What is included in a healthy diet. Principles of healthy eating. Foods That Detoxify


Perhaps the expression "a man is what he eats" is a hackneyed cliché, but it remains true. Your body needs a healthy mix of a variety of solid and liquid foods to function properly and stay healthy. Balance - key concept in dietology. Healthy balanced diet consists of three main types of products - proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The amount of food your body needs will depend on how active life you lead: if you are engaged in hard physical labor, you have more energy needs than those sitting at a desk.

On the other hand, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, cooking at home, and cutting back on sugar and refined carbohydrates can help improve your mood and reduce your risk of mental health problems. The Harvard Health Food Pyramid represents the latest in nutritional science. The widest part, at the bottom, consists of = products that are the most important; in the narrow upper part, those that should be taken in moderation, if any. This healthy eating pyramid shows daily exercise and weight management in the most appropriate category.

In this article, you will learn about what is healthy eating and what should be a healthy diet for every day.

What is a healthy diet?

There are a variety of regimens and diets in the world, and studies have shown that they are directly related to the prevalence of certain diseases.

Diets of different peoples

Fats from healthy sources such as plants are at the widest part of the pyramid, while refined carbohydrates such as white bread and White rice, are at the narrow top. Red meat should also be consumed in moderation, while fish, poultry, and eggs are healthier choices.

Creating a healthy diet. While some extreme diets may suggest otherwise, we all need to balance the protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals in our meals in order to maintain healthy body. In this case, you don't have to eliminate certain food categories, but choose the healthiest options in each category.

Traditionally, British and American diets are high in cholesterol and calories. Such nutrition often leads to obesity and coronary heart disease. On the contrary, the traditional Mediterranean diet, rich in fiber, olive oil, garlic, red wine and fish, is poor in cholesterol and animal fats. As a result, residents of countries such as Greece and Italy suffer less from obesity and coronary heart disease.

Protein gives us energy good mood And cognitive function. Many proteins can be harmful for people with kidney disease, although research shows that many of us need lots of high-quality proteins, especially as we age. This doesn't mean you should eat more animal products - a variety of plant-based protein sources each day can ensure that your body gets all the protein it needs.

While bad fats can ruin your diet and increase your risk of certain diseases, good fats protect your brain and your heart. In fact, healthy fats like omega-3s are vital to your physical and emotional health. Understanding how to incorporate healthier fat into your diet can help improve your mood, boost your well-being, and even tone your waistline.

Among the Japanese, coronary heart disease has always been less common because they eat a lot of fish. In addition, they rarely get rectal cancer because their diet is usually rich in fiber. This picture is changing, however, as more Japanese adopt Western eating habits, which include increased consumption of animal fats.

The main law of healthy eating

Carbohydrates are one of the main sources of energy in your body. But most of it should come from complex and unrefined carbs instead of sugars and refined carbs that have been stripped of bran, fiber, and nutrients. By cutting back on white bread, starches, and sugar, you can avoid rapid blood sugar spikes, mood and energy fluctuations, and fat accumulation, especially around your waist.

Eating fiber-rich foods helps reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. It can also improve your skin and even help you lose weight. Unfortunately, most of us do not eat even half of this amount. Your body uses calcium to build healthy bones and teeth, keeping them strong as they age. In addition to osteoporosis, not getting enough calcium in your diet can also contribute to anxiety, depression, and sleep problems.

Nutrition related issues

A number of diseases of the digestive tract, such as hemorrhoids, diverticulosis and constipation, are associated with a lack of fiber in the diet of the inhabitants. Western world.

In the developed world, the number of obese people is on the rise. The researchers believe that this growth is caused by high level consumption of animal fats, and increasing consumption of sugar.

Choosing a healthy diet doesn't have to be all or nothing. You don't have to be perfect or completely eliminate the foods you like. For example, add lettuce to your diet once a day. Prepare your own food. Cooking at home can help you order what you eat and have better control over what's on your table. Thus, you will consume fewer calories and avoid chemical additives, added sugar and unhealthy fats from processed foods, which can make you tired, puffy, irritable and exacerbate symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety.

At some times in your life, such as during pregnancy, your body's need for certain nutrients increases. Talk to your doctor about this to make sure you haven't missed anything.

It is important to eat a variety of foods from major food groups to provide the body with the balanced amount of nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Where to start with proper nutrition

When cutting unhealthy foods from your diet, it's important to replace them with healthy alternatives. Replacing dangerous trans fats with healthy fats will have a positive effect on your health. However, switching animal fats to refined carbohydrates does not reduce the risk of heart disease or improve mood.

It's important to know what's in your food, as manufacturers often don't disclose what's in packaged foods. in large numbers sugar or unhealthy fats even though they claim to be healthy. Moderation: Important for any healthy diet. Eating in moderation means, in essence, eating only the food your body needs. You should feel satisfied at the end of the meal, but don't get angry. If you need to lose weight, then you must eat less than you consume now. But that doesn't mean destroying all the foods you love.

Healthy food for every day

healthy diet It is distinguished by a balanced content of the three main nutrients - carbohydrates, proteins and fats, and also contains small amounts of minerals and vitamins. The best dietary intake consists mainly of sources of carbohydrates and proteins, and includes some fat.

For example, eating a slice of pizza on Sunday can be considered moderate if during the week you eat in a healthy way. Try not to think of certain foods as "forbidden". When you ban them, it's natural to want more, and if you don't resist the temptation, you feel guilty.

Start by reducing your portion sizes of unhealthy foods and don't eat them as often. Your serving of meat, fish, or chicken should be the size of a card game and a serving of mashed potatoes, rice, or noodles, the equivalent of a traditional light bulb. By listening to your meals on small dishes, you can fool your brain into thinking that this is the big part. If you don't feel satisfied at the end of a meal, add more leafy vegetables or finish with fruit.

Sources of carbohydrates in a healthy diet

Carbohydrates (sugar and starch) are found in large quantities in bread, potatoes, rice, cereals and pasta. Most of these foods are also rich in fiber. Whole grains and unprocessed foods, such as whole grain pasta, brown rice, and black bread, are the healthiest sources of carbohydrates, but regular pasta, white rice, and white bread also contain carbohydrates.

Water is the basic principle of a healthy diet

It takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has enough food, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel completely satisfied. It's not just what you eat, but when you eat. Have a good breakfast and eat less food throughout the day. A healthy breakfast can boost your metabolism, and by eating small, healthy meals, you keep your energy up throughout the day.

Research shows that eating only when you're more active and giving your digestive system a long break each day can help manage weight. Make fruits and vegetables a delicious part of your diet. Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Focus on eating the recommended amount of at least five servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

Sources of proteins in a healthy diet

Meat and fish are a rich source of protein and readily available energy. At the same time, white chicken and turkey meat contains much less fat than red meat - beef and lamb. Sources of proteins for a healthy diet are eggs, fruits, nuts, beans, peas and lentils - the main foods for those who adhere to vegetarianism and veganism.

How to make vegetables taste better. While salads and steamed vegetables can go bland quickly, there are many ways to add flavor to these dishes. In addition to having higher concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, colorful vegetables can add flavor and visual appeal to dishes. Add color using fresh tomatoes, carrots or beets, yellow squash, or sweet and colorful chilies.

To add flavor to your salads, try adding olive oil to a spicy sauce, or toss in small slices of almonds, chickpeas, some bacon, parmesan, or goat cheese. Satisfy your sweet will. Naturally sweet vegetables like carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, yams, onions, peppers, and pumpkin add a sweet flavor to your meals and reduce the urge to consume sugar. Add them to soups, casseroles, or pasta sauces.

Sources of fats in a healthy diet

Fats are an important source of energy and provide the basic building blocks for your body's cells, as well as helping you absorb certain vitamins. In this case, balance is very important, since too much fat, especially saturated fat, can lead to various diseases.

I hope you enjoyed the tips and they are valuable for you to change the habit you need for a healthy diet. And remember: we are what we eat and choosing more natural food will bring you many benefits, both aesthetic and, mainly, for your health!

Some of them are better known for being radical, others for re-educating the eating habits of those who suggest following them, but this is always about weight control. But in the end, what does the word "diet" mean? Always associated with the process of losing weight and often extreme, the real meaning comes from the Greek and means "way of life".

Try to satisfy your need for a healthy diet with healthier unsaturated fats. Such fats are thought to offer some protection against coronary heart disease, while saturated fats promote internal fouling of the arteries (atherosclerosis).

Vitamins and minerals in a healthy diet

Today, food follows the pace of consumption. They are industrialized to mimic sweet, bitter, salty flavors; however, everything is exaggerated. And for this you need preservatives, acidifiers, dyes, and all this "before" is detrimental to your health. It's not that it's forbidden to go to a fast food restaurant or make pizza. But excess is what makes our food life-threatening. And to get around this, you must feed yourself as accurately as possible, in pursuit of a healthy life.

Many people choose certain diets to lose weight, maintain weight, or gain weight. Choosing a healthy diet is the best way for everyone who wants to have long life, with health and well-being. It is advisable to start with young people to prevent diseases caused by poor diet, sedentary lifestyle and genetics. Those who have never followed a healthy diet can change by adopting the right behavior for which their body comes first.

These micronutrients are found in abundance in fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, beans, whole grains, meats and fish. Most people get enough vitamins and minerals from food and do not need additional sources. (If you choose to take a multivitamin, make sure it's a balanced mix.) However, at certain times, such as during pregnancy or breastfeeding, a person needs more vitamins and minerals. The same is true for people suffering from certain diseases, such as celiac disease.

But what is the criterion for a truly healthy diet? He must consume the main food groups such as milk, vegetables, meat, fruits and legumes daily; Sweets and desserts in moderation; Quit or stop drinking soda and alcoholic beverages; Eat fried and cooked food whenever possible; Give preference to whole grains and natural products; Avoid excessive salt intake; Industrial products should not be consumed; Drink about 2 liters of water daily to hydrate your body and help carry vitamins through the body; Practice physical activity even if you don't have time. Customize the one that fits your daily schedule; Eat in calm places and chew your food well. Diets are used as a form of rapid weight loss and come in many forms.

Choose your cooking fat responsibly so that your food is healthier.

Principles of healthy eating

Before embarking on a 6-week super health program, it is important to understand some fundamental principles of this program, the first of which is a healthy diet. Its essence lies in the fact that you get the optimal amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and phytoelements. Although you will be given specific advice each week, such as detoxifying the body, or maintaining blood sugar levels, or improving digestion, all dietary recommendations are based on optimally balanced nutrition, the rules of which I and my colleagues at the Institute of Optimal Nutrition developed in for 15 years. Our findings regarding healthy eating can be summarized as the Ideal Diet Pyramid. General recommendations are:

It is important to seek nutritional control and not overdo radical diets that deprive people of food. Cut down on fattening foods, but be sure to eat those that are important to your health. Check out popular diets to keep fit.

Carbohydrates - the basic principle of a healthy diet

Green Tea Diet: Green tea is good for detoxification, deflation and elimination of fat. Diet for fiber: This diet, in addition to helping with weight loss, is important for health by reducing morbidity. In addition, they improve bowel function and skin appearance. Fiber intake should be gradual for those who are not accustomed to daily fiber intake. The Dukan Diet: This is a diet that promises weight loss of up to 3 pounds in just six days. In this case, lean proteins are consumed until you feel satisfied, and this will speed up the burning of calories. It was created by Dr. Pierre Dukan, who launched the book Get Lost - The French Diet and conquered women all over the world. In the first stage, you can consume meat, poultry and fish of your choice, cold meats, eggs and dairy products such as skim milk, cottage cheese and yogurt. Also use herbs, onions and garlic to season your food. In the second phase of the diet, you can include vegetables without inserting potatoes. One should practice daily exercises such as walking 25 minutes daily. After the first few days and the loss of the first few pounds, you can return to your normal diet, keeping only 1 day a week, as if you were in the first stage. Include wheat and oat bran in your diet. Anti-Cellulite Diet: Cellulite is mainly caused by genetic problems, poor eating habits, and a sedentary lifestyle. Physical activity is the main element of the diet, and no food is forbidden. Only the order of priority of the food pyramid should be observed.

  • Combined with tea aid in weight loss.
  • This tea also improves the skin and reduces bad cholesterol and fat levels.
  • By consuming fiber, the feeling of fullness is greater and the desire to eat less all the time.
Activation exercise for a healthy diet - the best way to lose weight in a healthy way.

Healthy food pyramid


1 full tablespoon of ground seeds or 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed vegetable oil.


3 servings of beans, lentils, quinoa, tofu (soy), or other legumes. From time to time one such portion can be replaced with a small portion of fish, cheese, eggs or lean meat.

Complex carbohydrates

4 servings of whole grain foods like brown rice, rye, oats, millet, wheat, corn, and wholemeal bread or pasta.

Fruits and vegetables

6 servings of fruits and vegetables. Eat citrus fruits, apples, pears, berries, melons. The best vegetables are dark green, leafy and root vegetables.

Fats - the basic principle of a healthy diet

Fats are of two types - saturated and unsaturated. Without saturated fats in the diet, it is quite possible to do without, and in large quantities they are even harmful. Their main sources are meat and dairy products. Unsaturated fats can be divided into two groups - monounsaturated (found, for example, in olive oil) and polyunsaturated (found in vegetable oils from nuts and seeds, as well as in fish). Some polyunsaturated fats are essential. These include linolenic acids, which are vital for the normal functioning of the brain, nervous, immune and cardiovascular systems, as well as for the skin. (Dry skin is a common sign of a dietary deficiency of these fats.) An optimal diet provides a balance of these essential fats, also known as omega-3s and omega-6s.

Linolenic acid (Omega-3) is rich in pumpkin and flax seeds, and acid (Omega-6) is found in large quantities in sesame and sunflower seeds. In the body, linolenic acid is converted into DHA and EPA, which are also found in the meat of mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna and other fish. These essential fats are easily broken down by heat or oxygen, so it's important to get fresh portions of them daily. Pre-processed foods often contain polyunsaturated fats. They are even worse than saturated fats and are best avoided.

To ensure a healthy diet, consume daily 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed vegetable oil (sesame, sunflower, linseed, etc.), or 1 full tablespoon of ground seeds.

Avoid fried foods, saturated foods and fats.

Proteins - the basic principle of a healthy diet

Proteins are made up of 22 amino acids, which serve as building blocks for body cells. They are vital for tissue growth and repair, are also used to produce hormones, enzymes, antibodies, and help transport nutrients throughout the body. Both the amount of proteins consumed and their quality, determined by the balance of the various amino acids they contain, are important.

In terms of quantity, the official recommendation is that for a healthy diet, we should get 15 percent of our calories from protein, but that number doesn't mean much if you don't take into account the quality of the protein you eat. For example, an infant receives only 1 percent of its calories from protein and yet manages to double its weight in 6 months of life. This is because the protein found in breast milk is very high quality and is easily digestible. If only high-quality proteins are consumed, then the optimal norm for most people can be considered 35 grams of protein per day, which corresponds to about 10 percent of all energy intake. The only exceptions are pregnant women, people recovering from surgery, and those who play sports.

Squirrels top quality in terms of their amino acids, they are eggs, soy, meat, fish, beans, and lentils. Animal sources of protein tend to be high in unwanted saturated fats as well. But vegetable proteins are combined with useful complex carbohydrates and contribute less to the formation of acids than meat. Therefore, meat should be consumed no more than 3 days a week. In addition, even if you go meat-free, you are likely to get enough protein from foods if you eat three times a day. Many plants, especially green beans, peas, corn, and broccoli, are high in protein and help neutralize excess acidity that can lead to mineral deficiencies, primarily calcium, in the body - hence the increased risk for those who eat a lot of meat.

For a healthy diet, eat 3 servings daily of beans, lentils, quinoa, tofu, or other plant-based proteins, or 1 small serving of meat, fish, cheese, or eggs.

Avoid excessive consumption of animal proteins.

Carbohydrates - the basic principle of a healthy diet

Carbohydrates are the main fuel for the body and an important element of a healthy diet. They come in two main types - fast-digesting (sugar, honey, malt, sweets, and most refined foods) and slow-digesting (whole grains, vegetables, and fresh fruits). Last group products contains more complex carbohydrates and / or more fiber - both of which help to slow down the absorption of sugars. "Fast" carbs provide a burst of energy followed by a rapid decline, while "slow" carbs provide us with energy evenly over a longer period of time, which is preferable. Refined foods, such as sugar and white flour, do not contain the vitamins and minerals needed for these carbohydrates to be properly absorbed by the body, so they are best avoided. Constant consumption of "fast" carbohydrates can gradually lead to health problems. Some fruits, such as bananas, dates, and raisins, contain "fast" carbs and should be kept to a minimum for people suffering from "sugar" problems. Foods containing "slow" carbohydrates - fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and foods - should make up about two-thirds of a healthy diet, providing about 70 percent of your calories.

Eat at least 3 servings of fruits, leafy vegetables, and root vegetables, either raw or lightly cooked. These are watercress, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, green beans or capsicum.

Eat at least 3 servings of fresh fruits such as apples, pears, bananas, berries, melons, or citrus fruits.

Eat at least 4 servings of foods such as whole grain cereals of rice, millet, rye, oats, wheat, corn, or quinoa, or wholemeal breads and pastas, or legumes.

Avoid sugar in any form, foods with added sugar, high-grade white flour foods, and refined foods.

Fiber - the basic principle of a healthy diet

African farmers consume about 55 grams of fiber per day, while the average British citizen only 22 grams. The ideal daily fiber intake for a healthy diet is at least 35 grams. This amount of fiber, which absorbs water in the digestive tract, thickens the feces and facilitates their removal from the body, is quite easy to obtain. You just need to eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes or foods every day. Fiber, found in vegetables and fruits, helps slow down the absorption of sugar and thus maintain a good energy level. Fiber from cereals is especially good for preventing constipation and putrefaction of foods in the digestive tract, which is the cause of many gastrointestinal disorders. The refined diet, which consists mainly of meat, eggs, fish and dairy products, is clearly lacking in fiber.

Eat natural foods - whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables.

Avoid refined and overcooked foods.

Water is the basic principle of a healthy diet

The human body consists of two thirds of water, which is thus the most important food. The body loses 1.5 liters of fluid per day, which exits through the skin, lungs, intestines and urinary system and carries away waste products with it. In addition, about a third of a liter of water per day is spent on the energy burning of glucose in the body. Therefore, the minimum requirement of the body for water delivered with food and drinks is more than 1 liter per day, and its ideal amount is about 2 liters.

Fruits and vegetables are about 90 percent water, and deliver this water to the body in a form that is very easy to digest. In addition, this water contains many vitamins and minerals. If a liter of liquid is consumed with these foods, then another 1 liter, short of the ideal amount, is best consumed in the form of diluted juices, herbal or fruit teas, or simply water. Alcohol, tea and coffee cause increased excretion of water from the body, so they are not sources of replenishment of fluid reserves. In addition, they are devoid of valuable minerals.

To ensure a healthy diet, drink at least 1 liter of fluid per day in the form of water, juices, herbal or fruit teas.

Minimize your consumption of alcohol, tea and coffee.

Proper nutrition- the guarantee of the health of the body. Many diseases are due to proper nutrition. If for a long time eat buns, fried meat and drink it all with soda, you can get gastritis, cholecystitis and dental caries. Yes, and extra pounds will appear. A balanced diet can not only prevent these problems, but also solve existing ones.

What can be achieved by eating right?

By adjusting your diet, you can reduce the manifestation of chronic diseases. So, for example, by reducing the amount of pepper in your favorite dishes, you can get rid of heartburn and gastritis.

There are certain limitations that can be ignored at a young age and that need to be taken into account for older people. To a young man with healthy digestive system you can eat any food. However, you need to know the measure and not lean on any one type of product. It is undesirable for older people to eat very salty foods so as not to provoke a hypertensive crisis. People over 50, especially women, need to eat more foods containing calcium: this is a necessary prevention of osteoporosis (brittle bones and frequent fractures in old age).
The condition of the skin directly depends on how well a person eats. So, if you stop drinking coffee, the complexion will improve, if you reduce the amount of fat in food, there will be less acne.

Nutritional balance

Proper nutrition is based on the optimal proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food. How many of them should be contained in food for each person is not difficult to find out. It all depends on what kind of activity a person is engaged in. Mental workers move little, but their brain absorbs a lot of energy, so their diet should be 100-110 g of protein, 80-90 g of fat and 300-350 g of carbohydrates per day. In case of an emergency for your brains, keep a chocolate bar in your desk drawer. The combination of coffee and chocolate is a good double stimulant that is safer than cigarettes and better than brain-boosting pills. This tool removes headache and helps to cope with lethargy and fatigue. This is effective for those who need to mobilize quickly. In addition, chocolate as a dry food snack is much healthier than snacks or buns. In people engaged in physical labor, muscles expend more energy, so they need 115-120 g of protein, 80-90 g of fat and 400 g of carbohydrates. In addition, each person should receive daily vitamins and fiber.

general information

For food to be beneficial, it must have an optimal combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Do not forget also about vitamins and microelements, without them human health is impossible. The most high-calorie and delicious foods usually contain a large amount of easy-to-digest carbohydrates and fats.

Carbohydrates give energy, help to live actively, but the amount of carbohydrates consumed and the amount of energy expended are most often not equal. A person eats more than he can spend. The body stores excess energy in reserve, in the form of fat folds. In order not to consume too many carbohydrates, you should give up baking, replace white bread with rye. Pasta is better to prefer porridge. Carbohydrates are found in sugary foods, so you should eat (and drink) less sugary foods. But there are times when you really want sweets. In this case, it is better to give in and not torturing yourself. This may be due to the fact that the brain needs glucose to work, because the brain has a “sweet tooth”. One small BITTER chocolate bar will satisfy your sweet cravings and give your brain the energy it needs. If an attack of "sweet addiction" is provoked by the need of the brain, excess fat will not be deposited on the body - the brain will take all the sugar for itself.

Fats are vegetable and animal. Both of them can bring both benefit and harm. The fat remaining in the pan after frying meat is very harmful - doctors say that this is a powerful carcinogen. Most fats are easily digested and remain in the body, so try to eat foods that are low in fat. So you not only save slim figure on long years, but also keep the digestive organs responsible for the breakdown of fats healthy. It is better to prefer light mayonnaises (the mass fraction of fat in them is only 30% versus 67% fat in classic mayonnaise), and to consume fat-containing foods with caution. Oils and fats are very high in calories: 100 g of butter contains about 750 kcal, 880 kcal in ghee, and 840 kcal in lard.

Proteins are the building blocks of our cells. The lack of proteins leads to a slowdown in the growth of new cells, hair and nails grow worse, the skin becomes unpleasant to the touch. The lack of proteins can be filled with lean meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey) or dairy products. Vegetables and fruits, in addition to proteins, contain many valuable substances: vitamins, minerals and fiber.

How should protein be consumed?

To normalize the work of the body, it is very important to combine the diet with the rhythm of the working day. You need to eat depending on what hours the peak of activity falls on, what hours - sleep. Food rich in protein (meat, fish, legumes) increases a person's metabolism and excitability nervous system. When digesting such food, there is an active separation of gastric juice, so if you spend the whole day in the office, meat with a potato side dish is a good solution for lunch. Do not hope that it will also be useful for you in the late evening, because close sleep slows down the activity of the stomach and protein is absorbed much worse. This does not apply to those who work the night shift. You can and should eat at night if the body is active at night.

Protein foods of all kinds are best combined with non-starchy foods of all kinds and juicy vegetables: spinach, beet tops, cabbage, turnip tops, fresh green beans, all kinds of fresh squash, onions, celery and other non-starchy vegetables. The following vegetables make a poor combination with proteins: beets, turnips, pumpkins, carrots, kohlrabi, rutabaga, beans, peas, as well as all kinds of cereals. Beans and peas are a combination of protein with starches and are best eaten as starch or as protein combined with green vegetables without other proteins and without other starches.

From the above, it can be seen that a large salad should accompany the intake of any protein, as well as starchy food. The salad should consist of combinations of simple vegetables without any gravies or sauces. It is not necessary to cut the salad ingredients very finely.

Salads should be simple, there is no need for a large number of ingredients. In the conditions of central Russia, cabbage is suitable as the basis of a salad, and the rest, depending on the season: radishes, celery, parsnips, cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, parsley, dandelions, and so on.

How to consume starch?

Digestion of starches begins in the mouth, so chew carefully so as not to swallow, but to “drink” starchy foods. Salivary digestion will continue for a long time in the stomach if starches are eaten properly. It is recommended to eat starchy foods during the daytime. Starchy foods should be dry, cereals should be hard boiled. Each meal of starchy foods should contain only 1 type of starch, otherwise overeating and, as a result, problems with excess weight are possible. Enzymes and vitamins contained in low-starchy vegetables will help to digest starch well.

How to consume fruits?

Together with nuts, green vegetables and root vegetables, fruits are the ideal food for humans. Eating fruit gives us a lot of pleasure. Fruits should not be eaten between meals, as this means introducing them into the stomach or small intestine at a time when the previous foods are being digested there - as a result, digestion is disturbed. Therefore, they are best consumed as a separate meal. You can eat them 20-30 minutes before another meal: during this time they will have time to pass into the small intestine and be digested. When feeding the sick fruits, it is better to give sweet and very sour fruits in different time. Sugar, honey and other sweets are especially undesirable with grapefruit.

Do not add sugar to fruits. In spring and summer, a delicious salad can be prepared from seasonal fruits: plums, apricots, cherries, sweet cherries with the addition of lettuce or celery.

Eating during the day

Based on the physiology of digestion, it is possible to most rationally distribute the intake of diverse foods throughout the day. In the morning, when the body has rested during sleep, a person does not particularly need an influx of energy. In addition, it is known that food causes reactions of a specific dynamic action in the body and gives up its energy not immediately, but after a considerable time. Therefore, easily digestible food should be consumed in the morning. The most suitable foods are fruits and freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices.

It is desirable to eat starchy food for lunch due to the fact that it requires much more energy for its digestion and assimilation than fruits. The process of digestion is delayed for 3-4 hours. In addition, starchy foods provide us with the main energy that we will use during the second half of the day. Fruits, rich in easily digestible sugars, give us energy very quickly and are good for the morning. It is advisable to eat protein food in the evening, because it is digested for more than 4 hours and we need it to compensate for the structures that have decayed during the day, and they need to be restored. The process of protein digestion should take place in a calm environment - best time 6 - 8 pm. Moreover, at this time, the processes in the body themselves are moving from the breakdown of energy and plastic structures to their synthesis. The optimal diet can be called a diet that contains meat, fish, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Food rich in carbohydrates satisfies hunger well (flour, sweets), but there is very little benefit from such food. Consumption of sugar and flour products is best minimized. And if you really want something sweet, it's better to eat a spoonful of honey than candy.

Basic principles of healthy eating

Human nutrition should be balanced (optimal). This means that the daily diet of a person must contain strictly a certain amount of energy, protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, biologically active and other compounds. And all this should be in certain proportions with each other. In the 70s of the last century, Academician A.A. Pokrovsky was the first to develop a balanced nutrition formula in which all of the named components are presented in digital terms. Speaking the most in general terms it should be noted that the ratio in the daily diet of protein, fat and carbohydrates should be as 1: 1: 4, that is, 100 grams of fat and 400 grams of carbohydrates should be per 100 g of protein. IN practical life it is difficult and unnecessary to calculate, but to observe general principles important and necessary.

The energy value of the diet on average today for a person not engaged in physical work should be 2000 kilocalories. At the same time, he should consume about 200 g of meat, alternating beef with pork, poultry, offal, at least 2 times a week, it is advisable to consume 200-250 g of fatty or bold fish. For garnish, use vegetables more often, except for traditional potatoes and pasta (peas, beans, green beans, etc.). Extremely useful sauerkraut. In order to maintain the health of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, you need to eat at least 500 grams of fresh vegetables, fruits, and leafy greens per day. Low-fat mayonnaise or soy sauce-based gravy with various additives - lemon, vegetable oil, flavored vinegar, etc. can be used as a sauce to reduce calories. Be sure to include fermented milk products, black bread or bread with bran from various cereals, flourless bread (from soaked wheat grains) in the diet.

Food should be as varied as possible with as many vegetables, fruits, leafy greens as possible. It is necessary to limit foods that are sources of energy - fatty, and in our traditional diet, of course, sausages, sausages, sausages belong to them. They very often contain at least 50% animal fat. Therefore, when buying products for your table, pay attention to the contents of the label. How much the product contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates. What are the expiration dates. You should not buy products that expire in the coming days.

Usually physiological weight loss is considered to be about 2-3 kg per month. At the same time, the diet should be varied, salt and foods that stimulate appetite should be limited. In early spring, there are quite a few fresh fruits and vegetables, so these products can hardly be considered serious sources of vitamins, so we believe that in the spring, all categories of people, without exception, need to use vitamin-mineral complexes. Without them, the problem of vitamin deficiency in the spring is very difficult to solve.

Foods That Detoxify

Pollution problem environment exists, and in many regions this gives its negative effect on the formation of public health. In order to reduce this negativity, it is important to include in the diet products that, on the one hand, remove toxic substances from the body through the intestines, and on the other hand, activate the functional activity of the systems in the body responsible for the destruction of poisons. Such properties, for example, are possessed by all types of cruciferous vegetables: cabbages of all kinds, rutabaga, zucchini, squash, etc. These are traditional and affordable vegetables for Russians. In addition, it is important to provide sources of dietary fiber - beets, dried fruits, apples, etc. Eating one medium-sized carrot each day provides the body with the important antioxidant beta-carotene, which can help reduce the risk of negative health effects from pollutants.

As for preservatives, without their use today, not a single species Food Industry does not cost. It is important to remember that the approval for the use in the food industry of any additive is carried out within the WHO after many years of serious, in-depth research. If you do not want your food to contain these food additives, choose the products that are made in accordance with GOST, which is always indicated on the label of any product. The additive is allowed for use only if it cannot have a negative impact on human health when used daily throughout life, while it does not affect offspring.

How to cook food properly?

In order for the products not to lose their useful qualities, they must be properly prepared. In a study published in the journal Nutrition Science and Agriculture”, scientists evaluated the effect various ways cooking using broccoli as an example. Studies have shown that after boiling broccoli in water for just 10 minutes, its glucosinolate content is reduced by 40 percent. In the body, glucosinolates are converted into other compounds called isothiocyanates, which have anti-cancer effects.

A study conducted at the Warwick Medical School found that reducing the cooking time results in less loss of glucosinolates: only 15% is lost in five minutes of cooking. While fried broccoli loses 67% of its original content of the disease-protective nutrient known as flavonoids, it looks much better than the huge 97% loss caused by microwave cooking. Analysis of the content of other nutrients showed similar terrible losses. It seems that thanks to microwave oven we can say goodbye to a lot of the great nutrients found in vegetables.

Rescues a double boiler

According to scientists, steaming leads to only 11% loss of flavonoids. Another study found that boiling reduced the folic acid content (thought to protect against cancer and heart disease) of spinach and broccoli by more than half. Processing with steam ensures minimal loss of this vitamin. So the study shows that the best way cooking vegetables is steaming. And the shorter the cooking time, the better.

How to eat during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman, like a sorceress, during pregnancy creates a whole person out of almost nothing. The building blocks that make up the body of the fetus do not arise from nowhere - the source of " building materials» for the future baby are the nutrients from the mother's blood and her body's own tissues. Therefore, paraphrasing famous phrase"we are what we eat", it is fair to say that " future child“That’s what his mom eats during pregnancy.” Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful about your diet during the entire period of pregnancy so that you do not harm your beloved baby with your not the most correct eating habits. And there you look and generally get used to healthy food. So, what is important to remember for a pregnant woman?

  • It is better to eat often (5-6 times a day) and little by little.
  • Eat when you're hungry, not on a schedule (it's better to undereat than overeat).
  • Eat slowly, chew your food thoroughly, in a pleasant environment, without reading books or watching TV.
  • Fried, smoked and canned food should be excluded from the menu. Better boiled, baked, steamed.
  • Do not eat up at night (last meal at 18-00, and later - kefir and fruit).
  • In the diet of a pregnant woman should alternate different types products:
  • meat (low-fat), poultry (domestic "blue" is better than imported broiler), fish (unsalted);
  • eggs (boiled or in the form of an omelette);
  • vegetables, fruits, berries (our strip, not all), herbs, dried fruits (including raisins, dried apricots);
  • cereals (preferably unrefined, whole grains, germinated wheat);
  • nuts (pine nuts, hazelnuts);
  • seeds (sunflower, pumpkin);
  • legumes (beans, lentils, with soy and peas - carefully);
  • wholemeal bread, bran bread;
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, fermented milk products - kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, yogurt, unflavored, regular milk);
  • fats ( vegetable oils cold pressed - sunflower, olive, corn, butter - better melted and little by little);
  • tea (preferably green).
Not recommended:
  • canned food, smoked meats, sausages;
  • very spicy, very salty, very sour;
  • mushrooms;
  • peas;
  • fatty meat, fish, poultry;
  • white bread, muffins, confectionery, pastries with butter cream;
  • coffee, cocoa, chocolate, chocolates;
  • ice cream;
  • alcohol;
  • citrus fruits, strawberries, strawberries, raspberries.

It is advisable to take complex vitamins for pregnant women containing vitamin D (ergocalciferol), for example, domestic "Gendevit" or foreign "Pregnavit", "Prenatal", "Materna". If you do not take complex vitamins, take at least vitamin "D" 500 units. in a day. Especially in winter, because in summer vitamin D is somehow formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight. The oil solution usually contains 1400 units in one drop, that is, you need to take it 1 drop every three days. If the dose is indicated in milligrams, then it should be remembered that 1 unit. = 0.000025 mg. It is better to entrust the calculation of the dose to the doctor. And the more varied the diet, the lower the risk of possible manifestations in the unborn child of various allergic reactions to food.

Information sources:

  • leovit.ru - proper nutrition;
  • leq.ru - how to eat right at work;

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