Functions and methods of philosophy. Philosophy Functions: Worldview and Methodological


Functions of Philosophy

The following ideological functions of philosophy are distinguished: humanistic, social and axiological, cultural and educational, and explanatory and informational.

In the first place among the functions of philosophy, in accordance with the priority significance of the problem of man, among all other problems of philosophy, is the humanistic function.

There is probably not a single person in the world who would not reflect on the question of life and death, of the inevitability of his end. Such thoughts often have a depressing effect on a person, cause a feeling of longing, which, in essence, is always a longing for eternity, the inability to come to terms with time.

Philosophy, of course, does not give us eternity, but it helps to comprehend this life, helps to find its meaning and strengthen our spirit. The loss of higher worldview guidelines in life can lead to suicide, drug addiction, alcoholism, and crimes.

For many centuries, starting from the era of slavery, a significant part of humanity has been alienated from property, from power, from the products of its activity. Man is enslaved both physically and spiritually. Many philosophers addressed the problem of human alienation and the role of philosophy in overcoming this alienation.
XX century.

The next ideological function of philosophy is the socio-axiological function. It is divided into a number of subfunctions, among which the most important are constructive-value, interpretive and critical subfunctions. The content of the first of them is to develop ideas about values, such as Goodness, Justice, Truth, Beauty; this also includes the formation of ideas about the social (social) ideal.

Let us touch on only one point - the social ideal. The question of this ideal turns out to be closely connected with the question of the nature of the relationship between philosophy and the political regime. At first glance, it seems that there are unambiguous relationships here: philosophy is the cause, and the political idea and the political regime are the effect.

There are many reasons for such a conclusion. Indeed, in the philosophical concepts of the past, starting from Plato and Aristotle, up to Fichte, Hegel, Marx, and in the concepts of many modern philosophers, we find, as an integral part, a system of views on the state structure with rather detailed recommendations for practical political actions. (thus, Plato in his doctrine of the state recommended the abolition of private property and the family, Fichte called for a system of widely organized and vigilant police supervision in order to achieve social harmony and ensure social balance). However, the presence in these philosophical systems of certain doctrines about the state structure says as little about the complete deducibility of such views from philosophical ontology, epistemology, or even from social philosophy, as well as their teachings about the structure (or structure) of the animal organism, which took place among philosophers up to the first half
XIX century. As in the latter case, the presence of “natural philosophy” is explained by the underdevelopment of the theoretical sphere of biology and at the same time the need for a speculative solution of specific problems, so is the case with the question of developing ideas about the specific structure of the state: this is the task of legal science and political specialists (today the corresponding science is called political science).

But the point is not even so much in the level of development of the particular sciences of society, but in the fact that within the framework of philosophy itself there is no strictly linear, unambiguous relationship between its individual parts. The content of individual philosophical systems, no matter how logical and harmonious it may seem, is actually aimed at certain worldview problems (philosophy is a set of answers to these questions). But since these problems are relatively independent (for example, the problem of the meaning of life and, on the other hand, the question of the relationship between essence and phenomenon in the material-objective world), an ambiguous connection can and often exists between parts of philosophical knowledge. As a result, one and the same system of views on the world as a whole can be combined with different interpretations in the sphere of social and philosophical, and even more so with concepts that are generally outside of philosophy.

Along with the functions already considered, philosophy also has an explanatory and informational function. One of the main tasks of philosophy is the development of a worldview that corresponds to the modern level of science, historical practice and the intellectual requirements of a person. In this function, the main purpose of specialized knowledge is modified: to adequately reflect its object, to identify its essential elements, structural connections, patterns; to accumulate and deepen knowledge, to serve as a source of reliable information. Like science, philosophy is a complex dynamic information system designed to collect, analyze and process information in order to obtain new information. Such information is concentrated in philosophical concepts (categories), general principles and laws that form an integral system. Within this system, sections are distinguished: philosophical ontology (the doctrine of being as such), theory of knowledge, dialectics as a universal method, social philosophy, general ethics, theoretical aesthetics, philosophical problems of private sciences, philosophy of religion, history of philosophy, "philosophy of philosophy" (theory philosophical knowledge).

Methodological functions of philosophy.

Methodology - the doctrine of the principles, methods of knowledge and transformation of the world. Each science uses its own methods of cognition. Philosophy also formulates its own methods of cognition. Philosophy is currently studying various forms and methods of cognition. These include: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, hypothesis and theory, observation and experiment, analogy and modeling, historical and logical, verification and paradigm, and a number of others. The methodological function is to justify the need for general principles and methods of knowing the world, to justify taking into account the general principles of self-organization and development of the world when studying any particular objects of knowledge.

The methodological functions of philosophy express the purpose of philosophy as the general methodological foundation of science:

Heuristic function: involves promoting the growth of scientific knowledge, creating prerequisites for scientific discoveries in the context of the interaction of philosophical and formal-logical methods, which leads to an intensive and extensive change in philosophical categories and, as a result, to the birth of new knowledge, which has the form of a forecast (hypothesis). It is necessary, in this sense, to note that there is not a single natural science theory, the creation of which would have done without the use of general philosophical ideas about causality, space, time, etc. It is proved that theories in the natural sciences are created on a dual basis - on the unity of the empirical and the non-empirical. Philosophy plays the role of non-empirical foundation. In other words, philosophical ideas play a constructive role. General philosophical concepts and principles penetrate into natural science through such philosophical branches as ontology, epistemology, as well as through the regulatory principles of the particular sciences themselves (for example, in physics, these are the principles of observability, simplicity, correspondence). Thus, the epistemological principles of philosophy play an important role not only in the formation of a theory, but also play the role of regulators that determine the process of its further functioning.

Coordinating function: involves the coordination of research methods in the process of scientific research. Until the 20th century, the analytical method dominated science. Which led to the need to strictly observe the ratio: one subject - one method. However, in the 20th century this ratio was violated. In studies of one subject, several methods are already used, and, on the contrary, in the study of several subjects, one method. The need for coordination of research methods is caused not only by the complication of the "method-subject" picture traditional for the analytical method, but also by the emergence of a number of negative factors, in particular, related to the growing specialization of scientists.

In the context of the coordination of scientific research methods, the task of determining the principle of compliance of the methods used with each other and the overall goal of the study becomes relevant. The fact is that each method has its own fixed epistemological and logical possibilities, while the creation of a set of methods allows expanding the possibilities of specific methods. At the same time, given that all methods have different efficiencies, their hierarchy is established in the context of scientific research. In conclusion, it should be noted that the philosophical method as a way of successfully solving scientific problems should not be used in isolation from the own methodology of science, in isolation from general scientific and special methods;

Integrating function: involves the implementation of the unifying role of philosophical knowledge, the identification and elimination of disintegrating factors, the identification of the missing links of scientific knowledge. The process of formation of individual scientific disciplines took place by limiting the subject of a particular science from the subjects of other sciences. However, this led to the destruction of the ancient scientific paradigm, the main dimension of which was the unity of scientific knowledge.

The main functions of philosophy

Philosophy, as a special kind of spiritual activity, has a direct impact on various areas of human activity. Below we briefly review basic philosophical functions.

Worldview function of philosophy

One of the main and most significant functions of philosophy is ideological. Philosophy forms people's ideas about the world and its structure, about a person and society, about the principles of relationship with the outside world and a person's place in it, thereby shaping it. Philosophy clarifies the views of a person, his goals, interests and needs and their connection with the surrounding reality, develops a universal philosophical picture of the world and reveals the nature of a person as a result of understanding and systematizing scientific knowledge, as well as the content of other forms of social knowledge.

In the categories of philosophy, reflection of worldview problems takes place, conceptual tools are developed for analyzing and comparing different types of worldviews. Thus, this function contributes to the construction of a unified and generalized system of human knowledge and the development of worldview ideals.

The Fundamental Function of Philosophy

essence fundamental function of philosophy is to reveal the formation of general concepts, laws and principles of reality, used both in science and in the practical activities of people. Philosophy studies not objects, not empirical reality, but how this reality “lives” in the public consciousness; it studies the meanings of reality for society and man.

Philosophy searches the world for its ontological, methodological, moral, and aesthetic foundations. The philosopher always builds a system of values ​​of the world, and thus shows the initial foundations of human activity. Philosophy, unlike any other science, begins with man.

Methodological function of philosophy characterized by the formation of general principles and norms of cognitive activity, and also contributes to the growth of scientific knowledge and the creation of prerequisites for scientific discoveries.

The method and methodology of cognition is that "Ariadne's thread" that helps the researcher to successfully get out of the labyrinth of cognition problems - and there are always plenty of them. However, the methodological function is not limited to the methodology of cognition: it refers to the strategic level of the methodology of human activity in general. Philosophy compares and evaluates the various means of this activity, points to the most optimal of them. Philosophical methodology determines the direction of scientific research, makes it possible to navigate the endless variety of facts and processes occurring in the objective world.

The epistemological function of philosophy pushes human thinking to the knowledge of the world and the search for truth.

Thanks to the theory of philosophical knowledge, the laws of natural and social phenomena are revealed, the forms of advancement of human thinking towards truth, the ways and means of achieving it, and the results of other sciences are summarized. Mastering philosophical knowledge is important for the development of a culture of human thinking, for solving a variety of theoretical and practical problems.

Logical function of philosophy

Logical function of philosophy manifests itself in the formation of a certain position of a person in interpersonal and socio-cultural relations, and also determines the culture of human thinking. It also consists in the development of the philosophical method itself, its normative principles, in the rationale for certain conceptual and theoretical structures of scientific knowledge.

If general epistemology convinces of the possibility and necessity of adequate scientific knowledge of an object, then logic is called upon to ensure the achievement of this adequacy. It develops the means of the most complete, accurate reflection of the developing, continuously changing essence of the object.

The educational function of philosophy is aimed at the formation of moral, ethical and cultural values ​​in a person, the desire to improve himself, create and look for life priorities.

Knowledge of philosophy contributes to the formation of important qualities of a cultural personality in a person: orientation to truth, truth, kindness. Philosophy is able to protect a person from the superficial and narrow framework of the ordinary type of thinking; it dynamizes the theoretical and empirical concepts of particular sciences in order to reflect as adequately as possible the contradictory, changing essence of phenomena.

The formation of philosophical thinking is at the same time the formation of such valuable qualities of a cultural personality as self-criticism, criticality, doubt. The development of doubt is not, however, the development of skepticism (and in this sense, skepticism). Doubt is one of the active means of scientific research. Philosophy provides a solid general methodological and epistemological basis for the consistent self-development of doubt into scientific certainty, for its harmonious combination with faith in overcoming mistakes, delusions, in obtaining more complete, deeper, objective truths.

Philosophy gives people a common language, develops in them common, generally valid ideas about the main values ​​of life. It is one of the important factors contributing to the elimination of "communication barriers" generated by the narrowness of specialization.

Axiological function of philosophy is a reflection of the phenomena of the surrounding reality from the point of view of various values ​​that determine the choice of people, their actions, ideals, norms of behavior.

Philosophy cannot save society from the negative phenomena generated by the socio-economic system. But it can protect the system of values ​​from the penetration of false and critical untested, vicious and politically adventurous, primitive and radical.

The undoubted merit of modern philosophical thought is the promotion of new values ​​by its representatives. These include general humanistic, environmental and quality of life values. The value of the quality of life is opposed to the standard of living, mass production and consumption. For a person, his health and happiness, the standard of living is not as important as its quality. It is determined not so much by her comfort as by good and humane relations in society, social equality and closeness to nature. To be in harmony with oneself, with others and nature - for many people becomes a priority guideline and motive for behavior.

Integrative function of philosophy

essence integrative function of philosophy consists in connecting together the practical, cognitive and valuable life experience of people. Philosophy tries to generalize, evaluate and comprehend both the intellectual, spiritual and practical achievements of all mankind, as well as the negative historical experience.

The knowledge delivered by individual disciplines is so diverse that they need to be brought together into a single holistic scientific picture of the world. But the development of the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge is not reduced to a mechanical combination of data from various disciplines. The very synthesis of scientific discoveries is possible only on a higher theoretical foundation than the discoveries themselves. If philosophy is not the foundation of individual sciences, but is entirely based on these disciplines, then with such an approach, philosophy turns into a side application to natural science, into some optional appendage for science. This approach is refuted by science itself. The largest scientists of different eras, who worked in the field of fundamental research from Lomonosov to Einstein, persistently and fruitfully worked on methodological and worldview problems, having no appropriate justification for their natural science research in existing philosophy. Thus, philosophy forms the methodological basis for every scientific discipline that has reached the heights of self-consciousness. And the science that has not risen to self-consciousness and does not have a methodological basis is undeveloped.

The critical function of philosophy

Philosophy fulfills and critical function, seeking to destroy old ideals and views, to form a new worldview, which is accompanied by doubts and criticism of accepted dogmas and stereotypes.

The philosopher is constantly faced with the discrepancy between social reality and ideals. Reflections on social reality, its comparison with the social ideal lead to criticism of this reality. Criticism expresses the dissatisfaction of the subject with the object, the desire to change it. Philosophy is critical in its essence. The basis and essence of the critical work of the philosopher is the discovery and disclosure of contradictions, inconsistencies between the accepted system of concepts and values ​​and the content that is introduced into them by a new stage in the development of world history.

I. Functions of Philosophy: 3

  1. worldview

  2. epistemological












II. Methods of Philosophy 6

  1. Dialectics

  2. Metaphysics

III. References 8

I. The Functions of Philosophy

Philosophy reveals the most general ideas, ideas; forms of experience on which this or that particular culture or socio-historical life of people as a whole is based.

The specificity of philosophy is manifested in its functions. The main functions of philosophy are:

    worldview - the main function of philosophy, since it coincides with its main content; consists in the formation, systematization, substantiation of the worldview knowledge of a particular era, a particular period; in the possibility of forming the worldview of people through philosophical education.

    epistemological (cognitive-theoretical) function includes the study of the patterns and possibilities of cognition, the relationship of knowledge to objective reality, the study of the stages and forms of the process of cognition, the conditions and criteria for its reliability and truth. Purpose: to develop and substantiate the main approaches and principles of moral, aesthetic, scientific, socio-political orientation.

    Methodological the function acts as a general doctrine of the method and develops a set of the most general methods of cognition and mastering the world by man.

    predictive The function of philosophy is that it addresses not only the past and present, but also the future. Philosophy comprehends the strategic directions of human development, its historical perspectives and its culture.

    sociocultural the function is designed to explain society, the causes of its emergence, evolution, current state, its structure, elements, driving forces, and it also analyzes, criticizes and evaluates the state of culture and predicts the prospects for its development in the future. Philosophy determines the main trends, general character and main directions of development of culture, society and man.

    Integration the function is that with the help of philosophy, an organic connection of all components of the content of human culture is carried out - ontological, epistemological, logical, ethical, aesthetic, axiological, life-practical. It is with the help of philosophy that a person develops universal principles for understanding and explaining the nature of man and the world as a whole, creates extremely generalized ideas and ideas about being. Philosophy unites all spiritual culture into a kind of integral unity within the framework of a given historical era.

    Interpretive the function of philosophy lies in the fact that it serves as the initial intellectual basis for understanding the nature of the not yet known phenomena of the external world, society and thinking. Every time. when a person encounters a new phenomenon - mysterious, mysterious, paradoxical, he turns to philosophy and it is in it that he seeks a rational interpretation of objects and processes that have not yet been known. Philosophy acts as if the last instance of the human intellect, it is in philosophy that a person receives the starting grounds for spiritual comprehension of the unknown in everything that exists.

    Communicative the function is manifested in the fact that through philosophical reflection there is a connection of times, the cultural development of mankind is carried out as a dialogue.

    critical the function of philosophy is that it critically comprehends the existing culture and the state in which society and the individual are. Philosophy helps to realize and free oneself from illusions, delusions, prejudices, and mistakes of one's era. Philosophy sensitively captures moribund forms of life, prepares the public consciousness for the need for change, tries to answer the fundamental questions of being.

    heuristic the function of philosophy is that it orients human thought to the discovery of new truths, encourages cognition, to the formation of original interpretations of cognizable phenomena.

    humanistic the function of philosophy is actualized in "troubled times", that is, at turning points in history, because it constantly turns to the human in man, raising the problems of humanism with particular acuteness in periods of political reaction, wars, and significant social conflicts. This explains the tragic fate of many philosophers and the fact that such thinkers as Socrates, D. Bruno, A. Schweitzer, F. Dostoevsky and a number of others have become symbols of humanism in the history of world culture.

    logical function. Its content is the analysis of concepts, judgments, theories from the point of view of their compliance with the laws of logic.

    ontological function is the doctrine of being, its forms and modes.

All functions of philosophy are dialectically interconnected. Each of them presupposes the others in one way or another includes them. Thus, the humanitarian function of philosophy is closely connected with the social function. Philosophy should play an adaptive and life-affirming role for each person, contribute to the formation of humanistic values ​​and ideals, affirmation of the positive meaning and purpose of life. Social and humanitarian functions are called upon to carry out the function of intellectual therapy, which is especially important during periods of unstable state of society, when former idols and ideals disappear, and new ones do not have time to form and gain authority; when the human condition is on the verge of existence and non-existence, and everyone must make their own difficult choice.

II. Philosophy Methods:

The philosophical method is a system of the most general principles and methods of theoretical and practical exploration of the world, as well as a way of constructing and substantiating philosophical knowledge itself. It sets the general principles, guidelines for cognition and activity (F. Bacon “The philosophical method is a torch that illuminates the path”) The philosophical method acts as dialectical and metaphysical.

1. Dialectics(from the Greek dialektike techne - the art of talking, reasoning) - this is a universal connection and development of the world, as well as nature, society, thinking; this is such an understanding of existence, when any object is considered in various connections and relations with others and in its content it is changeable. Dialectics is more meaningful, it also includes metaphysics as a special case.

The most important principles of dialectics are:

The principle of development, according to which the existence of any object will be as the emergence, formation and research. Any development includes movement, which is considered in unity with time, therefore, from the point of view of dialectics, development is absolute.

The principle of universal connection, which is revealed by a group of paired categories (single - general, cause - effect, possibility - reality, content - form, essence - phenomenon).

Historical forms are:

    The dialectics of antiquity - Heraclitus paid special attention to the movement and change of things, the transition of opposites into each other, that is, the dialectics of the objective world (“the road in a year is the road down”, “you cannot enter the same river twice”); Socrates and Plato understood dialectic as a dispute, a dialogue in order to clarify the meaning of concepts and achieve truth - the dialectic of thinking (subjective dialectic).

Dialectics can be both materialistic and idealistic. Heraclitus was a materialist and his dialectic creates an essential materialistic component.

    idealist dialectics. It was created by representatives of German classical philosophy. Among them, Hegel stands out, who created a system of dialectics, which acted both as a theory and as a method (XVIII-XIX centuries).

    materialist dialectics. Created by Marx and Engels in the middle of the 19th century (1846-1851).

2. Metaphysics- it is based on the recognition of an autonomous, independent of anything and unchanging existence. It is the opposite of dialectic method of cognition. Its peculiarity lies in the creation of an unambiguous, static picture of the world, in an exaggerated consideration of certain moments or fragments of being. Examples of metaphysical thinking are arguments: “either yes or no”, “either white or black”.

However, the way of considering things in statics, in isolation from others, has the right to exist in itself. This is a method of abstraction, that is, distraction from the secondary at this stage of the study.

For knowledge, however, exaggeration of both rest and movement is harmful: "there is no rest without movement and movement without relative rest."

IV. List of used literature:

    Article "Philosophy (lecture notes, part 1)",

    Frolov I.T., Arab-Ogly E.A., Arefieva G.S. et al., Introduction to Philosophy, Part 1, Moscow, Political Literature Publishing House, 1989

Different researchers identify different functions of philosophy. There are enough of them. Most opinions recognize the following functions of philosophy as the main ones.

worldview- lies in the ability of philosophical science to describe the picture of the world and combine knowledge of various sciences, practices and arts. It is characterized by an abstract-theoretical approach to explaining the world. In this regard, they themselves are distinguished by a dual character, expressed in an attraction either to science or to pseudoscience.

Methodological- consists in identifying the most optimal ways to achieve certain goals, for example, the construction of scientific knowledge, social practice or aesthetic creativity. Methods and principles of action are implied that have a fundamental, and not a narrow, meaning. These methods include the historical method. largely aimed at clarifying the content of the main principles of science and practice.

Philosophy acts as a general doctrine of methods, as well as a set of methods of cognition that are common to the sciences involved in the cognition of the world.

humanistic- manifests itself quite clearly and is realized in an extremely attentive attitude towards people. Philosophy is called upon to be attentive to people. Therefore, she does not limit herself to a purely scientific approach, and ethical and aesthetic approaches are also widely used.

Practical- lies in caring for the welfare of people, that is, in morality.

predictive- formulates hypotheses of general trends in the development of matter, the world, consciousness, and man. The probability of prediction increases with the degree to which philosophy is based on scientific knowledge.

critical- applies to other disciplines, and to philosophy itself. Since antiquity, the actual principle of this science has been the postulate of exposing everything to doubt. By this is meant not abstract nihilism, but constructive criticism based on dialectical negation.

Axiological- associated with the assessment of the object under study from the positions of various kinds of social, ideological, aesthetic, etc.

Social Functions of Philosophy quite multifaceted in content and coverage of aspects of society. Philosophy performs a dual task - it explains social being and contributes to its spiritual and material improvement. In this regard, philosophy has assumed the prerogative of developing general concepts of the consolidation and integration of society.

Its tasks include helping to understand and formulate collective goals, as well as directing the efforts of people to achieve them. The vitality of philosophical concepts is determined by the extent to which each individual is able to understand and accept it. Therefore, philosophy, despite the fact that it is comprehensive, should be addressed to each specific person.

Functions of Philosophy in Culture are manifested at all levels of the functioning of society and individuals. All the roles, features and characteristics inherent in philosophy in one way or another imply the involvement of this science in culture, their interaction.

As history shows, philosophy in culture took a variety of forms. Plato's philosophy is permeated through and through with myths. The Roman Stoics turned it into a kind of moral sermon. In the Middle Ages, philosophy became the servant of theology. The principle of science penetrated into it. Today philosophy has turned into a slender

All functions of philosophy are interconnected dialectically. Each of them to a certain extent includes the others. Many of them are generally inseparable, for example, worldview and methodological, methodological and epistemological, social and humanitarian, etc. Only through the integrity and unity of functions is the essence and specificity of philosophy as a science manifested.

Philosophy as a science performs certain functions. Function refers to a specific duty, activity. In a logical sense function means a relationship between two or a group of objects in which a change in one is accompanied by a change in the other.

Functions of Philosophy:

1. Worldview function, consisting in the formation of the basis of a scientific picture of the world, the explication (identification) of the most general ideas, ideas, forms of experience on which this or that particular culture or socio-historical life of people as a whole is based, i.e. cultural universals.

2. Methodological function, which consists in the development of methods of cognition used by all sciences, thereby exerting a guiding effect on the sciences.

3. Critical function, since the formation of a new worldview should be accompanied by criticism of various kinds of errors, stereotypes, delusions, prejudices that stand in the way of true knowledge.

4. Theoretical-cognitive function, which consists in the increment of new knowledge.

5. The logical function associated with the fact that any thought process is properly organized, systematic, consistent.

6. Ethical and axiological function associated with the orientation of philosophy to humanistic values.

7. Prognostic, formative ability to anticipate the consequences of one's actions, to see the prospects for the development of the situation.

6. The structure of philosophy

Philosophy as a system of knowledge has its own structure. Its structural elements are philosophical teachings that consider any one side of the material and spiritual world.

Before proceeding to a brief description of these sections, let us pay attention to an important circumstance. The development of philosophy is characterized processes of differentiation and integration. Differentiation means the division of philosophy into an increasing number of relatively independent sections and branches. New branches of philosophy, as a rule, are isolated from the old ones, grow, acquire independent significance. At the same time, many modern spheres of philosophical knowledge are characterized by integrative tendencies: they not only “sprout” from one or several well-known branches, but also absorb the achievements of many other sections of philosophy, as well as science and culture in general. So, philosophy and methodology of science largely grew out of the classical theory of knowledge. At the same time, it absorbed a number of achievements in social philosophy, the philosophy of culture, the history of philosophy, and the history of science. Philosophy of art originally emerged as a branch of aesthetics. However, she managed to absorb the achievements of the philosophy of history, anthropology, art history, etc. Philosophy of global problems involves the generalization of a wide range of knowledge from the field of social philosophy, politics, economics, geology, biochemistry, etc.

At the same time, in recent times a number of sciences have “spun off” from philosophy, until recently even being taught at philosophical faculties. They retain the closest ties to philosophy. This psychology, cultural studies, political science, mathematical logic, science of science, praxeology and some others.

The main sections of philosophy the following:

Ontology(Greek “ontos” - “existing”) - the doctrine of being world and man; about the origins of all things, expressed in universal principles and categories (such as “world”, “nature”, “matter”, “spirit”, “space”, “time”, “development”, “evolution”). The main question of ontology is: what truly exists, and what existence is an illusion, an illusion? Ontology seeks to create a certain picture of the world which would not only make it possible to form an idea of ​​the world as a whole, but would also reveal its hidden entity his deep reasons.

Epistemology(Greek “gnosis” - knowledge) - theory of knowledge, interpreting its essence and capabilities; conditions of reliability and relation to reality; the ratio of truth and error in it; the concept of knowledge and its varieties. It answers the questions: How does a person know the world around him? What are the stages or stages of knowledge? What is truth in knowledge? In what ways is it achievable? And etc.

Theory of scientific, especially complex and responsible knowledge often called epistemology(Greek “episteme” - “opinion”).

Metaphysics - so called ontology and epistemology combined. Questions about the mind, soul, cosmos, causality, freedom of choice, etc. are called metaphysical.

Logics(Greek “logos” - “word”, “concept”, “understanding”) - part of the theory of knowledge, namely the doctrine of thinking, its universal forms and principles, the laws of consistent and evidence-based alternation of thoughts in an accurate discussion of any problem. Logic is interested in correct thinking, procedures for checking this very correctness of our thoughts.

Methodology(Greek “metodos” - path, meaning - research, the procedure for performing mental and practical actions) - the doctrine of effective methods of work, the principles of rational activity of a scientist and professional practitioner.

philosophical anthropology- a section of philosophical knowledge, specially occupied with the comprehension of man. Anthropology as a philosophical discipline should be distinguished from anthropology as a private, primarily cultural science. In the world literature cultural anthropology most often they understand the study of life, traditions, customs, ways of thinking, cultural characteristics of various peoples. Philosophical anthropology differs from all other sciences that study man, primarily in the breadth of its approach. Philosophy considers man as a special kind of being, different from all other beings. In philosophical anthropology, the problems of human nature and human existence are comprehended, the categories of human existence are analyzed.

Axiology(Greek “axia” - “value”) - interprets concept of values life and culture, procedures for assessing phenomena and events that are significant for a person.

social philosophy- a section of philosophical knowledge that studies the most general characteristics of social life.

Philosophy of history- studies issues related to the meaning and purpose of social history, with its driving causes.

Ethics(Greek "ethos" - temper, customs) - moral doctrine, i.e. the rules of human behavior, the happiness and duty of a person, his duties in relation to society, the state, his neighbors and himself.

Aesthetics(Greek “aistethicos” - sensation, feeling) - the doctrine of the canons of beauty, forms of its development and creativity, primarily in art.

philosophy of religion substantiates the idea of ​​God and belief in him; analyzes the arguments of supporters and opponents of religion, the ways of its historical development and its role in modern society.

History of philosophy considers the historical development of philosophy. She studies the philosophical work of thinkers of the past, as well as modern authors, identifies eras in the development of philosophy, analyzes the relationship of philosophical concepts with culture and characteristics of society. The task of the history of philosophy also includes the comparison of various teachings, the identification in them of what may be of value for the present and the future. The history of philosophy is fundamental basis for the development of all branches of philosophical knowledge.

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