François French singer. Claude Francois - the legendary singer of France



Fame Claude Francois brought not only outstanding vocal skills, but also the talent of a showman: bright shiny costumes, dance numbers with "Claudette" girls, unusual scenery characterized each of his performances.


He was buried on March 15 in the cemetery of the commune of Dannemoy (Essonne department, Ile de France region), where he had his own house and where he liked to come to rest and gain strength. On the day of the singer's funeral, his single "Alexandrie Alexandra" was released (the singer chose the release date himself, a few days before his death).


Some famous songs

  • "Même Si Tu Revenais" ( "Even if you come back") ();
  • Notable for the first time performed by Claude Francois is the song “ Comme d "habitude» (« As usual"") (1967) (music: Jacques Revo, Claude Francois; words: Gilles Thibault), which became more widely known in the English version under the name "My Way" ( "My way") (author of the English version of the text Paul Anka, performer Frank Sinatra);
  • Until now, the song of Claude Francois is very popular "Alexandrie Alexandra"(1977, release - March 1978) (lyrics: Etienne Roda Gil; music: Claude Francois And J.P. Bourtayre).

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An excerpt characterizing François, Claude

- Well, I'll break your face, don't joke! - Anatole suddenly shouted, rolling his eyes.
“What a joke,” said the coachman, laughing. “Will I be sorry for my masters? What urine will ride horses, then we will go.
- A! Anatole said. - Well, sit down.
- Well, sit down! Dolokhov said.
- I'll wait, Fyodor Ivanovich.
“Sit down, lie, drink,” Anatole said and poured him a large glass of Madeira. The coachman's eyes lit up with wine. Refusing for the sake of decency, he drank and dried himself with a red silk handkerchief that lay in his cap.
- Well, when to go then, Your Excellency?
- Yes, here ... (Anatole looked at his watch) now and go. Look, Balaga. A? Are you up to speed?
- Yes, how is the departure - will he be happy, otherwise why not be in time? Balaga said. - Delivered to Tver, at seven o'clock they kept up. Do you remember, Your Excellency.
“You know, I once went from Tver to Christmas,” Anatole said with a smile of recollection, turning to Makarin, who looked with tender eyes at Kuragin. “Do you believe, Makarka, that it was breathtaking how we flew. We drove into the convoy, jumped over two carts. A?
- There were horses! Balaga continued. “Then I banned the young slaves to kaury,” he turned to Dolokhov, “do you believe it, Fyodor Ivanovich, the animals flew 60 miles away; you can’t hold it, your hands were stiff, it was cold. He threw the reins, hold, they say, Your Excellency, himself, and so he fell into the sleigh. So after all, not only to drive, you can’t keep to the place. At three o'clock they told the devil. Only the left one died.

Anatole left the room and a few minutes later returned in a fur coat girded with a silver belt and a sable hat, smartly put on the hips and very fitting for his handsome face. After looking in the mirror and in the same position that he took in front of the mirror, standing in front of Dolokhov, he took a glass of wine.
“Well, Fedya, goodbye, thanks for everything, goodbye,” said Anatole. - Well, comrades, friends ... he thought ... - youth ... my, goodbye, - he turned to Makarin and others.
Despite the fact that they all rode with him, Anatole apparently wanted to do something touching and solemn from this appeal to his comrades. He spoke in a slow, loud voice and wiggled his chest with one leg. – Everyone take glasses; and you, Balaga. Well, comrades, friends of my youth, we drank, we lived, we drank. A? Now, when shall we meet? I will go abroad. Live, farewell, guys. For health! Hurrah! .. - he said, drank his glass and slammed it on the ground.
“Be healthy,” said Balaga, also drinking his glass and wiping himself with a handkerchief. Makarin hugged Anatole with tears in his eyes. “Oh, prince, how sad it is for me to part with you,” he said.
- Go, go! Anatole shouted.
Balaga was about to leave the room.
“No, stop,” said Anatole. “Shut the door, get in.” Like this. The doors were closed and everyone sat down.
- Well, now march, guys! - said Anatole, getting up.
The footman Joseph gave Anatole a bag and a saber, and everyone went out into the hall.
- Where's the coat? Dolokhov said. - Hey, Ignatka! Go to Matryona Matveevna, ask for a fur coat, a sable coat. I heard how they were being taken away,” Dolokhov said with a wink. - After all, she will jump out neither alive nor dead, in what she sat at home; you hesitate a little, then there are tears, and father, and mother, and now she is cold and back, - and you immediately take it into a fur coat and carry it to the sleigh.
The footman brought a woman's fox coat.
- Fool, I told you sable. Hey, Matryoshka, sable! he shouted so that his voice could be heard far across the rooms.
A beautiful, thin and pale gypsy woman, with shiny, black eyes and black, curly bluish tint hair, in a red shawl, ran out with a sable coat on her hand.
“Well, I’m not sorry, you take it,” she said, apparently shy before her master and pitying the coat.

Claude Antoine Marie François, also known by the pseudonym "Claude" (Claude Antoine Marie François or Cloclo) is a French singer, songwriter and dancer.

Claude Francois was born in Ismailia, Egypt (Ismaïlia, Egypt); his father, Frenchman Aimé François, worked on the Suez Canal. The boy owed his compound name to several factors at once. The mother wished to name the boy Claude; the father in the family had a tradition of naming boys with names starting with the letter A, but in this case, Francois Sr. had to be content with the middle name. The name "Marie" was a reference to the Virgin Mary and was supposed to protect the boy. Claude owed his love for music primarily to his mother; she herself loved music very, very much, and it was with her filing that the boy began to take violin and piano lessons. Later, Francois also learned to play the drums.

After the Suez crisis of 1956, the family had to return to Monaco; François Sr. began to have health problems, and he could no longer work, which seriously affected the financial situation of the family. The sharp contrast between the rich life in Egypt and the disastrous life in Monaco had a great influence on Claude.

Young Francois managed to get a job as a bank clerk; at night he made a living playing drums with an orchestra in luxurious hotels on the French Riviera. The young man's voice was not bad, but untrained; nevertheless, after a while, Claude was offered to sing in one of the hotels in the luxurious Mediterranean resort of Juan-les-Pins. François' introduction was warmly received; soon he began to be invited to luxurious nightclubs. It was while working at the club that François met the English dancer Janet Woollacott; in 1960 they got married. Alas, the father did not categorically approve of his son's new career; this was a big blow for Claude.

Over time, Francois moved to Paris - much more promising for a man of his profession. At that time, American rock and roll was a success in France; Claude quickly understood this and joined the vocal troupe. It was not immediately possible to start performing solo, but Francois did not lose faith in himself and continued to record. The first success awaited him with the release of the composition "Belles Belles Belles"; she made Claude a star literally overnight.

François' affairs were going uphill; in 1963, he released a couple more hits, "Si j" avais un marteau "and" Marche Tout Droit ". Claude was especially lucky with French variations on American songs. François's success was partly due to his talent, partly to incredible hard work and perseverance. Claude quickly figured out the most popular trends in music and extracted everything he could from them.You should not think that Francois was only copying other people's creations, he could also create his own masterpieces.

In total, during his career (and after his death), François has sold about 70 million records. Diligence did not leave Claude further; he toured Europe, Africa and Canada almost non-stop. In 1971, he set himself such a tough work schedule that during one of his performances, he simply collapsed from exhaustion. Subsequently, François was forced to take a short vacation; later, however, he returned and again set to work with his former energy.

In Europe, the singer was known very, very well, but the plans to conquer the American stage were not destined to come true - the sudden death of the singer prevented. Claude François died incredibly absurdly; it happened on March 11, 1978. The singer has just returned from Switzerland; while taking a shower, he noticed that the lamp on the wall was hanging unevenly. François tried to correct him - and was electrocuted on the spot.

“Live from OLYMPIA!”

Only the best songs performed

the inimitable Claude François!”

French radio listeners first heard this name in the early 60s of the last century. Since then, you can always find on the air of radio waves some radio station that broadcasts a song "Comme d'habitude" , which means "as usual" in French.

On February 1, 1939, in Ismailia in the north-east of Egypt, the son of Claude was born in the family of the ship's dispatcher Aimé Francois. In a cozy house on the shores of the Red Sea, Claude and his sister Josette spent their happy, serene childhood. Claude's father was far from the world of music and never approved of his son's passion for music. But her mother, Lucia, was very musical. When Claude was still a child, she taught him the violin and piano. At the same time, in childhood, a passion for percussion instruments arose. It is these musical lessons with his mother that will become a precious experience that will lead Claude Francois into the world of show business.

In 1956, the Suez Canal was nationalized, and the family was forced to move to Monte Carlo. The usual measured life is a thing of the past. My father never came to terms with this forced move. Soon he became very ill and could no longer work. The responsibility for the financial well-being of the family fell on Claude's shoulders, so he got a job as a bank employee. There was not a day that Claude did not dream of leaving the bank and starting to make music. After a day at the bank, he went to look for work in orchestras playing for hotel guests in Monaco.

Claude was ambitious and enterprising, had a good musical education, so he was eventually accepted into the orchestra of Louis Frosio. Claude was happy, although he did not receive any approval or support from his father. Aime was determined and did not want to accept the fact that his son chose a "frivolous" profession. Claude tried in vain to persuade his father. After another quarrel, they stopped communicating until the death of Aime.

The first "success" of Claude Francois

Not finding support from his father, receiving a meager salary, Claude nevertheless was determined. He worked hard building a musical career and was always sure that in the future his name would become loud in the world of music.

Claude Francois dreamed of singing and tried to get an audition. After some time, he was auditioned at the Provencal Hotel in the luxurious Mediterranean resort of Juan-les-Pins. The management was fascinated by his sonorous voice and sentimental songs. He was allowed to sing. And always a neat well-groomed appearance, blond hair with impeccable styling and the image of a young man from a good family helped to find mutual understanding with the audience. For the first time, fame comes to Claude, and the number of his fans is steadily growing every day.

Claude is attracted by world fame, but for starters, the singer decided to conquer Paris. At the end of 1961, together with his family, he moved to the capital. At this time, great changes were taking place in the musical world - American rock and roll burst into French pop music. Twist and jive were at the height of their popularity, and a rock and roll-based Ye-Ye style was formed. The program “Hi, friends” became a cult among young people, where famous world hits, twists and other works of new styles were performed in French. The young singer was going to find his niche in this environment.

Ambitious Claude understands that a solo career is the only way to fame. He had a kind of talent to feel where to direct forces. Nevertheless, the first disc “Nabout twist”, recorded in 1962 under the pseudonym Koko, became a resounding failure!

With no doubt

The starting point for the dizzying career of Claude Francois is the song "Belles belles belles" . His father never believed in the success of his son, and it just so happened that Aime did not live to see this success. He died a few months before the release of his son's first hit. When Claude Francois's song sounded in the program Hello Friends, everyone was forced to recognize him as a rising star.

"Belles belles belles" - a cover of the Everly Brothers' French "Made To Love" - ​​topped the charts in the summer of 1962. Under the impresario Paul Lederman, Claude began a real career as a singer. At first, he releases songs on records of more famous singers and goes on tour as a "warm-up" with Le Chossette Noir. But super-energetic and with a violent temperament, Claude outshines the others. Reports emerged of a new superstar, and the name of Claude Francois rang on the French stage.

He records hits one after another. Surprisingly, most of his songs are re-hashings of English hits in French. It would seem that he did nothing extraordinary, but the English hits he covered left an unforgettable mark on the musical world of the 60s.

In pursuit of fame

In September 1964, Claude performed for the first time at the famous Parisian Olympia. This concert was a resounding success. The song was particularly emotional. "J'y pense et puis j'oublie" , written and performed under the influence of the emotions associated with the breakup with Janet.

Several new hits were released in 1965, including "Les choses de la maison" And "Meme si tu revenais" .

In 1966 he created a dance group Les Claudettes of the four girls who danced in the background during his own performances. The idea to create "Les Claudettes" arose long ago, in January 1965, during a trip to Las Vegas. American shows made an indelible impression on him, and he decided to build something of his own on the same principle.

Where no matter how Claude Francois directs his creative energy, triumph awaits him everywhere. During the tour in the summer of 1966 at his concerts, mass hysteria of female fans was observed, fainting from an excess of emotions. At the end of the same year, another performance took place in Olympia, where incredible success awaited him again.

When his contract with Philips ended, Claude, inspired by his successes, decides to organize his own enterprise. Thus, he creates his own label "Disk Flash". Now he belongs to himself, everything is only in his hands, he is completely independent. Claude Francois' recipe for success is to re-record famous English and American hits in French.

But one song recorded by Claude was originally French. "Comme d'habitude" became a hit on the French market. When Canadian Paul Ankh translated it into English, and Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley performed it, the legendary hit "My way" has gained worldwide fame.

All the women of Claude

In 1959, Claude met a dancer Jeannette Woolcoot who became his wife a year later. Jeannette was his only official wife. After moving to Paris, the relationship of the spouses went wrong, and Jeannette left Claude.

He tried not to advertise his personal life, however, in 1967, information appeared in the press about his love affair with the famous French singer France Gall. France Gal - this is Claude's mature, serious hobby, a great passion, surrounded by no less great pain. He idolized her, but began to take up too much space in her life, tried to participate in everything, interfered in her work, dictated with whom to cooperate and not cooperate, was against her participation in Eurovision. France could not stand it and left.

Claude was shocked. It was under the impression of such strong emotions and feelings from parting with Gal that the world-famous "My way" or "Comme d'habitude" .

Later, the singer met a girl named Isabelle Foret who will become the mother of his sons.Isabelle Le Foret was young, but probably the wisest of all Claude's women. She understood that in the first place she always was, is and will always be only a song, and one can not even dream of being in the first place one day. But even realizing this and giving Claude two children, she could not stand his strong and tough character.

Her place was taken Sofia - Finnish fashion model. It is believed that she was too similar in character to Claude, which is why their relationship was doomed.

Catalina Jones - his last love. Catalina knew how not to notice Claude's admirers, who were always and everywhere near the singer. She became his best friend, support and support. They planned to get married, they were going to have children. But fate did not give them the opportunity to carry out these plans, or even abandon them ...

Life at a frightening pace

Creative individuality and enterprising nature, bright personality and undeniable charm helped Claude Francois in his dizzyingly successful career. 1969 Olympia again. 16 concerts. And on each - a full house. The audience is ecstatic from a bright, live American style show. Tour of Canada in 1970. Again a huge success. But how long could this go on?

During a concert in Marseille on March 14, 1970, Claude falls right on the stage. The heart attack was the result of a frantic pace of life and elementary fatigue. His manager insists on stopping such a crazy pace of work. Claude goes to the Canary Islands. He returns full of energy and ready to immediately plunge into work. But misfortune begins to haunt him. He gets into a serious car accident. In June 1973, a large part of the Dannemoy estate was damaged by a fire, the cause of which was never found out. During a concert in Marseille in July of the same year, a zealous fan strikes him on the head, leaving, however, only a black eye.

In 1975, in London, Claude François was injured in an Irish Republican Army bombing, and his eardrum burst. In 1977, he was shot while driving. He didn't die, he didn't even get hurt. However, he didn't have long to live. As they say, there can be no seven deaths, one cannot be avoided.

Famous productions of "Les Claudettes"

Meanwhile, the active Claude Francois is engaged in one project after another with incredible zeal. At the end of 1971, he buys out the Podium magazine for teenagers, invests money in the Girls Models modeling agency. Engaged in producing Patrick Topaloff and Alain Chamfort, who signed a contract with his Disk Flash.

In 1972, especially for the incredibly popular hit "Le lundi au soleil" Claude François and the Claudettes come up with an exceptionally interesting dance performance. This choreographic technique will become such a resounding success that it will be taught all over France!

At the end of the same year, the singer goes on a mini-tour of Paris with a big top, which could be attended by 4,000 spectators at the same time.

Ridiculous accident

The indefatigable singer continued to return to the studio to record new songs. And almost every one of them became a new hit by Claude Francois, holding first place in the French charts for a long time. Enchanting performances of the singer enjoyed constant success. Claude was also involved in charity work. On July 1, 1974, he held a charity concert at the Pantin gate in Paris, attended by 20,000 spectators, the proceeds of which went to a fund to help disabled children.

In 1975, another charity concert by Claude Francois was held in the Tuileries Garden in Paris, the funds from which were sent to the Scientific Medical Center.

Such a brilliant career ended unexpectedly and absurdly.

March 11, 1978 the singer returns from Switzerland. The next day, he should participate in Michel Drucker's "Sunday Meeting" ... "Sunday Meeting" with Claude Francois did not take place. Taking a bath, the singer noticed a lopsided light bulb. He always strived for perfection even in small things. This character trait caused a desire to correct this small defect ... The singer died as a result of an electric shock.

It was an unfathomable, incredible ending that was almost unbelievable. France was shocked and plunged into deep mourning, turning from time to time into hysteria. However, the sudden death of the idol, which was able to stay at the top of fame for almost twenty years, was mourned not only by France. Always so bright, charismatic, able to charm everyone and everywhere, radiating fantastic energy, full of strength and creative ideas, he left at the peak of his creative career, having reached only 39 years old ...

Until now, about half a million discs are sold out every year. He became the king of French disco. An integral part of his success was diligence, enterprise and the pursuit of excellence. He was dissatisfied with his voice and his appearance, but drove millions of fans crazy.

The recording of new songs often took place in a rather tense, if not nervous, atmosphere. Claude was very demanding not only to himself, but also to others. He did not spare himself, and did not always spare others. He always strived for perfection. He wanted to be the first and the best in everything.

Parisian house of Claude, solemnly to the sound of fanfare opened

Place Claude Francois...

In the life of Claude Francois, there were enough black days, but until his death, Cloclo remained incredibly energetic and active. He became famous all over Europe both thanks to his ability to create remakes of other people's hits, and thanks to his own masterpieces.

Claude Antoine Marie François, also known by the pseudonym "Claude" (Claude Antoine Marie François or Cloclo) is a French singer, songwriter and dancer.

Claude Francois was born in Ismailia, Egypt (Ismaïlia, Egypt); his father, Frenchman Aimé François, worked on the Suez Canal. Compound

The boy owed his name to several factors at once. The mother wished to name the boy Claude; the father in the family had a tradition of naming boys with names starting with the letter A, but in this case, Francois Sr. had to be content with the middle name. The name "Marie" was a reference to the Virgin Mary and was supposed to protect the boy. love

to music Claude was obliged first of all to his mother; she herself loved music very, very much, and it was with her filing that the boy began to take violin and piano lessons. Later, Francois also learned to play the drums.

After the Suez crisis of 1956, the family had to return to Monaco; François Sr. began to have health problems

I eat, and he could no longer work, which seriously affected the financial situation of the family. The sharp contrast between the rich life in Egypt and the disastrous life in Monaco had a great influence on Claude.

Young Francois managed to get a job as a bank clerk; at night he made a living playing drums with an orchestra in the luxury hotels of France.

which Riviera. The young man's voice was not bad, but untrained; nevertheless, after a while, Claude was offered to sing in one of the hotels in the luxurious Mediterranean resort of Juan-les-Pins. François' introduction was warmly received; soon he began to be invited to luxurious nightclubs. It was while working in

club François met the English dancer Janet Woollacott (Janet Woollacott); in 1960 they got married. Alas, the father did not categorically approve of his son's new career; this was a big blow for Claude.

Over time, Francois moved to Paris - much more promising for a man of his profession. At that time in France, the success of the field

was called American rock and roll; Claude quickly understood this and joined the vocal troupe. It was not immediately possible to start performing solo, but Francois did not lose faith in himself and continued to record. The first success awaited him with the release of the composition "Belles Belles Belles"; she made Claude a star literally overnight.

François's affairs went to th

y; in 1963, he released a couple more hits, "Si j" avais un marteau "and" Marche Tout Droit ". Claude was especially lucky with French variations on the theme of American songs. François's success was partly due to his talent, partly to incredible hard work and perseverance. Claude quickly figured out the most popular trends in music and extract

whether of them all he could. Do not think that Francois was only engaged in copying other people's creations; He also knew how to create his own masterpieces.

In total, during his career (and after his death), François has sold about 70 million records. Diligence did not leave Claude further; he toured Europe, Africa and Canada almost non-stop.

newcomer. In 1971, he set himself such a tough work schedule that during one of his performances, he simply collapsed from exhaustion. Subsequently, François was forced to take a short vacation; later, however, he returned and again set to work with his former energy.

In Europe, the singer was known very, very well, but the plans for rest

The vision of the American stage was not destined to come true - the sudden death of the singer prevented. Claude François died incredibly absurdly; it happened on March 11, 1978. The singer has just returned from Switzerland; while taking a shower, he noticed that the lamp on the wall was hanging unevenly. François tried to correct him - and was electrocuted on the spot

Claude François (1939-1978) is a legendary French musician, author and performer. In the late 70s, he was recognized as the king of disco. Despite the fact that the singer has been dead for many years, his albums are still sold out in millions of copies. The musician was the owner of the Podium magazine for young people, and he also owned the Disk Flash label.

The secret of Claude's success lies in the incredible hard work, constant striving for excellence. He was not happy with his appearance and voice, but managed to acquire fans around the world. Stars such as Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Sid Vicious and Nina Hagen have repeatedly performed their versions of François' "My Way".

Serene childhood

The future singer was born on February 1, 1939 in Ismailia. This small city was located in the heart of Egypt, on the banks of the Suez Canal and Lake Timsah. It was a kind of island in the middle of the desert. The family lived there until 1951, when the father was transferred to the port of Taufik on the Red Sea.

Claude's father, Frenchman Aimé François, controlled the movement of numerous ships on the canal. He was a respected person in society, so the family lived richly. They had a luxurious villa, servants, parties for the elite were regularly held in the house. The mother of the future performer was Italian, her name was Lucia. It was thanks to her that Francois learned to play the violin and piano. Later, the young man independently mastered the drums.

Until 1956, Aime, Lucia, Claude and his sister Josette lived in Egypt, but they had to move to France after the nationalization of the Suez Canal. The family settled in a small apartment in Monte Carlo, shortly after that, the father fell ill. The future disco star had to take on some of his obligations. From childhood he was an inquisitive and kind guy, his grandmother instilled in Francois tolerance and respect for other people.

The musician studied at a boarding house at the Catholic school of the de Plormel brothers. Despite strict discipline, the boy always found an opportunity to play pranks. Later, he recalled that he often did not get to bed at an educational institution, he played with his peers all night. At the age of 15, Claude passed all the exams with excellent marks, receiving a high school diploma. After that, he entered the Cairo Lyceum. This life period was remembered by the young man thanks to listening to American and European records, he finally fell in love with music. François passed the first part of his bachelor's degree, but he never managed to complete his education due to the move.

sudden growing up

Due to his father's illness, Claude began working in two places at the same time. During the day he worked as a bank clerk, and at night he played drums in the orchestras of the Riviera. Once in Juan-les-Pins he was offered to sing at the Hotel Provence. A modest but charming young man did not yet realize the power of his voice, but he managed to win the attention of the audience.

After a successful debut, François moved to Paris at the end of 1961. There he received an invitation from the orchestra of Louis Frosio. In its composition, the musician performed at the International Sports Club. It is noteworthy that the father never supported the creative endeavors of his son. After another quarrel, they stopped communicating, did not have time to reconcile until the death of Aime. In March 1962, he died after a long illness, without seeing the success of his son.

Claude's first record was recorded with his own money, it was called "Nabout twist". The singer took the pseudonym "Coco" and released an album in 1962. He failed to conquer the public, the money was wasted. Nevertheless, the young man did not plan to give up. He wrote the song "Belles, belles, belles", it was she who took the top of all the charts.

Notably, François' first known song was not an original, but a translation of "Made to love" by the Everly Brothers. The composition was first heard in the famous French program "Hello friends", after its appearance, Francois became a star. His constant companion was the impresario Paul Lederman. Also, the aspiring singer was helped by such famous personalities as Jerry Van Ruyen, Aime Barelli and even Brigitte Bardot. The disc with the record "Belles, belles, belles" sold out very quickly, with a circulation of more than two million copies.

Dizzying career and early death

Even after recording a successful song, Francois did not immediately manage to become famous. At first, he performed as an opening act for his colleagues, published his compositions on their solo records. Once he went on tour with the Le Chaussette Noir team. Thanks to his endless supply of energy, the singer impressed the audience at the concert, and he managed to attract the attention of music critics. The newspapers began to write about the emergence of a new star.

Claude was constantly working, he published new hits one after another. Almost all of his songs were translations, not originals, but the audience enthusiastically accepted these adaptations. The most popular compositions were "Marche tout droit" and "Dis-lui". Fans pursue the musician, they admire his luxurious hair, indefatigable energy and perky dances.

In 1964, the singer buys a plot of land in Dannemoy, in the Ile-de-France region. He equipped the house for a long time, and subsequently many famous hits were written there. Among them are "La ferme du bonheur", "Meme sit u revenals" and "Les choses de la mansion". In 1965, the radio program "Musicorama" was released, recorded in the Olympia concert hall. A year later, the musician creates a dance group and calls it "Clodettes". This group consists of four girls, they constantly dance against the backdrop of the singer's performances.

Claude worked at a frantic pace, he constantly recorded songs, traveled around the world with concerts. Because of this, on March 14, 1970, the singer lost consciousness right on stage. Doctors diagnosed a heart attack due to overwork. François partially slows down, but already in June 1973 he gets into a car accident. A month later, he suffers a head injury after being hit by one of the fans. In 1975, the singer's eardrum was damaged during a bomb explosion, and in 1977 he was shot at.

François's life was bright and eventful, but it ended too soon. In March 1978, the singer tried to fix a light bulb without getting out of the bath. As a result, he received a severe electric shock and died on the spot. On March 11, 2000, Place Claude-Francois in Paris was opened in memory of the famous singer.

Rich personal life

In interviews, François often reported that he was "not liked." Perhaps that is why the man was constantly looking for new women, each life stage was marked by a meeting with another passion. The first love of the musician was the dancer Janet Vulkut, they even got married. They started their careers together, but soon the girl cheated on her beloved with Gilbert Beco. The official divorce took place on March 13, 1967. From that moment on, Claude stopped trusting women, he even treated his mother with prejudice. This is due to the fact that Lucia became interested in gambling with age, she asked for money even from passers-by on the streets. As a result, the son refused to pay her debts.

After the whole world recognized the singer thanks to the composition "Belles, belles, belles", he had one loyal fan - the young France Gall. The musician inspired the girl, later they began to perform together. France regularly attended idol concerts, watched him from behind the scenes, secretly ran away from her parents to her lover. She dreamed of getting married, but Claude was cold about this idea. He was insanely jealous of a beautiful girl, repeatedly locked her alone in an apartment.

When Gall won Eurovision in Stockholm, all the accumulated negativity of Francois poured out against the girl. She called him to tell him about the victory, in response she heard only "You lost me." Frans cried during the replay of the song, she was hurt because of the breakup with the singer. Immediately after the performance, she flew to him, but the musician refused to open the door. An hour later, he deigned to talk to Gall, but the girl was no longer going to waste time on the envious and jealous Claude.

After parting, the performer was worried, he even dedicated the song "Comme d'habitude" to France. At the same time, he told the press that he could no longer love. But then the singer met the dancer Isabelle in Lyon. She was ready to sacrifice her future for the sake of her family, so soon the lovers began to live together. The girl gave birth to the musician two sons, Claude and Mark. Claude hid the second of them on the advice of the producers, passing him off as his nephew. The sons were even let out for a walk in turn, so that the neighbors would not suspect anything.

Fascinated by his career, Francois rarely saw his family. He forbade Isabelle to be with him in public, denied the existence of sons, and regularly cheated on his wife. Once he even gave her a suitcase for Christmas. But the musician finally decided to leave the family only after meeting with Sofia, a Finnish fashion model. He saw a photo of a girl on a billboard and was immediately fascinated by her. The lovers constantly quarreled, under pressure from Sophia, Claude introduced his sons to the public.

All his life, the singer was pursued by fans. He willingly communicated with them and even recruited his staff exclusively from fans. Of course, many of them had a chance to spend the night with a star, and so it was after his meeting with Sophia. The fans hated the new passion of their idol, and this was the reason for the break with the model. Later, she said that she had 3 abortions due to the carelessness of her lover.

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