Heine that kindness is better than beauty. Composition: Do you agree with the opinion of G


(407 words) One cannot but agree with the statement of the famous German poet Heinrich Heine that "kindness is better than beauty." After all, everyone has a different idea of ​​aesthetics. What is revered by some is considered ugly by others. And the true kindness of the soul is a single and unchanging human quality, which, of course, paints a person even more than a pretty face or a well-built body. In fact, our appearance is only a shell that loses its attractiveness and significance without a rich inner content. To argue my point of view, I will give examples from books.

Let us recall the famous fairy tale by A.I. Kuprin "Blue Star". The main character of the work was unusually bad-looking, she absolutely did not correspond to the standards of society. But, despite this, the people loved and respected the girl for her pure soul, openness, nobility, wisdom and, most importantly, a good heart. The inhabitants of Ernoterra did not care at all what their princess looked like, because her inner qualities blocked everything. The girl could endow the whole world with her nobility, for which she gained loyal subjects who were ready to permanently remove all the mirrors in her small country for the sake of Erna's happiness. Moreover, the young girl, risking herself, saved the traveling prince, and he confessed that he had not seen a better woman. In his country, it turned out that the appearance of Erna is the standard of grace. Thus, virtue is equally valued everywhere, but the appearance of all people evaluate in their own way. Therefore, it is better to have a universal dignity than something that loses value depending on time and place.

Foreign literature is rich in vivid examples confirming the superiority of kindness over beauty. Familiar from childhood, the story-tale-tale of the French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince" in a simple and understandable form leads readers to the idea of ​​the relationship between inner and outer beauty. The little prince, the protagonist of the work, once on Earth, sees a lot of roses, which outwardly are as charming as his flower. But a wise boy understands that "the most important thing cannot be seen with the eyes." The outer shell of these roses is attractive and bright, but in themselves they are "empty" and not at all like his abandoned girlfriend. According to the hero, the true value is hidden from our eyes, it lives inside. Thus, a good-looking appearance without content means nothing, and this conclusion reinforces H. Heine's statement: kindness is better than beauty, because appearance in itself is not valued, unlike kindness.

The real wealth of any person is his inner world, because a pure and kind soul is timeless, unlike external beauty, which over the years can fade and turn into dust. In addition, people evaluate appearance differently: someone likes what disgusts another. But virtue is equally respected by everyone: from young to old. This means that it is the content, and not the form, that has universal and stable value.

(400 words) Beauty and kindness are two seemingly unrelated qualities that have been in dispute in art, whether it be literature, cinema or painting, for many centuries. If a modern person is asked to choose one of the two, he thinks and often cannot make an unambiguous decision. But the poet Heine chose kindness for himself, and I agree with him, because this quality determines the inner world of a person, and, in my opinion, it is much more important than the appearance that we inherit. I will try to explain my choice with the help of literary examples.

Beauty usually means an attractive appearance that overshadows the character. For example, the heroine of Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace" was an unusually seductive woman, conquering everyone with her appearance. But this was only a shell: Helen had a vicious nature. For the sake of money and position, she was ready for her favorite disgusting acts: deceit, theft and marriage of convenience. Napoleon at the meeting called her "a beautiful animal." Kuragina married the wealthy Count Pierre Bezukhov in order to gain a foothold in society, plotted against him and his relatives, and then decided to marry a wealthy foreigner, but she did not have time - she died due to some kind of illness. Helen is an absolutely negative character, there is nothing positive about her. “Where you are, there is debauchery, evil,” Pierre said to his wife. Behind the beautiful shell were debauchery, cruelty and pride. Communication with this woman brought Bezukhov only grief, because he chose beauty, not kindness. His choice was wrong.

But beauty is not only external. Ugly outside Quasimodo from V. Hugo's novel "Notre Dame Cathedral" turns out to be the kindest character in the book. He selflessly performs his work as a bell ringer, due to which he became deaf; does not grumble at the fate that rewarded him with an ugly appearance. He saves Esmeralda from execution, because she once took pity on him, and he is not afraid to go against society for the sake of a good-natured gypsy. He sincerely loves her, but allows himself to admire her only at night when she sleeps. The hero even offers to bring Phoebe, who owns Esmeralda's heart, to her, because such a thing as jealousy is alien to him, he wants her to be happy. The gypsy did not have to regret meeting the hunchback, he was the only man who treated her in a good way without hope of reciprocity. His kind heart completely leveled outward ugliness.

The great English playwright W. Shakespeare wrote: "You can fall in love with beauty, but fall in love - only with the soul." And so it happens: a beautiful appearance without inner virtue loses its attractiveness, while good deeds arouse sympathy, respect, gratitude. That is why, like Heine, I prefer kindness to beauty.

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Exam topics will be available 15 minutes before the start of the EC.

Fathers and Sons

1. Why does disharmony arise in the relationship between parents and children?

2. When should parents learn from their children?

3. Do you agree with the statement of A. S. Pushkin: “Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality”?

4. Do you think that the conflict of generations is eternal?

5. Is being like your parents an asset or a disadvantage?

6. What does the continuity of generations mean?

7. How do you understand the words of O. Wilde: “The best way to raise good children is to make them happy”?

8. In your opinion, is harmony possible between children and parents?

9. Do you agree with the notion that understanding is a two-way street?

10. Is being a parent a blessing or an obligation?

11. What is a "generation gap"?

Dream and reality

1. What does "dream high" mean?

2. When reality destroys the dream?

3. How do you understand the statement of A.N. Krylova: “The dream must also be controlled, otherwise it, like a ship without a rudder, will be carried to God knows where”?

4. Why do not all dreams come true?

5. What is the essence of the contradiction between dream and reality?

6. Do you agree with the statement that “a man without a dream is like a bird without wings”?

7. When does a dream become a goal?

8. Is it possible to escape from reality?

9. What do you think is a “cherished dream”?

10. How do you understand the expression "cruel reality"?

11. Is a dreamer a dreamer or a fool?

Revenge and generosity

1. Why does revenge destroy the soul?

2. Do you agree with the opinion of I. Friedman: "The sweetest revenge is forgiveness"?

3. What kind of person can be called generous?

4. What are the qualities of a generous person?

5. How do you understand the expression "sweet revenge"?

6. Is generosity a strength or a weakness?

7. How do you understand the statement of J. Wolfrom: "Justice is always seasoned with a pinch of revenge"?

8. What do generosity and compassion have in common?

9. How do the concepts of "revenge" and "law" relate?

10. Do you think revenge is a manifestation of cowardice or courage?

11. When should you give up revenge?

Art and craft

2. What do you think is the ultimate goal of art?

3. What is the difference between craft and art?

4. Can an artisan become an artist?

5. How do you understand the statement of G. Gebell: "Art is the conscience of mankind"?

6. Can abilities turn into talent?

7. Who is a talented person?

8. Is an artisan a master of his craft or a hack?

9. Do you agree with the statement of P. Casals: "Mastery does not make an artist yet"?

10. What is the role of art in the development of mankind?

11. How does real art attract a person?

Kindness and cruelty

1. What qualities does a kind person have?

2. Can cruelty be justified?

3. Do you agree with G. Heine's opinion that "Kindness is better than beauty"?

4. Is kindness a sign of strength or weakness?

5. How do you understand the saying of M. Montaigne: "Cowardice is the mother of cruelty"?

6. Can kindness harm a person?

7. Why do people say: "Good must be done with fists"?

8. Who can be called cruel?

9. What do you think could be the reasons for the manifestation of cruelty?

10. Should we fight cruelty?

11. What can make a person kinder?

In matters of state, nothing cruel is useful. Mark Tullius Cicero

All cruelty comes from weakness. Seneca

The movement towards the good of mankind is made not by tormentors, but by martyrs. L. Tolstoy

Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand good, our life is nothing but striving for good. L. N. Tolstoy

The good that you do from the heart, you always do to yourself. L. Tolstoy

A good done by an enemy is as difficult to forget as it is hard to remember a good done by a friend. For good we pay good only to the enemy; for evil we avenge both the enemy and the friend. V. Klyuchevsky

A kind person is ashamed even in front of a dog. A. Chekhov

Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every business. L. N. Tolstoy

Kindness is better than beauty. G. Heine

Kindness is not the opposite of firmness, even harshness, when life calls for it. Love itself sometimes obliges you to be firm and tough, not to be afraid of the suffering that the struggle for what you love brings with it. I. Berdyaev

The good one finds his paradise on earth, while the evil one has his own hell on it. Heine

A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil. V. Klyuchevsky

A good example in a circle returns to the one who gave it, as bad examples fall on the head of the instigators of evil. Seneca the Younger

If a person does not develop an interest in the good, then he will not travel long on the good road. K. Ushinsky

If you have to choose between untruth and rudeness, choose rudeness; but if you have to choose between untruth and cruelty, choose untruth. Maria Ebner Eschenbach

There are many cruel people who are just too cowardly for cruelty. Friedrich Nietzsche

Hard-hearted people cannot faithfully serve generous ideas. V. Hugo

Cruelty and fear shake hands. O. Balzac

Cruelty is characteristic of laws dictated by cowardice, for cowardice can only be energetic when it is cruel. K. Marx

The hardest of all is the one who is soft out of self-interest. L. Vauvenargues

Atrocities are still atrocities even if they happen in laboratories and are called medical research. George Bernard Shaw

Of all the virtues and virtues of the soul, the greatest virtue is kindness. F. Bacon

Of all crimes, the most heinous is heartlessness. Confucius

What a necessary spice to everything - kindness. The best qualities are worthless without kindness, and the worst vices are easily forgiven. L. Tolstoy

Many lack only the favor of fate to equal the cruelty and ambition and thirst for luxury with the worst. Give them the power to do whatever they want, and you will know that they want the same. Seneca

We must value even the mere appearance of goodness in other people, because from this game of pretense by which they earn respect for themselves - perhaps undeserved - something perhaps more serious may eventually arise. I. Kant

The reward for a good deed is in its very accomplishment. R. Emerson

It is not possible to do good to everyone, but in relation to everyone it is possible to show goodwill. J. Guyot

There is nothing worse than feigned kindness. Pretense of kindness repels more than outright malice. L. Tolstoy

It can be said about some hearts that they are waterproof properties: the tears of neighbors do not pierce them, but only slide over them. P. A. Vyazemsky

To attach one good deed to another so closely that there is not the slightest gap between them is what I call enjoying life. Marcus Aurelius

Genuine kindness grows from the heart of a person. All people are born good. Confucius

How many think that they have a good heart, when it is only weak nerves. Maria Ebner-Eschenbach

With the help of compassion, we turn someone else's misfortune into our own and, by living it out, come to life ourselves. Thomas Brown

The fabric of our life is woven from tangled threads, good and evil side by side in it. O. Balzac

A person remembers his meager reserves of kindness, usually when it is too late. And then he is very touched by how noble, it turns out, he could be. Erich M. Remarque

To love good, one must hate evil with all one's heart. W. Wolf

The feeling of compassion and benevolence is often drowned out by unbridled selfishness. F. Voltaire

I think that worse than the cruelty of the heart, there can be only one quality - the softness of the brain. T. Roosevelt

Minister of Education of the Russian Federation O.Yu. Vasilyeva announced five areas of topics for the final essay for the 2018/19 academic year

  • Fathers and Sons
  • Dream and reality
  • Revenge and generosity
  • Art and craft
  • Kindness and cruelty

As in previous years, the final essay is the admission of graduates to the state final certification. At the same time, students with disabilities have the right to choose the writing of the presentation. Within the framework of open areas for the topics of the final essay, specific topics of the final essay are developed (texts of presentations are selected) for each time zone separately. Specific topics of the final essay (texts of presentations) are delivered to the local education authorities on the day of the final essay (statement).

This direction is addressed to the eternal problem of human existence, associated with the inevitability of generational change, harmonious and disharmonious relationships between "fathers" and "children".
This topic is touched upon in many works of literature, where various types of interaction between representatives of different generations are considered (from conflict confrontation to mutual understanding and continuity) and the reasons for the confrontation between them are revealed, as well as ways of their spiritual rapprochement.

List of references (works of Russian and foreign literature) + short stories-arguments.

Main list:
I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
I.S. Turgenev "Noble Nest"
DI. Fonvizin "Undergrowth"
F.M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov"
N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"
I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"
A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"
L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" "War and Peace"
VC. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"
A.V. Ivanov "The geographer drank away the globe"
A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard".
A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"
V.A. Kaverin "Two Captains"
M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" "Quiet Flows the Don"
A.S. Pushkin "The Stationmaster"
A.G. Aleksin "Mad Evdokia"
W. Shakespeare "King Lear" "Romeo and Juliet"
J.D. Salinger "The Catcher in the Rye"
Valentin Rasputin "Farewell to Matyora"

Short stories:
M. Gelprin "The candle burned"
V.A. Oseeva "Grandma"

L.E. Ulitskaya "Daughter of Bukhara"

Topics for training

1. Why does disharmony arise in the relationship between parents and children?
2. When should parents learn from their children?
3. Do you agree with the statement of A. S. Pushkin: “Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality”?
4. Do you think the generation gap is eternal?
5. Is being like your parents an asset or a disadvantage?
6. What does the continuity of generations mean?
7. How do you understand the words of O. Wilde: “The best way to raise good children is to make them happy”?
8. How, in your opinion, is harmony possible in the relationship between children and parents?
9. Do you agree with the notion that understanding is a two-way street?
10. Is being a parent a blessing or an obligation?
11. What is a "generation gap"?

Collection of aphorisms and quotes
An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: he is a criminal, for the son has no right to be indifferent to his mother. (Guy de Maupassant)
Even the happiness of the whole world is not worth one tear on the cheek of an innocent child. (F. Dostoevsky)
All adults were children at first, only few of them remember this. (A. de Saint-Exupery)
Each generation is sure that it is it that is called upon to remake the world. (A. Camus)
Love and respect for parents without any doubt is a sacred feeling. (V.G. Belinsky)
Love for parents is the basis of all virtues. (Cicero).
Man has three calamities: death, old age, and bad children. From old age and death, no one can close the doors of his house, but the children themselves can save the house from bad children ”(V.A. Sukhomlinsky).
Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of immorality. (A.S. Pushkin).


The concepts of "dream" and "reality" are in many respects opposed and at the same time closely related, they aim at comprehending various ideas about the world and the meaning of life, at thinking about how reality gives rise to a dream and how a person's dream raises him above the ordinary.
There are many heroes in literature who have different attitudes to the dream: some are inspired by noble aspirations and are ready to realize them, others are captivated by beautiful-hearted dreams, others are deprived of lofty dreams and are subordinated to base goals.

N.V. Gogol Dead Souls»
A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard"
N.V. Gogol "Overcoat"
A.I. Kuprin Garnet bracelet»
M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"
A. Green "Scarlet Sails"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince"
I.A. Bunin "The Gentleman from San Francisco"
H.H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"
A. Green "Green Lamp"

B. Polevoy "The Tale of a Real Man"
V.A. Kaverin "Two Captains"
A.P. Chekhov "Gooseberry" "Ionych"

Topics for training

What does "dream high" mean?
When reality destroys the dream?
How do you understand the statement of A.N. Krylova: “The dream must also be controlled, otherwise it, like a ship without a rudder, will be carried to God knows where”?
Why don't all dreams come true?
What is the essence of the contradiction between dream and reality?
Do you agree with the statement that “a man without a dream is like a bird without wings”?
When does a dream become a goal?
Can you escape reality?
What is, in your opinion, a "cherished dream"?
How do you understand the expression "cruel reality"?

Collection of aphorisms and quotes
We must dream as much as possible, dream as strongly as possible, in order to turn the future into the present. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
This is the power of music, the most powerful of sorceresses: as soon as she waves her wand and utters a magic word, reality disappears, and the ghosts born of your imagination dress in living flesh. Mark Twain
The one who dreams is the forerunner of the one who thinks. Condense all dreams and you will get reality. Victor Hugo
Everything that a person can imagine in his imagination, others will be able to put into practice. Jules Verne
It is much more accurate to judge a person by his dreams than by his thoughts. Victor Hugo
Nothing contributes to the creation of the future like bold dreams. Today utopia, tomorrow - flesh and blood. Victor Hugo
All romantic dreams crumbled to dust, in contact with reality, cold and loneliness. Erich Maria Remarque. life on loan
The only thing that destroys dreams is compromise. Richard Bach
Only people of action have more illusions than dreamers. They have no idea why they do something, or what will come of it. Oscar Wilde


Within the framework of this direction, one can talk about diametrically opposed manifestations of human nature associated with ideas of good and evil, mercy and cruelty, peacefulness and aggression.
The concepts of "revenge" and "generosity" are often the focus of attention of writers who explore human reactions to life's challenges, to the actions of other people, analyze the behavior of heroes in a situation of moral choice, both in personal and socio-historical terms.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"
M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and a daring merchant Kalashnikov"
A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" "Shot" "Mozart and Salieri" "Dubrovsky"
M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"
A. Dumas "The Count of Monte Cristo"
M.Yu. Lermontov "Masquerade"
N.V. Gogol "Terrible Revenge"
V.A.Zakrutkin "The Mother of Man"

Short stories:
R. Bradbury "All my enemies are dead"

Topics for training

Why revenge destroys the soul?
Do you agree with the opinion of I. Fridman: “The sweetest revenge is forgiveness”?
What kind of person can be called generous?
What are the qualities of a generous person?
How do you understand the expression "sweet revenge"? 6. Is generosity a strength or a weakness?
How do you understand the statement of J. Wolfrom: "Justice is always seasoned with a pinch of revenge"?
What do generosity and compassion have in common?
What is the relationship between "revenge" and "law"?
Do you think revenge is a manifestation of cowardice or courage?
When should you give up revenge?

Collection of aphorisms and quotes
For low natures, there is nothing more pleasant than to avenge one's insignificance, throwing the mud of one's views and opinions into the great and holy. (V. Belinsky)
Revenge is a dish that tastes best when it's cold. (M. Puzo)
Truly, by committing revenge, a person becomes equal with his enemy, and by forgiving the enemy, he surpasses him. (F. Bacon)
Revenge is a mutual edge of the sword - when you destroy the enemy, you destroy your soul. (Confucius)
It often happens that it is better not to notice an insult than to avenge it later. (Seneca Jr.)
Since the mind cannot be humiliated, they take revenge on it by raising persecution against it. (P. Beaumarchais)
Who takes revenge, sometimes regrets what he has done; he who forgives never regrets it. (A. Dumas-father)
Revenge is the satisfaction of a sense of honor, no matter how perverted, criminal or painful this feeling sometimes manifests itself. (J. Huizinga)
A mother's heart is a deep abyss, at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness. Honore de Balzac
Forgiving is more courageous than punishing. The weak cannot forgive. Forgiveness is a property of the strong. Mahatma Gandhi
Forgiveness is a two-way street. Forgiving someone, we forgive ourselves at this moment. Paulo Coelho

The topics of this direction actualize the graduates' ideas about the purpose of works of art and the extent of the talent of their creators, provide an opportunity to reflect on the mission of the artist and his role in society, about where the craft ends and art begins.
Literature constantly refers to the understanding of the phenomenon of creativity, the image of creative work, helps to reveal the inner world of the character through his attitude to art and craft.

V.G. Korolenko "The Blind Musician"
B.L. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago"
A.S. Pushkin "Mozart and Salieri"
O. Wilde "The Picture of Dorian Gray"
N.S. Leskov "Dumb Artist"
M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita"
I.S. Turgenev "Singers"
I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons"
K.G. Paustovsky "Golden Rose"
N.V. Gogol "Portrait"
A.P. Chekhov "Rothschild's Violin"
K.G. Paustovsky "Watercolors"
O. Henry The Last Leaf

Topics for training

What can be considered true art?
What do you think is the ultimate goal of art?
What is the difference between craft and art?
Can an artisan become an artist?
How do you understand G. Gebell's statement: "Art is the conscience of mankind"?
Can ability turn into talent?
Who is a talented person?
Is an artisan a master of his craft or a hack?
Do you agree with the statement of P. Casals: “Mastery does not make an artist yet”?
What is the role of art in the development of mankind?
What is true art attracts a person?

Collection of aphorisms and quotes
The task of art is not to copy nature, but to express it. (O. Balzac)
We judge the worth of a work of art by the amount of labor the artist has put into it. (G. Apollinaire)
Art without the thought that a person without a soul is a corpse. (V. Belinsky)
In the hands of talent, everything can serve as a tool for beauty. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol


This direction aims graduates to think about the moral foundations of the relationship to man and all living things, allows you to think, on the one hand, about the humanistic desire to value and protect life, on the other hand, about the inhumane desire to cause suffering and pain to others and even to yourself.
The concepts of "kindness" and "cruelty" belong to the "eternal" categories, many works of literature show characters gravitating towards one of these poles or going through the path of moral rebirth.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"
F.M. Dostoevsky "The Idiot"
VC. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"
A. Kuprin "Wonderful Doctor"
B.L. Vasiliev "Don't shoot the white swans"
L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" "Prisoner of the Caucasus"
A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter" "The Stationmaster"
A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor"
V.L. Kondratiev "Sasha"
V. Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral"
A.P. Platonov "Yushka"
V. Zheleznikov "Scarecrow"
B.L. Vasiliev "The Magnificent Six"
A.P. Platonov "Unknown flower"
V.F. Tendryakov "Bread for the dog"
A.P. Chekhov "Kashtanka", "Muddy", "In the Pharmacy", "Tosca"
V.A. Oseeva "Grandma"
L.N. Andreev "Friend" "Kusaka"
About Henry "The Last Leaf"
K.G. Paustovsky "Telegram"
E. Gabova "Do not let the Redhead into the lake"

Topics for training

What are the qualities of a good person?
Can cruelty be justified?
Do you agree with G. Heine's opinion that "Kindness is better than beauty"?
Is kindness a sign of strength or weakness?
How do you understand the saying of M. Montaigne: "Cowardice is the mother of cruelty"?
Can kindness harm a person?
Why do people say: "Good should be with fists"?
Who can be called cruel?
What do you think could be the reasons for the manifestation of cruelty?
Should we fight cruelty?
What can make a person kinder?

Collection of aphorisms and quotes
I know of no other sign of superiority other than kindness. (L. Beethoven)
Kindness is better than beauty. (G. Heine)
In the inner world of man, kindness is the sun. (V. Hugo)
A good example in a circle returns to the one who gave it, as bad examples fall on the head of the instigators of evil. Seneca the Younger
Cruelty and fear shake hands. O. Balzac
Good is the eternal, highest goal of our life. No matter how we understand good, our life is nothing but striving for good. L. Tolstoy
Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every business. Lev N. Tolstoy

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