Characteristics of cereals, chemical composition, energy value. Assortment and nutritional value of cereals


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Commodity research of cereals

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1. Chemical composition and nutritional value of cereals

2. Technology of production of cereals

3. Classification and assortment of cereals

4. Quality indicators and defects in cereals

5. Examination of the quality of cereals

6. Adulteration of cereals



For the production of cereals, grains of various crops are used. Groats are a whole, crushed or flattened kernel of cereal grains, buckwheat fruits or legume seeds, freed from parts of the grain that are not digestible by humans. Obtaining cereals is reduced to separating from the grain the flower shells (for membranous cereals), fruit shells (for buckwheat) and seed coats (for legumes). A significant change in the composition of the resulting product is a sharp decrease in fiber, hemicelluloses and ash elements. A further increase in digestibility is achieved by removing the fruit and seed coats and the aleurone layer (grinding and polishing).

During the processing of grain, the germ is removed, the presence of which in cereals reduces their stability during storage.

In addition to the mechanical processing of raw materials for the production of cereals, hydrothermal treatment is widely used, which makes it possible to increase the nutritional quality of cereals and reduce the time for preparing ready-made dishes from them. To do this, in the process of making cereals, flattening is used and a variety of flakes (oatmeal, corn) are obtained.

Cereals occupy a significant place in human nutrition. The physiological norms of human nutrition developed in our country provide for the introduction of various cereals into the diet, on average 14-15 kg per person per year, approximately 40-42 g per day.

Groats are characterized by high nutritional value and digestibility, good consumer qualities. They are used to prepare soups and cereals and other culinary products, and are widely used in public and dietary nutrition.

Cereals are used to produce food concentrates and canned food.

1. Chemical composition and nutritional value of cereals

The nutritional and biological properties of cereals depend on the type of grain crop and the nature of the technological processing to which they are subjected. The level of grain release from the peripheral parts affects the degree of assimilation of cereals. Recently, fast-cooking cereals, flattened and exploded grains have become widespread. For the manufacture of these types of cereals, grains of corn, oats and rice are used. Cereals have a high energy value, they are high in carbohydrates and low in water. Different types of cereals differ significantly in individual indicators of biological value. Some are richer in proteins, vitamins, minerals, ballast compounds, others are poorer in them, but are better absorbed and suitable for children and therapeutic diets (for example, semolina) (Table 1).

Conversion factor Amino acid content, mg per 100 g of edible part of the product

Total Valine Isoleucine Leucine Lysine Methionine Threonine tryptophan Phenylalanine
Buckwheat 12,6 6,09 3900 590 520 680 630 260 500 180 540
Rice 7,0 5,95 2430 420 330 620 260 130 240 80 350
Millet 12,0 6,25 4660 620 590 1620 360 270 440 180 580
oatmeal 11,9 5,7 3480 580 500 780 420 140 350 160 550
Oatmeal 12,2 5,7 4720 820 830 1110 450 210 440 240 620
barley 10,4 5,7 2960 480 560 510 320 160 320 120 490
corn 8,3 5,7 2900 410 410 1160 210 130 160 60 360
Health 15,9 5,7 5810 840 700 1540 830 360 560 220 760
strong 21,2 5,7 9359 1280 1194 2480 1750 310 985 320 1040

Cereals are an important source of protein. Buckwheat and oatmeal are high in protein. Rice is characterized by a lower protein content, however, according to the amino acid composition, rice protein is most favorably balanced. Millet protein is characterized by a low content of lysine, it is much less in oatmeal and barley groats. There is little tryptophan in corn; almost all cereals are poor in methionine (Table 2).

Table 2. Chemical composition and energy value of various types of cereals

Content, % on dry matter Energy value per 100 g. Minerals mg, % Vitamins mg, %

proteins starch Sahara fiber fat ash kcal kJ sodium potassium calcium magnesium phosphorus iron carotene B1 IN 2 RR
Millet polished 14,0 75,3 2,0 0,8 3,4 1,3 334 1397 39 201 27 101 233 7,0 0,15 0,62 0,04 1,55
Buckwheat 14,7 74,1 2,3 1,3 3,0 2,0 329 1377 _ 167 70 98 298 8,0 0 0,53 0,20 4,19
Buckwheat 11,0 75,3 2,4 1,3 2,2 1,5 326 1364 _ _ 48 _ 253 4,9 0 0,42 0,17 3,76
Rice 8,1 85,7 1,3 0,5 0,7 0,8 323 1351 26 54 24 21 97 1,8 0 0,08 0,04 1,60
oatmeal 13,5 62,2 3,3 3,2 6,6 2,4 345 1444 45 292 64 116 361 3,9 0 0,49 0,11 1,10
Flakes "Hercules" 14,9 67,3 3,7 1,5 7,0 1,9 355 1485 _ _ 52 142 363 7,8 0 0,45 0,10 1,00
Oatmeal 13,2 60,1 1,9 2,1 6,4 2,0 357 1494 23 351 58 111 328 10,7 0 0,22 0,06 0,70
Barley 10,8 76,4 1,9 1,2 1,3 1,0 324 1356 _ 172 38 94 323 3,3 0 0,12 0,06 2,00
Poltava 14,8 79,2 2,9 0,8 1,3 1,0 325 1360 _ _ _ _ 261 6,4 0 0,30 0,10 1,40
semolina 13,1 81,7 1,5 0,2 0,8 0,6 326 1364 22 120 20 30 84 2,3 0 0,14 0,07 1,00
corn 9,7 81,9 2,3 0,9 1,4 0,8 325 1360 55 147 20 36 109 2,7 0,20 0,13 0,07 1,10
Shelled peas 26,7 55,5 4,0 1,3 1,7 3,0 323 1351 _ 731 89 88 226 7,0 0,05 0,90 0,18 2,37
Pioneer 20,3 73,7 _ _ 2,5 _ 331 1385 _ 245 278 118 415 1,7 0 0,41 0,49 4,02
Health 18,3 78,2 _ _ 0,7 _ 324 1356 _ 311 257 58 267 1,5 0 0,22 0,49 5,13
Sports 21,5 73,3 _ _ 6,2 _ 356 1489 _ 529 293 135 442 3,7 0 0,40 0,49 5,92
Naval 13,2 79,7 _ _ 2,4 _ 325 1360 _ 35 52 110 277 1,9 0 0,45 0,20 3,76
South 15,3 76,6 _ _ 3,6 _ 331 1365 _ 580 27 82 220 2,7 0 0,44 0,15 2,30
strong 24,4 68,2 _ _ 2,3 _ 325 1360 _ 686 56 97 319 4,0 0 0,86 0,85 2,21

Maize proteins are difficult for the action of digestive enzymes, especially peptides containing proline. At the same time, corn porridge is used in appropriate diets to suppress microbiological processes in the intestines, since it has an antimicrobial effect.

There is little fat in cereals; the exception is oatmeal, which contains up to 6% lipids; they include lecithin, tocopherols; b-sitosterol is found in appreciable amounts in buckwheat.

Carbohydrates in cereals consist mainly of starch. Many cereals contain derivatives of carbohydrates - mucous substances (for example, lichenin in oatmeal). When consuming such products, the digestion of proteins improves; mucus substances are gentle irritants of the walls of the digestive canal, they are used in the diet for its diseases.

Many cereals are sources of B vitamins, mainly thiamine, niacin and, to a lesser extent, riboflavin. The greatest amount of thiamine is found in millet, buckwheat and oatmeal. Buckwheat has a high taste properties and has a rich vitamin composition. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) in it is 5 times more than in semolina, and 2 times more than in pearl barley. According to the content of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), buckwheat is 2½ times higher than all other cereals. There is also a lot of nicotinamide in buckwheat. Almost 4-5 times less vitamin B1 in semolina and rice cereals. Niacin is most of all in buckwheat - done. Maize contains b-carotene.

Of the minerals, cereals are the richest in potassium and phosphorus. The latter is 6-10 times higher than the calcium content. Magnesium is found in significant quantities in millet, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat (kernel) cereals; poorer in this element are semolina, rice, and corn. There is a lot of iron in cereals, but it is poorly absorbed due to the presence of phytin. Least of all minerals in semolina and rice cereals.

The digestibility of nutrients in cereals differs sharply depending on their type. Semolina and rice cereals are the easiest to digest, as they have little fiber. Easily digested sago is a cereal that consists of gelatinized potato or corn starch. It is important for the nutrition of children, especially weakened ones. Less digestible substances in buckwheat, oatmeal and other cereals rich in ballast compounds. Drying buckwheat before cooking impairs the absorption of nutrients in finished form, and therefore this technique is used to feed obese people.

Thus, when choosing cereals for diets with a different functional state of the body, one should be guided by the characteristics of their chemical composition and the degree of digestibility of the nutrients contained in them.

2. Technology of production of cereals

Manufacturing technology certain types groats has much in common and consists of the following operations: cleaning grain from impurities and sorting it by size, hulling the grain and separating the hulling products. In the production of some types of cereals, hydrothermal treatment of grain is used before hulling, as well as crushing of hulled kernels, their grinding and polishing.

grain cleaning from impurities larger, finer and lighter than grain, as well as from feeble and fine grain, it is produced on separators and trieres. Metal impurities are separated from the grain in magnetic traps. After cleaning, the grain should contain no more than 0.3-0.5% of weed impurities. Before cleaning the grain, it is sorted by moisture content and by the content of hard-to-separate impurities in order to obtain a more uniform quality of cereals and reduce losses during its production.

hydrothermal treatment consists in steaming the grain for 3-5 minutes. at a steam pressure of 1.5-3 atm, followed by drying the grain to a moisture content of 12-14%. With this treatment of grain, the strength of the core increases and its hydrophilicity decreases, since starch gelatinizes in the peripheral parts of the endosperm, proteins are denatured, and intercellular spaces in the nucleus are reduced several times; there is a partial loss of aromatic substances and the activity of lipase, phosphatase, etc. enzymes decreases; the protopectin of the shells partially turns into pectin, so the shells become more fragile and are easier to remove from the grain. Hydrothermal treatment is always subjected to oats and peas, and sometimes buckwheat and corn. In oats, after steaming, the specific bitterness inherent in it disappears. As a result of hydrothermal treatment of grain, the yield of the whole kernel increases, the hydrophilicity of the cereal decreases.

Grain sorting by size It is produced by sifting it through sieves with different mesh sizes to obtain uniform grain fractions. Grains of the same size are better cleaned of shells, and less crushed kernels are obtained from it. Buckwheat, oats and peas are sorted by grain size. From wheat, barley and corn, this operation only separates small grains.

Grain peeling and separation of peeling products produced after grain sorting by size. When peeling, or collapsing, flower shells are removed from the grain of membranous crops, fruit shells from buckwheat and wheat, and seed shells from peas. The grain is hulled in continuous grain peeling machines (ZSHN) and on roll deck hulling machines. In a rolling machine, such a distance is set between a rotating shaft made of abrasive material or stone and a fixed deck so that films and shells are removed from the grain, but the core is not destroyed. After processing the grains in shelling machines, whole, split and crushed kernels, unhulled grains, shells (husks) and muchel (finely ground particles) are obtained. To separate the shells, the product is winnowed on husks. By sifting through a set of sieves, crushed and whole kernels, unhulled grains and flour are separated.

In the manufacture of barley, wheat and corn groats, the kernels obtained after peeling are crushed on roller machines. Crushing products are sorted on sieves by size.

Product grinding. In the manufacture of rice groats, peas, etc., the kernels are ground and polished. As a result of grinding, the croup acquires a rounded shape and a uniform color. During grinding, the germ is partially removed from the oat kernel and the pubescence - hairs is removed, the fruit and seed coats, the germ and partially the aleurone layer are removed from the millet and rice kernels. Not only whole kernels are ground, but also crushed ones (barley, corn, Poltava wheat) to obtain rounded grains. To give polished rice and peas a smooth shiny surface, they are subjected to further processing - polishing. When polishing, the aleurone layer is removed from the rice kernel, and the upper layers of the cotyledons are removed from the pea. Polished and polished cereals, compared to the shelled kernel, contain more starch, but less proteins, fats, mineral salts, vitamins and fiber; the digestibility and taste properties of cereals are higher, it boils faster.

The technology for the production of some types of cereals differs from the standard scheme outlined. So, semolina is produced in mills during varietal grinding of wheat; oat flakes are made from steamed oat kernels, which are flattened into petals and dried.

Grain packaging. After crushing, grinding and polishing, the groats are sifted, winnowed and passed through magnetic traps. Groats are packed in jute, cotton and flax jute bags of the 1st and 2nd category weighing 65-70 kg or packaged in paper bags weighing 0.4-1 kg.

Grain output. Groats are made from good-quality grain. The yield of cereals depends on the contamination of the grain mass, the completion and filminess of the grain, the consistency of the endosperm. Large made grain, in comparison with puny and small grains, contains fewer shells, therefore, cereals of better quality and with a large yield are obtained from it. Groats from such grains are large and uniform in size, contain more starch, proteins and less indigestible carbohydrates, porridge from it has a better taste. Corn

The frail is more difficult to process, on the kernels there may be remains of flower shells (in barley) and fruit (in wheat). Groats from puny grain contain more indigestible carbohydrates, it is more difficult to boil, porridge from it has lower taste properties.

The consistency of the grain also affects the yield of cereals. Vitreous grain - more durable than powdery. It produces a greater yield of the whole kernel, less crushed and mucheli. Polished rice is obtained only from glassy grains. To increase the strength of the buckwheat kernel, which has a floury consistency, hydrothermal treatment is used, and the yield of the whole kernel of the 1st grade increases by 6% (from unsteamed buckwheat, the yield of the 1st grade kernel is 52%). Poltava and artek groats are made mainly from durum wheat grains, which, when crushed, produce grains with sharp edges that retain their shape well, and a small amount of mucheli is formed.

At cereal enterprises, the rules for organizing and conducting the technological process establish the basic yield rates for whole and crushed cereals and the yield rates for cereals by grade. For example, for pearl barley, two yield rates are set: 53 and 40%. When pearl barley is produced with a yield of 53%, cereals No. 1 and 2 receive 15%, cereals No. 3 and 4 - 33% and cereals No. 5 - 5%; in the manufacture of pearl barley with a yield of 40%, cereals No. 1 and 2 - 28%, cereals No. 3 and 4-10% and cereals No. 5 - 2% are obtained. At groats plants, a technological scheme is used with one of the established basic outputs, depending on the demand for this groats. With a smaller output of cereals, its quality is higher, since the cereals are polished more and it turns out to be more uniform in shape and color. It contains fewer indigestible carbohydrates, so it boils faster and is better absorbed by the human body.

3. Classification and assortment of cereals

At the cereal factories of our country, cereals are produced in a wide range, since grains of various crops are used to produce cereals.

Depending on the processing method, grain size and quality, cereals are divided into types, numbers and varieties. Semolina is divided into brands.

Table 3. Main products of cereal factories

Corn Name and assortment Sort, number
1 2 3

Rice polished

Rice crushed polished Not divided into varieties

Rice polished for the production of baby food Top and first grade


Prodel Not divided into varieties

The core is quick-cooking First, second, third grade

Prodel fast-cooking Not divided into varieties

Nutella quick-cooking for the production of baby food First grade

Buckwheat, not requiring cooking Not divided into varieties

Uncrushed oatmeal

Rolled oatmeal Highest, first, second grade

Oatmeal for the production of baby food Top grade

Oat flakes Hercules Not divided into varieties

Oatmeal Extra № 1, 2, 3

Oatmeal Not divided into varieties

Oatmeal for baby food Not divided into varieties

Millet polished Highest, first, second, third grade

Millet polished quick-cooking Highest, first, second grade

Pearl barley № 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Barley groats № 1, 2, 3

Quick-cooking barley groats № 1, 2, 3

Pearl barley with reduced cooking time № 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Barley groats, not requiring cooking Not divided into varieties

Whole shelled peas First, second grade

Peas shelled chopped First, second grade

Quick-cooking pea groats


Grinded corn grits №1,2,3,4,5

Corn groats large for flakes It is not divided into varieties and numbers

Small corn grits for sticks It is not divided into varieties and numbers

Corn flour It is not divided into varieties and numbers

Wheat groats Poltava № 1, 2, 3, 4

Wheat groats Artek № 5

Wheat groats № 1, 2, 3

Various raw materials according to the recipe

Cereals with high nutritional value:









The following types of cereals are produced at cereal factories: from millet - polished millet of the highest, first and second grades; from buckwheat - steamed and unsteamed kernels of the first and second grades, groats; from oats - non-crushed steamed groats of the highest and first grades, petal flakes, flattened groats of the highest and first grades, Hercules flakes and oatmeal; from barley - five-dimensional pearl barley and three-dimensional barley; from rice-grain - polished and polished rice of the highest, first and second grades, crushed rice; from peas - peeled (shelled) polished whole and split peas, pea groats such as semolina; from corn - polished five-dimensional grits, large grits for flakes and puffed grains, small grits for crispy sticks; from durum wheat - groats Poltava four-dimensional and Artek.

At flour mills, during the processing of wheat into flour, semolina (2%) is selected (at the expense of the highest grade), which, depending on the type of wheat supplied for grinding, is divided into the following grades: from soft wheat - grade M; from soft wheat with an admixture of durum (durum) up to 20% - MT brand; from durum wheat (durum) - brand T.

The grain from which this assortment of cereals is produced must meet the norms of state standards. Table 1 shows the quality standards of grain intended for processing into cereals.

Table 4. Quality standards for grain sent for processing into cereals

Culture, standard Humidity, % Content, %

impurities (no more)

small feeble grains grain impurities (no more) cores (not less than)
Millet. Requirements for the procurement and supply of the cereal industry and for malt. Specifications (GOST 22983–78) 3 6 74
Buckwheat. Requirements for the supply of cereal industry (GOST 19093-73) No more than 16 in the presence of dryers and no more than 14.5 in their absence 3 3 71
Rice-grain, non-husked (GOST 6293–68) No more than 15.5 2 2
Oats. Requirements for the supply of cereal industry (GOST 6584-73) Not more than 15.5 in the presence of dryers and not more than 13.5 in their absence 2,5 Pass through a sieve with holes of 1.8X20 mm, no more than 5 3 63
Barley. Requirements for the supply of cereal industry (GOST 6378-72) No more than 14.5 2 Passage through a sieve with holes measuring 2.2 X 20 mm, no more than 5 2
Food and feed corn (GOST 13634–68) No more than 15 2
Peas. Requirements for the supply of cereal industry (GOST 18159–72) No more than 15 1

Note. The nature of barley grain must be at least 630 g/l.

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Groats are divided into varieties (millet, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), numbers (barley, barley, wheat, corn, oatmeal Extra) and brands (semolina).

Millet. Polished millet is produced from millet, from which the flower films, fruit and seed coats, and partially or completely the germ have been removed. The croup has a spherical shape, a small depression at the site of the embryo. The surface of the grains is matte, rough, with a dark dot at the junction of the flower films with the core. The color of millet is from light yellow to bright yellow, the consistency is from powdery to glassy, ​​depending on the feedstock. The best consumer properties are characterized by millet of bright yellow color, with a large kernel and a glassy consistency. There is quite a lot of starch in cereals (about 75%), consisting of small grains. Starch under normal conditions is little hydrophilic, but when heated with water, it swells strongly. As a result, the volume of cereals increases during cooking. In the process of grinding, α-amylase, which is in the germ, is removed, and the porridges are crumbly. From carbohydrates, in addition to starch, there are sugars - 2%, pentosans - 3, fiber - 1%. Protein in millet is 14%, but it is poor in lysine, tryptophan and histidine. The germ in millet wedge-shaped enters the endosperm, and after grinding, part of it remains: As a result, a significant amount of lipids (up to 3.4%) that are unsaturated in nature are retained in the groats, so millet is poorly stored, quickly rancid. However, if rancidity has not gone far, lipid oxidation products can be removed by thoroughly washing the cereal with hot water, in which case the porridge will not have a bitter aftertaste. When millet is stored, especially in the light, the pigments are destroyed, and the grain turns from yellow to white with a grayish tinge.

Millet polished by quality is divided into four grades: the highest, 1, 2 and 3rd.

Millet boils for 25-30 minutes, while increasing in volume by 4-6 times.

Rice groats. Rice is used to produce ordinary and quick-cooking rice groats, polished and crushed, pure rice, rice Zdorovye (brown) with a high content of vitamins and mineral elements, golden rice, flavored rice, etc.

Rice polished- these are grains from which flower films, fruit and seed coats, most of the aleurone layer and the embryo have been completely removed. The surface of the nucleus is slightly rough, white color, on individual kernels there may be remnants of the seed coat. Polished rice is produced in five commercial grades - extra, higher, 1, 2, 3rd. Only long-grain rice (Indian branch) obtained by grinding hulled grains of rice of I and II types can be classified as extra. Long-grain rice that does not match the quality of the extra variety, or rounded rice (Japanese branch) are classified as other varieties.

Rice crushed polished- a product of rice processing into groats, consisting of split, additionally polished kernels with a size of less than 2/3 of the whole kernel, is not divided into varieties.

pure rice- cereals that have undergone special processing, after which further preparation of it before cooking (washing, sorting), as well as washing after cooking, is excluded. Thus, all the vitamins and mineral elements that are in the cereal before cooking remain in the finished product.

Rice enriched with vitamins and minerals obtained by TRP steam or by soaking grain. As a result, mineral elements and vitamins from the shells and the germ diffuse into the endosperm, the adhesive substances are destroyed, and when cooked, crumbly porridges are obtained that do not need to be washed. For example, rice trademark Uncl Bens, golden rice, etc. Brown long grain is rice that has been lightly polished.

Rice groats have a high starch content (up to 85% dry matter). Starch granules are small, easy to digest, so rice is a dietary product. Rice groats are low in sugars, fiber and vitamins. In terms of the amount of proteins, it is inferior to all other cereals - no more than 8%, but the amino acid composition is quite complete. The limiting amino acid is lysine. Rice groats are well stored, as they contain little lipids (0.7%). Rice lipids are 76% unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic (up to 45%).

Rice groats have high consumer properties. Cooking time - 20-40 minutes (fast-cooking cereals - 10 minutes), an increase in volume - 4-6 times.

Buckwheat grain. Two types of cereals are produced from buckwheat: core (whole) and prodel (stab). Groats from unsteamed grains have a creamy color with yellowish or greenish hues and a mealy texture. Under the influence of TRP, starch gelatinization occurs, dextrins are formed, protein coagulates, and chlorophyll is destroyed. Thanks to this processing, the croup acquires a brown color, it is better boiled soft. It is called fast-cooking.

The core is divided into three grades: 1, 2, 3rd. Prodel is not divided into grades.

Buckwheat is characterized by a high biological value, since albumins and globulins predominate in proteins, containing all the essential amino acids. The main component of cereals are carbohydrates, in particular starch (74%). Starch granules are small, round or multifaceted. The main sugar is sucrose. The kernel of buckwheat is not polished, therefore it contains up to 2% fiber. Lipids, as in other cereals, are represented by 80% unsaturated fatty acids, mainly palmitic and oleic. Vitamin E, which has antioxidant activity, contributes to the good keeping of cereals. Due to the fact that the main part of the embryo is inside the endosperm and is not removed during peeling, a lot of vitamins of group B, PP and mineral elements (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc.) remain in the croup.

Buckwheat is quickly boiled soft (10-20 minutes), while increasing in volume by 4-5 times. The high nutritional and consumer value of buckwheat determines its exceptional role in nutrition.

Oatmeal. Depending on the method of processing and quality, oatmeal is divided into types and varieties.

Uncrushed oatmeal- it is a product obtained from oats that have undergone steaming, peeling and grinding.

Flattened oatmeal obtained by flattening on roller machines of oatmeal, not crushed, which has previously undergone repeated steaming.

The color of the groats of these species is grayish-yellow in various shades. By quality, they are divided into three commercial grades: the highest, 1st and 2nd. Oatmeal porridges are cooked slowly (an hour) and increase in volume only 3 times. Taste values ​​are not very high - viscous, dense texture. Therefore, oatmeal is subjected to additional processing to obtain flakes. Steaming causes gelatinization of starch, denaturation of proteins and inactivation of enzymes, which speeds up the cooking of porridge. Cooking time is reduced to 20 minutes or more.

Depending on the processing method of raw materials cereals divided into three types: Hercules, petal and Extra. Hercules and petal oat flakes are made from premium oatmeal, and Extra flakes are made from 1st class oats. Oat flakes Extra, depending on the cooking time, are divided into three numbers: No. 1 - from whole oatmeal; No. 2 - small ones from chopped cereals; No. 3 - quick-cooking from chopped cereals.

Main component cereals are carbohydrates, and starch accounts for 62.2%, which is much less compared to other cereals. Sugars are represented by sucrose. It contains a significant amount of fiber (3.2%) and pentosans (5-7%), so the porridge is viscous and is recommended for dietary nutrition. The biological value of cereals is very high. In terms of fractional composition, proteins are close to buckwheat proteins and contain all the essential amino acids. Oatmeal is rich in B, PP and E vitamins, lipids (about 7%). The mineral composition is varied, but its main drawback is that phosphorus is in a bound state with phytic acid.

Oatmeal produced from steamed, dried oats, followed by grinding and sieving. The resulting product does not need to be cooked. The main indicator that is controlled during the examination of oatmeal is the ash content, it should not exceed 2%.

Cereals from wheat. Wheat is used to produce semolina and polished wheat groats (Poltava and Artek).

Semolina is obtained simultaneously with high-quality wheat baking flour and makes up 1-2% of processed grain. To obtain a high-quality product, semolina is subjected to double enrichment in sieves.

Semolina depending on the type of wheat used, they are divided into grades: "M" - from soft wheat, "T" - from durum wheat, "MT" - from soft wheat with an admixture of durum (up to 20%).

Groats brand "M" is a rounded opaque farinaceous particles of even white or cream color. Groats brand "T" - translucent ribbed grains of cream or yellow color, brand "MT" - particles, heterogeneous in shape and color (white or yellow).

The nutritional value depends on the quality of the wheat grain and is close to premium wheat flour. Groats brand "M" contains a minimum amount of fiber (0.14%) and ash (0.54%), poor in proteins (12%), but they are well absorbed, and very rich in starch. The increase in volume during cooking of cereals of this brand is the largest in comparison with cereals of other brands; it cooks quickly - 5-8 minutes.

Grain "T" contains more ash (0.63%), fiber (0.2%), protein (13-15%) and, therefore, less starch (81%). Groats brand "MT" occupies an intermediate position.

One of the important indicators of the quality of semolina is the ash content, which is used to judge the thoroughness of the separation of the integumentary tissues of the grain. This indicator ranges from 0.6% for cereals of the "M" brand to 0.85% of the "T" brand.

Wheat groats obtained by grinding the grain of durum wheat. By size, the groats are divided into Poltava - from the 1st to the 4th number and Artek. Groats No. 1 and 2 - polished elongated particles obtained from wheat grains freed from the germ and partially from the fruit and seed coats. Groats No. 3 and 4 - particles of crushed grain of various sizes, rounded. Artek - polished particles of finely crushed wheat grain.

When conducting an examination of quality, the size is controlled by fineness by sieving on sieves. The content of the benign nucleus is not less than 92%.

Polished wheat groats contain a lot of starch (80%) and proteins (14.8%). In proteins, the limiting amino acid is lysine. Lipids are unsaturated, linoleic acid predominates. Mineral substances are insignificant, of which 60% are phytates. Among the vitamins, vitamins of group B predominate. The more carefully the grinding operation is carried out, the more starch is in the grits.

The duration of cooking depends on the number of cereals and is 15-60 minutes. The porridge is viscous or crumbly, with a pleasant taste; increase in volume - 4-5 times.

Barley groats. Depending on the method of processing, they are divided into barley and barley. Pearl barley, depending on the size of the grains, comes in five numbers, and barley - three.

Pearl barley is an elongated core (Nos. 1 and 2) and a rounded shape (Nos. 3, 4, 5), freed from flower films, well polished, white with dark stripes at the site of the groove (underscoring).

Barley grits- these are particles of a crushed kernel of various sizes and shapes, completely freed from flower films and partially from fruit membranes. The color of the groats is white with yellowish, sometimes greenish tints.

Barley groats are close in nutritional value to wheat groats. The starch content is about 75%, but starch grains swell and gelatinize relatively slowly, which affects the cooking time. It contains a relatively large amount of fiber - up to 1.5%, hemicellulose - up to 6%, including gums - 2%. Sugars are represented by sucrose - 1.9%, monosaccharides up to 0.5%. Proteins are similar in fractional composition to wheat proteins, but have a more complete amino acid composition. By the amount of lysine, barley groats are close to oatmeal, and by the content of methionine they surpass it. Lipids are represented by 60% unsaturated fatty acids, a lot of linoleic and oleic acids, and in addition, tocopherols that protect lipids from oxidation. The low content of phosphorus should be noted, with phytates accounting for 40%.

The chemical composition of barley and barley groats is not exactly the same, as they undergo different technological processing. The consumer advantages of these cereals are also not the same. Barley boils for 60-90 minutes, depending on the size, increasing in volume by 5-6 times. The porridge is crumbly, the grains retain their shape well. The duration of cooking barley groats is less - 40-45 minutes, it increases in volume by 5 times, has a viscous consistency, and when cooled it becomes hard.

Corn grits. Depending on the method of production and the size of the grains, it is divided into types.

Grinded corn grits is a particle of corn kernel various shapes, obtained by separating the fruit shells and the embryo, polished, with rounded edges, white or yellow. Depending on the size, it is divided into five rooms. It is intended for sale in the trading network.

Corn grits large and small- crushed particles of corn kernels of various shapes, obtained by separating the fruit shells and the germ. Large corn grits are used for the production of flakes and puffed grains, and small ones are used for the production of corn sticks.

The composition of cereals is dominated by starch. There are few sugars, and they are mainly represented by sucrose. Hemicellulose - up to 5%. There are few proteins - up to 10%, and they are very poor in amino acid composition. Among lipids, the main part is made up of unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid predominates. Corn grits are quite well stored due to the content of tocopherols. There are few vitamins, but a lot of carotenoids (carotene predominates) and niacin.

Corn groats are cooked for quite a long time - from 60 minutes or more, increasing in volume by 4-5 times, and it is tough due to the rapid aging of gelatinized starch.

Peas polished. This is the only type of cereal produced from legume seeds. It is obtained from green and yellow food peas and, depending on the processing method, is divided into types: whole polished peas; peas chopped polished.

Peas whole polished consists of whole grains of yellow or green color, the admixture of split peas should not exceed 5%; for split peas, the admixture of the whole is not more than 5%. In terms of quality, whole and split peas are divided into grades 1 and 2, depending on the content of weed impurities, corroded unpolished seeds.

The nutritional value of peas is very high due to the high content of proteins (up to 26%), minerals and vitamins. Pea proteins are complete in amino acid composition (except for methionine). The total content of albumins and globulins is 80%. Carbohydrates are represented mainly by starch - 55%, which is less than in other cereals, but the sugar content is higher. Peas are cooked for a long time (up to 60 minutes), slightly increasing in volume (2 times), often forming a viscous puree-like mass. But peas are rarely used for cereals, mainly for making soups and canned food.

Groats are an important food product with high nutritional value. The cereal contains essential amino acids, vitamins, mineral salts. Cereals are widely used in cooking for preparing a variety of first and second courses, and in Food Industry- for the production of canned food and food concentrates.

The chemical composition of cereals depends on the type of grain and production technology. Cereals contain from 60 to 85% carbohydrates. Cereal carbohydrates are mostly starch, not a large number of Sugars and fiber. The increase in the volume of cereals during cooking, the consistency of cereals depend on the properties and amount of starch. The highest content of starch differ cereals from rice, wheat, corn.

Proteins in cereals contain on average from 7 to 13%. Cereal proteins are mostly complete and easily digestible. Most protein substances in cereals from legumes.

There are few fats in cereals, about 1-2%, in cereals from oats - 5.8-6.2%.

Grains contain vitamins and minerals.

The energy value of 100 g of cereals is 322-356 kcal or 1347-1489 kJ.

In the production of cereals, hydrothermal treatment (steam under pressure) and drying are used. Such processing reduces the cooking time (makes the cereals boil quickly), increases storage stability.

When grinding the grain, the fruit and seed coats, the aleurone layer, the germ are removed, they are given a round or oval shape, the surface becomes dull, rough.

Some cereals (rice, peas) are polished, i.e. the shells and the aleurone layer are additionally removed. Improves after polishing appearance cereals, but its value is somewhat reduced. Together with fiber, polishing removes part of the proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

Groats are divided into varieties (millet, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal), numbers (barley, barley, wheat, corn, oatmeal Extra) and brands (semolina).

Millet. Polished millet is produced from millet, from which the flower films, fruit and seed coats, and partially or completely the germ have been removed. The croup has a spherical shape, a small depression at the site of the embryo. The surface of the grains is matte, rough, with a dark dot at the junction of the flower films with the core. The color of millet is from light yellow to bright yellow, the consistency is from powdery to glassy, ​​depending on the feedstock. The best consumer properties are characterized by millet of bright yellow color, with a large kernel and a glassy consistency. There is quite a lot of starch in cereals (about 75%), consisting of small grains. Starch under normal conditions is little hydrophilic, but when heated with water, it swells strongly. As a result, the volume of cereals increases during cooking. In the process of grinding, os-amylase, which is in the germ, is removed, and the porridges are crumbly. From carbohydrates, in addition to starch, there are sugars - 2%, pentosans - 3, fiber - 1%. Protein in millet is 14%, but it is poor in lysine, tryptophan and histidine. The germ in millet enters the endosperm in a wedge-shaped manner, and after grinding, part of it remains. As a result, a significant amount of lipids (up to 3.4%), which are unsaturated in nature, are retained in the groats, so millet is poorly stored, quickly rancid. However, if rancidity has not gone far, lipid oxidation products can be removed by thoroughly washing the cereal with hot water, in which case the porridge will not have a bitter aftertaste. When millet is stored, especially in the light, the pigments are destroyed, and the grain turns from yellow to white with a grayish tinge.

Millet polished by quality is divided into four grades: the highest, 1, 2 and 3rd.

Millet is boiled soft in 25-30 minutes, while increasing in volume by 4—6 once.

Rice groats. Rice is used to produce ordinary and quick-cooking rice groats, polished and crushed, Pure rice, Zdorovye (brown) rice with a high content of vitamins and mineral elements, golden rice, flavored rice, etc.

Rice polished- these are grains from which flower films, fruit and seed coats, most of the aleurone layer and the embryo have been completely removed. The surface of the kernel is slightly rough, white, on some kernels there may be remnants of the seed coat. Polished rice is produced in five commercial grades - extra, higher, 1, 2, 3rd. Only long-grain rice (Indian branch) obtained by grinding hulled grains of rice of I and II types can be classified as extra. Long-grain rice that does not match the quality of the extra variety, or rounded rice (Japanese branch) are classified as other varieties.

Rice crushed polished - a product of processing rice into cereals, consisting of split, additionally polished kernels with a size of less than 2 / 3 whole kernel, not divided into varieties.

Clean rice cereals that have undergone special processing, after which further preparation of it before cooking (washing, sorting), as well as washing after cooking, is excluded. Thus, all the vitamins and mineral elements that are in the cereal before the parka remain in the finished product.

Rice fortified with vitamins and mineral elements, obtained by TRP steam or by soaking grain. As a result, mineral elements and vitamins from the shells and germs diffuse into the endosperm, the adhesives are destroyed and, when cooked, crumbly porridges are obtained that do not need to be washed. For example, rice brand Unci Bens, golden rice and etc. Brown long grain is rice that has been lightly polished.

Rice groats have a high starch content (up to 85% dry matter). Starch granules are small, easy to digest, so rice is a dietary product. Rice groats are low in sugars, fiber and vitamins. In terms of the amount of proteins, it is inferior to all other cereals - no more than 8%, but the amino acid composition is quite complete. The limiting amino acid is lysine. Rice groats are well stored, as they contain few lipids (0.7%): Rice lipids are 76% composed of unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic (up to 45%).

Rice groats have high consumer properties. Cooking time - 20-40 minutes (fast-cooking cereals - 10 minutes), an increase in volume - 4-6 times.

Buckwheat grain. Two types of cereals are produced from buckwheat: core(whole) and prodel(stab). Groats from unsteamed grains have a creamy color with yellowish or greenish hues and a mealy texture. Under the influence of TRP, starch gelatinization occurs, dextrins are formed, protein coagulates, and chlorophyll is destroyed. Thanks to this processing, the croup acquires a brown color, it is better boiled soft. It is called fast-cooking.

The core is divided into three grades: 1, 2, 3rd. Prodel is not divided into grades.

Buckwheat is characterized by a high biological value, since albumins and globulins predominate in proteins, containing all the essential amino acids. The main component of cereals are carbohydrates, in particular starch (74%). Starch granules are small, round or multifaceted. The main sugar is sucrose. The kernel of buckwheat is not polished, therefore it contains up to 2% fiber. Lipids, as in other cereals, are represented by 80% unsaturated fatty acids, mainly palmitic and oleic. Vitamin E, which has antioxidant activity, contributes to the good keeping of cereals. Due to the fact that the main part of the embryo is inside the endosperm and is not removed during peeling, a lot of vitamins of group B, PP and mineral elements (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, etc.) remain in the croup.

Buckwheat groats are quickly boiled soft (10-20 minutes), while increasing in volume by 4-5 times. The high nutritional and consumer value of buckwheat determines its exceptional role. in nutrition.

Oatmeal. Depending on the method of processing and quality, oatmeal is divided into types and varieties.

Groats oatmeal, not crushed is a product obtained from oats that have undergone steaming, peeling and grinding.

Oatmeal groats obtained by flattening on roller machines of oatmeal, not crushed, which has previously undergone repeated steaming.

The color of the groats of these species is grayish-yellow in various shades. By quality, they are divided into three commercial grades: the highest, 1st and 2nd. Oatmeal porridges are cooked slowly (an hour) and increase in volume only 3 times. Taste values ​​are not very high - viscous, dense texture. Therefore, oatmeal is subjected to additional processing to obtain flakes. Steaming causes gelatinization of starch, denaturation of proteins and inactivation of enzymes, which speeds up the cooking of porridge. Cooking time is reduced to 20 minutes or more.

Depending on the processing method of raw materials cereals divided into three types: Hercules, petal and Extra. Hercules and petal oat flakes are made from premium oatmeal, and Extra flakes are made from 1st class oats. Oat flakes Extra, depending on the cooking time, are divided into three numbers: No. 1 - from whole oatmeal; No. 2 - small cut cereals; No. 3 - quick-cooking from chopped cereals.

The main component of cereals is carbohydrates, and starch accounts for 62.2%, which is much less compared to other cereals. Sugars are represented by sucrose. It contains a significant amount of fiber (3.2%) and pentosans (5-7%), so the porridge is viscous and is recommended for dietary nutrition. The biological value of cereals is very high. In terms of fractional composition, proteins are close to buckwheat proteins and contain all the essential amino acids. Oatmeal is rich in B, PP and E vitamins, lipids (about 7%). The mineral composition is varied, but its main drawback is that phosphorus is in a bound state with phytic acid.

Oatmeal produced from steamed, dried oats, followed by grinding and sieving. The resulting product does not need to be cooked. The main indicator that is controlled during the examination of oatmeal is ash content, it should not exceed 2%.

Cereals from wheat. Wheat is used to produce semolina and polished wheat groats (Poltava and Artek).

Semolina It is obtained simultaneously with high-quality wheat baking flour and makes up 1-2% of processed grain. To obtain a high-quality product, semolina is subjected to double enrichment in sieves.

Semolina, depending on the type of wheat used, is divided into grades: "M" - from soft wheat, "T" - from durum wheat, "MT" - from soft wheat with an admixture of durum (up to 20%).

Groats brand "M" is a rounded opaque floury particles of even white or cream color. Groats brand "T" - translucent ribbed grains of cream or yellow color, brand "MT" - particles, heterogeneous in shape and color (white or yellow).

The nutritional value depends on the quality of the wheat grain and is close to premium wheat flour. Grain "M" contains a minimum amount of fiber (0.14%) and ash (0.54%), poor in proteins (12%) (but they are well absorbed, and very rich in starch. The increase in volume during cooking of cereals of this brand is the largest compared to cereals of other brands; It cooks quickly - 5-8 minutes.

Grain "T" contains more ash (0.63%), fiber (0.2%), proteins (13-15%) and, consequently, less starch (81%). Groats brand "MT" occupies an intermediate position.

One of the important indicators of the quality of semolina is the ash content, which is used to judge the thoroughness of the separation of the integumentary tissues of the grain. This indicator ranges from 0.6% for cereals of the "M" brand to 0.85% of the "T" brand.

Wheat groats obtained by grinding the grain of durum wheat. By size, the groats are divided into Poltava - from the 1st to the 4th number and Artek. Groats No. 1 and 2 are polished elongated particles obtained from wheat grains freed from the germ and partially from the fruit and seed coats. Groats No. 3 and 4 - particles of crushed grain of various sizes, rounded. Artek - polished particles of finely crushed wheat grain.

When conducting an examination of quality, the size is controlled by fineness by sieving on sieves. The content of the benign nucleus is not less than 92%.

Polished wheat groats contain a lot of starch (80%) and proteins (14.8%). In proteins, the limiting amino acid is lysine. Lipids are unsaturated, linoleic acid predominates. Mineral substances are insignificant, of which 60% are phytates. Among the vitamins, vitamins of group B predominate. The more carefully the grinding operation is carried out, the more starch is in the grits.

The duration of cooking depends on the number of cereals and is 15-60 minutes. The porridge is viscous or crumbly, with a pleasant taste; increase in volume 4—5 once.

Barley groats. AT Depending on the method of processing, they are divided into barley and barley. Pearl barley, depending on the size of the grains, comes in five numbers, and barley - three.

Pearl barley is an elongated core (Nos. 1 and 2) and a rounded shape (Nos. 3, 4, 5), freed from flower films, well polished, white with dark stripes at the site of the groove (underscoring).

Barley grits - these are particles of a crushed kernel of various sizes and shapes, completely freed from flower films and partially from fruit membranes. The color of the groats is white with yellowish, sometimes greenish tints.

Barley groats are close in nutritional value to wheat groats. The starch content is about 75%, but starch grains swell and gelatinize relatively slowly, which affects the cooking time. It contains a relatively large amount of fiber - up to 1.5%, hemicellulose - up to 6%, including gums - 2%. Sugars are represented by sucrose - 1.9%, monosaccharides up to 0.5%. Proteins are similar in fractional composition to wheat proteins, but have a more complete amino acid composition. By the amount of lysine, barley groats are close to oatmeal, and by the content of methionine they surpass it. Lipids are represented by 60% unsaturated fatty acids, a lot of linoleic and oleic acids, and in addition, tocopherols that protect lipids from oxidation. The low content of phosphorus should be noted, with phytates accounting for 40%.

The chemical composition of barley and barley groats is not exactly the same, as they undergo different technological processing. The consumer advantages of these cereals are also not the same. Barley boils for 60-90 minutes, depending on the size, increasing in volume by 5-6 times. The porridge is crumbly, the grains retain their shape well. The duration of cooking barley groats is less - 40-45 minutes, it increases in volume by 5 times, has a viscous consistency, and when cooled it becomes hard.

Corn grits. Depending on the method of production and the size of the grains, it is divided into types.

Grinded corn grits is a corn kernel particles of various shapes, obtained by separating the fruit shells and the germ, polished, with rounded edges, white or yellow. Depending on the size, it is divided into five rooms. It is intended for sale in the trading network.

Corn grits large and small- crushed particles of corn kernels of various shapes, obtained by separating the fruit shells and the germ. Large corn grits are used for the production of flakes and puffed grains, and small ones are used for the production of corn sticks. The composition of cereals is dominated by starch. There are few sugars, and they are mainly represented by sucrose. Hemicelluloses - up to 5%. There are few proteins - up to 10%, and they are very poor in amino acid composition. Among lipids, the main part is made up of unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid predominates. Corn grits are quite well stored due to the content of tocopherols. There are few vitamins, but a lot of carotenoids (carotene predominates) and niacin.

Corn grits are cooked for quite a long time - from 60 minutes or more, increasing in volume by 4-5 times, and it is hard due to the rapid aging of gelatinized starch.

Peas polished. This is the only type of cereal produced from legume seeds. It is obtained from green and yellow food peas and, depending on the processing method, is divided into types: whole polished peas; peas chopped polished. Peas whole polished consists of whole grains of yellow or green color, the admixture of split peas should not exceed 5%; for split peas, the admixture of the whole is not more than 5%. In terms of quality, whole and split peas are divided into grades 1 and 2, depending on the content of weed impurities, corroded unpolished seeds.

The nutritional value of peas is very high due to the high content of proteins (up to 26%), minerals and vitamins. Pea proteins are complete in amino acid composition (except megionine). The total content of albumins and globulins is 80%. Carbohydrates are represented mainly by starch - 55%, which is less than in other cereals, but the sugar content is higher.

Peas are cooked for a long time (up to 60 minutes), slightly increasing in volume (2 times), often forming a viscous puree-like mass. But peas are rarely used for cereals, mainly for making soups and canned food.

Cereals are universal health food products. They are included in diets for almost all diseases, in everyday practice it is difficult to imagine a weekly diet healthy person without any kind of cereal.

Nutritional value of cereals depends on the grain and how it is processed. It is known that after the removal of the shell and polishing in the cereal, the amount of vitamins, mineral salts and dietary fiber decreases, but the digestibility of carbohydrates and proteins improves.

A lot of carbohydrates (50-71%);

Proteins that may not be complete enough - 7-13%;

Fats -1-6%;

Vitamins B1, B6, B2, PP;

Sufficient amount of magnesium, potassium.

The energy value of 100g of almost any cereal is approximately 300-350 kcal.

The most easily digested semolina, oatmeal, rice, sago. Dietary fiber is most in oatmeal, buckwheat and barley groats.

Let's give a clear description of cereals from the point of view of modern nutrition.

Nutritional value of semolina

It is obtained from wheat. It boils quickly, contains a lot of starch and proteins. The content of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber is very small. It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which require sparing diets, including easily digestible foods.

Nutritional value of rice

Well digested. Starch content - 71%, protein - 7%. Dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals are scarce.

In mechanically and chemically sparing diets, a slimy decoction is used, which is formed when rice is boiled.

Rice goes well with milk, meat, fruits and vegetables. Polished rice is used as a side dish for second courses, it is excellent to cook friable and thick milk porridges, puddings from it. Crushed polished rice is applicable for filling and puree-like soups, viscous and liquid cereals, casseroles and meatballs.

Nutritional value of millet

It is obtained from millet. It is pleasant to cook cereals, casseroles, puddings from it. It is digested slowly, forming a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Millet fats quickly oxidize, which can give the porridge a bitter taste.

Nutritional value of pearl barley

Pearl barley is barley without shells, and barley is crushed grains of barley without shells.

From these cereals, cereals, side dishes, meatballs are prepared. It is good to include such dishes in diets that do not require sparing of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, with constipation, obesity. For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is possible to prepare mucous and pureed soups from pearl barley.

Nutritional value of oats

To cereals from oats belong:

Oatmeal, oat flakes (hercules): steamed and flattened grains;

Oatmeal: steamed and finely ground grains.

These cereals have the highest nutritional value.

Cereals can be used in cooking for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system. Mucous oatmeal decoctions with milk or cream are used in particularly strict diets. It should be noted that oatmeal and oatmeal are most suitable for sparing the gastrointestinal tract diets - they have less fiber than oatmeal.

Modern dietetics has absolutely no objection to the use of packages of instant oatmeal, oatmeal with pieces of fruit.

Nutritional value of buckwheat

These include:

Core: whole grains without part of the shells;

Prodel: crushed grains without part of the shells.

Compared to other cereals, buckwheat contains more B vitamins, and its protein is more complete.

It should be noted that the prodel boils faster than the core, but all housewives know that it is impossible to cook from it everyone’s favorite crumbly porridge - it is used mainly for making viscous and semi-viscous cereals, soups.

Dishes from buckwheat are used in clinical nutrition for almost all diseases. AT old days Buckwheat was a mandatory component of food packages given to patients with diabetes, so it has long been considered the main folk cereal for this disease. It must be remembered that when diabetes other cereals are also applicable. The choice of buckwheat as a component of the food set was determined not by exceptional medical indications, but by the decision of the leadership of that time.

Nutritional value of cornmeal

It must be said that the nutritional value and culinary qualities of this cereal are lower than the rest. There are a lot of carbohydrates in corn grits - 72%, and protein is poor in essential amino acids, its content is 8%, it is poorly absorbed by the body. In addition, cereals are low in vitamins and minerals. Groats are cooked for a long time and give a harsh, quickly stale porridge - its proteins are poorly boiled soft, and starch quickly loses water. In general, porridge "for an amateur."

Nutritional value of sago

It is produced from potato and corn starch. Contains 83-86% carbohydrates, which are well absorbed. Sago is poor in proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Soups, puddings, side dishes are prepared from sago, which are very suitable for diets that require protein restriction - with kidney and liver failure. Dishes from sago are also applicable for celiac disease (gluten enteropathy) with a violation of the digestion of the protein of a number of grain products.

Good health!

In contact with

The nutritional value of cereals depends on the quality, natural characteristics of the processed grain and production technology. It is due to the chemical composition and digestibility of individual substances of cereals. In table. 11 shows data on the chemical composition and energy value of certain types of cereals.

Chemical composition different types cereals vary widely (in% dry matter): carbohydrates - 60-86, proteins - 8-15 (peas 27); fats - 1-7; minerals - 0.6-3; thiamine 4, - 0.08-9.0; riboflavin - 0.04-0.2; nia-cin - 0.7-4.2.

The nutritional value of cereals is judged not only by the main substances that make up its composition, but also by their balance. Therefore, not only the general chemical composition of a particular cereal is important, but also the characteristics of the properties of starch, the ratio of proteins, their usefulness in terms of amino acid composition; group and fatty acid composition of lipids; the number of individual mineral elements and their ratio; content of biologically active substances.

Carbohydrates are the main component of all types of cereals (starch, etc.). They serve not only as the main energy material, but also determine the culinary properties of cereals and its digestibility. A change in the composition of carbohydrates may indicate a decrease in the quality of cereals. The consistency of freshly prepared porridge and porridge after a certain period of storage depends on the ratio of amylose and amylopectin in starch and its properties.

Mucous-substances (gum), which include pentosans, are able to bind a large amount of water, increase the water absorption capacity of cereals during cooking and determine the viscous consistency of porridge.

By amino acid composition cereal proteins are not quite balanced the ratio of limiting amino acids (tryptophan, lysine and methionine) is not optimal (1:3:3). So, in buckwheat, it is 1:2.6:1.1; in oatmeal - 1:2.8:0.8; in manna - 1:2.1:1.9; in rice - 1:2.5:1.3; in millet - 1:1:1.1; in shelled peas - 1:4.6:0.8. The proteins of shelled peas, buckwheat and oatmeal are the most complete in terms of amino acid composition.

The biological value of proteins is associated not only with the balance of amino acids, but also with the rate and extent of their assimilation in the body. The digestibility of proteins is reduced by the presence of fiber, which prevents the entry of proteolytic enzymes to cereals in the body, as well as the formation of sparingly soluble substances between individual amino acids and carbohydrates (Maillard reaction), etc.

lipids in cereals is small, their relatively high content is observed in cereals from oats (up to 7%). Lipids in cereals are in a free and bound state. The bulk of them are free lipids, which are characterized by a high content of unsaturated fatty acids that affect the shelf life of cereals. Associated lipids are in the form of complex compounds with proteins and carbohydrates. Highest value among them are phospholipids.

Mineral substances of cereals are characterized by a high content of phosphorus and a relatively small amount of calcium (their ratio reaches 5:1 with an optimal ratio of 2:1). In addition, a significant part of the phosphorus is part of the phytin, which impedes the absorption of calcium. - Many cereals are rich sources of potassium, magnesium, iron and trace elements. According to the mass fraction of ash elements, buckwheat is more valuable. Cereal vitamins are: B 6 B 2, PP. Small amounts contain carotenoids and tocopherols. Buckwheat, oatmeal and shelled peas are rich in vitamins.

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