F a bruni artist or sculptor biography. Fedor bruni



Fedor Bruni (actually, his real name was Fidelio) was born on June 10, 1799 in Milan, in the family of a Swiss Italian, artist and restorer Antonio Bruni, who later, in 1807, came to Russia from Italy. Antonio Bruni in the reign of Paul I was a restorer of paintings and a ceiling painter. There are his works performed in the Mikhailovsky Palace; subsequently he was engaged in work in Moscow, commissioned by Prince Kurakin.

Fedor at the age of ten entered the Educational School at the Academy of Arts, studied under the guidance of A. E. Egorov, A. I. Ivanov (senior) and V. K. Shebuev.

For the first successes, young Bruni was awarded a silver medal, and in 1818 he completed the course and received the title of artist with the right to the rank of XIV class. His father, finding that the art education of the nineteen-year-old Fidelio was still not enough, decided, on the advice of Shebuev, to send his son to Italy for further improvement in painting. The study of the exemplary works of ancient artists finally determined the direction of the young Fidelio, who was renamed Fyodor in Russia, just as Brullo was called Bryullov.

Having painted several paintings, Bruni, who had not yet reached the age of 22, set about the first large painting (“The Death of Camilla, sister of Horace”), which was exhibited in the Capitol in 1824 and brought considerable fame to the author; in St. Petersburg, she appeared only 10 years later, and for her Bruni received the title of academician.

The works of Bruni's first sojourn in Rome include:

  • "St. Cecilia",
  • "St. Family",
  • "Bacchante Singing Cupid"
  • "Date of T. Tasso with his sister",
  • "Our Lady with the Eternal Child",
  • "Sleeping Nymph"
  • "Our Lady with the Child in Her Arms"
  • "Savior in Heaven"
  • "The Annunciation" and the famous "Prayer for the Chalice" - a painting in the Hermitage and a few more paintings and portraits. In addition, Bruni painted copies of two frescoes by Raphael: "The Expulsion of Iliodor from the Jerusalem Temple" and "Galatea".

At the beginning of the thirties, the painter began to paint a colossal picture: “The Copper Serpent”, but before he had time to finish it, he was called from Rome to St. Petersburg to work in St. Isaac's Cathedral and to teach at the Academy of Arts.

He arrived in St. Petersburg in 1836, painted several images over the course of two years, and arranged for the altar of the Kazan Cathedral a large picture-image of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Since 1836, Bruni was a professor of the 2nd degree at the Academy of Arts. Among his students are M. P. Botkin and Arseny Ivanovich Meshchersky.

In 1838, he found it possible to return to Rome, and wrote the “Veil” there and finished in 1840 his great work: “The Brass Serpent”, which made an unusually strong impression in Rome. The following year, this painting was transported to St. Petersburg and exhibited in one of the halls of the Winter Palace. All the print reviews of that time about this picture were filled with almost unlimited praise for this work, which is really remarkable in terms of the composition and arrangement of groups, in terms of the typicality and expression of figures and faces, in general coloring, although far from brilliant, but corresponding to the content of the formidable biblical event. In this picture, Bruni showed in full force all his deep, academic knowledge of drawing. In the Russian Museum, the "Copper Serpent" is located next to the painting by K. Bryullov - "The Last Day of Pompeii".

Painting of St. Isaac's Cathedral

Work in the Hermitage

In general, Bruni's artistic activity occupies an honorable place in the history of Russian painting, and the appearance of his and K. Bryullov's works marked an era in Russian art. Although during the life of B. different and new trends began in Russian art, but what he did was necessary and taught a lot. Engraving did little to popularize Bruni's paintings. The "Bronze Serpent" in woodcut was placed in various illustrated editions; "The Death of Camille" is reproduced only in contour engraving; "Prayer for the Chalice" lithographed by Kozlov and engraved by Zakharov; “The Mother of God, sleeping with the Infant awake on Her knees” was engraved on steel and placed in the book: “Pictures of Russian Painting” by V. Kukolnik (St. Petersburg, 1846).

A more or less complete biography of Bruni was written by A. I. Somov and placed in the illustrated magazine "Bee", ed. A. Prakhova (St. Petersburg, 1875, 35). Attached to the article is a wood-engraved portrait of B., which is very reminiscent of the serious and thoughtful face of this talented artist. The Academy of Arts has a plaster cast of his bust, molded in 1862 by F. Kamensky, and a portrait painted in oils by Yakovlev. Among others, he taught Fyodor Kamensky, K. D. Flavitsky, the author of the painting “Princess Tarakanova”, now located in the P. I. Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, was especially talented. Premature death did not allow this gifted artist to fully decide.



  1. RKDartists
  2. // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907. - T. IVa. - S. 752-753.
  3. Petrushevsky F.F.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  4. The coat of arms of Bruni is included in Part 13 of the General Armorial of the Noble Families of the All-Russian Empire, p. 168
  5. Metric extracts, p. 574 – Supplement in doc format on a CD to the publication: Kozlov-Strutinsky S. G. The former Vyborg Roman Catholic cemetery in St. Petersburg and the Church of the Visitation of the Pres. Virgin Mary St. Elizabeth. // Materials on the history of the Roman Catholic parish in the name of the Visitation of the Pres. Virgin Mary St. Elizabeth and the history of the Catholic cemetery of the Vyborg side in St. Petersburg: Sat. - Gatchina: STsDB, 2010. - 263 p.


Bruni, Fedor Antonovich - famous Russian artist (1800 - 75), was born in Moscow. His father Antonio Bruni, an Italian who moved to Russia, was a restorer of paintings and a painter of plafonds. His works performed in the Mikhailovsky Palace date back to the reign of Paul I; subsequently he was engaged in work in Moscow, commissioned by Prince Kurakin. In the eleventh year, Bruni, who showed a great love for drawing, was assigned to the Academy of Arts, where he studied under the guidance of Yegorov, Ivanov (senior), and especially Shebuev. In 1818 he received the title of artist. The father decided, on the advice of Shebuev, to send his son to Italy for further improvement. The study of the works of ancient artists finally determined the direction of Bruni. Having painted several paintings, Bruni, who had not yet reached the age of 22, set to work on the first large painting (“The Death of Camilla, sister of Horace”; located in the Museum of Alexander III), which in 1824 was exhibited in the Capitol and brought her considerable fame to the author. ; in St. Petersburg, she appeared only 10 years later, and for her Bruni received the title of academician. The works of Bruni's first stay in Rome include: "Saint Cecilia", "Holy Family", "Bacchante singing cupid" (Museum of Alexander III), "T. Tasso's appointment with his sister", "Our Lady with the Eternal Child", "Sleeping Nymph" "and others. In addition, Bruni wrote copies of the frescoes of Raphael: "The Expulsion of Iliodor from the Jerusalem Temple" and "Galatea". Four large images belong to the same period: "The Virgin with the Child in Her Arms", "The Savior in Heaven", "Annunciation" and the famous "Prayer for the Chalice" (in the Museum of Alexander III). In the early thirties, Bruni began to paint a colossal picture: "The Exaltation of the Copper Serpent by Moses", but before he had time to finish it, he was called from Rome to St. Petersburg to work in St. Isaac's Cathedral and to teach at the Academy of Arts. He arrived in St. Petersburg in 1836, painted several images over the course of two years, and arranged for the altar of the Kazan Cathedral a large picture-image of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. In 1838, Bruni found it possible to return to Rome, wrote "The Veil" there and graduated in 1840 from the "Copper Serpent" (Museum of Alexander III), which made an unusually strong impression in Rome. The following year, the painting was transported to St. Petersburg and exhibited in one of the halls of the Winter Palace. All reviews of that time are full of extraordinary praise. In this picture, Bruni showed in full force all his deep, academic knowledge of drawing. Going to Italy for the third time, Bruni is engaged in the cardboard of those paintings that he was supposed to subsequently write on the walls of St. Isaac's Cathedral. In 1845 he brought 25 cartons to St. Petersburg; some of them were frescoed in St. Isaac's Cathedral by Bruni himself, others by various artists under his direction. On the attic of the cathedral are: "The Creation of the World", "The Flood", "The Savior Giving the Apostle Peter the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven", "The Appearance of the Lord to the Apostles after the Resurrection". In a semicircle above the attic: "The Creator who blesses everything created", "The Holy Spirit in a host of angels"; on the plafond: "The Introduction of the Firstborn Son into the Universe", "The Second Coming of the Son of God", "Prophets on the Bones" and "When the stars were created, all the angels would praise Me." The above works were completed in 1853; in addition to them, Bruni managed to write an iconostasis for the Orthodox Church in Stuttgart. Appointed in 1849 as curator of the art gallery of the Hermitage, Bruni devoted himself to it with love; twice he was sent abroad to buy paintings that served to replenish the Hermitage gallery. In 1855, Bruni took the place of rector of the department of painting and sculpture at the Academy of Arts, and in 1866 the mosaic department at the Academy also came under his charge. Bruni also painted portraits, among which the image of Princess Z. Volkonskaya in the costume of Tancred (located with Prince S.M. Volkonsky in St. Petersburg) is especially remarkable. The last years of his life, Bruni was engaged in composing cardboard for images of the Cathedral of the Savior in Moscow. To the list of his works must be added another thirty sheets of drawings from Russian history, engraved by him with strong vodka (etching). In general, Bruni's artistic activity occupies an honorable place in the history of Russian painting, and the appearance of his and K. Bryullov's works marked an era in Russian art. Bruni is one of the few representatives of the so-called "Nazarene school" in Russia, which also had a great influence on a whole generation of German artists of the 1840s. A detailed biography of Bruni and a list of his works were compiled by A.V. Polovtsev and published by the Academy of Arts in 1907.

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is BRUNI FEDOR ANTONOVICH in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    Fedor (actually Fidelio) Antonovich, Russian artist, Italian by birth. He studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (1809-18) under ...
    Russian historical and religious painter, b. in Moscow in 1800, † in 1875 in St. Petersburg. His …
  • BRUNI FEDOR ANTONOVYCH in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? Russian historical and religious painter, b. in Moscow in 1800, + in 1875 in St. Petersburg. …
    (1799-1875) Russian historical painter. Combined elements of classicism and romanticism ("Copper Serpent", 1827-41). From con. 1840s head of Russian academism (murals ...
  • BRUNI in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Leonardo is one of the most prominent representatives of Italian humanism. B. translated from Greek into Latin. Plato, Aristotle, ...
  • ANTONOVICH in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    Maxim Alekseevich is a literary critic of Sovremennik. Gained fame for his sharp polemics with the journal. Dostoevsky: "Time" and "Epoch", with ...
  • BRUNI in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Bruni) Leonardo (nickname - Aretino) (1370 or 1374-1444) Italian humanist. He defended the idea of ​​the full development of the personality, condemned asceticism. A staunch Republican, an opponent ...
  • BRUNI O-V in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    an island off the southeastern coast of Tasmania, south of the mouth of the Derwent River, is an elongated and deeply indented sandy surface. B. takes 385 ...
    "FYODOR LITKE", a linear icebreaker grew up. Arctic fleet. Built in 1909, displacement 4850 tons. In 1934 (captain N.M. Nikolaev, scientific supervisor ...
  • FEDOR in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    FYODOR PEASANT, see Peasant ...
  • FEDOR in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    FYODOR IVANOVICH (1557-98), rus. king from 1584; the last king of the Rurik dynasty. Son of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. Nominally rules. WITH …
  • FEDOR in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    FYODOR BORISOVYCH (1589-1605), rus. Tsar in April-May 1605. Son of Boris Godunov. When approaching Moscow, False Dmitry I was overthrown in ...
  • FEDOR in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    FYODOR ALEKSIEVICH (1661-82), rus. tsar since 1676. Son of tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and M.I. Miloslavskaya. Produced by F.A. carried out a number of reforms: introduced ...
  • FEDOR in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    FEDOR II, see Tewodros II ...
  • BRUNI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BRUNI Fed. Ant. (1799-1875), ist. painter. Combined elements of classicism and romanticism ("Copper Serpent", 1827-41). From con. 1840s head of the Russian …
  • BRUNI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Bruni Leonardo (nickname Aretino) (1370 or 1374-1444), Italian. humanist. He defended the idea of ​​the full development of the personality, condemned asceticism. A staunch Republican, an opponent ...
  • BRUNI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    BRUNI Lev Al-dr. (1894-1948), graphic artist and muralist. Painterly soft watercolors (series "Samarkand", 1934 and 1936; "Sudak. Crimea", 1936-40 ...
  • ANTONOVICH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ANTONOVICH Max. Al. (1835-1918), grew up. lit. critic, publicist. In 1860-66 collaborator. and. "Contemporary". He spoke for the Democrats. lit-ru. He promoted materialism, Darwinism. …
  • ANTONOVICH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ANTONOVICH Vl. Bonifatievich (1830 or 1834-1908), historian, ethnographer, Ch.-K. Petersburg. AN (1901). Tr. in archeology of Ukraine (carried out archeological survey of Kyiv ...
  • ANTONOVICH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Antonovich Afinogen Yak. (1848-1917), grew up. statistician economist. In 1893-95 Comrade Min. Finance, then council of the Min-va Nar. enlightenment. Claimed that the base...
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  • FEDOR in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    Name, …
  • FYODOR in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Fedor, (Fedorovich, ...
    Lev Alexandrovich (1894-1948), Russian artist, in the 1910s and early 1920s. adjoined futurism and constructivism, creating counter-reliefs and pointless compositions. …
  • ANTONOVICH in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    Vladimir Bonifatievich (1834-1908), Ukrainian historian, ethnographer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1901), professor. Proceedings on Ukrainian archeology, the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, ...
    Data: 2009-09-03 Time: 18:06:14 Navigation Topic = Fyodor Dostoevsky Wikisource = Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky Wikimedia Commons = Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky Fyodor …
    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich (1745 - 1817), admiral, holy righteous. Commemorated July 23rd...
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    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Semenchuk Mikhail Antonovich (1885 - 1937), archpriest of the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin in the village of Blagoveshchenskoye ...
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    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Fyodor Georgievich Nedosekin (1889 - 1942), priest, holy martyr. Commemorated April 17th. …
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    Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "TREE". Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821 - 1881), the great Russian writer. Born in Moscow on October 30 ...
    Favorov (Nazariy Antonovich, 1820 - 1897) - spiritual writer, archpriest, son of a deacon of the Ryazan diocese, master of the Kyiv Theological Academy, in which ...
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    John VI Antonovich, sometimes also called John III (according to the number of kings) - the son of the niece of Empress Anna Ioannovna, Princess of Mackleburg ...
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    Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich - famous writer. Born on October 30, 1821 in Moscow in the building of the Mariinsky Hospital, where his father ...
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    Bruni, Alexander Pavlovich - academician of architecture, nephew of F.A. Bruni, was brought up at the Academy of Arts, from which he graduated in 1859. Built ...
  • USOV MIKHAIL ANTONOVYCH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Mikhail Antonovich, Soviet geologist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1939; ...
  • SULERZHITSKY LEOPOLD ANTONOVYCH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Leopold Antonovich, Russian public and theatrical figure, director, writer. In 1889-94 he studied at the Moscow School ...
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    Alexander Antonovich, Soviet electrical engineer, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1937) Graduated from Petersburg University (1906) ...
  • IVAN VI ANTONOVYCH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    VI Antonovich, nominal Russian emperor (since October 1740), son of Anna Leopoldovna (niece of the Russian Empress Anna ...
  • BREDIKHIN FEDOR ALEKSANDROVICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Fedor Alexandrovich, Russian astronomer, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1890; corresponding member 1877). In 1855 he graduated from Moscow University, ...
  • ANTONOVICH MAXIM ALEKSEEVICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Maxim Alekseevich, Russian literary critic, philosopher, publicist. Born in the family of a deacon. Graduated from the St. Petersburg Theological ...
  • JOHN VI ANTONOVICH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    sometimes called. also I. III (according to the number of kings) - the son of the niece of the imp. Anna Ioannovna, Princess Anna Leopoldovna of Mecklenburg, and the Duke ...
  • BRUNI ALEXANDER PAVLOVICH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    academician of architecture, nephew of F. A. Bruni, was brought up in Imper. Academy of Arts, which he graduated in 1859. Known for the construction of the Alexander Pushkin ...
  • FEDOR IVANOVICH in Collier's Dictionary:
    (1557-1598) (Fyodor I), Russian Tsar (1584-1598), the last representative of the Rurik dynasty. Born May 31, 1557, the second son of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible ...
  • FEDOR ALEKSEEVICH in Collier's Dictionary:
    (1661-1682) (Fyodor III), Russian Tsar, eldest son of Tsar Alexei and his first wife Maria Miloslavskaya. Born May 30 (June 9) ...

Fedor Bruni was born on June 10, 1799 in Milan, in the family of a Swiss Italian, artist and restorer Antonio Bruni, who later, in 1807, came to Russia from Italy. Antonio Bruni in the reign of Paul I was a restorer of paintings and a ceiling painter. There are his works performed in the Mikhailovsky Palace; subsequently he was engaged in work in Moscow, commissioned by Prince Kurakin.

In 1818 he successfully graduated from the Academy and went to Rome. Here Bruni became close to the circle of Zinaida Volkonskaya, visited the home of the diplomat and art lover G. I. Gagarin, and closely communicated with many Russian artists. The themes of his works are antique and biblical subjects, as well as portraits. Commissioned by Prince Baryatinsky, the painting "The Death of Camilla, Sister of Horace" (1824, Russian Museum) was exhibited in the Capitol and was a success. On behalf of the Academy, Bruni made two copies from the Vatican frescoes, wrote several works on the themes of ancient mythology: "The Awakening of the Graces" (1827, State Tretyakov Gallery), "Bacchae and Cupid" (1828, Russian Museum), etc. In 1836, Bruni returned to St. Petersburg and received the title of professor of the Academy of Arts. In St. Petersburg, he carried out many church orders, in particular for the Kazan Cathedral. Bruni is the author of a unique natural drawing "Pushkin in a coffin" (Institute of Russian Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad), which he then reproduced in lithography. In 1838, the artist again went to Italy to work on the painting he had conceived, The Copper Serpent (1841, Russian Museum). In this work, the great professional skill of the artist, the impeccable mastery of drawing, the plasticity of the human body from complex angles, was revealed. However, the idea of ​​the painting (the death of people as a punishment for disobedience to God) is quite reactionary, and the pictorial construction is traditionally conventional.

In 1840, Bruni graduated from The Copper Serpent, which made an unusually strong impression in Rome. The following year, the painting was transported to St. Petersburg and exhibited in one of the halls of the Winter Palace. All reviews of that time are full of extraordinary praise. In this picture, Bruni showed in full force all his deep, academic knowledge of drawing.

In 1849, Bruni was appointed curator of the art gallery of the Hermitage, Bruni lovingly took care of it; twice he was sent abroad to buy paintings that served to replenish the Hermitage gallery. In 1855, Bruni took the place of the rector of the department of painting and sculpture at the Academy of Arts, and in 1866 the mosaic department at the academy also came under his charge. Bruni also painted portraits, among which the image of Princess 3. Volkonskaya in the costume of Tancred is especially remarkable.

The last years of his life, Bruni was engaged in composing cardboard for images of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. The list of his works includes thirty etchings from Russian history. In general, Bruni's artistic activity occupies an honorable place in the history of Russian painting, and the appearance of his and K. Bryullov's works constituted a whole era in Russian art.

Fedor Antonovich Bruni (1799-1875) - great Russian artist of Italian origin. A bright representative of the school of painting. The real name of Fedor Bruni is Fidelio, but after arriving in Russia, he changed his name to Russian. Fidelio Bruni was born on June 10, 1799 in Milan. His father Antonio Bruni was a painter and restorer. Together with his family, he moved to Russia, where he was a restorer of paintings and was engaged in painting on the plafond. Following the example of his father, Fedor decided to become an artist and entered the Educational School at the Academy of Arts. He turned out to be a very capable student, was soon awarded a silver medal and received the title of artist. After training, the father sent his son to Italy, where the novice painter further improved his technique.

Fyodor Bruni painted his first serious picture at the age of 22. The painting "The Death of Camilla, sister of Horace" was exhibited in the Capitol and brought Fyodor his first fame. In Russia, for the same picture, he was awarded the title of academician. No less famous paintings of the painter were: “Prayer for the Chalice”, “ copper serpent”, “Awakening of the Graces”, “Bacchante Singing Cupid”, “Sleeping Nymph” and many others. He also became known for painting St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg. He was the curator of the art gallery of the Hermitage and was engaged in the purchase of new works for the collections of the St. Petersburg Museum. From 1855 he was rector of the Academy of Arts in the department of painting and sculpture. Died August 30, 1875. Currently, the burial of Fyodor Antonovich Bruni is located at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.


Bacchante Singing Cupid

Prince Oleg nails his shield to the gates of Tsaregrad

copper serpent

Awakening the Graces

Master of historical and religious painting. The paintings were performed in the style of classicism with some features of the romantic direction.

Russian artist, comes from an artist's family. His father is a Swiss Italian "master of painting and sculpture." In 1807 the family moved to Petersburg. In 1809, Fyodor Bruni entered the Educational School at the Academy of Arts. The young artist attended the class of historical painting by A.E. Egorova and V.K. Shebuev. His successes were noted already in 1813, then, for drawing from nature, he received a small silver medal. After graduating from the Academy of Arts in 1818, Fyodor Bruni painted the painting “Ulysses, shipwrecked before Navzikaya”, which was awarded a 1st degree certificate.

The Russian artist gained fame in Italy, where he went at the invitation of Princess Z.A. Volkonskaya. In Italy, he worked fruitfully, his first successful work was the painting "The Death of Camilla, sister of Horace" (1824), after which he received a large order to copy two paintings by Raphael and the Vatican for the Academy of Arts. At the same time, he begins work on his best work, The Copper Serpent.

However, in 1836 the artist returned to St. Petersburg, where, at the behest of the emperor, he was given the appointment of a professor of the 2nd degree at the Academy of Arts (together with K.P. Bryullov). Until 1838, he taught students, but the need to finish the painting "The Copper Serpent" forced him to return to Italy. At the beginning of 1837, he executed "Portrait of A. S. Pushkin on his deathbed", reproduced by lithography and received wide popularity.

In Rome, the artist created the paintings "The Protection of the Virgin" for the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, "Madonna and Child with Two Angels." For the painting "Tenderness of the Virgin" Bruni received the title of honorary member of the Academies of Arts in Bologna and Milan, professor of the Academy of Arts in Florida and the Academy of St. Luke in Rome. Thanks to his work on The Brass Serpent, Bruni received an honorary order for the painting of the Italian Cathedral. By 1845, he made all 25 paintings on cardboard, some of which he did himself, and the rest under his personal guidance.

In 1846, Bruni returned to Russia, now with the rank of professor of painting of the 1st degree. He taught at the Academy of Arts, and in 1855 became the rector of the Academy in the department of painting and sculpture. In the last decade of his life, Bruni did not create any more paintings, he moved away from people, even his own students did not see him for weeks. He remained devoted to academism, did not catch new trends in painting, which further alienated his students from himself. So in 1871 he was deprived of the rectorship, and he was forced to lead a mosaic workshop, which he himself created. Bruni spent his last years in the arrogant loneliness of a man who had long ago buried the best that he had in his soul.

Masterpiece by Bruni F.A. - painting "Copper Serpent"

The picture was executed in 1841, is in the State Russian Museum, in Moscow. In 1841, the finished painting was transported from Rome to St. Petersburg, where it won the audience's delight. The success of the picture can only be compared with the success of K.P. Bryullov "The Last Day of Pompeii". In this picture, the artist showed great skill in building a composition, and conveying the drama of ongoing events through light and shadow. The huge (565x852 cm) canvas amazed the viewer's imagination.

Work on the picture in total amounted to fifteen years. The plot of the picture is taken by the Russian artist and the Old Testament. Moses, who saved the Jewish people from Egyptian captivity, led them through the desert for 40 years. Tired people, tormented by thirst and hunger, grumbled, and the Lord sent punishment on them - a rain of poisonous snakes. Then the people repented and began to pray for mercy, to which the Lord ordered Moses to erect a colossus and put a snake on it. Those who look at him with true faith in salvation through the Lord will have mercy.

The task of the artist was to portray the diverse crowd in such a way that the viewer could see the individual characters of people, their faith, humility. But instead of deep faith, he conveys fear and despair, people. Moonlight, night lighting produce a mystical impression.

  • copper serpent

  • Virgin and Child Resting on the Flight into Egypt

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