Signature vocals. Signature vocals Biography of Oksana Sergienko


Oksana Sergienko and Aygun Askerova.

Completely different in appearance and at the same time incredibly musical participants from the team of Dmitry Bilan performed in a duet a song from the repertoire of Irina Allegrova "I will win you back", written by Igor Krutoy to the verses of Marina Tsvetaeva.

  • Ilya Kireev, Ksana Sergienko - "The look"

  • Ksana (Xenia) Sergienko - "Why"

    OKSANA SERGEENKO, 30 years old. NY.

    Oksana was born in Mirgorod, but by the will of fate she lives, sings across the ocean, in the United States itself, which will not be enough for Oksana to fulfill herself. She wants to be sure to win her native audience and gain recognition from her.

  • Ksana Sergienko - "Beat It"

    Performances by the undisputed leader of Bilan's team, Ksana Sergienko, were expected by many. Oksana stands out among all the participants of the Voice project not only with a prominent and deep voice, but also with insane energy, sunny brightness, strong emotionality and some kind of inner freedom.

  • Ksana Sergienko - "Broken Vow"

    There are moments when words are not enough, because words cannot convey the depth of emotions and confusion of feelings, aching joy and pain, bright sadness, like a man who cannot explain to his beloved woman why he loves her so much when the sky takes us away ...

  • Ksana Sergienko - "Show must go on" (Just the same 2016)

  • Ksana Sergienko - "Come"

    Ksana had a more winning option - a song from Alla Borisovna's repertoire "Come". Here and melody, and lyricism, and scope for emotions. The performance turned out to be strong and bright (however, like all performances by Xana). Ksana lived the song, passed this pain through herself, conveyed it with frozen tears in her eyes, in hand gestures. She was all saturated with this pain and hope.

  • Ksana Sergienko performed on the Moscow radio "Spring FM" the day before the semi-finals (video)

    On the eve of the semi-final - on December 17, Ksana Sergienko, participant of the third season of the Voice TV project, became a guest of the daily radio show "Evening Live" on "Spring FM". The host of this show was Ksenia Strizh.

  • Ksana Sergienko, Alexander Bon, Valeria - "Pardonne moi ce caprice d" enfant "

    The intensity of the intrigue was separated by the performance of Xana and Alexander with the guest of the project, the singer Valeria. The good old song "Pardonne moi ce caprice d" enfant" from the repertoire of Mireille Mathieu.

  • Ksana Sergienko. Video gallery.

  • Ksana Sergienko. Full version of solo concert at Crocus City Hall April 29, 2015 (HD).

    Big-recital concert of the beginning Russian pop star, semi-finalist of the television project Voice (third season) Ksana Sergienko in the Crocus City Hall. The singer performed her favorite hits, new songs, as well as unexpected duets with her colleagues, Russian pop stars! The shocking combination of energy, soulfulness, pressure and lyrics of Xana did not leave the audience indifferent.

  • Ksana Sergienko. Premiere of the video for the song "Let go".

  • The girl performs alternative rock, but easily "trying on" other genres and stage images: Sergienko's repertoire includes hits by Lara Fabian, Irina Allegrova and Freddie Mercury.

    Oksana Sergienko was born in the provincial Ukrainian town of Mirgorod, Poltava region in 1984. Ksana's mother noticed the girl's singing talent early: the baby made her debut on the kindergarten "stage" at the age of 3. At 6, parents took their daughter to a music school, and a couple of years later Ksana Sergienko soloed in the pride of Mirgorod - the children's group "Rodnichok".

    The dream of the 12-year-old vocalist to perform on local television was realized by her mother: the woman spent all the accumulated funds to pay for the studio recording of the song. Even then, my mother understood that this was an investment in the future of her daughter.

    The calculation turned out to be correct: after the show on the local TV channel, the sonorous girl was noticed. Since then, she has become a regular participant in various festivals and competitions, where she invariably occupies a leading position. Ksana Sergienko is regularly invited to all regional concerts. She often visits Kyiv.

    A resounding victory awaited Sergienko the following year after the show on television: the singer was sent to Romania to participate in an international competition called "The Little Prince". Mirgorod talent brought home a prize for the first place.

    At the age of 15, Ksana Sergienko participated in the popular youth festival "Black Sea Games". The vocalist arrived in her native Mirgorod as a winner: she won the first prize, leaving behind hundreds of talented contestants.

    After graduating from a local secondary school, Ksana went to study in Kyiv and entered the circus variety college.

    Musical career

    Best of the day

    In the 4th year of college, Ksana Sergienko, having heard that a casting is being held in Moscow for the TV show "People's Artist", comes to the capital and goes through several stages. But during this period, the vocalist receives an offer to work in America. The young singer fearlessly goes to a distant and foreign country. Far from her mother and homeland, the girl had a hard time, but the promised prospects seemed very tempting to Ksana.

    The reality turned out to be much more prosaic than the promised "mountains of gold". Instead of performing in Broadway shows, the young performer sang for visitors to inexpensive restaurants and bars. At the same time, the girl had to learn the language. For several years, Ksana Sergienko sang in the popular New York cabaret club Rasputin, but Sergienko refused to return home without a victory, as was the case in childhood and adolescence.

    In 2009, Sergienko was lucky: the British label Lizard King Records offered Ksana to sign a contract. The singer signed and began performing at concerts as a member of the Oxzana Band. This period of Oksana's creative biography can be traced on the Twitter page, registered in New York in November 2009.

    A few years later, having finally settled down in the USA, the singer recorded her debut album. And Ksana Sergienko closely monitored all competitions and shows for young performers, planning not to miss the chance and become famous. And in 2014, life brings her two such chances at once.

    In America and Russia, the next seasons of the show "Voice" (in the American version - "The Voice") will start simultaneously. Ksana Sergienko is applying for participation in both projects. But when the time comes to choose, preference is given to the Russian TV show. The vocalist decided that with knowledge of languages ​​and American experience, she would be more likely to win in Russia.

    At the qualifying round for the third season of The Voice, Xana sang Freddie Mercury's hit "Show Must Go On", captivating the jury with the power of her voice and manner of performance. The girl was compared with Nargiz Zakirova, a participant in the second season of the show, who performed this song in the finale of the Voice. Both singers prefer alternative rock.

    At the “blind” audition in Moscow, four members of the jury turned to the Ukrainian-American performer, who soulfully sang the song “Why” by Annie Lennox. In an interview, the girl admitted that before participating in the project, she thought about which of the mentors to choose, but did not decide. Sergienko made up her mind at the last moment, choosing the team of Dima Bilan.

    According to Alexander Gradsky, Sergienko sang in such a way that "it was a shame not to turn around."

    The singer managed to impress the mentors and the audience in every round. At the knockout stage, Ksana Sergienko made a double bet: on vocals and appearance. Dressed in a classic men's suit, with a hairstyle in the style of the 60s, a slender girl was remembered by the fans of the project for a long time. With a height of 1.68 meters, Xana weighs 55 kilograms.

    At the knockout stage, Sergienko sang Lara Fabian's hit "Broken vows" and stayed on the project. Her rival Sevil Veliyeva had to leave.

    At the "fights" Ksana competed with Aygun Askerova, with whom she sang Irina Allegrova's hit "I will win you back." Both performers remained on the project.

    A television

    Successful participation in a TV project popular in Russia and the CIS countries turned Ksana Sergienko into a recognizable singer. The girl has a fan group of admirers of talent who are closely following the career of the Ukrainian-American performer. And Ksana regularly pleases fans with new songs and unexpected duets. In April 2015, Sergienko, together with Alexander Panayotov, sang in the capital's Crocus City Hall.

    Ksana Sergienko continued to participate in music shows. At the end of 2015, the singer appeared in the third season of Just Like It. In the reincarnation show, Oksana entered the top six of the strongest participants: the artist was seen in the form of Grace Jones, Shirley Manson and Irina Allegrova.

    In November 2015, Oksana appeared before the audience and the jury in the image of the singer Shirley Bassey, singing her hit "History Repeating".

    The judges and spectators were no less impressed by Xana's transformation into the star Sheryl Crow, whose composition "Tomorrow Never Dies" she sang in December, at the 11th stage of the fourth season.

    In the finale of the show “Just Like It,” Ksana Sergienko impressed fans with an unexpected masculine image: the singer performed Freddie Mercury’s piercing hit “The Show Must Go On”. The performance took place on January 1, 2017.

    At the end of the project at the end of January 2017, Ksana Sergienko drew a bright line under her participation in a music show: she went on stage in the image of Christina Aguilera and sang the song "Ain "t No Other Man".

    Personal life

    The personal life of Ksana Sergienko is arranged. Her favorite person is an American businessman of Russian origin Vitaly. He has a furniture manufacturing company in the USA.

    The entire period of competitive testing in Russia, Vitaly was worried about the girl and, according to Ksana, helped her cope with excitement and feelings. These relationships, according to Sergienko, will eventually end in marriage.

    Ksana Sergienko is thinking about staying in Russia. According to some information, she and her lover have already looked after an apartment in Moscow. Oksana admits that she missed her beloved, friends and the American metropolis. Ksana Sergienko meets with Vitaly between filming the show and recording new songs: the couple tries to fly to each other as often as possible.

    Ksana Sergienko now

    In the winter of 2016, the performer shared that, together with producer Vadim Kolchkov, she was working on the formation of a new repertoire. The first signs of cooperation - the song "Let go" - sounded on Russian music channels. There is a clip for the song.

    In mid-2016, Sergienko's first tour of the cities of Russia took place and a duet song was recorded with Sergei Penkin. In the same year, the collection "Voice of Love" was released, which included 22 songs. Among them is Ksana's composition "Conclusion". So far, the singer's discography is the only album recorded in America.

    At the beginning of 2017, Ksana Sergienko pleased her fans with the news: the singer became part of the Leningrad Center troupe and played a major role in the musical show Beautiful M. To work in a team, she had to move to St. Petersburg.

    In February 2017, Russia hosted the 3rd Winter World Military Games for the first time in Sochi. This sports show was attended by many pop stars, acrobats on ice, aerialists and choreographic groups. The show ended with the best, in the opinion of the audience, participants in the television project "Voice" Ksana Sergienko and Gleb Matveychuk.

    The singer reveals some of the secrets of her personal life to fans. Ksana has a favorite pet - cat Tosha, presented by friends for her birthday. For two years the cat lived with the owner in New York and moved with her to Russia. Sergienko adores Tosha and claims that he is a polyglot cat because he understands three languages. During a tour in Sochi, Ksana took a one-day break and flew to Moscow to congratulate her pet on her "professional holiday" - Cat Day.

    Working in St. Petersburg in the show "Beautiful M", Ksana Sergienko was forced to leave Tosha in Moscow in the care of a friend. But she missed her red pet so much that two weeks later she took him to St. Petersburg.

    In March 2017, the singer performed at the Kremlin Palace: the anniversary concert of Rodion Gazmanov took place here. Together with Rodion, Ksana Sergienko sang the song "Why".

    Ksana Sergienko is a singer who became one of the brightest participants in the third season of The Voice. She has been living and working in the USA for eleven years. Sergienko performs alternative rock. Now a considerable number of listeners all over the world have learned about this singer.

    Childhood and family of Ksana Sergienko

    Sergienko was born in Ukraine in the city of Mirgorod. Xana started singing on stage at the age of three. At six, her parents enrolled her in a music school, which she successfully graduated from. Over the years of study, a talented girl has repeatedly become a participant in various festivals and music competitions. Sergienko was a soloist in the school choir. The girl danced in the city children's group "Rodnichok".

    At the age of twelve, Xana's mother, at her request, spent all her savings so that her daughter would have the opportunity to record her first song in a recording studio. To do this, each time, mother and daughter drove for two and a half hours in an old Cossack to neighboring Poltava. It was the song recorded then that became the debut on local television.

    At the age of thirteen, Sergienko took part in an international competition held in Romania. Its name is "The Little Prince". There, the girl read poetry in Ukrainian, sang and danced. At this competition, Xana became the winner. The girl considered winning first place in the Black Sea Games competition a real achievement for herself.

    The first songs of Ksana Sergienko

    After finishing nine classes, Ksana continued her studies at the Kiev Variety and Circus College. After studying there for three courses, she made an attempt to break into the Moscow show "People's Artist". After going through several castings, the girl received an invitation to go to work in New York at the Rasputin cabaret. Despite her young age, she agreed.

    Of course, Ksana was afraid to go to a foreign country, a strange city for herself. It didn't turn out to be as great as she thought. The reality turned out to be more prosaic, in addition, she was very bored. Being a winner in life, Xana decided that she would not return without achievements. The girl had to study the language a lot, at the same time she sang in a cabaret.

    In 2009, Sergienko received an offer to sign a contract with the British label Lizard King Records. The singer began performing at concerts as a member of the Oxzana Band.

    Back in America, Xana filled out an application for participation in the American The Voice. In the spring of 2014, the girl went through three stages of casting. She had to sign a contract to perform in "blind" auditions. Surprisingly, in the same period of time, the vocalist received an invitation to a casting from the Russian show "Voice". Deciding that in Russia, with knowledge of Russian, English and Ukrainian, she would have much more opportunities for self-expression, she decided to go to Moscow.

    Of course, the singer had some risk of such a decision. She weighed the pros and cons and decided to go. According to Sergienko, having lived in the USA for eleven years, she practically did not develop in terms of creativity. All she achieved was performances in a club where up to fifty people came to listen to the singer, invitations to corporate parties and parties. The girl wanted a creative breakthrough that "Voice" could give her.

    Ksana Sergienko on the show "Voice"

    In the Russian "Voice", according to Ksana, the selection was more scrupulous and serious. There she performed the song "Show Must Go On". Most likely, because of this, Sergienko began to be compared with Nargiz Zakirova, who sang this song in the finale of the second season of The Voice. Another reason for such a comparison is that Ksana, like Nargiz, performs alternative rock, which in itself is unusual.

    At the “blind” auditions, the girl performed the song “Why” by Annie Lennox, forcing all the mentors to turn to her. Ksana chose Dima Bilan as her mentor.

    At the "fights" Ksana's rival was Aygun Askerova. Together they performed "I'll win you back", a song from the repertoire of Irina Allegrova. Both performers remained on the TV project.

    At the stage of "knockouts" Sergienko appeared before the jury and the audience in an unusual way, wearing a classic men's suit. She had a sixties hairstyle. Brilliantly performing the song "Broken vows", she went to the next stage of the show. Together with Sergienko, Sevil Velieva and Olga Oleinikova participated in knockouts. Olga and Ksana remained in the show, while Sevil came to leave.

    The performance in the quarterfinals brought the vocalist passage to the next round. She performed the song "Beat it".

    Personal life of Ksana Sergienko

    The singer met her boyfriend Vitaly in America. Surprisingly, he is also Russian. He supports Xana during all her performances. While Sergienko was on the Russian television project "Voice", Vitaly was worried, wrote instructions and creative prayers, chose the right words for Ksana to help her cope with her excitement. Vitaly is a businessman, his company manufactures and sells furniture.

    According to the singer, she and her young man are completely different in character, which most likely makes their relationship harmonious. Sergienko does not rule out that he may well continue his performances in Moscow, having moved there to live.

    Oksana Nikolaevna Sergienko was born in 1984 in Mirgorod near Poltava. Parents noticed her singing talent early, and already in kindergarten she showed her work on stage, and at the age of 6 she entered a music school.

    At the age of 12, an important event takes place in the life of a young singer: she recorded a song in the studio, and her performance was shown on local television. Since then, she has been participating in all regional festivals, often performing in Kyiv.

    In 1997, she won first place in the Little Prince competition in Romania, two years later she won the Black Sea Games festival - she took first place among hundreds of participants.

    After school, Oksana entered the Kiev Variety and Circus College to master the art of variety.

    Singer career

    After 4 years, she receives an offer to work in America and fearlessly goes to a distant country. The prospects for the young artist seemed tempting, but the truth turned out to be more prosaic: she had to sing in inexpensive restaurants and bars, while improving her language.

    Then she received an offer to work at the Rasputin club in New York, she agreed. However, Oksana wanted more. And in 2009, luck smiled: she began to sing in the Oxzana Band - an official contract was signed with her.

    Later, Sergienko recorded his debut album, but still aspired to the big stage. She was lucky, and 2014 brought her two chances at once: in Russia and in America, the Voice show starts at the same time, and Oksana decides to participate in a Russian TV show.

    The audience especially remembered her performance as Freddie Mercury on the third season of The Voice. And when she performed in the same image in the show “Just Like It,” the jury showered her with compliments: someone applauded standing, someone froze in amazement, and Maxim Averin could not hide his tears - Oksana’s singer turned out so believable .

    Sergienko also participated in the blind audition - she performed the song “Why” by Annie Lennox, and the authoritative member of the jury, the famous Alexander Gradsky, gave her the highest rating.

    After these competitions, Oksana continued to participate in various shows and projects, including on television. She is especially good at impersonating famous artists: Irina Allegrova, Shirley Manson, Grace Jones and others.

    Personal life

    Oksana has a loved one, his name is Vitaly. He has Russian roots, he lives in America, he has his own furniture manufacturing company.

    Oksana is seriously thinking about staying in Russia, she and Vitaly are considering this prospect and, according to rumors, have already chosen an apartment in Moscow.

    During the competitions, Vitaly worried about Oksana, supported her in everything and helped.

    Now Oksana is recording new clips, but the lovers often see each other - they try to fly to each other in their spare time. And, perhaps, their union will be officially registered - they do not hide it.

    Ksana Sergienko is a vocalist, songwriter, one of the brightest participants in the Voice project and the show of reincarnations Just Like It. And Ksana is an international singer who is considered Ukrainian, American and Russian. Since 2014, Ksana Sergienko has been living in Russia, leaving her apartment, friends and loved one in America.

    The girl performs alternative rock, but easily "trying on" other genres and stage images: hits coexist in Sergienko's repertoire, and.

    Oksana Sergienko was born in the provincial Ukrainian town of Mirgorod, Poltava region in 1984. Ksana's mother noticed the girl's singing talent early: the baby made her debut on the kindergarten "stage" at the age of 3. At 6, parents took their daughter to a music school, and a couple of years later Ksana Sergienko soloed in the pride of Mirgorod - the children's group "Rodnichok".

    The dream of the 12-year-old vocalist to perform on local television was realized by her mother: the woman spent all the accumulated funds to pay for the studio recording of the song. Even then, my mother understood that this was an investment in the future of her daughter.

    The calculation turned out to be correct: after the show on the local TV channel, the sonorous girl was noticed. Since then, she has become a regular participant in various festivals and competitions, where she invariably occupies a leading position. Ksana Sergienko is regularly invited to all regional concerts. She often visits Kyiv.

    A resounding victory awaited Sergienko the following year after the show on television: the singer was sent to Romania to participate in an international competition called "The Little Prince". Mirgorod talent brought home a prize for the first place.

    At the age of 15, Ksana Sergienko participated in the popular youth festival "Black Sea Games". The vocalist arrived in her native Mirgorod as a winner: she won the first prize, leaving behind hundreds of talented contestants.

    After graduating from a local secondary school, Ksana went to study in Kyiv and entered the circus variety college.

    Musical career

    In the 4th year of college, Ksana Sergienko, having heard that a casting is being held in Moscow for the TV show "People's Artist", comes to the capital and goes through several stages. But during this period, the vocalist receives an offer to work in America. The young singer fearlessly goes to a distant and foreign country. Far from her mother and homeland, the girl had a hard time, but the promised prospects seemed very tempting to Ksana.

    The reality turned out to be much more prosaic than the promised "mountains of gold". Instead of performing in Broadway shows, the young performer sang for visitors to inexpensive restaurants and bars. At the same time, the girl had to learn the language. For several years, Ksana Sergienko sang in the popular New York cabaret club Rasputin, but Sergienko refused to return home without a victory, as was the case in childhood and adolescence.

    In 2009, Sergienko was lucky: the British label Lizard King Records offered Ksana to sign a contract. The singer signed and began performing at concerts as a member of the Oxzana Band. This period of Oksana's creative biography can be traced on the page Twitter registered in New York in November 2009.

    A few years later, having finally settled down in the USA, the singer recorded her debut album. And Ksana Sergienko closely monitored all competitions and shows for young performers, planning not to miss the chance and become famous. And in 2014, life brings her two such chances at once.

    Show "Voice"

    In America and Russia, the next seasons of the show "Voice" (in the American version - "The Voice") will start simultaneously. Ksana Sergienko is applying for participation in both projects. But when the time comes to choose, preference is given to the Russian TV show. The vocalist decided that with knowledge of languages ​​and American experience, she would be more likely to win in Russia.

    At the qualifying round for the third season of The Voice, Xana sang Freddie Mercury's hit "Show Must Go On", captivating the jury with the power of her voice and manner of performance. The girl was compared with, a participant in the second season of the show, who performed this song in the finale of "The Voice". Both singers prefer alternative rock.

    At the “blind” audition in Moscow, four members of the jury turned to the Ukrainian-American performer, who soulfully sang the song “Why” by Annie Lennox. In an interview, the girl admitted that before participating in the project, she thought about which of the mentors to choose, but did not decide. Sergienko made up her mind at the last moment, choosing a team.

    A television

    Successful participation in a TV project popular in Russia and the CIS countries turned Ksana Sergienko into a recognizable singer. The girl has a fan group of admirers of talent who are closely following the career of the Ukrainian-American performer. And Ksana regularly pleases fans with new songs and unexpected duets. In April 2015, Sergienko sang together in the capital's Crocus City Hall.

    Ksana Sergienko continued to participate in music shows. At the end of 2015, the singer appeared in the third season of Just Like It. In the reincarnation show, Oksana entered the top six of the strongest participants: the artist was seen in the image of Shirley Manson and Irina Allegrova.

    In November 2015, Oksana appeared before the audience and the jury in the image of the singer Shirley Bassey, singing her hit "History Repeating".

    The judges and spectators were no less impressed by Xana's transformation into the star Sheryl Crow, whose composition "Tomorrow Never Dies" she sang in December, at the 11th stage of the fourth season.

    In the finale of the show “Just Like It,” Ksana Sergienko impressed fans with an unexpected masculine image: the singer performed Freddie Mercury’s piercing hit “The Show Must Go On”. The performance took place on January 1, 2017.

    At the end of the project at the end of January 2017, Ksana Sergienko drew a bright line under her participation in the music show: she went on stage in the image and sang the song "Ain "t No Other Man".

    Personal life

    The personal life of Ksana Sergienko is arranged. Her favorite person is an American businessman of Russian origin Vitaly. He has a furniture manufacturing company in the USA.

    The entire period of competitive testing in Russia, Vitaly was worried about the girl and, according to Ksana, helped her cope with excitement and feelings. These relationships, according to Sergienko, will eventually end in marriage.

    Ksana Sergienko is thinking about staying in Russia. According to some information, she and her lover have already looked after an apartment in Moscow. Oksana admits that she missed her beloved, friends and the American metropolis. Ksana Sergienko meets with Vitaly between filming the show and recording new songs: the couple tries to fly to each other as often as possible.

    Ksana Sergienko now

    In the winter of 2016, the performer shared that, together with producer Vadim Kolchkov, she was working on the formation of a new repertoire. The first signs of cooperation - the song "Let go" - sounded on Russian music channels. There is a clip for the song.

    In mid-2016, Sergienko's first tour of the cities of Russia took place and a duet song was recorded with. In the same year, the collection "Voice of Love" was released, which included 22 songs. Among them is Ksana's composition "Conclusion". So far, the singer's discography is the only album recorded in America.

    At the beginning of 2017, Ksana Sergienko pleased her fans with the news: the singer became part of the Leningrad Center troupe and played a major role in the musical show Beautiful M. To work in a team, she had to move to St. Petersburg.

    In February 2017, Russia hosted the 3rd Winter World Military Games for the first time in Sochi. This sports show was attended by many pop stars, acrobats on ice, aerialists and choreographic groups. The show was completed by the best, according to the audience, participants in the TV project "Voice" Ksana Sergienko and.

    The singer reveals some of the secrets of her personal life to fans. Ksana has a favorite pet - cat Tosha, presented by friends for her birthday. For two years the cat lived with the owner in New York and moved with her to Russia. Sergienko adores Tosha and claims that he is a polyglot cat because he understands three languages. During a tour in Sochi, Ksana took a one-day break and flew to Moscow to congratulate her pet on her "professional holiday" - Cat Day.

    Working in St. Petersburg in the show "Beautiful M", Ksana Sergienko was forced to leave Tosha in Moscow in the care of a friend. But she missed her red pet so much that two weeks later she took him to St. Petersburg.

    In March 2017, the singer performed at the Kremlin Palace: an anniversary concert took place here. Together with Rodion, Ksana Sergienko sang the song "Why".

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