Fairies are kind magical creatures. Pictures and photos of fairies


Take the Fair Face of Woman…, Sophie Anderson

fairies- in Celtic and German folklore - women with magical knowledge and power. As a rule, fairies help or simply do good deeds, and also become godparents to princes and princesses, bringing them some magical gifts or abilities as a gift at baptism. In the possession of a fairy, there is usually always a magic wand with which they work their miracles.

The popular imagination endowed the fairies with a rather complex character: they are crafty and mischievous, sometimes cruel, and sometimes kind-hearted; very touchy and vindictive; have an aesthetic sense - they love dancing, music; respect marital fidelity and chastity.

In the Scottish tale "The Fairy and the Cauldron" the following is said about these magical creatures:

“A shepherd once lived on this island. His wife's name was Merred. She was friends with one "peaceful woman", as the fairies were called in the old days. (The tribe of fairies was also called "good neighbors" and "little people".) This fairy was a tiny woman with a pointed face, sparkling eyes and dark hazel skin. She lived in a green hillock overgrown with grass that rose not far from the shepherd's house.

This is how Lydia Charskaya describes fairies in her collection Tales of the Blue Fairy:

“Fairies walked there, airy and tender, like a dream. Their long hair shone with gold, their scarlet lips smiled; their light dresses, woven from rose petals and lilies, were of the most delicate shades. Light and airy, they rushed about, dancing in the air, slightly rustling their light wings, which seemed silver in the shine of the May day ... Not a bird, not a moth, but a cheerful tiny blue girl. She has silver wings behind her back and curls as light as fluff. I know her - this is the fairy of blue air and spring sky, the fairy of the golden sun and the May holiday.

Indeed, the image of fairies almost coincides with the image of elves - kind, gentle and beautiful creatures. But unlike fairies that exist only in Western European mythology, elves are far from always good creatures, and they appeared in Scandinavian mythology.

  • Melusina- according to medieval legend, the fairy of water sources.
  • Morgana- a fairy in the medieval narratives of the Arthurian cycle. First mentioned by Geoffrey of Monmouth in Merlin's Life. Oral legends about Morgan circulated in Brittany, where miraculous sea maidens were called Morgans.
  • Christina is a pavement fairy, the most beautiful of the road fairies, a modern mythological character with a real prototype. Unlike the fairies who patronize springs and plants, it has its own, simple, beauty of a roadside stone that amazes people with the perfection and elegance of form with the seeming roughness of the material. Endowed with the ability to pave the way - people of simple origin are happy to travel where the fairy Christina went, gradually trampling paths and roads. Patronizes common people who have shown kindness and mercy - endows them with extraordinary courage and fortitude. Spreads and informs the news - the word spoken to her by the road will be heard by everyone who comes to meet her. Fairy Christina turns the hearts of travelers who met her on the way and fell in love with her into a road stone in order to save the unfortunate from the pangs of love.

Other: Fairy in KST

Places and beliefs associated with fairies

see also

Fairies in literature

  • One of the most famous good fairies is Tinker Bell. Tinker Bell) from James Matthew Barry's Peter Pan.
  • Fairy Godmother from Cinderella. The image, many times used in later literature and cinema, has become a household word.
  • Villina and Stella are the fairies of the Volkov cycle about the Emerald City.
  • Fairies are featured in the animated series Fairy School.


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See what "Fairies" are in other dictionaries:

    In the lower mythology of the peoples of Western Europe, supernatural beings, sorceresses living in forests, springs, etc. As a rule, they look like beautiful women, sometimes with wings, capable of shapeshifting. Spend time in fun and dancing. ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    In folk beliefs Zap. Europe, fantastic creatures of a woman who appeared to the chosen persons at certain moments of their lives; exerted a bad or beneficent influence; ruled by a queen. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    FEI- International Federation of Equestrian Sports fr.: FEI, Federation Equestre Internationale organization, sports, fr. Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. S. Pb.: Polytechnic, 1997. 527 s ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    fairies- fėjos statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas gentis atitikmenys: lot. Feia rus. fairies ryšiai: platesnis terminas – grundalinės siauresnis terminas – fėja … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas

    fairies- in the lower myth. peoples Zap. Europe's superfood. creatures, sorceresses living in the forests, source. and so on. As a rule, they look like beautiful women, sometimes with wings, capable of shapeshifting. Spend time in fun and dancing ... Ancient world. encyclopedic Dictionary

    fairies- (West - European) - supernatural beings, sorceresses living in forests, mountains, springs, etc. They look like beautiful young women, sometimes with wings, they are able to change their appearance. Spend time in fun and dancing ... Mythological dictionary

    Fairies English. Tinkerbell ... Wikipedia

    English Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure Cartoon type Computer animation ... Wikipedia

    English Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue Cartoon type ... Wikipedia

Name: Fairy Tinkerbell (Tinker Bell)

A country: Neverland

Creator: James Barry

Activity: fairy

Family status: Single

Tinker Bell Fairy: Character Story

Both children and adults who remember their childhood entertainments lovingly reread the lines about the adventures of a boy who did not want to grow up. After escaping from his family through the chimney, the boy gave himself up to adventures that swirled him around on a fictional island called Neverland.

A magical piece of land, lost in the mysterious seas, gave Peter new friends, dangerous rivals, breathtaking games and magic. Monsters live here, and a boy whose milk teeth do not fall out is ready to rush into battle in the company of true friends.

There are four plots that tell about the adventures of the fearless Peter Pan: "White Bird", "Peter Pan in Kensington Garden", "Peter and Wendy", "Peter Pan in Scarlet".

History of creation

Peter Pan was born thanks to the imagination of the writer James Barry. A native of Scotland, Barry was born in 1860 and received a good education. The boy showed a propensity for writing literary essays and stories from childhood. After graduating from university, he became a journalist and wrote many plays, novels, and works of other genres. Due to the fact that the era was not conducive to the creation of books for children, Barry became one of the successful authors, whose work was found witty by adult readers.

The inspiration that prompted James Barry to write the "Peter Pan" that made him famous came to the writer after meeting the Davis family. For the first time, the name of a playful boy appeared in the novel "White Bird". In 1911, the author dedicated a whole book to him called Peter Pan and Wendy. As planned by the writer, the little hero of his works was to become a collective image of all the children in the world.

This is a child from an ordinary family, experiencing an irresistible craving for adventure. Fidget and mischievous, Peter Pan received the nickname Winged Eagle from the leader of the Redskin tribe because he was proud, had an individuality and adamant character. Of course, the ability to fly also influenced the emergence of a new name.

Barry created a unique hero with bright leadership qualities, a friendly protector of loved ones. The Lost Boys saw him as a leader who could take them under their wing. Peter Pan has qualities characteristic of teenagers. He is selfish and shows maximalism in judgments, obstinate and courageous. The boy does not want to grow up and does not change over time.

Among Peter's friends, the Tinker Bell Fairy occupies an important place. Peng is her best friend, so the sorceress is always ready to take the side of the bully. The baby is jealous of his environment and claims all the attention of a friend. She is the most magical character in the book, so the description of the heroine should be given more attention.

Biography and plot

The tiny Tinker Bell has the usual appearance for a fairy-tale character. The palm-sized baby is young and pretty. She is dressed in a dress made of leaves, emphasizing the grace of her chiseled figure. When Tinker Bell flies, fluttering its neat wings, it seems that it looks like a golden dot. The voice of the fairy resembles the ringing of a bell, thanks to which the girl got her lovely name.

Tinker Bell and Peter Pan are friends. The fairy shows a complex character. She is impressionable, temperamental, easily enters into quarrels and just as easily goes to reconciliation. The sorceress always comes to the rescue in a difficult moment, but is distinguished by disobedience and waywardness.

Thinking about who the main characters of the work will be, James Matthew Barry described Tinker Bell in the story. The writer told his children that when a baby laughs for the first time, a fairy is born.

When Tinker Bell was born, she settled on a magical island called Neverland. There lived tomboys and pirates, led by Captain Hook. The fairy quickly became friends with the "lost boys" and even managed to take part in their adventures. Tinker Bell has an important job: to protect the flora and fauna, to help the leaves of plants change color, the sun to melt snowdrifts, and the animals to come out of hibernation and crawl out of minks.

In the book, Barry describes the fairy as the mistress of pots and kettles. The girl really likes to fix dishes, and this is obvious from the original name of the character. "Tinker Bell" in English means "repair".

The fairy had a small workshop where she gave a second life to copper pots, pans and other belongings made of shiny material. The sorceress lived on a tree branch and in the evenings after her work she liked to drink a pumpkin cocktail, admiring the results of her work.

Tinkerbell has magical powers. She has pollen that allows her to fly. Thanks to this composition, the fairy herself, Peter Pan, Wendy and her brothers soar into the air. Later, Barry published a sequel to the book, talking about Tinker Bell's first love, an elf named Flying Fire. Fascinated by her lover's feat, the fairy marries him, and their magical story continues as a family duet.

Contrary to the tradition of bequeathing copyrights to relatives, James Barry gave them to the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital in Britain. On its territory there is a bronze sculpture depicting a fairy. The statue appeared in the square of the hospital in 2005 and is considered the smallest in London. The height barely reaches 24 cm, and the wingspan of the character is 18 cm.

The story of Peter Pan was popular with filmmakers. In the image of Tinker Bell, sought-after actresses have repeatedly performed on the screen. Among them are Virginia Brownie (1924), Ekaterina Chernenko (1987), (1991) and Ludivine Sagnier (2003).

Tinker Bell appeared on the screens in the cartoons "Lost Treasure", "Magic Rescue", "Mystery of the Pirate Island", "Mystery of the Winter Forest", "Winter Story". In the projects of the Disney company, the fairy has a relative. Her sister has a no less poetic name - Forget-Me-Not.

The first cartoon in which the image of a fairy received a visual embodiment was released under the direction in 1953. After the premiere, the audience thought that the animator was inspired, but the author himself assured that he was impressed by the appearance of Margaret Kerry. At the time of the creation of the project, Kerry was already famous, and Monroe's star was just rising in the cinematic sky.

The image created by Walt Disney inspired followers. Thanks to the storyteller Gail Carson Levin, today the Tinker Bell fairy has become an independent character. She turned out to be the heroine of numerous stories about a company of fairies called "Wings". Screen adaptation of fairy tales is shown in cartoon variations under the label "Fairies".

Tinker Bell has become a symbol of Disney. The image of the character adorns branded products, promotional videos for cartoons and children's products for little fashionistas. It is noteworthy that, despite the simple origin of the sorceress, she is included in the Disney Princesses series.

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Ding Ding
Tinker Bell is described by the author as a fairy who likes to fix all kinds of copper things (cups, pots, etc.), from which, in fact, her original name Tinker Bell comes from. Tinker Bell's character is sometimes vindictive and vicious, but in general, she is the first friend and assistant of the character named Peter Pan (probably the result of her romantic feelings for Peter). Like all fairies, Ding can die if people (more precisely, children) stop believing in fairies.
From the point of view of an ordinary person, a flying Tinker Bell looks like a bright golden dot, instead of a human voice, she has a bell ringing. However, the author depicts her as a young girl. This version changes slightly in Fairies: Magical Rescue, as Lizzie Griffiths and her father Martin Griffiths see her (and all her friends and girlfriends) in all their glory.
Disney Tinker Bell: In Walt Disney's interpretation, she wears a lemon green short dress and pom-pom shoes. In this form, scattering fairy dust, Tinker Bell has become a kind of logo - the image of the Walt Disney Company itself.
In fairy stories, comics and books until 2009, Tinker Bell has several friends: for example, a sparrow man named Terence, a water fairy Reni, as well as other fairies with whom she often draws in comics: Prilla, Beck, Bess, Lily, Dulcie, Fira. In the official continuation of J. Barry's tale, Tinker Bell falls in love with an elf named Flying Light. After Flying Fire accomplishes the feat, Tinkerbell and he get married. In the films, she is very friendly with a sparrow man named Terence, who has feelings for her, which she does not notice.
At the present time, the Tinker Bell image can be found on numerous posters, watches, bedroom doors, hats, T-shirts, umbrellas, and even on rings, pendants and necklaces. There is also a range of products for girls with the emblem of the Tinker Bell Fairy. Unlike other female Disney characters, Tinker Bell is not a princess but a fairy (but she was included in the "Disney Princess" line nonetheless). As you know, the Walt Disney Company released the cartoon "Fairies" about Tinker Bell and her newly invented fairy friends, who, of course, appeared earlier in the stories, but did not appear as the main characters. In this full-length cartoon, which was released in 2008, and subsequent films, the Tinker fairy finally spoke like a human (up to this point, she had only made a quiet ringing).
Tinker Bell herself is passionate, rebellious, impatient, impulsive, determined, persistent, temperamental... and yet, with all these traits, she remains charming and attractive. He loves the Lost and proves to be braver than most fairies when it comes to approaching people. She tends to blame everything around her when she's upset, even if it's her fault. Of course, her temperament can often get the best of her, but she always shows herself to be a selfless and devoted friend when the decisive moment comes.
Tink loves hard work, and especially likes to fix things out of metal - her workshop is even made from a real human teapot. She tends to work all the time, but occasionally likes to play games like Fairy Fifteen. Prior to the start of the books, Tinker Bell spent a long time away from pots and pans to be with a boy named Peter Pan. However, when Peter brought Wendy to Neverland, Tink, very upset after this adventure, returned to fairy society and continued her former activities.
She is the main fairy in films (both Peter Penovsky and the fairy cycle) and somehow appears in every book.
Also Tinker Bell, based on the fifth movie about fairies "Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest", has a twin sister named Forget-Me-Not.

Some interesting facts about Dinh Dinh:

My talent is...
I am the Fairy of Pots and Teapots. I love fixing pots, kettles and pans.

My friends say that I:
temperamental, cheerful and courageous
I can easily quarrel and quickly make up
true friend, you just need to get to know me

Fairy Mary says:
Although she's a little on her own, Tinker Bell charms everyone with her sparkling smile and kind heart. Sometimes wayward, she is ardently devoted and capable of anything for the sake of the one she loves. There is no better friend than Ding!

My best friend...
Peter Pan (of course, in the old fairy cycle, and even then - animated; in books this is by no means the case)

My favorite flower...
lily of the valley flower

My favorite color is...
Copper (in Novofei - green)

My hammer

My favorite place...
My workshop inside the teapot

My favourite game...
fairy tales

My favorite dish...
pumpkin cupcake

I love...
Adventure, Peter Pan and fix things (see above, below and sideways)

I do not like...
Things I can't fix and gossip

Let someone down
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Forget-me-not is a winter fairy. First appears in the cartoon "Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest". In the original, her name is Periwinkle - Periwinkle (such a flower, very remotely resembling a forget-me-not; in fact, it was he who was presented to this fairy when she visited the Fairy Valley). Lives in the Winter Forest. She wears a dress that glistens like ice in the sun and fashionable hair. Curious, airy and fun, she draws beautiful frosty patterns and loves to ride on frozen waterfalls with her best friends, Hairpin and Icicle. Her talent is to freeze, freeze objects.
Although Forget-Me-Not loves winter, she has always wanted to know what lurked outside the Winter Forest. When Forget-Me-Not meets Tinker Bell, a special bond instantly forms between them: Tinker Bell and Forget-Me-Not learn that they are sisters.
Forget-me-not loves to read stories about summer, butterflies, and the Fairy Dust tree.
They are very similar to Tinker Bell: both love to collect lost things, although Forget-Me-Not prefers to call them "naydinki" (found things).
They love chamomile tea, only she is iced, and Ding is hot.
Despite the similarity of their wings, they only look alike in their noses: Forget-me-not's skin and hair are much lighter.
Both wear pom-poms on their shoes, though Forget-Me-Not only at home.
Both use similar phrases ("Ring-chime!").

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Terence is a sparrow man (the so-called fairies, male). One of the few characters that made it into the movies. He has a rather rare talent (rare in the books): he is a keeper of Fae Dust. Rare because many fairies are allergic to so much Fairy Pollen that Terence works with every day (and in the movies, fairies with such a talent have little contact with the pollen itself. Therefore, the rarity of the talent disappears).
Terence loves to play pranks, he is very kind, considerate and has true wisdom. Terence clearly has a liking for Tinker Bell. He's doing a very important job in Fairy Valley. Every day, Terence gets up at dawn to distribute fairy dust to the other fairies. It seems strange to other fairies, but he doesn't like to get up late. He is very friendly and has many friends. He sparkles more than most other fairies, and it is because of contact with pollen.
The ding means a lot to Terence. And this is seen by all the fairies, except for Ding herself. He comes to her every day, helps if needed. Sometimes he looks for lost things for her. In fact, Terence is the only one who has the guts to talk to Tinker Bell when she's irritated or out of sorts. He and Tink are best friends in the movies and books.
Because of his unrequited crush on her, he receives constant ridicule from the other pollen guardian fairies. She loves strawberry pie and various knick-knacks.
Terence sprinkled fairy dust on Tinker Bell's head the moment she arrived. His role is quite large in the film "Fairies: The Lost Treasure". But he hardly appears in the film "Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest." Appears in eight books.

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Serebryanka (from the English Silvermist - Silver mist, as it were, Haze-over-the-waterfall) - one of the fairies from the Tinker Bell cartoon, and from the fairy magazine, which was updated in January 2009. Lives in Neverland.
She is a water fairy, she knows how to control water, she is very friendly. In the cartoon, Serebryanka appears instead of the wingless fairy Reni, who is also, as it were, her best friend, in addition to the fairy named Iridessa.
Appears in the cartoon "Fairies", but before that often appears in magazines (but only under the name Silvermist), and also appears in books, sometimes even as the main character.
In the books, her friends sometimes call her "Sil". She has fair skin, brown eyes, and black hair. She is very original and has an upbeat outlook on everything around her. Dreamy, she often listens to her heart more than her mind. Calm by nature, wants everyone around to be happy. She makes friends easily. Her sense of loyalty is unparalleled, and has a noticeable effect on Tinker Bell. Not the best thing about Silver - she likes to listen to rumors and gossip from the Babbling Brook and the Singing Fountain.
The fauna helps Serebryanka learn the language of fish in order to teach them tricks, such as blowing bubbles. She is the second youngest of Ding's friends, after Fauna. And she really doesn't like loud noise.
He loves watermelons, water chestnuts and salt water toffees.

A little interesting about Silver:

My talent is...
I am the Water Fairy. I can influence water and manage it.

friendly, optimistic and trusting
I always calm friends and resolve disputes
Very frank with Tinker Bell

Fairy Mary says...
"Silver Girl always looks at things from the best side. She is a peacemaker trying to reconcile Tinker Bell and Iridessa. When Tinker Bell is in trouble, Silver Girl always comes to her aid."

My best friends...
Iridessa, Renee

My favorite flower...

My favorite color is...

What I treasure the most...
Little magic fountain in my bedroom

My favorite place...
Ponds with Pools

My favourite game...
Glide across the water

My favorite dish...
cucumber soup

I love...
Take a bath, watch the water flow

I do not like...

upset others

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Rosetta is one of the fairies from the Tinker Bell cartoon, and from Fairy Magazine, which was updated in January 2009. Lives in Neverland, in the Valley of the Fairies.
She is considered to be a garden fairy, but by definition, Rosetta is almost a replacement for the "old" fairy Lily - the fairy of flowers, who is her best friend, except for the fairy named Fauna.
Rosetta loves everything beautiful.
The first time we see her is in the movie "Fairies", but in the old comics she is once seen as a fairy tending the garden. Also found in seven books.

Rosette is charming and well-mannered, like many other garden fairies who live in the Valley. She always tries to look her best and loves to give advice on beauty and manners to her friends and flowers. She is also a close friend of a fairy named Serebryanka.
Rosette is very amorous: once upon a time, in the books, she was in love with a sparrow man named Herc (talent - harvesting) and a sparrow man Blaze (talent - fast flight), but at the moment she likes a sparrow man Hoarfrost (talent - winter animals). She is the main character in the movie Fairy Valley Tournament.

Rosette arrived in Fairy Valley before most of her friends. Accordingly, she is supposed to be a little wiser than other fairies. As shown in Fairies: Magical Rescue, she dislikes dirt despite being a garden fairy. Further, this theme will be developed in the film about the Tournament. She often judges a book by its cover. Rosetta wears pink or red dresses that resemble flower buds. She has shoulder-length brown hair styled in a bouffant style. Rosetta actively uses cosmetics.
It was thanks to Rosette that in Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest, the fairies were able to save the Fairy Dust tree: Rosette gave a flower to a fairy named Forget-Me-Not during her visit to the warm side. Forget-me-not froze this flower, which later allowed Tinkerbell to come up with a way to save the Tree. Also, at the end of the film, Rosette and Frost are shown confessing their feelings to each other.
Starting with the fourth film, Rosetta's face has changed slightly.

A little interesting about Rosetta:

My talent is...
I am the Garden Fairy, I take care of the plants.

My friends say that I...
I love everything catchy and beautiful
very generous
bring beauty into their lives

Fairy Mary says...
"At first glance, Rosette may seem superficial and obsessed with beauty, but she is very generous and enjoys sharing her beauty with others."

My best friends...
fauna, lily

My favorite flower...
Wild Rose

My favorite color is...

What I treasure the most...
My berry juice lipstick

My favorite place...
Buttercup Gorge

My favourite game...
Apply makeup and sew beautiful flower dresses

My favorite dish...
candied apples

I love...
Look good and grow beautiful flowers

I do not like...
Get dirty and when Fauna teases me

Shhh... my biggest fear is...
If suddenly I can never take a bath again
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Fauna is one of the fairies from the cartoon "Fairies", and from Fairy Magazine, which was updated in January 2009. Lives in Neverland.
Fauna is a lively fairy who loves to play with animals. She understands them, as does the "old" fairy Beck, with whom she is believed to be friends.
Animals treat her well, which is not surprising, because communicating with animals is her talent.
In English, her name is Fawn (pronounced Fawn); this name can be translated as "deer", "funny little animal", "yellow-brown (color)". And Fauna herself is most often dressed in these colors.
The first time appears in the book "Beck and the Big Berry Battle", and in general very often appears in books along with previous fairies (in Russian translations - under the name Fon).
She is very funny and mischievous. She is always ready to play, and the more active the game, the better. Fauna is a born joker. She loves to play pranks on the fairies named Iridessa and Beck, and Tinkerbell loves her for her mischievous nature. The fauna is fluent in all animal languages, but the toad is her favorite.

Fauna was also one of the guardians of the Mother Dove (see Mother Dove). Considered one of the best fairies of her talent. She is the best friend of a fairy named Rosetta. Fauna also has some sympathy for a sparrow man named Buck, who was her partner in the games in the movie Fairy Valley Tournament.

She is the youngest of all her fairy friends.

A little interesting about Fauna:

My talent is...
I am an Animal Fairy, I understand their language and I can talk with all living beings, big and small

My friends say that I...
naughty tomboy girl
energetic and bold
revered by all animals

Fairy Mary says...
"The soul of the party, Fauna does everything so quickly that her friends can hardly keep up! In addition, she is very caring, and all the animals adore her."

My best friends...
Rosetta, Beck

My favorite flower...

My favorite color is...
earthy tones

What I treasure the most...
my pinecone

My favorite place...
Trembling Forest

My favourite game...
Poke fun at Rosetta

My favorite dish...
clover salad

I love...
Play animal games, play pranks on fairies, play anything!

I do not like...
When you have to be quiet.

Shhh... my biggest fear is...
Hurt any animal.

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Iridessa (from the English. Iridessa) is one of the fairies from the Tinker Bell cartoon, and from the fairy magazine, which was updated in January 2009. Lives in Neverland.
It helps to properly distribute sunlight so that every plant, even a small sprout, has enough of it. This fairy is very smart and disciplined, but easily irritated over trifles. He likes to have fun creating rainbows and other light shows.
Iridessa is a fairy of light, she knows how to control light, to give it the desired shape. In the cartoon, she is "instead of" a fairy of light named Fira, with whom she is very "friends". She is also best friends with a fairy named Serebryanka.
Iridessa is very organized.
The first time she can be seen in the cartoon "Fairies", but Iridesse was mentioned more than once in old comics about fairies, books, she was Fira's friend there.

The dress she wears is yellow sunflower petals. Strapless dress with sunflower seed closure. Iridessa is a perfectionist, very passionate about her work. Can see the bright side of things even when others cannot.
She hates to be wrong, but this rarely happens: usually she is always right. It is for this reason that she rarely gets into trouble, because she does not agree to all sorts of risky actions. In the end, however, she will always do anything to help her friends. She is one of Tinker Bell's best friends and the best friend of a fairy named Fauna (sometimes).

Appears in four books. Friends sometimes call her Dessa.

A little interesting about Iridessa:

My talent is...
I am the Fairy of Light, I control its form and create the right lighting.

My friends say that I...
wonderful, smart and disciplined
tends to think that Ding is messing around
sometimes too irritable

Fairy Mary says...
"An excellent student in my class, Iridessa sometimes does not trust Tin. Of course, because Tink is idle while Iridessa is working hard, but at the decisive hour she will always come to the aid of her friend."

My best friends...
Serebryanka, Fira

My favorite flower...
Sunflower and Astra

My favorite color is...
lemon yellow

What I treasure the most...
My beautiful shimmering crystal

My favorite place...
Morninglight Meadow

My favourite game...
"Iridessa" - a magnificent light show

My favorite dish...

I love...
Know the correct answer

I do not like...
To be wrong and shadow

Shh... my biggest fear is...

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Vidia is one of the fairies living in Neverland. One of the earliest fairies; appears in Fairy Dust and the Enchanted Island. Being a bright and unusual character, he appears in almost every book of the fairy cycle and goes into cartoons.

Vidya is a fairy who has the talent of fast flight. Flying at lightning speed is what she strives for. Even her wings are longer than those of other fairies. Vidya is capricious, selfish, cruel, and generally averse to good manners. Her favorite word in relation to others is "darling" (sarcasm). In general, she has an uneasy relationship with all the fairies, including Queen Ree. In the books, Vidya is not friends with anyone, except that she has a very slight relationship with a fairy named Prilla.

In the books, Vidia has long black hair, but in the movies it takes on a wild plum color hue.
She has pale skin and a perpetual pout that exudes arrogance. She is very proud of her talent, and believes that not all fairies are made to fly. But in fact, she is smart and can even be kind when she needs it.

In order to obtain a special "super-powerful" fairy dust that allows her to fly even faster, Vidiya tore out several feathers from the main creature in the Valley - a bird named Mother Dove. Upon learning of this, Queen Clarion forbade Vidia from approaching Mother Dove.
This powerful - the so-called. Vidia kept the "live" pollen in a cache; now official sources say she just has a habit of storing more pollen than she needs.

In the books, Vidia is the only fairy in the Valley who doesn't live in the House Tree. She lives in a sour (or wild) plum tree. Actually, the rest of the fairies only welcome such a decision.

Vidia's character, while invariably heavy in the books, softens in the films. If in "Fairies" she is asocial and insidious in a bookish way, then by "Winter Forest" she becomes quite sweet and pleasant, on what basis she enters the company of the main characters.

Vidia's name is similar to the Latin word INVIDIA, which means "envy". However, "Vidia" is a real-life name of Indian origin; means, among other things, "wisdom."

Unlike the rest of the main fairies, she only has 3 outfits.
Some sources say that in the films, her friend is also Serebryanka (a controversial statement).

Some interesting facts about Vidia:

My talent is...
I fly very fast

My friends say that I...
I like to call everyone "darling" - but I don't mean it!
not very kind
selfish and mean

Fairy Mary...
"Vidia only cares about one thing, and that's speed. She's already the fastest of all the fairies around, but she's determined to get even faster. She can be really mean if she wants to, no wonder she lives alone... in a sour plum tree." !"

My best friends...
I am not friends with anyone. Well, maybe a little with a fairy named Prilla.

My favorite flower...
cactus flower

My favorite color is...

What I value the most...
My stash of fairy dust

My favorite place...
In the air

My favourite game...
Fly racing

My favorite dish...
Lemon pie

I love...
Fly fast, feel superior

I do not like...
Poppy seeds, dandelions and almost all other fairies

Shhh... my biggest fear is...
Show any weakness.

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Queen Clerion
Clarion (eng. Queen Clarion, Queen Ree) is the queen of the fairies living in Neverland, in the Fairy Refuge.
Clarion is the leader of the fairies that live in Neverland. She observes and is responsible for all events that take place in the Fairy Retreat. She is wise, majestic and sedate. In addition, Clarion is very caring. She also worries about the spiritual and moral part of the life of fairies. Clarion is very fond of all kinds of small fairy things - beautiful leaves, beads, ribbons. She also has a middle name - Queen Ree, and in the books she was sometimes affectionately called that way.
In the books, she is dressed in a pink loose dress, and in the films (like Vidia, she remains in them) the Queen is in a golden pollen dress.
She also lives longer than any other fairy or ruler of Fairy Valley.

Despite her great wisdom and strength, the Queen does not seem to take her high position too seriously. She is loving and outgoing but can be firm in her decisions when needed.

As the ruler of Fairy Valley, Queen Clerion sometimes mediates and helps resolve problems. In the films, her task is to make sure that preparations for the seasons are made in a timely manner (with the help of the Ministers of the Seasons). In addition, she welcomes newcomers to the Fairy Dust Tree and helps them find their innate magical talent.

In the films, Queen Clerion has light honey-brown hair, very large golden wings, a tiara, and a pollen dress. In the books, her wings are of normal size, her hair is usually quite blonde, and she wears a dress made of layered rose petals. The illustrations often depict her without a tiara. In addition, in the films, her and the ministers' outfits are transparent at the very bottom and nowhere is it shown how they walk, only hover above the ground. In the books, however, it appears as though she has legs. An example is an excerpt from Rosetta's Courage Day. There, at dinner, the queen, when Fauna complains that her dress is prickly, answers her: "But my shoes are tight."

In the film "Fairies: The Secret of the Winter Forest" the story of her love with a winter character named Lord Milori is woven into the plot.

It is believed that Queen Clarion has all the fairy talents.

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