Fat-free products. Storage conditions for vegetable oil. The fattest foods are sour cream, cream


We have been told so much and so often about the dangers of fatty foods that someone has seriously decided to give up fat completely. "Challenger" advises in any case not to do this.

A person must receive fats every day, otherwise the body will not be able to work properly. Accordingly, he needs foods rich in fats. Depending on what kind of fat you eat, it can be your best friend or worst enemy.

Natural trans fatty acids are produced in the rumen of ruminants by microorganisms and are mainly present in milk and meat products. Trans fatty acids, which are formed by the partial solidification of unsaturated fatty acids in vegetable oils, can be found, however, especially in many popular foods such as bakery products, fast food, snacks, biscuits, waffles, fried foods and spreads.

Therefore, no more than 1% of dietary energy should be consumed in the form of trans fatty acids. Fat is the flavor carrier - and has more than twice as many calories as carbohydrates and proteins. That's why you should use it sparingly. Fat is the carrier of aromas and flavors, so fatty foods simply taste good. Fat in moderation is not harmful.

Our best friends- "good fats". They are created by nature, we get them in their original form, unrefined, such fats are found in whole, unprocessed foods.

Our worst enemies- "bad fats", or refined. This concept combines all processed vegetable oils, including those from corn and sunflower, with the inscription "0% cholesterol".

However, fat with 9 kilocalories per gram contains more than twice as many calories as and with a calorific value of 4 kilocalories per gram. Fat has the highest calorific value of all macronutrients, so fatty foods are high in calories even in small amounts. “The fat consumed in the diet consists mainly of triglycerides,” says nutritionist Silke Rememeier of the German Nutrition Society. This means that three molecules of fatty acids are associated with one molecule of glycerol.

"Fat from food is transported in the small intestine through the lymph to the intestine and therefore to the tissues after digestion," explains professor dr honey. Johannes Erdmann, GP and Head of Nutrition at the Wijenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences. Excess fat is stored in fat cells and serves as a reserve for the body for bad times. In evolutionary history, this has been an important survival advantage, says the nutritionist. “Today, overeating leads to large fat deposits that last forever, because, fortunately, in most countries of the world there are no more periods of hunger.”

Interesting information about fats

Saturated fats have been subjected to undeserved accusations for a very long time. In 2010, large-scale studies were carried out, in which about 30,000 volunteers took part. Scientists have not found strong evidence that eating saturated fat is associated with the occurrence of ischemia and other cardiovascular disorders. On the contrary, our brain health and cognitive abilities depend to a large extent on important molecules supplied by fatty acids.

Saturated, unsaturated and trans fatty acids

Depending on their structure, fatty acids can be saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated. Animal foods such as butter, cream, meat or sausages are rich in saturated fat. Unsaturated fatty acids are also taken with the diet. They are found mainly in vegetable oils and in obese fish such as salmon, herring or mackerel. “Unsaturated fatty acids are required by the body as a precursor to the formation of vital substances that are important, for example, in inflammation and the regulation of blood clotting,” says Erdmann.

The main thing is that the ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 corresponds to the ratio of 1:2. But in practice, you often have to deal with ratios of 1:15, and in “severe” cases it even reaches 1:50. The average person consumes a disastrously high amount of omega-6s and an unforgivably low amount of omega-3s. This is largely facilitated by fast food and eating ready-made store-bought sauces, sausages, dumplings, canned food, spreads and other foods that can contain a huge amount of trans fats.

Trans fatty acids are produced during industrial processing or chemical hardening of fats and oils rich in unsaturated fatty acids. For example, hydrogenated fats are found in margarine, puff pastry, chips, and fried foods. "Trans fatty acids are considered unhealthy for humans, but the scientific evidence is still pending," says Erdmann.

Recommendations of the German Nutrition Society

But beware: vegetable oils have as many calories as animal fats! rule thumb: the fatter the fat, the higher the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids. In 40 grams of oil there are already 320 kcal, the same amount of vegetable oil contains 360 kilocalories! Cooking methods that do not require additional fat are ideal, such as barbecue or cook cooking.

Not on fat - on calories it depends

  • Vegetable fats and oils, as they are rich in unsaturated fatty acids.
  • Reduce animal fats because they are high in saturated fatty acids.
  • Use visible fats such as butter, margarine or oils sparingly.
  • Pay attention to the "hidden" fats in sausages, cheese, cakes and sauces.
"Dietary fat content varies significantly from person to person," says nutritionist Erdmann, who has evaluated thousands of nutritional protocols for overweight patients.

How to Get the Right Fatty Acid Ratio

Many will be surprised, but eating oily fish at least twice a week can significantly reduce our intake of fats from processed vegetable oils such as sunflower, corn, and soy. If you don't eat fish rich in healthy fats, supplement your diet with shrimp and other seafood, which are also good sources of omega-3s.

His conclusion: Obese people don't necessarily eat more fat than meat. Thus, being overweight and its consequences is not the result of an increase in fat intake, but rather the result of a general overnutrition, in which the energy of carbohydrates and proteins also has great importance. A high-calorie diet - often combined with a sedentary lifestyle - leads to overweight and elevated level blood lipids and is a risk factor for many diseases such as metabolic disorders, lipid metabolism and cardiovascular disease.


Remember the scene from the movie Rocky with Sylvester Stallone, where he breaks six raw eggs at once and drinks them in one gulp? He knew that whole eggs are very healthy, despite the fact that for many decades nutritionists and doctors have criticized egg yolks and recommended that they be abandoned.

Fats are present in every natural food up to a certain percentage, suggesting that they can make a valuable contribution to our diet. Each of our cells is surrounded by fat molecules, the brain and nerve cells contain fats, but all our organs are surrounded by a lipid layer.

This article looks at the importance of healthy fats for us and what foods we should consume on a regular basis. For example, lipids include cholesterol, fat-soluble vitamins, and for our diets, probably the most important group triacylglycerides because they are the main component of our dietary fats and contain one to three fatty acids as their main components.

  1. Eggs are tasty and very nutritious.
  2. In one chicken egg contains about 6 grams of high quality protein.
  3. They contain all eight essential amino acids needed for healthy muscle tissue and are involved in the absorption of calcium, zinc and iron.
  4. Eggs are rich in carotenoids, tocopherol, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin K and other beneficial substances.
  5. The most useful ways to cook eggs are steam omelette, baking, boiling. Do not fry scrambled eggs, depriving a wonderful product of its valuable health properties.

2. Avocado

Fat quality: essential or excess

We distinguish between saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in terms of fat quality, the latter being omega-6 and essential for us.

The difference between fats and oils

We can distinguish fats from oils even in Everyday life, because they show an obvious difference, which at the same time offers a spectrum of fatty acids.

Fat is when the product is in solid form at room temperature or lower temperatures; where it can be concluded that they contain predominantly saturated fatty acids. best example is oil, but also coconut fat or cocoa butter differ in their consistency and their fatty acid spectrum of oils. The latter are also liquid at lower temperatures, so unlike fats, they have a high content of unsaturated fatty acids.


In addition to carbohydrates, like other fruits, avocados contain many healthy fats.

  1. About 80% of its composition is occupied by monounsaturated fatty acids, that is, healthy fats. They have many benefits for human health, including knowing how to fight inflammation.
  2. Avocado is rich in ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamins K and group B.
  3. It contains a lot of useful fiber.
  4. It is useful to add avocados to salads, smoothies, replace them with harmful spreads and butter.

3. Walnuts

The term "fat" is more commonly used in the context of this definition. In the case of fats in our food, we are talking about triacylglycerides in the technical sense, or fat-containing substances are summed up with the general term lipids. We also need to pay attention to the quality of fat, as both the amount and amount of fat can have a significant impact on our health. Due to its very high energy content and increased consumption of unfavorable fats, this so-called macronutrient can not only contribute to overweight, but also to the disease associated with it.


Research shows that by eating walnuts, we can keep our brain healthy.

  1. By adding walnuts to your diet, you can reduce the effects of free radicals and reduce cardio risk.
  2. This wonderful product contains tocopherol, folic acid and other antioxidants.
  3. You can use it as an independent snack in the office or on a walk. Add to yogurt, porridge, cereals, salads. Try sprinkling walnuts on pasta with seafood or poultry, white sauce. This will give it a new taste and even more benefits from healthy fats.

4. Almond

In order to consume healthy fats in accordance with your needs, it is recommended that you first of all use complete plant foods and, if necessary, integrate certain vegetable oils into the diet. Accordingly, not only is the excessive consumption of fat in this country a problem, but also the quality of the fat, because with animal fatty sources, fatty acids make up the bulk of fat intake.

Animal products contain hidden fats, which not only can increase the amount of fat without noticing, but also bring with them a high energy value. On the other hand, if we consume more plant foods, on the one hand, we consume less energy on average, on the other hand, these foods contain a much more favorable spectrum of fatty acids.


If you make a healthy habit of carrying a bag of almonds in your pocket or bag with you everywhere, you can easily refuse unhealthy snacks, fast food, high-calorie chocolate bars and the like.

In general, it can be said that healthy fats are much more present in the plant kingdom. A healthy diet includes sources of fat from natural products, i.e. from nuts and oilseeds, as well as from fatty fruits such as avocados or olives. Oil seeds are the seeds and seeds of a plant that are commonly used to produce vegetable oil, such as pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, etc.

A moderate amount of certain vegetable oils can optimally complement our diet as they contain valuable fatty acids and therefore healthy fats in a concentrated form. In the case of oils, however, it is an advanced and therefore also processed product compared to healthy eating, so less processed options, e.g. Because cold pressing of oil should be preferred.

  1. A handful of almonds will be able to subdue your appetite for several hours, and you will easily pass by junk food, which means you will not add extra grams (more likely, you will even lose).
  2. Almond skins are high in antioxidants that are especially beneficial to health, so choose unpeeled nuts.

5. Oily fish

For seeds it is even higher, up to 37%. In addition, we find that there are a number of additional vital substances in small power plants, especially minerals such as potassium and magnesium. Studies have shown that regular consumption of nuts and oilseeds can make an active contribution to the prevention of diseases, especially in relation to the cardiovascular system, since it can, in particular, contain healthy fats.

Also, oily fruits, among which we count avocados or olives, are a complete food with a relatively high fat content, but they have a lower fat and protein content compared to nuts and seeds. An oil is an extract of the fat content from a corresponding wholesome food, for example. Like olive, seeds or nuts. Their energy content is thus significantly higher than that of the original plant and is no longer a complete food.

Salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and other fatty sea ​​fish contains a lot of omega-3. This substance reduces inflammation and helps reduce the risk of developing many chronic pathologies, including cardio disorders, cancer, and arthritis.

  1. Not all fish, even sea fish, are healthy. You should not use the one that is grown on fish farms. Compared to grown in wild environment, "farm" contains a huge amount of toxic substances, including methyl mercury.
  2. When in doubt, it is better to choose fish that is not farmed, but caught in the sea. These are sardines, mackerel, horse mackerel, herring, etc.

6. Ghee

Recommended oils for daily use include cold-pressed linseed oil and unheated walnut oil. However, science shows that the aforementioned sources of total fat are superior to oils and should therefore be used first and foremost to meet our fat needs.

Table 1: Fatty acid spectrum of nuts, oilseeds, oilseeds and vegetable oils. When it comes to fat: less is more and quality is more important than quantity. With the omission of animal food, there is already a waiver of hidden, usually "unhealthy fats" and unwanted fatty acids, so you, as a vegetarian, already live partly on the safe side. Healthy fats, with their unsaturated fatty acids, are found mainly in plants. However, attention should be paid to the choice of sources of fat, in which case we should primarily use whole foods from the nuts, seeds and oil products sector.

Many people deliberately reject products containing fat, considering them harmful to the figure. Low-fat diets designed to reduce weight are very popular.

Foods containing fats that are important for the functioning of the body. Moderate consumption of healthy fats will not adversely affect the waistline and will have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

What foods contain fat

Fats are found in almost all foods. The largest number is found directly in oils and fats, especially confectionery. From fish and seafood, most fats are found in canned food and some varieties of fish. Dairy products containing fats - dry cream, sour cream, depending on the fat content, glazed curds and cheeses. Cocoa powder contains 17.5 g of fat, while cocoa liquor contains 54 g.

Types of Dietary Fats

  1. saturated;
  2. mono or polyunsaturated;
  3. polysaturated.

Foods with saturated fats

Saturated fats are fats that contain a large amount of hydrogen in their molecules. They do not change their state at a certain temperature in a closed space, remaining rigid.

Saturated fats saturate the body with energy, are involved in the synthesis of hormones and the construction of cell membranes. They help the body absorb vitamins and minerals. For the female body, they are necessary as an element that improves the reproductive system.

Foods containing saturated fats:

  • margarine;
  • butter, cheese and other natural fats produced from adipose tissue;
  • palm, coconut oil.

Products that contain such fat can harm the body. They lead to body fat, high cholesterol and chronic arterial disease. Excess consumption of saturated fat leads to impaired metabolic processes in the body.

Foods containing healthy fats

These fats are called oils and are found in the following products:

  • poultry meat;
  • fatty fish;
  • various nuts;
  • vegetable oils.

They contain, but you should not use them in large quantities. Excessive consumption of foods containing polyunsaturated fats can contribute to the appearance of fatty deposits and gallstones.

What foods contain polyunsaturated fats

Polyunsaturated fats are found in meat products, products made from milk, as well as in confectionery and fast foods. Large numbers can lead to oncological diseases. The content of foods with a lot of polyunsaturated fats should not exceed a fifth of the daily diet.

What are polyunsaturated fats for?

Thanks to products containing polyunsaturated fats, the body's immunity is maintained, brain function improves and blood clotting, which is a consequence of blood clots, is reduced. They have a preventive effect on the appearance of cancer cells and improve heart function. Polyunsaturated fats contribute to normal cholesterol levels and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Rules for the consumption of fats

When compiling a daily diet, it is important to know which foods contain fats. Their number should not exceed one third of total food. When calculating the norm of fats, it must be remembered that 1 g of fat is enough for 1 kg of human weight. The proportion of fat in the diet should increase depending on physical activity and climatic conditions.

Thus, all fats in a normal amount will benefit the body. And excessive consumption of foods containing a large amount of fat can provoke various diseases and overweight.

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