Feng Shui home protection - external sources. Protecting feng shui at home from external sha


Unfortunately, we do not always feel comfortable in our home. This happens when the positive energy flows in the room cannot actively work. For this reason, we sometimes cannot relax while lying in our bed. Or suddenly we start to get sick. Worst of all, when this happens in the house all the time. Positive energy is at rest. It must be activated in order for it to work for the benefit of your health and mental well-being. In order to improve the atmosphere in the house, you just need to use the golden rules of Feng Shui.

Rule One. Rid your apartment of old junk. Everything that has long lost its former appearance must be taken out of the house. You also need to get rid of those things that are broken and no longer function. Get rid of what you haven't used for a long time. So you can make room for new energy that will bring you prosperity.

Second rule. In order to protect yourself from the negative energy of people who come to your house, you need to hang a mirror over the front door, preferably round or octagonal. The mirror will reflect the negative energy of the entered person, thereby returning it to the owner. It is also a great way to protect against damage and curses.

Third rule. The feng shui of an apartment says that the front door, which will be located in the southeast, will bring financial success. This part of the house symbolizes wealth and prosperity. The door must be wooden. If it is metal, then it should be covered with decorative wooden or glass panels.

Fourth rule. The front door must be well lit. And not only inside the house, but also outside. This will attract positive energy, and will also help to neutralize the negative.

Fifth Rule. The living room and hallway must be light and free. In these feng shui zones there should be nothing superfluous. Clothes and shoes, the season for which has long passed, must be put away in closets and kept in the hallway only what you are wearing at this time. Particular attention should be paid to the cleanliness and order of the hallway and living room.

sixth rule. Behind the head of any furniture (bed, sofa, armchairs), especially on the one on which you sleep, there must be a wall or partition. There shouldn't be any empty space. This can deprive you of support and confidence in difficult situations.

Seventh Rule. If the door in the room is opposite the window, then the energy flies out of your house. It is extremely difficult to live in such premises. But this situation can be corrected with the help of plants. According to feng shui at home, you need to put tall plants on the windowsill, mostly with thick and round leaves, for example, ficus or fat woman. They will keep the positive energy at home and prevent it from flying out the window.

Eighth Rule. For financial well-being, hang a large mirror opposite your dining table. The mirror tends to double the energy. All the food that will lie on the table will be reflected, thereby, it will double. This will bring money into the house.

Ninth Rule. Corners and clear sharp lines should be avoided in the interior. Angles and sharp lines - . In no case should they be directed to your place of rest, for example, on a sofa or bed, otherwise you will not be able to recuperate and relax properly.

tenth rule. The largest room should be occupied by the oldest inhabitants of the house or those who are the main breadwinner in the family. This gives a balance of energy between those who reside in the house.

If you follow all these simple rules, then the atmosphere in your home will soon improve. Coming home, you will feel a surge of strength and vitality. The house will become your place where you can relax and unwind. If you want to learn more about Feng Shui, then write to us about it in the comments. And don't forget to press and

22.08.2013 15:20

The door is an important part of your home. Through it, energy enters the house, both positive and negative. ...

In the context of rapidly changing technologies, the rhythm of everyday life, and relations between people, it is not at all surprising that the desire of most representatives of Western civilization to create an island of calm and stability in their home. For this purpose, you can use the advice of the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui. This teaching with millennial traditions, which came to us relatively recently, quickly gained many admirers and admirers.

If you want to apply the achievements of Feng Shui in your life, but do not have the strength and ability to deeply delve into the essence of this teaching, philosophy or art (it is rather difficult to separate them in the East), then for this you can use ready-made specially designed tips. Here, Feng Shui tips for protecting your home from the negative effects of external sha qi flows will be discussed in detail.


First, let's briefly review the main postulates. As you know, Feng Shui is a doctrine of the all-encompassing harmony of the Universe, which includes a person and the world around him. This harmony is based on circulation, accumulation and distribution of flows.

Like most of the concepts of Eastern philosophical systems and teachings, the name qi also does not have an exact translation. Depending on the situation, this is wind, breath, spirit, life-giving energy, etc. The closest in essence for us will be, most likely, the translation "life force".

According to feng shui, qi is the essence of life. When it leaves the body of a living being, only its dead empty shell remains. Therefore, the goal of Feng Shui is to create conditions for a constant flow and beneficial distribution of qi for a person.

In the house, the flow of external natural qi must be in harmony with the internal qi of the people arriving in it, which will ensure their well-being in all endeavors and relationships: business, career, study, love, friendship, etc.

But not without reason the expression "East is a delicate matter!" became winged. Like the translation of the hieroglyph for qi, the flow of qi itself is not unambiguously beneficial for a person. It all depends on the nature of its flow.

According to feng shui, the primary element of qi is water. If qi flows quickly, like a destructive mountain stream, then it turns into sha qi. If the current is so weak as to cause stagnation, like stagnant water, si-chi. Both of these types of qi have a negative impact on a person. Favorable will be only a moderate current, similar to the powerful calm waters of a flat river - sheng qi.

The comparison with a river also helps to understand that just as the speed of its flow depends on the terrain through which it carries its waters, so the qi changes depending on the surrounding landscape.

If the flow of sheng qi begins to flow at high speed along a narrow and straight "corridor" or collides with an obstacle with an acute angle, then it will turn into a flow of sha qi. If an obstacle in the way of the flow of sheng qi stops its movement, then it is transformed into si qi. That is, the quality of qi depends on the surrounding space. Therefore, in Feng Shui, it is important not only to properly equip the interior of the room, but also to protect it from external sha-chi flows.


The influence of the surrounding landscape on the circulation of qi flows has been studied in detail and continues to be improved by representatives of one of the two main feng shui schools - San He or the School of Forms.

Initially, special attention was focused on natural natural forms (river valleys, mountain ranges, rivers, lonely peaks and cliffs, etc.). Today, with the development of industrial landscapes, man-made ones have been added to natural forms.

Now roads are also considered to be conductors of qi, the speed of movement along which determines the speed of qi flow. High-rise buildings, etc., have been added to the mountain ranges.

Since it is considered that flow of sha qi penetrating from the outside through the front door or windows can cause a feeling of oppression or fear in people who are constantly in the room, contributes to the regular occurrence of troubles, then it must be identified and neutralized. To do this, you need to stand in front of the front door or windows, it is through them that the flow of sha-chi can enter the house, and carefully look around. According to Feng Shui at home, you will have to take action if the following situation occurs:

  • A straight road or path leads to the entrance to the house
  • A sharp turn of the road, road bridge or overpass is directed towards the house
  • The road running along the house is part of a T-shaped or V-shaped intersection and in the first case it is located opposite the perpendicular road, and in the second it is opposite the convergence of the roads running at an angle
  • A sharp ledge of an architectural structure or a corner of a neighboring building, a rib or a roof ridge “looks” at your home. In this case, qi acquires the qualities of sha-qi, accelerating along the angle-forming planes. Check if such an unfavorable sha qi flow enters your house or apartment
  • The entrance to your apartment is at the end of a long corridor without an expanding dressing room in front of the front door
  • Sha-qi sources also include power lines, satellite TV dishes and lonely, elongated objects: trees (especially drying ones), lighting poles, pipes, spiers, flagpoles, masts with mobile communication repeaters, etc.


If you have identified the source of the flow of sha chi to your home, then according to feng shui at home, it should be neutralized by arranging a real or symbolic barrier or reflected. It is necessary to reflect sha-qi to a safe zone where there are no people, the easiest way is just up.

Feng Shui talismans raise many questions among adherents of Eastern philosophy or simply interested people. These questions concern both their correct use and their correct placement in certain sectors. As a result, we decided to write an article that will describe in detail all the features of the use of feng shui talismans, including issues of choice and location. In the article, we divided all the talismans into 8 BaGua sectors and 5 elements. The element will be indicated first, and then the BaGua sector, activated by the talisman in case of constant failures or life stagnation. Read the information carefully, because not all listed talismans work with these sectors. And remember that there are a lot of Feng Shui talismans, so it will not be possible to describe all of them. At the same time, the strongest representatives will be described in more or less detail. website

Water. North (Career sector), East (Family and Health sector), Southeast (Wealth sector).

1. Aquarium.

The main water talisman is the Aquarium. This is a powerful and quite expensive feng shui talisman. Like other water elements, the aquarium is responsible for material wealth and well-being. If fish swim in the aquarium, then they will be additional feng shui talismans. This is especially true for goldfish, the number of which should ideally correspond to the Gua number of the person who is considered the main earner in the family. The Aquarium Talisman will become even more powerful if there is a toad with a coin inside it. But we will talk about it in more detail below. A similar effect can be achieved by using a ship with a treasure trove of gold coins, or an ordinary treasure chest. Do not forget that the aquarium will have to be regularly looked after. The water in it should be perfectly clean, and the fish should always be in complete comfort. It is not necessary to build an aquarium in the entire wall. Its dimensions should be in harmony with the dimensions and content of the room and apartments.

2. Three-legged toad.

People seeking to increase their well-being with the help of Feng Shui will certainly come across this popular talisman. The toad should hold a gold coin in its mouth, which will be a symbol of home and family wealth. The talisman has several features. Firstly, the coin should not stick to your mouth, because this way the toad will not give you money. Secondly, it is better to place a three-legged toad at the bottom of the fountain, and the fountain should be in the Wealth sector or at the entrance to your apartment. To activate the talisman, regularly place the toad in the aquatic environment. After pulling out, it is better not to wipe the frog.

3. Heron.

Surprisingly, the Heron bird is a water feng shui talisman. It is best used in the Family sector, that is, in the East. The most useful is the image of a heron in a nest, which is a symbol of family comfort and home. The task of the Heron is to protect and cleanse the house from various evil spirits. In China, the heron is found in almost every home, and it is usually located on the sunny side. If there is a snake in the heron's beak, which the bird brings to the chicks as food, then the talisman is intended for the care and protection of children. If a stone is clamped in the paws of a heron, then this is a talisman for travelers, in the broadest sense of the word. The stone increases the weight, and this allows you not to go astray, not to fly far from the goal. If the heron stands on one leg, and the other holds a stone, and at the same time retracts its neck, then this feng shui talisman symbolizes vigilance.

4. Turtle.

This, of course, a water talisman, carries longevity, wisdom and heavenly protection. The legend says that it is the turtle that is the ancestor of the eastern teachings of Feng Shui. When she got out of the water ashore to the Emperor, 9 numbers were located on her shell. Within the mascot there should be one turtle, not a group. Well, the most effective is a live turtle that will live in your aquarium filled with water. Feng Shui philosophy indicates that the turtle will bring with it a stable income and material well-being. She will be a very good help to the main breadwinner of the family. The talisman is most often produced in black, which corresponds to the water element. However, sometimes you can find gilded and metal turtles. The theory of the five elements says that metal is able to generate water, as a result of which the metal talisman will be even stronger than black. If the turtle is made not in the form of a mascot, but in the form of an image, then you can attach your photo to its shell. This will help the turtle lift you to the surface, that is, to the goals that you have outlined for yourself.

Tree. East (Family and Health sector), Southeast (Wealth sector), South (Glory sector).

1. Money tree.

To attract finance, there is no more powerful talisman, as a result of which it must be placed in the Southeast (Wealth sector). The money tree is a succulent with large round leaves. You can put a couple of coins in the pot, which will only strengthen the talisman. Next to the tree, you can put a fountain or any other water source, including all kinds of images of streams. It is undesirable to have cacti in the immediate vicinity. Also, it is better not to put plants in the bedroom. If you do not want to purchase a living tree, you can use a panel for this purpose, on which there will be an appropriate image. The tree can be made independently. To do this, instead of leaves, you can use coins and banknotes. Sometimes on sale you can see money trees that are decorated with semi-precious stones. But it is, rather, a talisman of happiness, and not a talisman of wealth. Only you can decide which feng shui tree is ideal for attracting wealth to your family.

2. Dragon.

No less powerful talisman, which is very common in the teachings of Feng Shui. For example, the dragon Qing Long, in whose paws there is a pearl, is the personification of Qi energy. A powerful male talisman for yang energy. It symbolizes the Emperor, with all the ensuing consequences. It is best to place it in the Southeast or East. The dragon should be, at most, at the level of the human eye. If he stands higher, then the talisman will begin to dominate, which is completely undesirable for the owner of the house. The dragon is able to bring material well-being to the family, increase activity and positively affect business success. It is better to put it in the living room or in the hallway. In addition, some experts recommend placing the dragon on the left side of the front door. Do not place the talisman in the nursery or in the bedroom. He doesn't belong there. The dragon does not like to be placed in the South, which cannot be said about other feng shui tree talismans. Jade green dragons, as well as dragons of corresponding shades, have the greatest power.

Fire. South (Glory sector), South-West (Marriage sector), North-East (Knowledge sector).

1. Peacock.

This is a talisman for improving career issues, but it will only work if you sincerely love it, periodically admire the beauty of its outlines, etc. The peacock will feel this and repay with kindness. You will not have time to blink an eye, as career peaks will approach you at an alarming rate. Peacock is better placed in the South, that is, in the sector of Glory. As for the feng shui talisman itself, it is better to purchase a Peacock made of precious metals inlaid with stones. Also, it is possible to use the image of a peacock, but you need to choose the most beautiful and brightest picture. The bird likes it when candles are burned near it and fed with grains.

2. Phoenix.

The phoenix bird is the most powerful patron of winged creatures on the planet. She rises from the ashes and can quickly rise above all troubles. By placing the Phoenix in the South, you guarantee the attraction of success and glory. If you place the Phoenix in the Southwest, he will help you with family affairs, and childless couples can even count on replenishment. But remember that the Phoenix is ​​quick-tempered, so it is better to immediately balance it with Turtle or Dragon Feng Shui talismans. Otherwise, others will begin to notice your increasing impulsiveness. Dragon for the Phoenix is ​​the most suitable couple, because in accordance with Chinese mythology, they are in a marital relationship. The appearance of the Phoenix bird in accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui is very different from how we imagine it. It has a rooster's beak, a snake's neck, a swallow's crop, and dragon designs on its torso. In addition, the Phoenix has multi-colored plumage and a fish tail. Behind, such a "bird" resembles a turtle, and in front - a swan.

Earth. South-West (Marriage sector), North-East (Knowledge sector), West (Creativity sector), North-West (Helpers sector).

1. Crystals.

These feng shui talismans are very popular due to the fact that they dissipate all the negative energy in your home, and even turn it into a positive one. It is worth recognizing that the canons of Feng Shui are not observed in all apartments in our country. For example, the door to the toilet can be located opposite the front door, which greatly affects the overall energy. If you want to remedy the situation, hang a beautiful crystal over the toilet door, using a red string (symbol of Fire) for this. Such a talisman will strengthen the Earth in your home, since the Crystal is a real earth talisman. Natural crystals, as expected, have maximum efficiency. Rock crystal can even demonstrate a healing effect. Of course, artificial crystals are also suitable. Just make sure that they have the ability to refract light, and the structure strongly resembles natural ones. It is recommended to clean the crystals in water with mixed sea salt before use. After that, you can charge the crystals with good thoughts by holding them in your hands. As for the sectors of accommodation, they are determined from the above by the owner of the apartment. For example, you can hang a crystal, in accordance with the selected sector, on a window or purchase a crystal chandelier and lamps. The light refracted in the crystal will not only purify your energy, but will also bring good luck to your side.

2. Elephant.

This talisman is able to attract good luck to you in all its manifestations. The elephant is placed in almost any sector, since it is not picky. But we would still recommend placing the talisman in the Northwest, in the Mentors sector. In accordance with the teachings of Feng Shui, the Elephant talisman can be made from any material. The only condition is the direction of the trunk up. By placing the talisman on the windowsill, as if the elephant is looking out into the street, you will be able to attract not only good luck, but also good Qi energy that will come from outside. If the elephant looks inside the house, then he will increase the luck that you already have. It is recommended to give the Elephant to those people who are famous for the uncontrolled spending of their money. The talisman will give them feelings of calm and confidence, which will be reflected in the character of the gifted. If the Elephant is placed in the Southeast (Wealth sector), then do not forget to decorate the talisman with precious ornaments to enhance its effectiveness. It can be rings, chains or beads.

3. Mandarin ducks.

In simple terms, what makes us stronger protects us. This is true, and it does not matter at all whether you believe in feng shui or not. Obviously, when your energy is strong, it is easier for you to deal with negativity. Another important factor is, of course, the belief that this or that talisman will work. This faith gives peace and ease.

Here is a list of feng shui talismans that are most popular as a means of strengthening personal energy and protection.

Divine Energy

Kuan Yin

The energy of a strong deity is undoubtedly capable of both protecting you and strengthening your personal energy. While there are many ways to invite divine energy into your home, don't forget that you can also carry this energy with you. You can choose a pendant, bracelet, necklace and even a ring with images of the most popular feng shui deities:, Kuan Yin, White Tara, Green Tara,.

Stones and crystals, especially black


Crystals have been used for protection since ancient times. It is understandable why in the practice of Feng Shui, amulets with protective stones and crystals are so often used. They are most commonly worn as jewelry, but can also be carried in a pocket, purse, or purse.

The best stones for protection are dark and deep colors and shades, such as tourmaline, black onyx, and hematite. You can also use smoky quartz and ammonite.

Aroma oils, especially woody ones

Aroma oils and aroma lamp

The very presence of a dragon is considered to bring protection, power and greatness.

Dzi beads

Dzi beads

- This is the most beloved of the protection talismans in feng shui. They are very auspicious. Even imitation of dZi beads can bring great luck. Real dZi beads are very expensive. There are many varieties of dZi beads on the market today. Why not choose at least one for yourself?

Chi Lin

Chi Lin

Chi Lin is a mythical Chinese creature with the head of a dragon, the body of a horse, and the scales of a carp.

It is also called Dragon Horse and Chinese Unicorn.

Chi Lin bestows strong and protective energy. It can often be seen in windchimes, embroidery, and even key chains.

A very handy amulet of protection.

Pi Yao

Bracelet with Pi Yao

Pi Yao is very popular among feng shui practitioners as a talisman for attracting wealth and as a protective amulet. With the sinister appearance of a winged lion, the mythical Pi Yao is able to ward off evil spirits and protect anyone. Pi Yao is considered very loyal and obedient. This is an excellent personal protector in traditional feng shui. That is why so many Pi Yao amulets are sold.


Turtle - keychain

A well-known feng shui remedy for any home - a symbol of protection and support, it is also often used in body jewelry for stability and protection.

This symbol is often used in the West, so if you are afraid of the exotic, a turtle amulet is perfect for you.

One of the most effective ways to protect your own living space is to create a bright visual image, and everyone has this opportunity.

mental images

Mental images have extraordinary power that can create a protective energy field.

The protective field of the house can prevent the penetration of the unfavorable Sha energy into the aura of your house or the visiting of the house by people who have bad intentions towards its inhabitants. The strength of the protective field depends on the degree of concentration of attention with which it is created.

Imagine your own home surrounded by a bluish glow, which should be seen as a protective halo. If you live in an apartment, imagine the whole house is surrounded by radiance, and each of its residents is protected.

With regular meditation, your home will be in harmony with the cosmos. This is due to the flow of life-giving energy from the Universe, which enlivens your home and strengthens the energy of the elements of yin and yang.

  1. Stand in the center of the room. Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms up. Take a deep breath and at the same time raise your arms up, then lower your palms slightly. Breathe out.
    Do this exercise 3 times to awaken the Chi energy. Think of energy as golden light coming from the universe.
  2. Keep your hands up. Open your palms and look up into the sky as if you are receiving energy from outer space.
    Feel the energy flow into the palms of your hands. Maintain this position for several minutes. When you feel a tingle in your palms, slowly turn them towards each other. Keep your hands above your head.
  3. Slowly lower your arms and imagine that you are holding a blue transparent ball in your palms, radiating protective energy. Then slowly spread your arms, imagining that the ball is getting bigger and bigger.
  4. Now imagine the ball of energy getting brighter and bigger until it is bigger than you, bigger than a room, bigger than a house or apartment... and soon the whole house will be surrounded by its protective radiance.

Nothing negative can penetrate the field created by this radiant orb. Focus on this protective aura at home. Believe in its power.
Now slowly close your eyes and imagine that a bluish glow has completely surrounded your house, apartment or room.

Think: "This is the energy field of my dwelling, house, room. Nothing negative can penetrate it."


Throughout its history, mankind has resorted to the help of mystical symbols.

The circle is one of the most ancient and powerful symbols. It represents eternity, completeness, unity, perfection and great magic.

The triangle is the embodiment of the power of the pyramids; it symbolizes the connection with the forces of the body, mind and spirit, as well as the unity of mother, father and child, past, present and future. This is a symbol of the Holy Trinity. The triangle has protective properties.

The square is a symbol of the four elements: air, water, fire and earth. It symbolizes stability and strength, as well as the four seasons. If the triangle is activity and dynamics, then the square is the material world, prosperity, abundance and prosperity.

The cross is the oldest talisman in the world. It symbolizes eternal life, resurrection and divine protection from the devil.

The pentagram symbolizes the human body. It is used to protect a person and invoke the forces of good.

The infinity symbol is a figure eight lying on its side. This symbol, which came from outer space, has a very strong energy.

Stars are a sign of intelligence, creativity, success in various fields of activity.

The tree is often depicted as a herringbone upside down. It is a symbol of longevity.

The wavy line symbolizes water, the World Ocean, as well as the beginning of life, changeability and adaptability. An inverted vertically wavy line means improvement, the path to the top.

The spiral is a symbol of wisdom. Depicted in red, black or white, she repels the entities of the shadow world.

In order for this or that symbol to operate in the house, you can draw it on a piece of paper, wrap it in silk and hide it under the bed or in a drawer. The image of the symbol can be hung on the wall or you can purchase a sculpture or figurine in the form of a symbol.

To consecrate a symbol made of metal, it can be carried through fire or washed in pure charged water. It is enough to hold a paper symbol in the wind or fumigate with the smoke of incense. During the consecration of the symbol, you must loudly express your intention.

An ordinary rug at the door also represents energy protection for the house, since not only ordinary dirt brought from the street remains on it, but also energy.

How to protect yourself from three murders?

The direction of the Three Kills is otherwise known as san sha. The most important condition for dealing with it is to never let this direction be behind you. To do this, you need to establish where it is located in the current year, and then take all measures to protect yourself from it, otherwise it will bring three types of misfortunes to your house and fill your life with continuous problems.

Each year, feng shui masters begin by determining which part of the house the Three Murders are located.

The thing is, Three Kills is dangerous only if it is behind you, and not dangerous if you look in its direction. Therefore, it is much better to face the Three Murders head-to-head.

Try not to make any repairs or construction work in the part of the house where the Three Murders are located. However, you may well make the necessary adjustments in directions directly opposite to the Three Kills. The direction of the Three Kills is always located in one of the four main sectors of the compass - north, south, east or west. Thus, this unfavorable direction occupies an angle of 90°.

Below you will read about where it is located each year. Be sure to pay attention to this area of ​​the house and remember that you should not turn your back on it and excite negative energy with rearrangements. If you have somehow disturbed Three Kills, then use the remedies below.

The location of the Three Kills and the means of protection against it:

In the years of the Ox, Snake and Rooster, the Three Kills are in the EAST (2005, 2009).
Remedy: In these years, keep a curved knife in the east.

In the Years of the Pig, Rabbit and Sheep, the Three Kills are in the WEST (2007, 2011).
Means of protection; turn on more bright lights in the west during these years.

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