Star Factory anna moon whose daughter. Singer Viktor Saltykov refused to help a loved one


Viktor Saltykov said that he did not know about the participation of his youngest daughter Anna in the New Star Factory until the third qualifying round of the project.

Anna Moon (stage name of the girl) was among the sixteen participants in the new season of the famous project. Many netizens expressed their distrust of the girl, because they believe that her eminent father helped her get into the New Star Factory. But Viktor Saltykov has repeatedly stated in his interviews that he did not even know about his daughter's intentions. He claims that the public in vain does not believe that Anna managed to get into the show on her own, without any help.

Viktor Saltykov also shared information that his youngest daughter studied at a music academy in the UK, which she graduated with honors. She has her own video blog on YouTube, where she posted her songs and communicated with fans of her work. At the moment, the artist rarely communicates with his daughter, since, according to the rules of the project, mobile phones were taken from the contestants.

Recall that Anna specifically took a pseudonym, because she knew that many viewers would not believe that she got into the show without the help of her father. She stated that her father did not help her in any way, and Viktor Saltykov confirmed this information.

October 16, 2017

Last Saturday, October 14, the sixth reporting concert of the New Star Factory was held on the MUZ-TV channel. Details of the event - in the material site


As always, Ksenia Sobchak acted as the host. But the composition of the jury has changed: together with the vocal teacher Vladimir Korobka, the founder of the Todes ballet Alla Dukhova and music producer Viktor Drobysh, the Norwegian singer and winner of Eurovision 2009 Alexander Rybak came to evaluate young talents.

The group "A'Studio" and the manufacturer Andrey Beletsky opened the report book with the song "I'm Flying Away". Keti Topuria chose a white and blue outfit for the performance, about which Ksenia Sobchak spoke very ambiguously. “I literally want to put my hands in this dress,” the TV presenter joked.

The atmosphere on the site suddenly changed when Sobchak announced that rapper Guf would not come to the next number and Nikita Kuznetsov, a member of the New Star Factory, could be left without a performance. Fabrikant tried to hide his excitement, and Sobchak invited Topuria to stay on stage and support Nikita. Keti, who agreed, had to learn to rap - the artist and the manufacturer sang the song "Bye" in a duet. Nikita Kuznetsov was not at a loss and fully revealed himself in the room, despite the fact that he literally changed partners on stage. According to Sobchak, it was more difficult for the singer than for the manufacturer, but Keti did an excellent job.

The concert was continued by Emma M and Lolita Voloshina with the rock composition "Rockets". The girls not only "melted", but also looked similar with a daring short haircut. Emma gave parting words to the manufacturer, wishing Lolita not to lose her originality and always be herself. Voloshina was sincerely glad that she managed to perform with the star almost on an equal footing.

The girls on the stage were replaced by the violinist Alexander Rybak and the participant of the "New Star Factory" Xena with the touching composition "Cat". The aspiring singer performed in a "cat" suit with ears, a short skirt and black leggings. Accompanied by the number of ballet soloist Alla Dukhova "Todes", who danced around a huge violin. Rybak noted that Xena approached the number with humor and it was in her performance that the song sounded the way it should.

The concert was continued by Kan and Daniil Ruvinsky, who tried on the image of a young man of the 80s, with the song "Angel" - the number resembled a live broadcast from a fitness club. Kan noted that Daniil coped with the number and everything turned out great for the manufacturer. Danya himself joked about his image, saying that he looks like a fan of the most popular pop group of the 80s “Modern Talking”.

Danya Danilevsky, the curliest member of the New Star Factory, sang the lyric song Romance on the same stage with the Pizza group. Charming Danilevsky's hair peeking out from under a hooligan cap, and the ballet "Todes" depicted either metro passengers or passers-by under umbrellas on the street.

Then Zhenya Trofimov sang the song “High-rise buildings” together with “5sta Family”, and Elman Zeynalov and Natan set the hall on fire with the composition “Hypnotize” - however, at the beginning of the performance, it was not men who hypnotized the audience, but half-naked dancers. Zeynalov's fans pleasantly surprised him with a poster "Elman, we are proud of you", and the jury members noted that after the performance, the manufacturer really has something to be proud of.

Valery Meladze and Ulyana Sinetskaya performed "There is no more attraction." After the number, Ksenia Sobchak asked Valery to honestly evaluate the manufacturer, noting that "Meladze slept with all the beautiful girls of the national stage." The artist did not succumb to the provocation and praised Ulyana. The participant herself admitted that she does not dream of the VIA Gra group, but of cooperation with the mentor of the New Star Factory Viktor Drobysh.

Nominee Guzel Khasanova looked almost unrecognizable in the form of a long-haired beauty, performing the song "Find Me", the words of which were written by her brother. The number turned out to be very personal for Khasanova in every sense of the word. TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak thanked the contestant's brother for the song, finally touching Khasanova, and producer Viktor Drobysh gave a standing ovation to his ward.

Then Anya Moon took the stage: the nominee performed directly on a huge telephone receiver with the song "Imitation of Vibrations". After the performance, Anya said that she did not hope for support from the audience, but she was waiting for saving "stars" from other manufacturers in the voting after the concert.

Rada Boguslavskaya, the third nominee, performed a composition of her own composition called "Crystals". On stage, the participant was literally carried in her arms, and at the end of the performance, the girl practically undressed and remained on stage in one light silk peignoir. The audience immediately noticed the inscriptions on the body of Rada. The girl admitted that she asked all the participants of the New Star Factory and the Todes ballet to sign for herself. “Every person leaves a mark on our soul,” the manufacturer emphasized.

After the performance of the nominees, the concert turned into a dramatic confrontation. The distribution of votes began, in which the audience saved Ulyana Sinetskaya, and the manufacturers decided to leave Guzel Khasanova on the project. It was not without another provocation: Ksenia Sobchak suggested that Guzeli give up her “stars” so that Anya Moon would stay and thanked all the spectators and manufacturers from the stage for their support. Both participants of the "New Star Factory" showed nobility, but only one of them - Guzel Khasanova - remained on the project and will delight viewers on the MUZ-TV channel.

Members of the New Star Factory

Anya Moon is a famous Russian performer, as well as a participant in the popular music show "Star Factory", which was broadcast on the Muz-TV channel.

  • Real name: Anna Saltykova
  • Date of birth: September 2, 1995
  • Zodiac sign: Virgo
  • Place of birth: Moscow (Russia)
  • Height: 167 centimeters
  • Weight: 50 kilograms

Before popularity

Anna was born and raised in a rather creative family, since her father was a very famous and talented performer Viktor Saltykov, who from the very birth of his daughter instilled in her a love of music. It is for this reason that Anna's parents ultimately decide to send their daughter to a music studio, where she studied all the intricacies of playing musical instruments, vocal development, and acting. True, as Anna later admitted, she did not like studying at the studio at all, since the theory was very tiring and was not as interesting as practice. She enjoyed performing on stage much more than studying music in class.

Ultimately, Anna decided to take a completely different path and enter the University of the Arts London as a fashion designer. The girl was very fond of fashion and wanted to do something of her own and, to some extent, get away from the big name of her own father in order to achieve everything on her own. True, after a while Anna comes to the conclusion that she likes making music much more than studying fashion, so she decides to return to the world of sounds and rhythms again. So, Anna is transferred to the appropriate faculty, to the delight of her father, who did not understand her daughter's desire to study fashion at all, and not to develop excellent vocal abilities. As a result, she spent four years in England, where she was able to bring her English to perfection in order to write songs in this language in the future.


Anna Saltykova was able to get the first rays of fame during her stay in London. Then the young girl simply posted some videos with stories about the city itself in England, as well as about her trips to Instagram and YouTube. True, there were moments when Anna posted small videos where she performed cover songs by popular artists. With each new video, Anna gained more and more fame, until she eventually got into the popular community on YouTube "Best covers".

So, many netizens began to know the girl, which helped her gain more confidence. Thus, she decides to take part in a music competition called "My Chance", where she was able to achieve quite a bit of success and win the hearts of many viewers. As for her pseudonym Anya Moon, she had a dream about it, and she decided to use it as a kind of talisman for good luck.

In 2017, Anya Moon took part in the new season of Star Factory, the qualifying round of which was held without much difficulty. At her first performance, she was able to sing with her own father a song called "The Leaves Have Flew". After that, she was able to perform with many famous and talented performers, until she eventually left the project without reaching the final. But, despite this, she continued her solo career and was able to perform at many events and take part in some music programs.

Personal life

When Anna was living in England, she had some relationship with a young man named Josh. True, after she returned to her homeland, communication with this person was eventually interrupted. On the Star Factory project, many suspected that she had a romantic relationship with show participant Nikita Kuznetsov, with whom, according to Anna herself, she maintained absolutely friendly relations, which did not at all correspond to the opinion of viewers.


". The audience got acquainted with 16 participants of the project, among whom there are young singers who do not need to be introduced. So, for example, 21-year-old decided to compete for victory in the "New Star Factory" Anya Moon. True, Moon is the girl's pseudonym. Anya - the youngest daughter of a retro star Viktor Saltykov.

Last few years Anya Moon lived in London. According to the girl, people often tell her that she is completely unadapted to life in the real world, she is always in the clouds. Anya strongly believes in the power of consciousness and in the fact that a person attracts to himself what he himself is. She has been singing since childhood, simply because she cannot help but sing. Writes songs to tell his story. He believes that the most important thing for an artist is to have his own unique style. By the way, in the first reporting concert of the New Star Factory, Anya Moon sang in a duet with a singer who, no doubt, has a unique style. Saltykov's daughter entered the stage with Anna Sedokova, and together the two beauties performed the song "Universe".

Anya Moon with her father Viktor Saltykov

Anna is the daughter of Viktor Saltykov, born in the artist's second marriage. As you know, the first wife of Victor was a singer Irina Saltykova, in union with which in 1987 the daughter Alice appeared on St. The second wife of Saltykov became Irina Metlina, who gave him two children: daughter Anna (born in 1995) and son Svyatoslav (born in 2008).

Recall that the project "New Star Factory", which was attended by the daughter of Viktor Saltykov Anna, began with a grand concert. The young singers sang with the stars already recognized. Project leader Ksenia Sobchak from the stage admitted that, watching the filming, she herself began to think about whether she should take up vocals. “Today I was so inspired by the incredible atmosphere that prevailed on the set that I even turned to Viktor Yakovlevich (music producer of the New Star Factory Viktor Drobysh. - Note. ed.) with a proposal to write a song for me ... "- said the presenter. However, most likely, Sobchak joked about her singing career, as well as about the dress in which she led a concert dedicated to the opening of the Factory. Xenia came to mind a comparison of a bright red dress in sparkling sequins with a firefighter beetle.

After filming the first reporting concert, 16 participants of the "New Star Factory" settled in the "star house" - a 2-storey mansion near Moscow with an area of ​​​​1500 square meters, under the roof of which they will spend 16 weeks in a row, 120 days under the sights of 42 cameras 24 hours a day. day. They are expected: vocal lessons, choreography, acting, dancing, fitness, work with stylists and make-up artists, master classes with stars, work in a recording studio - everything a young aspiring artist needs to know.

Anya Moon and Anna Sedokova at the first reporting concert of the show "New Star Factory"

Anya Moon and Anna Sedokova. Show "New Star Factory"

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