Fgbou vpo bgpu named after makmullah. Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M


Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla is the leading pedagogical university in the Republic of Bashkortostan, which trains specialists in various fields - social, cultural, natural sciences, education, information technology, translation studies, art, etc.


Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla was founded in 1967. Today it is the largest scientific, educational, cultural and public center of Bashkortostan and one of the leading centers for the development of teacher education in Russia. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation BSPU named after M. Akmulla was given the status of a key humanitarian university in Russia.

BSPU them. M. Akmulla is included in the network University of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which includes more than a hundred higher educational institutions of the world educational space. Joint undergraduate and graduate programs with universities of the People's Republic of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc. are successfully developing.

The teaching profession is one of the most demanded intelligent professions along with doctors and engineers. But the possibilities of specialists with a teacher's diploma are not limited to work in educational institutions of various levels. Those qualities and competencies that are formed in a student of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla in the learning process, allow him to be a sought-after specialist in many fields of activity. Today graduates of BSPU named after M. Akmulla work in various ministries and departments, including the President's office, at production-level enterprises, in the media. Graduate of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla is a universal specialist.

I want to work for you as a specialist in scientific, methodological, educational work; teacher of pedagogy, psychology, teaching methods, religious studies, ORKSE, etc.

Safina Ryamziya Magrufovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher of the highest category, was born on March 1, 1959.

In 1976 she graduated from a comprehensive school.

In 1978 she got married. She has five children (of which four are married).

She, in order to become a true educator, found it necessary to know humanity from her birth to her death well.

Therefore, in 1984 she entered and in 1987 graduated from the Pedagogical School No. 1 with a degree in preschool education and was awarded the qualification of a teacher of preschool institutions.

In 1998 she graduated from the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute, Department of the Primary Department, with a degree in Pedagogy and Psychology of Primary Education and was awarded the qualification of a primary school teacher.

In 1998 she graduated from the Belarusian State Pedagogical Institute, Department of Psychology, with a degree in practical psychology and was awarded the qualification of a practical psychologist.

In 2006, she graduated from the RIU TsDUM of Russia with a degree in theology, and was qualified as a teacher of the Fundamentals of Islam and the Arabic language.

In 2008, she completed courses in secondary religious education at the Council of Muftis of Russia in the European Region of Russia.

From 1983 to 1993 she worked as a teacher in preschool institutions in the city of Ufa, the Republic of Bashkortostan.

From 1993 to 2002 she worked as a primary school teacher, Tatar language and literature, was a primary school psychologist, head of the methodological association in the comprehensive school No. 130 microdistrict. Sipailovo.

From the beginning of 2002 to the end of 2005, she worked at the RIU TsDUM of Russia as a teacher of psychology, pedagogy, teaching methods, Russian language and literature, Tatar language and literature, akhlyak (morology), was a university methodologist, head of the correspondence and evening department, academic secretary and etc. By December 2004, from scratch and on a turnkey basis, she created the RIU library and helped prepare documents for obtaining a university license for the university.

From 2006 to 2008, she worked as an assistant secretary and teacher at the Ikhlas mosque, and continues to teach to this day.

On February 1, 2008, she became the chairman of the local Muslim religious organization in the Nurimanov district, vil. Baigildino "Takva" DUM RB, continues to operate. Prepares documents for the creation of a Muslim orphanage for orphans.

Since April 2008, she has been simultaneously the chairman of the Regional Public Organization of the Muslim Intelligentsia of the Republic of Bashkortostan, where she organized training in the Fundamentals of Islam according to her own program signed by the Council of Muftis of Russia and the history of ancestors. The organization is engaged in raising the moral purity of the population. She organized the teaching of the Fundamentals of Islam according to her author's program within the framework of the Council of Muftis of Russia, a mosque, a Muslim library, a Muslim museum, etc.

From September 1, 2008 to the present, she has been a teacher of additional education at the MBOU DO "CDT" Debut "Ordzhonikidzevsky district of the city of Ufa, Republic of Belarus, conducts classes at the Tatar gymnasium No. 65 to study the basics of spiritual and moral education and the history, culture and traditions of the Tatar people in their author's additional education programs "Spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren", "History, cultures and traditions of the Tatar people" and textbooks "Fundamentals of spiritual and moral education" from grades 1 to 4. According to its program and teaching aids, they work in schools of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Amur Region, Novosibirsk, etc. From 2008 to 2012, at the base of the Tatar Gymnasium No. 65, she was the head of the experimental site on the topic "Spiritual and moral education of younger schoolchildren" at the elementary level. From February 2013 to 2016, she was also the head of the experimental platform on the topic “Formation of family values ​​among students on the basis of the humanistic traditions of the Tatar people in the context of the implementation of new federal state educational standards”. She developed organizational and pedagogical conditions, created a model and structure for the spiritual and moral education of younger students in educational institutions. She practically proved their effectiveness and efficiency in the spiritual and moral education of future citizens of our country.

Since 2008, she has lectured on pedagogy, psychology and nurology at the Smolny Institute in St. Petersburg, at the RIU and at the Higher Madrasah “Muhammadiya” in Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan; on ORKSE and extracurricular activities in GAOU DPO IRO RB in Ufa RB and in those educational institutions where they invited and continue to invite.

Since October 1, 2009, she was an applicant for the Department of Pedagogy of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University, specializing in: 13.00.01 - General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education, where she wrote more than 70 (seventy) scientific papers (more than 10 papers are ready for publication) and a dissertation on the topic "Organizational and Pedagogical conditions of spiritual and moral education of junior schoolchildren in the conditions of interaction between educational institutions and families”. To date, over 100 papers have been published.

She successfully defended her dissertation on May 13, 2015. Awarded the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences dated November 26, 2015, No. 1473/nk-5.

She has about a hundred diplomas, letters of commendation and letters of gratitude, was awarded five medals, the winner of the international competition "Professional", the all-Russian competition "Teacher-Innovator-Professional", the city competition "Teacher-Researcher" and much more.

Email mail: [email protected]; cell phone: +79871401224, +79053547403

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla
(BSPU them. M. Akmulla)
original name

M. Aҡmulla isem. Bashkort dәүlәt pedagogy universities (M. Aҡmulla isemdәge BDPU)

international title

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla

Year of foundation

Russia, Russia, Ufa

Legal address

st. October Revolution, 3a

Coordinates : 54°43′27″ N. sh. 55°56′56″ E d. /  54.7242° N sh. 55.9489° E d. / 54.7242; 55.9489 (G) (I) K: Educational institutions founded in 1967

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla (BSPU named after M. Akmulla)(Bashk. M. Aҡmulla isemendage Bashҡort daүlәt pedagogy universities (M. Aҡmulla isemendage BDPU)) - is a state educational institution of higher professional education of federal subordination. Today, as part of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla 5 institutes, 7 faculties, 43 departments.

During its work, the university has graduated more than 40 thousand specialists. Included in the top 20 pedagogical universities in the country.

The university publishes the newspaper "Audience" and "Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan", which is included in the list of journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia for the publication of materials for candidate and doctoral dissertations in pedagogy.

University events: personnel forum "My professional tomorrow", International student scientific forum.


BSPU named after Miftakhetdin Akmulla was established in Ufa on January 9, 1967 as an institute. The first teacher's institute in the republic was established in 1909. Since 1919, it was transformed into an institute of public education, which included four faculties: socio-historical, biological-geographical, physical-mathematical and literary-linguistic. This educational institution of a higher type trained teachers of schools and technical schools.

Since 1923, the institute was named "Practical" and began to additionally train agricultural specialists. In 1929, on its basis, the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Timiryazev, transformed in 1957 into the Bashkir State University. However, the need for the development of higher pedagogical education, for the training of highly qualified teachers was high. By that time, less than a third of the republic's teachers had higher education. In many specialties there was no training at all. The newly created Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute successfully coped with this task.

Already in 1976, he was recognized as a university of the first category. And in 2000, the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute was renamed the Bashkir State Pedagogical University, and in 2006 it was named after M. Akmulla.


  • Artistic and graphic faculty
  • Psychology faculty
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Institute of Historical and Legal Education
  • Institute of Philological Education and Intercultural Communications
  • Faculty of Natural Geography
  • Faculty of Physical Education
  • Faculty of Bashkir Philology
  • Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Institute of Vocational Education and Information Technology
  • Institute of Pedagogy
  • Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining
  • College BSPU them. M. Akmulla

Building addresses

  • 1 building - st. Lenina, 20
  • 2 building - st. October Revolution, 3a k2
  • 3 building - st. October Revolution, 3a k3
  • 4 building - st. October Revolution, 55
  • 5 building - st. Chernyshevsky, 25 k1
  • 6 building - st. October Revolution, 10/3
  • 7 building - st. Belyakova, 27
  • 8 building -
  • 9 building - st. Stepan Zlobin, 31/1
  • 10 building - st. Chernyshevsky 49/1
  • 11 building - st. Sofia Perovskoy, 40
  • 12 building - st. Belyakova, 25
  • 13 building - st. October Revolution, 10k1, Alliance Francaise (French Alliance)
  • DFC "Burevestnik" - st. Communist, 54a
  • SOK with a swimming pool - st. Sofia Perovskoy, 40


  • Gurov, Valery Nikolaevich

Honorary Professors

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  • [Bashkir-encyclopedia.rf/index.php/prosmotr/2-statya/4747-pedagogicheskij-universitet Article about the university in the electronic version of the Bashkir encyclopedia]

An excerpt characterizing the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla

"No, I can't believe it," Sonya repeated. - I don't understand. How did you love one person for a whole year and suddenly ... After all, you only saw him three times. Natasha, I don't believe you, you're being naughty. In three days, forget everything and so ...
“Three days,” Natasha said. “I think I have loved him for a hundred years. I feel like I've never loved anyone before him. You cannot understand this. Sonya, wait, sit down here. Natasha hugged and kissed her.
“I was told that it happens and you heard it right, but now I have only experienced this love. It's not like before. As soon as I saw him, I felt that he was my master and I was his slave, and that I could not help but love him. Yes, slave! What he tells me, I will do. You don't understand this. What should I do? What should I do, Sonya? Natasha said with a happy and frightened face.
“But think about what you are doing,” Sonya said, “I can’t leave it like that. Those secret letters... How could you let him do that? she said with horror and disgust, which she could hardly conceal.
“I told you,” Natasha answered, “that I have no will, how can you not understand this: I love him!”
“So I won’t let it happen, I’ll tell you,” Sonya cried out with bursting tears.
- What are you, for God's sake ... If you tell me, you are my enemy, - Natasha spoke. - You want my misfortune, you want us to be separated ...
Seeing Natasha's fear, Sonya burst into tears of shame and pity for her friend.
"But what happened between you?" she asked. - What did he tell you? Why doesn't he go to the house?
Natasha did not answer her question.
“For God’s sake, Sonya, don’t tell anyone, don’t torture me,” Natasha begged. “Remember not to interfere in such matters. I opened to you...
But what are these secrets for? Why doesn't he go to the house? Sonya asked. “Why doesn’t he directly seek your hand?” After all, Prince Andrei gave you complete freedom, if so; but I don't believe it. Natasha, have you thought about the secret reasons?
Natasha looked at Sonya with surprised eyes. It was evident that this question was presented to her for the first time and she did not know how to answer it.
For what reason, I don't know. But then there are reasons!
Sonya sighed and shook her head in disbelief.
“If there were reasons…” she began. But Natasha, guessing her doubts, interrupted her in fright.
“Sonya, you can’t doubt him, you can’t, you can’t, do you understand? she shouted.
- Does he love you?
- Does he love? Natasha repeated with a smile of regret at her friend's dullness. “You read the letter, did you see it?”
“But what if he is an ignoble person?”
"He! ... an ignoble person?" If you knew! Natasha said.
- If he is a noble person, then he must either declare his intention, or stop seeing you; and if you do not want to do this, then I will do it, I will write to him, I will tell him dad, ”Sonya said decisively.
- Yes, I can not live without him! Natasha screamed.
Natasha, I don't understand you. And what are you talking about! Remember your father, Nicolas.
“I don’t need anyone, I don’t love anyone but him. How dare you say he's ignoble? Don't you know that I love him? Natasha screamed. “Sonya, go away, I don’t want to quarrel with you, go away, for God’s sake go away: you see how I suffer,” Natasha shouted angrily in a restrained, irritated and desperate voice. Sonya burst into tears and ran out of the room.
Natasha went up to the table and, without thinking for a minute, wrote that answer to Princess Mary, which she could not write all morning. In this letter, she briefly wrote to Princess Marya that all their misunderstandings were over, that, taking advantage of the generosity of Prince Andrei, who, when leaving, gave her freedom, she asks her to forget everything and forgive her if she is guilty before her, but that she cannot be his wife . All this seemed so easy, simple and clear to her at that moment.

On Friday, the Rostovs were supposed to go to the village, and on Wednesday the count went with the buyer to his suburban area.
On the day of the count's departure, Sonya and Natasha were invited to a big dinner at the Karagins, and Marya Dmitrievna took them. At this dinner, Natasha met Anatole again, and Sonya noticed that Natasha was talking to him, wanting not to be heard, and all the time of the dinner she was even more excited than before. When they returned home, Natasha was the first to start with Sonya the explanation that her friend was waiting for.
“Here you are, Sonya, talking all sorts of nonsense about him,” Natasha began in a meek voice, that voice that children speak when they want to be praised. “We talked to him today.
- Well, what, what? Well, what did he say? Natasha, how glad I am that you are not angry with me. Tell me everything, the whole truth. What did he say?
Natasha considered.
“Ah Sonya, if you knew him the way I do!” He said ... He asked me about how I promised Bolkonsky. He was glad that it was up to me to refuse him.
Sonya sighed sadly.
“But you didn’t refuse Bolkonsky,” she said.
“Maybe I didn’t!” Maybe it's all over with Bolkonsky. Why do you think so badly of me?
“I don’t think anything, I just don’t understand it ...
- Wait, Sonya, you will understand everything. See what kind of person he is. Don't think bad things about me or him.
“I don’t think bad things about anyone: I love everyone and feel sorry for everyone. But what am I to do?
Sonya did not give up on the gentle tone with which Natasha addressed her. The softer and more searching Natasha's expression was, the more serious and stern was Sonya's face.

Residents of Ufa are annually offered services in the field of higher education by various higher educational institutions. One of them is M. Akmulla. The educational organization is in high demand among applicants, because it offers a very wide range of services. There are bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs. Specialties of secondary vocational education (abbreviated designation - SPO) are also offered.

History of the institution

According to official data, the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla was founded in 1967. However, in fact, the roots of the history of this university lie at the beginning of the last century. The first institution for the training of teachers was established in 1909. After graduating from its walls, specialists came out who could teach at schools and technical schools.

After about 15 years, the educational institution expanded the scope of its activities. It began to train specialists needed in the agricultural sector. In 1929, on the basis of a functioning institute, the Bashkir Pedagogical Institute was opened, named after Timiryazev. The university was founded in 1967. It was from this moment that the history of the currently existing in

M. Akmulla: about the name given to the university

Since 2006, the Pedagogical University in Ufa has been named after M. Akmulla. This man was a famous Bashkir, Tatar and poet-educator. The period of his life falls on the XIX century. The poet was born in 1831, and in 1895 his life was cut short.

After analyzing the work of M. Akmulla, we can conclude that he made a huge contribution to national literature, had a strong influence on it with his works. At that time he was the largest representative of the Bashkir poetry. All his poems are permeated with educational ideas. The poet called on everyone to master knowledge, affirmed the human desire for progress and light.

Modern people have not forgotten M. Akmulla. In Ufa, not only a higher educational institution is named after him. There is also a monument to this great poet in the city. It is installed in front of the Pedagogical University on the site in the square of the same name.

Bashkir State Pedagogical University: SPO specialties

This educational institution is quite large. It manages the activities of its constituent faculties and institutes. On the basis of the university, there is also a college that trains mid-level specialists. Applicants come here after 9-year and 11-year education in a comprehensive school.

The college of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University offers 10 different specialties. By joining here, you can become:

  • a lawyer;
  • music director (music teacher);
  • teacher of drawing and fine arts;
  • specialist in property and land relations;
  • educator of children at preschool age;
  • hotel service manager
  • a librarian;
  • physical culture teacher;
  • tourism specialist;
  • environmental technician.

Directions of preparation for undergraduate and specialist studies

Bachelor's and specialist's degrees are the first stage in higher education. You can get it by entering the BSPU them. M. Akmulla (Bashkir State Pedagogical University) for one of the proposed choices, applicants are given a huge choice. For creative individuals there is a direction "Design" at the art and graphic faculty. After studying full-time for 4 years, students become graphic designers, as well as environmental designers. They are engaged in the creation and implementation of various projects.

For those who see their vocation in pedagogical or educational activities, the university has a direction "Pedagogical education" with a huge list of various profiles:

  • Physical Culture;
  • choreography;
  • elementary education;
  • chemistry and ecology;
  • art;
  • preschool education;
  • story;
  • Russian language and literature, etc.

An interesting and popular direction in the undergraduate program is "Tourism" in a profile related to technology and the organization of excursion services. On it, students learn to develop and implement tourism products, organize tourism services, conduct observations and environmental measures to reduce the anthropogenic impact on nature.

Master's Degrees

Getting a good education is very important. Thanks to him, you can arrange your life, achieve those heights in your career that you had only dreamed of before. One of the components of a good education is a master's degree. You can enter it at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla. In all available areas, students receive deep professional knowledge and practical skills. Students develop the best competencies.

The university offers 9 integrated areas of training for the master's degree:

  • biology;
  • linguistics;
  • Teacher Education;
  • applied informatics;
  • defectological education;
  • ecology and nature management.

Programs included in the master's directions

Each of the above directions in the magistracy combines several training programs. Each entrant entering the Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla, chooses the program that is closer to him. For example, in the direction of "Psychology" you can become a master in clinical or family psychology, psychology of management and personnel management. Biology offers programs such as genetic expertise, general biology, biotechnology of microorganisms, etc.

Since the university is pedagogical, it has many master's programs in the direction of "Pedagogical education". Here are just a few of them:

  • physical and astronomical education;
  • psychology and pedagogy of higher education;
  • prevention of social deviations (preventology);
  • innovations in the field of physics and mathematics education;
  • biological education;
  • ethnofolklore education.

Passing scores: the importance of the indicator, the principle of calculation

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla is a state university, so there are budget places here. Each year, the selection committee determines the passing scores for them. These are important indicators. By evaluating them, applicants can understand how strong the competition is in certain specialties.

The passing score is calculated very simply:

  • first, a list of applicants for a specific area of ​​training is compiled, depending on the results of entrance examinations;
  • applicants who are in the highest positions of such a rating are credited to budget places;
  • then the passing score is determined - the sum of the results of all entrance examinations for the applicant who was enrolled last in the free department.

Passing scores upon admission should be specified in the selection committee. You can also find them on the official website (bspu). Bashkir Pedagogical University publishes them on its resource.

Information on passing scores for 2016

Passing points change annually, because they depend on the level of preparation of applicants. In 2016, the passing score at the Bashkir State Pedagogical University exceeded 200 points in the following areas of study:

  • "Pedagogical education" in a foreign language and the chosen profile (249 points);
  • "Pedagogical education" in Russian language and literature (219 points);
  • "Pedagogical education" in history and the chosen profile (200 points);
  • "Professional training" in economics and management (203 points);
  • "Design" (219 points);
  • "Defectological education" (213 points).

Bashkir State Pedagogical University Reviews

The higher educational institution operating in Ufa receives positive feedback from students and graduates. People distinguish various advantages of the university:

  • the possibility of obtaining free education in a variety of available areas of training;
  • good teaching staff;
  • the presence of all the necessary conditions for obtaining a quality education (good material and technical base, a large library).

In positive reviews, students tend to mention several shortcomings. First, according to students, not all teachers are good. Some treat students badly, underestimate grades or give them according to an incomprehensible system. Secondly, the educational process at the Bashkir Pedagogical University takes place in the old buildings. Some of them require quality repairs.

Bashkir State Pedagogical University Akmulla is a good institution of higher education. These words are confirmed by the recognition of an educational organization in the region and the country. The University in Ufa is considered one of the leading universities in Bashkortostan. It is also included in the TOP-20 of the best pedagogical higher educational institutions in our country.

Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla
(BSPU them. M. Akmulla)

original name

M. Aҡmulla isem. Bashkort dәүlәt pedagogy universities (M. Aҡmulla isem. BDPU)

international title

Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla

Year of foundation

Asadullin, Rail Mirvaevich

Legal address

st. October Revolution, 3a


Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla (BSPU named after M. Akmulla)(Bashk. M. Aҡmulla isem. Bashkort dәүlәt pedagogy universities (M. Aҡmulla isem. BDPU)) - is a state educational institution of higher professional education of federal subordination. Today, as part of the Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla 5 institutes, 7 faculties, 48 ​​departments.

Bashkir State Pedagogical University. M. Akmulla has a license from the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated February 11, 2010. registration No. 2736, series AA No. 002746 for the right to carry out educational activities in 13 educational programs of secondary vocational education, 74 educational programs of higher professional education, 34 postgraduate programs and 13 programs of additional education. Certificate of state accreditation dated February 17, 2010, registration number 0186, series BB No. 000188.

The University builds its activities on the basis of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", Federal State Educational Standards, the Charter of the University, adopted at the conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students at BSPU ( protocol No. 1 dated September 5, 2001), approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2001 with additions and changes adopted by the conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students (November 4, 2004, protocol No. 2, and May 23, 2006, protocol No. 1), as well as local acts regulating the activities of the University.

During its work, the university has graduated more than 40 thousand specialists. Included in the top 20 pedagogical universities in the country.

The university publishes the newspaper "Auditory" and "Pedagogical Journal of Bashkortostan", which is included in the list of journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia for the publication of materials for candidate and doctoral dissertations in pedagogy. .


The Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after Miftakhetdin Akmulla was established in Ufa on January 9, 1967 as an institute. He also became the successor and continuer of the best traditions of higher pedagogical education in Bashkortostan.

The first teacher's institute in the republic was established in 1909. Since 1919, it was transformed into an institute of public education, which included four faculties: socio-historical, biological-geographical, physical-mathematical and literary-linguistic. This educational institution of a higher type trained teachers of schools and technical schools.

Since 1923, the institute was named "Practical" and began to additionally train agricultural specialists. In 1929, on its basis, the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Timiryazev, transformed in 1957 into the Bashkir State University.

However, the need for the development of higher pedagogical education, for the training of highly qualified teachers was high. By that time, less than a third of the republic's teachers had higher education. In many specialties there was no training at all. The newly created Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute successfully coped with this task.

Already in 1976, he was recognized as a university of the first category. And in 2000, the Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute was renamed the Bashkir State Pedagogical University, and a little later it was named after M. Akmulla.


  • Artistic and graphic faculty
  • Psychology faculty
  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
  • Institute of Historical and Legal Education
  • Institute of Philological Education and Intercultural Communications
  • Faculty of Natural Geography
  • Faculty of Physical Education
  • Faculty of Bashkir Philology
  • Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Institute of Vocational Education and Information Technology
  • Institute of Pedagogy
  • Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining

Building addresses

  • 1 building - Ufa, st. October Revolution, 3a k1
  • Building 2 - Ufa, st. October Revolution, 3a k2
  • Building 3 - Ufa, st. October Revolution, 3a k3
  • Building 4 - Ufa, st. October Revolution, 55
  • Building 5 - Ufa, st. Chernyshevsky, 25a
  • Building 6 - Ufa, st.
  • Building 7 - Ufa, st.
  • Building 8 - Ufa, st.
  • Building 9 - Ufa, st.
  • Building 10 - Ufa, st.
  • Building 11 - Ufa, st.

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