians; Protian - agriculture, Armenian; Larin (Lurie) - economic council, Jew; Schlichter - supply, Jew; Trotsky (Bronstein) - army and navy, Jew; Lander - state control, Jew; Kaufman - state property, Jew; W. Schmidt - labor, Jew; Lilina (Knigissen) - national health, Jewish; Svalbard - cults, Jew; Zinoviev (Apfelbaum) - internal affairs, Jew; Anvelt - hygiene, Jew; Isidor Gukovsky - finance, Jew; Volodarsky - seal, Jew; Uritsky - elections, Jew; I. Steinberg - justice, Jew;
Fengstein - refugees, Jew.
In total, out of 20 people's commissars - one Russian, one Georgian, one Armenian and 17 Jews.

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