Surnames of the main characters of classic novels. Ladies of the era - literary heroines


Literary heroes, as a rule, are the fiction of the author. But some of them still have real prototypes who lived at the time of the author, or famous historical figures. We will tell you who these figures, unfamiliar to a wide range of readers, were.

1. Sherlock Holmes

Even the author himself admitted that Sherlock Holmes has many similarities with his mentor Joe Bell. On the pages of his autobiography, one could read that the writer often recalled his teacher, spoke of his eagle profile, inquisitive mind and amazing intuition. According to him, the doctor could turn any business into an accurate, systematic scientific discipline.

Often, Dr. Bell used deductive methods of inquiry. Only by one type of person could he tell about his habits, about his biography, and sometimes even made a diagnosis. After the release of the novel, Conan Doyle corresponded with the "prototype" Holmes, and he told him that perhaps this is how his career would have developed if he had chosen a different path.

2. James Bond

The literary history of James Bond began with a series of books that were written by intelligence officer Ian Fleming. The first book in the series - "Casino Royale" - was published in 1953, a few years after Fleming was assigned to follow Prince Bernard, who had defected from German service to British intelligence. After long mutual suspicions, the scouts became good friends. Bond took over from Prince Bernard to order a Vodka Martini, while adding the legendary "Shake, don't stir."

3. Ostap Bender

The man who became the prototype of the great combinator from the "12 chairs" of Ilf and Petrov at the age of 80 still worked as a conductor on the railway on the train from Moscow to Tashkent. Born in Odessa, Ostap Shor, from tender nails, was prone to adventures. He presented himself either as an artist, or as a chess grandmaster, and even acted as a member of one of the anti-Soviet parties.

Only thanks to his remarkable imagination, Ostap Shor managed to return from Moscow to Odessa, where he served in the criminal investigation department and fought against local banditry. Probably, hence the respectful attitude of Ostap Bender to the Criminal Code.

4. Professor Preobrazhensky

Professor Preobrazhensky from Bulgakov's famous novel Heart of a Dog also had a real prototype - a French surgeon of Russian origin Samuil Abramovich Voronov. This man at the beginning of the 20th century made a splash in Europe, transplanting monkey glands to humans to rejuvenate the body. The first operations showed a simply amazing effect: in elderly patients, there was a resumption of sexual activity, an improvement in memory and vision, ease of movement, and mentally retarded children gained mental alertness.

Thousands of people underwent treatment in Voronova, and the doctor himself opened his own monkey nursery on the French Riviera. But very little time passed, the patients of the miracle doctor began to feel worse. There were rumors that the result of the treatment was just self-hypnosis, and Voronov was called a charlatan.

5. Peter Pan

The boy with the beautiful Tinker Bell fairy was presented to the world and to James Barry himself, the author of the written work, by the Davis couple (Arthur and Sylvia). The prototype for Peter Pan was Michael, one of their sons. The fairy-tale hero received from a real boy not only age and character, but also nightmares. And the novel itself is a dedication to the author's brother, David, who died a day before his 14th birthday while skating.

6. Dorian Gray

It's a shame, but the protagonist of the novel "The Picture of Dorian Gray" significantly spoiled the reputation of his life original. John Gray, who in his youth was Oscar Wilde's protégé and close friend, was handsome, solid, and had the appearance of a 15-year-old boy. But their happy union came to an end when journalists became aware of their connection. Enraged, Gray went to court, got an apology from the editors of the newspaper, but after that his friendship with Wilde ended. Soon John Gray met Andre Raffalovich - a poet and a native of Russia. They converted to Catholicism, and after a while Gray became a priest at St. Patrick's Church in Edinburgh.

7. Alice

The story of Alice in Wonderland began on the day Lewis Carroll walked with the daughters of the rector of Oxford University, Henry Lidell, among whom was Alice Lidell. Carroll came up with a story on the go at the request of the children, but the next time he did not forget about it, but began to compose a sequel. Two years later, the author presented Alice with a manuscript consisting of four chapters, to which was attached a photograph of Alice herself at the age of seven. It was entitled "Christmas present for a dear girl in memory of a summer day."

8. Karabas-Barabas

As you know, Alexei Tolstoy only planned to present "Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodio in Russian, but it turned out that he wrote an independent story, in which analogies with cultural figures of that time were clearly drawn. Since Tolstoy had no weakness for the Meyerhold theater and its biomechanics, it was the director of this theater that got the role of Karabas-Barabas. You can guess the parody even in the name: Karabas is the Marquis of Carabas from Perro's fairy tale, and Barabas is from the Italian word for swindler - baraba. But the no less telling role of the seller of leeches Duremar went to Meyerhold's assistant, who works under the pseudonym Voldemar Luscinius.

9. Lolita

According to the memoirs of Brian Boyd, the biographer of Vladimir Nabokov, when the writer was working on his scandalous novel Lolita, he regularly looked through the newspaper columns, which published reports of murders and violence. His attention was drawn to the sensational story of Sally Horner and Frank LaSalle, which took place in 1948: a middle-aged man kidnapped 12-year-old Sally Horner and kept her for almost 2 years until the police found her in a common California hotel. Lasalle, like the hero of Nabokov, passed off the girl as his daughter. Nabokov even casually mentions this incident in the book in the words of Humbert: "Did I do to Dolly what Frank Lasalle, a 50-year-old mechanic, did to eleven-year-old Sally Horner in '48?"

10. Carlson

The history of the creation of Carlson is mythologized and incredible. Literary critics assure that Hermann Goering became a possible prototype of this funny character. And although the relatives of Astrid Lindgren refute this version, such rumors still exist today.

Astrid Lindgren met Göring in the 1920s when he was organizing an air show in Sweden. At that time, Goering was just "in his prime", a famous ace pilot, a man with charisma and an excellent appetite. The motor behind Carlson's back is an interpretation of Goering's flight experience.

Adherents of this version note that for some time Astrid Lindgren was an ardent admirer of the National Socialist Party of Sweden. The book about Carlson was published in 1955, so there could be no direct analogy. Nevertheless, it is possible that the charismatic image of the young Goering influenced the appearance of the charming Carlson.

11. One-legged John Silver

Robert Louis Stevenson in the novel "Treasure Island" portrayed his friend Williams Hansley not at all as a critic and poet, which he was in fact, but as a real villain. As a child, William suffered from tuberculosis, and his leg was amputated to the knee. Before the book hit store shelves, Stevenson told a friend, “I have to tell you, Evil-looking but kind-hearted, John Silver was based on you. You're not offended, are you?"

12. Bear cub Winnie the Pooh

According to one version, the world-famous teddy bear got its name in honor of the favorite toy of the writer Milne's son Christopher Robin. However, like all the other characters in the book. But in fact, this name is from the nickname Winnipeg - that was the name of a bear who lived in the London Zoo from 1915 to 1934. This bear had a lot of kids-admirers, including Christopher Robin.

13. Dean Moriarty and Sal Paradise

Despite the fact that the main characters in the book are called Sal and Dean, Jack Kerouac's novel On the Road is purely autobiographical. One can only guess why Kerouac dropped his name in the most famous book for beatniks.

14. Daisy Buchanan

In the novel The Great Gatsby, its author Francis Scott Fitzgerald described Ginevra King, his first love, deeply and penetratingly. Their romance lasted from 1915 to 1917. But due to different social statuses, they broke up, after which Fitzgerald wrote that "poor boys should not even think about marrying rich girls." This phrase was included not only in the book, but also in the film of the same name. Ginevra King also inspired Isabelle Borge in Beyond Paradise and Judy Jones in Winter Dreams.

Especially for those who like to sit up for reading. If you choose these books, you won't be disappointed.

In my humble opinion of course =)

10. Tess Durbeyfield

The main character of the novel by the English writer Thomas Hardy "Tess of the d" Urbervilles. " A peasant girl who stood out from her friends with her beauty, intelligence, sensitivity and kind heart.

“She was a beautiful girl, perhaps no more beautiful than some others, but a mobile scarlet mouth and large innocent eyes emphasized her good looks. She adorned her hair with a red ribbon and among women dressed in white, she was the only one who could boast of such a bright decoration.
There was still something childlike about her face. And today, despite her bright femininity, her cheeks sometimes suggested a twelve-year-old girl, shining eyes - a nine-year-old, and the curve of her mouth - a five-year-old baby.

This is the image of Tess from the films.

9. Rosa del Valle

The character of the novel by Isabel Allende "House of Spirits", the sister of the main character Clara. The first beauty of magical realism.

"Her striking beauty caused confusion even in her mother; it seemed to be made of some other material, different from human nature. Nivea knew that the girl did not belong to this world even before Rosa was born, because she saw her in her dreams. Therefore, she was not surprised by the scream of the midwife when she looked at the girl. Rose was white, smooth, wrinkle-free, like a porcelain doll, with green hair and yellow eyes. The most beautiful creature ever born on earth since original sin, as the midwife exclaimed, crossing herself. At the very first bath, the Nanny rinsed the girl's hair with an infusion of manzanilla, which had the property of softening the color of the hair, giving it a shade of old bronze, and then began to take it out into the sun to harden the transparent skin. These tricks were in vain: very soon a rumor spread that an angel was born in the del Valle family. Nivea expected that while the girl was growing, any imperfections would open, but nothing of the sort happened. By the age of eighteen, Rosa had not grown fat, acne did not appear on her face, and her grace, bestowed only by the sea element, became even more beautiful. The color of her skin with a slight bluish tinge, the color of her hair, the slowness of her movements, her silence betrayed in her a dweller of the waters. In some ways, she resembled fish, and if she had a scaly tail instead of legs, she would clearly become a siren.

8. Juliet Capulet

No need to say where from?;))) We look at this heroine through the eyes of Romeo in love with her, and this is a wonderful feeling...

"She eclipsed the rays of torches,
Her beauty shines in the night
As in already the Moor's pearls are incomparable
The rarest gift for the world is too valuable.
And I loved? .. No, renounce the look
I haven't seen beauty yet.

7. Margarita

Bulgakovskaya Margarita.

"A naturally curly-haired, black-haired woman of about twenty was looking at the thirty-year-old Magarita from the mirror, laughing uncontrollably, grinning her teeth.

"His beloved was called Margarita Nikolaevna. Everything that the master said about her was the absolute truth. He described his beloved correctly. She was beautiful and smart. One more thing must be added to this - we can say with confidence that many women are anything , would give in order to exchange her life for the life of Margarita Nikolaevna. The thirty-year-old childless Margarita was the wife of a very prominent specialist, who, moreover, made the most important discovery of national importance.

6. Tatyana Larina

But what about without her? Smart, beautiful, modest, feminine...=)) She has everything.

"So, her name was Tatyana.
Nor the beauty of his sister,
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not attract eyes.
Dika, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe is timid,
She is in her family
She seemed like a stranger."

5. Esmeralda

The gypsy from Hugo's novel, who still captivates our hearts with her beauty and dancing.

“She was short in stature, but seemed tall - her thin frame was so slender. She was swarthy, but it was not difficult to guess that during the day her skin had a wonderful golden hue, inherent in Andalusians and Romans. The small foot was also an Andalusian foot, so lightly did she step in her narrow elegant shoe. The girl danced, fluttered, whirled on an old Persian carpet carelessly thrown under her feet, and every time her radiant face appeared before you, the look of her large black eyes blinded you like lightning. The eyes of the crowd were riveted on her, all mouths gaping. She danced to the rumble of a tambourine, which her rounded virgin hands raised high above her head. Thin, fragile, with bare shoulders and slender legs occasionally flashing from under her skirt, black-haired, quick as a wasp, in a golden bodice tightly fitting her waist, in a motley swollen dress, shining with her eyes, she seemed to be a truly unearthly creature ... "

4. Assol

I don’t even know, maybe she wasn’t a beauty, but for me Assol is the living embodiment of a Dream. Isn't the dream beautiful?

“Behind the walnut frame, in the light emptiness of the reflected room, stood a thin, short girl dressed in cheap white muslin with pink flowers. A gray silk scarf lay on her shoulders. Half-childish, in a light tan, her face was mobile and expressive; beautiful, somewhat serious for her age her eyes gazed with the timid concentration of deep souls.Her irregular face could touch with the subtle purity of outlines; every curve, every bulge of this face, of course, would have found a place in a multitude of female forms, but their totality, style - was completely original, - originally sweet ; we will stop there. The rest is not subject to words, except for the word "charm."

3. Scarlett O'Hara

Every woman has something of Scarlett. But as a hero of a literary work, she is unique. So far, no one has been able to repeat such a strong female image.

"Scarlett O'Hara was not a beauty, but men were hardly aware of this if, like the Tarleton twins, they fell prey to her charms. Very bizarrely combined in her face were the refined features of her mother - a local aristocrat of French origin - and the large, expressive features of her father - a healthy Irishman. Scarlett's broad-cheeked, chiseled-chin face was involuntarily drawn to her gaze. Especially the eyes - slightly slanted, light green, transparent, framed by dark eyelashes. On a forehead as white as a magnolia petal - ah, this white skin, which the women of the American South are so proud of, carefully protecting it with hats, veils and mitts from the hot Georgia sun! - two impeccably clear lines of eyebrows rapidly flew up obliquely - from the bridge of the nose to the temples.

2. Arwen

For me, Arwen is the embodiment of magical beauty. It combines all the best from people and magical creatures. She is Harmony and Light itself.

Opposite Elrond, in an armchair under a canopy, sat a beautiful, like a fairy, guest, but in the features of her face, feminine and tender, the masculine appearance of the owner of the house was repeated, or rather, guessed, and, peering more closely, Frodo realized that she was not a guest. and a relative of Elrond. Was she young? Yes and no. The hoarfrost of gray hair did not silver her hair, and her face was youthful fresh, as if she had just washed her face with dew, and her pale gray eyes shone with the pure brilliance of predawn stars. but they contained a mature wisdom that only life experience gives, only the experience of years lived on Earth.In her low silver diadem, round pearls shone softly, and a barely noticeable garland of leaves embroidered with thin silver stretched around the collar of her gray, unadorned dress. It was the daughter of Elrond, Arwen, who was seen by few mortals - in her, as the people said, the beauty of Lucieni returned to Earth, and the Elves gave her the name Andomiel; for them she was the Evening Star. Sienna Guillory as Elena.


At the suggestion of Helen, I am starting a separate article - it is very interesting to collect information on dolls, HOW THE HEROINES OF THE TIME LADIES LOOK IN THE BOOKS. It is also interesting to collect information how the same heroines look in the adaptations. And then see what kind of doll DeAgostini released. After all, they have already seen many times that the hairstyle, hair color and eyes do not correspond to the book author's description at all.

The information is useful for alterations.

It seems to me that dolls in Russian literature look like book heroines: Karenina, Sonechka, especially Margarita (eyes!). Pepita is not at all similar, it is easier to rename her (someone on the site already suggested that she be considered Diana from the Dog in the Manger). Apparently, the Polish Marynia looks like Pepita (I don’t have her, so I can only guess from the photos on the site). I haven’t read Senkevich, what if his heroine is a brunette? Matilda really upset me. Maybe Ellen should change into her? And in Ellen - some brunette! And Estella is the wrong color!!! Paint it, right? It seems to me that Anastasia Vertinskaya turned out a successful Margarita in the film by Yu. Kara.I like Anna Karenina performed by Samoilova, not Drubich.
March 9, 2012

List of Ladies of the Epoch and descriptions of their appearance and costume

1 Jane Eyre.

Jane Eyre considered herself ugly.

It was written about Jane Eyre that she dressed like a Quaker - she had only black dresses, and only one gray, elegant one. There were no decorations. Nevertheless, she tried to dress neatly and take care of herself.

Jane Eyre's only piece of jewelry was a pearl brooch given by Miss Temple. One of her best dresses was black, silk. She also had a light summer dress, as well as a brown cape. The book mentions the girl's brown hair and green eyes.

2 Emma Bovary.

Emma Bovary: Really beautiful she had eyes; brown, they looked black because of the eyelashes and looked at you point-blank with some straightforward courage.

Emma Bovary had dark, almost black hair, curly, knee length. Some of her dresses are also described, for example, a white turn-down collar low opened her neck. Her black hair was parted in a thin parting down to the back of her head into two gangs, combed so smoothly that they seemed to be a single piece; barely covering their ears, they were gathered at the back into a magnificent chignon and set off the temples with a wavy line; the village doctor saw such a line for the first time in his life.
The girl's cheeks were pink. Between the two buttons of her bodice was a tortoise-shell lorgnette, like a man's. Smooth bandeaus, slightly rising at the temples, shone with blue; in her hair, a rose trembled on a flexible stem, and artificial dewdrops played on its petals. The dress was pale - saffron color, trimmed with three bouquets of roses - a pompom with greenery. - It's a ball gown.

3 Margarita Bulgakova.

Margarita (Bulgakov): She carried disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers in her hands ... And these flowers stood out very clearly ... she ... looked not only anxiously, but even as if painfully. And I was struck not so much by her beauty as by the extraordinary, unseen loneliness in her eyes!

Even in the novel, eyebrows plucked along the edges into a thread with tweezers are mentioned.

Margarita is 30 years old.

Margarita / squinted one eye.

4 Cecile, or Cecily.

Cecily: ... your dress is so simple and your hair is almost the same as nature created it ...

Cecily is eighteen years old.

5 Sonya Marmeladova - Sonya.

Sonya was small, about eighteen years old, thin, but rather pretty. blonde, with wonderful blue eyes .

6 Elizabeth Bennet.

There is little about Elizabeth Bennet. Darcy admired her eyes: ... how much charm lies in the beautiful eyes on the face of a pretty woman; Their expression... will not be easy to convey. But a good artist will be able to depict their shape, color, unusually long eyelashes.

Caroline Bingley, who dreams of marrying Darcy and considers Elizabeth her rival, says of her: Her face is too narrow, her skin is dark, and her features are the most unprepossessing. So what's her nose like? No modeling, no expressiveness. Lips tolerable, but so ordinary. And in her eyes - someone once even called them charming? - I never found anything special. Their caustic, piercing gaze disgusts me. in all her guise there is so much common people's complacency, with which it is impossible to reconcile! It is clear that Caroline is not objective. Tries to attribute flaws that don't exist. :-)

Elizabeth Bennet: Mr. Darcy at first scarcely admitted that she was pretty. He looked at her with complete indifference at the ball. And when they next met, he saw only flaws in her. But only
he had just fully proved to himself and to his friends that there was not a single regular feature in her face, when he suddenly began to notice that it seemed unusually spiritual due to the beautiful expression of her dark eyes. This discovery was followed by others, no less risky. Despite the fact that with his captious eye he discovered more than one deviation from the ideal in her appearance, he was nevertheless forced to recognize her as unusually attractive.

7 Constance Chatterley

Constance Chatterley: His wife Constance had soft brown hair, ruddy, simple-hearted, like a country girl, face, strong body. The movements are deceptively smooth and unhurried - one cannot guess the remarkable inner strength. Big, as if forever inquiring eyes, a quiet, soft talk - neither give nor take, she just showed up from a neighboring village. But looks are deceiving.

8 Katherine Sloper

Katherine Sloper: ...there was nothing remarkable about her appearance. At the same time, she was strong, well-built and, fortunately, distinguished by enviable health ... Healthy appearance was the basis of her attractiveness; it was truly a pleasure to see her fresh face, in which whiteness and blush harmoniously combined. Catherine's eyes were small and calm, her features rather large, and her she braided her smooth brown hair... her taste in dress was far from impeccable; he limped and stumbled... Katherine tried to dress expressively - make up for the lack of eloquence with the brightness of the dress. She spoke the language of her toilets; and if those around her found her not very witty, then, really, one should not blame them for this ... at the age of twenty she decided to get herself an evening dress for going out - crimson, satin, with a gold trim ... this dress aged her years by ten...

9 Lady Windermere.

Lady Margaret Windermere: Your wife is charming. Just a picture.

Margaret is twenty-one years old.

10 Fortunata

I read Fortunata and Jacinta (helen) in an adapted version, where it is only written about Fortunata that she is beautiful, but at the beginning of the novel her manner shows that she is from a lower class. In a black and white drawing in the Spanish book Fortunata in appearance - a typical Spaniard in our view: eyes, eyebrows, dark hair (very similar to the finished face that I saw on the site, I don’t remember the author - they also dyed their hair with eyebrow paint). The hair in the picture is very dark, parted and gathered in a simple hairstyle. Dressed like a doll: wide skirt and shawl, under the shawl something with a deep neckline, but long sleeves on the cuffs. The skirt has a horizontal stripe at the bottom.

Fortunata had black hair.

I saw a beautiful young woman who impressed him. The young girl had a light blue scarf on her head and a shawl on her shoulders, ... The girl pulled out her hand in a flesh-colored mitt from under the shawl and brought it to her mouth.

11 Anna Karenina Tolstoy

Anna was ... in a black, low-cut velvet dress, revealing her chiseled, like old ivory, full shoulders and chest and rounded arms with a thin tiny hand. The whole dress was trimmed with Venetian guipure. On her head in black hair, his own without admixture, there was a small garland of pansies and the same on a black ribbon of a belt between white lace. Her hair was invisible. Were noticeable only, decorating her, these masterful short ringlets of curly hair, always knocked out at the back of the head and temples. There was a string of pearls on a chiseled strong neck. ...her beauty was precisely that. And the black dress with lush lace was not visible on her; it was only a frame, and only she was visible, simple, natural, graceful and at the same time cheerful and lively. She stood, as always, ...

Vronsky followed the conductor into the carriage, and at the entrance to the compartment he stopped to make way for the lady who was getting out. With the habitual tact of a man of the world, by one glance at the appearance of this lady, Vronsky determined her
belonging to the upper world. He apologized and went to the carriage, but felt the need to look at her again - not because she was very beautiful, not because of the grace and modest grace that were visible in her whole figure, but because in the expression of her pretty face when she passed him, there was something especially tender and tender. When he looked back, she turned her head too. Brilliant gray eyes that seemed dark from thick eyelashes friendly, attentively stopped on his face, as if she recognized him, and immediately transferred to the approaching crowd, as if looking for someone. In this short glance Vronsky managed to notice the restrained liveliness that played in her face and fluttered between her sparkling eyes and a barely perceptible smile that curved her ruddy lips. It was as if an excess of something so overwhelmed her being that, against her will, it was expressed either in a gleam of a look, or in a smile. She deliberately put out the light in her eyes, but it shone against her will in a barely perceptible smile. The first meeting between Anna and Vronsky

12 Betty. Honore de Balzac Cousin Betta. Elisabeth Fisher / Cousin Bette / Honore de Balzac.

Lisbeth Fischer... was... not pretty... A Wongez peasant woman, in the full sense of the word, thin, swarthy, with black shiny hair, with black arches of thick, fused eyebrows, with long and strong arms, thick legs, with warts on a long monkey face - such is the portrait of this maiden.

Description of Elizabeth Fisher's dress from the novel:

The old maid was dressed in a cinnamon-colored woolen dress, reminiscent of the cut and trim of the Restoration fashion; an embroidered headscarf cost three francs at the most, and such a straw hat with blue satin bows trimmed with straw could only be seen in a Parisian market vendor. Clumsy trestle shoes, the work of a shabby shoemaker, also did not suit a relative of a respectable family, and probably everyone would consider her a house seamstress.

13 doll - Marguerite Gauthier.

Based on the book - black hair.

Marguerite Gauthier: She was tall and very thin ... Imagine on a wonderful oval face black eyes and above them such a clear bend of the eyebrows, as if drawn, border the eyes with long eyelashes that cast a shadow on rosy cheeks, draw a thin, straight nose with sensual nostrils, sketch out the correct mouth, the lovely lips of which cover milky white teeth, cover the skin with a velvety fluff - and you will get a complete portrait of this charming head. Hair, jet black, was styled to leave the tips of the ears open., in which two diamonds sparkled, each costing four or five thousand francs.

Marguerite Gautier: She was elegantly dressed: a muslin dress, all in frills, a checkered cashmere shawl with a border embroidered in gold and silk, an Italian straw hat, on her arm a bracelet in the form of a thick gold chain, which had just come into fashion.

14 Verena Tarant (another spelling of the name is Verena Tarrent, the work is Bostonians, Henry James).

15 Fanny Price. Mansfield Park / Jane Austen.

Fanny Price: Fanny at that time was exactly ten years old, and although at the first meeting her appearance did not attract anything special, she did not repulse her in any way. For her age, she was small, her face without a blush, without other conspicuous signs of beauty; extremely shy and timid, she avoided drawing attention to herself; but in her manner, though awkward, there was no sense of vulgarity, her voice was gentle J.I. when she spoke, one could see how sweet she was.
…you look really cute. What did you wear?

16 Pepita Jimenez.

According to the book, Pepita is a green-eyed goldilocks.

Pepita's outfit - - differed only in color and high quality of the fabric from the clothes of the girls; the skirt was not too short, but it did not drag on the ground either. A modest kerchief of black silk covered, according to the local fashion, her chest and shoulders, and there were no other decorations on her head, except for her own golden hair, - no intricate hairstyle, no flower, no jewelry. But... contrary to village customs, she wore gloves.
She has the eyes are really beautiful - large, almond-shaped and green like Circe; what gives them a special charm is that she herself does not seem to know what is behind her eyes - she does not feel any intention to attract and charm men with tender eyes.

17 Margaret Schlegel - Lady of the Age 17.

18 Mathilde de la Mole - 18 Lady of the Age. According to Stendhal - Red and black.

Mathilde de La Mole is a very blonde blonde with an intricate haircut, I think blue eyes (or am I lying?).

Mathilde de La Mole: ...he noticed a young lady very light blonde, unusually slender ... He did not like her at all; however, looking more closely, he thought that he had never seen such beautiful eyes; but only they exposed an unusually cold soul. Then Julien caught in them an expression of boredom, which looks inquisitively, but constantly remembers that she must be majestic ... By the end of dinner, Julien found a word that well defined the special beauty of Mademoiselle de La Mole's eyes. They are sparkling, he said to himself.

19 Anna Osores - 19 Lady of the Epoch. Spanish Literature.

20 Eugenia Grande - 20 Lady of the Epoch according to Balzac (came out for the New Year 2012).

Eugenia Grande: First she combed her Brown hair, with the greatest care, rolled them up with thick plaits on her head, trying so that not a single strand would break out of the braid, and brought the curls into symmetry, shading the timid and innocent expression of her face, coordinating the simplicity of the hairstyle with the purity of its lines.

Evgenia belonged to the type strong build girls, which are found among the petty bourgeoisie, and her beauty might otherwise seem ordinary, but if she resembled the Venus de Milo in forms, then her whole appearance was ennobled by the meekness of a Christian feeling, enlightening a woman and giving her a subtle spiritual charm, unknown to the sculptors of antiquity. She had a large head, a masculine forehead, but elegantly outlined, like that of Phidius Jupiter, and gray glowing eyes which reflected her whole life. The features of her round face, once fresh and ruddy, were hardened by smallpox, which was merciful enough not to leave mountain ash, but destroyed the velvety of the skin, yet so soft and thin that her mother's kiss left a fleeting pink mark on her. The nose was a little large, but in harmony with her mouth; scarlet lips, dotted with many lines, were filled with love and kindness. The neck was distinguished by the perfection of the form. A full chest, carefully hidden, attracted the eye and aroused the imagination; of course, Eugenia lacked the grace that a skillful dress gives a woman, but to a connoisseur, the lack of flexibility of this tall figure must have seemed charming. No, in Evgenia, large and dense, there was not that prettiness that everyone and everyone likes, but she was beautiful with that majestic beauty that the artist's captivated eye will immediately see... This calm face, full of colors, illuminated by the sun, like a freshly blossoming flower, breathed rest into the soul, reflected the inner charm of a calm conscience and attracted the eye.

21 Isabella Archer.

Isabella Archer: ...tall girl in black dress, very attractive at first glance. She was without a hat....

His cousin could replace many works of art. She was undeniably thin, undeniably airy, and undeniably tall. No wonder friends, comparing the younger Miss Archer with the sisters, always added the word reed. Her dark, almost black hair aroused the envy of many women, A light gray eyes, which sometimes, in a moment of concentration, expressed, perhaps, excessive hardness, captivated by all shades of softness.

In his black velvet dress she was... beautiful and proud, but at the same time, how spiritually tender!... If time touched her, it was only to decorate, the flower of her youth did not fade, but only rose more calmly on the stem. She had lost some of her impatient ardour... her appearance suggested that she was capable of waiting... she seemed to Rosier the epitome of a sophisticated lady of the world.

Nana according to the book - with long blond, reddish hair, the hairdresser spent hours doing her hair.

Nana, very tall, very portly for her eighteen years... with long blond hair flowing over her shoulders without any tricks...

Nana suddenly felt so deeply moved that even tears came to her beautiful blue eyes .

Nana invented a stunning outfit for herself ... a short corsage and a blue silk tunic, gathered at the back into a huge bustle, tightly fitted the body, emphasizing the line of the hips, which, with the then fashion for wide skirts, was already quite bold in itself; a white satin dress with white, also satin sleeves, was caught by a white satin scarf crossed over the chest, and all this was trimmed with silver guipure, shining brightly in the sun. For a greater resemblance to the jockey, Nana without thinking twice put on a blue current with a white feather and spread her golden hair down her back, resembling a lush red tail.

23. Anna Eliot.

Only a few years ago Ann Elliot was pretty, but her beauty faded early; and if, even at her zenith, her father found little attractive in her daughter (her sweet features and gentle dark eyes were so different from his own), now that she had become thin and pale, he did not regard her at all.

She looked remarkably well; from the fresh wind a gentle blush played on her cheeks, her eyes shone, and this gave her former charm to her regular, sweet features.

24. Miss Erlynne

Lady Windermere's Fan mentions a photograph of Mrs Erlynne as a young woman, in which she has dark hair. However, Mrs Erlynne may wear makeup or a wig.)

25. Keith Croy (Crow).

Description of the appearance of Kate Crow in the novel:

She put on her black, feathered hat more evenly, straightened a heavy wave of dark hair underneath; looked slanted eyes, no less beautiful than if they were the correct form. She was dressed in all black, which set off, in contrast, her fair face and made her hair darker. Outside, on the balcony, her eyes turned blue; inside, in the mirror, they seemed almost black".

26. Maggie Werwer.

27. Estella.

Estella: Miss Havisham beckoned Estella to her, and taking from the table some glittering ornament, she lovingly placed it first on her round neck, then dark curly hair .

She was proud and self-willed in the old way, but these properties merged with her beauty so much that it would be impossible, even sinful, to separate them from her beauty ...

28. Lucy Honeychurch

"... Miss Honeychurch turned out to be an ordinary young lady with thick black hair and a pale, pretty little face with not yet fully defined features.
"Lucy, in an elegant white dress, slender and nervous..."
"In her elegant attire, she reminded him of some wonderful flower that has no leaves of its own, but rises straight from the forest green."
Of the outfits in the novel, "a silk dress embroidered with patterns" is also mentioned.
"Her light cherry dress is clearly unfortunate, in it she looks tasteless and faded. At her throat is a garnet brooch, on her finger is a wedding ring with rubies."

29 Mabel Chiltern

Mabel Chiltern / Ideal Husband / Oscar Wilde.

Mabel Chiltern - perfect an example of English female beauty, white and pink, like the color of an apple tree. It has the fragrance and freshness of a flower. Hair shimmers with gold, as if the sun's rays were entangled in them, the small mouth is half open, like that of a child who is waiting for something pleasant. She has the captivating despotism of youth and the stunning frankness of innocence. To sane people, she does not resemble any works of art, but if you look closely, she looks like a Tanagra figurine, although she would hardly have liked such a compliment.

Relatives allow Mabel to wear only pearls, but she can not stand it. She has an amazing dress. Mrs. Cheveley, out of spite, says of Mabel's dress that it is "pretty, simple ... and decent."

30 Countess Ellen Olenska

Quote from the book The Age of Innocence about Ellen Olenska in full: She was a slender young woman ... with thick chestnut curls, seized at the temples with a narrow diamond ribbon. Thanks to her hair and style, somewhat theatrically pulled together above the waist by a belt with a large old-fashioned buckle, in her, in the expression of those times, there was something a la Josephine. The lady in such an unusual dress seemed not to notice the curiosity he aroused at all...

According to the plot, Ellen, who has lived in Europe for several years, often impresses American women with her outfits: But Mrs. Olenskaya, disregarding tradition, was wearing shiny black fur that covered her neck to the very chin and went down the front... Fur in a hot living room and a closed neck with bare arms suggested something vicious and seductive, but the overall impression was undoubtedly pleasant.

About appearance: ... the brilliance of her youth faded. Ruddy cheeks turned pale. However, everything in her breathed, and although there was nothing theatrical in the confident position of her head and in her eyes, she impressed Archer with the careful thoughtfulness of her whole appearance and the proud consciousness of her strength.

She was very pale, and from this her dark hair seemed even darker and thicker, than usual.

And one more thing: She was dressed like a ball. Everything about her shone and shimmered as if woven from the rays of a flickering candle, and she carried her head high, like a pretty woman challenging a full room of rivals.

31 Emma Woodhouse.

Former governess on Emma Woodhouse: What eyes! Pure brown color- and what a shine in them! Correct features, open expression, and blush! What a flowering of impeccable health! What a good height, what proportion of build, what a strong, upright figure! Not only Emma's complexion betrays her health, but also her posture, her gaze, the position of her head ... in my opinion, she is full of youthful health. What a beauty!

32 Nora Helmer (Helmer, Elmer)

33 Millie Teal

34 Jacinta (Hyacinth)

It is written about Jacinta that she was gentle, beautiful in face and kind. In the picture - a suit with a wide skirt and puffy top, sleeves narrow at the wrists. There is no hat, but it is depicted in the apartment.

Description of Jacinta from the novel:

Jacinta was a girl who had excellent talents, besides she was very beautiful and affectionate. Her beautiful eyes revealed the maturity of her soul, her readiness to accept love and fall in love herself...

Jacinta was of medium height, full of grace and charm, that is, as they say in the common people, she was pretty and sweet. Her delicate features and her eyes radiated joy and left an extremely pleasant impression. Her attractiveness intensified when she was silent .. She possessed a slender figure, that fragile beauty that so easily loses its attractiveness as soon as the first grief of life or motherhood touches them ...

35 Eleanor Dashwood (Eleanor Dashwood).

Sense and Sensibility has a description of Eleanor Dashwood's dress. Muslin with polka dots.

36 Daisy Miller.

Daisy Miller: She was wearing. She walked without a hat, but held in her hand a large, heavily embroidered along the hem ... her eyes were direct, open. And there was not the slightest immodesty in him, but how could the bold look of such clear, extremely beautiful eyes be immodest! Winterbourne had not had to see more charming features than this compatriot of his for a long time - teeth, ears, nose, delicate skin ... Nobody would call this face insignificant, but it lacked expressiveness. It pleased the eye with elegance, subtlety of features, but Winterbourne noted in it, generously forgiving this shortcoming, a certain incompleteness.

37 Teresa Raquin

Thérèse Raquin: Under a low, smooth forehead, a long, straight, thin nose loomed; the lips were two narrow pale pink stripes, and the chin, short and energetic, was connected to the neck by a flexible, soft line ... the profile was dull-pale, with a black wide-open eye, as if pressed down thick dark hair . Teresa's mother was African. Teresa wore wide starched skirts.

38 Tristana

Tristana: This woman was young, slender, unusually pretty and had snow-white - whiter than alabaster - skin. Complemented her image of a cheek without a blush, black eyes, small, but incredibly attractive because of their liveliness and mischief, unusually regular, as if painted with the tip of the thinnest brush, arches of eyebrows and a small scarlet mouth with plump, like Cupid's lips, which excited bold fantasies in the minds of the most respectable husbands, when, opening , exposed porcelain even teeth. Her shiny as silk, brown hair was not very thick, but looked charming, gathered at the top. But the most remarkable thing about this amazing creature was a stunning resemblance to a snow-white ermine, which made the girl the epitome of neatness: even the dirtiest housework that she had to do could not stain her. And those perfectly shaped hands - what hands! - as if intended for gentle hugs, like her whole body, it seemed to have a magical ability to speak to the outside world:

Your insignificance does not concern me.

On her whole being lay the seal of some primordial, innate purity, not subject to contact with things dirty and untidy. When she, in simple home clothes, with a broom in her hands, put things in order in the house, dust and dirt spared her, and when, preening, put on her purple robe with white frills, combed her hair up and pinned it up with hairpins, then was a living image of a noble Japanese lady. This is not surprising, because all of it was as if made of paper - soft, thin, lively - on which inspired artists of the East depicted the divine and human, funny with a share of serious and serious, capable of making laugh. From the purest paper was her white matte face, from paper - clothes, from paper - her incredibly graceful chiseled hands.

Barbara Nekhtsits at the age of 18 "... dressed strictly, in all black, and since she still cut her hair short and looked a bit like a boy, she was nicknamed a seminarian."

Barbara at 25: "The young lady, with whom he did not take his eyes off, was wearing a black skirt, with raised sides, although not as magnificent as the others; her blouse was all embroidered with glass beads. She looked to be at most 18 years old, her dark hair was cropped short... The girl's face was open and slightly mischievous, with somewhat small but distinct features. glass beads, the light shimmered on it with thousands of golden zigzags and lightning.

Barbara had gray eyes Article rating: … you look really cute. What did you wear?
- That new dress that my uncle was so kind that he gave me for Maria's wedding. I hope it's not too fancy. But I so wanted to wear it at the first suitable occasion, and there might not be another like it all winter. I hope you don't think I'm too dressy.
- If a woman is in white, she can never be too smart. No, you are not at all overdressed, everything is just as required. Your dress is very cute. I love those shiny dots.

Sonya Marmeladova: From the crowd, inaudibly and timidly, a girl made her way, and it was strange her sudden appearance in this room, among poverty, rags, death and despair. She, too, was in rags; her outfit was cheap, but decorated in a street style, according to the taste and rules that had developed in her own special world, with a bright and shamefully prominent goal. Sonya stopped in the entryway at the very threshold, but did not cross the threshold and looked as if lost, not realizing anything, it seemed, forgetting about her secondhand, silk, indecent here, colored dress with a long and ridiculous tail, and an immense crinoline that blocked the whole door, and about light-colored shoes, and about an ombrelka, an unnecessary night, but which she took with her, and about a funny straw hat with a bright fiery feather. From under this boyish hat, worn on one side, a thin, pale and frightened face peeked out with an open mouth and eyes motionless with horror. Sonya was small, about eighteen years old, thin, but rather pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes.
neither she nor Katerina Ivanovna were in mourning, for lack of dresses; Sonya was wearing some kind of brown, darker, and Katerina Ivanovna was wearing her only dress, chintz, dark with stripes.

Elizabeth Bennet: Mr. Darcy at first scarcely admitted that
she is not stupid. He looked at her with complete indifference at the ball. And when
the next time they met, he saw only flaws in her. But only
only he fully proved to himself and his friends that in her person there is not a single
correct line, when he suddenly began to notice that it seemed unusually
inspired by the beautiful expression of dark eyes. Behind it
others, no less risky, followed the discovery. Although
with his captious eye, he discovered more than one deviation from the ideal in her
appearance, he was nevertheless forced to recognize her unusually

I listened to Uzhankov's lecture on "The Captain's Daughter" and the comparison of the story with "Eugene Onegin", and there arose, at first vaguely, the image of a positive hero, as Russian writers deduced him.

It is known that Pushkin Grinev is the only truly positive and morally impeccable hero, at the same time developed in detail. But who is he? - Average abilities, a rather limited person, "simple", close to the people, although a nobleman. Next to him is his uncle - Savelich, just as simple, honest, loving, selfless.
Who else is with Pushkin? In "Onegin" - first of all ... Nature! On it, as on four pillars, the entire cosmism of the novel rests. But Nature is essentially God. Yes, He is flawless (!) Who else? Yes, only Tatyana's nanny. Partly Tatyana herself. Partly! But she is by no means mediocre.
In Belkin's stories, the positive hero is exclusively Belkin himself. Again, an insignificant, narrow-minded, quiet, simple and honest person, but he is slightly developed by the author. Stationmaster Samson Vyrin? Yes, a superbly written type of a person who is simple and moral to the point of stupidity, unable to evaluate the real thoughts and actions of people in the real world, and not in the illusory world of morality hammered into him, the caretaker Samson Vyrin. By the way, (oh, Pushkin's hidden irony!) when this Samson is deprived of his strength - support in unshakable moral rules, he immediately perishes. Because in itself "Samson" is nobody without his moral crutches. Because the support of Samson Vyrin is not in the Living God, but in the stupidly accepted rules, albeit with a good heart.

Lermontov. Of the real heroes, there is only one Maxim Maksimovich, a kind of kind and highly moral mediocrity with an eternal cast-iron teapot.

Gogol. Ostap from "Taras Bulba", characterized by his immobile narrow-mindedness and highly moral oakiness. Akaki Akakievich from "The Overcoat"? Of course, but only it is quite simple and limited to the point of tragicomism. Well, even the old-world landowners - Afanasy Ivanovich Tovstogub and his wife Pulcheria Ivanovna, amoeba-positive and touching to the point of ridiculousness, which takes them beyond the very positivity into the realm of Russian denseness. And again - Nature! All-embracing, all-knowing, all-loving, all-forgiving, that is, God.

Turgenev. Lemm from the Noble Nest, a sentimental German, a mediocre musician, kind, loving and even sharp-sighted in love, who has taken root in Russia like a cat takes root in a house. Arkady from Fathers and Sons”, quite an ordinary person in his natural kindness. Nature is in the first place for Turgenev. She is God, literally and figuratively. Insarov from "On the Eve"? Noble? - Yes. Outstanding personality? - Yes. But this revolutionary will still get things done. The author kills him, so as not to think about his future bloody revolutionary exploits (which we Russians are well aware of from our further experience!) Elena, although she is secondary, her personality is induced by love for Insarov.

Dostoevsky. His stubborn, to the point of obsession, desire to write a truly positive person gave us Prince Myshkin - an idiot. Here, comments are superfluous, and Myshkin's often pedaled allusion with Christ is possible only with a reference to the Gospel texts, where those around him consider Jesus a madman. In other words: Jesus was known as a madman, and Myshkin was one. The heroes of "Poor People" (Makar Alekseevich Devushkin Varvara Alekseevna Dobroselova) are loving, but limited, of low flight. Of course, Alyosha from The Brothers Karamazov, carefully designed and again with a reference to Christ. And again Katerina Ivanovna, in anger, calls him "the little holy fool"! Is he wise? No, not by itself, but through the elder Zosima and, ultimately, through Christ. Razumikhin from Crime and Punishment, a desperately narrow-minded noble man, the reader cannot even strongly sympathize with him. Although he can sympathize with the villain (?) Svidrigailov.

Tolstoy. Karl Ivanovich from "Childhood". Captain Tushin and Platon Karataev from War and Peace. All the same gray, imperceptible, almost unconscious (“the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing!”!) kindness. Nikolai Rostov from "War and Peace" is a fundamental mediocrity that has risen even to the realization of himself as such, but still remains such. Maria Bolkonskaya, the wife of Nikolai Rostov, is perhaps the only deep positive heroine! The old Prince Bolkonsky is drawn brightly, but schematically. Levin from Anna Karenina. Ivan Ilyich's servant Gerasim from the story "The Death of Ivan Ilyich". And Nature, Nature, Nature, in which God acts, acts directly, free from the resistance of the evil will of people corrupted by sin.

In the future, our literature did not know truly positive heroes. In Chekhov, perhaps the author himself (not the real Anton Pavlovich!) And Nature. Maybe the wife of Misha Platonov? She utters a brilliant Christian monologue, but alas, her narrow-mindedness and even stupidity are obvious at the same time. So, it is not she who pronounces this monologue, but Christ through her mouth ... Gorky generally and in principle has no positive heroes. This is especially evident in the great books of Klim Samgin.

Let's summarize our findings.
Pushkin: Grinev, Savelich, Tatyana's nanny, Tatiana, Belkin, Samson Vyrin.
Lermontov: Maxim Maksimovich.
Gogol: Ostap, Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin, Afanasy Ivanovich Tovstogub and his wife Pulcheria Ivanovna.
Turgenev: Lemm, Arkady, Insarov, Elena.
Dostoevsky: Makar Devushkin and Varya Dobroselova, Prince Myshkin, Alyosha Karamazov, Razumikhin.
Tolstoy: Karl Ivanovich, Captain Tushin, Platon Karataev, Nikolai Rostov, Maria Bolkonskaya, Levin, servant of Ivan Ilyich - Gerasim.
Everyone has: Nature - Christ - God.

Outstanding personalities are highlighted in bold. There are only three of them. Of these, Insarov is a potential theomachist. All the rest are mediocre, but the Lord speaks through them. Such is the unintentional, but natural, sincere, most likely unconscious position of Russian literature: “Where it is simple, there are hundreds of angels!” Is it good or bad? Neither one nor the other. This is us.

In world literature, there are many images of female heroines who sunk into the soul of the reader, fell in love, they began to be quoted.Some works of world literature are filmed and the viewer believes that the picture is successful if the plot of the bookfully revealed in the film, and the actors correspond to their favorite literary hero.
The woman is given a very important and outstanding role in literature: she is the subject of admiration,a source of inspiration, a longed-for dream and the personification of the most sublime in the world.
Undoubtedly, the beautiful women of world literature have a different fate: someone is an eternal ideal, like Juliet,someone is a fighter and just a beautiful woman, like Scarlett O Hara, and someone is forgotten.How long the heroine of a literary work will linger in the memory of the reader is directly related to her appearance,character and actions. The literary heroine, as in life, must be self-sufficient, pretty,patient, purposeful, with a sense of humor and, of course, wise.
Our site site decided to compile Rating of the most beautiful literary heroines. Some of the photos show well-known actresses or models who did not star in the roles of the presented literary heroines, but, in our opinion, they are very suitable for these roles. The descriptions of the appearance of the heroines are taken from the books of the authors of world literature in England, France, Australia, America, Turkey and Russia. Some of our favorite books have not yet been filmed,but we sincerely believe that this time will not be long in coming.

15. TO Arla Saarnen (Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts)

The protagonist meets Carla in the early days of his time in Bombay.It begins with the entry of the protagonist into the circles of the Mafia. Karla Saaranen is characterizedthe main character as a wise and mysterious beautiful woman. Karla is a brunette with green eyes, who has oriental roots.Many philosophical considerations and sayings in the book belong to her.

14. Tess Durbeyfield (Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Thomas Hardy)

She was a beautiful girl, perhaps no more beautiful than some of the others, but her lively scarlet mouth and large innocent eyes emphasized her good looks. She adorned her hair with a red ribbon and among the women dressed in white, she was the only one who could boast of such a bright decoration. There was still something childlike about her face. And today, despite her bright femininity, her cheeks sometimes suggested a twelve-year-old girl, her shining eyes a nine-year-old, and the curve of her mouth a five-year-old baby.
You can guess about the color of her face by the dark chestnut strand of hair that has come out from under the bonnet ... Her face is the oval face of a beautiful young woman, deep dark eyes and long heavy braids that seem to cling imploringly to everything they touch.

13. Helen Kuragina (Bezukhova) ("War and Peace", L. Tolstoy)

Helen Kuragina (Bezukhova) is outwardly the ideal of female beauty, the opposite of Natasha Rostova.Despite external beauty, all the vices inherent in secular society are concentrated in Helen: arrogance, flattery, vanity.

12. Rebecca Sharp (Vanity Fair, William Thackeray)

"Rebecca was small, fragile, pale, with reddish hair; her green eyes were usually lowered down, but when she raised them, they seemed unusually large, mysterious and alluring ...".

11. Maggie Cleary (The Thornbirds, Colin McCullough)

Maggie's hair, like a true Cleary's, blazed like a beacon: all the children in the family, except Frank, got this punishment, all red whirlwinds, only in different shades.Maggie's eyes were like "molten pearls", silvery grey.Maggie Cleary had... Hair of such a color that it is beyond words - not copper-red, and not gold, some rare fusion of both ... Silver-gray eyes, amazingly clear, shining, like melted pearls.... Maggie's gray eyes ... Cast in all shades of blue, and violet, and deep blue, the color of the sky on a clear sunny day, the velvety green of the moss, and even a little noticeable - swarthy yellowness. And they glow softly, like matte gems, set in long curly lashes, as gleaming as if they had been bathed in gold.

10. Tatyana Larina ("Eugene Onegin", A.S. Pushkin)

The heroine from the first meeting captivates the reader with her spiritual beauty, lack of pretense.

So, she was called Tatyana.

Nor the beauty of his sister
Nor the freshness of her ruddy
She would not attract eyes.
Dika, sad, silent,
Like a forest doe is timid,
She is in her family
Seemed like a stranger girl.

9. Lara ("Doctor Zhivago", Boris Pasternak)

She was a little over sixteen, but she was a well-formed girl. She was given eighteen years or more. She had a clear mind and an easy character. She was very pretty.She moved silently and smoothly, and everything in her imperceptible speed of movement, height, voice, gray eyes and blond hair color matched each other.

8. Christina Dae (The Phantom of the Opera, Gaston Leroux)

Christina Dae had blue eyes and golden curls.

7. Esmeralda (Notre Dame Cathedral, Victor Hugo)

Esmeralda is a beautiful young girl who earns money by dancing and performing with a trained goat, Jalli.She is the embodiment of chastity and naivety, not at all like the others.Even the fact that she has to make a living by dancing does not corrupt her. She has a good heart.

“She was short in stature, but seemed tall - her thin frame was so slender. She was swarthy, but it was not difficultguess that during the day her skin had a wonderful golden hue, inherent in the Andalusians and Romans. Smallher foot was also an Andalusian's foot, so lightly did she step in her narrow elegant shoe. The girl danced, fluttered,whirled on an old Persian carpet carelessly thrown under her feet, and whenever her radiant faceappeared in front of you, the look of her large black eyes blinded you like lightning. The eyes of the crowd were fixed on her,all mouths open. She danced to the rumble of a tambourine, which her round virgin hands raised high abovehead. Thin, fragile, with bare shoulders and slender legs occasionally flashing from under her skirt,black-haired, quick as a wasp, in golden, tight-fittingher corsage waist, in a motley swollen dress, shining with her eyes, she seemed to be a truly unearthly creature ... "

6. Mercedes ("The Count of Monte Cristo", A. Dumas)

"A beautiful young girl, with jet-black hair, with velvety eyes like a gazelle..."

5. Carmen ("Carmen", Prosper Merimee)

She had a large bouquet of jasmine in her hair. She was dressed simply, perhaps even poorly, in all black ... I dropped the mantilla that covered her head on her shoulders, I saw that she was short, young, well-built and that she had huge eyes ... Her skin, really , immaculately smooth, closely reminiscent of copper in color. Her eyes were slanted, but wonderfully carved; lips a little full, but beautifully defined, behind them teeth were visible, whiter than peeled tonsils. Her hair, perhaps a little coarse, was black, with a blue tint like a raven's wing, long and shiny ... She wore a very short red skirt, allowing you to see white silk stockings and pretty shoes of red morocco, tied with ribbons of fiery color.

4. Irene Forsythe (The Forsyte Saga, John Galsworthy)

The gods gave Irene dark brown eyes and golden hair - a peculiar combination of shades that attracts the eyes of men and, as they say, indicates a weakness of character. And the even, soft whiteness of her neck and shoulders, framed by a golden dress, gave her some extraordinary charm.Golden-haired, dark-eyed Irene looks like a pagan goddess, she is full of charm, distinguished by sophistication of taste and manners.

3. Scarlett O'Hara ("Gone with the Wind" Margaret Mitchell)

Scarlett O'Harane was a beauty, but men were hardly aware of this if, like the Tarleton twins, they fell victim to her charms. The refined features of her mother, a local aristocrat of French origin, and large, expressive features were very bizarrely combined in her face. her father, a healthy Irishman.Scarlett's broad-cheeked, chiseled-chin face involuntarily attracted her gaze.Especially her slightly slanted, light green, transparent eyes, framed by dark eyelashes.On a forehead as white as a magnolia petal, ah, that white skin , which the women of the American South are so proud of, carefully guarding it with hats, veils and mitts from the hot Georgia sun! - two impeccably clear lines of eyebrows rapidly flew up obliquely - from the bridge of the nose to the temples. Hergreen eyes - restless, bright (oh, how much willfulness and fire they had!) - entered into an argument with a courteous secular restraint of manners, betraying the true essence of this nature ...

2. Feride ( "Kinglet singing bird", Reshad Nuri Gyuntekin)

The legendary Turkish actress Aydan Shener starred as Feride (biography, photo)

Feride was short in stature, but with an early figure. In her youth, her cheerful, carefree eyes...

Light blue... It seemed to consist of gold dust dancing in a transparent light.When these eyes are not laughing, they appear large and deep, like living suffering. But as soon as they sparkle with laughter,they decrease, the light ceases to fit in them, it seems that small diamonds are scattered on the cheeks.What beautiful, what delicate features! In the pictures, such faces are touched to tears. Even with his flaws...I saw some kind of charm ... Eyebrows ... They begin beautifully - beautifully, thinly, thinly, but then they go astray ...Curved arrows stretched to the very temples. The upper lip was a little short and slightly exposed a row of teeth.Therefore, it seemed that Feride always smiled a little. ... Being young, fresh as an April rose,strewn with drops of dew, with a face as clear as the morning light.

1. Angelica ("Angelica", Anne and Serge Gollon)

French actress Michel Mercier starred as Angelica (biography, photo)

A series of fictional literary works tells about Angelica, a fictional beauty-adventurer of the 17th century. In the novel, the emphasis is on her golden hair and unusually bewitching green eyes.Angelica is wise, adventurous, impressionable, always striving for love and happiness.

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