Surnames of Russian bards. Bards of Russia


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The name of Bulat Okudzhava has firmly entered the list of the most famous bards. It was he who became the founder of this style in the USSR. While the official stage sang cheerful and positive compositions, Okudzhava created profound works about the meaning of life, hopes and unfulfilled dreams. Each of his songs is a subtle and heartfelt text, where the music is just an accompaniment. Many of Okudzhava's songs - "Goodbye", "And we are with you, brother, from the infantry", "Your Honor, Madam Luck" - passed into the category of folk songs. Also, his works are heard in popular Soviet films of the 1950-1980s.

Alexander Rosenbaum - doctor and poet

Despite the fact that Rosenbaum has a medical education, only his early works are associated with the work of a doctor. His bardic lyrics cover the topics of civic duty, the fate of Russia, and philosophical questions. Some songs are permeated with gypsy motifs. A large layer of creativity covers the theme of post-revolutionary Russia. A special place in the lyrics of Rosenbaum is occupied by the theme of the war - the Great Patriotic War and the Afghan War. Rosenbaum performs his works under, but at concerts he often performs solo on a twelve-string instrument.
Unlike many other bards, Rosenbaum was officially recognized in the USSR.
Vysotsky was a successful actor, poet and writer. However, most people know him as a performer. Although Vysotsky himself did not like it when his work was classified as a bard, many of his motives are similar to this direction. As well as, Vysotsky paid great attention to the text, and not to the music. In his work there are songs about the war, love lyrics, satirical couplets and acute social themes. An interesting phenomenon was dialogue songs, where Vysotsky sings, depicting various characters.
More than 170 city objects are named after Vysotsky.

Yuri Vizbor - creator of the song-report

Yuri Vizbor, like Bulat Okudzhava, stands at the origins of the author's song. His rich life experience affected Vizbor's work - he worked as a journalist, played in the theater, went in for mountain climbing and football, went to. His first song work Vizbor, while a student at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Later he became the author of the MGPI anthem. Vizbor's first songs were distributed unofficially, but since the 1960s his work has become popular. Vizbor became the founder of the genre of song reporting. These works were published in the magazine "Krugozor".

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Once again, the famous Grushinskaya guitar will appear at the festival mountain, and the celebration of the unity of man, nature and song will host tens of thousands of participants. If you want to spend a few days in harmony with yourself and with the whole world, come to the Volga in early July.

In 2012, the Grushinsky Festival will be held from the fifth to the eighth of July. The place of the holiday is the Fedorovskie meadows in the Samara region, not far from Tolyatti and the picturesque green bank of the Volga River. This is already the 39th festival. The festival of bard song takes place annually on the very first weekend of July. For the first time, the Grushinsky Festival began to be celebrated in 1968.

The holiday got its name in honor of Valery Grushin, who in the summer of 1967 saved drowning people at the cost of his life on the Uda River in Siberia. His friends decided to organize an annual festival in memory of the deceased, this idea was supported by many of Valery Grushin's classmates and other lovers of outdoor recreation and songs. The very first collection took place in Zhiguli in the Stone Bowl on September 29, 1968.

The second Grushinsky festival was held already in July, since then the time of the holiday has not changed. Every year the number of visitors grew, the holiday gained the greatest popularity in the late 1970s (about 100 thousand people participated) and in the late 1990s (about 210 thousand visitors). The holding of bard gatherings was interrupted in the 1980s, the official authorities canceled them. The festival was revived again in 1986.

Participants of this holiday are not only from Russia, but also foreigners. This festival was created for lovers of original music. During the whole festival, there are several stages-stages, where competitions are held. Concerts are held not only during the day, but also at night. At night, participants light festival bonfires, around which old and new acquaintances and friends are grouped.

In the venue of the festival, a whole city quickly appears from a multitude of tents, in which the participants will live during the festival. Each visitor will have enough space for their own tent, and the organizers of the rally have no problems with this. Participants do not have to bring travel equipment with them, everything you need is rented or sold. There are shops and cafes on the territory. Fresh artesian water is brought every day.

The festival will host not only bard competitions, but also sports games and competitions: volleyball, football, orienteering and much more. There is a special playground for children. You can get to the festival by your own car, for this a guarded parking lot is organized, and by public transport.


  • Grushinsky Festival in 2019

The term "bard" first appeared in medieval Europe. This was the name given to wandering singers who performed both their own songs and folk ballads. In the middle of the 20th century in the USSR, bards began to be called performers of author's songs, i.e. the meaning of this word has hardly changed.

Art song clubs

During the "thaw", i.e. in the mid-1950s, clubs of authorial, or amateur, songs (KSP) appeared in the USSR. For lovers of this genre, rooms were allocated in the Houses of Culture, Houses of Officers and other centers of culture. They were supervised by the departments of culture and were islands of free thought in the sea of ​​official ideology. From time to time, clubs got into trouble if they went beyond the allowed limits. KSP often balanced on the verge of closing, but, nevertheless, relatively safely existed until the end of perestroika, as a valve for dumping superheated steam. After perestroika and the advent of a market economy, the KSP fell on hard times, as local authorities often simply do not have the will or the means to pay rent for bards. However, in many localities, PCBs have been preserved. You can find out their addresses on the Internet on city websites or in the department of culture of the municipality.

Travel clubs

The author's song is inextricably linked with classical tourism: mountain, water, hiking. All the famous Soviet people were either engaged in tourism themselves or wrote about tourists: about the romance of distant roads, about dangerous river rapids, about climbers and mountaineering... These songs have been sung by several generations of tourists in the post-Soviet space. Songs with a guitar or a cappella by the fire at a halt are an obligatory detail of a successful trip. If there is no club in the city, bards may meet in tourist clubs.

Bard song festivals

Most bards gather at art song festivals. The most famous of them is Grushinsky, which has been held annually since 1968 at the end of June in the city of Tolyatti, Samara Region. At present, the festival has been divided into 2. The second festival takes place at the same time on the Mastryukovsky lakes of the Samara region.

In addition, regional bard festivals are held in every region of Russia during the warm season: "Sail of Hope" in the Voronezh region, "Oskolskaya lira" in Belgorodskaya, "Autograph of August" in Lipetskaya, "Robinsonade" in Leningradskaya, etc. Information about festivals in each region is posted on the Internet. On the official pages of the festivals, the time and place of their holding and the most convenient route for getting there are indicated.


  • Art song festivals

The phenomenon of the author's (as it is also called, amateur or bard) song has not yet been sufficiently studied. Someone is indifferent to it, someone considers it a distant past.
It is hard to deny that the author's song, with its subtle deep lyrics and melodiousness, was an important component of the cultural life of the USSR. “These songs do not penetrate into the ears, but directly into the soul,” said Vladimir Vysotsky
Tradition keepers
There is an ancient, beautiful in its strangeness word "bard". Among the tribes of the Gauls and Celts, singers and poets were so called. They kept the rituals of their peoples, their traditions. And the people believed them, trusted, honored, loved. In our country, the bard song movement took shape in the 1950s and 1960s. When the bards just started to appear, they looked quite ordinary. They were students in baggy pants. They did not yet know that they would be called bards, and the songs they write would be copyrighted or amateur. For them, it was just songs about what worried them ...
The bard song arose as if by itself, in different places, one of which was the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University. Here, in the early 1950s, a wonderful girl, Lyalya Rozanova, studied. She had a gift for attracting talented people and inspiring them to be creative. It is not surprising that it was under her leadership that the student propaganda team became the center of youth life. At first, biologists sang ordinary songs, but one day one of the propaganda team members, Gena Shangin-Berezovsky, sang a song that he composed himself. It was dedicated to his close friend Yuri Yurovitsky and was called “The Song of a True Friend”. The guys liked the song so much that it was immediately included in the repertoire. And after her, the songs written by Lyalya herself and another talented biologist Dmitry Sukharev.

The team of authors of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, pseudonym - Sasha Rozdub
(Sakharov, Shangin, ROZANOVA, DUBROVSKII).
These songs possessed some incredible magic - simple melodies for three chords, uncomplicated lyrics, but very unusual for those times, because they sounded not “we”, but “I”. And in this “I”, everyone recognized himself and his anxieties, feelings, throwing ... Yuri Vizbor recalled: “... with the poems of Lyalya Rozanova, we saved suicides. And yourself, what a sin to hide ... "

Rozanova Liliana as part of the propaganda team (in the center, third from the right of the accordionist).
"Singing Institute"
A similar picture was at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin, which in the 1950s and 1960s received the unofficial name "singing institute". It was there that the first song by Yuri Vizbor "Madagascar" was written. Everyone liked the result so much that the whole faculty began to sing the song, and then all Moscow tourists. Soon Vizbor composed a whole series of songs about trips to famous tunes, and over time he began to invent his own music. The subsequently famous bard Ada Yakusheva recalled that when Vizbor was graduating from college, several volunteers volunteered to urgently learn how to play the guitar. One of them was Ada herself.

Bard Ada Yakusheva.
The third pillar of the author's song at the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute was Julius Kim. He brought his special “gypsy” guitar accompaniment to the bard song. And their themes are social and ironic.

Yuli Kim with guitar.
KSP - from and to
At first, the author's song did not arouse much interest in the state. But now the bards began to graduate from institutes and universities, but they still had the desire to meet, create and share their songs. And they began to unite in KSP - amateur song clubs. First in Moscow, and then in other cities of the Union. In May 1967, the bards held the "First Theoretical Conference", and in the fall of the same year, the first all-Moscow meeting of the KSP was held. Then, on March 7, 1968, the First Union Festival of Author's Song was held in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok. It was on it that the only public concert of Alexander Galich in the USSR took place, at which he performed the song “In Memory of Pasternak”.

Galich at the First Author's Song Festival. 1968 Photo by Vladimir Davydov.
It was then that the Soviet authorities discovered that the bards have a civic position that they want to demonstrate. Persecution began at the KSP. Six months later, all bard clubs were closed in the country. Soon after, Galich was forced to emigrate.
And Julius Kim and many other bards were forbidden to perform. The state could not allow musicians to openly sing about "entrances for bosses", "offices with lackeys and secretaries", "tramplers" under the windows, sales of dachas and "Seagulls", "Tsekovsky rations" and "vintage motorcycles".
However, the ban only fueled the already great interest in the author's song, which became the opposition to the official stage. The Soviet person could not listen to "hope, a small orchestra under the direction of love." He had to listen to the Red Army choir, Kobzon's songs and walk in formation. But not everyone wanted it. "Unofficial" songs, performed with acoustic guitar, were perceived as a revelation. Okudzhava, Vysotsky were copied from reel to reel, since tape recorders were no longer a rarity. This distribution was called “magnitizdat”.
Interestingly, the attitude of the state and the attitude of individual party bosses to the bards could not coincide. For example, Secretary General Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev had a love for Vysotsky's songs. One of the pilots of the government squadron said: “When we were flying from the Far East, suddenly Vysotsky’s songs sounded in the cabin. We to the flight attendants: “Are you crazy?” And they say that the cassette was handed over from Brezhnev’s entourage…”

Since 1969, Vysotsky was also acquainted with Brezhnev's daughter Galina, who not only loved his work and visited the Taganka Theater for his performances, but also helped the artist.
"Songs of Our Age"
In the 1980s, the KSP was not only allowed, but they began to turn a blind eye to their revival. And the songs of the bard Sergei Nikitin could be heard even on the radio! In the 1990s, the concept of bard classics appeared, a series of albums “Songs of our century” began to be released, it could simply be bought in a store. However, such accessibility did not reduce interest in the author's song.
And today people pick up the guitar to sing about what excites them. The author's song continues to live ...
Great bards of the 20th century
Alexander Galich was born in 1918 in Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk). After the ninth grade, he entered the literary institute. In the early period of his work, Galich wrote several plays for the theater: “Taimyr calls you” (co-authored with K. Isaev), “The paths that we choose”, “Under a lucky star”, “March”, “An hour before dawn "," The ship's name is "Eaglet", "How much does a person need", as well as the scripts for the films "True Friends" (together with K. Isaev), "On the Seven Winds", "Give a Complaint Book", "Third Youth", " Running on the waves". Since the late 1950s, Galich began to compose songs, performing them to his own accompaniment on a seven-string guitar. His songs were politically sharp, which led to a conflict with the authorities ... So Galich turned from a zealous Komsomol member into a conscious opponent of the regime and was expelled from the official culture, and then the country. Galich was forbidden to give public concerts. But despite the prohibitions, he was popular, famous, loved. In 1971, Galich was expelled from the Union of Writers of the USSR, of which he had been a member since 1955, and in 1972 from the Union of Cinematographers, of which he had been a member since 1958. After that, he was deprived of the opportunity to earn his own bread and was reduced to a state of poverty. In 1974, Galich was forced to emigrate, and all his previously published works were banned in the USSR. Galich settled in Paris, where he died on December 15, 1977.

Alexander Galich.
Bulat Okudzhava is one of the creators and recognized patriarch of the genre, which later received the name "author's song". In 1942, Okudzhava, a ninth-grader, volunteered for the front, where he was a mortar, machine gunner, and radio operator. After the war, he studied at the Faculty of Philology of Tbilisi University, after which he worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature in a rural school near Kaluga. Okudzhava's first book was published in Kaluga. In 1956 he moved to Moscow, worked as an editor at the Young Guard publishing house, and headed the poetry department at the Literaturnaya Gazeta. Okudzhava composed his first song "Furious and Stubborn ..." while still a student. Tape recordings of Okudzhava scattered throughout the country. Many of his songs are still relevant today:

Bulat Okudzhava.
Furious and stubborn
burn, fire, burn.
Instead of December
come January.
To live the summer to the ground,
and then let them lead
for all your deeds
to the worst judgment.
Vladimir Vysotsky. Born in 1938 in Moscow. Among the numerous bards, Vladimir Vysotsky is perhaps the most famous. Vysotsky began writing his first songs in the early 1960s. These were songs in the style of "yard romance". Around this time, Vladimir Vysotsky came to the Taganka Theater. In parallel with work in the theater, he acted in films. The most famous role of Vysotsky is Zheglov in the television series The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed. He wrote his songs mostly at night. He came home after the performance and sat down to work. Vysotsky's work is usually divided into cycles: military, mountain, sports, Chinese ... Front-line soldiers who listened to his songs about the war were sure that he personally experienced everything he wrote about. People who listened to his songs "with a criminal bias" were sure that he was sitting. Sailors, climbers, long-distance drivers - all considered him theirs. Vysotsky said this about the author's song: "This song lives with you all the time, does not give you rest day or night."

Vladimir Vysotsky.
Alexander Gorodnitsky is one of the founders of the author's song. Until now, he has been actively working, writing poems and songs.

Alexander Gorodnitsky.
Yuri Vizbor is the author and performer of many famous songs. “My dear, forest sun”, “When a star burns” and other songs of Vizbor in Russia are known to almost everyone.

Yuri Vizbor.
Victor Berkovsky is a Russian scientist and a prominent representative of the bard movement of the seventies. "To the music of Vivaldi", "Grenada" and more than 200 songs written by Berkovsky are very popular among the people.

Yuri Kukin - in his youth he was fond of mountaineering, went hiking. Therefore, the main direction in the work of Kukin is given to themes about mountains and nature. The songs are very melodic and in demand. They are good to sing by the fire. The author's most famous hits are "Beyond the Fog" and "Paris".

Yuri Kukin.
Alexander Sukhanov is one of the founders of the informal amateur song club. The main profession is a mathematician, but he is known for his songs (more than 150). He wrote on his own poems and poems of famous classical poets.

Alexander Sukhanov at a concert in Nakhabino. March 15, 1980 Photo by A. Evseev.
Veronica Valley. The most popular author among female songwriters. Veronica Dolina wrote more than 500 songs.

Veronica Valley.
Sergei Nikitin - Soviet composer and bard, lyricist. Wrote a lot of songs for movies. His "Alexandra" from the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" received the status of a folk song. He performed a lot of songs in a duet with his wife Tatyana Nikitina. Sergey Nikitin was very popular in the 70-80s of the last century.

Sergei Nikitin.

Yuri Vizbor

Yuri Vizbor is the author and performer of songs that have long been loved by people. "My dear forest sun", "When a star burns" and other songs of Vizbor are known to everyone. His songs have always been distinguished by melody and tenderness, which was so rare in the 60-70s of the last century.

Alexander Galich

Alexander Galich- one of the founders of the author's song. He created his own, corporate style in the author's song. A rebel and an enemy of the Soviet system, he was forced to emigrate abroad, where he was killed by KGB agents. During his life he wrote a large number of songs that were especially popular in the 70s.

Bulat Okudzhava

Bulat Okudzhava - A bright representative of the bard movement. A very popular and famous songwriter. In addition to performing the author's song, he was engaged in writing scripts and historical novels. "Your Honor, Lady Luck", "Song of a Homeless Child", "Let's Talk" and many other works literally became "folk".

Vladimir Vysotsky

Vladimir Vysotsky- The most beloved bard of the people. His songs touch the soul of a person. Very patriotic songs about the war, funny songs with a double meaning, songs about nature and serious professions. In addition to songs, he acted in films and worked in the theater.

Victor Berkovsky

Victor Berkovsky- Russian scientist and prominent representative of the bard movement of the seventies. "Forties fatal", "To the music of Vivaldi", "Grenada" and more than 200 songs written by Berkovsky are very popular among the people.

Sergey Nikitin

Sergei Nikitin - Soviet composer and bard. Lyric of the Soviet era. Wrote a lot of songs for movies. His "Alexandra" from the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears" received the status of a folk song. He performed a lot of songs in a duet with his wife Tatyana Nikitina. Sergei Nikitin was in great demand in the 70s and 80s of the last century.

Alexander Gorodnitsky

Alexander Gorodnitsky- One of the founders of the author's song. The song "Clean Prudy", performed by Talkov, was written and performed for the first time by him. Until today, it is actively working. He broadcasts on television and writes poetry and songs.

Yuri Kukin

Yuri Kukin - In his youth he was fond of mountaineering, went hiking. Therefore, the main direction in Kukin's work is given to themes about mountains and nature. The songs are very melodic and in demand. They are good to sing by the fire. The author's most famous hits are "Beyond the Fog" and "Paris".

Alexander Sukhanov

Alexander Sukhanov- Songwriter and performer. One of the founders of the informal amateur song club. The main profession is a mathematician, but he is known for his songs (more than 150 songs). He wrote on his poems and poems of famous poets - classics. Performs to this day.

Veronica Valley

Veronica Valley- The most popular author among women, performers of the author's song. Veronika Arkadyevna is a very prolific author. She has written over 500 songs, many of which are widely known. At first, they did not want to accept her into the amateur song club, but with her perseverance, the Valley proved its worth.

Mikhail Shcherbakov

Mikhail Shcherbakov- Popular author and performer. The peak of popularity is the 90s. She sings both with a guitar and with an ensemble in a modern arrangement. He wrote a large number of songs, among which there are a lot of popular ones. He performs at concerts to this day.

Alexander Rosenbaum

Alexander Rosenbaum- The second most popular author and performer after Vladimir Vysotsky. In the past, an ambulance doctor, thanks to a special style of performance, gained all-Union fame. His "Waltz Boston" and "Gop-Stop" are truly considered folk. Alexander Yakovlevich was a member of the State Duma. He was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

The modern stage has not so many performers who can not only sing well (which is already rare) a song, but also write words and music.

The modern stage has not so many performers who can not only sing well (which is already rare) a song, but also write words and music. Unfortunately, the craftsmanship of modern "stars" is descending lower and lower from the stairs of marble, leaving modern connoisseurs of quality music to be desired. Whether business music of bards of the 20th century! We invite you to remember the 5 most famous bards of Russia, who have already become a legend.

Who has not heard of Vladimir Vysotsky? He had a unique poetic gift - the lyrics of his songs are filled with sharp sarcasm about reality, but at the same time they do not lose optimism. Among other things, the songwriter was an incredibly talented theater and film actor. Until now, the cause of his death remains a mystery, but Vysotsky is still alive in the hearts of fans.

Bulat Okudzhava is also one of the brightest representatives of the author's song genre, he authored more than 200 compositions, among which are the famous and sung in different ways "Song of the Homeless Child", "Your Nobility" and many, many others. Even one of the asteroids of the solar system is named after Okudzhava.

The songs of Yuri Vizbor, in comparison with the sore problems of the two authors listed above, on the contrary, are distinguished by amazing melody and tenderness. His songs were especially popular (for example, “My dear, forest sun”) in the 60s and 70s. And today there are many bard festivals named after him.

Alexander Rosenbaum is alive and well to this day, and continues to delight his fans with magnificent songs of his own performance. The unique feature of this author is that he is either adored or simply not perceived, but his talent does not evoke middle emotions. Interestingly, Rosenbaum was originally an emergency doctor, and only in 1980 did he leave for the stage.

Oleg Mityaev is best known for his song “It's great that we all gathered here today”, which was sung at any feast and on any campaign. He was born into a simple working class family and followed in his father's footsteps. But in the early 80s, music in his heart still defeated the ordinary, and

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