Tricks with cards and their secrets for children. Tricks with cards - training


This selection of amazing magic tricks contains detailed instructions that will help you get on the other side of the trick and put on a real magic show for the kids.

Map selection

The magician invites the viewer to take out any card from the deck, memorize it and put it back in any place between the cards of the deck. After a few minutes, the magician names the card and its suit, leaving the audience in utter delight.
Before the performance begins, the magician prepares the deck so that the top and bottom cards are turned face down and cover the deck from all sides. At the moment when the spectator draws a card and tries to remember it, the magician imperceptibly turns over the deck of cards. Thus, all cards, except for the top one, are turned to face him. When the spectator returns the card to the deck, it is absolutely no problem for the magician to find it and name it to the public.

Red and black

Ask two spectators to draw two cards from the deck. One must take out a card from the bottom and put it in the top of the deck. And the other must get a card from the top and put it in the bottom of the deck. You give the deck to another of those present so that he shuffles it well, after which you unmistakably name the selected cards.
The magician will “half” the deck of cards in advance and put all the red suits on top, and all the black suits on the bottom. After both spectators return their cards to the deck, the magician quietly turns it over and easily finds a card with a black suit among the red suits and vice versa. Even after the deck has been shuffled, the magician can easily name the hidden cards.

Magic number 27

The magician asks the spectator to take the cards and shuffle them, choose a card and put it on top of the deck. Then you need to remove any number of cards and count them, suppose you get 15 cards. Next, let the viewer count the number of red cards among them, for example, 6. Next, the magician asks to take the second part of the deck and, turning it upside down, count and remember the sixth black card. Then the viewer must put this part of the deck on the cards that he took off at the beginning and give all the cards to the magician.
The deck is turned face down, and the magician lays out one card from the bottom, mentally counting the black cards, 27-15 \u003d 12 - the twelfth card will be exactly the card that the viewer chose.
Do not be afraid of your failure at the first performance. With quick reflexes, a certain amount of manual dexterity and some acting skills, success in card tricks is guaranteed!
Mariana Chornovil

Advantages of card tricks for beginner magicians

A deck of cards is always with you, it can surprise as many people of any age as you like. Even novice magicians can easily cope with special cards, such as a trick deck or a magic deck of our own production. Some tricks with cards can be done by children from four years old, such a trick, for example, contains a set of tricks "Pocket Tricks No. 1"! At the same time, card tricks have a huge potential for development - even with an ordinary deck, it is not difficult to learn how to do incredible tricks if you learn from books and disks of professionals, and, over time, you will be surprised at what you can do!

What tricks with cards can ordinary people do?

Whether you want to explore the possibilities of your hands with a Bicycle Standard deck, showing clever tricks without secret devices, feel like a magician in 15 minutes after studying the instructions with Svengali cards, or beat everyone in poker with a magic deck, it is possible, even if you are in real life. did not take cards. The most important thing is to know the secret of the trick and follow all the rules during the show, and, of course, practice several times before the main performance.

Where to buy magic tricks for beginners?

We have :) Our magic store offers a variety of card tricks for beginners, for any age, in sets and separately. Each trick comes with detailed instructions for use, which reveals the secrets and gives useful tips that will make your performance unforgettable. And our sellers and administrators will always tell you what trick would be ideal for your level, or the level of the person to whom you decide to give such a wonderful gift - the opportunity to surprise your friends and reveal the magician in yourself! With our special decks you will learn how to do tricks with cards, and one of the decks will help you with this, where you can turn the entire deck from the selected spectator card into one card:

With this standard deck of cards, recognized throughout the world, you can do both simple card tricks and complex ones.

Children are the most vulnerable and trusting people, who perceive everything that is incomprehensible to them and mysterious as magic. However, at the same time, it is the children who very tenaciously grasp all the complexities and hidden places of tricks and quite quickly master the technique of their implementation.

If a child from childhood dreams of becoming a magician, then you should not interfere with him. It is better to help and teach tricks with which he will be able to surprise and delight not only his relatives and friends, but also, who knows, in the future a large audience.

First, let's look at the simplest card tricks for children, so that even a toddler can understand and master these tricks.

Magic in a big company

Unfortunately, any trick with cards is far from magic, it is the careful work and training of a magician. Therefore, at the beginning of mastering this craft, you will need an accomplice. The essence of the focus-game "Telepath" is as follows. Two children agree in advance among themselves about the upcoming trick, having discussed some kind of conventional sign that is understandable only to them. But none of the rest of the people should suspect their collusion.

And so, acting as a wizard, he declares to the guests that he is a telepath, and can guess the card lying upside down without seeing it. But since he is only a novice seer, for the time being he can say whether a figure card is or not (either black or red).

With this, he goes out the door, and the guests take out any card from the deck and, having remembered it, turn it upside down. The magician comes in, makes a serious face, focuses his eyes on the map, but with peripheral vision catches the secret sign of the assistant.

Then he solemnly and loudly announces the result. Everyone is shocked and asked to repeat. There can be as many repetitions as you like, the main thing is not to be exposed. Therefore, it is important to choose as inconspicuous and natural a symbol as possible. A very simple version of a children's trick with cards, but very effective if played naturally.

Mathematics - card assistant

More complex and serious tricks with cards, where manual dexterity and mathematical training are required, we will consider in more detail.

"Count and Guess"

The whole mechanism consists in simple calculations. For example, the viewer thinks of a six. The magician asks him to subtract 1 from the value of the card (that is, in this case, from six), multiply the result by 2, subtract 1 from the answer and add the value of the intended card to the result. That is, in our case it should turn out like this: 6-1=5, 5*2=10, 10-1=9, 9+6=15. The result is announced aloud. Then the trickster mentally adds 3 to the resulting sum and divides the result by 3. That's it, the card is exposed (15+3=18, 18/3=6), it's a six!

"I know which one you chose"

This card trick for kids is based on math, logic and memory. But here you will also need to lay out the cards quickly and deftly. Count any cards from the deck, exactly 21. Then ask the spectator to arrange these cards in three horizontal rows equally and guess any of them, telling you only which row it is in. Then it's up to you. You collect each row again and fold it so that the row with the intended card is in the middle. Again lay out all the cards in three rows, but now vertically. Again you ask in which row it is now, again collect it so that the row with the intended card is between the other two, and again lay it out in horizontal rows. Again, a collection with a row in the middle and that's it. Count the eleventh card, it will always be conceived.

four aces

You can learn tricks with cards for children from the following trick, which is called "Four Aces". This will require some practice with fake card shuffling and just sleight of hand. A detailed tutorial for this trick can be found here:

Spectacular trick "Magic of the name of the card"

To complete it, you need to learn how to fake shuffle and count the cards in your hands. That is, here the technique is already more complex and requires training. But the result is beyond praise. Its essence is that the trickster chooses six arbitrary cards from the deck and invites the viewer to remember any of them. Then the magician carefully shuffles the cards and passes the deck to the viewer, who must aloud give the full name of the card he has guessed (for example, a triple of diamonds). After that, the viewer himself begins to count as many cards from the beginning of the deck as there are letters in its full name and - voila! - the hidden card on the last letter turns over and causes great delight. Since this option is more difficult than all the previous ones, it is better to watch a video of children's tricks with cards with learning this trick here:

To show such tricks with cards you will need special. cards with special coated. You can order these

Trick success is a false shuffle

For high-quality and lightning-fast performance of tricks, it is necessary to master the technique of false shuffling of the deck, because the secret and success of most tricks is precisely in it.

It is important! It is better for children to explain visually, because this way the material is grasped and captured much faster. In general, teaching children's tricks with cards, as well as teaching shuffling, should always be supported by practice. The more training, diligence and work, the faster and better the result will be.

Therefore, video shuffling training is a good help for developing card talents.

Learn a variety of tricks and perform childish card tricks for the delight of a surprised audience!

Hello again, dear friends!

Sergey Kulikov is in touch with you again, he is also a Sailor.

Simple tricks with cards 36 cards and an awesome simple card trick "Tumbles" - this is the name of the article devoted to this trick today. The main feature is that it can be shown with a deck of 36 cards. That is, you do not have to buy expensive cards, you can just take the usual cheap "Satin" cards from friends and instantly surprise them!

For the trick, we need to take 16 cards from the deck and make a 4 by 4 square out of them. Next, we turn over a few cards and tell the viewer that he needs to collect all the cards, using the so-called “tumbles”. But you need to do it in a special way! If he wants to move a card vertically or horizontally, then he needs to turn over this card or pile. If he wants to move it diagonally, then there is no need to flip it. At first glance, you might think that this is difficult. But we explain and show the viewer what to do, and he will definitely do it!

The viewer performs this action and understands that the deck is now in complete chaos. However, as soon as we lay out the cards with a ribbon, we see that only four cards are turned over. And these cards are Aces!

At first, you might think that magic is really involved here. However, the main feature of the focus is that it works automatically! That is, you do not need to learn any complex techniques, use distraction or any special decks. All you need is to learn the sequence and that's it!

Another great thing is that you can show with any deck, even the cheapest. For example, while playing with friends, to dilute the atmosphere of excitement with magic, you can show this wonderful trick!

Here is its demonstration and training

Well, that's all for me!

Sergey Kulikov was in touch with you, he is also a Sailor!

We are all more or less familiar with ordinary playing cards. And of course everyone is familiar with such an integral process in card games as shuffling decks of cards. This action is taken for granted in the sense that few people have been specifically trained in shuffling a deck of cards. For this reason, we have placed this article at the very beginning. Since the ability to shuffle a deck of cards beautifully, quickly, elegantly is a necessary condition for a successful demonstration card tricks. Easy and relaxed handling of playing cards always gives the impression of professionalism.

All learning should start simple, so take this article as the first step in the process. learning card tricks.

The direct and most obvious purpose of shuffling a deck of cards is the location playing cards decks in random order. (Although the word "arbitrary" is more questionable when it comes to card tricks.)

Although shuffling a deck of cards, the action seems harmless, and does not contain any secrets. There are a huge number of applications of this card manipulation, which are actively used in the demonstration of magic tricks and card tricks.

So, let's see what you can use shuffling a deck of cards for. The basis for many card tricks is the use of a control card. It can be top, bottom, or in special situations it can be in the middle of a deck of cards.

Note: The control card is the basis of many card tricks where the spectator selects a playing card and the magician guesses it.

Secondly, it is a great way to distract the viewer's attention. You can ask a volunteer to shuffle the deck, and praise him, noticing how deftly he does it. It is likely that at this time you will be able to peep the bottom card of the deck. Or there will be an opportunity to do so when passing the deck back. And just the fact that you let the spectator shuffle the deck will help to convince the audience that this is a regular deck of cards, and not specially prepared.

It is also important to note that even the way you shuffle the cards affects the effectiveness and spectacle of your display. card tricks.

What does it mean? The card mystery takes place in three dimensions of space. Therefore, if you want to achieve the brilliance and brightness of the performance, then you should keep a deck of cards with an unfolded shirt to the viewer. And don't shuffle playing cards, forcing the audience to look at the end of a deck of cards measuring 6.27 x 1.6 cm. Believe me, it will be much more interesting for the viewer to watch the trick, because everything happens before their eyes and is clearly visible.

Also, impeccable mastery of card shuffling techniques will allow you, if necessary, to hide what the viewer does not need to see. But in such a way that it will not arouse the slightest suspicion.

Note: False deck removal. With this retention of the deck as shown in the figure. It is not possible (if you do not know in advance) to determine which part is the top and which is the bottom card deck.

This manner of holding a deck of cards is used in the so-called Indian shuffling. The description of this method and its indisputable advantages in focus work deserve a separate section. Let's just say that the method of shuffling cards in Indian style formed the basis of many card tricks. You must include this method of shuffling playing cards in your card trick training. It is simply indispensable in many card tricks, of different levels of complexity, both for masters and in card tricks for beginners.

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