European names for boys are rare and beautiful. Rare male names


There is such an anecdote: - Elisha, son, don't they tease you in the kindergarten? - And who will tease something? Ostap? Evstafiy? Arkhip? Prokop? Or maybe Nahum? Indeed, you go into the group, and there is the thirtieth kingdom, and not a kindergarten. Parents recently (read, when the vigilant eye of conscientious grandmothers from the Soviet Union stopped watching) began to come up with unusual names for boys. And what - as you call the ship, so it will float.

It is widely believed that a person needs a name in order to be his "individual distinguisher". Scientists refute this position with a variety of facts. For example, in Sweden in the 60s of the last century, the population was approximately 7 million. Of these, the surname Anderson was 381 thousand people, Johanson 364 thousand people, Carlson - 334 thousand. In Moscow at the same time, there were 90 thousand Ivanovs in the telephone directory, of which a thousand were Ivanov Ivanovich Ivanovs. The eponymous name was widespread. This situation is realized in two versions: father and son or mother and daughter have the same name. Or a tougher option - siblings have the same name. For example, Tsar Ivan III had two brothers, Andrei, and two daughters, Elena. The Poles in the Middle Ages in the city of Krakow lived a canon named Jan Dlugash. According to surviving documents, 10 of his siblings had the same name. And in the Russian pre-revolutionary village, 25% of men bore the name Ivan, and what is a beautiful name for a boy.

Greatest and Unscathed

Today, parents are increasingly thinking about how to distinguish their child from the crowd, help him live a bright life by naming him unusually. Giving a rare name to a boy, no matter how punning it may sound, is not uncommon today. The following list of unusually beautiful names for a boy will help to single out a son from classmates, and then classmates or colleagues:

  • Adam,
  • Arthur,
  • Adrian,
  • Bronislav,
  • Boleslav,
  • Benedict,
  • Walter,
  • Hermann,
  • Proud,
  • Demyan,
  • David,
  • Elisha
  • Zakhar,
  • Ignat,
  • Clement,
  • Christian,
  • Lubomir,
  • Martin,
  • Nathan,
  • Orestes,
  • Oscar,
  • Plato,
  • Rudolf,
  • Stanislav,
  • Taras,
  • Felix,
  • Khariton,

In 2015, the Moscow Civil Registry Office registered the name Sevastopol for the first time. Also in different cities, parents chose such rare and beautiful names for boys as:

  • Diamond,
  • Jazz,
  • hector,
  • Kuzma,
  • laurel,
  • Luke,
  • Radislav,
  • Radamir,
  • Dawn,
  • North,
  • Spartacus,
  • Fadey,
  • Jaromir.

At the same time, the most popular names in Russia for many years have been Alexander (meaning "defender"), Artem ("unharmed"), Maxim ("greatest").

Recently, the tendency to call children forgotten ancient Russian names has returned, primarily those that the church used to give: Zakhar, Plato, Savva, Demid, Lukyan, Miron, Ruslan, Rurik, Svyatoslav. This is really good for Russia in terms of compatibility with first and last names. A separate "caste" of these names is all those that end in "glory". In the XI-XIII centuries in Rus', these names mainly referred to the Rurikoviches. The main thing is to teach the child, when he grows up, to clearly pronounce the name, otherwise he will be just Vyacheslav everywhere, and not some kind of Boreslav or Miroslav. By the way, the now popular name of Milan is similar in meaning and origin to Miroslav, so you can call children of different sexes like this - Miroslav and Milan.

Everything is clear with Russia - stability. In the USA, for example, the most popular names for boys are John, Robert, Richard, William. In England, popular modern names for boys: Stephen, Paul, David, Mark, Alan. And in Germany - Ben, Lucas, Paul, Lucas, Leon, Maximilian, Felix, Noah, David, Jan.

Interestingly, in some countries the number of names is not regulated at all. In the city of Purcelles in Belgium in 1972, the boy was given a name consisting of the names of 22 players from the local football club. In Russia, the number of names is strictly limited. And well - it's not hard to imagine what a riot of names our parents would have come up with in an attempt to create the most unusual names.

Life Stories

Interestingly, many parents who gave their sons rare and unusual names found it difficult to tell how exactly they did it. Most either just read the dictionary of names, choosing almost at random, or said "I got hit in the head during pregnancy." It seems that few approach the choice thoroughly, study the meaning of the name, pronounce the name out loud, try on affectionate sounds. But some mothers still told amazing stories.

Mother Anastasia, son Bazhen:

I have always been interested in names and their meanings. When I found out about the pregnancy, I immediately decided for myself that the name would certainly be of Slavic origin, in my case, Old Russian. There were other options, but they fell away on the same day they were offered. I chose the name for my son, I read a lot about his origin, I like its meaning and sound. The name came from the Old Russian verb “bazhat”, which means “to wish, to want”, that is, Bazhen is a welcome child. The name was common in the Middle Ages in Rus'. I affectionately call Bazhenchik, abbreviated as Zhenya.

Mother Inna, son Gordey:

It turned out that I came up with a name for my son 16 years before the birth of Gordey. I worked as an assistant teacher in a children's sanatorium, and in my group there was a boy named Gordey. He was ten years old and he looked like an angel: blue-eyed blond, very kind, well-mannered, and most importantly, smart beyond his years.

To my joy, my husband immediately liked my cherished name for his son. For order, we tried to look for other options, but nothing else suited us at all. Although I had a spare name - Vasily, but in the end it was Vasily that I married, and this option disappeared by itself.

It is interesting that in 16 years I have never met a person named Gordey, but now I know several little namesakes of my son, born in the last year and a half. So the name is no longer so rare.

Our Gordey was born not in Russia, but in Cyprus, where my family and I temporarily live. And it came as a surprise to me that the name of my son turned out to be difficult for the hearing and speech of foreigners. Cyprus is a country where children are very much loved. On the street, they constantly get acquainted with Gordey, play, talk and, of course, ask his name. Sometimes you have to repeat several times and answer clarifying questions: “No, not Harry. And not Gordon. One of the son's diminutive names is easier to pronounce: Gordy. And in our family we call him in the Russian manner - Gordyusha. So the name sounds cozy and homely.

Calling a boy an unusual name or not, of course, is an exclusively parental matter. He will be Jan, Sasha or Elisha - it is the parents who should choose this, although the public may oppose. The main thing when choosing a name for a boy is to remember one extremely important thing: the name must be combined with the patronymic and surname. If a girl can still change her last name, then the boy, most likely, as he was named by his parents, will live his whole life.

Often in a family where a male baby is expected to be born, one of the most difficult problems is choosing a name. Now they choose names for boys with a slightly “foreign” sound, and traditional Russian ones. But in any case, the choice should be balanced, depending on many criteria.

The most important

In pursuit of the best or most beautiful of names, it is important not to miss the main thing:

  • When choosing a name for a boy who will continue the clan and protect the family clan, it is important that in the future it becomes the basis of a good sonorous patronymic for grandchildren.
  • Rare, strange, funny, meaningless names of boys are negatively perceived by society. For example, the name of the hero of your favorite series can become an object of ridicule for a child at school and kindergarten.
  • Psychologists do not recommend naming a child after the father. In addition to domestic inconvenience with a coincidence, this may be the cause of nervous breakdowns of the future heir.

In honor of relatives

A peculiar tradition of naming a boy as a sign of respect, gratitude, love for someone is an interesting idea. But will the owner of the name like it in the future? Here are examples of whom male children are often named after:

  • Relative. It can be a dear grandfather, uncle, beloved godfather of one of the parents. Why not? The child will be the darling of a beloved relative, an object of care and protection.
  • Deceased relative. Not the best idea for superstitious parents. So it was customary among the people that the newborn in this case, on a subconscious level, will copy all the character traits and fate of the deceased.

A child can be named in honor of a man - an obstetrician who safely delivered, or any other person who once gave a helping hand, who played a crucial role in the fate of the father or mother of the unborn child. In any case, the decision must be balanced, negotiated by both the father and the mother.


The time of the year when the birth of a child is planned affects the fate and character of the newborn.

Consider the names of boys born in different seasons:

  • Winter. Arseny, Mikhail, Pavel, Alexey, Semyon, Valentin. Soft and calm names are necessary for a kind of compensation for the stubborn, strong, strong-willed nature of winter men.
  • Spring. Harder-sounding ones are suitable here, because spring children rarely have a lively character. So that the unborn child is always confident in himself, he can be called Oscar, Boris, Timur, Victor, Gleb.
  • Summer. Active, proud, summer men love risk and freedom. Short, courageous ones are suitable for these people: Gleb, Roman, Denis, Anton, Mark.
  • Autumn. Balanced realists born in autumn trust few people. Smart and calm boys of this season need sonorous names that claim attention: Nikolai, Sergey, Peter, Felix, Herman, Cyril.

Surname and patronymic

Parents sorting out names for a boy need to think about the euphony of the name in combination with the patronymic and surname of the child. Consonants play an important role. It can be predominant voiced or deaf consonants. The name must contain the same consonant sounds as in the patronymic or surname. For example, Ivanov Matvey Semenovich (the predominance of noisy consonants) or Andreev Viktor Borisovich (solid consonants).

This combination is considered pleasant for hearing and pronunciation, and also makes communication with the owner easy and convenient. Many people think that short boy names are more suitable for long surnames and vice versa.

It's fashionable

Naming a boy in a fashionable way is the choice of many modern parents who keep up with the times. Each new year is rich in an abundance of popular male names.

What are relevant in the mid-2010s?

  • Benedict,
  • Arthur,
  • Adam,
  • Hermann,
  • Walter,
  • David,
  • Ignat,
  • Rudolf,
  • Plato,
  • Taras.

Fashionable ones are often outdated, long forgotten, for example, Khariton, Clement, Zakhar. In an effort to pay tribute to fashion, it is important not to overdo it and not call the boy too funny, complicated or strange.

According to the church calendar

A little time has passed since then, when all children were named according to the name day in the church calendar. Such a calendar prompted parents for male names for a newborn. To this day, it is believed that a boy named according to the calendar will have good health, a successful job and a happy family. Unfortunately, such a calendar has a limited number of names that modern spouses might like.

According to value

Each name, translated from various ancient languages, has a special characteristic, meaning. When choosing a name for a boy, parents often want to invest certain qualities in the future heir:

  • Andrew is courageous.
  • Boris is a fighting man.
  • Leo - intelligence and foresight.
  • Nikita is a winner. An excellent choice for a future athlete.
  • The novel is a favorite of women.
  • Peter - independence, conviction.
  • Sergey is an ideal father and husband.
  • Tikhon is a lucky man.
  • Constantine - constancy.

Valery, Vitaly - those names that personify health and fortitude. Anton is a competitive person who struggles with difficulties. So it is advised to call weak or premature children so that the magic of the name gives the boys vitality and improves health.

Important Points

Names for boys can be beautiful, short, old, double, foreign.

But, among other things, when choosing, attention should be paid to such points:

  • Nationality. Many families where the spouses are representatives of different nationalities experience difficulties in choosing how to name the child. Here it is important to think about it in advance, find a compromise and take into account the national identity of the future baby. This will avoid further marital disagreements and resentment.
  • A diminutive form of the name. This form should not irritate, cause irony, be too difficult to pronounce.
  • Place of residence. Prim, refined, rare names for boys are out of place in small villages with a predominance of traditional views on life. Marseille, Alfred, Antonio, Emmanuel will be more harmoniously perceived by the society of megacities.

By month

An approximate alphabetical list of popular boy names:

  • August, Augustine, Auror, Agap, Adam, Aksen, Alevtin, Alexander, Alexei, Alexy, Albert, Anastasy, Anatoly, Anvar, Andrey, Andron, Anisim, Antip, Anton, Antonin, Aristarkh, Arkady, Arseny, Artamon, Artyom, Artemy, Arthur, Arkhip, Askold, Athanasius, Afinogen.

  • Boris, Bogdan, Borislav.
  • Vadim, Valentin, Valery, Valerian, Vasily, Vatslav, Velimir, Velor, Veniamin, Vincent, Victor, Vilen, Vitaly, Vlad, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vladlen, Vlas, Vlasy, Volodar, Voldemar, Vsevolod, Vyacheslav.
  • Gabriel, Gavrila, Gaidar, Gaspard, Guy, Genius, Gennady, George, Herman, Hermogenes, Gleb, Count, Grigory.
  • Dan, Daniel, David, Danila, Dar, Dementy, Demid, Democrat, Demyan, Denis, Didim, Dean, Dmitry, Dimitri, Dobrynya, Donat, Dorofei.
  • Eugene, Evgraf, Evdokim, Evlampy, Evlogii, Evsey, Evstafiy, Egor, Elizar, Eleazar, Elisha, Emelyan, Epifan, Yeremey, Ermak, Ermil, Ermolai, Erofey, Efim, Ephraim.
  • Zhdan.
  • Zakhar, Zinovy, Zoriy, Zot.
  • Ivan, Ignat, Igor, Izyaslav, Iy, Hilarion, Ilya, Innokenty, Joseph, Ippolit, Iskander, Iriny, Julius.
  • Casimir, Kapiton, Kai, Kaspar, Kim, Cyrus, Cyril, Claudius, Klementy, Klim, Kondraty, Kondrat, Konstantin, Krasnoslav, Kuzma.

  • Laurus, Lawrence, Lazar, Larion, Leo, Leonid, Leonty, Leopold, Lermont, Fox, Luke, Lukyan, Love.
  • May, Makar, Max, Maxim, Maximilian, Marin, Markel, Mars, Marseille, Manuel, Martin, Martin, Matvey, Methodius, Mecheslav, Milad, Milen, Miloslav, Mir, Miron, Miroslav, Mikhail, Mitya, Mstislav.
  • Naum, Neonil, Nestor, Nikanor, Nikita, Nikifor, Nikodim, Nikolai, Nikon, Nile, Novomir.
  • October, Oleg, Olgerd, Onesim, Osip, Oscar, Ostap, Ostromir.
  • Pavel, Panteleimon, Panfil, Paramon, Pahom, Peresvet, Peter, Plato, Potap, Prozor, Prokofy, Prokhor.
  • Radislav, Radomir, Rodion, Roman, Rolan, Rostislav.
  • Saveliy, Samson, Light, Svetlan, Svetozar, Svetoslav, Svyatogor, Svyatoslav, Sever, Severyan, Semyon, Seraphim, Sergey, Sidor, Glory, Spartak, Spiridon, Staliy, Stanislav, Stepan, Stefan.
  • Timur, Timofey, Telnan, Terenty, Tikhomir, Tikhon, Tryphon, Trofim, Tunguz, Taras.
  • Ulyan, Ustin.
  • Fadey, February, Fedor, Fedor, Theodore, Theodosius, Feofan, Filaret, Filat, Filimon, Philip, Thomas, Frol.

  • Khariton, Brave.
  • Caesar.
  • Cheslav. Schmidt
  • Edgar, Oedipus, Edmund, Edward, El, Elbrus, Engel, Energies, Erasmus, Erast, Erg, Eriy, Eric.
  • Julian, Julius, Hume, Jupiter, Yuri, Justin.
  • Yakov, Jan, Jaromir, Yarodan, Yaroslav.

But which one to choose?

Based on the month of birth, because depending on this, the boy may differ in special qualities of character.

  • January. An independent person, a devoted friend. Has difficulty making important decisions. The names Ilya, Ivan, Maxim, Philip, George, Artem, Trofim will do.
  • February. The male representative of this month is a sensitive, vulnerable nature. He is a caring father, a meticulous worker. Fedor, Stepan, Gennady, Leonty, Alexander, Yegor, Ephraim, Savva, Luka.

  • March boys are optimists and merry fellows, they are not afraid of difficulties. Pavel, Julian, Mark, Denis, Benedict, Heraclius, Alexei.
  • April - mobile and light natures that do not stand in one place. They crave change. Dedicated to the women you love. Zakhar, Thomas, Innocent, Antip, Polycarp, Rodion, Aristarchus, Samson.
  • May. Energetic and non-confrontational person. Favorite of cheerful companies. Dmitry, Yegor, Fedot, Pavel, Pahom, Athanasius, Vsevolod.
  • June. The boy of this month is an extremely lucky person, and in the future - an authoritative person with good health. Ignatius, Sergei, Konstantin, Vladimir, Nazar, Igor, Mstislav, Karp.
  • July. He is a leader, an organizer. He will never regret the past, clearly planning all his actions. Gleb, Julian, Roman, Yakov, Vasily, Daniil, Gury, Stanislav.
  • August. This boy knows how to keep secrets, is principled and faithful. Roman, Semyon, Makar, Naum, Nikolai, Dmitry, Frol, Markel.
  • September. The men of this month are never bored. They always have a lot of ideas in stock, conflict-free. Andrey, Fadey, Zakhar, Kirill, Khariton, Valery, Pimen, Arkady.

  • October. Gambling, enterprising nature. They take everything from life. Oleg, David, Vlad, Mark, Grigory, Nikita, Ignat, Demyan.
  • November. Dreamy and romantic representatives of this month are rarely correctly understood by the environment. Names for the boys of November: Ivan, Artem, Victor, Orest, Yuri, Osip, Taras, Nestor, Philip.
  • December. Inside these men is an ocean of passions, but an ardent nature is hidden under a mask of cold indifference. Little trust in others. Zakhar, Roman, Mikhail, Maxim, Leo, Pavel, Spiridon, Semyon, Filaret, Modest.

So, the choice of how to name the boy must be approached with all responsibility so that the future man is proud, and not ashamed of his name.

For many patriarchal peoples, the family line was drawn from father to son, so the name of the child was one of the ways to show the uniqueness of both the boy and the family. Echoes of these traditions are heard in our language even today, when English, other European and Eastern, for example, Muslim male names come to the Russian name book.

Russian names for men include several large "blocks" - these are both Old Slavic and Orthodox (among which there are Jewish, Greek, and Latin ones). Among the names used, one can find Eastern, European, and even American ones.

For the men themselves, it is rarely of interest what their name means, fathers usually choose a name for a child, for a boy, based on personal preferences. And this means that a great responsibility in how to name a child falls on the mother - to choose the most beautiful name for her son and convince her husband that it is the right one for the heir.

Today, the name of the child can be chosen from a great variety of options - the list is huge. The most popular, for example, lead to the fact that four Nikitas or five Daniils turn out to be in one class at once. So it is better to respond not to fashion trends, but to your own feelings and knowledge.

It is important that the name of the child be beautiful, harmonious, combined with the patronymic and surname. You need to understand what kind of history the name has, what is its meaning. If this is important to you, then you need to consider both the astrological and numerological aspects of the word.

From the depths of centuries

From what to choose? Very many of the Russian names are Old Slavonic and Old Russian. They consist of two roots, and their meaning is often clear to us. Ancient Slavic names, as if from birth, give the child characteristics, the meanings of which are quite “transparent”.

Below is a list in which Old Slavonic male names are arranged alphabetically.

  • - the one given by God.
  • Borislav is the one who fights for glory.
  • Bronislav is a reliable (glorious) defender.
  • - ruler.
  • - Ruler of the world.
  • - one who possesses (owns) fame.
  • - the ruler of the people.
  • Vyacheslav is the most glorious.
  • Izyaslav - "took", that is, earned fame.
  • Miroslav - glorious in peace.
  • Mstislav is a glorious avenger.
  • Rostislav is the one whose fame is growing.
  • Svyatoslav is the one whose glory is sacred.
  • Stanislav - the one who became glorious, famous, famous.
  • - bright and strong.

But the ancient Russian names and their meaning were associated not only with power and military glory. Here are some more Slavic names that are built on the same principle - because they are understandable, beautiful and a little unusual for our ears:

  • Bogolyub - one who loves God.
  • Boguslav - one who glorifies God.
  • Bozidar is a gift from God.
  • Boleslav - the one who became famous more than others.
  • Danislav - giving glory, glorifying (his associates).
  • Dobromir is the one who lives in peace and kindness.
  • Lubomir is the one who loves the world.
  • Miloslav - one who is famous for his good looks.
  • Radomir is the one who rejoices in the world.
  • Tikhomir is the one who brings silence and peace.
  • Jaromir - the one who loves the world in all its cheerful manifestations (many Slavic peoples called the sun god Yarilo)

It can be seen that the ancient Slavic names were also included in the Orthodox calendar. This happened, for example, after their carriers were canonized as saints.

From Greeks to Slavs

Russian male names include Orthodox (Greek, Latin and Jewish) that came with Christianity. Many "Russian" names have foreign counterparts that have the same roots - Christian and Orthodox holy books. Among them you can see very popular, and very rare now, and the most "ordinary":

  • Adam is human.
  • Azat is freedom-loving, independent.
  • Akaki - the one who does no evil.
  • - defender of the people.
  • - protecting.
  • Alim is a scientist.
  • Anatoly is a man from the East.
  • Arkady is a shepherd.
  • - a courageous person.
  • - wrestler.
  • Valentine is the owner of a strong vitality.
  • Valery is healthy.
  • Victor - winner (from "victoria" - victory).
  • - noble.
  • - the grace of God.
  • - One of the warriors of the god of thunder.
  • - sun-like.
  • Konstantin - famous for his constancy.
  • - one who looks like a lion.
  • Luke is light.
  • - happy in bliss.
  • - divine gift.
  • - godlike.
  • - "collector" of peoples.
  • - heroic.
  • - one who is heard by God.
  • - noble, noble
  • - crowned.
  • - respecting God.
  • - God's gift.
  • Julian is happy.
  • Jacob - walking on the heels.

These are far from all Orthodox Russian names, a complete list of them can be found in the calendar. Ukrainian male names, like Russian ones, include both Orthodox from the holy calendar and borrowed foreign ones, which have completely taken root in the new soil.

At the same time, both Orthodox and European male names were transformed due to the peculiarities of the language, so it is not always possible to understand their original sound. There are also popular names from the holy calendar on Ukrainian soil, which are much less in demand in Russia.

These are, for example, Avilo, Auxentius, Agapius, Agapit, Agathonicus, Adrian, Alfiy, Bartholomew, Bonifatius, Vavilo, Vakula, Gavrilo, Gordius, Darius, Dorofiy, Zenon, Zinovy, Jerome, Kapiton, Carpo, Kupriyan, Lawrence, Larion, Miletius, Naum, Nikanor, Obram, Oleksiy, Omelyan, Paisius, Paramon, Savatiy, Simon, Titus, Trochim, Theodulus, Phocas, Yalisey.

Real international

Today, Russian names have absorbed beautiful names from different languages, the meaning of which we do not always understand. For example, Tatar words are borrowed due to the fact that Russia has the Republic of Tatarstan, and large Tatar communities live in the rest of the country. The most popular Tatar names are now used by other nations.

Here, for example, are the most beautiful Tatar names:

  • Azamat is a hero.
  • Ainur is the light of the moon.
  • Amin is a faithful guardian.
  • Bulat - steel.
  • Vildan is a servant of the heavenly garden.
  • Gazinur is a light warrior.
  • Danis is a scientist.
  • Zinur - luminous.
  • Ilgiz - traveler, wanderer.
  • Irek is free.
  • Camille is perfect.
  • Rais is the boss.
  • Rustam is a hero from a legend.

It can be seen that the Tatar names also do not stand still, European Marat, Robert, Rafael and others have already joined them. As before, Tatar names to a large extent are traditional Islamic Adel, Ayvaz, Alfir, Amir, Bakhtiyar, Vakhit, Gabdulla, Daniyar, Jamal, Zarif, Ibrahim, Ilfar, Kabir, Latif, Mahmut, Muslim, Nigmatulla, Rifat, Sagit, Talgat, Farhad, Khairulla, Sharif.

Approximately according to the same principle as the Tatar ones, beautiful Jewish names are also distributed. Some of them came to the holy calendar from the Bible, but not all, and few know the meaning of these words:

  • Ariel is the lion of god.
  • Daniel - my judge - God.
  • Omer is a sheaf of wheat.
  • Uri is the light for me.
  • Eitan is a strong man.
  • Elazar - divine help.

Many Russian mothers are looking for the most beautiful name for their child. The closest attention is paid to American names: Alan, Brandon, James, Kevin, Cameron, Mason and others. But when choosing words that are rare and unusual for our country, you need to remember that the meaning may differ from the sound: for example, Cameron means “crooked-nosed”.

But such incidents are very, very rare, it is unlikely that anyone would want their son to be called somehow awkward. At the same time, English names today no longer sound pretentious and foreign - they are interesting and modern for our society.

Leon, Robert, Edgar will surprise few people, but other English names - Jack, Dylan, Logan, Ryan, Thomas, Alfie - to the ear of a Russian person, they still do not go very well with Russian patronymics and surnames. So, when choosing the most wonderful and unique name for your heir, remember: the child should be comfortable living with the name that you choose for him! Author: Olga Inozemtseva

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How to name a newborn? Increasingly, parents call the boy an unusual male name. This selection will help you make the right choice based on your personal preferences.

Unusual Russian modern male names

There are many beautiful, rare and unusual male names in Russian that can be a good choice for a newborn boy.

  • Archimedes - "wise man";
  • Bulat - "strong", "steel";
  • Darwin - "best friend";
  • Darius - "possessing good" or "God's gift";
  • Erofey - "sacred";
  • Milan - "cute";
  • Odysseus - "angry";
  • Solomon - "peaceful";
  • Spartacus - "living in Sparta" or "trampling";
  • Cheslav - "honor and glory."

Many of them are reminiscent of famous people in the past who became famous in science, literature or another field of activity.

Names of English origin

In an English-speaking environment, a child often has two names: personal and middle. The first is usually more traditional, old, familiar. The second helps to emphasize individuality. Sometimes parents show imagination and call their beloved child in a very original way, because any word can become the name of a newborn.

Interesting English variants of a foreign name for a boy:

  • Vincent - "conqueror";
  • Harry is the "housekeeper";
  • Herman - "army man", "native";
  • John - "God is good";
  • Clement - "merciful", "gentle";
  • Louis - "famous warrior";
  • Moses - "saved from the water";
  • Oliver - "warrior";
  • Oscar - "lover of deer";
  • Patrick - "nobleman";
  • Thomas is the "twin";
  • Felix - "lucky";
  • Philip - "lover of horses";
  • Elvis - "wise";
  • Anthony - "invaluable";
  • Eric is the "ruler".

These options are quite rare in the Russian-speaking environment, but they sound beautiful, are easy to pronounce and remember.

American Unusual Names

Even the usual names for Americans for boys in Russian sound original:

  • Benjamin - "son of the people from the south";
  • Jim is the "invader";
  • Quentin - "fifth";
  • Christopher - "follower of Christ";
  • Louis is a "famous warrior";
  • Rob - "famous";
  • Robert - "brilliant";
  • Richard - "rich in heart" or "brave lord";
  • Mark - "hammer" or "dedicated to the god Mars";
  • Stephen - "crowned";
  • Franklin is an "honorary citizen".

Some of them are appropriate to call a newborn in an international family.

You can give your baby one of these popular names, or choose a rarer one, for example:

  • Alpin - "white";
  • Wistan - "leading the fight against the stone";
  • Dob - "famous";
  • Calder - "strong water";
  • Preston - "village of the priest".

When looking for an unusual name for a baby, the main thing is not to overdo it in pursuit of originality.

It is worth taking the choice seriously, because the name accompanies a person all his life. It should emphasize individuality, but not cause discomfort to its owner.

America is a multinational country filled with emigrants from all over the world. Each transferred a part of the culture of his people to a new place of residence. This was reflected in how parents began to call newborns. An unusual name for a boy is a common thing here. Parents can choose something completely unique for their baby. For example, use as a name the name of a geographical object or an ordinary object that is used in everyday life.

So, in Chicago, a child named Meningitis lives and a boy named Little Knight is growing up. Due to the peculiarities of the mentality, such options are not suitable for a child from a Russian-speaking family. It is unlikely that a grown-up kid will thank the parents who named him Boulevard, April, Voucher, Google, Dolphin, Server or Ocean. Do not forget that the boy lives in society. Not everyone will appreciate the specific name of the child, on the contrary, it may lead to ridicule and bullying.

Old Slavic names for a boy

History has preserved many ancient Slavic names, undeservedly forgotten by several generations. You don't need to translate words to understand their meaning. Increasingly, parents call babies simple Russian names of their ancestors: melodic, close to us in sound.

  • Bogdan;
  • Damir;
  • Dobrynya;
  • Vladimir;
  • Vladislav;
  • Vsevolod;
  • Lubomir;
  • Svyatoslav;
  • Svetozar;
  • Tikhomir;
  • Ratibor;
  • Yaroslav.

It is difficult to understand the meaning of some names from the past, for example:

  • Arseny - "courageous", "strong";
  • Anisim - "benefit";
  • Vadim - "invited";
  • Gleb - "the favorite of the gods";
  • Yeseny - "clear sky";
  • Elisha - "saved by God";
  • Ivan - "born" or "associated with other worlds";
  • Igor - "defender";
  • Plato - "broad-shouldered";
  • Ratibor - "chosen warrior";
  • Timothy - "revering";
  • Yarilo - "sun".

Old Slavonic names are definitely worth paying attention to when choosing a name for your son. They carry positive energy, help to feel like a part of an original nation.

Such a name will help the child become better, feel the power of his native land, give the strength of his ancestors.

The rarest and most beautiful male names

Fashion for boys' names is constantly changing.

Some of them used to be very rare, but now they have become popular, for example:

  • David - "favorite";
  • Daniel - "God is my judge";
  • Denis - "dedicated to Dionysus";
  • Ignat - "fiery";
  • Luke - "light";
  • Matvey - "gifted by God";
  • Nikita - "winner".

The opposite story happened with others. For example, there are many adult Sergeevs, but there are almost no babies with this name.

You can recommend such rare and beautiful names for newborns:

  • Anatoly - "ascending", "eastern";
  • Albert - "noble brilliance";
  • Arkady - "country of happiness";
  • Arthur - "big bear";
  • Arkhip - "senior horseman";
  • Boris - "fighter";
  • Valery - "strongman";
  • Vasily - "royal";
  • Benjamin - "beloved son";
  • George - "farmer";
  • Gennady - "noble";
  • Gregory - "cheerful";
  • Demid - "advice of Zeus";
  • Dorotheus - "God's gift";
  • Egor - "plowman";
  • Efim - "benevolent";
  • Zakhar - "God remembers";
  • Ilya - "my god Yahweh";
  • Konstantin - "permanent";
  • Roots - "horn" or "dogwood fruit";
  • Leonid - "like a lion";
  • Makar - "blessed", "happy";
  • Marat - "desired";
  • Myron - "fragrant";
  • Michael - "like God";
  • Ostap - "steady";
  • Peter - "stone";
  • Ruslan - "lion";
  • Ustin - "fair";
  • Fedor - "a gift from God";
  • Felix - "lucky";
  • Yuri is a "farmer".

In pursuit of originality, choosing beautiful, rare, unusual male names should be done with caution. For a baby, it is better to choose an easy-to-pronounce, euphonious name. Well, if it is combined with a patronymic and a surname, it is easy to remember. The name is the first gift that a newborn receives from loved ones. It becomes the "calling card" of the child, can affect his character and even fate.

Unusual male names: beautiful and rare names for a boy and their meanings


It's not a secret for anyone that at different times of the year, children with different character traits and thinking are born. Accordingly, knowing the date of birth and the color of nature, you can choose the right boy names by month, besides, the meaning of the chosen name will help to successfully develop certain qualities that the baby will miss so much. Absolutely any name has a vital meaning and impact on the human character. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in more detail with all the male names that you liked, and study the meaning and origin of the name.

Names for boys born in January

Adam, Philip, Anton, Pavel, Artem, Nifont, Athanasius, Peter, Valentin, Prokop, Daniel, Prokhor, Yegor, Elizar, Mikhail, Emelyan, Konstantin, Efim, Benjamin, Ivan, Maxim, Ignat, Vasily, Ilya, George, Cyril, Clement, Grigory, Mark, Naum, Nikanor, Nikita, Sevastyan, Semyon, Seraphim, Nikolai, Proclus, Savva, Sergey, Timofey, Theodosius, Trofim, Feoktist, Stepan, Yuri, Fadey, Yakov.

Names for boys born in February

Akim, David, Alexander, Pankrat, Leonty, Alexei, German, Anton, Julian, Arkady, Maxim, Arseny, Lavrenty, Valentin, Konstantin, Valerian, Fedor, Valery, Vasily, Ignatius, Benjamin, Pavel, Timofey, Victor, Kirill, Vitaly, Ippolit, Vlas, Innokenty, Vsevolod, Yuri, Gabriel, Semyon, Gennady, Zakhar, George, Gerasim, Grigory, Dmitry, Roman, Eugene, Savva, Yegor, Prokhor, Efim, Nikifor, Ephraim, Peter, Ivan, Philip, Ignat, Feoktist, Clement, Luka, Makar, Nikita, Stepan, Nikolai, Porfiry, Felix, Yakov.

Names for boys born in March

Alexander, Yakov, Alexei, Roman, Anton, Savva, Arkady, Cyril, Arseny, Ilya, Athanasius, Efim, Valery, Semyon, Vasily, Nikandr, Victor, Heraclius, Vyacheslav, Mikhail, Gerasim, Makar, Grigory, David, George, Daniel (Danila), Benedict, Denis, Eugene, Yegor, Ivan, Konstantin, Alexander, Kuzma, Lev, Leonid, Taras, Leonty, Trofim, Maxim, Timofey, Mark, Julian, Nikifor, Philip, Pavel, Yuri, Peter, Sevastyan , Stepan, Yakov, Fedor, Rostislav, Fedot.

Names for boys born in April

Alexander, Andrei, Anton, Artem, Stepan, Vadim, Gabriel, Semyon, George, Trofim, David, Thomas, Daniel, Yegor, Yuri, Efim, Yakov, Zakhar, Martin, Ivan, Innokenty, Khariton, Kirill, Leonid, Savva, Makar, Benjamin, Maxim, Sergei, Mark, Vasily, Mstislav, Nikita, Peter, Plato.

How to name a boy in May

Alexander, Alexei, Anatoly, Anton, Boris, Vasily, Semyon, Victor, Stepan, Vitaly, Savva, Vsevolod, Leonty, George, Kuzma, Yakov, German, Maxim, Gleb, Grigory, Gabriel, David, Konstantin, Denis, Ivan, Nikifor, Ignat, Cyril, Mark, Nikita, Peter, Roman, Fedor, Thomas.

How to name a boy in June

Gennady, Anton, Nikita, Karp, Vladimir, Alexei, Denis, Alexander, Innokenty, Semyon, Stepan, Savva, Mstislav, Nikifor, Nikandr, Valery, Pavel, Konstantin, Eremey, Igor, Leonid, Elisha, Yuri, Ephraim, Vasily, Grigory, Andrey, Jan, Sergey, Khariton, Arseny, Tikhon, Kirill, Fedot, Mikhail, Gabriel, Ivan, Roman, Ignatius, Peter, Savely, Ignat, Dmitry, Timofey, Nazar, George, Julian, Fedor, Leonty, Yegor, Christian, Makar, Sylvester.

Names for boys born in July

Alexander, Demid, Demyan, Kuzma, Anton, Sofron, Tikhon, Fedot, Kirill, Gleb, Yakov, Arseny, Philip, Mikhail, Konstantin, Nikodim, Sergey, Thomas, Vladimir, German, Andrey, Efim, Peter, Galaktion, Gury, Leonid, Ivan, Julian, Samson, Innokenty, Alexey, Artem, Vasily, Stepan, Matvey, Daniil, Emelyan, Terenty, Anatoly, David, Leonty, Denis, Stanislav, Pavel, Julius, Roman, Ipaty, Valentin, Evsey, Maxim, Svyatoslav, Fedor, Mark.

Names for boys born in August

Savva, Trofim, Dmitry, Nikolai, Ilya, Roman, Vasily, Gleb, Konstantin, Leonty, Leonid, Grigory, Alexei, Maxim, Alexander, Semyon, Boris, Mikhail, Stepan, Matvey, David, Christopher, Anton, Denis, Makar, German, Naum, Seraphim, Clement, Kuzma.

Names for boys born in September

Athanasius, Makar, Pavel, Peter, Fadey, Gleb, Ivan, Arseny, Zakhar, Akim, Fedot, Daniil, Christopher, Nikita, Yakov, Sergei, Mikhail, Kirill, Dmitry, Semyon, Anton, Clement, Thomas, Savva, Alexander, Timofey, David, Julian, Grigory, German, Maxim, Fedor, Nikandr, Andrey, Khariton, Gennady.

Names for boys born in October

David, Pavel, Trofim, Vyacheslav, Kuzma, Grigory, Julian, Efim, Khariton, Sergei, Makar, Ivan, Maxim, Roman, Benjamin, Ignatius, Dmitry, Konstantin, Peter, Martyn, Alexei, Anton, Andrey, Luka, Mikhail, Denis, Foma, Fedor, Mark, Nazar, Oleg, Philip, Nikita, Matvey, Erofey, Alexander, Igor, Leonty, Vladimir, Stepan, Vladislav.

Names for boys born in November

Grigory, Zinovy, Stepan, Mark, Pavel, Maxim, Cyril, Heraclius, Fedor, Fedot, Yegor, Artem, Victor, Ivan, Vikenty, Ignatius, Yuri, Anton, Arseny, Orest, Athanasius, Kuzma, Nikandr, Mikhail, George, German, Valery, Evgeny, Konstantin, Yakov, Denis, Alexander, Dmitry, Andrey.

Names for boys born in December

Christopher, Roman, Gennady, Alexander, Alexei, Fedor, Yuri, Andrei, Athanasius, Naum, George, Plato, Gabriel, Mikhail, Yakov, Savva, Ivan, Vsevolod, Anatoly, Valery, Grigory, Peter, Nikolai, Stepan, Anton, Egor, Vasily, Maxim, Innokenty, Makar, Zakhar.

Male names starting with A

Adam - ancient Hebrew: red clay or the first man.
August - Latin: sacred, great, majestic.
Avtandil - Georgian: the heart of the homeland.
Abram (Abraham, Abramius, Abram, Abraham) - ancient Jewish: father of the people, father of heaven.
Adolf - ancient German: noble wolf.
Akbar - Arabic: elder, great.
Akim (Ekim) - ancient Hebrew: God's offer.
Aladin - Arabic: ascended belief.
Alexander - ancient Greek: human protector.
Alexis - Ancient Greek: protector.
Ali - Arabic: ascended.
Alonso - Spanish: wisdom, resourcefulness, courage.
Albert - German: noble radiance.
Alfred - ancient German: unencumbered, free.
Anatoly - Greek: Oriental.
Anwar - Persian: radiant.
Andrey (Anzhey, Andzhey) - Greek: brave, courageous.
Apollo (Apollonius, Appolinarius) - Ancient Greek: refers to the sun god Apollo.
Andronicus - Ancient Greek: champion.
Anisim - Greek: fulfillment, fulfillment.
Anton (Antonin, Antony) - Latin: competing with strength, entering into battle.
Arcadius - Greek: the name of a paradise or inhabitant of the country of Arcadia.
Armen - Greek: inhabitant of Armenia.
Arnold - ancient German: soaring eagle.
Arseny (Arsen) - Greek: strong, courageous.
Artemy (Artem, Artamon) - Greek: healthy, unharmed.
Arthur - Celtic: bear.
Archippus (Archip) - Greek: head of the cavalry.
Askold - ancient Scandinavian: singer, golden voice.
Aslan - Arabic: majestic lion.
Ashot - Turkic: fire.
Athanasius (Athanasius, Athanas, Atanas) - Greek: immortal.
Ahmad - Turkic: famous person.

Male names starting with B

Bonifatius (Boniface) - Latin: the blessing of a successful fate.
Bogdan - Slavic: brought by God.
Boris - Slavic: fighter.
Bronislav - Slavic: illustrious defender.
Bruno - German: swarthy.
Bulat - Turkic: rod, strong, steel.

Male names beginning with B

Valentine (Valens) - Latin: mighty, strong, strong, healthy.
Vadim - Latin: accusing everyone, troublemaker, healthy.
Valery - Latin: rich and strong. Generic name in Rome.
Walter - ancient German: managing patron of people.
Basil (Basilides, Vasil, Basil) - Greek: regal.
Benjamin - ancient Hebrew: hands of the right son.
Victor (Victorius, Victorinus) - Latin: victorious, winner.
Wilhelm - ancient German: knight.
Bessarion - Greek: inhabitant of the forest, valley, gorge, forest.
William - German: desired.
Vladimir - Slavic: owning the world, world ruler.
Vitaliy (Vit) - Latin: life, life.
Vladislav - Slavic: having glory.
Vlas - ancient Greek: sluggishness, lethargy.
Voldemar - ancient German: famous ruler.
Vyacheslav (Wenceslav, Vatslav) - Slavic: glorious, great.
Vsevolod - Slavic: possessing all everything.

Male names starting with the letter G

Galaktion - Greek: milky.
Gabriel - ancient Jewish: firmly believes in God, for sure: my power is God.
Hamlet - ancient German: double, twin.
Hector - Greek: keeper, almighty.
Heinrich - ancient German: rich, powerful.
Gennady - Greek: noble.
George - Greek: farmer.
Herman - Latin: native, blood.
Gerasim - Greek: respected, venerable.
Gleb - ancient Scandinavian: favorite of the gods.
Gordey - Greek: noble name of the king of Phrygia.
Gogi (Gochi) - Georgian: brave, brave.
Gorislav - Slavic: fiery glory, burning.
Gustav - German: military adviser.
Gregory - Greek: vigilant, awake.

Male names starting with D

Daniel - ancient Hebrew: my judge.
David - ancient Jewish: long-awaited, beloved.
Demyan - Latin: humble, conquering.
Denis - Ancient Greek: inspired, belongs to the god Dionysus.
Dimitri - Greek: given to the goddess Demeter of fertility.
Jamal (Jamil) - Arabic: pleasant, beautiful.
Dorotheus - Greek: gift of God.
Dobrynya - Slavic: dexterous, daring.

Male names starting with E

Evsey (Eusebius, Evseny) - Greek: spiritual, pious.
Eugene - Greek: noble, noble.
Egor - Greek: farmer.
Elisha - ancient Jewish: the living savior.
Yemelyan - Greek: flattering.
Erofei - Greek: sacred.
Eremey - ancient Jewish: completed by God.
Ephraim - Hebrew: prolific.
Yefim - Greek: pious.

Boy names starting with Z

Zenobius - ancient Greek: Zeus gave life.
Zakhar - ancient Jewish: God remembers.
Siegfried - ancient German: God's favorite.
Zurab - Georgian: divine.
Zosima - Greek: vital, strong in life.
Zlatomir - Slavic: the golden world.
Zeus - Greek: supreme god.

Male names starting with I

Ivan - ancient Jewish: blessed.
Jacob - Hebrew: a synonym for the name Jacob.
Ignatius (Ignatius) - Latin: red-hot to the fire, fiery.
Igor - ancient Scandinavian: strong, militant.
Israel is ancient Jewish: God rules here.
Jesus is ancient Jewish: God will help everyone.
Izyaslav - Slavic: achieved glory.
Illarion - Greek: carefree, cheerful, joyful.
Elijah - ancient Jewish: impregnability, fortress.
Joseph - ancient Jewish: God will add, multiply.
Innocent - Latin: virginal, innocent.

Male names starting with K

Kamal - Arabic: perfection.
Casimir - Polish: serene, peaceful.
Karen - Arabic: generosity, generosity.
Karim - Arabic: generous, merciful.
Karl - ancient German: bold.
Castor - Greek: beaver.
Qasim - Turkic: demarcated, distributing, separating.
Cyril - Greek: master, lord, lord.
Klim - Greek: vine of grapes.
Conon - Latin: quick-witted, witty.
Constantine - Latin: constant, persistent.
Roots - Latin: berry or dogwood horn.
Kuzma - Greek: tamer.
Christian - Latin: belonging to Christ.

Male names starting with the letter L

Leo - Greek: lion, king of beasts.
Leonid - Latin: like a lion, mastered by Russians.
Laurel - Latin: triumph, wreath, laurel tree, victory.
Luca - Latin: light.
Leopold - ancient German: brave as a lion.
Lawrence - Latin: crowned with laurels.
Lazarus - ancient Hebrew: God helper.
Leontius - Latin: lion.
Lukyan (Luke, Lucian) - Latin: light.
Lubomir - Slavic: loving peace.
Ludwig - German: battle, glory.

Men's names starting with the letter M

Maxim - Latin: the biggest, the greatest.
Makar - Greek: happy, blessed.
Mark - Latin: hammer.
Matthew - ancient Jewish: God's gift, man of God.
Martin - Latin: warlike, devoted to Mars, strong.
Mahmud - Arabic: kind, glorious.
Myron - Greek: fragrant.
Michael - ancient Hebrew: like God.
Mitrofan - Greek: found by his mother.
Micah - ancient Jewish: equal to God.
Murad (Murat) - Arabic: goal achieved, desired.
Mstislav - ancient Jewish: gloriously takes revenge.
Mukhtar - Arabic: chosen one.
Muslim - Arabic: Conqueror.

Men's names starting with the letter N

Naum - ancient Jewish: calmer, comforter.
Nathan - ancient Jewish: God gave.
Nestor - Greek: returned to his homeland.
Nikita - Greek: winner.
Nicholas - Greek: conqueror of nations.
Nikephoros - Greek: hero, victorious.
Nazar (Nazarius) - ancient Jewish: dedicated to God.
Nicodemus - Greek: victorious nations.
Nicander - Greek: conquering man.
Nikonor - Greek: victorious.
Nifont - Greek: reasonable, sober.

Male names starting with O

Osip - Hebrew: a synonym for Joseph.
Omar - Arabic: forgetting nothing.
Oleg - ancient Scandinavian: sacred, holy.
Orestes - Greek: mountainous.
Otto - German: owning anything.
Oscar - ancient Scandinavian: divine chariot.
Onufry - Greek: rising up.
Onisius - Greek: benefit.

Male names starting with P

Pahom - Greek: healthy, broad-shouldered.
Pavel - Latin: small, small.
Peresvet - Slavic: very bright, brightest, luminous.
Peter - Greek: rock, stronghold, stone.
Prokhor - Greek: dancing, leading in the dance.
Plato - ancient Greek: broad-shouldered.
Pankrat - Greek: omnipotent.
Panfil - Greek: loved by all.
Panteleimon - Greek: all-merciful.
Patrikey (Patricius) - Latin: a noble descendant of a man.
Paphnutius - Greek: fat.
Pimen - Greek: shepherd, shepherd.
Porphyry - Greek: purple.
Polycarp - Greek: prolific.
Potap - Greek: wanderer.
Prov (Proviy) - Latin: kind, honest.
Prokofy - Latin: prosperous.
Proclus - Latin: born in the absence of a father.
Protas - Greek: establishing, putting forward.

Male names starting with R

Ramon - Spanish: defending skillfully.
Ramadan - Arabic: Meaning from the name of the Ramadan fast.
Rashid (Rashit) - Arabic: who chose the right path.
Rezo - Arabic: mercy, favor.
Renat - Latin: resurrected, reborn .; Soviet meaning: technology, science, revolution.
Richard - ancient German: without a miss conquering, smashing.
Robert - ancient German: glory eternal, unfading.
Rodion - Greek: thorn, rose, wild rose.
Roman - Latin: inhabitant of Rome, Roman, Roman.
Rostislav - Slavic: growing glory.
Rudolf - ancient German: the wolf is red.
Ruben - ancient Jewish: pointing to the son; Latin: blushing.
Rustam (Rustem) - Turkic: mighty.
Ruslan (Arslan) - Turkic: lion, lion.

Male names starting with C

Savely - ancient Jewish: implored from God.
Savva - Aramaic: old man.
Svyatoslav - Slavic: sacred glory.
Sebastian - Greek: wise, sacred, highly venerated.
Stepan - Greek: wreath.
Sultan - Arabic: power.
Semyon (Simon, Simeon) - ancient Hebrew: audible, listening, heard.
Seraphim - ancient Jewish: fiery, burning, fiery angel.
Sergey - Latin: highly respected, well-born, clear.
Solomon - ancient Jewish: without enmity, peaceful.
Stanislav - Slavic: the most glorious.

Male names starting with T

Theodore - Greek: God's gift.
Taras - Greek: rebel, troublemaker.
Timothy - Greek: God-fearing, honoring God.
Timur - Turkic: iron.
Trofim - Greek: breadwinner.
Tikhon - Greek: bringing happiness, successful.
Terentius - Latin: to thresh bread.
Titus - Latin: revered.
Trofim - Greek: pet.
Tryphon - Greek: to live in luxury.

Male names starting with F

Farhat (Farhid, Farhad) - Persian: clear, understanding.
Fazil - Arabic: the best, excellent, worthy.
Fedor - Greek: gift of God.
Felix - Latin: sunny, happy.
Fidel - Latin: disciple, devotee.
Thomas - ancient Hebrew: twin.
Philip - Greek: lover of horses.

Male names starting with X

Christopher - Greek: bears the faith of Christ.
Hakim - Arabic: wise.
Khariton - Greek: strewn with graces, generous.
Khalid - Arabic: permanent, eternal.
Khaliq - Arabic: a true friend.
Hamid - Arabic: praising.
Harold - Scandinavian: commander.
Christian - Ancient Greek: Christian.
Christ - ancient Jewish: liberator.
Khudayar - Persian: God's favorite.

Male names starting with C

Tsvetan - Slavic: blossom, flourish.
Caesar - Latin: dissecting, cutting.
Celestine - Latin: heavenly.
Tsakharias - German: like the name Zakhar.
Zadok - ancient Jewish: righteous.
Tsavar - Lezgi: heaven.
Tsagaan - Kalmyk, Mongolian: white.
Tsagar - gypsy: king, king.
Zadok - Hebrew: righteous.
Tsaivili - Lezgi: fiery.
Tsane - Macedonian: Alexander
Tsaruk - Armenian: tree.
Tsar - Slavic: ruler.
Bloom - Bulgarian: flower.

Men's names starting with the letter E

Edwin - ancient German: Victorious with the sword.
Edward - German: guardian of wealth, preserving property.
Edgar - ancient German: city guard.
Edward - ancient German: thirst for wealth, concern for prosperity and well-being.
Eldar - Arabic: God's gift.
Emil - Latin: precise, diligent.
Emmanuel - ancient Hebrew: God is with us.
Ernest - ancient German: solid, strict, serious.
Eric - Old Scandinavian: leadership, nobility.

Male names starting with Y

Yuri - Latin: farmer; shaped George.
Julian - Latin: Denotes the name Julius.
Julius - Latin: fluffy, soft, curly.
Juvenal - Latin: young.
Eugene - gypsy: free wind.
Yuhim - Ancient Greek: benevolent.

Male names starting with the letter I

Yaroslav - Slavic: glorious, strong.
Jacob - Jewish: following on the heels, followed.
Yang - Slavic: given by God.
Jaromir - Slavic: sunny world.
Yakhont - Russian: beautiful.
Yazid - Arabic: bestowed.
Yakim - Greek: benevolent.
Yanislav - Slavic: praising the river.
Januarius - Latin: dedicated to the god Janus.
Yaropolk - Slavic: strong people.
Yarosh - Old Slavic: February.


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